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不同热休克蛋白在肾细胞癌组织中的表达及其意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 研究HSPgp96、HSP90、HSP70在肾细胞癌组织中的表达及其相互关系。方法 应用免疫组化S P法检测 5 4例肾细胞癌组织标本中HSPgp96、HSP90、HSP70的表达情况。结果 在肾细胞癌组织中HSPgp96、HSP90、HSP70表达明显较正常肾组织增强 (P <0 0 5 ) ,阳性率分别为 88 9%、 85 2 %、 90 7% ,三者之间无明显差异性 (P >0 0 5 ) ,其表达程度均与肾细胞癌临床分期、病理分级及细胞类型无显著相关性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 HSPgp96、HSP90、HSP70的高表达在肾细胞癌的发生、发展中起促进作用 ,尤其是在加强肿瘤抗原的呈递、表达上具有重要临床应用价值。  相似文献   

针对HBV感染的治疗性DNA疫苗虽然具有很好的应用前景,但目前抗病毒效果并不高,表明在病毒长期感染过程中存在免疫抑制机制。以HBV的表面蛋白(HBsAg)和核心蛋白(HBcAg)为DNA疫苗抗原,采用gp96和HSP70作为佐剂联合电转以提高疫苗的活性。将gp96为佐剂的HBsAg/HBcAg DNA疫苗免疫HBV转基因鼠后引发抗原特异性的细胞免疫和体液免疫应答。使用gp96和HSP70佐剂引起Treg下调20%。与没有免疫的小鼠相比,以gp96和HSP70为佐剂的DNA疫苗显著降低血清中病毒S抗原水平和DNA拷贝数,大幅降低小鼠肝脏中HBc的表达。该研究为设计以gp96为佐剂的乙肝治疗性DNA疫苗提供了依据。  相似文献   

哺乳动物HSP90蛋白家族是一组高度保守、参与多种细胞进程的蛋白分子。它们广泛分布在各种细胞中,并在维持细胞稳态中发挥重要作用。HSP90有两种细胞质亚型,分别为HSP90α(可诱导型)和HSP90β(组成型)。病理条件下,HSP90表达失常会影响某些疾病的发生与进展,如癌症和神经退行性疾病等。因此,靶向不同的HSP90细胞质亚型在肿瘤和其他疾病的治疗方面具有巨大的潜在价值,本文对HSP90细胞质亚型的分子结构、功能及其在病理生理学中的潜在作用进行综述。  相似文献   

已有研究表明,HSP27在一些病毒的生命周期中发挥着重要作用,但它对于脑心肌炎病毒(encephalomyocarditis virus,EMCV)的调控作用尚不明晰。该研究通过构建人源HSP27的表达质粒pCMV-Myc-HSP27并于HEK293细胞中表达后,接种EMCV检测病毒的复制及相关通路蛋白表达情况。结果显示,过表达HSP27可以抑制EMCV在宿主细胞中的复制,进一步分析表明,HSP27可能是通过正调控IFN-β信号通路中接头分子MAVS、TBK1、IRF3的表达和阻止自噬体与溶酶体的融合实现对EMCV复制的负调控作用。总之,该研究首次表明,HSP27抑制EMCV复制是通过IFN-β信号通路及自噬途径来实现的,这些发现为揭示EMCV感染中宿主因子的调控作用和潜在的抗病毒靶点提供新的见解。  相似文献   

植物热激蛋白研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热激蛋白(heat shock protein,HSP)是一种普遍具有抗逆作用的保护蛋白,主要通过分子伴侣形式与其他蛋白结合来保护蛋白稳态及修复变性蛋白从而维持植物内环境的稳定,在植物生长发育及逆境调控过程中发挥重要作用。植物热激蛋白分为HSP100、HSP90、HSP70、HSP60、小分子HSP五大家族,每一家族含有多个热激蛋白。随着对HSP的不断研究,已有大量文献报道了不同物种中的热激蛋白,在此基础上通过阐述植物热激蛋白的结构、功能以及调控作用,旨在为进一步认识热激蛋白及其作用机理提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

