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张全建  杨彪  付强  王磊  龚旭  张远彬 《生物多样性》2020,28(10):1192-53
水鹿(Rusa unicolor)为珍稀濒危动物, 属国家II级重点保护野生动物, 其食物匮乏季的食性研究对其保护至关重要。本文以四川邛崃山系鞍子河保护地的水鹿为研究对象, 采用高通量测序(high-throughput sequencing, HTS)技术对其冬季18份有效粪便样品中的摄食植物进行了分析。结果表明: (1)水鹿摄食植物有50科94属; (2)水鹿冬季偏好食物为悬钩子属(Rubus)、山茱萸属(Cornus)、青荚叶属(Helwingia)、马蓝属(Strobilanthes)、荚蒾属(Viburnum)、清风藤属(Sabia)、旌节花属(Stachyurus)、菝葜属(Smilax)、槭属(Acer)和绣球属(Hydrangea)植物, 且蔷薇科悬钩子属植物为最重要的食物来源; (3)水鹿在冬季摄食植物多样性高、食物生态位宽; (4)水鹿具有强的环境适应性和资源利用能力, 在冬季会通过摄食更多的植物类型和适当调整生态位而适应环境变化。本研究结论将有利于水鹿及其同域生活的偶蹄目动物的管理策略制定。  相似文献   

植物经济谱能够阐述维管植物在资源获取和储存之间的权衡策略, 为理解生态位分化和物种共存机制等提供科学依据。该研究通过对武夷山49种木本植物的单叶面积(ILA)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶碳含量(LCC)、叶氮含量(LNC)和叶磷含量(LPC)等5个叶片性状以及根组织密度(RTD)、比根长(SRL)、比根面积(SRA)、根碳含量(RCC)、根氮含量(RNC)和根磷含量(RPC)等6个细根性状进行测定, 探讨木本植物叶片与细根经济谱是否存在以及常绿和落叶物种间的植物经济谱差异。结果表明: 沿着性状贡献率相对较大的PC1轴, 能够定义出叶经济谱(LES)、根经济谱(RES)和整株植物经济谱(WPES)。大部分常绿物种分布在经济谱保守的一侧, 而大部分落叶物种聚集在获取的一侧。此外, 叶片PC1、细根PC1和整株植物PC1的两两得分之间均存在显著正相关关系, 常绿和落叶物种具有共同的异速指数, 但不存在共同的异速常数。这些结果揭示了亚热带物种叶片与细根的策略遵循着WPES的协调整合, 表明叶片、细根以及整株植物之间是采取协同变化的资源策略, 而分布于经济谱两端的常绿和落叶物种则是通过不同的方式来构建WPES。  相似文献   

非嗜食植物乙醇提取物对小菜蛾种群控制作用评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过建立实验种群生命表和自然种群生命表,应用种群趋势指数(indexofpopulationtrend,I)和干扰作用控制指数(interferenceindexofpopulationcontrol,IIPC),评价花椒(Zanthoxylumbungeanum)、细叶桉(Eucalyptustereticornis)、烟草(Nicotianatabacum)、构树(Broussonetiapapyrifera)、羊蹄甲(Bauhiniavariegata)、假莲翘(Durantarepens)、飞扬草(Euphorbiahirta)、茶枯(Camelliaoleifera)8种非嗜食植物乙醇提取物对小菜蛾实验种群的控制作用,以及细叶桉、烟草、茶枯3种非嗜食植物乙醇提取物及其混合液对小菜蛾自然种群的控制作用.室内试验结果表明,在各种植物乙醇提取物作用下,I值从小到大的顺序为4.4842(细叶桉)、5.3702(花椒)、5.5199(飞扬草)、6.1609(假莲翘)、6.8937(羊蹄甲)8.0945(烟草)、9.8052(茶枯)、11.1382(构树),对照的I值为69.8964;IIPC值从小到大的顺序为0.0642(细叶桉)、0.0768(花椒)、0.0790(飞扬草)、0.0881(假莲翘)、0.0986(羊蹄甲)、0.1158(烟草)、0.1403(茶枯)、0.1594(构树),说明供试植物提取物对小菜蛾实验种群增长都有一定的抑制和干扰作用.小菜蛾自然种群生命表研究结果表明,在各种植物乙醇提取物作用下,I值从小到大的顺序为5.1997(细叶桉)、7.4160(烟草)、7.3644(茶枯)和3.1399(混合液),对照的I值为21.6232;IIPC值从小到大的顺序为混合液(0.1608)、细叶桉(0.2405)、茶枯(0.3549)、烟草(0.3695),说明供试植物提取物都能明显降低种群趋势指数,在一定程度上抑制和干扰小菜蛾自然种群增长,在生产中有一定的应用前景.  相似文献   

