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东北杜鹃花属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对东北杜鹃花属(Rhododendron Linn.)6种, 1变种, 1变型的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究。该属花粉粒均为四合花粉。四合花粉呈正四面体排列。花粉粒近球形。每粒花粉均具3沟,在四合花粉粒上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有些种可见沟内的萌发孔。光镜下可见花粉外壁为内外两层,厚度约相等。不同的种在花粉粒大小上有区别。在扫描电镜下观察可见不同的种花粉表面具有不同的纹饰。即该属在花粉形态上具有种的特性。  相似文献   

中国紫葳科花粉形态的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对紫葳科18属27种花粉进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察,其中有些种是第一次观察或报道。紫葳科花粉明显地属多型花粉,萌发孔类型和纹饰特征多种多样。萌发孔基本上可分为3(-4)沟,3(-4)孔沟,3孔,多沟及散沟等类型;纹饰则可分为皱波状饰,穴状纹饰,穴-网状纹饰,网状纹饰,刺状纹饰以及表面光滑等。值得注意的是在菜豆树属Rademoachera Zoll.et Moritzi中,菜豆树R.sinica和滇菜豆树R.yunnanensis虽为同一个属,但其萌发孔类型和纹饰特征截然不同,菜豆树花粉为3孔,具网状纹饰;而滇菜豆树花粉为3孔沟,具穴状纹饰。就花粉形态学而言,紫葳科也许是多元发生的。  相似文献   

杜鹃花族花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对杜鹃属(Rhododendron L.)和仿杜鹃属(Menzie-sia Smith.)26种植物的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究,其中大部分种为首次报道。杜鹃属和仿杜鹃属的花粉均为四合花粉,呈正四面体排列。四合体为圆角三角形,连接紧密。杜鹃属四合体平均直径在30.29-62.45μm之间,仿杜鹃属四合体直径为26.38-32.19μm,单粒花粉为球形或近球形,具三沟孔。在四合体上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有时可见粘丝存在。杜鹃属和二鹃属花粉大小和花粉粒外壁纹饰均不同,具有明显的属间差异。在扫描电镜下,杜鹃属亚属内组(或亚组)之间花粉粒具有不同的外壁纹饰,可为分类学研究提供孢粉学方面的证据,具有重要的分类学意义。花粉分析在杜鹃属内不能作为分亚属的主要特征,但可用于某些种的分类学研究。  相似文献   

杜鹃属马银花亚属花粉形态的研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
首次报道了杜鹃属马银花亚属四组 2 0种 2变种植物的花粉形态。本亚属植物的花粉均为四合花粉 ,呈正四面体排列 ,四合体直径为 35 .85~ 6 0 .72 μm。单粒花粉球形或近球形 ,具三孔沟。在四合花粉上 ,相邻花粉粒上的沟相连 ,花粉粒表面或多或少具粘丝。在扫描电镜下 ,花粉粒呈现出粗糙、不明显聚颗粒状至致密的聚颗粒状等不同的纹饰 ,在不同的组间存在或多或少的差异 ,具有一定的分类学意义。对某些种的分类处理也能够提供某些孢粉学证据。  相似文献   

橄榄雄株花粉形态特征观察及数量分类初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


东北杜鹃花属植物花粉形态的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜对东北杜鹃花属(Rhododendron Linn.)6种,1变种,1变型的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究。该属花粉粒均为四合花粉。四合花粉呈正面体排列。花粉粒近球形。每粒花粉均具3沟,在四合花粉粒上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相接,有些种可见沟内的萌发孔。光镜下可见花粉外壁为内外两层,厚度约相等。不同的种在花粉粒大小上有区别。在扫描电镜下观察可见不同的种花粉表面具有不同的纹饰。  相似文献   

中国钩藤属9种植物的花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对中国钩藤属(Uncaria Schreb)9种植物的花粉形态进行了观察.结果表明,钩藤属植物的花粉为单粒,小型,辐射对称,赤道面观圆球形至近长球形,极面观3-裂圆形,具3孔沟,萌发沟裂缝状,长达两极.萌发沟中央有"内壁加厚突出"结构.外壁具条纹至细网纹饰,表面光滑无附属物.钩藤属花粉大小、形状、萌发沟和纹饰类型都较接近,属于单一型花粉.钩藤属植物的花粉形态特征是茜草科(Rubiaceae)中较为原始的类型.  相似文献   

