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采用收获法和改进的Zieman标记法,测定了2007年11月广西北海竹林海草床二药藻(Halodule uninervis)、矮人叶藻(Zostera japonica)和喜盐草(Halophila ovalis)三个种群的生物量和叶片生产力.结果表明:(1)总生物量是二药藻(198.99±22.19 g DW m-2)>矮大叶藻(184.89±21.24gDW m-2)>喜盐草(110.71 ±12.23 g DW m-2);(2)二药藻、矮大叶藻、喜盐草地下部分生物量占各自总生物量的比例分别为69.68%,47.59%,56.33%;(3)幼叶、成熟叶、衰老叶的生物量分别是矮大叶藻9.99 ±0.33 g DW m-2,26.24 ±2.34g DW m-2,38.02±1.94g DW m-2;喜盐草7.31±1.50g DW m-2,21.19±6.25 g DW m-2,19.85±3.05 g DW m-2:(4)矮大叶藻的叶片生产力(2.05±0.15 g DW m-2·d-1)大于二药藻(0.34±0.37 g DW m2·d-1).提出了根据幼叶和衰老叶生物量比值预测种群消长的建议.  相似文献   

于2012年4月-2013年4月调查了广西珍珠湾地区贝克喜盐草(Halophila beccarii Ascherson)种群的基本属性及土壤种子库储量。结果表明,不同月份间该种群的面积、覆盖率、直立茎密度、生物量、繁殖器官密度等属性差异明显,均呈现先增大后减小再增大的趋势;各个属性出现峰值的日期有所不同,面积、覆盖度、地下生物量和总生物量的最高峰值出现在10月底,而直立茎密度和地上生物量峰值最高峰值出现在8月初。贝克喜盐草珍珠湾种群有明显雌蕊先熟现象,雌花发育高峰期(8月初,5404 朵/m2)早于雄花发育高峰期(8月底,2189 朵/m2)。而果实高峰期(4125 个/m2)为10月份。地上与地下生物量之比值(1.95-0.53)随种群的发育而逐渐减小,基于此比值可判断贝克喜盐草种群所处的发育阶段。在生长高峰期,贝克喜盐草种群有较大的分布面积(21.4 hm2)、较高的覆盖度(55%)、直立茎密度(21602 茎/m2)及生物量(70.583 g/m2干重)。贝克喜盐草果实含种子为1-4粒(平均为2.22粒);1月、3月和4月土壤种子库密度分别为5749、5652、2728 粒/m2,3-4月期间土壤种子库种子损失率高达104 粒 m-2 d-1。尽管贝克喜盐草有较高的种子产量(10月份,9158 粒/m2)和较快的生长速度,但由于土壤种子库中种子损失严重且种子萌发率较低以及人为干扰对其生境的强烈干扰等因素,因此可能会对次年的种群更新产生较大的负面影响。  相似文献   

报道小喜盐草Halophila minor (Zoll.) den Hartog在香港的首次记录, 同时也是除沿海岛屿(海南及南沙群岛)以外中国大陆的首次记录。喜盐草属在中国最早的记录可追溯至1856年(香港九龙湾), 包括喜盐草H. ovalis及贝克喜盐草H. beccarii在内, 目前已知3种喜盐草属植物分布香港。尽管从前小喜盐草及圆叶喜盐草H. ovata曾作同种处理, 现已有最新证据清楚区别这两种喜盐草(本文证实圆叶喜盐草不产香港)。因本属的世界分布及分类最近已被全面修订, 使得准确鉴别各种喜盐草成为可能。香港的海岸面对高速发展, 海草的保育尤需关注。  相似文献   

