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本文研究了杨树清理1、2年后迹地的土壤种子库结构、多样性及其与地上植被和土壤因子的关系,并以未清理杨树洲滩为对照,探讨洞庭湖杨树清理迹地土壤种子库在植被自然恢复中的潜力。结果表明: 研究样地土壤种子库萌发出的植物种子分属23科59属65种,各样地土壤种子库密度和物种数大小为:1年迹地(11810粒·m-2,49种)>2年迹地(9686粒·m-2,44种)>对照(6735粒·m-2,29种)。与未清理洲滩相比,清理迹地土壤种子库与地上植被多年生中生和湿生植物物种多样性和相似性系数增加,土壤含水率和养分含量升高,pH值降低。土壤含水率和有机质与水蓼等湿生植物分布的关系密切,全钾和全磷对虉草等多年生植物分布的影响较大。在杨树清理迹地自然恢复过程中,随着土壤理化性质的变化,土壤种子库的物种数目和密度显著增加,以致地上植被物种多样性升高,因此,土壤种子库成为迹地湿地植被恢复的重要繁殖体来源。  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷灌丛土壤种子库及其自然更新潜力评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被土壤种子库的特征及预测灌丛植被自然更新的潜力,利用土壤种子库"萌发法"(每个地段15个2m×2m样方内分土表层、0-5cm土层和5-10cm土层采集土样)及野外植被调查方法(每个地段15个1m×1m的调查样方),研究了岷江干旱河谷3个地段(河谷下游边缘汶川地段、核心茂县地段以及上游边缘松潘地段)阳坡灌丛植被土壤种子库及其与地上植物群落的关系。发现:土壤种子库发芽试验共观察到4274株幼苗,分属于113个物种。土壤种子库密度在102—103ind./m2,物种数在12—23种/0.06m2,边缘地段的土壤种子库平均种子密度(ind./m2)和平均物种数(种/0.06m2)均比中心地段(茂县)高。3个地段土壤种子库和地上植被的组成物种均多为多年生植物,地上灌丛与其土壤种子库的密度及物种数均呈不显著相关性;物种组成的Sorensen相似性指数较低,不足30%,但土壤种子库均比地上植被具有更高的物种丰富度。综合分析表明,岷江干旱河谷灌丛具有依靠土壤种子库实现自然更新的潜力,但由于物种组成相似性较低,现存灌丛植被一旦遭到破坏后,单依靠土壤种子库自然恢复到现存植被是困难的,需要在自然恢复潜力评估基础上积极充分采取人工促进自然恢复的策略,同时也应充分考虑干旱河谷植被及其自然更新潜力的空间异质性。探明岷江干旱河谷区灌丛植被的土壤种子库特征,是认识灌丛植被自然更新潜力的基础,是合理制订该区植被恢复与管理措施的重要依据。  相似文献   

土壤种子库作为地上植被更新的潜在种源,在植被自然恢复和演替过程以及生态系统建设中起着重要作用。该研究对贺兰山低山区不同海拔高度植物群落土壤理化性质变化与其土壤种子库特征之间的关系进行分析,以揭示贺兰山低山区植物群落的土壤种子库空间分布特征和自然恢复潜力。研究结果表明:(1)海拔1200 m处种子主要来源于一年生草本,海拔1600 m土壤种子库主要来源于多年生草本,海拔2000 m土壤种子库主要来源于灌木和小灌木;随着海拔升高,隶属于禾本科的物种数呈下降趋势,菊科和藜科呈增加趋势,蒺藜科、大戟科、豆科和玄参科消失。(2)5个海拔高度土壤种子库物种数均显著低于地上植被;在物种生活型组成上,土壤种子库中物种数占比最大为一年生草本,地上植被为多年生草本。(3)土壤理化性质对种子库物种多样性影响中,土壤pH、电导率最为显著。贺兰山低山区5个海拔高度土壤种子库种子密度和物种多样性均较低,无法满足植被自然恢复需求,可通过飞播等生态恢复措施来弥补表层土壤种子的不足,从而满足地上植被恢复所需种源量。  相似文献   