滇池入湖河口生态浮床植物筛选研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过植物适应性试验、植物抗逆性试验、植物根系氧化力测定及水体水质指标检测等方法,研究了美人蕉(Canna generalis Bailey)、香根草(Vetivaria zizanioides.)、茭白(Zizania latifolia.)、香蒲(Typha angustata Boryet Chaub)等4种植物对污染水体主要污染物(有机污染物、总磷、总氮)的去除效果,以选择适用于滇池大清河入湖河段污染水体修复的生物浮床植物种。各项指标综合分析结果表明,四种备选植物在对污染胁迫的适应性以及对水体污染物的去除能力均存在较大差异,其中美人蕉对污水环境的适应性最强,对污染物的去除效果也较理想。经比较认为以美人蕉为主,辅以香蒲(T.angustata Boryet Chaub)及其他伴生种是构建大清河生物浮床较合理的群落结构。  相似文献   

土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)中水循环是水文学和生态学研究的重要内容,氢氧稳定同位素在不同水体中组成特征的差异可以指示水分循环过程。本研究通过分析成都平原区亚热带常绿阔叶林中降水、土壤水、植物水的同位素组成,探讨SPAC系统中水分的氢氧稳定同位素演化特征,揭示区域水循环不同界面过程。结果表明: 研究区雨季大气降水线方程为: δD=7.13δ18O+2.35(R2=0.99),土壤蒸发线方程为: δD=6.98δ18O-0.32(R2=0.92)。在降水→土壤水→植物水的界面水输送过程中,氢氧同位素逐渐富集。浅层土壤(0~35 cm)水δ18O受降水的直接影响,响应关系明显,中深层土壤(35~100 cm)水则相对稳定。观测期间,植物木质部水同位素比土壤水略微富集,说明水分在植物体内输送过程中可能通过韧皮部或树皮发生轻微蒸发或蒸腾。采用直接相关法初步估计植物对不同土层土壤水的利用情况,樟树主要利用中层土壤水,构树主要利用浅层土壤水,金星蕨因根系分布浅更倾向于利用浅层土壤水和植物截留的降水。与金星蕨相比,樟树和构树的叶片水分蒸发和同位素动力分馏程度更强。  相似文献   

陶瓷工业污染区41种植物的硫含量特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为提高酸污染地区植物净化吸收大气S污染物的能力,研究了广东西樵山41种主要植物的S含量特征.结果表明:(1)41种植物的叶片或地上部分S含量介于1.81~16.47mg·g-1平均值为4.00mg·g-1,高于我国其他地区植物S含量的平均水平.马尾松(Pinus massoniana)和荷木(Schima superba)的叶片S含量是大气相对清洁区鼎湖山的2~3倍.(2)华山矾(Symplocos chinensis)、银柴(Aporosa dioica)和光叶山矾(Symplocos lancifolia)和山胡椒(Lindera glauca)的叶片S含量最高,分别为16.47、12.42、11.31和6.68mg·g-1,是优良的S污染净化植物.(3)同科植物具有相近的S富集能力,目前常用作绿化植物的3种山矾科植物均有较强的大气污染抗性和高S含量特征,预示着山矾科可能存在其他一些优良的S污染净化种类,有待进一步的研究发掘.  相似文献   

