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许聪聪  崔洪霞 《植物学报》2017,52(3):297-306
在全球气候变化背景下异常气象事件频繁发生。华北地区在经历了2010年春季的异常冷湿后,2016年春季又出现了异常暖旱的气象事件。对荚蒾属(Viburnum)植物2009–2016年春季的2次气象事件及正常年份的多年花期物候进行观测,发现春季异常暖旱时荚蒾属植物的花期整体提前,但花期时长均未缩短;海拔跨度小的琼花(V.macrocephalum)和欧洲绣球(V.opulus),其始花期、花前积温和花期长短年际变化幅度较大,而海拔跨度较大的李叶荚蒾(V.prunifolium)、黑果荚蒾(V.lantana)和红蕾荚蒾(V.carlesii)无论春季冷湿或暖旱,其始花期、花前积温和花期长短都表现出较小的可塑性,并且这3个物种的始花期也相对固定。春季气候暖旱时荚蒾枝条的同化产物分配增加,枝条增粗明显,叶片生长速率加快,叶面积更大但叶片更薄,远果叶的同化产物分配显著增加,可能意味着果实发育的同化产物供给受到影响。针对异常气象事件中专属植物的花期物候格局的研究,不仅能更精准地追踪物种繁育特征的环境可塑性及系统认识专属植物的气候变化响应,而且可为物候学大尺度数据分析提供基本信息。  相似文献   

气温被普遍认为是春季物候期最主要的控制因子之一,然而低温对植物物候的影响效应一直都存在不同的观点。西双版纳由于地处热带地区的北缘,其气温相对于赤道附近的热带地区较低。自1959年以来,西双版纳热带植物园引入了来自世界各个热带地区的4万余种植物进行保护,之前的研究证明西双版纳的低温对这些引种植物的生长有很大影响。因此,1974年西双版纳出现的极端低温势必对引种植物造成极大威胁,同时也是对这些植物低温适应能力的一个考验。通过对比43种引种植物物候期(生长抽梢期与开花期)在1974年与常年的差异情况,分析不同来源(热带亚洲、热带美洲与热带非洲)引种植物对西双版纳低温的适应性。结果表明,经历西双版纳1974年初的极端低温之后,使81%的引种植物生长抽梢期提前,同时也造成35%的引种植物在该年没有开花;而植物生长抽梢提前的主要原因则是极端低温以及低温过后气温迅速回升。引种植物均能顺利度过1974年的最冷时期,并出现生长抽梢物候,这意味着引种植物在经历极端低温之后都能够进行正常的生长活动,但极端低温对引种植物繁殖活动的不利影响大于其对生长活动的影响;引种植物对西双版纳极端低温的适应能力由大到小顺序依次为:亚洲来源植物〉美洲来源植物〉非洲来源植物。因此在迁地保护植物的选择过程中,应多选择亚洲热带植物,其次为美洲热带植物,而对非洲热带植物的引入则需谨慎考察。  相似文献   

大花百子莲的开花物候与生殖特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
连续2年对引种植物大花百子莲在中国上海市人工种群的开花物候、结实情况进行观测记录,从不同水平分析了大花百子莲的开花物候对其生殖的影响。结果显示:(1)大花百子莲在引种地的开花时间为6月初至7月末;种群花期历时40 d左右,单株花期在14~31 d波动,单花寿命主要为2~3 d;2年的开花振幅平均在6朵·株-1·d-1左右,花朵开放百分率值在3.69%~4.87%左右,平均开花式样为11~17朵。(2)大花百子莲种群内2007年比2008年的各项开花物候指标均提前6~9 d;种群开花进程为渐进式的双峰曲线;种群花期重叠时间较长,2年的平均开花同步指数分别为0.663、0.695;植株个体相对开花强度主要分布频度为50%~70%。(3)开花物候指数与座果率的相关分析表明,始花时间与开花数目、座果数、花期长度呈显著负相关关系,开花数目与座果数、花期长度以及花期长度与座果数均呈显著正相关关系,同一花序内单花所发育成果实的数量与单花开放时间呈极显著负相关关系。研究表明,大花百子莲始花时间早的植株比始花时间晚的植株花期更长,开花数目多的植株比开花数目少的植株花期更长,花期长的植株比花期短的植株座果率更高;而且在同一花序上,越早开放的单花其结实的可能性越大。作为引种植物,大花百子莲开花物候年度间具有相似性,说明其在引种地可以适应环境压力,形成稳定的开花时间与开花模式;较长的花期重叠和大量的开花数目可以吸引较多的传粉者访问,为其生殖成功奠定了良好基础。  相似文献   