海草床是地球上最具价值的生态系统之一,为人类提供广泛的生态系统服务。我国乃至全球范围内海草床面临着人类活动威胁,且呈退化趋势。广东海草研究起步较晚,近年来涌现的一些研究成果将广东海草分布特征清晰地呈现在世人面前,并发现海草床受到的威胁来源多样,但缺乏系统的总结。基于广东滨海地区未来一段时间将持续面临高强度人类活动压力的背景下,为有效保护海草床及其生物多样性,亟需进一步深入了解广东海草床存在的问题,从而提出针对性的保护建议。本文通过回顾21世纪以来广东海草床研究成果,汇总了广东海草分布信息,并结合现场调研和国内外海草床的研究报道,梳理了广东海草床面临的威胁。结果表明广东沿岸海草分布广泛,现有海草床面积约1,540ha。海草种类共5种,以卵叶喜盐草(Halophilaovalis)和贝克喜盐草(H.beccarii)为主,日本鳗草(Zosterajaponica)、单脉二药草(Haloduleuninervis)和短柄川蔓草(Ruppia brevipedunculata)分布较少。本文阐明了人为因素和自然因素如何影响海草的生长和分布,并指出了广东海草床主要面临着海水养殖、渔业捕捞、陆源污...  相似文献   

郭绪虎  肖德荣  田昆  余红忠 《生态学报》2013,33(5):1425-1432
选取滇西北高原湿地纳帕海湖滨带优势植物茭草(Zizania caducifolia)、水葱(Scirpus tabernaemontani)和刘氏荸荠(Heleocharis liouana),研究其生物量及其凋落物分解特征,结果表明:水葱、茭草、刘氏荸荠为纳帕海湿地湖滨带单优植物群落,均具有较高的地上生物量,不同植物群落地上生物量不同,其中,茭草地上生物量(853.6±58.2)g·m-2·a-1显著高于水葱(730.7±7.8)g·m-2·a-1与刘氏荸荠(338.9±32.6) g·m-2·a-1的地上生物量.3种植物群落凋落物分解速率不同、并随月平均气温升高均呈增加的趋势,其中,刘氏荸荠分解速率k值最大(0.067±0.0026)、茭草(0.062±0.0072)其次、水葱最小(0.039±0.0062).凋落物经过1年的分解,水葱、茭草和刘氏荸荠凋落物存留率分别为(62.0±8.8)%、(47.5±9.0)%和(44.5±7.9)%.综合3种湖滨带植物地上生物量与凋落物年分解,水葱地上生物量年存留量(453.1±4.9)g·m-2·a-1显著高于茭草(405.4±27.7)g·m-2·a-1和刘氏荸荠(150.9±14.5) g·m-2·a-1.研究进一步表明滇西北高原湿地湖滨带植物具有极高的生物量存留率,成为该类型湿地生态系统碳汇功能的基础,其碳汇过程及其贡献率需要进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

海草床恢复研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李森  范航清  邱广龙  石雅君 《生态学报》2010,30(9):2443-2453
海草床是热带和温带重要的海洋生态系统,是许多海洋动物的栖息地、生存场所和食物来源地,具有重要的生态系统服务价值。20世纪以来,全世界的海草床衰退严重,仅1993年到2003年间约有2.6×104km2消失,达到15%,开展海草床的生态恢复已迫在眉睫。总结了海草床衰退的原因及恢复的主要方法。海草床衰退的原因包括自然灾害和人类活动的影响。海草床恢复的方法包括生境恢复法、种子法和移植法。移植法是目前最常用的方法,可分为草皮法、草块法和根状茎法。比较了各方法的优缺点,即(1)生境恢复法投入少、代价低,但周期长;(2)种子法破坏小,但种子难收集、易丧失、萌发率低;(3)草块法成活率高,但对原海草床有破坏作用;(4)根状茎法节约种源,但固定困难。因此,海草床恢复的具体方法取决于种源地、移植地及恢复的目标。我国的海草研究与恢复尚处在起始阶段,移植法应是目前我国海草床恢复的首选方法。就未来我国海草恢复的关键技术和研究重点提出了建议。  相似文献   

