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2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)是一类由于胰岛β细胞损伤和机体对胰岛素耐受引发的慢性代谢性疾病,其快速增长的患病率和并发症所带来的高病死率已成为人类面临的医学难题。目前,T2DM主要是以降糖药物及胰岛素增敏剂等药物进行治疗,但是这类药物会产生严重的副作用,而且不能长期良好控制血糖和防止各种慢性并发症。因此,基因治疗是未来医疗发展的主要方向。基因治疗不仅可以靶向调控血糖水平进而提高降糖的效果,而且能够减少糖代谢异常引起的并发症,保护组织器官免受损伤。在认识传统药物治疗糖尿病的基础上,综述了基因技术在治疗T2DM中的应用,讨论了基因技术治疗T2DM的意义及存在的问题。基因技术的应用不仅有利于T2DM的预防和个体化治疗,同时也为糖尿病并发症提供了新的治疗途径。  相似文献   

杨怡  马小允  崔福江  刘尊  芮炳峰 《生物磁学》2013,(24):4791-4793,4784
摘要:随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及国人寿命的不断延长,2型糖尿病(T2DM)&骨质疏松(OP)的发病率在全世界范围呈现增高趋势。T2DM并发OP受着性别、年龄、病程、高血糖、糖基化终末产物过多、胰岛素、慢性并发症、肥胖、瘦素、饮食、运动及降糖药物的多种因素影响。骨质疏松症作为糖尿病慢性并发症之一,已严重影响患者的生活质量,T2DM患者在控制血糖同时,应预防其相关因素,定期进行骨密度测定是极为重要的,临床医生应给予高度重视,进行早期预防和治疗。  相似文献   

2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus, T2DM)是一种以持续性高血糖、胰岛素绝对缺乏或相对缺乏为特征的常见慢性代谢性疾病,其发病机制尚不完全明确。传统的降糖药物虽有一定的治疗效果,但T2DM患者长期服用会对机体产生一定的不良反应。近年来发现,天然产物不仅来源广泛,且具有降血糖、改善胰岛素抵抗等特点,作用温和并无毒无害,具有一定的抗T2DM特性。现对T2DM的主要发病机制及具有不同降血糖作用的天然产物进行分类综述,阐述天然产物在T2DM的防治及其潜在作用机制方面的研究进展,以期为T2DM的治疗提供新思路,为新型相关降糖药物的研发提供参考。  相似文献   

糖尿病是一种常见的内分泌代谢性疾病,它及其并发症的治疗是现代医学仍未解决的难题。常见的药物治疗有诸多不良反应,譬如胰岛素的长期使用会产生胰岛素耐受性。近年研究发现,酸性成纤维细胞因子(Fibroblast growth factor 1,FGF1或aFGF)及其衍生物能够使2型糖尿病小鼠的血糖快速恢复至正常水平,并且具有胰岛素增敏效果,规避了胰岛素治疗产生耐受性的问题。因此,人们对FGF1及其衍生物在开发新型T2DM疗法方面给予诸多期待。该综述系统介绍了FGF1的结构与功能、降糖功效的机制及新发现,对FGF1的2种注射方式和FGF家族在降糖作用方面进行了比较,并对FGF1在治疗糖尿病方面的研究进程进行展望,旨在为调节血糖、解决胰岛素耐受性问题提供一种新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)是一种因胰岛素分泌不足或胰岛素抵抗而引起的慢性代谢疾病,T2DM患病人数的快速增长使治疗和预防T2DM成为世界上亟待解决的医学问题。随着微生物组学技术的进步,肠道菌群及其代谢产物与T2DM的研究亦逐渐深入,肠道菌群可能成为治疗和预防T2DM的靶点。肠道菌群及其代谢产物作用于T2DM的潜在机制,主要是参与体内炎症反应、增加肠道短链脂肪酸产量、调节肠道胆汁酸的代谢、调节支链氨基酸的代谢等。目前,治疗T2DM的药物可能会产生一些副作用,而基于肠道菌群干预T2DM的措施相对安全无害。例如,可通过严格控制的特定结构饮食长期摄入或增加益生菌的长期摄取控制血糖,或通过口服可影响肠道菌群生态结构的降糖药物(二甲双胍、阿卡波糖)有效地调控血糖水平。综述基于肠道菌群及其代谢产物诱发T2DM的潜在机制,研讨基于肠道菌群干预T2DM的措施,从肠道菌群的新视角探索治疗T2DM的新方法,为彻底治疗T2DM提供一种新可能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝源性糖尿病的临床特点及其治疗,以提高对该病的诊疗水平.方法:120例肝源性糖尿病(HD)患者,其中46例行OGTT试验,检测了血糖、胰岛素、C肽、胰岛素敏感指数(ISI),HOMA-IR及空腹血糖、空腹胰岛素(FPG/FINS)评估胰岛素抵抗,并与50例2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者进行对比分析.结果:21例(17.5%)HD患者有三多一少糖尿病典型症状.OGTT结果显示HD组空腹血糖低于T2DM组(P<0.05);胰岛素+C肽释放试验显示T2DM组和HD组胰岛素分泌呈高峰延迟型,HD患者各时段胰岛素及C肽水平高于T2DM患者(P<0.05,P<0.01).HD组的FPG/FINS及HOMA-IR低于HD组,ISI高于HD组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).经治疗后血糖大部分控制在正常或接近正常水平,9例病例均死于肝病并发症.结论:胰岛素抵抗可能是肝源性糖尿病重要的发病机制.肝源性糖尿病以餐后高血糖为特征,临床症状不典型,短期不良预后主要与原发慢性肝病有关.  相似文献   

