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北太平洋两个柔鱼群体角质颚形态及生长特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
方舟  陈新军  陆化杰  李建华  刘必林 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5405-5415
根据2011年5—11月我国鱿钓船在北太平洋海域(150°E—176°W)采集的渔获物样本,对柔鱼两个群体各项角质颚外部形态和生长进行分析。结果表明,角质颚参数值雌性均大于雄性,冬春生群体雌雄参数值间差异要大于秋生群体;角质颚各项参数值中,上头盖长(Upper Hood length,UHL)、上脊突长(Upper Crest length,UCL)、下脊突长(Lower crest length,LCL)、下翼长(Lower Wing length,LWL)与胴长、体重分别呈线性和指数关系(P0.01)。主成分分析认为,秋生群体雌、雄个体角质颚第一主成分因子均为UCL/ML,第二主成分因子均为UWL/ML,冬春生群体雌、雄个体角质颚第一主成分因子分别ULWL/ML和LLWL/ML,第二主成分分别与URW/ML和LRL/ML,这些这成分因子代表了角质颚水平和垂直方向上的生长特征。两个群体的雌性个体角质颚形态上存在显著差异,但雄性个体间差异不显著。方差分析(ANOVA)表明,2个群体不同胴长组间的角质颚形态均存在着显著差异(P0.01);LSD法分析认为,除了秋生群体雌性个体上头盖长、上喙长、下头盖长、下喙宽在胴长组250 mm和250—300 mm间不存在差异外,其他组之间均有着显著差异(P0.01)。同一群体不同性腺成熟度等级间的柔鱼角质颚形态存在显著差异(P0.01),但性成熟度为Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期时2个群体角质颚各项形态指标均存在显著差异(P0.01),而性成熟度Ⅲ期时则不存在差异(P0.05)。研究认为,不同群体的柔鱼角质颚形态及生长特征均存在着一定差异。  相似文献   

冬春季西北印度洋鸢乌贼角质颚外部形态及生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
角质颚是头足类重要的硬组织之一,被广泛用于研究头足类渔业生态学及资源评估等。根据2019年冬春季(2—5月)中国灯光罩网渔船于西北印度洋海域采集的1009条鸢乌贼样本,对其角质颚外部形态生长特征开展了研究。主成分分析表明,上头盖长(UHL)、上脊突长(UCL)、上侧壁长(ULWL)、下脊突长(LCL)、下翼长(LWL)和下侧壁长(LLWL)可作为角质颚外形变化特征指标。协方差分析表明,除UCL外所有外形特征参数与胴长(ML)的关系以及所有外形特征参数与体重(BW)的关系在性别间均存在显著性差异。根据方程拟合和赤池信息准则(AIC),雌雄个体的LCL、UCL与胴长的关系均最适合用线性函数拟合;雌性个体的UHL、LWL与胴长的关系最适合用幂函数拟合,而ULWL和LLWL与胴长的关系则最适合用线性函数拟合;雄性个体的ULWL与胴长的关系最适合用幂函数表示,UHL、LLWL和LWL与胴长的关系则最适合用对数函数表示。雌性个体所有特征参数与体重的关系均最适合用幂函数拟合;雄性个体除ULWL与体重的关系最适合用幂函数拟合外,其余均最适合用对数函数拟合。特征参数及其与胴长和体重生长方程的确定,为后续利用角质颚研究印度洋鸢乌贼渔业生态学及资源评估提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

角质颚是研究头足类渔业生态学的重要材料.基于2018年9—11月中国鱿钓船在西北太平洋生产调查期间采集的268尾北方拟黵乌贼样本,对其角质颚外部形态生长特性进行了研究.主成分分析表明: 北方拟黵乌贼角质颚的上头盖长(UHL)、上脊突长(UCL)、上喙长(URL)、下头盖长(LHL)、下脊突长(LCL)和下喙长(LRL)可作为研究其角质颚外形变化的特征因子.协方差分析表明: 各特征因子与胴长和体重的生长关系在性别间均不存显著性差异.赤池信息准则分析显示: UHL、LHL与胴长生长的关系最适于用幂函数表示,UCL、URL、LCL与胴长生长的关系最适于用对数函数表示,而LRL与胴长生长的关系则最适于用线性函数表示;各特征参数与体重生长的关系,除LHL最适于用幂函数表示外,其余均最适于用对数函数表示.外形特征因子生长模型的确定,为北方拟黵乌贼的资源评估等研究打下科学基础.  相似文献   

