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比较绿茶中不同溶剂分级提取的茶多糖的得率、含量、单糖组成及降血糖活性的差异,以从茶叶中分离出高活性的茶多糖.粗老绿茶采用去离子水低温提取茶叶中的水溶性多糖TPSⅠ,水不溶性多糖先用草酸铵提取其果胶类多糖TPSⅡ,再用碱提取,所得到碱提取液回调至pH中性后可溶解部分为碱溶性多糖TPSⅢ,并分析其得率、含量、采用气相色谱和离子色谱分析了其单糖组成,通过四氧嘧啶腹腔注射造成高血糖模型,连续灌胃茶多糖12 d,对比研究两种茶多糖的降血糖活性.并比较复合纤维素酶提取与去离子水提取在得率、含量、单糖组成及其降血糖活性的差异.TPSⅠ单糖组成以鼠李糖、半乳糖和半乳糖醛酸为主;TPSⅡ以半乳糖和半乳糖醛酸为主;TPSⅢ以阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖和半乳糖为主.降血糖活性顺序为:TPSⅠ>TPSⅢ>TPSⅡ,但TPSⅠ得率最低.复合纤维素酶提取的多糖得率、糖醛酸提取率比热水提取的多糖高1.53倍和1.42倍.酶提茶多糖较水提茶多糖降血糖效果更明显些.表明茶叶中水溶性多糖降血糖活性最好,复合纤维素酶提取可以提高其得率,增强其活性.  相似文献   

内切多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(endo-polygalacturonase,endo-PG)是待异水解细胞壁成分多聚半乳糖醛酸的酶,水解产生的10~13个糖基的寡聚半乳糖醛酸片段是活性诱导因子,激活植物自身防御系统.我们已研究发现单子叶植物小麦中存在多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(polygalacturonaseinhibitingprotein,PGIP),并已将其分离纯化,对其性质作了初步研究[1,2]文献报导[3]PGIP是在未分化的细胞中合成的.本文报导在悬浮培养的小麦细胞中加入Endo-PG观察其PGIP的生成,比较赤霉病的高抗品种与低抗品种中PGIP的合成情况,探讨PGIP与植物防御作…  相似文献   

以山西上党地区著名道地药材潞党参为材料,分析其多糖成分的抗补体活性。首先,通过细胞溶血实验,分析潞党参多糖(Lu Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides,LCPP)对补体经典途径和旁路途径的影响。结果表明,LCPP具有一定抗补体活性,CH_(50)值为2.061±0.127 mg/mL,AP_(50)值为6.725±0.895 mg/mL,并表现为明显的量效关系。随后,利用人HepG2细胞,通过实时定量PCR实验,分析LCPP对补体系统重要成分C3表达的影响,发现LCPP能够显著抑制肿瘤坏死因子α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)诱导的人HepG2细胞中C3的表达。以上结果提示,潞党参是一种潜在的补体抑制剂,在治疗补体过度激活所导致的自身免疫性疾病方面具有应用前景。  相似文献   

肝素的抗补体作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1929年Ecker和Gross发现了肝素的抗补体作用。当时认为,抗补体作用可能系肝素作用于补体的第三或第四成分(C_3,C_4),使其灭活。随后的报告肯定了这一发现。目前认为,肝素可作用于补体系统的经典途径、替代途径和调控机制,以发挥抗补体作用。一、阻抑经典途径的激活补体系统经典途径的激活是由于C_1活化而启动的。C_1活化通过两种方式进行:(1)抗原抗体复合物形成后,暴露了抗体上的补体结合点(即C_(1q)受体),血清中呈活性状态的  相似文献   

用水提醇沉法提取了青海产宁夏枸杞、黑枸杞、西伯利亚白刺三种特色果实的水溶性总多糖,利用理化方法测定并比较了三种多糖的理化性质及其抗氧化活性和对腹腔巨噬细胞NO分泌功能的影响。三种植物多糖分子量范围为130000~2350000;单糖组成都含有甘露糖、鼠李糖、葡萄糖醛酸、半乳糖醛酸、葡萄糖、半乳糖、木糖及阿拉伯糖,但半乳糖醛酸、葡萄糖和阿拉伯糖的相对含量差异明显;三者的糖醛酸含量及蛋白质含量也有明显差异。活性测定结果表明,西伯利亚白刺多糖具有明显的DPPH清除能力,其IC50值达到0.19 mg/m L,表现出较强的抗氧化活性,而黑枸杞与宁夏枸杞多糖的活性较弱;三种多糖均可显著增强小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞的NO分泌水平,显示一定的免疫增强活性。  相似文献   

