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环境因子对野化培训大熊猫在生境斑块中行为表现的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用动物行为观察中的聚焦动物法和生境斑块调查的样方法, 调查和分析了2003年7月至2004年9月卧龙自然保护区大熊猫"祥祥"在野化培训圈中的行为表现及其与环境因子的关系.结果 表明:野化培训大熊猫在生境斑块中的行为表现主要以取食为主,占63.14%,其次是移动行为和休息行为,分别为15.85%和8.91%,爬树行为最少,仅0.23%;且不同月份各种行为类型的分配格局具有相似模式,无显著性差异(P=1.0).分析食物分布对大熊猫行为表现的影响,其取食、吃馍和称重、休息以及饮水等行为在有无竹子分布的斑块之间差异显著(P<0.05),而其它行为不甚明显(P>0.05).从生境结构的环境组成因子来看,野化培训大熊猫的行为表现除与斑块个别组成因子具有较为明显的相关关系之外(P<0.05),与其它环境因子均无显著性相关(P>0.05).据此对产生这种结果的原因进行了探讨,并对今后圈养大熊猫的野化培训提出了建议.  相似文献   

大熊猫的刻板行为及其矫正对策——丰富圈养环境举措   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨春花  王小明 《四川动物》2006,25(3):529-532
由于生活环境单一、活动空间狭小等阻碍了正常行为的表达,圈养大熊猫经常发生一种谓之“刻板行为”的机械、呆板行为。所谓刻板行为,是指圈养大熊猫无明显目的的、不变的、以固定频率反复重复的无任何功能效果的简单行为。丰富圈养环境举措(环境富集)是矫正刻板行为的一种重要的行之有效的对策。介绍了圈养大熊猫刻板行为的表现、特点、发生机制及富集化矫正对策。  相似文献   

圈养动物放归项目是否成功,与放归地周边社区居民的支持力度有很大关系。大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)野化培训与放归项目自2010年以来取得了突破性进展,野化培训圈养大熊猫陆续被放归野外并开展了持续的跟踪监测。2017年,在6只圈养大熊猫被放归至栗子坪国家级自然保护区后,基于入户调查426份有效问卷数据,运用卡方检验(或Fisher精确检验)和Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验比较了四川省六个保护区周边社区居民的保护知识、保护意识和对大熊猫放归的态度,并分析放归发生地组(栗子坪)、相关地组(冶勒、大相岭)和不相关地组(嘛咪泽、老君山和瓦屋山)之间的差异性,结果表明:(1)六个保护区相比,周边社区居民在保护知识、保护意愿和放归支持方面存在极显著差异(P<0.001)。(2)各保护区多数居民都支持大熊猫放归,放归发生地组支持度最高,相关组居中,不相关组的支持度最低;同时,不相关组在保护意愿和态度上的得分也低于其余两组。即使放归项目处于未实施阶段,当知道项目的居民比例上升时,该社区对放归的支持会进一步提高。(3)管理部门和媒体作为信息主要来源对提高居民保护认知起到...  相似文献   

移地与圈养大熊猫野外放归的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
移地是指将生物有机体从一个区域自由释放到另一区域的移动,通常包括引入、重引入以及复壮等3 种类型。野生动物的移地有较悠久的历史。在许多国家,通过移地以维持濒危野生动物种群在野外的长期续存已成为保护生物学上的一种重要手段。影响圈养动物野外放归成功的因素主要来自物种生物学特性、自然环境、社会生物学以及放归方式等几方面,同时,放归亦给基础生态学研究带来了新的机遇与挑战。大熊猫是我国特有的珍稀兽类,分布在秦岭、岷山、邛崃山、大相岭、小相岭以及凉山等几大隔离的山系。由于部分山系栖息地的高度破碎以及隔离小种群普遍面临的来自种群及环境等随机因素的影响,单纯依靠就地保护的措施可能并不足以保证这些隔离小种群在野外长期续存。在圈养大熊猫种群数量不断增加的情况下,将圈养个体放归野外以复壮孤立小种群应是一种有效的保护手段,同时,随着大熊猫栖息地质量的逐步改善,圈养大熊猫野外放归的时机亦逐步成熟。文中尚就圈养大熊猫放归野外之前亟待解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

