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王艳  马艳  韩悦  郭军巧 《病毒学报》2012,28(5):506-510
本研究用Vero/Slam细胞从辽宁省2008~2011年流行性腮腺炎暴发和散发患者的临床标本中分离到13株流行性腮腺炎野病毒(Mumps virus,MuV),应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)针对MuV分离株的SH基因的316个核苷酸片段进行扩增,并对该产物进行序列测定。将这13株MuV与从GenBank下载的世界卫生组织(WHO)MuV基因型参考株一起进行分子流行病学研究。结果提示:除2011-015株外,辽宁省2008~2011年12株MuV分离株均属于F基因型,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性为94.9%~100%和83.3%~100%。与F基因型参考株序列相比,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为92.4%~97.2%和96.5%~84.2%。表明2008~2011年辽宁省流行的F基因型MuV发生较大的型内变异。另外还发现F基因型MuV在SH基因上存在着特异性突变(CNt65,CNt105,G Nt137,C Nt192,C Nt239,GNT262),而其它基因型MuV在这些位点上均未发生改变。F基因型MuV在SH基因编码的氨基酸保守位点也发生变化。如:第2位上由S→P,第6位上由P→L,第23位上由T→N,第48位上由L→P/R。与基因分型有关的氨基酸三联体,2008-01-007毒株也发生了改变,由IML变为TMP。2011-015株病毒与F基因型参考株平均核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为87.5%和79.8%,与G型参考株平均核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为96.8%和97.4%,属于G基因型。该基因型为中国内地首次发现。  相似文献   

为了解2020年我国风疹流行病学特征以及流行风疹病毒(Rubella virus,RV)的基因特征,本研究收集整理全国麻疹/风疹监测信息报告管理系统中2020年中国风疹发病数据,分析其流行病学特征;同时,依托全国麻疹/风疹实验室网络获得RV分离株,经鉴定后扩增并测定阳性RV分离株的靶基因序列——E1基因的739个核苷酸片段,并与WHO推荐的基因型参考株序列以及已发表的基因亚型参考株序列进行比对确定基因型和亚型,同时与我国2000-2019年间流行的RV进行亲缘性关系分析.结果显示,2020年中国风疹报告发病率为0.18/10万,继2018-2019年风疹的复发和暴发后出现大幅下降,发病人群年龄组主要为10-29岁无免疫史的青少年和成人;2020年我国RV流行的主要基因亚型为1E-L2与2B-L2c,为2018-2019年间检测到的境外输入性病毒.因此,在实施有效的风疹疫苗免疫后,我国本土流行的病毒逐渐被阻断,然而由于我国风疹易感人群的累积和输入性病毒的持续传播导致了我国近些年风疹疫情的回升.鉴于此,我国应根据现状制定更加切实有效的风疹疫苗免疫策略,消除青少年和成年人中的易感人群;同时应进一步加强风疹流行病学和病毒学监测,从而科学地阻断输入病毒的传播.  相似文献   

为了解我国现流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒全基因组的基因特征,本研究选择对腮腺炎病毒F基因型参考株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]进行全基因组测序,结合其它来自于GenBank的腮腺炎病毒全基因组序列,共同分析我国流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒的全基因组特征及其与现有疫苗株的遗传差异及抗原位点变异情况。通过研究发现,和腮腺炎病毒其它基因型相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]全基因组核苷酸差异在3.8%~6.5%之间,其中与A基因型(疫苗株)差异最大,与B和N基因型差异最小。腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在全基因组序列上分别存在26个和25个N-糖基化位点,和疫苗株相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]在HN蛋白上第464~466氨基酸位点上增加了一个N-糖基化位点,而其它基因型的腮腺炎病毒在这个位点上也均为N-糖基化位点。另外,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在其它已知的抗原相关位点上也存在着氨基酸变异。我国现流行的腮腺炎流行株与腮腺炎病毒其它基因型及疫苗株之间在全基因组上已存在较大的差异,提示需进一步加强对国内现有腮腺炎流行株与疫苗株之间的遗传变异分析,系统评价当前疫苗的免疫保护效果。  相似文献   