采用电镜扫描法,对48份何首乌种质的花粉形态进行了观察和分析。结果表明:何首乌花粉形状主要为椭球形,少量为长椭球形和近球形,部分种质花粉形状正处于椭球形向长椭球形进化的阶段;极面观主要为三裂圆形,部分种质的变异为半球状、四边形、凹陷状或平三角形;赤道面观主要为椭圆形,部分种质为三角形或四边形;萌发沟3条,狭长,几达两极,部分种质的1条或2条萌发沟中部或近极端处隆起,2条或3条萌发沟在极端处相交;表面纹饰为穴状,部分种质的穴中出现小孔。研究结果表明,何首乌物种正处于活跃进化阶段且因区域及生境的差异其进化速度不一致,低纬度地区的种质进化程度较高纬度地区的高,其最初的起源中心可能位于高纬度地区,在向低纬度地区迁移过程中其花粉形态发生了不同程度的变异。  相似文献   

中国木犀属花粉形态研究及其系统学意义   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
观察了中国木犀属4组21种植物的花粉形态。花粉为圆球形或近长球形,外壁表面均具网状纹饰。大多数种类都具有三孔沟的萌发孔,极少四孔沟,或六萌发孔。内孔明显或不明显,有9种植物同时存在具三孔沟和具三沟二种类型的花粉及中间过渡类型(显脉木犀同时存在具三拟孔沟和具四拟孔沟)。很多特点表明,木犀属花粉的萌发孔在木犀科中处于由简单萌发孔向复合萌发孔过渡的阶段。根据网眼从沟间区中央到沟边是否变细,可将本属花粉分为两大类型,与分组有一定的对应关系。综合一些花粉特征,可发现本属花粉形态差异较明显,与一般形态差异有一定的相关性。花粉形态在木犀属具有一定的系统学意义。  相似文献   

首次报道了杜鹃属马银花亚属四组20种2变种植物的花粉形态。本亚属植物的花粉均为四合花粉,呈正四面体排列,四合体直径为35.85-60.72μm。单粒花粉球形或近球形,具三孔沟。在四合花粉上,相邻花粉粒上的沟相连花粉粒表面或多或少具粘丝。在扫描电镜下,花粉粒呈现出粗糙、不明显聚颗粒状至致密的聚颗粒状等不同的纹饰,在不同的组间存在或多或少的差异,具有一定的分类学意义。对某些种的分类处理也能够提供某些孢粉学证据。  相似文献   

Summary Dynamics of F-actin organization during activation and germination ofPyrus communis (pear) pollen was examined using rhodaminephalloidin. Prior to activation, the rhodamine-phalloidin labelling pattern appeared as circular profiles in the peripheral cytoplasm of the vegetative cell and as coarse granules around the vegetative nucleus. In activated pollen, parallel arrays of cortical F-actin were aligned circumferentially, along the polar axis in non-apertural areas of the pollen grain, and at 45° to 90° to the polar axis beneath the apertures. Some pollen also showed fluorescent granules or fusiform bodies dispersed throughout the cytoplasm, but as the number of such pollen diminished with prolonged incubation, these are being considered as intermediate patterns. In later stages, the filaments became organized as interapertural bundles traversing the three apertures. However, prior to emergence of the pollen tube, labelling became confined to a single aperture. In germinated pollen grains, actin microfilaments are aligned more or less axially with respect to the axis of the developing pollen tube.The granular labelling pattern seen around the vegetative nucleus prior to pollen activation also became clearly filamentous with pollen activation; this filamentous pattern persisted until germination when it was replaced by cables that aligned longitudinally with respect to the emerging tube axis.The results demonstrate that the organization of actin undergoes considerable changes in the period preceding pollen germination and that microfilament polarization is achieved before pollen germination.  相似文献   