近年来,中国 2 型糖尿病(T2DM)发病率呈快速增长趋势。T2DM 是一种慢性代谢性疾病,涉及全身各个系统,甚至可能引起严 重的并发症。大多数 T2DM 患者需长期口服降糖药物。口服降糖药的药物基因组学研究可指导个体化治疗,改善疗效,降低用药成本,减 少不良反应和并发症风险,已成为当前研究的热点。综述常用口服降糖药药效学和药代动力学参数的相关基因多态性研究进展,为更加合理、 有效地进行糖尿病临床个体化治疗提供参考。  相似文献   

康小瑜  黄伟英 《蛇志》2005,17(2):141-142
糖尿病(DM)是慢性终身性疾病。如果血糖控制不良,可引起眼睛、神经、肾脏、心血管病变及感染等多种慢性并发症,致残率及死亡率较高。目前治疗DM的方法为:教育、饮食控制、运动疗法、降糖药物应用及自我监测等综合措施,全面有效地控制DM并非单纯依靠用药可以达到,要结合对患者进行健康教育。现将施教方法和体会报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:探讨速效胰岛素类似物(门冬胰岛素,诺和锐)与人普通胰岛素(诺和灵R)及胰岛素泵在2型糖尿病(T2DM)围手术期治疗中的有效性和安全性。方法:158例围手术期T2DM患者随机分为胰岛素泵输注门冬胰岛素治疗CSII组52例,门冬胰岛素多次皮下注射治疗MSII(A)组56例,人普通胰岛素多次皮下注射治疗MSII(B)组50例。观察各组患者治疗前后空腹和餐后2h血糖变化、血糖达标时间、胰岛素用量、低血糖发生率及术后并发症发生率。结果:3组治疗后血糖均明显低于治疗前,CSII组治疗后血糖低于MSII(A)组(P<0.05),MSII(A)组治疗后血糖低于MSII(B)组(P<0.05);术后并发症CSII组低于MSII(A)组(P<0.05),MSII(A)组低于MSII(B)组(P<0.05)。结论:门冬胰岛素对T2DM围手术期血糖控制有较好的有效性、安全性和顺应性,胰岛素泵是2型糖尿病患者围手术期胰岛素输注的最佳模式。  相似文献   

聂玲玲  缪珩 《生物磁学》2013,(3):582-586,593
糖尿病(DM)是一种慢性终身性疾病,目前已成为严重威胁人类健康的世界性公共卫生问题,2型糖尿病患者也逐渐增加。流行病学调查显示,目前全球大约有近2亿糖尿病患者,其中2型糖尿病占90%~95%。2型糖尿病发病机理是胰岛素分泌的相对或绝对不足伴有或不伴有胰岛素抵抗,持续的高血糖可严重抑制胰岛功能。严格的血糖控制能够延缓糖尿病慢性并发症的发生和发展,延长了患者的预期寿命。但是随着血糖控制达标,发生低血糖的危险性增加了,低血糖不仅严重阻碍了良好血糖控制,而且严重低血糖还是2型糖尿病致死、致残的重要原因。本文探讨2型糖尿病患者治疗中低血糖发生的原因、诱发因素以及可能的解决方案。  相似文献   