以广西北部喀斯特石山地区不同植被类型(青冈栎次生林、灌丛、马尾松林、竹林、草地、农田、裸地)土壤为研究对象,探讨植被类型对活性有机碳库以及土壤碳库管理指数的影响,为喀斯特山区生态环境建设提供依据。结果表明:1)青冈栎次生林土壤碳储量、全氮含量、速效氮含量显著高于其他植被,土壤容重小于除农田以外的其他植被类型; 2)不同植被类型下土壤有机碳(SOC)、活性有机碳(LOC)含量均随土层深度的增加而降低,0~40cm土层SOC含量为1.07~29.76 g·kg~(-1),大小关系表现为青冈栎次生林灌丛马尾松林竹林草地农田裸地; LOC含量为0.58~13.77 g·kg~(-1),表现为青冈栎次生林灌丛马尾松林竹林农田草地裸地; LOC/SOC表现为青冈栎次生林最小,农田最大; 3)土壤碳库管理指数随土层深度的变化为先减小后增加再减小的趋势,0~40 cm土层CPMI平均值表现为青岗栎次生林灌丛马尾松林农田竹林草地裸地; 4)土壤植被类型、土层深度以及二者的交互作用对土壤碳库管理指数及碳库特征具有显著影响。本研究表明,增加植被覆盖以及减少人为活动的干扰,能提高土壤有机碳含量,有利于维持桂北喀斯特山区土壤碳库的稳定性。  相似文献   

红壤侵蚀区植被恢复过程中土壤种子库变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤侵蚀作为一种自然营力和自然干扰形式对土壤种子库的次分布与物种组成具有一定的影响。本研究对典型红壤侵蚀区裸地(Ⅰ号)、马尾松林地(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ号)和次生林(Ⅴ号)等5处不同植被恢复区的土壤种子库物种组成、储量及分布格局进行研究,探究在植被恢复过程中土壤侵蚀对土壤种子库的影响。结果表明: 研究区土壤种子库共统计到21种物种,物种丰富度低,以草本种类为主。各样地土壤种子库密度为56.7~793.3粒·m-2,样地间差异显著,土壤种子库密度随着土壤侵蚀强度加重而明显下降。各样地浅层0~2 cm土壤种子库密度随着上坡-中坡-下坡的变化均呈增加趋势;剧烈侵蚀地和强烈侵蚀地土壤种子库主要分布在5~10 cm深层土壤内,且中上坡0~2 cm土层几乎没有种子。土壤侵蚀使得土壤种子库在土层中的分布呈现深层化,植被恢复后深层种子库积累仍需要较长的时间。  相似文献   

三峡库区消落带回水区水淹初期土壤种子库特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
将三峡库区消落带回水区次生灌丛和弃耕地分成水淹区段、未水淹区段和对照样带,通过萌发法对其土壤种子库进行研究.结果表明:两种植被类型的土壤种子库储量存在极显著差异,次生灌丛种子密度为(6991±954)粒·m-2、弃耕地种子密度为(26193±6928)粒·m-2.3种生境中,水淹区段的种子密度最低,未水淹区段最高.随着土层加深,种子库密度逐渐下降.土壤种子库萌发试验出现的物种分属45科97属118种,以一年生和多年生草本植物为主,其中菊科、禾本科、玄参科和十字花科为优势科;个体数量占土壤种子库总储量小于0.01%的物种有34种,占28.8%.两种植被类型的土壤种子库中物种数较接近,物种多样性指数和均匀度较高,但优势物种组成差异很大,生态优势度较低.3种生境中,未水淹区段的生物多样性最高,水淹区段的生态优势度最高;而水淹区段和未水淹区段相似性指数最大.  相似文献   

基于喀斯特峰丛洼地草丛、灌丛、次生林、原生林4个生态系统24个样地(20 m × 20 m)的系统取样调查, 研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地不同生态系统群落的结构组成与生物多样性特征, 选取代表植物群落和土壤性质的35个指标, 对不同生态系统及整个喀斯特脆弱生态系统植物群落与土壤主要养分、土壤矿质养分和土壤微生物间的相互关系进行了主成分分析与典范相关分析。结果表明: 沿草丛、灌丛、次生林、原生林的顺向演替发展, 重要值(importance value, IV)>10.00的科、属、种及物种多样性最大值出现在次生林, 群落结构最佳值出现在顶级群落原生林; 喀斯特峰丛洼地景观异质性高, 各生态系统影响因子不同, 土壤微生物在喀斯特脆弱生态系统处于主导地位, 其次为灌丛; 不同集团因子的典范相关分析表明, 植物多样性指标与土壤氮素、Al2O3、Fe2O3、土壤微生物生物量碳(Cmic)、真菌和细菌关系密切。因此, 在喀斯特脆弱生态系统恢复与重建过程中, 应针对不同生态系统制定相应的培育管理措施。  相似文献   