构树是我国重要速生经济树种,具有适应性强、生物量大和重金属富集能力强等优点,而污泥中含有大量养分和重金属,在污泥中种植构树有望同时实现污泥生态修复和构树资源生产。本研究通过盆栽试验,分析在对照(赤红壤)、50%污泥(污泥、赤红壤混合基质,重量比各50%)和100%污泥基质中构树生长及不同部位(根、茎、叶)养分和重金属吸收累积特征,并通过主成分分析和隶属度函数对吸收累积能力进行综合评价。结果表明: 构树在50%和100%污泥中均可正常生长且株高、生物量显著高于对照,在100%污泥中长势最好,质量指数(1.02)分别是对照和50%污泥处理的4.3和2.4倍。50%和100%污泥处理构树各部位N含量和茎P含量显著高于对照,100%污泥处理构树茎、叶K含量显著低于对照。构树对Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni的吸收部位以根为主,根系重金属含量与污泥比例呈正相关,叶Pb、Cd含量符合《饲料卫生标准》(GB 13078—2017)。构树对Cd的吸收累积效果好于其他重金属元素。与对照相比,50%和100%污泥处理构树根部Zn、Pb、Cd滞留率显著提高(57.8%~85.8%),100%污泥处理构树根部Cu、Ni滞留率显著提高(67.5%和74.8%)。污泥处理全株养分和重金属累积量均显著大于对照,其中100%污泥处理显著大于50%污泥处理。与50%污泥处理相比,100%污泥处理构树各部位及全株养分和重金属累积量大幅提高。不同处理下构树污泥适应性和元素吸收累积的综合评价得分为100%污泥(0.848)>50%污泥(0.344)>对照(0.080)。构树对污泥具有良好的适应性,在纯污泥中能够正常生长并具有较强的吸收累积养分和重金属能力,可在修复污泥的同时进行构树资源生产。  相似文献   

广州地区湿地维管植物资源调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
共调查记录了广州地区湿地维管植物42科,93属,112种,大部分为被子植物,其中含有较多属和种的科是禾本科(Gramineae)和菊科(Compositae),含有较多种的属是蓼属(Polygonum)和莎草属(Cyperus).出现频率较高的物种主要有空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides(Mart.)Griseb.)、少花龙葵(Solanum americanum Miller)和鸭跖草(Commelina communis Linn.),这三个种在70%以上的调查点中有分布.水生植物有15种,占总数的13.39%,大多数为单子叶植物;湿生植物有27种,占总数的24.11%;喜湿植物有70种,占总数的62.50%.调查到的植物有不少已广泛应用于湿地园林景观和人工湿地,也有一些具有一定的应用潜力.  相似文献   

内生细菌对宿主植物生长发育和生理代谢具有重要影响, 揭示其群落组成和多样性具有重要的生物学和生态学意义。本研究采用可培养法从东乡野生稻(Oryza rufipogon)不同组织中分离获得94株内生细菌, 基于16S rRNA基因序列比对和系统发育分析将其归属于变形菌门、放线菌门和厚壁菌门3门14科17属, 其中芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和微小菌属(Microbacterium)为优势属, 分别占总株数的27.7%和20.2%。不同组织中内生细菌的分布和多样性存在差异, 根中内生细菌数量最多(34株, 36.2%), 叶次之(32株, 34.0%), 茎最少(28株, 29.8%); 根中内生细菌Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H′ = 2.52)、Simpson优势度指数(D = 0.88)和Pielou均匀度指数(E = 0.72)均高于茎与叶, 根和茎的Jaccard相似性系数(C = 0.29)低于根和叶(C = 0.47)以及茎和叶(C = 0.45)。研究结果表明, 东乡野生稻内生细菌具有丰富的物种多样性, 并且不同组织部位的内生细菌组成存在差异, 根中内生细菌多样性最丰富。  相似文献   