提高圈养繁殖大熊猫存活率是维持圈养种群可持续发展和开展野化放归研究的基础,为了探究圈养繁殖大熊猫生存力的影响因素,基于2019年的大熊猫谱系数据,不仅统计分析了不同年代和不同龄级(月龄、年龄组)圈养繁殖大熊猫的存活率和死亡率,而且利用广义线性模型系统分析了影响圈养繁殖大熊猫存活时间的主要因素。结果表明:1960—1989年圈养繁殖大熊猫的幼仔和种群存活率分别是31.61%和68.10%,1990—2019年为78.39%和94.06%;不同年龄组圈养繁殖大熊猫的死亡率呈"凹型"曲线,即幼年和老年大熊猫死亡率较高(26.85%、26.53%),而亚成年和成年的死亡率偏低(4.56%、12.60%);不同月龄则以初生幼仔(1月龄)的死亡率最高,达22.45%,其余月龄相对较低(0~20%)。广义线性模型分析发现,个体性别、出生年代、母兽来源、母兽产仔年龄、育幼方式和胎儿数量等因素显著影响圈养繁殖大熊猫的存活、死亡和寿命长短。因此,加强大熊猫种源管理、提高人工育幼技术以及优化繁育配对等是大熊猫饲养管理的关键。  相似文献   

作者于2004年7~10月采用所有事件取样法(All-occurrence recording)和时间数据收集0-1取样法,对13只圈养大熊猫觅食行为观察,发现:圈养大熊猫食物中竹子占77%、其它占23%;幼体很少吃竹子,亚成体食竹量稍多于成体,亚成体觅食竹茎带高于成体,成体吃竹叶的量大于吃竹茎的量,偏好于吃竹叶;气温高于26℃后,大熊猫觅食频率有所下降,气温下降到22℃以下时,觅食频率开始上升;9:30~11:30和14:30~15:30为大熊猫觅食竹子的高峰期,与人为投食时间明显有关;圈养大熊猫日食竹时间占总时间的20%,其它活动时间占17%,休息时间占63%,明显短于野生大熊猫的觅食时间。以上观察结果对改进和完善圈养大熊猫的饲养管理具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

保护珍稀濒危物种主要有就地保护和迁地保护两种形式,在圈养大熊猫种群数量增长,基本能够实现种群自我维持的情况下,迁地保护有必要进一步进入到放归这一阶段,以复壮野生小种群或扩大大熊猫的分布范围。为野化培训成功的大熊猫选择适宜的栖息地,无疑是提高放归成功率的一项重要内容。对华蓥山大熊猫预选放归栖息地的考察结果表明:当地有可食竹资源达53万吨,年净增生物量约9.9万吨,当地政府和民众极力支持大熊猫回归华蓥山,以及其地形条件便于放归后的监测等有利条件;也有人为干扰较严重、个别地区水源距离较远、植被单一,以及犬细小病毒感染率较高等通过建立自然保护区等人工干预措施可以逐步缓解的问题;还有夏季气温较高、生境质量与野生大熊猫栖息地差异较大等对大熊猫影响程度未知的因素。所以在华蓥山开展大熊猫种群重引入的工作具有一定的挑战性,需要在整个过程中加强监测和科学研究。  相似文献   

圈养大熊猫母兽成功哺育双胞胎成活初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
圈养大熊猫产下双胞胎后,母兽一般难以同时哺育二仔。2003年,圈养大熊猫母兽“梅梅”同时哺育双胞胎成活,本文对该首例哺育双胞胎成活的原因进行了初步分析,认为满足母兽的营养需求、适宜的育幼环境及人工护理,特别是“梅梅”的母性好、有丰富的育幼经验、食欲强、泌乳充足等在同时哺育双胞胎成活中起着重要作用,同时对“梅梅”哺育的双胞胎与其哺育的另两只单胎幼仔的体重增长情况进行了比较,为圈养大熊猫成功哺育双胞胎,增加幼仔成活率,提供了有关借鉴信息和资料。  相似文献   

传统圈养和半自然散放环境亚成年大熊猫的行为差异   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
2001年7月20日至8月20日,在四川卧龙自然保护区中国保护大熊猫研究中心,采用连续观察法记录和分析了传统圈养和半自然散放环境下亚成年大熊猫(分别为3和9只)的几种行为的持续时间和发生次数。传统圈养环境亚成年大熊猫探究行为的持续时间、标记行为的频次显著多于半自然散放环境下的个体;刻板行为的持续时间有增加的趋势,但无显著差异。刻板行为的持续时间与标记行为的频次和探究行为的持续时间均呈显著正相关。表明圈养环境的改善有助于亚成年大熊猫探究和标记行为的明显减少。  相似文献   

