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长有德  贺达汉 《昆虫学报》2002,45(Z1):110-111
 记述了采自甘肃平凉(崆峒山)的光胸臭蚁一新种,齿颚光胸臭蚁Liometopum dentim andibulum sp. Nov. 。模式标本保存在宁夏大学农学院标本室。  相似文献   

长有德  贺达汉 《昆虫学报》2002,45(2):110-111
记述了采自甘肃平凉(崆峒山)的光胸臭蚁一新种,齿颚光胸臭蚁Liometopum dentim andibulum sp. Nov. 。模式标本保存在宁夏大学农学院标本室。  相似文献   

记述了采自湖北省的蚁科昆虫2新种,即九宫山凹头臭蚁Phildris jiugongshanensis sp.nov.和七齿前结蚁Prenolepis septemdenta sp.nov.。文中提供了凹头臭蚁属Philidris Shattuck和前结蚁属Prenlepis Mayr在我国所有种的检索表。新种模式标本保存于湖北民族学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

报道了采自湖北西部地区的扁胸切叶蚁属1新种和红蚁属中国1新纪录种,即亮颚扁胸切叶蚁Vollenhovialucimandibula sp.nov.和乌尔班红蚁Myrmica urbanii Radchenko et Elmes.新种与埃氏扁胸切叶蚁V.emeryi Wheeler相似,但新种身体黑褐色,第2结节背面具密集粗糙刻点,上颚光亮无刻点.模式标本保存于湖北民族学院昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

中国湖南细胸蚁属一新种(膜翅目,蚁科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述中国湖南省细胸蚁属1新种,衡山细胸蚁Lep-tothorax hengshanensis sp. nov..新种与布朗氏细胸蚁L.braunsi(Forel)相似,但并胸腹节侧面观后侧呈角形;背面观第1结节长为宽的1.5倍;并胸腹节缝不凹陷;后腹部光亮,无刻点.因为本属目前仅有2个已知种并腹胸缺刺,因此新种易于与其他已知种区别.  相似文献   

中国云南臭蚁属二新种记述 (膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了中国云南省南部热带雨林臭蚁属Dolichoderus Lund 2新种.目前为止已在中国记载该属昆虫10种:西伯利亚臭蚁D.sibiricus Emery、鞍背臭蚁D.sagmanotus Xu,sp.nov.、费氏臭蚁D.feae Emery、黑腹臭蚁D.taprobanae(Smith)、平背臭蚁D.flatidorsus Zhou、毛臭蚁D.pilosus Zhou、邻臭蚁D.affinis Emery、凹头臭蚁D.incisus Xu、黑可可臭蚁D.thoracicus(Smith)、鳞结臭蚁D.squamanodus Xu,sp.nov..提供了10个中国已知种的工蚁分种检索表.  相似文献   

研究中国棱胸蚁属Pristomyrmex Mayr蚂蚁4种;短刺棱胸蚁,P.brevispinosus Emery,台湾棱胸蚁P.formosae Forel,双针棱胸蚁P.pungens Mayr,弯钩棱胸蚁P.hamatus sp.nov。编制了工蚁分种检索表。描述了采于云南省南部勐腊热带雨林内一新种弯钩棱胸蚁P.hamatus sp.nov该新种与双针棱胸蚁P.pungens Mayr接近。但上鄂内缘具1个明显的齿,背面观并胸腹节刺内弯呈钩状,侧面观胸部背面圆形隆起,腹柄结宽且背面较直。模式标本标本保存在西南林学院资源学院。  相似文献   

N中国棱胸蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究中国棱胸蚁属PristomyrmexMayr蚂蚁 4种 :短刺棱胸蚁 ,P .brevispinosusEmery ,台湾棱胸蚁P .formosaeForel,双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr,弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .。编制了工蚁分种检索表。描述了采于云南省南部勐腊热带雨林内一新种弯钩棱胸蚁P .hamatussp .nov .该新种与双针棱胸蚁P .pungensMayr接近 ,但上颚内缘具 1个明显的齿 ,背面观并胸腹节刺内弯呈钩状 ,侧面观胸部背面圆形隆起 ,腹柄结宽且背面较直。模式标本标本保存在西南林学院资源学院。  相似文献   

通过对臭蚁亚科7属16种昆虫(凹头臭蚁属philidris因未采集到除模式标本以外的标本,故未包含在其中)线粒体DNA的COⅠ、COⅡ和Cyt b基因部分序列(1 801 bp)进行测定,并从GeneBank下载Leptomyrmex unicolor相应基因片段序列,以江华多刺蚁Polyrhachis jianghuaensis和聚纹双刺猛蚁Diacamma rugosum作外群,重建了中国臭蚁亚科系统发育关系.研究结果支持(狡臭蚁属Technomyrmex+(酸臭蚁属Tapinoma+光胸臭蚁属Liometopum)的关系,虹臭蚁属Iridomyrmex+凹臭蚁属Ochetellus为姐妹群,强烈支持臭蚁属Dolichoderus的单系性,8种臭蚁的遗传关系稳定:((((((平背臭蚁D.flatidorsus+黑腹臭蚁D.taprobanae)+(皱头臭蚁D.rugocapitus+费氏臭蚁D.feae)+双疣臭蚁D.thoracicus)+凹头臭蚁D.incisus)+西伯利亚臭蚁D.sibiricus)+毛臭蚁D.pilosus).系统发育树显示细臭蚁属Leptomyrmex在臭蚁亚科进化过程中的分类地位不确定,没有与同族的虹臭蚁属和凹臭蚁属聚在一起,而是与穴臭蚁属Borhriomyrmex聚在一起互为姐妹群,这与传统的形态分类观点不一致,还有待于进一步研究.  相似文献   