目的探讨量子点荧光技术对人肾癌细胞株(ACHN)中不同HSP进行标记的可行性应用。方法利用量子点的荧光特性,免疫细胞化学方法检测体外培养的ACHN细胞中量子点特异性标记的HSP70、HSP90、HSPgp96的表达情况。结果共聚焦荧光显微镜下可见ACHN细胞中HSP70、HSP90、HSPgp96均有明显表达,呈现均匀分布的橙红色强荧光,且量子点在持续激发30分钟后无荧光淬灭发生。结论量子点荧光标记技术能够对不同HSP进行标记,且与传统的标记方法相比具有显著优点,可作为一种新型的检测技术应用于科研及临床标记检测中。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白27(Heat shock protein 27,HSP27)是一种具有多重功能的小热休克蛋白,它在一些病毒的生命周期中也发挥着重要作用。为研究HSP27对流感病毒感染的调节作用,首先在原核及真核细胞中克隆并表达了人源的HSP27蛋白,并验证了HSP27和A型流感病毒NS1蛋白能够相互结合。通过荧光素酶检测试验发现,HSP27可以抑制病毒感染细胞中β干扰素(IFN-β)的表达,但不依赖于其自身的磷酸化状态,而且HSP27与NS1共同对于IFN-β的表达具有叠加抑制效果。进一步的结果表明HSP27可能通过RIG-I样RNA解旋酶(RLH)途径中MDA5因子抑制IFN-β的表达。研究表明,HSP27在被感染细胞的天然免疫中发挥一定作用,有助于进一步阐明宿主因子对于流感病毒感染的调节机理。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白gp96作为抗原载体的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
gp96是存在于真核生物细胞内质网中的分子量约为96kD的热休克蛋白(又称GRP94)。它属于HSP90家族,是胞质HSP90的旁系同源蛋白。研究证实从小鼠肿瘤组织中分离的gp96注射小鼠后,可使小鼠获得针对该肿瘤细胞的特异细胞免疫力。随后发现这种特异性免疫不是由gp96引起,而是由其结合的小肽诱发。gp96受体的发现给这种现象的解释提供了线索。人们提出了多种假说来解释这种现象,其中一些得到了广泛的支持。另外,gp96还参与免疫调节过程。完全了解gp96在免疫系统中的作用机制对开发新型药物如肿瘤和病毒感染治疗性疫苗具有重要意义 。  相似文献   

热休克蛋白 (HSP)具有广泛的生物学功能 ,其表达方式有两种 :一种是诱导性表达 ,即当生物、细胞受到刺激时才进行表达 ;另一种是组成性表达 ,即在生物、细胞的正常生活、代谢过程中表达。HSP的这两种表达方式意味着HSP基因表达的调控方式和机理不同。本文简要介绍了热休克因子(HSF)的种类、结构及调控HSP基因表达的机理。HSF通过以下 4个步骤调节HSP基因表达 :( 1 )HSF由单体形式变成磷酸化的三聚体形式被激活 ;( 2 )三聚体形式的HSF与HSP基因的热休克元件(HSE)上相邻排列的 3个 5′ GAA 3′结合 ;( 3)与HSF结合后 ,HSE的活化域暴露 ,HSP基因转录 ;( 4 )HSP的mRNA 5′端前导区的特异结构适合于核糖体快速结合和高效翻译。不同生物体内的HSF作用有一定差异 ,功能较为明确的有 :( 1 )对应激信号敏感的HSF1 ;( 2 )对应激信号不敏感 ,对生长、发育、分化信号敏感的HSF2 ;( 3)起抑制HSP基因转录作用的HSF4。还有一些HSF(如HSF3)的作用机制较复杂 ,有待深入研究。此外 ,本文也简要介绍了HSP在衰老、免疫应答、细胞生存和凋亡平衡等中的作用 ,对了解和认识生物生长、发育、衰老、保护、免疫应答及细胞生存和凋亡平衡的分子机制有一定帮助。  相似文献   