西藏那曲地区高寒草地地下生物量   总被引:35,自引:6,他引:29  
鄢燕  张建国  张锦华  范建容  李辉霞 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2818-2823
矮嵩草草甸、藏北嵩草草甸及紫花针茅草原是那曲地区主要的草地类型,通过对其地下生物量的分布特征、地下/地上生物量的关系及其对土壤环境影响的研究发现:(1)这三类植物群落的地下生物量表现为总的T字形趋势下的锯齿状分布,主要分布在0~10cm的草皮层中,而且不同的退化草地,其地下的生物量也不同;(2)各群落的地下生物量和地上生物量密切相关,相关性均呈显著正相关。地下/地上生物量的比值越大,地上生物量就越高。地上生物量的变化不大,而地下生物量变化显著;(3)在高山草甸土中,矮嵩草草甸的地下生物量和土壤的有机质,全N,碱解N的含量及土壤的容重呈相关关系,而与其他的土壤因子相关性不显著。(4)各群落的地下生物量的垂直分布特征及与土壤环境的关系是植物长期适宜高寒生境条件的结果和反映。  相似文献   

鳗草在北半球温带海域广有分布,受到不同程度的人为干扰和环境胁迫,海草床面积急剧退化.为探讨鳗草对不同环境胁迫的适应性,于2014年11月—2015年10月对荣成天鹅湖草床的潮间带和潮下带的斑块区、鳗草草场边缘和鳗草草场内部4个生境的鳗草形态和繁殖能力进行了研究.结果表明: 叶长、叶宽、节间长度/直径、地上生物量/地下生物量和分枝频率在不同月份和生境间差异显著,其中除了分枝频率最大值出现在草场边缘(88.4%)外,其他各项指标的最大值均出现在草场内部(分别为78.54 cm、7.93 mm、7.03和3.88).地上生物量/地下生物量的可塑性指数在各站位均较高(0.77~0.92),叶宽的可塑性(0.41~0.64)略小.不同生境中单株鳗草佛焰苞数差异不显著,而单位面积的佛焰苞数差异显著,在草场内部偏向于克隆生殖,而在人为干扰较大的斑块区倾向于有性生殖.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜观察了分布于广西北部湾沿岸的三种主要海草(矮大叶藻、二药藻和喜盐草)的茎叶解剖构造。结果表明:(1)三种海草的叶片结构和根状茎均有发达的气腔组织,叶肉及皮层细胞数量较少,且胞间隙明显;(2)叶肉及皮层中夹杂有纤维群,皮层薄壁细胞均有不同程度的木质化现象;(3)维管束结构简化,主要起机械支持作用而非输导功能。这些特征反映出矮大叶藻、二药藻和喜盐草对海洋环境中海浪和潮汐冲击、光等胁迫的高度适应。  相似文献   

 对青海海北地区高山草甸主要植物群落小嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)草甸、矮嵩草(K.humilis)草甸、藏嵩草(K.tibetica)沼泽化草甸地上生物量动态和能量分配的研究结果表明,不同植物群落年地上净生产量及其年际动态和主要植物类群生物量季节动态具明显的差异,其生物量季节动态可由如下模型表示: Wi=Ki/(1+exp(Ai-Bit)) 植物群落地上、地下生物量的垂直分布呈典型的金字塔和倒金字塔模式。小嵩草草甸、矮嵩草草甸和藏嵩草沼泽化草甸的地上净生产量依次为368.4g·m-2·a-1、418.5g·m-2·a-1和518.4g·m-2·a-1,所固定的太阳能值依次为6655.16kJ·m-2·a-1、7610.09kJ·m-2·a-1、9488.77kJ·m-2·a-1。光能利用率分别为0.1097%、0.1256%、0.1568%。  相似文献   