花发育的基因调控与花性状的改造   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
花发育的基因调控与花性状的改造华志明(厦门大学生物学系,厦门361005)植物种子萌发后,经过一段时间的营养生长,在内外界环境因子共同作用下,植物开始由营养生长向生殖生长转变。花的发育(成花过程)就是这种转变的重要标志。成花过程不仅是植物生长发育中的...  相似文献   

气温被普遍认为是春季物候期最主要的控制因子之一, 然而低温对植物物候的影响效应一直都存在不同的观点。西双版纳由于地处热带地区的北缘, 其气温相对于赤道附近的热带地区较低。自1959年以来, 西双版纳热带植物园引入了来自世界各个热带地区的4万余种植物进行保护, 之前的研究证明西双版纳的低温对这些引种植物的生长有很大影响。因此,1974年西双版纳出现的极端低温势必对引种植物造成极大威胁, 同时也是对这些植物低温适应能力的一个考验。通过对比43种引种植物物候期(生长抽梢期与开花期)在1974年与常年的差异情况, 分析不同来源(热带亚洲、热带美洲与热带非洲)引种植物对西双版纳低温的适应性。结果表明, 经历西双版纳1974年初的极端低温之后, 使81%的引种植物生长抽梢期提前, 同时也造成35%的引种植物在该年没有开花; 而植物生长抽梢提前的主要原因则是极端低温以及低温过后气温迅速回升。引种植物均能顺利度过1974年的最冷时期, 并出现生长抽梢物候, 这意味着引种植物在经历极端低温之后都能够进行正常的生长活动, 但极端低温对引种植物繁殖活动的不利影响大于其对生长活动的影响; 引种植物对西双版纳极端低温的适应能力由大到小顺序依次为: 亚洲来源植物>美洲来源植物>非洲来源植物。因此在迁地保护植物的选择过程中, 应多选择亚洲热带植物, 其次为美洲热带植物, 而对非洲热带植物的引入则需谨慎考察。  相似文献   

 对准噶尔荒漠中胡卢巴属(Trigonella)4种短命植物网脉胡卢巴(T. cancellata )、单花胡卢巴(T. monantha)、直果胡卢巴(T. orthoceras)和弯果胡卢巴(T. arc uata)的物候特征及生物量分配进行了比较研究,结果表明:1)这4种植物的萌发对策多样,具有春 、夏、秋萌现象,但以春、秋季萌发为主。其萌发时间在种间差异不明显,而与温度、降水等环境因子密切相关;2)生长发育快,生活周期短,一次结实,在干热夏季来临前完成生活周期,因此属于典型的避旱型植物;3) 秋、春萌株在早春返青或种子萌发后,经过短暂的营养生长后很快进入生殖生长,通过物候期(尤其是营养生长与生殖生长阶段)的迅速转换来获得高的繁殖力,最后达到较高的繁殖产量;4)繁殖分配比率均较高,分别达62.3%、51.9 %、54.3%和58.3%,且其繁殖输出与植株大小呈正相关;5)萌发时间不同的植株(春、秋萌 株)在大小及繁殖输出上差异显著,但繁殖分配比率差异不显著,说明由萌发时间差异引起的繁殖输出差异归根结底是由植株大小差异引起的。最后探讨了胡卢巴属这4种短命植物的生活史对策以及因萌发时间不同产生的植株在个体大小、生存力和繁殖输出等方面的差异对准噶尔荒漠干旱环境的适应意义。  相似文献   