曹步清  倪鑫 《生命的化学》2008,28(2):182-185
热激蛋白(heat shock protein,HSP)是广泛存在于生物体内,在生物进化过程中序列高度保守的蛋白质家族.HsP27是HSP家族中的重要一员,在机体应激的情况下表达增加,通过分子伴侣作用、抗细胞凋亡和抗氧化应激等作用保护细胞,同时HSP27与多种临床疾病密切相关.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70s) are a highly conserved family of genes in eukaryotes, and are involved in a remarkable variety of cellular processes. In many plant positive‐stranded RNA viruses, HSP70 participates in the construction of a viral replication complex and plays various roles during viral infection. Here, we found increased expression of HSP70 following infection by Rice stripe virus (RSV), a negative‐stranded RNA virus, in both rice (the natural host) and Nicotiana benthamiana (an experimental host). Heat treatment of N. benthamiana (Nb) plants enhanced viral infection, whereas RSV infection was retarded and viral RNAs accumulated at a low level when HSP70 was silenced. In both bimolecular fluorescence complement and in vitro pull‐down assays, the N‐terminus of RSV RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) interacted and co‐localized with the HSP70s of both plants (OsHSP70 and NbHSP70). The localization of the N‐terminus of RdRp when expressed alone was not obviously different from when it was co‐expressed with OsHSP or NbHSP, and vice versa. RSV infection also had no effect on the localization of host HSP70. These results demonstrate that host HSP70 is necessary for RSV infection and probably plays a role in viral replication by interacting with viral RdRp, which provides the first evidence of an interacting host protein related to RSV replication, which has been little studied to date.  相似文献   

为研究汉滩病毒(Hantaan virus,HTNV)感染诱导乳鼠脑组织热休克蛋白GRP94、HSP27与病毒蛋白的相互关系,选出生2—3d的昆明乳鼠实验性感染汉滩病毒,取8d后发病乳鼠脑组织部分制石蜡切片,用免疫组化结合共聚焦显微镜检测组织中病毒抗原及GRP94、HSP27的表达,部分制匀浆液,用ELISA、免疫共沉淀方法分析病毒抗原和GRP94、HSP27的关系。结果示汉滩病毒感染诱导乳鼠脑组织神经细胞高表达GRP94且与细胞内病毒抗原有共定位关系,但未见HSP27诱导高表达;免疫共沉淀显示汉滩病毒核心抗原(HINV—NP)与GRP94、HSP27呈非共价复合物形式存在。该结果为进一步探讨HSPs在病毒感染复制中的作用以及抗病毒感染方面提供了有意义的实验资料。  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a family of cellular proteins involved in a variety of biological functions including chaperone activity. HSPs are classified based on their molecular weight and each family has several isoforms in eukaryotes. HSP40 is the most diverse family acting as a co-chaperone for the highly conserved HSP70 family. Some of the isoforms are reported to be induced during heat stress. Few studies have also highlighted the diverse role of some isoforms in different stress conditions including viral infections. But till date, no study has comprehensively examined the expression profile of different HSP40 and 70 isoforms in either heat stress or HIV-1 infection, a virus that is responsible for the pandemic of AIDS. In the present study, we have compared the mRNA expression profile of HSP40 and HSP70 isoforms during heat stress and HIV-1 infection in a T-cell line and also validated the HIV-1 stress results in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In case of HSP70, we observed that three isoforms (HSPA1A, HSPA1B, and HSPA6) are highly upregulated during heat stress, but these isoforms were found to be downregulated during the peak of HIV-1 infection. While in case of HSP40, we found that only DNAJA4, DNAJB1, and DNAJB4 showed significant upregulation during heat stress, whereas in HIV-1 infection, majority of the isoforms were induced significantly. Stress-dependent differential expression observed here indicates that different HSP40 and HSP70 isoforms may have specific roles during HIV-1 infection and thus could be important for future studies.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12192-020-01185-y.  相似文献   