欧李富含钙素,营养丰富,且具有免疫功能,研究欧李多糖的制备、结构及免疫调节活性,可为欧李深加工提供基础。本文以欧李为原料,采用水提醇沉法提取欧李多糖(Cerasus humilis polysaccharide,CHP),利用响应面法优化提取工艺。对提取的欧李多糖用DEAE-52纤维素层析柱、G-100葡聚糖凝胶柱纯化。用高效液相色谱、凝胶渗透色谱和红外光谱对欧李多糖结构表征,并测定欧李多糖的免疫调节活性。结果表明,欧李多糖最佳提取工艺条件为提取温度79℃,提取时间2 h,液料比16∶1(mL/g)。在此条件下,欧李干粉多糖得率为(32.18±0.08)%。纯化后欧李多糖主要有CHPP-1和CHPP-2两个组分,CHPP-1、CHPP-2中多糖含量分别为99.16%和99.33%。CHPP-1的单糖组成及摩尔占比为阿拉伯糖∶半乳糖醛酸∶葡萄糖=51.4∶20.29∶17.36,分子量为47.26 kDa。CHPP-2的单糖组成及摩尔占比为阿拉伯糖∶半乳糖醛酸∶葡萄糖=41.81∶28.24∶11.68,分子量为22.94 kDa。两个组分均为吡喃环型多糖。CHPP-2可显著增强巨噬细胞增殖活性,有效刺激细胞释放NO和TNF-α、IL-6及IFN-β。欧李多糖含量丰富,且具有较强的免疫调节活性。  相似文献   

刘佩佩  张耿  李晓娟 《植物学报》2021,56(2):191-200
果胶作为植物细胞壁多糖之一, 其结构和功能非常复杂。果胶主要由同型半乳糖醛酸聚糖(HG)、鼠李半乳糖醛酸聚糖I (RGI)和鼠李半乳糖醛酸聚糖II (RGII)组成。果胶类成分在维持细胞壁结构的完整性以及细胞间黏附和信号转导等方面发挥重要作用。研究果胶类成分的结构、分布和功能, 对理解细胞壁高级结构的构建和功能具有重要意义。然而, 3种果胶组分在细胞壁内如何交联形成高级结构并发挥生物学功能, 目前尚不明确。该文重点阐述果胶3种组分(HG、RGI和RGII)的生物合成、功能以及果胶的显微成像, 旨在为植物果胶结构及功能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

天然抗补体活性物质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
补体系统的非正常激活可引起人体的多种疾病,包括类风湿性关节炎和老年性痴呆等,但目前还没有较好的抗补体制剂。化学合成的抗补体制剂成本高、选择性差、并能产生多种副作用,天然产物来源的抗补体活性成分引起了国内外学者的普遍关注。迄今为止,已经从动植物及微生物中分离出多种具有抗补体活性的物质,包括多糖、黄酮、甾体、皂苷、萜类、生物碱等。本文对近年来天然产物中具有抗补体活性的成分进行了综述,由于微生物易于培养及基因工程改良,而且产品质量容易控制,来自微生物的抗补体活性物质值得关注。  相似文献   

果实表达PGIPs的基因克隆及功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PGs)是病原真菌早期侵染植物的一个重要致病因子。多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白(PGIPs)作为植物防御蛋白,能特异性抑制真菌分泌的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶,并通过延长寡聚半乳糖醛酸(OGs)的稳定期激活植物防御反应。综述PGIPs在植物细胞中的定位,PGIPs与PGs之间的作用方式,PGIPs基因的分离与克隆,以及PGIPs对果实感病的影响,并对PGIPs的研究前景进行展望。  相似文献   

甘草是广泛使用的中药材之一.甘草中含有多种活性物质,甘草多糖作为主要的活性大分子,具有抗肿瘤、抗病毒、抗氧化、抗补体以及免疫调节等生物活性.本文对近年来水溶性甘草多糖的分离纯化、结构解析以及生物活性研究的最新进展进行综述.  相似文献   