为系统掌握常春二乔玉兰春夏季开花物候节律,探讨其与营养物质的关系,本研究以6年生常春二乔玉兰为试验材料,观测其年生长发育节律、春夏季开花物候特性以及茎段营养物质的含量变化。结果表明:(1)每年12月始至翌年2月下旬为常春二乔玉兰休眠期。2月下旬花芽膨大生长,并于3月开始春季开花,花期持续约20 d。4月进行营养生长,5月完成花芽分化。5月底部分花芽膨大并于6月开始开花,夏季花期持续约20 d。7~9月为未膨大花芽的发育滞缓期。此外,少量夏季开放的花的基部侧芽再次分化形成花芽。10~12月随着落叶的开始,树体逐渐进入休眠期。(2)常春二乔玉兰营养生长后分化的花芽能够花开两季。春季开花为先花后叶,开花率为100%,开花同步率较高,雌、雄蕊发育正常,为可育花。夏季开花为花叶同放,开花率约为30%,且开花同步率较低,开放的花内雌、雄蕊发育异常,为不育花。(3)春季开花期间可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白呈下降趋势,淀粉含量于开花后期下降;夏季开花期间可溶性糖和淀粉总体呈先降后升趋势,而可溶性蛋白总体呈下降趋势。综上所述,常春二乔玉兰春、夏季开花期内开花模式存在一定差异,其显著节律特征与营养物质含量变化有关,推测低水平的可溶性糖及高水平的淀粉和可溶性蛋白有利于春季开花的启动,而低水平的可溶性蛋白及高水平的可溶性糖和淀粉含量则有利于夏季开花的实现。  相似文献   

北京植物园引进植物物候变化随纬度变化的环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了北京植物园主要引进树种的物候与原产地物候差异在纬度梯度上的变化机制。通过多元回归的方法在环境梯度上建立了最佳能量模型, 降水模型和海拔模型, 以此来解释引进的24 种植物物候随纬度梯度在叶期(叶芽开放, 展叶期, 盛叶期)和花期(始花期, 盛花期, 花末期)上的变化规律。结果表明: (1)物候因子变化与纬度变化呈现极显著相关(p < 0.001), 纬度梯度变化越大, 物候变化也越加剧烈。(2)海拔模型在解释物候(叶期物候, 花期物候)变化中贡献相对较小,能量模型和降水模型能够很好的解释物候(叶期物候, 花期物候)沿着纬度梯度变化的规律。(3)方差分解结果显示三个模型对花期物候和叶期物候变化的解释程度具有一定的相似性。三个模型的交互效应较高(33.7%,31.1%), 三个模型可以很好的解释物候(花期物候, 叶期物候)沿着纬度变化的规律, 可为农林业引种驯化提供科学依据。  相似文献   

与全球范围内气候变暖对植物物候影响研究相比,其他气候因素(如光合有效辐射PAR等)对物候影响报道较少,果树花期物候对光合有效辐射变化响应的研究更是未见报道。本研究以1963—2008年间北京板栗始花物候资料及相应的日光合有效辐射数据为基础,利用偏最小二乘回归法确定了PAR影响板栗始花物候的两个关键阶段,进而分析了两阶段内PAR、温度及相对湿度变化对板栗花期的具体影响。结果表明,北京过去50年两相关阶段内PAR呈显著下降趋势,其中9月24日至次年2月5日问PAR下降对板栗花期提前具有促进作用,可解释12%的花期提前趋势;2月6日至次年5月31日间PAR下降促使花期延迟,但未达显著水平(P〉0.1)。板栗花期提前主要与2月6日至次年5月31日间温度升高有关,其间温度变化可解释41%的花期提前趋势;其次是相对湿度,PAR变化对花期影响较小。鉴于PAR、温度及相对湿度间的互作效应,PAR和相对湿度对花期物候的影响可由温度效应加以解释。  相似文献   