王艳  李丹  马艳  韩悦  郭军巧 《病毒学报》2011,27(1):75-78
本研究用Vero/Slam细胞首次从辽宁省2008年流行性腮腺炎暴发和散发患者的临床标本中分离到3株流行性腮腺炎野病毒(Mumps virus,MuV),应用逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)针对MuV分离株的包括SH基因的1 028个核苷酸片段进行PCR扩增,将扩增产物连接在pMD19-T载体后转化到大肠杆菌中进行克隆。通过蓝白斑筛选,将鉴定为阳性的白色菌落进行核苷酸序列测定分析。将这3株MuV结合从GenBank下载的世界卫生组织(WHO)MuV基因型参考株在基于WHO基因定型靶序列SH基因的316核苷酸片段构建基因亲缘关系树,一起进行分子流行病学研究。结果提示:辽宁省2008年3株MuV分离株的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性在98.7%~100%和94.7%~100%之间,其中LN-2008-001-06与LN-2008-001-10序列完全一致;与F基因型参考株序列相比,核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为92.4%~96.2%和84.2%~94.7%。提示辽宁省2008年3株流行性腮腺炎野病毒分离株均属F基因型。由于此次毒株数量太少,尚不能说明F基因型是否为辽宁省的优势基因型,需进一步扩大范围加强监测。  相似文献   

目的了解2007-2009年玉溪市流行性腮腺炎病毒流行株(MuV)的基因型分布及变异情况。方法采集玉溪市医疗机构部分临床诊断病例含漱液进行RT-PCR病毒核酸检测,对核酸检测阳性标本进行病毒培养病毒分离,将分离病毒株进行SH基因316 bp片段序列分析,并与其他基因型参考株进行同源性比较,构建亲缘进化树。结果采集流行性腮腺炎病例标本136份,RT-PCR病毒核酸阳性30份,阳性率为22.1%;vero细胞分离到6株,6株MuV属于F基因型,各流行株SH基因之间的核苷酸最大差异为2.6%;与其他各基因型代表株之间的核苷酸最大差异达到17.8%,与疫苗株的最大差异为17.4%,与国内F基因型代表株SP的基因差异为2.7%。结论玉溪市流行性腮腺炎病毒流行株为F基因型,针对基因型变异和疫苗效果评价的预防控制策略变得日益重要。  相似文献   

为阐明我国部分地区人冠状病毒(Human coronavirus,HCoV)NL63基因特征,本研究对2013年陕西省、2018年河南省和湖南省送检的5株HCoV-NL63核酸检测阳性的呼吸道样本进行HCoV-NL63基因型别鉴定及S1 do-main基因特征分析。通过对HCoV-NL63棘突蛋白(Spike glycoprotein,S)基因的S1 domain区域进行基因扩增和序列测定,同时结合GenBank数据库下载的1983~2018年其他国家74条HCoV-NL63代表株序列和2007~2010年中国流行的12条HCoV-NL63代表株序列,构建基因亲缘性关系树,并对S蛋白的S1 domain区域进行核苷酸序列比对分析。结果提示全球HCoV-NL63流行株可划分为A和B两个基因型;A基因型可进一步划分为A0,A1,A2和A3四个基因亚型,其中本研究将GenBank中2008年中国流行的2株HCoV-NL63毒株划分为新基因亚型(A3);B基因型可进一步划分为B0,B1和B2三个基因亚型。A和B基因型的HCoV-NL63代表株序列在地域分布上无明显差异,但A基因型不同基因亚型的HCoV-NL63序列在年代分布上呈现出一定的时间进化趋势。在我国A和B基因型HCoV-NL63均已被检测到,但主要以A基因型流行为主,且主要集中在A1和A2基因亚型。不同基因型HCoV-NL63序列在S1 domain区域核苷酸和氨基酸序列上存在特征性差异。本研究通过对五株HCoV-NL63基因型鉴定及S1 domain基因特征分析,初步阐明了我国部分地区流行的HCoV-NL63基因型/基因亚型分布情况及基因特征,丰富了我国本土流行的HCoV-NL63基因数据库,为我国HCoV-NL63分子流行病学研究及分子检测和监测技术的改进和验证提供了基础基因数据。  相似文献   

埃可病毒9型(Echovirus 9,ECHO-9)是引起无菌性脑膜炎(Aseptic meningitis,AM)和手足口病(Hand,foot,and mouth disease,HFMD)暴发流行的重要病原体,但目前全球关于ECHO-9分子流行病学研究仍比较匮乏,ECHO-9基于VP1全长的基因分型结果尚未明确。本研究依托国家HFMD监测网络,2013-2019年在中国大陆共分离到15株ECHO-9毒株,对其进行VP1区全长序列测定和分析,并与GenBank中下载的全部112条ECHO-9VP1区全长序列共同构建系统发育进化树。结果显示,全球ECHO-9分为A-G七个基因型,其中C、D和F基因型可被进一步划分为C1-C2,D1-D4和F1-F2基因亚型。各洲之间优势基因型别有显著差异,亚洲和欧洲分别以D和C基因型为绝对优势基因型。中国大陆ECHO-9优势基因型别为D基因型,但其优势基因亚型随时间推移有明显转变。2000-2005年,中国大陆ECHO-9全部为D1基因亚型,2006年开始出现D1、D2和D3基因亚型的共同流行,2010年后D1和D2基因亚型消失,D3成为中国大陆绝对优势基因型别。本研究测定的15株ECHO-9分离自2013-2019年,其中14株属于D3基因亚型,1株江西ECHO-9为C2基因亚型,推测其可能来源于境外。本研究建立了全球ECHO-9基于VP1全长的基因分型方法,揭示了ECHO-9在全国及全球范围的分子流行特征。  相似文献   