We recently reported on the ability of the myelin fraction of the murine brain to activate the complement system through the classical pathway, which might be important in the induction of secondary inflammation in various pathological conditions where brain tissue has been exposed to the complement. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between the appearance of complement activity in the mouse brain and the synthesis of myelin in ICR mice up to ninety days of age. Here, we show that anti-complementary activity in the murine brain is closely related to murine brain weight and that its activity seems to be dependent on the amount of myelin in the murine brain. Myelin was isolated from brains of equal weight taken from both two-day old and ninety-day-old mice, and we found that ninety-day-old myelin consumed a much greater amount of complement (C) than two-day-old myelin. However, for equal concentrations of myelin, almost an equal amount of C was consumed by the myelin of the two-day-old mice and by that of the ninety-day-old mice. It was suggested that the difference of anti-complementary activity was caused by the myelin contents of the murine brains, but the possibility of maturation of myelin was not excluded. The mechanism involved in the anticomplementary activity of the myelin was found to be related to the consumption of complement, mainly via the classical pathway but also less activity via the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Four pectic polysaccharides (AR-2IIa-IId) with anti-complementary activity have been isolated from a hot-water extract of the root of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa. Each of these polysaccharides contained a large proportion of GalA together with neutral sugars consisting mainly of Rha, Ara, and Gal. Digestion with endo-alpha-(1----4)-polygalacturonase indicated that AR-2IIa-IIc each contained a large proportion of enzyme-sensitive polygalacturonan regions, and that AR-2IId contained a large proportion of enzyme-resistant regions. When AR-2IId was de-esterified, it became sensitive to the enzyme. These polysaccharides also contained small proportions of enzyme-resistant regions (PG-1) which were rich in neutral sugars. Methylation analysis and base-catalysed beta-elimination studies suggested that each PG-1 contained a rhamnogalacturonan moiety in which 2,4-disubstituted Rha was attached to 4-substituted GalA through position 2 of Rha. Carboxyl-reduction and methyl- and de-esterification of these polysaccharides modulated their anti-complementary activities. Digestion with endo-alpha-(1----4)-polygalacturonase decreased the activities of AR-2IIa and -2IIb, but not those of AR-2IIc and -2IId. Although PG-1 fractions from AR-2IIa-IIc were more active than the original polysaccharides, oligogalacturonide fragments obtained by enzymic digestion had weak or negligible activity. AR-2IIa-IIc expressed their anti-complementary activities mainly via the classical pathway, but AR-2IId and each PG-1 expressed their activities via both the classical and alternative pathways.  相似文献   

Hot water-soluble crude polysaccharide (HCAP-0) that was obtained from the fruits of Capsicum annuum showed potent anti-complementary activity. The activity was unchanged by pronase digestion, but decreased by periodate oxidation. The HCAP-0 was fractionated by DEAE ion-exchange chromatography to give two major fractions, HCAP-II and III. These two fractions were finally purified by gel filtration to give HCAP-IIa, HCAPIIIa1, and IIIa2 fractions that had high anti-complementary activities. The HCAP-IIIa1 and IIIa2 consisted of homogeneous polysaccharides. The anti-complementary activities were unaffected by treatment with polymyxin B, indicating that the modes of complement activation were not due to preexisting lipopolysaccharide. The molecular weight and sugar content of HCAP-IIIa2 had potent anti-complementary activity. The highest yields were 55 kDa and 75.9%, and the molar ratio of galactose (Ara:Gal, 1.0:4.6) was higher than other sugars. The crossed immuno-electrophoresis showed that both classical and alternative pathways were activated by HCAP-IIIa2.  相似文献   

An anti-complementary polysaccharide, DWA-2, isolated from an unossified pilose, antler of C. nippon Temminck by digestion with pronase, gel filtration, and affinity chromatography, consisted mainly of GalNAc, GlcA, IdoA, and sulfate in the molar ratios 1.0:0.6:0.3:0.8, and small proportions of Man, Gal, GlcNAc, and protein (4.5%). Methylation analysis, NMR spectroscopy, and degradation with enzymes indicated that DWA-2 contained chondroitin sulfate A-, B-, and C-like moieties. DWA-2 showed potent anti-complementary activity, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis indicated that it cleaved complement C3 in the absence of Ca2+ ion. Digestion of DWA-2 with chondroitinase ABC or ACI reduced the anti-complementary activity to a low level, but digestion with chondroitinase B reduced the activity by 40% and the enzyme-resistant fraction still showed a significant activity.  相似文献   