桂西南石漠化山地土壤种子库的基本特征及植被恢复对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用幼苗萌发法对广西平果县龙何示范区石漠化山地的土壤种子库进行初步研究。结果表明,该地区土壤种子库共有108种植物,隶属于33科81属,其中草本81种、灌木20种、藤本7种;其土壤种子库的种子密度为64.6~339.7粒.m-2,且在不同土地利用类型区及不同季节存在较大差别。在分析土壤种子库对其植被恢复作用的基础上,认为可采取自然封育和人工造林等措施,以促进现存植被的正向演替。  相似文献   

为了探究三江平原沟渠土壤种子库在湿地植物保护中的作用及其在湿地恢复中的潜力,该文采用幼苗萌发法与样方调查相结合的方法,对三江平原不同开挖年限沟渠的土壤种子库特征及其与地上植被的关系进行了研究。结果表明:沟渠具有较大规模的土壤种子库,边坡种子库显著大于底泥种子库,边坡种子库密度为8 973–25 000 seeds·m–2,底泥种子库密度为506–1 488 seeds·m–2。开挖10年、20年和30年的沟渠土壤种子库共有50种植物萌发,隶属于20科41属。开挖10年、20年和30年的沟渠土壤种子库萌发物种数分别为37种、34种和33种,地上植被物种数分别为25种、33种和22种。土壤种子库和相应地上植被的相似性系数分别为38.7%、35.8%和32.7%。随着植物群落演替的进行,地上植被的Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数均逐渐增大。三江平原沟渠土壤种子库和地上植被中保存了大量湿地植物,表明沟渠具有保护植物物种多样性的作用,沟渠土壤种子库具有湿地恢复的潜力。随着沟渠开挖年限增加,沟渠植物群落呈现退化特征,建议对沟渠系统加强管理。  相似文献   

滇东南岩溶山地退化植被土壤种子库的储量与组成   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
 在云南省东南部3个典型岩溶地点的土壤种子库储量与组成的研究表明,不同地点代表不同退化与恢复阶段的次生林、灌丛与退化草地的土壤内均储藏有丰富的植物种子,其密度值变动于4 090~14 930粒·m-2之间;物种数23~45种,其中草本物种及其种子储量最丰, 灌木次之,乔木和藤本及其种子稀少。在0~10 cm土层内,随着深度的加深,种子密度由0~2 cm,2~5 cm,5~10 cm逐渐减少,次生林的降低幅度相对较小。相对而言,种子密度值、物种数都以次生林为高,灌丛与退化草地之间的差异较小。同时次生林种子库中的乔、灌木的种子数量相对较多,而草本相对较少。从物种组成来看,少数物种的种子在库中的储量十分丰富,且各种子库间在物种组成上有很大的相似性,同一地点的3种植被类型间的两两相似性系数在0.6~0.7之间,不同地点的任一两类型间的相似性系数在0.4~0.6之间。9.3%的物种在所有样地内都出现。每一种子库中储量最丰的前3位都来自菊科的胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)、劲直白酒草(Conyza stricta)、紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)、一点红(Emilia sonchifolia),唇形科的鸡骨柴(Elsholtzia fruticosa),蔷薇科的长毛绣线菊(Spiraea martinii var. pubescens)。  相似文献   

Abstract The soil seed bank and its relation to the extant vegetation in a Eucalyptus regnans F. Muell. forest in the Central Highlands of Victoria were examined. The average seed density was 430 germinable seeds m?2 to a depth of 2 cm. There was a polynomial regression relationship between the density and species richness of seeds in soil and forest age (0. 6–54 years). Species richness was not significantly different among soil depths (0- 2 , 2- 5 , 5–10 and 10–20 cm) in the forest stand of 54 years old. More seeds germinated from the 5–10 cm depth than from the other depths. Forbs accounted for 73% of the total germinable seeds and there was no germination of E. regnans. The number of species, particularly woody plant species, germinating from the soil seed bank were significantly lower than in the extant vegetation. However, almost all species present in the soil seed bank were present in the vegetation. The soil seed bank provides an important source for the rapid regeneration of understorey vegetation following clear-cutting and slash-burning in the E. regnans forest. The rapid understorey establishment may play an important role in protecting soil from erosion, in nutrient conservation, replacement and redistribution. The soil seed bank may also be a necessary source of maintaining genetic diversity in the forest over the long term.  相似文献   