以国家农业部指定的20种恶性入侵植物为目的种, 在海南岛开展其分布特征与入侵强度的调查研究, 重点研究了陆域环境中6种广布入侵植物——飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)、假臭草(Praxelis clematidea)、含羞草(Mimosa pudica)、苏门白酒草(Conyza sumatrensis)、三裂叶蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)、马缨丹(Lantana camara)在7种生态系统(天然次生林、农田、村落、种植园、林缘、弃耕地、草地)中的入侵频率及入侵植物对本地植物的影响。结果表明: 1)海南岛有恶性入侵植物11种, 占调查目的种总数的55.0%。2)海南岛的东北、西南部分布的入侵植物种数较多, 东南部次之, 中部地区最少。3) 6种入侵植物的整体入侵强度为: 假臭草>飞机草>含羞草>三裂叶蟛蜞菊>马缨丹>苏门白酒草; 苏门白酒草、马缨丹在不同生态系统中的入侵频率无显著差异; 而假臭草在种植园及弃耕地, 含羞草在农田, 三裂叶蟛蜞菊在种植园生态系统中的入侵频率均显著高于其他生境。4)种植园、弃耕地和农田生态系统是植物入侵的主要生境类型, 而林缘和天然次生林生态系统均对植物入侵表现出抵御作用。5)植物入侵对当地植物多样性的影响存在正、负及无关联效应, 并主要影响群落中的草本植物功能群; 样地中入侵植物盖度总值与本地植物平均种数在种植园、农田和村落生态系统中无相关性, 在林缘和弃耕地生态系统中, 两者呈显著负相关关系; 而在草地生态系统中, 在一定盖度范围内, 入侵植物盖度总值与本地植物平均种数呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   

Advances in mulberry tissue culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mulberry (Morus spp.) is an important tree in the sericultural industry because its leaves constitute the sole source of food for the Mori silkworm (Bombyx mori). Qualitative and quantitative improvements in mulberry varieties play a vital role in industrial advances. However, the perennial nature of the plants, coupled with the species prolonged juvenile period, slows this process. Plant tissue-culture techniques have been used extensively for stock improvement During the last thirty years, several researchers have reported success in plant regeneration from different expiants types. This review describes the major findings in mulberry tissue-culture research.  相似文献   

Conrad  Udo  Fiedler  Ulrike 《Plant molecular biology》1998,38(1-2):101-109
Expression and stability of immunoglobulins in transgenic plants have been investigated and optimized by accumulation in different cellular compartments as cytosol, apoplastic space and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as will be discussed in this review. In several cases described the highest accumulation of complete active antibodies was achieved by targeting into the apoplastic space. High-level expression of active recombinant single-chain Fv antibodies (scFv's) was obtained by retention of these proteins in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. This has been shown for leaves and seeds of transgenic tobacco as well as for potato tubers. Transgenic tobacco seeds, potato tubers and tobacco leaves can facilitate stable storage of scFv's accumulated in the ER over an extended (seeds, tubers) or a short (leaves) period of time. The expression of specific scFv's in different plant species, plant organs and cellular compartments offers the possibility of blocking regulatory factors or pathogens specifically. Examples are scFv's expressed in the cytosol and the apoplastic space of transgenic plant cells modulating the infection process of plant viruses and a cytosolically expressed scFv that influenced the activity of phytochrome A protein. The immunomodulation approach has been shown to be also applicable for investigating the action of the phyto-hormone abscisic acid (ABA). High-level accumulation of specific anti-ABA scFv's in the ER of all leaf cells has been used to block the influence of ABA on the stomatal functions. Seed-specific expression of high amounts of anti-ABA-scFv's at a defined time of seed-development induced a developmental switch from seed ripening to vegetative growth. It has been demonstrated that ER retention is essential for the accumulation of sufficient scFv to bind high concentrations of ABA in the transgenic seeds.  相似文献   