根据2019年冬春季(2—5月)中国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋生产调查期间采集的1009尾鸢乌贼样本,分析了其角质颚外部形态变化的影响因素。结果表明: 角质颚外形特征参数在不同性别、不同胴长组和不同性腺成熟度间均存在显著差异。胴长组201~250 mm以及雌性个体性腺成熟度Ⅱ期和雄性个体性腺成熟度Ⅲ期的各特征参数增幅达到峰值。除上翼长与上脊突长比值(UWL/UCL)和下头盖长与下脊突长比值(LHL/LCL)存在性别间显著差异外,其余特征参数与脊突长的比值均无性别间显著差异,各特征参数与脊突长的比值在不同性腺成熟度、不同胴长组间也无显著差异,比值保持稳定,表明角质颚各区域生长保持一致。研究表明,201~250 mm可能是西北印度洋鸢乌贼角质颚外部形态在胴长上的生长拐点,雌性个体性腺成熟度Ⅱ期和雄性个体性腺成熟度Ⅲ期可能对应角质颚外部形态在性腺成熟度上的生长拐点。  相似文献   

耳石是头足类重要的硬组织之一,被广泛应用在头足类渔业生物学、生态学研究中。根据2018年12月中国鱿钓船在日本海采集的261尾舍氏贝乌贼(Berryteuthis magister shevtsovi)样本,对其耳石外部形态生长特性进行了研究。主成分分析表明,耳石总长(TSL)、翼区长(WL)、吻侧区长(RLL)和最大宽度(MW)可以作为舍氏贝乌贼耳石外形变化的表征参数。协方差分析表明,舍氏贝乌贼耳石的表征参数与胴长及体质量的生长关系均不存在性别间显著性差异。赤池信息准则分析表明:TSL和WL与胴长的生长关系最适合用线性生长方程表示,RLL与胴长的生长关系最适合用幂函数生长方程表示,MW与胴长的生长关系则最适合用对数生长方程表示;TSL和MW与体质量的生长关系最适合用线性生长方程表示,WL与体质量的生长关系最适合用幂函数生长方程表示,而RLL与体质量的生长关系则最适合用对数生长方程表示。舍氏贝乌贼耳石绝对尺寸随着胴长增加而逐渐增大,但耳石各外部形态参数的相对尺寸基本不变。  相似文献   

耳石是研究头足类年龄与生长、种群结构和生活史的重要硬组织之一。为研究西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及生长特性,根据2019年2—5月我国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋调查生产期间采集的1009尾鸢乌贼样本,以耳石总长(TSL)、侧区长(LDL)、翼区长(WL)和最大宽度(MW)作为耳石的外形生长指标,结合日龄数据,对西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及其生长特性进行了研究。结果表明: 根据生长纹间宽度,可将耳石微结构分为后核心区、暗区和外围区。协方差分析表明,TSL、LDL、WL和MW与日龄的关系均不存在显著的性别间差异,TSL、WL和MW与日龄的关系最适合用幂函数表示,而LDL与日龄的关系最适合用线性函数表示。总体而言,随着鸢乌贼日龄的增加,TSL、WL、LDL与MW的瞬时相对生长率与绝对生长率基本呈现下降的趋势, 140~180 d可能是西北印度洋鸢乌贼性成熟的日龄段。  相似文献   

西北印度洋鸢乌贼角质颚色素沉积特性分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
角质颚是头足类主要的摄食器官,蕴含着大量渔业生态学信息。根据2019年3至5月中国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋海域采集的1 009尾鸢乌贼(Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis)样本,对其角质颚色素沉积等级进行了划分和判定,分析了色素沉积等级与胴长、体重、性腺成熟度和角质颚形态参数的关系。结果显示,3至5月西北印度洋鸢乌贼角质颚色素沉积等级以2级为主,占总样本的33.87%,色素沉积等级总体上随着月份的增加而增加。鸢乌贼角质颚的色素沉积与胴长、体重和性腺成熟度的关系均存在性别间显著性差异(P < 0.05),总体而言雌性个体的沉积速度快于雄性个体。角质颚色素沉积等级与胴长、体重和角质颚外部形态参数均呈正相关,并且都随着性腺成熟度的增加而增加。本研究开展了西北印度洋鸢乌贼角质颚色素沉积研究,确立了鸢乌贼色素沉积等级与胴长、体重、性腺成熟度和角质颚形态参数的关系,并拟合了相关生长方程,为进一步研究鸢乌贼的渔业生态学及合理开发该资源提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

