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陈永林 《昆虫知识》2002,39(5):335-339
沙漠蝗在史前期就是北非、西亚和印度等热带荒漠地区的河谷与绿洲上的农业大害虫。我国云南和西藏自治区的聂拉木均有沙漠蝗的分布记载 ,虽尚未发生灾害 ,但是沙漠蝗猖獗发生的最大扩散区已达我国云南接壤的缅甸和西藏接壤的尼泊尔、印度。故我国的西藏自治区和云南省的有关边防及农业植物保护机构应予以高度重视并加强监测和预警 ,谨防沙漠蝗的发生危害  相似文献   

1974年上半年,青海省生物研究所蔡桂全、王祖祥二同志和北京自然博物馆曹俊和同志参加了国家体委领导的科学考察工作,在西藏自治区  相似文献   

2014年3月~4月,在西藏自治区察隅县记录到成小群活动的白领凤鹛,经过确认为西藏鸟类新纪录。  相似文献   

2015年6月5~6日,在西藏墨脱县背崩乡西让村附近海拔747~772m发现3种植物,并采集标本,经鉴定,分别为浆果乌桕(Balakata baccata)、波罗蜜(Artocarpus heterophyllus)和木棉(Bombax ceiba)。木棉为西藏自治区木棉科植物的首次记录,浆果乌桕和波罗蜜为西藏自治区植物种的新分布记录。3种植物的发现丰富了西藏的植物区系,为西藏东南部分布有热带雨林的论点提供更多的证据。  相似文献   

西藏爬行动物区系调查及新种描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西藏自治区位于青藏高原西南部,平均海拔四千米以上,其南缘喜马拉雅山脉自第三纪隆起以来,地壳不断上升,形成世界最高大的山地,素有“世界屋脊”之称。由于西藏自治区特殊的自然条件,给生物的发展及分布带来极大影响,调查此区的动物资源并研究其区系,有其特殊意义。  相似文献   

正2019年4—7月,利用红外相机在西藏自治区亚东县、错那县进行野生动物调查时,拍摄到了细嘴钩嘴鹛Pomatorhinus superciliaris(又称作"剑嘴鹛")、大长嘴地鸫Zoothera monticola和灰翅鸫Turdus boulboul,经查阅《中国鸟类分类与分布名录(第三版)》(郑光美,2017),并查找以往的观鸟记录,确认为西藏自治区鸟类分布新记录。4月14日,安放在亚东县海拔3 000 m的1台红外相机拍摄到  相似文献   

2019年8至9月,在西藏自治区察隅县察瓦龙乡和云南省怒江州泸水市鲁掌镇分别采集到1号和2号白环蛇属(Lycodon)标本。经过形态特征比较和线粒体Cytb基因序列分析,鉴定所采集3号标本均为贡山白环蛇(L. gongshan)。此次在察隅所采集到的贡山白环蛇为西藏自治区蛇类分布新记录种。察隅标本体背以橄榄褐色为主,具不规则黑色窄横纹,腹面为不规则斑纹,为该物种的一个新色型。此外,本文补充了该物种的半阴茎形态描述。  相似文献   

正在开展西藏第二次陆生野生动物资源调查工作过程中,于2015年6月18日在西藏自治区札达县底雅乡底雅村(31°46′55.5″N,78°52′5.1″E,海拔2 977 m)观察并拍摄到1只雄性噪鹃(Eudynamys scolopaceus)。另一组调查人员曾于2015年5月1日在西藏自治区林芝市米林县羌纳乡岗嘎村遮磨岗(29°18′28.15″N,94°21′44.23″E,3 000 m)听到过噪鹃的叫声。  相似文献   

西藏喜马拉雅地区发现水鹿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>2016年7月23日,西藏自治区亚东县林业局救护了1只大型雌性鹿科Cervidae动物,笔者收到消息,立即前往救护现场。由于该鹿系河谷摔落至岩石上受伤,伤情较重,于2016年7月27日因救治无效死亡。随后我们立即进行数据采集和标本制作,标本现存放于西藏自治区林业调查规划研究院。本次救助的为雌性个体,无法准确判定该鹿的种类。因此我们在县内大量走访调查后,在亚东县境内布设了13台红外相  相似文献   