大熊猫为我国特有的濒危物种,由于人类活动的影响,其生境遭到破碎化以致孤立小种群间基因流受限制,严重威胁野生孤立小种群的续存。野化放归以复壮并建立能自我维持的野生种群是物种保护的一种有效措施,这在国内外已有成功先例。野化放归圈养大熊猫以复壮野生种群是大熊猫保护的重要策略之一。然而,破碎化生境阻碍了小种群间的基因交流,加剧了因近交和遗传漂变带来生存力下降的危机。因此大熊猫的放归必须首先考虑其遗传背景,以改善种群基因库为目的。综合微卫星与线粒体等分子标记分析显示,现存野生大熊猫种群和圈养种群仍具有中等或以上的遗传水平,具有较大的进化潜力,这为大熊猫野化放归提供了遗传学支持。另外,小相岭和大相岭种群的遗传水平最低,应首先考虑这些种群的复壮,并且对秦岭种群进行特殊管理与保护。大熊猫的野化放归应着重于野放个体亲缘度的合理选择、基因丰富度的优先选择和有害基因的反向选择等三个遗传因素。本文旨在综合分析大熊猫现存种群遗传现状及其在野化放归中的决策性,以期为大熊猫野化放归提供参考依据。  相似文献   

综述了白蚁螱客的主要种类、共生关系及相关机制的研究进展。白蚁螱客中,已报道的动物种类达170种。在与动物的共生关系中存在偏利共生(宾主共栖和异种共栖)、互利共生和无关共生三种;在与微生物的共生关系中,存在与内生菌(原生动物、细菌、真菌和放线菌)和外生菌(蚁巢伞菌等)间的互利关系。指出了白蚁与螱客研究中存在的问题,给出了解决方案,并提出了今后可能的研究热点或方向,为白蚁的综合利用(如纤维素酶)及今后研究物种间的协同进化提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

New sulfur derivatives of phosphoramidite ligands were synthesized and the impact of the sulfur unit on the spectroscopic properties of their rhodium and iridium complexes was investigated. The new ligands Bn2NPSCH2CH2Sa(P-Sa) (Bn = benzyl, 4), Bn2NPSCHCHSa(CH2)3CaH2(P-Sa)(Ca-Sa) (6) and Bn2NP(4-XC6H4OMe)2 (X = S, 7a; X = O, 7b) were converted to the rhodium and iridium complexes trans-[Rh(CO)Cl(L)2] (L = 4, 6, 7), [RhCl(COD)(L)] (L = 4, 6, 7), [IrCl(COD)(7a)] and [IrCl2Cp∗(6)]. For comparison, some phosphoramidite complexes of these formulations also were synthesized. The new metal complexes were spectroscopically analyzed. For the carbonyl complexes, the νCO IR stretching frequencies were lower than for the corresponding phosphite and phosphoramidite ligands. The 1JPRh coupling constants for the rhodium complexes with the new ligands were also smaller than for the respective phosphoramidite and phosphite complexes. Finally, the 1JPSe coupling constants of the selenides of the new ligands were lower than those of the phosphoramidite ligands but higher than for PPh3. The spectroscopic data reveal that the new thio ligands 4, 6 and 7a are more electron donating than phosphites and phosphoramidites but less electron donating than PPh3.  相似文献   

Astrocytes transport the monocarboxylate acetate, but synaptosomes do not. The reason for this is unknown, because both preparations express monocarboxylate transporters (MCT). The transport and metabolism of lactate, another monocarboxylate, was examined in these two preparations, and the results were compared to those for acetate. Lactate transport is more rapid in astrocytes than in synaptosomes, but of lower affinity (Kms of 17 and 4 mM, respectively). Lactate (0.2 mM) is metabolized to CO2 more rapidly in synaptosomes than in astrocytes (rates of 0.37 and 0.07 nmol x mg protein(-1) x min(-1), respectively). The reason for this is unclear, but cellular differences in lactate dehydrogenase isotype expression may be involved. Acetate is metabolized to CO2 more rapidly in astrocytes than in synaptosomes (rates of 0.43 and 0.02 nmol x mg protein(-1) x min(-1), respectively). This is likely due to cellular differences in the expression of monocarboxylate transporter subtypes.  相似文献   

The first and second sessions of the Workshop focussed on the basics of ultrasound and infrasound, their applications in both industry and medicine, and metrology and protection standards for ultrasound applications.  相似文献   

To elucidate accumulation of minerals in human iliac arteries with aging, the content of minerals was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Bilateral common, internal, and external iliac arteries of 16 men and 8 women, ranging ages from 65 to 93 yr, were examined. It was found that an extremely high accumulation of calcium and phosphorus occurred in the common iliac artery at old age, being higher than that of the internal and external iliac arteries. It should be noted that the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus is the highest in the common iliac artery among the human arteries examined to date. Regarding sexual differences, the content of calcium and phosphorus in the common and internal iliac arteries was higher in women than in men, whereas their content in the external iliac artery was lower in women than in men.  相似文献   