尽管皮下注射胰岛素、口服降糖药等可以缓解糖尿病患者的高血糖,但是这些治疗措施只是暂时性的,并不能从根本上彻底治疗糖尿病以及阻止其他并发症的发生。随着人们对糖尿病本质的深层次揭示和现代分子生物学手段的发展,针对由胰岛素分泌缺乏引起的1型糖尿病(T1D)基因治疗手段逐渐丰富。总结了胰岛素替代基因的直接导入,刺激新的β细胞再生以及阻止胰岛β细胞的自身免疫,抑制胰岛β细胞的凋亡等1型糖尿病的基因治疗新进展,并展望其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most prevalent metabolic diseases globally and it is increasing in prevalence. It is one of the most expensive diseases with respect to total health care costs per patient as a result of its chronic nature and its severe complications. To provide a more effective treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), this study aims to compare different efficacies of six kinds of hypoglycemic drugs based on metformin, including glimepiride, pioglitazone, exenatide, glibenclamide, rosiglitazone, and vildagliptin, in T2DM by a network meta-analysis that were verified by randomized-controlled trials (RCTs). Eight eligible RCT in consistency with the aforementioned six hypoglycemic drugs for T2DM were included. The results of network meta-analysis demonstrated that the exenatide + metformin and vildagliptin + metformin regimens presented with better efficacy. Patients with T2DM with unsatisfactory blood glucose control based on diet control, proper exercise, and metformin treatment were included. The original regimen and dose of medication were unchanged, followed by the addition of glimepiride, pioglitazone, exenatide, glibenclamide, rosiglitazone, and vildagliptin. The results of RCTs showed that all these six kinds of drugs reduced the HbA1c level. Compared with other regimens, exenatide + metformin reduced fasting plasma glucose (FPG), fasting plasma insulin (FPI), total cholesterol (TC), and homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) levels, but increased the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) level; vildagliptin + metformin decreased FPI and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels; glibenclamide + metformin decreased the FPG level, but promoted HDL; and glimepiride + metformin decreased the TC level and rosiglitazone + metformin reduced the LDL level. Our findings indicated that exenatide + metformin and vildagliptin + metformin have better efficacy in T2DM since they can improve insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

Ruan CT  Lam SH  Chi TC  Lee SS  Su MJ 《Phytomedicine》2012,19(8-9):719-724
Diabetes mellitus (DM) often leads to disability from vascular complications and neurological complications. Tinospora crispa has been widely used in Asia and Africa as a remedy for diabetes and other diseases. In this study, we investigated the hypoglycemic actions of borapetoside C isolated from T. crispa, and the mechanisms underlying its actions. Acute treatment with borapetoside C (5mg/kg, i.p.) attenuated the elevated plasma glucose induced by oral glucose in normal and type 2 DM (T2DM) mice. Compared to the effect of injected insulin (0.5 IU/kg), borapetoside C caused a more prominent increase of glycogen content in skeletal muscle of T2DM mice, but a less increase in type 1 DM (T1DM) mice. Combined treatment of a low dose borapetoside C (0.1mg/kg, i.p.) plus insulin enhanced insulin-induced lowering of the plasma glucose level and insulin-induced increase of muscle glycogen content. Continuous treatment with 5mg/kg borapetoside C (twice daily) for 7 days increased phosphorylation of insulin receptor (IR) and protein kinase B (Akt) as well as the expression of glucose transporter-2 (GLUT2) in T1DM mice. Combined treatment of a low dose borapetoside C (0.1mg/kg, twice daily) plus insulin for 7 days enhanced insulin-induced IR and Akt phosphorylation and GLUT2 expression in the liver of T1DM mice. This study proved that borapetoside C can increase glucose utilization, delayed the development of insulin resistance and enhanced insulin sensitivity. The activation of IR-Akt-GLUT2 expression and the enhancement of insulin sensitivity may contribute to the hypoglycemic action of borapetoside C in diabetic mice.  相似文献   