王超  方舟 《动物学杂志》2021,56(5):756-769
几何形态测量学是头足类角质颚形态分析的重要研究方法,其中包括地标点法和轮廓线法。虽然地标点类型被划分为三种,但基于地标点法的角质颚形态研究对于地标点的选取与建立并没有一个统一的标准,因此探究可以更好地展示角质颚形态变异程度所需要的地标点以及样本数是十分必要的。为探究不同地标点和样本数对角质颚形态分析的影响,本研究利用2018和2019年捕捞的剑尖枪乌贼(Uroteuthis edulis)角质颚样本,使用R语言LaMBDA包LaSEC函数,对300对角质颚样本分别使用10、20、28个地标点和50、80、100、200、300对样本组合,以探讨不同地标点和样本数方案时表示形态变异的平稳度。研究结果表明,地标点数量会使质心大小结果产生误差;为了更好地展示角质颚的形态变异程度,最终确定研究样本在50对以内时,上颚和下颚采用26个地标点;研究样本为50~300对时采用27个地标点。研究分析认为,基于LaSEC的头足类角质颚地标点和样本定量分析可以拟定表示角质颚形态变异的最佳地标点数量,并通过角质颚形态变异箭头图来明确表示角质颚形态变异的最佳地标点方案,为后续基于地标点法的头足类角质颚形态研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   

角质颚是头足类的主要摄食器官,蕴藏着大量的渔业生物学及生态学信息。根据2017年5-8月中国灯光罩网渔船于中国南海西沙群岛海域采集的860尾鸢乌贼样本,对其角质颚色素沉积等级进行了划分和判定,研究了鸢乌贼角质颚色素沉积等级变化与胴长、体质量、净重、性腺成熟度和角质颚外部形态参数等因子的关系。结果表明:鸢乌贼的角质颚色素沉积变化存在性别间显著性差异(P<0.05),雌性个体角质颚色素沉积速度快于雄性;色素沉积等级与胴长、体质量和净重均呈正相关,并随着性腺成熟度的增加而增加;雄性个体角质颚下颚除翼长外,其余各部色素沉积的速度均快于上颚各部;雌性个体上颚各部色素沉积速度均快于下颚。本研究为后续利用角质颚研究鸢乌贼渔业生物学和对该资源的有效开发及科学管理提供了基础。  相似文献   

角质颚是头足类的主要摄食器官,蕴藏着大量的渔业生物学及生态学信息。根据2017年5—8月中国灯光罩网渔船于中国南海西沙群岛海域采集的860尾鸢乌贼样本,对其角质颚色素沉积等级进行了划分和判定,研究了鸢乌贼角质颚色素沉积等级变化与胴长、体质量、净重、性腺成熟度和角质颚外部形态参数等因子的关系。结果表明:鸢乌贼的角质颚色素沉积变化存在性别间显著性差异(P0.05),雌性个体角质颚色素沉积速度快于雄性;色素沉积等级与胴长、体质量和净重均呈正相关,并随着性腺成熟度的增加而增加;雄性个体角质颚下颚除翼长外,其余各部色素沉积的速度均快于上颚各部;雌性个体上颚各部色素沉积速度均快于下颚。本研究为后续利用角质颚研究鸢乌贼渔业生物学和对该资源的有效开发及科学管理提供了基础。  相似文献   

The cephalopod remains from 206 Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) scats collected at Mossman Peninsula, South Orkney Islands (n?=?105) and at Stranger Point, South Shetland Islands (n?=?101) contained 148 beaks (57 lower and 91 upper). The lower beaks were sorted and measured. Identification of 33 of the lower beaks that were collected at Mossman Peninsula revealed two squid species, Brachioteuthis ?picta (n?=?26) and Psychroteuthisglacialis (n?=?7), with lower rostral lengths (LRL) of 2.0–3.5?mm, and 1.0–2.5?mm, respectively. Identification of 15 of the lower beaks collected at Stranger Point revealed the same squid species, with the LRL of B. ?picta ranging from 3.0–3.4?mm (n?=?9), and that of P. glacialis from 2.0 to 3.5?mm (n?=?6). Estimated squid sizes and wet masses indicate that Antarctic fur seals feed on the small sub-adult squid which inhabit the surface layers. We have compared the squid diet estimated for the seals with that reported for its congeners in lower latitudes and other Antarctic seals, and conclude that cephalopods do not form an important food resource for Antarctic fur seals.  相似文献   

 Beak length analysis was undertaken for the arrow squid Nototodarus sloanii in the New Zealand sector of the Southern Ocean between Stewart Island and the Auckland Islands. N. sloanii has a restricted range and is endemic to the waters around New Zealand and its associated southern islands, where it supports a fishery and is preyed upon by a number of fishes, marine mammals and birds. Lower rostral length (LRL) and upper rostral length (URL) were analysed to see how these beak measurements related to both mantle length (ML) and wet weight (W). Both lower and upper rostral lengths could be used as useful predictors of ML and W in N. sloanii, as relationships had limited scatter and high correlation coefficients. The relationships between LRL and ML, and URL and ML were only linear after regressing log-transformed values of beak length against ML. However, the relationships between LRL and W, and URL and W were linear without transforming either the x or y values. These results are different from previously published beak length analyses of Nototodarus in New Zealand waters. Received: 30 March 1995/Accepted: 4 August 1995  相似文献   