Little is known about the soil seed bank and the influence of plant communities on the interaction between the seed bank and aboveground vegetation in the Hyrcanian temperate deciduous forest. We surveyed species composition and diversity of the persistent soil seed bank and the aboveground vegetation in six community types in old-growth Hyrcanian Box tree (Buxus hyrcana) stands in northern Iran. Fifty-two species with an average of 3,808 seeds/spores m−2 germinated; forbs accounted for 64% of the seed bank flora. Thirty-four species in the aboveground vegetation were not presented in the seed bank, 32 species in the seed bank were not found in the vegetation, and 20 species were in both. The dominant tree species were Diospyros lotus and Alnus subcordata with an average of 17 and 4.6 seeds m−2, respectively. Our results suggest that (1) vernal geophytes and shade-tolerant perennials are not incorporated in the seed bank, (2) early successional species are well represented in the seed bank, (3) plant community type has significant impacts on seed bank densities, and seed bank richness and diversity were significantly related to presence/absence of Box tree in the aboveground vegetation. The persistent seed bank contained species that potentially have a negative impact on the regeneration of forests, thus forest managers should retain old-growth Hyrcanian Box tree stands to conserve disturbance-sensitive indicator forest species.  相似文献   

We assessed the size of seed bank, species diversity and similarity between seed bank and standing vegetation in four oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) community types of the central Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. For this purpose a total of 52 relevés was established in two associations and two subassociations of the beech forests, and six soil samples (20 × 20 cm square and to a depth of 10 cm) were collected in each relevé in mid-spring, after the germination season had ended. Soil seed bank was investigated using the seedling emergence method. A total of 63 species, 57 genera and 36 families was represented in the persistent soil seed bank of the forest communities. The seed bank contained 28 species not found as adult plants in the vegetation, but these were mostly early successional species. Size of the seed bank ranged from 3740 to 4676 individuals m−2 in the Rusco hyrcani-Fagetum orientalis and Danae racemosae-Fagetum orientalis associations, respectively. Species composition of seed banks and aboveground vegetation had low similarity with an average of 24.3% in the four plant communities, because only 38% of the species were the same in the vegetation and the seed banks. Most seeds in the seed bank were from early successional species, and the only tree with a large persistent seed bank was the fast-growing pioneer Alnus subcordata. DCA ordination also demonstrated low similarity between soil seed bank and vegetation. The soil seed banks of the four beech communities did not differ significantly in size, composition, diversity and uniformity. Although above ground vegetation in the four community types is floristically distinct, there is considerable overlap among the soil seed banks because they contain in a similar way early successional species. Further, the absence of typical forest species in the soil seed bank indicates that restoration of forest tree species cannot rely on the soil seed bank.  相似文献   

Invasive species have been considered as one of the most serious threats to the biodiversity of various ecosystems, particularly in arid regions. The present study aimed to assess the influence of the invasive shrub Nicotiana glauca on the biodiversity of different habitats in Taif region, Saudi Arabia as well as to determine the highest habitat with seed bank of N. glauca. Soil samples were collected from three locations (Alwaht, Ash-shafa, and Ar Ruddaf), invaded with N. glauca, and analyzed for the soil seed bank. A soil seed experiment was designed in a greenhouse, whereby emerged plant seedlings were left to grow for three months and identified as well as the species density and biodiversity were assessed under and outside the canopy of N. glauca. Also, the floristic composition, life forms, and chorotype spectra of the plant species of the seed bank were analyzed. A total of 42 species, belonging to 23 families, were recorded in the soil seed bank. Asteraceae, Poaceae, and Cyperaceae were the major families (42.9%). The life form spectra of the recorded species were dominated by Therophytes (59.5%). Chorotype spectra analysis revealed that Mediterranean, Saharo-Arabian, and Irano-Turanian were the most represented elements. The species richness and evenness were higher outside the canopy, which indicates a negative effect of the invasive shrub N. glauca on the plant biodiversity in the study area, particularly in Ar Ruddaf location. This could be attributed to the competition or allelopathic effect of N. glauca. In contrast, the density of N. glauca seeds was higher under the canopy compared to outside. The soil nutrients and moisture under the canopy were higher than outside canopy. The present study provides a deeper understanding of the most susceptible habitats or communities to the invasion by N. glauca and thereby open the challenge toward control of this noxious plant and vegetation restoration.  相似文献   