总状花序组隶属于凤仙花亚属凤仙花属,以具多花的总状花序、侧生萼片2枚、子房5室、果实为线状圆柱形、种子多数、迈卵形、种皮表面具指状突起等特征区别于该亚属的其他类群。前人对凤仙花花粉形态的研究表明凤仙花属的花粉形态对于属下分类及种间界定具有重要的分类学价值。而对于总状花序组来说,有关花粉形态方面的研究少有报道,为了进一步探讨该组花粉S的形态特征及其分类学意义,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对总状花序组的21种植物的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:总状花序组植物的花粉粒均具4条萌发沟,两侧对称,极面观为矩圆形、长矩圆形或近方形;长赤道面观多为椭圆形至矩圆形,短赤道面观为椭圆形;长、短赤道轴比值多在1.4~2.4范围内;表面具网状纹饰,网眼在花粉粒表面均匀分布或赤道面的网眼较极面观的小,网脊边缘光滑或具波状突起,网眼内具不同密度的颗粒状突起。该组的花粉形态与宏观形态性状相关性较小,但花粉极面观形状、长短赤道轴的比值、网眼的分布、网脊边缘形状、网眼内颗粒物密度等特征具有种水平上的稳定性和特异性,对该组植物种间界定具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Studies on angiosperm phylogeny have taken the characters of pollen grains into special account since good documentation on modern and fossil pollen morphology has become available. The diversified pollen types within angiosperms obey a limited number of evolutionary laws, and the successiformy and breviary are the most important morphological series. The successiformy is a evolutionary succession of pollen types: tricolpate-pericolpate-periporate, which is linked to spherical pollen grains. The terminal form of successiformy, periporate types, might have been derived through a different process. viz. the spiralization of apertures. The breviary consists of a series of tricolpate-oblate to tricolporate-triporate pollen types, which includes markedly oblate form and angular-aperturate pollen grains with a particularly short polar axis. The series of successiformy is found in taxa of the order Centrospermales and some taxa of the Rosidae and Asteridae, while the breviary is widespread in many Rosidae and Amentiferae. These morphological series have been otherwise proved in regard to the evolutionary direc-tions by the reliable fossil data.  相似文献   

曾蕾  闫瑞亚  张梅  许为斌  张林静  于胜祥 《广西植物》2016,36(10):1245-1252
棒凤仙亚属代表着凤仙花属最先分化出的一支,以多年生草本,多于5朵花的总状花序,侧生萼片4枚,3沟花粉,心皮四室且每室具1枚种子,果实棒锤状,种子椭圆形以及三沟花粉其极面观为三角形而区别于其它种类。该亚属主要分布于中国南部,少数种类辐射分布至华中和中南半岛地区。已有报道证实花粉的形态特征对凤仙花属植物的属下分类具有重要意义,但对棒凤仙亚属的种类少有涉及。为了进一步探讨该亚属花粉的形态特征及其分类学价值,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对国产棒凤仙亚属植物的14种以及凤仙花亚属的窄萼凤仙花的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:棒凤仙亚属的花粉以单粒存在,具3条萌发沟,辐射对称,极面观为三角形或三角状圆形,花粉粒外壁具均匀的网状纹饰,网脊平滑或具波状边缘,网眼中具不同密度的颗粒状突起。棒凤仙亚属的花粉形态与水角属的花粉形态相似,表现出了其原始性;其花粉形态特征与花部形态性状等相关性差,对该亚属的组级分类意义较小,但对于该亚属的种间界定具有重要意义;而其花粉的极面观形状、赤道面观形状以及网状纹饰等变异相对稳定,对于界定该亚属具有重要的分类学价值。  相似文献   

刘林德  张萍  孙京田  祝宁 《植物研究》2000,20(3):300-303
用扫描电子显微镜观察了刺五加和无梗五加花粉的亚显微形态特征。花粉粒的赤道面观呈近圆形,极面观呈三裂圆形,具三孔沟。无梗五加、刺五加雄株的花粉表面纹饰为网状;刺五加两性株的花粉的表面纹饰亦呈网状,但有些花粉网脊不连续。无梗五加的花粉粒大小为26.5μm×27.4μm;刺五加雄株的花粉粒大小为21.1μm×22.1μm;刺五加两性株的花粉粒大小约为21.6μm×23.9μm。研究结果表明,无梗五加和刺五加雄株花粉的亚显微形态特征支持传统的属级和种级水平的分类;刺五加两性株某些花粉粒亚显微形态的独特表现可能与其发育不正常有关。  相似文献   

