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蛋白质折叠类型识别方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质折叠类型识别是一种分析蛋白质结构的重要方法.以序列相似性低于25%的822个全B类蛋白为研究对象,提取核心结构二级结构片段及片段问氢键作用信息为折叠类型特征参数,构建全B类蛋白74种折叠类型模板数据库.定义查询蛋白与折叠类型模板间二级结构匹配函数SS、氢键作用势函数BP及打分函数P,P值最小的模板所对应的折叠类型为查询蛋白的折叠类型.从SCOP1.69中随机抽取三组、每组50个全β类蛋白结构域进行预测,分辨精度分别为56%、56%和42%;对Ding等提供的检验集进行预测,总分辨精度为61.5%.结果和比对表明,此方法是一种有效的折叠类型识别方法.  相似文献   

蛋白质超二级结构预测是三级结构预测的一个非常重要的中间步骤。本文从蛋白质的一级序列出发,对5793个蛋白质中的四类简单超二级结构进行预测,以位点氨基酸为参数,采用3种片段截取方式,分别用离散增量算法预测的结果不理想,将组合的离散增量值作为特征参数输入支持向量机,取得了较好的预测结果,5交叉检验的平均预测总精度达到83.0%,Matthew’s相关系数在0.71以上。  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠速率的正确预测对理解蛋白质的折叠机理非常重要。本文从伪氨基酸组成的方法出发,提出利用序列疏水值震荡的方法来提取蛋白质氨基酸的序列顺序信息,建立线性回归模型进行折叠速率预测。该方法不需要蛋白质的任何二级结构、三级结构信息或结构类信息,可直接从序列对蛋白质折叠速率进行预测。对含有62个蛋白质的数据集,经过Jack.knife交互检验验证,相关系数达到0.804,表示折叠速率预测值与实验值有很好的相关性,说明了氨基酸序列信息对蛋白质折叠速率影响重要。同其他方法相比,本文的方法具有计算简单,输入参数少等特点。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机融合网络的蛋白质折叠子识别研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在不依赖于序列相似性的条件下,蛋白质折叠子识别是一种分析蛋白质结构的重要方法.提出了一种三层支持向量机融合网络,从蛋白质的氨基酸序列出发,对27类折叠子进行识别.融合网络使用支持向量机作为成员分类器,采用“多对多”的多类分类策略,将折叠子的6种特征分为主要特征和次要特征,构建了多个差异的融合方案,然后对这些融合方案进行动态选择得到最终决策.当分类之前难以确定哪些参与组合的特征种类能够使分类结果最好时,提供了一种可靠的解决方案来自动选择特征信息互补最大的组合,保证了最佳分类结果.最后,识别系统对独立测试样本的总分类精度达到61.04%.结果和对比表明,此方法是一种有效的折叠子识别方法.  相似文献   

依据蛋白质折叠子中氨基酸保守性,以氨基酸、氨基酸的极性、氨基酸的电性以及氨基酸的亲—疏水性为参数,从蛋白质的氨基酸序列出发,采用"一对多"的分类策略,通过构建打分矩阵和选取氨基酸序列模式片断,利用5种相似性打分函数对27类折叠子进行识别,最好的预测精度达到83.46%。结果表明,打分矩阵是预测多类蛋白质折叠子有效的方法。  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠模式识别是一种分析蛋白质结构的重要方法。以序列相似性较低的蛋白质为训练集,提取蛋白质序列信息频数及疏水性等信息作为折叠类型特征,从SCOP数据库中已分类蛋白质构建1 393种折叠模式的数据集,采用SVM预测蛋白质1 393种折叠模式。封闭测试准确率达99.612 2%,基于SCOP的开放测试准确率达79.632 9%。基于另一个权威测试集的开放测试折叠准确率达64.705 9%,SCOP类准确率达76.470 6%,可以有效地对蛋白质折叠模式进行预测,从而为蛋白质从头预测提供参考。  相似文献   

随机森林方法预测膜蛋白类型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
膜蛋白的类型与其功能是密切相关的,因此膜蛋白类型的预测是研究其功能的重要手段,从蛋白质的氨基酸序列出发对膜蛋白的类型进行预测有重要意义。文章基于蛋白质的氨基酸序列,将组合离散增量和伪氨基酸组分信息共同作为预测参数,采用随机森林分类器,对8类膜蛋白进行了预测。在Jackknife检验下的预测精度为86.3%,独立检验的预测精度为93.8%,取得了好于前人的预测结果。  相似文献   