郑州主要植物春季物候变化及其对气温变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1983—2004年期间郑州市的物候和气温资料,分析了郑州市4种木本植物和2种草本植物的春季物候变化趋势及其对气温变化的响应。结果表明,自1983年以来,郑州春季主要植物物候呈偏早趋势,其物候变化具有同步性和顺序性的基本特征。郑州主要植物始花期与早春(3—4月)平均气温的相关性达到极显著,而毛白杨和垂柳2种植物始花期与冬季平均气温的关系也达到极显著; 代表性植物的始花期随3—4月平均气温的升高而提前,气温每升高1 ℃,刺槐、垂柳、蒲公英和车前始花期分别提前4.17、3.69、8.16和13.0 d。此外,始花前4旬是始花期对气温变化反应最敏感的时间段。  相似文献   

为揭示不同地区禾本科C3与C4植物花果期受气候因子的影响,以广东省和内蒙古自治区分别代表南亚热带和北温带地区,从植物志中分别获得两地395和265种禾本科草本植物的3个花果期特征(始花期、末花果期和生殖期长),比较开花物候的差异,并通过一般线性模型探究其与气候因子(年均温与年均降水量)的相关性。结果表明,南亚热带与北温带地区C3植物的始花期均比C4植物早。两地C4共有种在南亚热带地区具有更早的始花期、更晚的末花果期和更长的生殖期,而C3共有种的末花果期在两地无显著差异,但在南亚热带地区始花期更早,生殖期更长。随年均温升高,北温带地区禾本科植物的始花期提前,而南亚热带地区则延后;随年均降水量升高,两地禾本科植物始花期与末花果期均延迟;禾本科植物生殖期长与年均温和年均降水量均不存在相关性。跨地区分析表明,末花果期、生殖期长与年均温和年均降水量均正相关,而与始花期不相关。禾本科C3植物比C4植物对地区间气候差异响应更敏...  相似文献   

A process based model integrating the effects of UV‐B radiation to molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development was developed from key parameters in the published literature. Model simulations showed that UV‐B radiation induced changes in plant metabolic and/or photosynthesis rates can result in plant growth inhibitions. The costs of effective epidermal UV‐B radiation absorptive compounds did not result in any significant changes in plant growth, but any associated metabolic costs effectively reduced the potential plant biomass. The model showed significant interactions between UV‐B radiation effects and temperature and any factor leading to inhibition of photosynthetic production or plant growth during the midday, but the effects were not cumulative for all factors. Vegetative growth were significantly delayed in species that do not exhibit reproductive cycles during a growing season, but vegetative growth and reproductive yield in species completing their life cycle in one growing season did not appear to be delayed more than 2–5 days, probably within the natural variability of the life cycles for many species. This is the first model to integrate the effects of increased UV‐B radiation through molecular level processes and their consequences to whole plant growth and development.  相似文献   

A central goal of evolutionary ecology is to understand the factors that select for particular life history strategies, such as delaying reproduction. For example, environmental variation and reproductive costs to survival and growth often select for reproductive delays in semelparous and iteroparous species. In this study, we examine how variation in reproductive cost, which we define as a reduction to growth, survival, or future reproduction after a reproductive event, may select for reproductive delay in an iteroparous Neotropical milkweed with no obvious reproductive season. We analyzed demographic data collected every 3 months for 3 years from four populations of Asclepias curassavica in Monteverde, Costa Rica. We detected costs of flowering to survival and growth that varied in magnitude between our 12 transition periods without a seasonal pattern. The populations also exhibited temporal variation in reproductive payoffs measured as seedling establishment. We incorporated these reproductive costs into demographic projection models, which predicted a delayed flowering strategy only when we included temporal variation in costs and payoffs. Temporal variation in reproductive costs and payoffs is an important selective force in the evolution of delayed flowering in iteroparous species. Further, a lack of predictable seasonal pattern to reproductive costs and payoffs may contribute to the lack of seasonal reproductive patterns observed in our study species and other Neotropical species.  相似文献   