Age composition and growth rates of the squid Loligo vulgaris(Lamark, 1797) were studied by examination of growth incrementswithin statohths of 419 specimens (mantle length, ML, rangingfrom 32 to 400 mm). The squid were obtained by monthly samplingfrom the catches of commercial trawls off southern Portugalbetween March and September, 1993 The total number of growthincrements in the mounted and ground statohths was counted usinga semi-automatic image analysis system. ML was significantlycorrelated with both the statolith length, TSL and the numberof increments, NI. The female statolith was slightly largerthan the male statolith for the same mantle size. Growth ratesof individuals showed high variability with an average estimatedat 34.6 mm month–1 for males and 33.5 mm month–1for females. Growth in length between 70 and 280 days was bestdescribed by a power function for both sexes. The growth indexof the statolith (TSL/NI) decreased with individual growth.This result may be related with the onset of sexual maturation.L. vulgaris hatched throughout the year with two distinct peaks,in spring which is the mam breeding period, and in autumn. Thelife cycle of the L. vulgaris population on the south Portugueseshelf was completed in one year *Present address for correspondence: Instituto de InvestigacionMariflas. Eduardo Cabello. 6 - 36208 VIGO. Spain (Received 28 November 1995; accepted 7 February 1996)  相似文献   

The Japanese Common Squid, Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup, 1880, moves vertically in the water column in time with the natural day-night cycle and this exposes the animal to considerable temperature changes throughout the 24-h period. We considered that this behavior could result in daily fluctuations of the statolith strontium/calcium ratio (Sr/Ca ratio), if this ratio is thermally sensitive, as is found for coral skeletons. To investigate this hypothesis, Japanese Common Squid were reared under constant temperature (15 °C) for 64 days and their statolith Sr/Ca ratios, in the area that had been deposited while in captivity, measured by wavelength dispersive spectrometer. Small repetitive fluctuations were observed in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios of the captive squid (N=5, 2.7-day cycle) but similar fluctuations were also observed in the statoliths of Japanese Common Squid collected from the wild (N=5, 2.4-day cycle). These results imply that the daily vertical movements in the water column are not reflected in the statolith Sr/Ca ratios in the Japanese Common Squid. The observed small repetitive fluctuations are discussed in relation to the periodic feeding activity of the captive squid (1.9-day cycle).  相似文献   

Fifty-nine specimens of the tropical epipelagic eno-ploteuthidEnoplotcuthis leptura were collected in the central-east Atlanticbetween 1986–1988. Statoliths were extracted from allspecimens (mantle length (ML) 4.1–92 mm) and processedunder the statolith ageing technique. The characteristic featureof statolith morphology in E. leptura is a sculpture of therostrum, which is covered by numerous tiny spines and knobs.In the ground statolith it was possible to distinguish fourmain growth zones consisting of narrow growth increments likethose in other squids studied. Allometric growth of statolithsversus ML is negative. E. leptura is a short-lived squid witha half-year life span. Growth rates of E. leptura are high atjuvenile stage (instantaneous rate of growth (G) of body weight(BW) 0.04–0.06). An early maturation of males (at age45–60 days) and females (at 80–90 days) causes asharp decrease of somatic growth of E. leptura, and mature squidhave low growth rates (G of BW - 0.OO3-O.0O5). Spawning takesplace between January and September with two peaks: in Januaryand in June-July. (Received 22 November 1992; accepted 15 February 1993)  相似文献   

Lycoteuthis lorigera is an oceanic squid that is abundant in the Benguela system. Little is known about the biology of this squid except that it is eaten in large numbers by numerous oceanic predators and that males grow to larger size than females, which is unique for oegopsid squid. The aim of this study was to better understand the biology of this species by investigating its age and growth, as well as its mating system. Toward this end, the age of 110 individuals, ranging from 35 to 110 mm, was estimated by counting statolith growth increments. Estimates of age ranged from 131 to 315 days and varied with mantle length. No significant differences were found in the size of males and females of equivalent ages. The relationship between ML and age for both sexes was best described by an exponential growth curve, probably because no early life stages were aged in this study. Only one mature male (ML 160 mm) was aged, and preliminary estimates suggest it was 386 days old. Instantaneous growth rates were low (0.54% ML/day and 1.4% BM/day) but consistent with enoploteuthid growth rates. When the growth rate of L. lorigera was corrected for temperature encountered during the animal’s life, the growth rate was fast (0.47% BM/degree-days) and consistent with the hypothesis that small cephalopods grow fast and that large cephalopods grow older, rather than fast. Mature females were often mated and had spermatangia in a seminal receptacle on the dorsal pouch behind the nuchal cartilage. Males probably transfer spermatangia to the females using their long second and/or third arm pair since the paired terminal organs open far from the mantle opening. M. A. C. Roeleveld deceased.  相似文献   

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