用离散量的方法识别蛋白质的超二级结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用离散量的方法,对2208个分辨率在2.5I以上的高精度的蛋白质结构中四类超二级结构进行了识别。从蛋白质一级序列出发,以氨基酸(20种氨基酸加一个空位)和其紧邻关联共同为参数,当序列模式固定长取8个氨基酸残基时,对“822”序列模式3交叉检验的平均预测精度达到78.1%,jack-knife检验的平均预测精度达到76.7%;当序列模式固定长取10个氨基酸残基时,对“1041”序列模式3交叉检验的平均预测精度达到83.1%,jack-knife检验的平均预测精度达到79.8%。  相似文献   

使用图像特征构建快速有效的蛋白质折叠识别方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白质结构自动分类是探索蛋白质结构- 功能关系的一种重要研究手段。首先将蛋白质折叠子三维空间结构映射成为二维距离矩阵,并将距离矩阵视作灰度图像。然后基于灰度直方图和灰度共生矩阵提出了一种计算简单的折叠子结构特征提取方法,得到了低维且能够反映折叠结构特点的特征,并进一步阐明了直方图中零灰度孤峰形成原因,深入分析了共生矩阵特征中灰度分布、不同角度和像素距离对应的结构意义。最后应用于27类折叠子分类,对独立集测试的精度达到了71.95 %,对所有数据进行10 交叉验证的精度为78.94 %。与多个基于序列和结构的折叠识别方法的对比结果表明,此方法不仅具有低维和简洁的特征,而且无需复杂的分类系统,能够有效和高效地实现多类折叠子识别。  相似文献   

从氨基酸序列预测蛋白质折叠速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白质折叠速率预测是当今生物物理学最具挑战性的课题之一.近年来,许多科研工作者开展了大量的研究工作来探索折叠速率的决定因素,许多参数和方法被相继提出.但氨基酸残基间的相互作用、氨基酸的序列顺序等信息对折叠速率的影响从未被提及.采用伪氨基酸组成的方法提取氨基酸的序列顺序信息,利用蒙特卡洛方法选择最佳特征因子,建立线性回归模型进行折叠速率预测.该方法能在不需要任何(显示)结构信息的情况下,直接从蛋白质的氨基酸序列出发对折叠速率进行预测.在Jackknife交互检验方法的验证下,对含有99个蛋白质的数据集,发现折叠速率的预测值与实验值有很好的相关性,相关系数能达到0.81,预测误差仅为2.54.这一精度明显优于其他基于序列的方法,充分说明蛋白质的序列顺序信息是影响蛋白质折叠速率的重要因素.  相似文献   

Identification on protein folding types is always based on the 27-class folds dataset, which was provided by Ding & Dubchak in 2001. But with the avalanche of protein sequences, fold data is also expanding, so it will be the inevitable trend to improve the existing dataset and expand more folding types. In this paper, we construct a multi-class protein fold dataset, which contains 3,457 protein chains with sequence identity below 35% and could be classified into 76 fold types. It was 4 times larger than Ding & Dubchak's dataset. Furthermore, our work proposes a novel approach of support vector machine based on optimal features. By combining motif frequency, low-frequency power spectral density, amino acid composition, the predicted secondary structure and the values of auto-correlation function as feature parameters set, the method adopts criterion of the maximum correlation and the minimum redundancy to filter these features and obtain a 95-dimensions optimal feature subset. Based on the ensemble classification strategy, with 95-dimensions optimal feature as input parameters of support vector machine, we identify the 76-class protein folds and overall accuracy measures up to 44.92% by independent test. In addition, this method has been further used to identify upgraded 27-class protein folds, overall accuracy achieves 66.56%. At last, we also test our method on Ding & Dubchak's 27-class folds dataset and obtained better identification results than most of the previous reported results.  相似文献   