正2020年8月2日西藏自治区墨脱县达木乡(95°27'48.39″E,29°29'39.22″N,海拔1 577 m),护林员扎西在例行巡护时,听到一阵阵类似小孩的叫声,走进后发现是1只翅膀受伤的鸟类躲避在老百姓的柴垛旁,待其状态稳定后,护林员将其救护到笼中,并移交墨脱县林业和草原局进行救护,同时墨脱县林业和草原局拍照委托西藏自治区林业调查规划研究院司法鉴定中心鉴定并进行现场探查。  相似文献   

以线粒体细胞色素b(Cytb)基因作为分子标记,对中国广西12个地区,以及越南和老挝大壁虎(Gekko gecko)进行序列测定,获得Cytb基因424bp的序列片段,共有7个单倍型。以白脊壁虎和沙虎为外群,用邻接法和最大简约法构建了大壁虎不同地理种群的系统发育关系,其结果显示中国广西4个不同单倍型黑大壁虎之间的平均遗传距离为0.20%—1.20%,越南红大壁虎与老挝红大壁虎之间的平均遗传距离为0.50%,广西宁明红大壁虎与越南红大壁虎和老挝红大壁虎之间平均遗传距离分别为1.70%和2.20%。广西黑大壁虎种群与红大壁虎种群之间的平均遗传距离为8.60%—9.50%,达到了亚种或种分化的差异。  相似文献   

2008年5~6月,采用访问调查和样线法,对弄岗国家级自然保护区蛤蚧Gekko gecko的分布和种群数量进行了调查.结果表明,弄岗片蛤蚧分布较多,陇山片和陇呼片分布较少;用样线法重点对弄岗片蛤蚧数量进行调查,根据统计数据计算出种群密度为13.45对/km2.  相似文献   

Most recorded extinctions have occurred on oceanic islands, mainly as a result of introduced mammalian predators. The impact of introduced non-mammalian competitors, however, is poorly understood. The house gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus, is one of the most successful invasive reptiles and has been implicated in the decline of endemic geckos and other taxa on a number of tropical and subtropical islands. We investigated the patterns of niche utilization between the house gecko and endemic ornate day gecko, Phelsuma ornata, in Mauritius, two species which were not believed to compete because they had different diel activity periods. The dietary and temporal niche partitioning of the two species were examined in relation to seasonal invertebrate prey abundance for three seasons. Dietary overlap between the two species was least when prey abundance was lowest and temporal overlap in activity greatest. Exploitative competition was therefore inferred, whereby changes in dietary overlap were attributed to shifts in prey selection by the day, but not the house, gecko, which was hypothesized to deplete prey. The compensatory response of the day gecko may have been to increase its tendency for cannibalism, such that the smaller house gecko was indirectly responsible for population reduction of its larger competitor. This is the first study to show how an invasive nocturnal gecko may be affecting a predominantly diurnal species.  相似文献   

Tu Z  Li S  Mao C 《Genetics》2004,168(4):2037-2047
A novel family of tRNA-related SINEs named gecko was discovered in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Approximately 7200 copies of gecko were distributed in the A. aegypti genome with a significant bias toward A + T-rich regions. The 3' end of gecko is similar in sequence and identical in secondary structure to the 3' end of MosquI, a non-LTR retrotransposon in A. aegypti. Nine conserved substitutions and a deletion separate gecko into two groups. Group I includes all gecko that end with poly(dA) and a copy that ends with AGAT repeats. Group II comprises gecko elements that end with CCAA or CAAT repeats. Members within each group cannot be differentiated when the 3' repeats are excluded in phylogenetic and sequence analyses, suggesting that the alterations of 3' tails are recent. Imperfect poly(dA) tail was recorded in group I and partial replication of the 3' tandem repeats was frequently observed in group II. Genomic evidence underscores the importance of slippage retrotransposition in the alteration and expansion of the tandem repeat during the evolution of gecko sequences, although we do not rule out postinsertion mechanisms that were previously invoked to explain the evolution of Alu-associated microsatellites. We propose that the 3' tandem repeats and the poly(dA) tail may be generated by similar mechanisms during retrotransposition of both SINEs and non-LTR retrotransposons and thus the distinction between poly(dA) retrotransposons such as L1 and non-poly(dA) retrotransposons such as I factor may not be informative.  相似文献   

Qin XM  Qian F  Zeng DL  Liu XC  Li HM 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):176-177
Here, we sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of the red-spotted tokay gecko (Squamata: Gekkonidae). The genome is 16,590 bp in size. Its gene arrangement pattern was identical with that of black-spotted tokay gecko. We compared the mitochondrial genome of red-spotted tokay gecko with that of the black-spotted tokay gecko. Nucleotide sequence of the two whole mitochondrial genomes was 97.99% similar, and the relatively high similarity seems to indicate that they may be separated at the subspecies level. The information of mitochondrial genome comparison of the two morphological types of tokay gecko is discussed in detail.  相似文献   