中国红蚁属分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
记述中国红蚁属Myrmica Latreille昆虫11种,其中1种为中国新纪录种,即盖列尼红蚁M.gallieni Bondroit;描述1新种,太白红蚁M.taibaiensis sp.nov。新种与M.inezae相近,其不同处为:1)新种上颚咀嚼缘具8齿,端部2齿尖长,从第3齿开始变为细齿,后者上颚咀嚼缘具9齿,端部4齿较粗大,2)新种并胸腹节刺指向斜后上方,后者并胸腹节刺较直立;3)新种体色成双色,胸部颜色明显淡于头部及腹部,后者体色一致。文中编制了11个种的工蚁分种检索表。  相似文献   

Tang P  He JH  Chen XX 《ZooKeys》2010,(61):63-68
The genus Arhaconotus Belokobylskij (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Doryctinae) is recorded for the first time from China. A new species of this genus, Arhaconotus hainanensis Tang & Chen, sp. n., is described and illustrated. A key to the species of this genus is updated to include the new species.  相似文献   

Abstract Three new species of the genus Arthromacra Kirby from China, A. rubidorsalis, A. enty-podera and A. tibetana are described. The species A. decora is described. A key to Chinese species of the genus is given. With 14 original pictures.  相似文献   

Geoffrey  Fryer 《Journal of Zoology》1982,196(4):453-462
A new lernaeid copepod of the genus Afrolernaea parasitic on mormyrid fishes from Gabon is described. A fin parasite, this species has been found only on the inner face of the pectoral fins. The new species is the most primitive member of the genus yet discovered and the structure of its appendages throws light on the nature of the anchoring hooks of the more advanced species, and on the probable course of evolution within the genus. The suggested affinities of the species of the genus are indicated in a dendrogram.  相似文献   

小刺甲属系统学研究(鞘翅目,拟步甲科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对中国及其毗邻地区的小刺甲属Myatis Bates,1879进行了系统学研究,共记录7种,绘制了新种和已知种的特征图和的成虫照片,编制了世界小刺甲属已知种检索表,并对该属的系统进化关系进行了初步的支序分析.标本保存在河北大学博物馆.新种描述如下.  相似文献   

记述中国玉蕈甲属Amblyopus 1新种,宽胫玉蕈甲A.planitibialis sp.nov.和1新纪录种,纵带玉蕈甲A.vittatus(Olivier,1807).新种与A.csikii Ch(u)j(o),1964在外形上相似,其区别于后者的主要特征是:体背面极度隆起;鞘翅基斑从外缘伸达第3刻点行;胫节宽三角形.提供了我国已知种目录及其检索表.模式标本保存于河北大学博物馆.  相似文献   

The genus Agrobacterium was created a century ago by Conn who included it in the family Rhizobiaceae together with the genus Rhizobium. Initially, the genus Agrobacterium contained the non-pathogenic species Agrobacterium radiobacter and the plant pathogenic species Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Agrobacterium rhizogenes. At the end of the past century two new pathogenic species, Agrobacterium rubi and Agrobacterium vitis, were added to the genus. Already in the present century these species plus Agrobacterium larrymoorei were reclassified into genus Rhizobium. This reclassification was controversial and for a time both genus names were used when new species were described. Few years ago, after a taxonomic revision based on genomic data, the old species A. rhizogenes was maintained in the genus Rhizobium, the old species A. vitis was transferred to the genus Allorhizobium and several Rhizobium species were transferred to the genus Agrobacterium, which currently contains 14 species including the old species A. radiobacter, A. tumefaciens, A. rubi and A. larrymoorei. Most of these species are able to produce tumours in different plants, nevertheless the genus Agrobacterium also encompasses non-pathogenic species, one species able to nodulate legumes and one human pathogenic species. Taking into account that the species affiliations to five Agrobacterium genomospecies have not been determined yet, an increase in the number of species within this genus is expected in the near future.  相似文献   

描述了宽膜伪叶甲属ArthromacraKirby3个新种;红背宽膜伪叶甲A.rubidorsalis、刻胸宽膜伪叶甲A.entypodera和西藏宽膜伪叶甲A.tibetana;对丽宽膜伪叶甲Adecora进行了重新描述;编制了中国已知的10个种的分种检索表;绘制了14幅原始图。  相似文献   

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