蛋白质折叠类型分类方法及分类数据库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓琴  仁文科  刘岳  徐海松  乔辉 《生物信息学》2010,8(3):245-247,253
蛋白质折叠规律研究是生命科学重大前沿课题,折叠分类是蛋白质折叠研究的基础。目前的蛋白质折叠类型分类基本上靠专家完成,不同的库分类并不相同,迫切需要一个建立在统一原理基础上的蛋白质折叠类型数据库。本文以ASTRAL-1.65数据库中序列同源性在25%以下、分辨率小于2.5的蛋白为基础,通过对蛋白质空间结构的观察及折叠类型特征的分析,提出以蛋白质折叠核心为中心、以蛋白质结构拓扑不变性为原则、以蛋白质折叠核心的规则结构片段组成、连接和空间排布为依据的蛋白质折叠类型分类方法,建立了低相似度蛋白质折叠分类数据库——LIFCA,包含259种蛋白质折叠类型。数据库的建立,将为进一步的蛋白质折叠建模及数据挖掘、蛋白质折叠识别、蛋白质折叠结构进化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Understanding, and ultimately predicting, how a 1-D protein chain reaches its native 3-D fold has been one of the most challenging problems during the last few decades. Data increasingly indicate that protein folding is a hierarchical process. Hence, the question arises as to whether we can use the hierarchical concept to reduce the practically intractable computational times. For such a scheme to work, the first step is to cut the protein sequence into fragments that form local minima on the polypeptide chain. The conformations of such fragments in solution are likely to be similar to those when the fragments are embedded in the native fold, although alternate conformations may be favored during the mutual stabilization in the combinatorial assembly process. Two elements are needed for such cutting: (1) a library of (clustered) fragments derived from known protein structures and (2) an assignment algorithm that selects optimal combinations to "cover" the protein sequence. The next two steps in hierarchical folding schemes, not addressed here, are the combinatorial assembly of the fragments and finally, optimization of the obtained conformations. Here, we address the first step in a hierarchical protein-folding scheme. The input is a target protein sequence and a library of fragments created by clustering building blocks that were generated by cutting all protein structures. The output is a set of cutout fragments. We briefly outline a graph theoretic algorithm that automatically assigns building blocks to the target sequence, and we describe a sample of the results we have obtained.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Recognizing proteins that have similar tertiary structure is the key step of template-based protein structure prediction methods. Traditionally, a variety of alignment methods are used to identify similar folds, based on sequence similarity and sequence-structure compatibility. Although these methods are complementary, their integration has not been thoroughly exploited. Statistical machine learning methods provide tools for integrating multiple features, but so far these methods have been used primarily for protein and fold classification, rather than addressing the retrieval problem of fold recognition-finding a proper template for a given query protein. RESULTS: Here we present a two-stage machine learning, information retrieval, approach to fold recognition. First, we use alignment methods to derive pairwise similarity features for query-template protein pairs. We also use global profile-profile alignments in combination with predicted secondary structure, relative solvent accessibility, contact map and beta-strand pairing to extract pairwise structural compatibility features. Second, we apply support vector machines to these features to predict the structural relevance (i.e. in the same fold or not) of the query-template pairs. For each query, the continuous relevance scores are used to rank the templates. The FOLDpro approach is modular, scalable and effective. Compared with 11 other fold recognition methods, FOLDpro yields the best results in almost all standard categories on a comprehensive benchmark dataset. Using predictions of the top-ranked template, the sensitivity is approximately 85, 56, and 27% at the family, superfamily and fold levels respectively. Using the 5 top-ranked templates, the sensitivity increases to 90, 70, and 48%.  相似文献   

The recognition of protein folds is an important step in the prediction of protein structure and function. Recently, an increasing number of researchers have sought to improve the methods for protein fold recognition. Following the construction of a dataset consisting of 27 protein fold classes by Ding and Dubchak in 2001, prediction algorithms, parameters and the construction of new datasets have improved for the prediction of protein folds. In this study, we reorganized a dataset consisting of 76-fold classes constructed by Liu et al. and used the values of the increment of diversity, average chemical shifts of secondary structure elements and secondary structure motifs as feature parameters in the recognition of multi-class protein folds. With the combined feature vector as the input parameter for the Random Forests algorithm and ensemble classification strategy, we propose a novel method to identify the 76 protein fold classes. The overall accuracy of the test dataset using an independent test was 66.69%; when the training and test sets were combined, with 5-fold cross-validation, the overall accuracy was 73.43%. This method was further used to predict the test dataset and the corresponding structural classification of the first 27-protein fold class dataset, resulting in overall accuracies of 79.66% and 93.40%, respectively. Moreover, when the training set and test sets were combined, the accuracy using 5-fold cross-validation was 81.21%. Additionally, this approach resulted in improved prediction results using the 27-protein fold class dataset constructed by Ding and Dubchak.  相似文献   

The function of the protein is primarily dictated by its structure. Therefore it is far more logical to find the functional clues of the protein in its overall 3-dimensional fold or its global structure. In this paper, we have developed a novel Support Vector Machines (SVM) based prediction model for functional classification and prediction of proteins using features extracted from its global structure based on fragment libraries. Fragment libraries have been previously used for abintio modelling of proteins and protein structure comparisons. The query protein structure is broken down into a collection of short contiguous backbone fragments and this collection is discretized using a library of fragments. The input feature vector is frequency vector that counts the number of each library fragment in the collection of fragments by all-to-all fragment comparisons. SVM models were trained and optimised for obtaining the best 10-fold Cross validation accuracy for classification. As an example, this method was applied for prediction and classification of Cell Adhesion molecules (CAMs). Thirty-four different fragment libraries with sizes ranging from 4 to 400 and fragment lengths ranging from 4 to 12 were used for obtaining the best prediction model. The best 10-fold CV accuracy of 95.25% was obtained for library of 400 fragments of length 10. An accuracy of 87.5% was obtained on an unseen test dataset consisting of 20 CAMs and 20 NonCAMs. This shows that protein structure can be accurately and uniquely described using 400 representative fragments of length 10.  相似文献   