The opsonic requirements for phagocytosis of S. pneumoniae types 6, 7, 18, and 23 were determined in normal and C2 deficient serum, and in normal serum chelated with magnesium ethyleneglycoltetraacetic acid. All four strains were effectively opsonized via the alternative complement pathway, a finding suggesting that the capsular polysaccharides of these strains activated complement via the alternative pathway. Since bacteremic pneumococcal disease is often associated with circulating capsular polysaccharide, it was considered that this cellular component may activate complement in vivo and impair host defenses by producing an opsonic defect for pneumococci. To examine this hypothesis, serum was incubated with suspensions of whole S. pneumoniae types 6, 7, 18, or 23 or with purified capsular polysaccharide from each of these types, and residual complement activity and opsonic capacity were measured. Hemolytic C 3--9 complement activity and opsonic capacity for 3H-thymidine labeled Salmonella typhimurium, a species effectively opsonized via the alternative pathway, were reduced in serum following incubation. Polysaccharide concentrations as low as 1 microgram/ml inhibited serum opsonic capacity for salmonella. Whole pneumococci and pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide also inhibited the opsonic activity of human C2 deficient serum for salmonella, further evidence for activation of complement via the alternative pathway. Pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide markedly inhibited the opsonic capacity of normal serum for the homologous pneumoccal type. Thus, amounts of pneumococcal capsular polysaccharide, similar to those found in the serum of patients with pneumococcal disease, bring about decomplementation of serum via activation of the alternative pathway and inhibit pneumococcal opsonization.  相似文献   

Exo-polymer (EP) was produced at 1.2 g l(-1) in submerged culture of Auricular auricula-judae. Crude EP (AJ-0) has 70% anti-complementary activity (inhibition of total complementary hemolysis 50%; ITCH50). The activating pathway of the complement system occurred through both the classical and alternative pathways, though the major pathway was the classical one. Fractionation of AJ-0 using Sepharose CL-6B gel chromatography gave three major fractions (AJ-Fr-I, II and III) of which the first was the most active. The mycelial growth and EP production of A. auricula-judae were optimal at pH 6, 25 degrees C and pH 5, 25 degrees C, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of the state of aggregation of lipopolysaccharides upon their ability to interact with serum complement via either the classical or alternative pathway was studied. The anticomplement properties of two chromatographically distinct fractions of a phenol-extracted lipopolysaccharide isolated from Serratia marcescens were assessed by means of the standard sheep erythrocyte hemolytic assay and an alternative pathway-selective kinetic assay using rabbit erythrocytes. Both the high molecular weight PI fraction and the lower molecular weight PII fraction exerted anti-complement activity as determined in the sheep erythrocyte assay. Conversion of fractions PI and PII to their more soluble triethylamine salt forms resulted in a decrease in sedimentation coefficients and a corresponding loss of anticomplement activity. Further, the anticomplement activity of fractions PI and PII in the sheep erythrocyte assay was inhibited by polymyxin B, indicating a role for the lipid A region. Unlike the PII fraction, only the PI fraction can activate serum complement via the alternative pathway. This activity is not inhibited by polymyxin B, indicating that the response is not lipid A-mediated. Significantly, solubilization of the PI fraction with triethylamine had no effect on its ability to activate the alternative pathway. These studies clearly demonstrate that the interaction between lipopolysaccharides and serum complement is influenced by the state of lipopolysaccharide aggregation. However, this appears to be the case for lipopolysaccharide activation of the classical pathway but not of the alternative pathway.  相似文献   