The phenological stages, dry matter allocation and relative growth rate (RGR) of natural populations of European field pansy (Viola arvensis) were studied under field conditions for 3 years. The species exhibited an annual life cycle of 78–100 calendar days, depending on the growing season. The life cycle was initiated in early spring and ended by early summer, with an average accumulation of 1100 growing degree days. The initiation of emergence occurred in early spring at a range of maximum air temperatures between 15 and 20°C, coupled with a range of minimum air temperatures between 5 and 10°C. With increasing temperatures in mid‐spring, there was a rapid transition to the reproductive stage. Time to flowering was shortened considerably in the warm growing season. After flowering, the species appeared to allocate a relatively large proportion of biomass to the reproductive parts than dry matter allocation to the vegetative parts during juvenile stages. The maximum value of RGR was observed in the vegetative stage, whereas RGR values decreased sharply with plant age. Overall, the species showed a short life cycle and a reproductive strategy that directs resources to reproductive rather than vegetative output, thus increasing the likelihood of persistence in systematically disturbed environments that are characterized by limited growth time as a result of major events in the field, such as mechanical cultivation or herbicide application.  相似文献   

Observations on phenology of some representative trees, shrubs, under-shrubs and herbs in a subalpine forest of Uttarakhand, western Himalaya were recorded. With the commencement of favorable growth season in April, occurrence of leaf fall was indicatory growth phenomenon in Quercus semecarpifolia, Q. floribunda and Abies spectabilis. However, active vegetative growth in herbaceous species starts onward April and fruit maturation and seed dehiscence are completed from mid of September to October. In general, vegetative growth and reproductive stages in majority of the studied species seems to be dependent on adequate moisture content and also flowering and fruiting in subalpine plants correlate ambient temperature.  相似文献   

Shizuo Suzuki  Gaku Kudo 《Ecography》2000,23(5):553-564
Effects of artificial warming on phenology, individual leaf traits, vegetative growth, and reproduction of five alpine species (two deciduous and three evergreen shrubs) were investigated during three years in the mid-latitude alpine, northern Japan. Eleven open-top chambers (OTCs) were set up on a fellfield (1680 m a. s. l.) in the Taisetsu Mountains by which air temperature at plant height was increased by ca 2°C. Vaccinium uliginosum (deciduous shrub) showed earlier leaf emergence in every season and earlier flowering only in the first season in the OTCs. By contrast, acceleration of leaf emergence in the OTCs was not clear for other species, i.e. Arctous alpinus (deciduous shrub). Ledum palustre. V. vitis-idaea , and Empetrum nigrum (evergreen shrub). Both deciduous species showed longer leaf life-span in the OTCs every season. All evergreen species had higher leaf survival rates in the OTCs. indicating extension of leaf life-span. Leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf mass per unit leaf area (mg cm −2) generally tended to decrease in the OTCs. Relationships between the individual leaf traits and cumulative air temperature during the leaf developing period were not clear. Total leaf production during the three seasons increased in the OTCs in A. alpinus. L. palustre. V. vitis-idaea , and E. nigrum. All evergreen shrubs showed larger shoot growth in the OTCs but both deciduous shrubs did not show significant changes. In contrast to the vegetative growth, deciduous shrubs produced more flowers in the OTCs. Fruit production was not influenced by the OTCs for all species. The extension of photosynthetic period in the OTCs may contribute to the larger vegetative growth or flower production.  相似文献   

Aims Plants can change in phenology and biomass allocation in response to environmental change. It has been demonstrated that nitrogen is the most limiting resource for plants in many terrestrial ecosystems. Previous studies have usually focused on either flowering phenology or biomass allocation of plants in response to nitrogen addition; however, attempts to link flowering phenology and biomass allocation are still rare. In this study, we tested the effects of nitrogen addition on both flowering phenology and reproductive allocation in 34 common species. We also examined the potential linkage between flowering time and reproductive allocation in response to nitrogen addition.Methods We conducted a 3-year nitrogen addition experiment in Tibetan alpine meadow. We measured first flowering date and the reproductive allocation for 34 common plant species in control, low and high nitrogen added plots, respectively. One-way analysis of variance was used to examine differences of first flowering date and reproductive allocation among treatments. The relationships between the change in species first flowering date and change in reproductive allocation in response to nitrogen addition were examined by calculating Pearson correlation coefficients.Important findings For most species, both first flowering date and reproductive allocation significantly responded to nitrogen addition. Nitrogen addition significantly delayed the first flowering date and reduced the reproductive allocation for all graminoid species, but accelerated flowering and increased reproductive allocation for most forb species. We found that changes in first flowering date significantly negatively correlated with the changes in reproductive allocation over species in response to nitrogen, which indicated a positive relationship between flowering response and plant performance in reproductive allocation. Species that advanced their flowering time with nitrogen addition increased their reproductive allocation, whereas those that delayed flowering time tended to decline in reproductive allocation with nitrogen addition. Our results suggest that species-specific switch from vegetative growth to reproductive growth could influence species performance.  相似文献   