汉坦病毒感染诱导乳鼠脑神经细胞表达热休克蛋白70   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生后2~3天的昆明乳鼠,每只腹腔接种0.05mL100个半数致死量的陈株汉坦病毒,于接种后不同时间点处死动物,取其脑组织常规固定,石蜡包埋制备5μm连续组织切片,用免疫组化法检测组织中的病毒抗原及热休克蛋白70的表达,用共聚焦显微镜观察二者之间的关系。结果发现,感染了病毒的组织能够稳定地检测到热休克蛋白70的表达,而病毒阴性的组织则检测不到热休克蛋白70的表达,且二者有共定位关系,其分布与组织病变一致。这与在病毒感染的VeroE6细胞及EHF病人尸检组织中得到的结果一致,说明病毒感染可诱导热休克蛋白70的表达,后者可能具有保护组织避免或减轻损伤的作用。  相似文献   

The movement of plant viruses is a complex process that requires support by the virus-encoded movement protein and multiple host factors. The unfolded protein response (UPR) plays important roles in plant virus infection, while how UPR regulates viral infection remains to be elucidated. Here, we show that rice stripe virus (RSV) elicits the UPR in Nicotiana benthamiana. The RSV-induced UPR activates the host autophagy pathway by which the RSV-encoded movement protein, NSvc4, is targeted for autophagic degradation. As a counteract, we revealed that NSvc4 hijacks UPR-activated type-I J-domain proteins, NbMIP1s, to protect itself from autophagic degradation. Unexpectedly, we found NbMIP1 stabilizes NSvc4 in a non-canonical HSP70-independent manner. Silencing NbMIP1 family genes in N. benthamiana, delays RSV infection, while over-expressing NbMIP1.4b promotes viral cell-to-cell movement. Moreover, OsDjA5, the homologue of NbMIP1 family in rice, behaves in a similar manner toward facilitating RSV infection. This study exemplifies an arms race between RSV and the host plant, and reveals the dual roles of the UPR in RSV infection though fine-tuning the accumulation of viral movement protein.  相似文献   

The major 70 kDa heat shock protein (HSP70), which is scarcely expressed in unstressed rodent cells, was apparently induced by infection with herpes simplex virus (HSV). Infection with HSV types 1 and 2 elevated HSP70 mRNA levels within 4 hr post-infection. HSP70 synthesis and accumulation increased in HSV-infected cells. Irradiation of HSV with UV-light abolished the ability to induce HSP70 mRNA. Inhibitors of viral DNA synthesis did not affect the induction of HSP70 in infected cells. Protein synthesis within 2 hr after infection was necessary for HSP70 induction.  相似文献   

Anti-vpr activities of heat shock protein 27   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
HIV-1 Vpr plays a pivotal role in viral pathogenesis and is preferentially targeted by the host immune system. In this report, we demonstrate that a small heat shock protein, HSP27, exhibits Vpr-specific antiviral activity, as its expression is specifically responsive to vpr gene expression and increased levels of HSP27 inhibit Vpr-induced cell cycle G2 arrest and cell killing. We further show that overexpression of HSP27 reduces viral replication in T-lymphocytes in a Vpr-dependent manner. Mechanistically, Vpr triggers HSP27 expression through heat shock factor (HSF) 1, but inhibits prolonged expression of HSP27 under heat-shock conditions. Together, these data suggest a potential dynamic and antagonistic interaction between HIV-1 Vpr and a host cell HSP27, suggesting that HSP27 may contribute to cellular intrinsic immunity against HIV infection.  相似文献   

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