副粘病毒F蛋白的两段七肽重复序列(HR1和HR2)在病毒侵染细胞的过程中相互作用形成热稳定的富含α螺旋的异源二聚体,此结构的形成引起病毒囊膜与细胞膜的并置而最终导致膜融合的发生。腮腺炎病毒(Mumps virus, MuV)属于副粘病毒科,腮腺炎病毒属,可能利用与其他副粘病毒相似的侵染机制。本研究对MuV 融合蛋白的HR区进行了计算机程序预测,并利用大肠杆菌GST融合表达系统对MuV F蛋白HR1和HR2两段多肽进行了表达和纯化,通过GST pull_down 实验证实HR1和HR2多肽在体外能够相互作用,凝胶过滤层析证明HR1、HR2多肽能够形成多聚体,说明MuV F蛋白的HR区的相互作用可能是其发挥融合功能的关键因素。  相似文献   

人呼吸道合胞病毒(Human respiratory syncytial virus,HRSV)是导致儿童急性呼吸道感染的最重要的呼吸道病毒之一。根据对单克隆抗体的反应,HRSV分为A、B两个亚型。为探讨严重急性呼吸道感染(Severe acute respi-ratory infection,SARI)病例中HRSV全基因组基因特征,本研究对2017年河南省漯河市住院SARI病例中检测到的1株HRSV A亚型病毒通过Sanger测序方法对其全基因组序列进行了测定和分析。通过Sequencher 5.4.5、MEGA 5.05、BioEdit 7.0.5等生物信息学软件进行序列拼接和比对,进行了基因亲缘性关系分析、氨基酸变异和糖基化位点分析。基于HRSV全基因组序列和11个单个蛋白基因序列构建的亲缘性关系分析结果提示本研究中检测到的这株HRSVA病毒(RSVAs/Luohe.Henan/CHN/42.17)属于ON1基因型,该型是我国近年流行的优势基因型。该病毒全基因组序列与35条全球代表株的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为92.69%~99.82%和93.63%~99.67%;G蛋白编码区氨基酸变异最高,而F蛋白相对保守。糖基化位点分析发现,该病毒的F蛋白有6个N-糖基化位点,未发现O-糖基化位点,此结果与原型株long株相同;G蛋白N-糖基化位点有6个,O-糖基化位点为82个,而原型株long株有11个N-糖基化位点,15个O-糖基化位点。本研究对2017年河南省漯河市SARI病例中一株HRSVA病毒全基因组序列进行了测定,与世界其他地区报道的HRSVA亚型病毒全基因组序列进行了对比分析,揭示了SARI病例中我国HRSV优势流行ON1基因型病毒全基因组的核苷酸和氨基酸变异特征,以及G蛋白和F蛋白编码区糖基化情况,丰富了我国HRSV基因数据库,也为HRSV的核酸检测方法的建立、疫苗研发和预防性单克隆抗体的评价提供了核苷酸和氨基酸的基础数据。  相似文献   

诺如病毒(Norovirus,NoV)属于杯状病毒科诺如病毒属,能造成急性肠胃炎暴发,在全球流行广泛,但其在西安市的流行情况不明。为明确2018年10月西安市4起幼儿园急性肠胃炎疫情的病原及其基因特征,本研究采集了患者肛拭子,用实时定量PCR检出诺如病毒阳性核酸,对其扩增部分多聚酶区和衣壳区基因并测序。将所得序列上传分型网站以明确基因型,并用软件分析系统进化、重组位点和正选择位点。共检出GII组阳性核酸31份,测序成功25份。4起疫情均由GII.2[P16]型诺如病毒引起。疫情株扩增序列全长、部分多聚酶区和衣壳区的序列与2018年美国流行株(MK773571)的核苷酸同源性分别为99.8%、99.5%和100%。疫情株与GII.2[P16]型中国参考序列(KY421122、KY806296和MG763377)的核苷酸同源性为99.6%,氨基酸同源性为100%。重组位点约在基因组的5 075bp。疫情株基因组的1 613~1 790aa没有正选择位点。及时的流行病学、分子流行病学研究和全基因组测序对控制诺如病毒相关疫情是必要的。  相似文献   