Benthic primary production and nutrient dynamics were examined along a transect in the Bangrong mangrove forest in Thailand. Six stations were established extending from a high-intertidal site within the mangrove forest to low-intertidal flats and seagrass beds in front of the mangrove forest. Benthic processes (O2 and CO2 fluxes) and nutrient dynamics (mineralization, sediment-water fluxes, pore water and sediment pools) were measured under light and dark conditions during wet and dry seasons over a 2-yr period. The sediments were mostly autotrophic, only the mangrove forest sites were net heterotrophic during the wet season. Maximum daily net primary production was found at the non-vegetated tidal flats (40–75 mmol O2 m-2d-1), where light and nutrient availability were highest. The variation in benthic mineralization along the transect was minor (1.6–4.3 mmol CO2 m-2h-1) and did not reflect the large changes inorganic matter content (organic carbon: 0.7–4.2% DW) and quality (C:N ratio varied from 25 to 100), suggesting that the mineralizable pool of organic matter was of similar magnitude at all sites. There was only minor seasonal variation in rates of mineralization. The net primary production showed more variation with lower rates in the mangrove forest (reduced with 74%) and higher rates at the tidal flats (increased with 172%) and in the seagrass beds (increased with 228%) during the wet season. The nutrient pools and fluxes across the sediment-water interface were generally low along the transect, and the sediments were efficient in retaining nitrogen in the nutrient limited mangrove/seagrass environment. Pools and fluxes of phosphorus were generally very low suggesting that benthic primary production was phosphorus limited along the transect. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Seagrass meadows are habitat for an abundance and diversity of animal life, and their continuing global loss has focused effort on their restoration. This restoration not only aims to re‐establish the structure of the seagrass, but also to restore its function, particularly as habitat. The success of seagrass restoration is typically measured by the recovery of aboveground structure, but this ignores the important role of the belowground component of seagrass ecosystems, which may not recover at the same rate, and is equally important for faunal communities. We quantify infaunal communities (abundance, richness, and composition) within expanding plots of restored seagrass, and relate their change to the recovery of belowground seagrass biomass and sediment properties. We found that infaunal abundance and composition converged on that found in natural seagrass within 2 years, while the overall infaunal richness was not affected by habitat. The carbon content of surface sediments also recovered within 2 years, although recovery of belowground biomass and sediment grain size took 4 to 6 years. These results suggest that the structure of recovering seagrass habitats may not need to attain that of natural meadows before they support infauna that is comparable to natural communities. This pace and effectiveness of recovery provides some optimism for future seagrass restoration.  相似文献   

Eutrophication of coastal waters often leads to excessive growth of microalgal epiphytes attached to seagrass leaves; however, the effect of increased nutrient levels on sediment microalgae has not been studied within seagrass communities. A slow‐release NPK Osmocote fertilizer was added to sediments within and outside beds of the shoal grass Halodule wrightii, in Big Lagoon, Perdido Key, Florida. Gross primary production (GPP) and biomass (HPLC photopigments) of sediment microalgae within and adjacent to fertilized and control H. wrightii beds were measured following two 4‐week enrichment periods during June and July 2004. There was no effect of position on sediment microalgal GPP or biomass in control and enriched plots. However, nutrient enrichment significantly increased GPP in both June and July. These results suggest that sediment microalgae could fill some of the void in primary production where seagrass beds disappear due to excessive nutrient enrichment. Sedimentary chl a (proxy of total microalgal biomass) significantly increased only during the June enrichment period, whereas fucoxanthin (proxy of total diatom biomass) was not increased by nutrient enrichment even though its concentration doubled in the enriched plots in June.  相似文献   