非酒精性脂肪性肝病已日渐成为目前慢性肝病的主要病因,其与肥胖、2型糖尿病和代谢综合征等疾病密切相关,疾病谱主要包括非酒精性单纯性脂肪肝、非酒精性脂肪性肝炎和肝硬化。早期诊断和及时治疗可望减轻NAFLD患者肝炎的严重程度并延缓肝纤维化的进展,减少并发症的出现。目前认为其发病与胰岛素抵抗、氧化应激及脂质过氧化和肠道菌群失调等因素有关。通过饮食调整和适当运动而减轻体重被认为是最基础的治疗措施,但单纯依靠减肥治疗脂肪性肝病(FLD)的效果并不理想,药物在脂肪性肝炎防治中的作用同样不可忽视。目前没有根治这一疾病的特效药物,单纯针对某一发病机制的药物亦难以治愈NAFLD这种复杂的疾病,本文主要从改善胰岛素抵抗、降脂、保肝抗炎及改善肠道菌群等四方面介绍一下本病的药物治疗进展。提倡改变生活方式的非药物治疗与药物干预治疗紧密结合,以取得最理想的治疗效果。  相似文献   

随着经济及生活水平的提高,营养过剩导致营养代谢疾病中2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes mellitus,T2DM)发生率骤增。患者血糖升高及并发症严重降低生活质量,增加经济负担。现行降糖药存在局限性和副作用,而益生菌具有安全、经济和有效等特点,并且能够降血糖和减轻并发症等。益生菌在糖尿病预防、治疗和重塑肠道微生态健康方面具有良好的应用前景,逐渐成为糖尿病防治的研究热点。虽然益生菌有望攻克糖尿病,但是调控血糖的机制需要更加深入的研究。本文综述了益生菌调控血糖的应用及机制研究、发展趋势与前景及挑战,为调控血糖微生态制剂的开发提供理论基础。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a gut-derived incretin hormone that plays an important role in glucose homeostasis. Its functions include glucose-stimulated insulin secretion, suppression of glucagon secretion, deceleration of gastric emptying, and reduction in appetite and food intake. Despite the numerous antidiabetic properties of GLP-1, its therapeutic potential is limited by its short biological half-life due to rapid enzymatic degradation by dipeptidyl peptidase IV. The present study aimed to demonstrate the therapeutic effects of constitutively expressed GLP-1 in an overt type 2 diabetic animal model using an adenoviral vector system. METHODS: A novel plasmid (pAAV-ILGLP-1) and recombinant adenoviral vector (Ad-ILGLP-1) were constructed with the cytomegalovirus promoter and insulin leader sequence followed by GLP-1(7-37) cDNA. RESULTS: The results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay showed significantly elevated levels of GLP-1(7-37) secreted by human embryonic kidney cells transfected with the construct containing the leader sequence. A single intravenous administration of Ad-ILGLP-1 into 12-week-old Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats, which have overt type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), achieved near normoglycemia for 3 weeks and improved utilization of blood glucose in glucose tolerance tests. Circulating plasma levels of GLP-1 increased in GLP-1-treated ZDF rats, but diminished 21 days after treatment. When compared with controls, Ad-ILGLP-1-treated ZDF rats had a lower homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance score indicating amelioration in insulin resistance. Immunohistochemical staining showed that cells expressing GLP-1 were found in the livers of GLP-1-treated ZDF rats. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that GLP-1 gene therapy can improve glucose homeostasis in fully developed diabetic animal models and may be a promising treatment modality for T2DM in humans.  相似文献   

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is increasing, creating a need for T2DM animal models for the study of disease pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment. The purpose of this project was to develop a rat model of T2DM that more closely models the pathophysiology of T2DM in humans. The model was created by crossing obese Sprague-Dawley rats with insulin resistance resulting from polygenic adult-onset obesity with Zucker diabetic fatty-lean rats that have a defect in pancreatic beta-cell function but normal leptin signaling. We have characterized the model with respect to diabetes incidence; age of onset; longitudinal measurements of glucose, insulin, and lipids; and glucose tolerance. Longitudinal fasting glucose and insulin data demonstrated progressive hyperglycemia (with fasting and fed glucose concentrations >250 and >450 mg/dl, respectively) after onset along with hyperinsulinemia resulting from insulin resistance at onset followed by a progressive decline in circulating insulin concentrations, indicative of beta-cell decompensation. The incidence of diabetes in male and female rats was 92 and 43%, respectively, with an average age of onset of 6 mo in males and 9.5 mo in females. Results from intravenous glucose tolerance tests, pancreas immunohistochemistry, and islet insulin content further support a role for beta-cell dysfunction in the pathophysiology of T2DM in this model. Diabetic animals also exhibit glycosuria, polyuria, and hyperphagia. Thus diabetes in the UC Davis-T2DM rat is more similar to clinical T2DM in humans than in other existing rat models and provides a useful model for future studies of the pathophysiology, treatment, and prevention of T2DM.  相似文献   

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