Mumps epidemics are usually caused by airborne transmission of mumps virus (MuV) and have high morbidity in non-immunized children. Epidemiological studies in many regions of China show that the genotype F viral strain is the most prevalent. However, the genotype A strain is currently used to prepare vaccines. Regional epidemiological MuV data suggest a significant application for the development of live attenuated mumps vaccines targeting specific genotypes. This article reports the isolation and culture of a genotype F MuV candidate strain that could be used to prepare a live attenuated mumps vaccine. This strain is shown to have good immunological efficacy and stability in neurovirulence evaluations. This work should facilitate the implementation of mumps vaccination in mainland China by targeting the most prevalent MuV genotype, genotype F.  相似文献   

Hao  Xiaoqiang  Wang  Yilong  Zhu  Mengying  Zhou  Dongming  Liu  Rongxian  Wang  Bin  Huang  Yao-Wei  Zhao  Zhengyan 《中国病毒学》2021,36(3):521-536
Virologica Sinica - Although a live attenuated vaccine is available for controlling mumps virus (MuV), mumps still outbreaks frequently worldwide. The attenuated MuV vaccine strain S79 is widely...  相似文献   

Mumps is an acute infectious childhood disease caused by mumps virus (MuV), a member of genus Rubu-lavirus, family Paramyxoviridae. Based on the genetic variability in small hydrophobic (SH) genes, currently MuVs have been divided into twelve confirmed genotypes designated as A-L and one proposed genotype, M. Despite successful vaccination program, a few genotypes are observed to co-circulate amongst vaccinated population. Furthermore, lack of cross protection between different genotypes is reported and hence, as a part of epidemiological surveillance, WHO has recommended genotyping of MuV. Currently genotyping is carried out using molecular phylogeny analysis (MPA) of SH genes and no genotyping server is available for MuV. The present study reports development of a genotyping server for the same, which employs three independent methods. The server uses two conventional methods viz., BLAST, MPA and a novel method based on Return Time Distribution (RTD), which is developed in-house. A server for genotyping of mumps virus is developed and made available at http://bioinfo.net.in/muv/homepage.html. RTD-based alignment-free method was initially developed for MPA and is applied for genotyping of MuV for the first time. It is found to have 98.95% of accuracy when measured using leave-one-out cross validation method on reference and test datasets. In addition to RTD, the server also imple-ments BLAST and MPA for genotyping of MuV. All the three methods were found to be highly reliable as evident from consensus predictions. A server for genotyping of MuV, which implements sequence-based bioinformatics approaches is developed and validated using SH gene sequences of known genotypes. This server will be useful for epidemiological surveillance and to monitor the circulation of MuV genotypes within and across geographic areas. This will also facilitate phylodynamics studies of mumps viruses.  相似文献   

The varicella–zoster virus (VZV) Oka vaccine strain (vOka) is a highly immunogenic and safe live vaccine that has long been used worldwide. Because its genome is large, making it suitable for inserting foreign genes, vOka is considered a candidate vector for novel polyvalent vaccines. Previously, a recombinant vOka, rvOka‐HN, that expresses mumps virus (MuV) hemagglutinin‐neuraminidase (HN) was generated by the present team. rvOka‐HN induces production of neutralizing antibodies against MuV in guinea pigs. MuV also expresses fusion (F) protein, which is important for inducing neutralizing antibodies, in its viral envelope. To induce a more robust immune response against MuV than that obtained with rvOka‐HN, here an rvOka expressing both HN and F (rvOka‐HN‐F) was generated. However, co‐expression of HN and F caused the infected cells to form syncytia, which reduced virus titers. To reduce the amount of cell fusion, an rvOka expressing HN and a mutant F, F(S195Y) were generated. Almost no syncytia formed among the rvOka‐HN‐F(S195Y)‐infected cells and the growth of rvOka‐HN‐F(S195Y) was similar to that of the original vOka clone. Moreover, replacement of serine 195 with tyrosine had no effect on the immunogenicity of F in mice and guinea pigs. Although obvious augmentation of neutralizing antibody production was not observed after adding F protein to vOka‐HN, the anti‐F antibodies did have neutralizing activity. These data suggest that F protein contributes to induction of immune protection against MuV. Therefore this recombinant virus is a promising candidate vaccine for polyvalent protection against both VZV and MuV.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mumps virus SP, which was isolated in China, was determined. As with other mumps viruses, its genome was 15 384 nucleotides (nts) in length and encoded seven proteins. The full-length nucleotide sequence of the SP isolate differed from other strains by 4%-6.8% at the nucleotide sequence level. Due to variations of amino acids over the full genome (including the HN and N genes), this isolate exhibited significant variations in the antigenic sites. This report is the first to describe the full-length genome of a genotype F strain and provide an overview of the diversity of genetic characteristics of a circulating mumps virus.  相似文献   