Results of semi-quantitative observations and quantitative sampling of seagrasses at coastal and offshore sites along the western Arabian Gulf are presented. Overall seagrass cover (all species together) shows significant positive correlation with latitude, but not with salinity, temperature or depth. The same pattern is shown by Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Aschers., the dominant species. Mean seagrass biomass ranged from 53–235 g m-2 (dry weight). These values are comparable with biomass estimates from regions in which environmental conditions are generally less extreme than in the Gulf. Seagrass biomass is significantly negatively correlated with depth and sediment grain size. No significant correlation is apparent between seagrass biomass and factors such as season, salinity, or concentrations of nutrients and heavy metals measured. It is pointed out that any correlations observed are not necessarily taken to imply causality.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrate composition, abundance and biomass were investigated at four intertidal sites throughout the Robbins Passage wetlands, Tasmania, over a 12-month period, in order to identify differences among and within sites, and to determine whether environmental variables could explain these differences. As this region is the most important shorebird area in Tasmania, we wanted to quantify the potential food source for shorebirds within the wetlands. Thirty-five taxa from 28,928 individuals were identified, with a mean abundance of 6026.6 ind m−2 and biomass of 27.1 gDW m−2. Bivalves and gastropods dominated the assemblage in terms of abundance and biomass (79% and 60%, respectively). There was a significant interaction among tidal level, site and season for invertebrate abundance and diversity, while biomass differed significantly among sites. In general, the mid-intertidal stratum had the greatest invertebrate density and diversity, while the low intertidal stratum had the greatest biomass. Community composition varied among the four sites, with the bivalve Paphies elongata dominating at two of the sites, while gastropods and polychaetes were more abundant at the other sites. Differences in invertebrate composition and abundance could partly be explained by seagrass biomass, i.e., dry mass of seagrass leaves and roots. Areas with seagrass had increased invertebrate abundance and diversity, but mean sediment particle size, % organic carbon and % seagrass cover had no significant effect. These results will assist in the investigation of habitat use by shorebirds and the identification of important shorebird feeding areas within the wetlands. Handling editor: P. Viaroli  相似文献   

Abstract The wave‐exposed nature of much of the southwestern Australian coastline considerably reduces the protective influence of seagrasses, and sediment movement appears to be relatively unaffected by their presence. Present seagrass restoration efforts focus on the deployment of large mechanically transplanted “sods” of seagrass as a means of combating the negative effects of water motion on transplant survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the combined role of wave energy and transplant spacing on sediment movement and transplant survival to provide guidance for seagrass transplantation in areas of high wave energy. One hundred sixty sods (0.25 m2) of seagrass were mechanically extracted from a mixed meadow consisting of Amphibolis griffithii (Cymodoceaceae) and Posidonia coriacea (Posidoniaceae) and planted in a high wave energy site with the treatments configured as three replicates of 16 sods placed in 4 × 4–meter squares at distances of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 meters apart. An additional 16 single sods were planted randomly throughout the site. Monitoring was conducted at two monthly intervals and consisted of counting the number of sods surviving and measuring the shoot density of seagrass species within each surviving sod. Sediment height was monitored using a series of sediment plates and an electronic sediment level sensor. Sod spacing had no significant effect upon transplant survival, which remained above 90% for 4 months after transplantation and then declined with the onset of winter (June to August). After 14 months individual sod survival was between 9% and 40%. Initial shoot densities were 200 to 500 shoots/m2 and declined to less than 50 shoots/m2. Sediment fluctuations up to 35 cm were noted, occasionally taking place over a matter of hours, and storms during winter caused significantly increased sediment movement. This probably curtailed rhizome extension and prevented the expansion of the transplants. This study indicates that the ability of seagrasses to influence sediment would appear to vary with the prevailing hydrodynamic regime and that a reappraisal of the notion that all seagrass communities trap sediment is necessary.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the seagrass-sulfide interaction were examined in relation to diel changes in sediment pore water sulfide concentrations in Thalassia testudinum beds and adjacent bare areas in Corpus Christi Bay and lower Laguna Madre, Texas, USA, during July 1996. Pore water sulfide concentrations in seagrass beds were significantly higher than in adjacent bare areas and showed strong diurnal variations; levels significantly decreased during mid-day at shallow sediment depths (0-10 cm) containing high below-ground tissue biomass and surface area. In contrast, diurnal variations in sediment sulfide concentrations were absent in adjacent bare patches, and at deeper (>10 cm) sediment depths characterized by low below-ground plant biomass or when the grasses were experimentally shaded. These observations suggest that the mid-day depressions in sulfide levels are linked to the transport of photosynthetically produced oxygen to seagrass below-ground tissues that fuels sediment sulfide oxidation. Lower sulfide concentrations in bare areas are likely a result of low sulfate reduction rates due to low organic matter available for remineralization. Further, high reoxidation rates due to rapid exchange between anoxic pore water and oxic overlying water are probably stimulated in bare areas by higher current velocity on the sediment surface than in seagrass beds. The dynamics of pore water sulfides in seagrass beds suggest no toxic sulfide intrusion into below-ground tissues during photosynthetic periods and demonstrate that the sediment chemical environment is considerably modified by seagrasses. The reduced sediment sulfide levels in seagrass beds during photosynthetic periods will enhance seagrass production through reduced sulfide toxicity to seagrasses and sediment microorganisms related to the nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