模拟干旱胁迫下构树和桑树的生理特征比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在不同浓度聚乙二醇(PEG 6000)的处理下,测定构树和桑树的碳酸酐酶活性、光响应曲线、二氧化碳响应曲线和叶绿素荧光等指标,比较它们的抗干旱能力.结果表明:(1)构树的碳酸酐酶活力变化不显著,而桑树的碳酸酐酶活力不同的PEG 6000浓度间差异较大.(2)构树的净光合速率受PEG 6000的影响较小,而桑树受到抑制较...  相似文献   

We studied the diet and food availability of a group of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys for 14 months (July 2003 to September 2004, except for February) in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve, China. This species is primarily a lichen eater, with lichens (Usneaceae) accounting for 43.28% of feeding records (n=3,452). Other food types in the diet were young leaves (28.71%), fruits or seeds (14.57%), buds (5.36%), mature leaves (3.51%), herbs (2.09%), bark (1.36%), and flowers (1.13%). The monkeys used 23 plant species. Their diet showed a complicated seasonal variation: the monthly diet varied from primarily lichens in November-April, to a mixture of leaves and lichens in May-July, to a mixture of fruits or seeds and lichens in August-October (the latter depended on annual fruit and seed availability). The proportion of fruits or seeds in the diet was negatively correlated with that of lichens, which suggests that the monkeys prefer fruits or seeds to lichens when all of these items are available. The fruit or seed availability varied greatly between the two study years. The proportion of lichens, young leaves, flowers, and fruits or seeds in the diet was positively associated with their availability. The monkeys appeared to be selective feeders. They preferred 10 tree species for plant parts, and nine tree species for lichens. The selection index of tree species for lichens was positively related to lichen coverage per branch on tree species, demonstrating that the monkeys preferred tree species with abundant lichens, as well as dead trees for lichens. The results suggest that dead-tree harvesting in the reserve could significantly reduce the quality of habitat for these monkeys, and should therefore be prohibited. Connus controversa, Cerasus discadenia, Salix willichiana, and Malus halliana should be conserved as top priority species because the monkeys preferred them for both their vegetative parts and the lichens that grow on them.  相似文献   

One of the rare documented cases of an antagonistic primate–plant interaction is selective foraging by Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) on the bark or buds of Japanese mulberry trees (Morus bombycis) in cool-temperate forests. We examined how this selective foraging behavior influences the growth and development of mulberry trees in a large geographic space with different environmental conditions by selecting study areas in northern Japan. We found that the foraging caused potentially fatal damage to 5%–10% of the mulberry trees and led to dwarfing of the tree morphology. However, the stem density of the monitored mulberry trees was the highest in the area with a long history of occupancy by macaque groups; moreover, the foraging commonly resulted in compensatory plant growth by increasing shoot number. These findings indicate that the macaque–mulberry relationship is not always antagonistic. Sufficient snow cover could be a key environmental factor to establish this non-antagonistic interaction by suppressing the negative influence of macaques as a destructive herbivore and improving their positive influence as a skilful gardener. Finally, we performed decision tree modeling based on the J48 algorithm to investigate geographic variation in mulberry abundance and morphology in response to the distribution of macaques. We developed an explicit tree model with reasonable predictive performance that not only enables a better understanding of primate–plant interactions but also provides information regarding the time of occupancy by Japanese macaques in a given area based on the abundance and morphology of mulberry trees. This result indicated that the observation of preferred tree species could be an indirect measure that reliably indexes macaque habitat use.  相似文献   

施秀珍  王建青  黄志群  贺纪正 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6092-6102
森林是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,其巨大的生产力和生态服务功能对人类的生存和发展至关重要。森林树种多样性增加能够显著提高森林生产力,关于树种多样性如何影响地下生物多样性及生态功能逐渐受到国内外学者的广泛关注。从土壤微生物及其介导的元素生物地球化学循环这一视角出发,综述了树种多样性对土壤细菌和真菌多样性、群落结构及功能的影响,提出需要进一步深入研究的方向。总体来说,树种多样性有利于增加土壤细菌生物量和多样性,是预测病原性真菌和菌根真菌多样性及群落结构的重要生物因子。树种多样性能增加土壤有机碳储量,增强森林土壤的甲烷氧化能力,并提高土壤磷周转速率及有效磷含量。关于树种多样性对森林土壤氮循环的影响需考虑多样性假说和质量比假说的相对贡献。今后应加强树种多样性对多个营养级之间相互作用的研究;关注树种多样性对生态系统多功能的影响;加强学科交叉,引入微生物种群动态模型和气候模型等模型预测方法,研究树种多样性对全球气候变化的应对机制,以期促进地上植物多样性与地下生态系统功能关系的研究,增强森林生态系统应对未来全球环境变化的能力。  相似文献   