Mumps virus (MuV) strains isolated in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, from 1997 to 2001, were examined by analyzing the SH and the F gene nucleotide sequences. The results of the SH gene analysis showed that only genotype G was found in 2001 as well as in 2000, and that genotype J, which we proposed as a new genotype in a previous study, was from a different lineage than the genotype J described by Tecle et al. (J. Gen. Virol. 82, 2675-2680). We therefore, propose to rename the genotype as K to avoid confusion. Then, the F gene of genotypes G, H, and K strains were analyzed together with previously reported strains in this study. The results of phylogenetic analysis of the F gene nucleotide sequences showed that these strains formed a cluster as described by the SH gene analysis. Alignment of the F amino acid sequences showed that the F protein was well conserved among strains of different genotypes with a few amino acid differences. These results provide better information for the characterization of contemporary MuV strains in Japan.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess influence of vaccination against rubella on the genetic diversity of rubella virus. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Vaccine strains of rubella virus Wistar 27/3 and Orlov-B as well as sera from patients with rubella obtained in Perm region during 1999 - 2005 period and standard serologic, molecular, epidemiologic and statistical methods were used. The study was performed according to the WHO recommendations on the genotyping of wild rubellavirus strains. RESULTS: Strains of rubella virus isolated in Perm region, vaccine strain Orlov-B (Saint Petersburg), and 4 Russian strains isolated in 1967-1997 before vaccine introduction belong to the same genetic group with high degree of homology - genetic divergence do not exceed 0 - 1%. This group was identified as genotype 2c which, according to WHO's data, circulates only in Russia. Periods of epidemic peaks of rubella incidence and its falls as well as selective immunization of girls and women of childbearing age did not influence on the genetic stability of the virus (divergence did not exceed 0.6 - 2.0%). On the contrary, mass immunization of children aged 1 - 2 years during 4 years resulted in statistically significant changes of rubella virus subtype inside the genotype 2c. CONCLUSION: Ten-year experience of rubella vaccination in Perm region demonstrates necessity of inclusion of monitoring for rubella virus variability in the system of epidemiological surveillance and control for rubella infection during period of its prevention by vaccine.  相似文献   

A rubella outbreak occurred in Anqing city of Anhui province, China, from February to July of 2012, and a total of 241 clinically diagnosed or lab-confirmed patients were reported. The highest number of rubella cases during this outbreak was recorded in teenagers between 10 and 19 years of age who had not previously received the rubella vaccine. Genotyping results indicated that the genotype 2B rubella virus (RV) was responsible for the outbreak. However, a phylogenetic analysis showed that the genotype 2B RVs isolated in Anqing City were not related to 2B RVs found in other cities of Anhui province and in other provinces of China, thus providing evidence for importation. After importation, the transmission of Anqing RVs was interrupted owing to an effective immunization campaign against rubella, suggesting the timeliness and effectiveness of contingency vaccination. Strengthening rubella surveillance, including the integration of epidemiologic information and laboratory data, is a vital strategy for rubella control and elimination. In addition, except for routine immunization, targeted supplementary immunization activities aimed at susceptible groups according to sero-epidemiological surveillance data also play a key role in stopping the continuous transmission of rubella viruses and in preventing further congenital rubella syndrome cases.  相似文献   

为了客观评价宁夏麻疹监测系统现状,探讨控制和消除麻疹的策略。对宁夏2004—2007年麻疹流行病学和实验室监测工作进行分析。结果显示,宁夏麻疹监测系统的灵敏性较高,疑似麻疹病例标本采集率和血清学诊断率等主要监测指标已达较高水平。同时,对监测到的36株麻疹野病毒基因型进行了探讨,全部为H1基因型H1a亚型,未发现其它基因亚型。因此,宁夏亟需加速控制麻疹,应继续做好麻疹监测和麻疹疫苗免疫接种。  相似文献   

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