We compared species composition and diversity of the soil seed and seedling banks in three secondary vegetation types (shrubland, Populus bonatii forest, Lithocarpus regrowth forest) and a primary old-growth forest in the subtropical Ailao Mountains of southwestern China to clarify the importance of seed and seedling banks for forest dynamics. The average species richness was the highest in soil samples from the shrubland (26.80 ± 1.98), and the lowest from the primary forest (9.93 ± 0.50). The density of germinable tree seeds increased from the secondary vegetation to the primary forest, and the density of shrub, forb, and graminoid seeds decreased significantly. The most abundant seedlings recorded in soil samples were light-demanding species in the shrubland and Populus bonatii forest. For ground flora, the number of shrub seedlings strongly decreased with the increase in stand age, and shade-tolerant tree seedlings tended to increase. The species similarity between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation in all sites was low (Sørensen’s index = 0.11–0.33), however, the shrubland had higher similarity compared with the other three plant communities. In the primary forest, light-demanding woody species dominated in soil seed banks, while shade-tolerant species dominated in the overstory and the forest floor. In the primary forest, seedlings of dominant tree species were rare in the understory, and no seeds of the dominant species were found in the soil. Results indicated that the early stages of vegetation recovery should take into account the possibility of recovering soil seed bank processes. However, colonization and establishment of tree seedlings will be difficult once a primary forest is destroyed.  相似文献   

该研究以甘肃洮河国家级自然保护区大峪沟林区(TH)、冶力关林区(YLG)、尕海 则岔国家级自然保护区则岔林区(GZ)的紫果云杉(Picea purpurea)天然林群落为研究对象,通过样地调查与萌发实验,分析洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征,以揭示洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库特征及与地上植被的关系,为紫果云杉群落恢复和管理提供依据。结果表明:(1)3个林区土壤种子库共萌发27科45属50种植物,种子库密度在958~1 129粒/m2之间,草本植物是构成研究区土壤种子库的主体。(2)3个林区紫果云杉群落土壤种子库垂直结构明显,物种数及种子密度随土层的加深呈减少趋势。(3)3个林区地上植被物种数大于土壤种子库物种数,相似性系数在0.15~0.23之间,表现为极不相似性;土壤种子库的多样性指数除Pielou指数高于地上植被外,Margalef指数、Shannon Wiener指数、Simpson指数均低于地上植被。研究认为,洮河上游紫果云杉群落土壤种子库以草本植物为主,乔木和灌木的储量较小,特别是建群种紫果云杉的储量较小;地上植被和土壤种子库之间相互的贡献力较低,仅依靠紫果云杉林土壤种子库进行自然恢复,远不能缓解现阶段紫果云杉林退化的问题,因此需开展人工育苗、造林等措施来促进紫果云杉的更新与发展。  相似文献   

土壤种子库作为地上植被更新的潜在种源,在植被自然恢复和演替过程以及生态系统建设中起着重要作用。以宁夏盐池县荒漠草原区4种植物群落为研究对象,通过对封育16年后植物群落土壤理化性质的变化与其土壤种子库的特征之间的关系的探讨,揭示荒漠草原植物群落的土壤种子库分布特征和演替趋势,以及土壤质量的改变如何影响土壤种子库特征。研究结果表明:(1)不同植物群落土壤种子库物种组成及种子密度不同,同一物种在不同植物群落土壤种子库中出现时种子密度也存在差异;禾本科、菊科、藜科植物种在4种植物群落土壤种子库中出现比例均较高,分别占到26.19%、21.43%和19.05%,占总物种数的66.7%;灰绿藜、冰草、碱蓬在4种植物群落土壤种子库中均有出现。(2)4种植物群落土壤种子库中多年生植物和一年生植物种子居多,灌木、半灌木植物种较少。(3)4种植物群落土壤种子库中物种数和种子密度均表现为:芨芨草群落 > 苦豆子群落 > 油蒿群落 > 盐爪爪群落;且随着土层的加深,4种植物群落土壤种子库中物种数和种子密度均呈递减趋势。(4)4种植物群落土壤种子库中Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpsin指数、Pielou指数和Patrick指数均表现为芨芨草群落 > 苦豆子群落 > 油蒿群落 > 盐爪爪群落。此外,芨芨草群落土壤种子库与油蒿群落土壤种子库相似性最高,油蒿群落与盐爪爪群落的最低。(5)土壤种子库物种多样性特征指数与土壤pH、含水量、碱解氮呈正相关,与土壤电导率呈负相关,其中土壤pH和电导率对种子库物种多样性的影响较大。荒漠草原封育以后,土壤种子库中植物种数、种子密度和物种多样性均呈增加趋势,且以多年生植物和一年生植物种子居多;禾本科和豆科植物的物种数和种子密度大于菊科和藜科,这表明围封后牧草品质改善,植物群落正向演替。  相似文献   