Plants show phenological responses to herbivory. Some enclosure experiments have demonstrated that the onset of the peak flowering season is dependent on grazing pressure. We constructed a mathematical model using Pontryargin's maximum principle to investigate changes in flowering time by examining shifts in resource allocation from vegetative to reproductive plant components. We represented a primary production of a plant individual by two types of function of vegetative part size, a linear function and a convex non-linear function. The results of a linear production model indicate that optimal phenology follows a schedule that switches from the production of vegetative parts to that of reproductive parts at a given time ('bang-bang' control). However, in a non-linear model, a singular control, wherein the plant invests in both productive and reproductive parts, may be included between obligate production and reproduction periods. We assumed that the peak of the flowering season occurs immediately following the exclusive investment in reproduction. In a linear production model, differential herbivory rates on the vegetative and reproductive parts of a plant resulted in shifts in the peak flowering time. A higher herbivory rate on the vegetative components advanced the peak, whereas it was delayed when grazing pressure focused on reproductive components of the plant. In the non-linear production model, increased grazing pressure tended to postpone the flowering peak. These results corresponded well with results of enclosure experiments, thus suggesting adaptive control of flowering time in plants.  相似文献   

Regulation of floral initiation in horticultural trees   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The intention of this review is to discuss floral initiation of horticultural trees. Floral initiation is best understood for herbaceous species, especially at the molecular level, so a brief overview of the control of floral initiation of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.) precedes the discussion of trees. Four major pathways to flowering have been characterized in Arabidopsis, including environmental induction through photoperiod and temperature, autonomous floral initiation, and regulation by gibberellins. Tropical trees are generally induced to flower through environmental cues, whereas floral initiation of temperate deciduous trees is often autonomous. In the tropical evergreen tree mango, Mangifera indica L., cool temperature is the only factor known to induce flowering, but does not ensure floral initiation will occur because there are important interactions with vegetative growth. The temperate deciduous tree apple, Malus domestica Borkh., flowers autonomously, with floral initiation dependent on aspects of vegetative development in the growing season before anthesis, although with respect to the floral initiation of trees in general: the effect of the environment, interactions with vegetative growth, the roles of plant growth regulators and carbohydrates, and recent advances in molecular biology, are discussed.  相似文献   

Green foxtail (Setaria viridis L,) is a common weed species in temperate regions. Research on the effect of delayed reproduction on the phenotypic plasticity and regularity of the vegetative and reproductive growth is of vital significance for understanding population regulation and control of the weed in the growing season, Green foxtail seeds were sown every 10 days from 25 June to 24 August of 2004. The growth and production metrics were measured via harvesting tufts and statistical analysis was carried out. The results showed that the reproductive tillers, seed number, seed biomass and one thousand-seed weight of plants at the first sowing (25 June) approximately increased 28.8, 7827.0, 1104.0 and 12.3 times compared with that at the last sowing (24 August), respectively. Total tillers, reproductive tillers and height increased linearly as the reproductive period delayed, however, biomass increased exponentially. Quadratic equations best explained the relationships between the delayed reproductive period and seed number, Inflorescence length, one thousand-seed weight, seed biomass. Based on the quantity and quality of seed production, weeding young seedlings emerging before July can be the most effective weed-control strategy in the Songnen Plain.  相似文献   

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