We present an approach to predicting protein structural class that uses amino acid composition and hydrophobic pattern frequency information as input to two types of neural networks: (1) a three-layer back-propagation network and (2) a learning vector quantization network. The results of these methods are compared to those obtained from a modified Euclidean statistical clustering algorithm. The protein sequence data used to drive these algorithms consist of the normalized frequency of up to 20 amino acid types and six hydrophobic amino acid patterns. From these frequency values the structural class predictions for each protein (all-alpha, all-beta, or alpha-beta classes) are derived. Examples consisting of 64 previously classified proteins were randomly divided into multiple training (56 proteins) and test (8 proteins) sets. The best performing algorithm on the test sets was the learning vector quantization network using 17 inputs, obtaining a prediction accuracy of 80.2%. The Matthews correlation coefficients are statistically significant for all algorithms and all structural classes. The differences between algorithms are in general not statistically significant. These results show that information exists in protein primary sequences that is easily obtainable and useful for the prediction of protein structural class by neural networks as well as by standard statistical clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

We developed an accurate method to predict nucleosome positioning from genome sequences by refining the previously developed method of Peckham et al. (2007) [19]. Here, we used the relative fragment frequency index we developed and a support vector machine to screen for nucleosomal and linker DNA sequences. Our twofold cross-validation revealed that the accuracy of our method based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 81%, whereas that of Peckham’s method was 75% when both of two nucleosomal sequence data obtained from independent experiments were used for validation. We suggest that our method is more effective in predicting nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   

The biological functions of a protein are closely related to its attributes in a cell. With the rapid accumulation of newly found protein sequence data in databanks, it is highly desirable to develop an automated method for predicting the subcellular location of proteins. The establishment of such a predictor will expedite the functional determination of newly found proteins and the process of prioritizing genes and proteins identified by genomic efforts as potential molecular targets for drug design. The traditional algorithms for predicting these attributes were based solely on amino acid composition in which no sequence order effect was taken into account. To improve the prediction quality, it is necessary to incorporate such an effect. However, the number of possible patterns in protein sequences is extremely large, posing a formidable difficulty for realizing this goal. To deal with such difficulty, a well-developed tool in digital signal processing named digital Fourier transform (DFT) [1] was introduced. After being translated to a digital signal according to the hydrophobicity of each amino acid, a protein was analyzed by DFT within the frequency domain. A set of frequency spectrum parameters, thus obtained, were regarded as the factors to represent the sequence order effect. A significant improvement in prediction quality was observed by incorporating the frequency spectrum parameters with the conventional amino acid composition. One of the crucial merits of this approach is that many existing tools in mathematics and engineering can be easily applied in the predicting process. It is anticipated that digital signal processing may serve as a useful vehicle for many other protein science areas.  相似文献   

It has been known that topologically different proteins of the same class sometimes share the same spatial arrangement of secondary structure elements (SSEs). However, the frequency by which topologically different structures share the same spatial arrangement of SSEs is unclear. It is important to estimate this frequency because it provides both a deeper understanding of the geometry of protein folds and a valuable suggestion for predicting protein structures with novel folds. Here we clarified the frequency with which protein folds share the same SSE packing arrangement with other folds, the types of spatial arrangement of SSEs that are frequently observed across different folds, and the diversity of protein folds that share the same spatial arrangement of SSEs with a given fold, using a protein structure alignment program MICAN, which we have been developing. By performing comprehensive structural comparison of SCOP fold representatives, we found that approximately 80% of protein folds share the same spatial arrangement of SSEs with other folds. We also observed that many protein pairs that share the same spatial arrangement of SSEs belong to the different classes, often with an opposing N- to C-terminal direction of the polypeptide chain. The most frequently observed spatial arrangement of SSEs was the 2-layer α/β packing arrangement and it was dispersed among as many as 27% of SCOP fold representatives. These results suggest that the same spatial arrangements of SSEs are adopted by a wide variety of different folds and that the spatial arrangement of SSEs is highly robust against the N- to C-terminal direction of the polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

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