以人胎盘脐带组织为材料,提取组织总RNA,用netRTPCR方法合成人血管能抑素cDNA基因,将该cDNA克隆进pSP72载体获得重组质粒pSP72C, DNA序列分析结果与预期序列一致。用BamHⅠ和NdeⅠ双酶切,切下pSP72C上的血管能抑素cDNA,插入pET3c载体的相应位点获得重组表达质粒pETC, 转化E. coli BL21(DE3), SDSPAGE分析显示:在IPTG诱导下,血管能抑素基因获得了高效表达,表达量约占菌体总蛋白的 27.9 %,主要以包涵体形式存在。包涵体经过洗涤、裂解、蛋白复性以及Sephadex G75凝胶过滤层析等步骤后,获得了纯度达91.4 %的人血管能抑素。CAM实验证明10 μg纯化蛋白就能显著抑制鸡胚新生血管生成。  相似文献   

Cytoskeleton and mitochondrial morphology and function   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
It has been well established that the cytoskeleton is an essential modulator of cell morphology and motility, intracytoplasmic transport and mitosis, however cytoskeletal linkage to the organelles has not been unequivocally demonstrated. Indeed, cytoskeleton appears to be essential in determining and modulating gene phenotype as a function of cellular environment. According to recent studies, the organization of the cytoskeleton network together with associated protein(s) could be essential in regulating mitochondrial function and particularly the permeability of the mitochondrial outer membrane to ADP. The aim of this chapter is to summarize the main properties of the cytoskeletal environment of mitochondria and the possible role(s) of this network in mitochondrial function in myocytes.  相似文献   

To examine the hypothesis that foot-strike hemolysis alters vascular volumes and selected hematological properties is trained athletes, we have measured total blood volume (TBV), red cell volume (RCV) and plasma volume (PV) in cyclists (n = 21) and runners (n = 17) and compared them to those of untrained controls (n = 20). TBV (ml x kg(-1)) was calculated as the sum of RCV (ml x kg(-1)) and PV (ml x kg(-1)) obtained using 51Cr and 125I-labelled albumin, respectively. Hematological assessment was carried out using a Coulter counter. Peak aerobic power (VO2peak) was measured during progressive exercise to fatigue using both cycle and treadmill ergometry. RCV was 15% higher (P < 0.05) in male cyclists [35.4 (1.0), mean (SE); n = 12] and runners [35.3 (0.98); n = 9] compared to the controls [30.7 (0.92); n = 12]. Similar differences existed between the female cyclists [28.2 (2.1); n = 9] and runners [28.4 (1.0); n = 8] compared to the untrained controls [24.9 (1.4); n = 8]. For the male athletes, PV was between 19% (cyclists) and 28% (runners) higher (P < 0.05) in the trained athletes compared to the untrained controls. The differences in PV between the female groups were not significant. Although the males had a higher (P < 0.05) TBV, RCV and PV than the females, no differences between cyclists and runners were found for either gender. Mean cell volume was not different between the athletic groups. VO2peak (ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) was higher (P < 0.05) in both male [68.4 (1.5)] and female [54.8 (2.1)] runners when compared to the untrained males [47.1 (1.0)] and females [40.5 (2.1)]. Although differences existed between the genders in VO2peak for both cyclists and runners, no differences were found between the athletic groups within a gender. Since the vascular volumes were not different between cyclists and runners for either the males or females, foot-strike hemolysis would not appear to have an effect on that parameter. The significant correlations (P < 0.05) found between VO2peak and RCV (r = 0.64 and 0.64) and TBV (r = 0.82 and 0.63) for the males and females, respectively, suggests a role for the vascular system in realizing a high aerobic power.  相似文献   

D-Xylitol is found in low content as a natural constituent of many fruits and vegetables. It is a five-carbon sugar polyol and has been used as a food additive and sweetening agent to replace sucrose, especially for non-insulin dependent diabetics. It has multiple beneficial health effects, such as the prevention of dental caries, and acute otitis media. In industry, it has been produced by chemical reduction of D-xylose mainly from photosynthetic biomass hydrolysates. As an alternative method of chemical reduction, biosynthesis of D-xylitol has been focused on the metabolically engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida strains. In order to detect D-xylitol in the production processes, several detection methods have been established, such as gas chromatography (GC)-based methods, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-based methods, LC-MS methods, and capillary electrophoresis methods (CE). The advantages and disadvantages of these methods are compared in this review.  相似文献   

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