湘西石漠化区3种造林模式土壤真菌群落结构差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘立玲  周光益  党鹏  陈洁  尚海  邱丽琼  朱宁华 《生态学报》2022,42(10):4150-4159
湘西石漠化地区是我国生态系统脆弱而又敏感的区域,土壤微生物在维持石漠化区森林生态系统结构和功能稳定中发挥重要作用。选取石漠化地区立地条件相同的32年生的马尾松纯林、光皮桦纯林及马尾松-光皮桦混交林为研究对象,以立地条件相似的未造林荒地演变成的灌草群落作为对照,比较分析石漠化地区不同造林模式对土壤真菌群落结构和多样性的影响及其主要驱动因素。采用Illumina HiSeq第二代高通量测序技术,分析了3种森林土壤真菌群落组成及多样性。结果表明,不同造林模式下土壤真菌优势类群不同,光皮桦、马尾松-光皮桦混交林以及石漠化灌草地土壤真菌优势门均为子囊菌门(Ascomycota),且在石漠化灌草地相对丰度最大,为64.0%;马尾松则以担子菌门(Basidiomycota)为优势类群,其相对丰度占57.9%。混交林土壤真菌物种总数和Shannon指数显著高于马尾松和光皮桦林地,整体上真菌群落多样性表现为:未造林灌草地>混交林>马尾松林>光皮桦林。与未造林灌草地相比,马尾松-光皮桦混交林和光皮桦纯林显著提升了土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(TN)含量。Mantel test检验结果显示,...  相似文献   

Soil seed banks can play an important role in the regeneration of wetland vegetation. However, their potential role in the restoration of degraded wetland forests is less certain. I surveyed the soil seed bank and extant floras of four sites across a eucalypt wetland forest of variable vegetation condition. At each site, the extant vegetation was surveyed within two 5 × 5 m2 quadrats, each from which five composite soil seed bank samples were collected. Across the four sites, 57 (including 18 exotic) species were identified in the extant vegetation, while from the seed bank samples 6379 seedlings emerged from 80 taxa, 33 of which were exotic species. The soil seed bank was dominated by native and exotic monocots, and contained very few seeds of wetland tree or shrub species. Overall, the similarity between the extant and seed bank floras was very low (~24 %). Soil seed banks are likely to be of limited use in the restoration of degraded wetland forests, because the dominant species in such systems—woody and clonal plants—are typically absent from the soil seed bank. Wetland soil seed banks may contribute to the maintenance and diversity of understorey vegetation, however, they may also act as a source of exotic plant invasions, particularly when a wetland is degraded.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal is a key process in plant community dynamics, and soil seed banks represent seed dispersal in time rather than in space. Despite their potential importance, seed bank dynamics in the Arctic are poorly understood. We investigated soil seed banks and corresponding plant community composition in three contrasting vegetation types in West Greenland, viz. dwarf shrub heaths, herb slopes and fell‐fields. Through germination testing, 31 species were documented in soil seed banks. All of these were herbaceous, while no dwarf‐shrub species, which represents the dominating growth form in the above‐ground vegetation, were emerging from the seed bank. Consequently, across vegetation types, the lowest similarity between seed bank and above‐ground vegetation was found in dwarf shrub heath. Nine plant species were exclusively found in seed bank, all of which were non‐clonal forbs. Seed bank size (total number of seeds) and species richness seemed to increase with the level of natural disturbance. Additionally, we examined the effect of different experimental light and temperature conditions on the quantity and diversity of germinating seeds. The difference in diversity in vegetation and seed bank at the species level will impact population dynamics, regeneration of vegetation after disturbances and its potential to respond to climate change.  相似文献   

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