不同地理区域蛤蚧的RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术,对6个不同地域(河池、南宁、桂林、百色、越南、泰国)的蛤蚧(Gekko gecko)进行了遗传多样性和系统发育分析。21个RAPD引物共扩增了218个位点,片段大小在200~2000bD,其中184个是多态位点,占84.4%。地域之间的遗传距离指数在0.0112~0.9631,遗传相似性系数在0.3817~0.9888之间,根据遗传距离指数和遗传相似性系数,用NTSYSpc 2.10软件包中的UPGMA法构建了系统聚类图,结果均显示南宁地区、桂林地区、百色地区和河池地区先聚在一起,再和越南聚在一起,最后和泰国群体聚类。这与形态地理分布特征相一致。  相似文献   

Most geckos are nocturnal forms and possess rod retinas, but some diurnal genera have pure-cone retinas. We isolated cDNAs encoding the diurnal gecko opsins, dg1 and dg2, similar to nocturnal gecko P521 and P467, respectively. Despite the large morphological differences between the diurnal and nocturnal gecko photoreceptor types, they express phylogenetically closely related opsins. These results provide molecular evidence for the reverse transmutation, that is, rods of an ancestral nocturnal gecko have backed into cones of diurnal geckos. The amino acid substitution rates of dgl and dg2 are higher than those of P521 and P467, respectively. Changes of behavior regarding photic environment may have contributed to acceleration of amino acid substitutions in the diurnal gecko opsins.  相似文献   

大壁虎的染色体及减数分裂联会复合体的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王蕊芳  马昆 《动物学研究》1989,10(4):271-275
大壁虎(Gekko gecko)的染色体数目为2n=38,核型由2对中着丝粒(Nos.1.4.)、3对亚中着丝粒(Nos.2.3.5)及14对端着丝粒和亚端着丝粒(Nos.6—19)染色体组成。一对核仁组织者(NOR_s),位于第7对端着丝粒染色体的末端。同时,本文还对大壁虎的减数分裂以及联会复合体(S.C)的结构和组型,进行了详细的观察和分析。  相似文献   

Yokoyama S  Blow NS 《Gene》2001,276(1-2):117-125
We have isolated a full-length cDNA encoding a putative ultraviolet (UV)-sensitive visual pigment of the Tokay gecko (Gekko gekko). This clone has 57 and 59% sequence similarities to the gecko RH2 and MWS pigment genes, respectively, but it shows 87% similarity to the UV pigment gene of the American chameleon (Anolis carolinensis). The evolutionary rates of amino acid replacement are significantly higher in the three gecko pigments than in the corresponding chameleon pigments. The accelerated evolutionary rates reflect not only the transition from cones to rods in the retina but also the blue-shift in the absorption spectra of the gecko pigments.  相似文献   

This paper reports prevalence of coccidial oocysts in fecal samples from 6 endemic and 2 introduced lizard species on Mauritius, an island nation in the Indian Ocean. Total coccidian prevalence was 54% (n = 341) for the endemic 'ornate day gecko,' Phelsuma ornata; 48% (n = 159) for the endemic 'Durrell's night gecko,' Nactus durrelli; 53% (n = 15) for the endemic 'Serpent Island night gecko,' N. serpensinsula; and 78% (n = 248) for the introduced gecko, Hemidactylus frenatus. These high prevalences may reflect lack of long-lasting immune response to coccidial infection. There were few significant differences in prevalence among age, island, sex, or body condition within species, suggesting that these coccidia are relatively nonpathogenic and have little effect on host fitness. Prevalence was higher in the dry season than the wet season. These data suggest other factors, such as low host immune response to reinfection, affect overall prevalence more significantly than the effect of humidity on oocyst survival on Mauritius. No coccidia were found in samples from the endemic 'Gunner's Quoin night gecko,' N. coindemirensis (n = 155), probably reflecting parasite extinction due to a host population bottleneck following historical introduction of rats. There was no evidence of competitive or facilitative interactions between Eimeria sp. and Isospora sp., but evidence of competition between 2 Eimeria species in the 'ornate day gecko,' Phelsuma ornata. No evidence was found of cross-species infection, suggesting that reptile coccidia have high host specificity and are, therefore, poor subjects for studies of parasite-mediated competition and the evolution of sex.  相似文献   

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