In this paper, the shape and size modification of recent pollen grains have been studied. 63 species of recent pollen grains that belongs to 55 genera, 26 families were observed before and after the acetolysis treatment with LM. The length of polar axis and equatorial axis and the thickness of exine were measured from about 20 pollen grains for each species (the thickness of exine were only measured for acetolysed pollen grains). The significance of shape and size modification was examined with the statistical method "ttest". From this investigati0n it can be concluded that: The pollen modification in size and shape 'was related to aperture type, pollen size, wall thickness and sculpture depth. Pantoporate, spheroidal pollens and small perporlate pollens usually change little in there size and shape after acetolysis. The size of colpate pollens was generally increased, or their shape changed. The size or shape change usually got bigger as the pollen size, wall thickness and sculpture depth became bigger and bigger. Oblate pollens were apter to change their size and shape than prolate pollens. The P/E ratio of most colpate pollens became a little bigger after acetolysis.  相似文献   

中国紫草科厚壳树亚科的花粉形态及其系统学意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨厚壳树亚科在紫草科中的系统位置,用扫描电子显微镜研究了国产厚壳树亚科Ehretioideae的厚壳树属Ehretia、轮冠木属Rotula和基及树属 Carmona 3属12种植物的花粉形态,其扫描电镜资料属首次报道。从本文并结合文献报道的双柱紫草属 Coldenia的花粉资料,可得知该亚科花粉为长球形 、近球形,稀球形,赤道部位具有不同程度的膨大;萌发孔类型为三孔沟和三拟假沟二者交替排列,稀具三孔;外壁表面具微弱的小穿孔,稀光滑或皱波状纹饰。厚壳树亚科Ehretioideae与破布木亚科  相似文献   

The pollen of nine endemic taxa of the Gonospermum Less., Lugoa DC. and Tanacetum L. complex and of T. parthenium L. (introduced species from the Canary Islands) was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy with the aim of extending the knowledge of their morphology and to investigate whether pollen morphology may help clarifying the controversial taxonomy of these taxa. Twenty six populations in the Canary Islands (Spain) were studied and the following parameters were measured: polar axis (P), equatorial diameter (E), polar exine thickness (Ex1), length (L) and thickness (A) of the spines in the meridional optical section, exine thickness at the centre of the mesocolpium in the interapertural area (Ex2) and distance between spines (De) in the equatorial optical section. The studies show that the pollen of the three genera is very similar regarding shape, apertures, and ornamentation, but may be distinguished by size and exine thickness.  相似文献   

In the present work, pollen grains of 9 species of Trapa L. from Zhejiang were examined under LM and SEM. They are subsphaeroidal or subprolate, obtuse-triangular in polar view, elliptic or subrounded in equatorial view, and 3-colpate. In the equatorial area, there are three ridge-shaped appendages which elongates along apertures toward two poles and ultimately combined, the ornamentation of other part of exine is minute-verrucate. The genus Trapa is uniform in shape of pollen grains, type and position of apertures and ornamentation of exine, while differentiation can be found in size of pollen grains and shape of ridge-shaped appendage. All of these provide valuable evidence for the classification of Trapa and the verification of their affinities. The validity of Trapaceae, the evolutionarytrends of pollen morphology and the affinities of some species are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 28 species of Parnassia L. was investigated with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The shape of pollen grains in this genus varies from subspheroidal to prolate in equatorial view and is three-lobed circular in the polar view. Pollen grains are usually radially symmetrical, isopolar, tricolporate or syntricolporate, with reticulate sculpture. The pollen characteristics among species are fairly similar to each other. Morphological information regarding the pollen grains shows that Parnassia is a natural genus. Based on exine ornamentation observed under SEM, three types of pollen grains were recognized: (i) type I, with foveolate-reticulate sculpture; (ii) type II, with a finely reticulate sculpture; and (iii) type III, with a coarsely reticulate sculpture. Most sections of this genus have one type of sculpture of pollen morphology, but Sect. Nectarotrilobos has three types of sculpture and Sect.Saxifragastrum has two types of sculpture. All three types of sculpture can be found in Southwest China,with species with the longest (Parnassia delavayi Franch.) and shortest (Parnassiafaberi Oliv.) colpi,implying that Southwest China is the center of diversification of the genus.  相似文献   

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