The adaptive value of the bright colours of leaves in autumn is still debated. It is possible that autumn colours are an adaptation to protect the tree against photoinibition and photooxidation, which allows a more efficient recovery of nutrients. It has been proposed that the preference of aphids for trees that retranslocate nitrogen more efficiently can explain the high diversity of aphids on tree species with bright autumn colours. This scenario however does not take into account the impact of insects on the fitness of the trees and has not been analysed theoretically. Its assumptions and predictions, therefore, remain uncertain. I show with a model of insect-tree interaction that the system can actually evolve under particular conditions. I discuss the differences with the coevolution theory of autumn colours, available evidence and possible tests.  相似文献   

王婉颖  冯潇 《生物信息学》2019,26(12):103-108
利用三维数字模型进行辅助设计、效果展示、施工指导和后期管护等已经成为风景园林行业发展趋势。植物是风景园林的关键组成要素,通过探讨园林植物三维数字模型构建与应用的必要性,以栾树(Koelreuteria paniculata)为例,利用三维植物建模软件PlantFactory对其进行三维数字模型构建探索,构建一个包含15种典型园林树种的小型三维数字模型库。最后,通过对园林植物三维数字模型在植物形态认知、植物景观设计表现和构建风景园林信息模型(LIM)3方面的应用,探索其适用性和有效性。  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution and chemical forms of cadmium in Morus alba L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Morus alba L. (mulberry) is a perennial woody tree and a species with great potential for Cd phyremediation owing to its large biomass and extensive root system. The mechanisms involved in Cd detoxification were investigated by analyzing the subcellular distribution and chemical forms of Cd in mulberry in the present study. These results indicated that 53.27–70.17% of Cd mulberry accumulated was stored in the root and only about 10% were in the leaves. Lots of the Cd was located in the cell wall of the mulberry root and in soluble fraction of the mulberry leaf. Moreover, in roots, the largest amount of Cd was in the form of undissolved Cd-phosphate. While in mulberry leaves and stems, most of the Cd was extracted by 2% Acetic acid and 0.6 M HCl, representing Cd-phosphate and Cd-oxalate. It could be concluded that the Cd combination with peptides and organo-ligands in vacuole of leaf or complexed with proteins or cellulose in the cell wall of root might be contributed to the tolerance of mulberry to Cd stress. The mulberry could be used to remediate the Cd polluted farmland soils.  相似文献   

Nothofagus nervosa (Raulí) is a native tree species that yields valuable timber. It was overexploited in the past and is currently included in domestication and conservation programs. Several research programs have focused on the characterization of epiphytic microorganisms because it has been demonstrated that they can affect plant-pathogen interactions and/or promote plant growth. Although the microbial ecology of leaves has been well studied, less is known about microorganisms occurring on seeds and noncommercial fruits. In this work, we analyzed the yeast and yeast-like fungi present on N.?nervosa fruits destined for the propagation of this species, as well as the effects of fruit preservation and seed dormancy-breaking processes on fungal diversity. Morphological and molecular methods were used, and differences between fungal communities were analyzed using a similarity index. A total of 171 isolates corresponding to 17 species were recovered, most of which belong to the phylum Ascomycota. The majority of the species develop mycelia, produce pigments and mycosporines, and these adaptation strategies are discussed. It was observed that the preservation process considerably reduced yeast and yeast-like fungal diversity. This is the first study concerning microbial communities associated with this ecologically and economically important species, and the information presented is relevant to domestication programs.  相似文献   

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