The glycans used in an earlier study to define the ligand specificity of the human monocyte phagocytic receptor for unopsonized particulate activators were assessed for their capacities to activate the proteins of the human alternative complement pathway. Normal human serum was preincubated with glycans under conditions of chelation to prevent activation of the classical complement pathway, and the activation-depletion of the alternative complement pathway was determined by the subsequent capacity of the serum to lyse rabbit erythrocytes (Er). When serum was preincubated at a 1/2 dilution in 8 mM EGTA/2 mM Mg with increasing numbers of yeast glucan or zymosan particles, and was evaluated at final serum dilutions of 1/8, its capacity to lyse Er was found to be reduced by 50% with 1.9 X 10(6)/ml yeast glucan particles and 1.4 X 10(6)/ml zymosan particles. At 2 mg/ml of serum diluted 1/2 in 8 mM EGTA/2 mM Mg, nonturbid preparations of mannan, laminarin, or pyrogen-free inulin and turbid suspensions of cellulose, Sephadex, agarose, or purified inulin failed to activate the alternative complement pathway. In contrast, activation-depletion of the alternative pathway was induced by turbid preparations of crude inulin, nigeran, pachyman, barley beta-glucan, and pustulan, which at 700 micrograms/ml, 500 micrograms/ml, 350 micrograms/ml, 60 micrograms/ml, and 27 micrograms/ml, respectively, effected 50% reductions in the subsequent lysis of Er. After centrifugation of 2 mg/ml suspensions of barley beta-glucan at 1100 X G for 5 min and at 15,000 X G for 15 min, the supernatants contained 90 to 92% and 65% of the barley beta-glucan, respectively, as determined by the anthrone method. On a weight basis, the 1100 X G supernatant exhibited the same capacity to activate the alternative pathway as the corresponding original suspension, whereas the 15,000 X G supernatants had less than 3% of the original anti-complementary activity. Preincubation of adherent human monocytes with increasing concentrations of barley beta-glucan suspensions, 100,000 X G supernatants containing 64% of the original beta-glucan, and laminarin all decreased subsequent ingestion of 1.25 X 10(6) zymosan particles in a dose-related fashion. The numbers of monocytes from three different donors phagocytosing zymosan were reduced by 50% after pretreatment with 30 to 65 micrograms/ml, 25 to 48 micrograms/ml, and 12 to 15 micrograms/ml of barley beta-glucan suspensions, 100,000 X G supernatants of barley beta-glucan, and laminarin, respectively, even though the latter two preparations were fully soluble and had no capacity to activate the alternative pathway.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Guinea pig L2C leukemic lymphocytes display at their surfaces monoclonal IgM, which when compared with antibody undergoes rapid redistribution and variable endocytosis. One consequence of this is that the cells can prove resistant to lysis by complement subsequently added to the system, a process termed here anti-complementary modulation. We studied quantitatively the extent of antibody loss accompanying the modulation by radioimmunolabeling the cell surfaces with 125I-Fab' gamma fragments from an anti-antibody. Antibody directed against the constant region of the IgG light chain (anti-lambda) gave modulation effective against syngeneic (guinea pig strain 2) complement that closely paralleled the disappearance of anti-lambda from the cell surfaces. Antibody directed against the idiotypic region of the light chain (anti-Id) was as effective as anti-lambda in modulating against syngeneic complement. However, the bulk of the anti-Id was seen by radioimmunolabeling to persist on the surfaces of the resistant cells, even after prolonged exposure at 37 degrees C, and was shown by immunofluorescence to be in a patched configuration. In contrast to the results with syngeneic complement, modulation effective against rabbit complement appeared to have an absolute requirement for clearing of the antibody: thus anti-lambda could modulate, anti-Id could not. The differences observed between anti-lambda and anti-Id could not be accounted for by differences in their isotypic (Ig subclass) composition nor by the numbers of antibody molecules bound. Studies with directly fluoresceinated and 125I-labeled anti-lambda revealed endocytosis rather than shedding was the major route of antibody loss from the cell surfaces over the period of anti-complementary modulation. The findings are discussed in relation to mechanisms that enable leukemic B lymphocytes to escape destruction when confronted by antibody and complement.  相似文献   

Various carbohydrate polymers have during the last decades been shown to be responsible for biological effects, either by exhibiting the effect themselves or by inducing effects via complex reaction cascades. These are e.g. anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, complement activation, antithrombotic, antidiabetic and infection protectant. Modern pharmaceutical industry has extensive research programs where the aim is to obtain information on traditional use of medicinal plants still being in use, and perform screening of these for the claimed biological activity and follow the isolation of chemical compounds with the relevant activity tests, but few of the programs focus on polysaccharides. Various plants have been used for treating wounds of different types, both internally and externally and bioassay guided isolation of active compounds in these plants showed that in many cases, polysaccharides were responsible for the biological activity. Many of these polysaccharide fractions have been shown to activate complement. The active compounds studied are often of the pectic type, but acetylated glucomannans and glucans are also among those having the same kind of effect and certain structure/activity relationships of these polysaccharides is discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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