The dugong is the only herbivorous mammal that is strictly marine and a seagrass community specialist. The pasture available to the dugong varies with the tides because seagrass occurs in both intertidal and subtidal areas. We GPS-tracked seven dugongs within a 24 km2, intensively used seagrass habitat in subtropical Australia in winter. We modeled resource selection within the habitat by comparing the dugongs’ use of space with the distribution of seagrass in an area defined using the combined space-use of the tracked animals. Selection by dugongs for seagrass quantity (biomass) and quality (nutrients) was analyzed within six time/tide combinations to examine the influences of tidal periodicity and the diel cycle on resource selection. Dugong habitat use was consistently centered over seagrass patches with high nitrogen concentrations, except during the day at low tides when the animals had fewer habitat choices and their space use was centered over high seagrass biomass. The association of dugongs with seagrass high in starch was positive during both day and night high tides when the animals could access the intertidal areas where seagrass biomass was generally low. Associations between dugongs and seagrass species were less definite, reflecting the potential for dugongs to exploit several species. Our model of dugong resource selection suggests that nitrogen is the primary limiting nutrient for dugong populations and also confirms the preference of dugongs for high-energy foods.  相似文献   

This study has investigated the taxon‐specific responses of fauna to patch edges, and how these relate to patch attributes (patch size, seagrass biomass and water depth), and hydrodynamics in the seagrass habitat. Faunal abundances were sampled at the edge, 2 m in from the edge, and in the middle of 10 seagrass patches of variable size in Port Phillip Bay, Australia. Five of nine taxa showed edge effects. There were higher abundances at the edge compared with the middle for porcellid harpacticoids, and an increase in abundance from the edge to the middle of the patches for tanaids and isopods. For caprellid and gammarid amphipods, the edge effect varied across patches. Changes in current within the patch and patch size were related to the variability in the edge effect pattern of caprellids. None of the measured environmental variables (seagrass biomass, current and water depth) or patch size had a role in the variable edge effect pattern of gammarid amphipods. At the patch level, the distribution of six of nine taxa in this study, namely isopods, polychaetes, ‘other harpacticoids’, porcellid harpacticoids, cumaceans and gammarid amphipods, was related to differences in average water depth, average seagrass biomass and patch size. Our study indicates that the faunal response to edges cannot be generalized across seagrass habitat, and the implications of habitat area loss will vary depending on the taxon under consideration.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate, through experimental iron additions to a Mediterranean seagrass meadow, that iron plays a pivotal role in seagrass systems on carbonate sediments, directly through its role as a limiting nutrient, and indirectly by stimulating phosphorus recycling through the activity of the enzyme alkaline phosphatase and by buffering the development of reduced conditions in sediments. Iron additions were performed throughout the active root zone (30 cm depth) to two Posidonia oceanica meadows, one on organic-enriched sediments and one on organic poor sediments (Reference). Seagrass growth, nutrient incorporation and sediment biogeochemical conditions were followed for four months. Iron additions had positive effects on seagrass growth (leaf production increased with 55%) and nutrient incorporation (increased 46–91%) in the organic-enriched site, increasing to levels found at the Reference site. There was no effect of iron additions in the Reference seagrass meadow suggesting that iron was not the most important controlling factor at this site. The iron pools were about two times higher compared to the organic-enriched site. The main effect on the sediment biogeochemical conditions at the organic-enriched site was a suppression of sulfate reduction activity to the levels encountered at the Reference site (6.7 mmol m−2d−1 vs. 4.7–5.9 mmol m−2d−1). This suggests that the sulfide stress on the seagrasses was removed and that the iron availability increased due to reduced precipitation of iron-sulfides and thus improving seagrass growth conditions in these organic-enriched sediments.  相似文献   

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