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王猛  赵惠民 《生命科学》2011,(9):875-881
合成生物学是一个快速发展的研究领域,其重要性体现在科学研究和应用开发两方面。它不但加深了我们对复杂的生物过程与机理的理解,而且使得基础生物研究向实际应用的快速转化成为可能。将介绍一些新型高效的合成生物学工具以及如何利用它们开发能从可再生原料生产药物和燃料的上程菌株。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌由于具有稳定性强和易于操作的特点成为基因改造常用的宿主微生物。利用基因工程手段改造大肠杆菌的代谢途径,可用于生物燃料、手性药物及其衍生物的合成。利用代谢组学和合成生物学能够高效地以大肠杆菌作为生物催化剂生产目标物。综述了大肠杆菌中丙酮酸、乙酰辅酶A、甲羟戊酸和莽草酸代谢途径的改造策略,以及大肠杆菌代谢途径的改造在合成生物燃料、砌块化合物中的应用,为研究者以大肠杆菌合成目标化合物的研究提供一个整体的思路和方法。  相似文献   

先进生物燃料一般指来自于非粮食原料的交通运输用生物燃料。近年来,先进生物燃料的发展引起了众多国家的浓厚兴趣,然而,先进生物燃料正处于关键的技术研发阶段,还需经过大量研发以突破技术障碍和示范生产活动后方能进行商业化部署。过去10年内,合成生物学研究大量兴起并不断取得突破,使人们有可能人工设计构建新的高效生命系统,克服生物燃料发展的技术瓶颈,进行先进生物燃料的生产。在介绍先进生物燃料与合成生物学的发展现状的基础上,分析了合成生物学在先进生物燃料研发中的重要价值与研发进展,探讨了合成生物学的发展潜力。  相似文献   

非常规酵母的分子遗传学及合成生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
先进的合成生物学技术与传统的分子遗传学技术的结合更有助于实现酵母底盘细胞的快速改造和优化。酵母合成生物学研究最早开始于常规酵母——酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae),近些年来又迅速扩展至一些非常规酵母,包括巴斯德毕赤酵母(Pichiapastoris)、解脂耶氏酵母(Yarrowialipolytica)、乳酸克鲁维酵母(Kluyveromyces lactis)和多形汉逊酵母(Hansenula polymorpha)等。借助合成生物学技术与工具,目前科学家们已经成功开发出了能够高效生产生物材料、生物燃料、生物基化学品、蛋白质制剂、食品添加剂和药物等工业产品的重组非常规酵母工程菌株。本文系统总结了合成生物学工具(主要是基因组编辑工具)、合成生物学组件(主要是启动子和终止子)和相关分子遗传学方法在上述非常规酵母系统(底盘细胞)中的最新研究进展和应用情况,并讨论了其他合成生物学技术在这些非常规酵母表达系统中的潜在适用性和应用前景。这为研究人员利用合成生物学方法在这一新型非模式微生物底盘细胞中设计和构建各种高附加值工业产品的异源合成模块并最终实现目标化合物的高效生物合成提供了科学的理论指导。  相似文献   

化石能源日益枯竭,迫切需要寻找新型燃料。脂肪族生物燃料由于其热值高、性能好而受到广泛重视。微生物脂肪酸代谢途径是生产先进生物燃料的重要途径。文中综述了近几年基于合成生物学理念改造脂肪酸途径的进展,介绍了合成生物学在微生物柴油、中长链脂肪醇、长链烃类化合物生物合成中的应用,并展望了脂肪族生物燃料的发展方向。  相似文献   

酵母是一类包括酿酒酵母和非常规酵母在内的多种单细胞真菌的总称,其中酿酒酵母是应用较多的重要工业微生物,广泛应用于生物医药、食品、轻工和生物燃料生产等不同生物制造领域。近年来,研究者从不同生态环境中分离了大量的酵母菌株,鉴定了多个新种,也发现了抗逆性不同以及具有多种活性产物合成能力的菌株,证明天然酵母资源具有丰富的生物多样性和功能多样性。利用基因组挖掘以及转录组、蛋白组等多组学分析研究,可进一步开发利用酵母遗传多样性,获得酶和调节蛋白的基因以及启动子等遗传元件改造酵母菌株。除了利用酵母的天然遗传多样性,还可通过诱变、驯化、代谢工程改造及合成生物学等技术产生具有多种非天然多样性的菌株。此外,对天然遗传元件也可以进行突变和定向进化,所产生的新遗传元件可用于有效提升菌株的性能。开发利用酵母的生物多样性,对构建高效酵母细胞工厂,生产生物酶、疫苗以及多种活性天然产物等产品具有重要意义。文中对酵母生物多样性的研究现状进行综述,并对未来高效开发利用酵母菌株资源和遗传资源的研究进行了展望。文中所总结的研究方法和思路也可为研究其他工业微生物的多样性及进行高效菌株的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

蓝细菌是一类能够直接利用光能和CO_2作为唯一能源和碳源进行生长的光合微生物。近年来,光合蓝细菌以其独特的优势作为"自养型细胞工厂"合成了多种燃料及化学品。以光合蓝细菌中的几种模式生物为例,总结近年来以蓝细菌为工程菌株合成生物燃料及化学品的研究进展,对目前蓝细菌菌株存在的固有问题进行分析,并提出应用合成生物学进行菌种改良的方案。  相似文献   

工业微生物及其产品广泛用于工业、农业、医药等诸多领域,相关产业在国民经济中具有举足轻重的地位。高效的菌株是提高生产效率的核心,而先进发酵技术和仪器平台对充分开发菌株代谢潜能也很重要。近年来,工业微生物领域的研究取得了快速进展,人工智能、高效基因组编辑技术和合成生物学技术逐渐广泛使用,相关产业应用也在不断扩展。为进一步促进工业微生物在生物制造等领域的应用,《生物工程学报》特组织出版专刊,从微生物菌株的多样性和生理代谢、菌株改造技术、发酵过程优化和放大,高通量微液滴培养装备开发以及工业微生物应用等方面,分别阐述目前的研究进展,并展望未来的发展趋势,为促进工业微生物及生物制造等产业的发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

合成生物学技术采用工程化设计理念,对生物体进行有目标的设计、改造乃至重新合成,对重塑非自然功能的“人造生命”具有重要意义。噬菌体重组系统具有高效、精确和广谱适用性等特点,在基因工程、代谢工程以及生物治疗等合成生物学领域得到了广泛的应用。从基因电路、体内遗传改造和体外重组等方面全面阐述了噬菌体重组系统在合成生物学研究的现状及热点,对当前该系统的局限性进行了探讨,并就未来的研究和发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

合成生物学作为一门交叉学科,通过设计和组装生物原件,从而制造出新的生物系统。合成生物学技术在食品质量安全以及食品废物处理等问题中的应用,将进一步推动食品行业的持续创新,为食品行业的发展提供新的思路和活力。本文回顾了工程化生物合成体系和基因编辑技术的发展,阐释了合成生物学技术在食品行业中应用的可行性,重点介绍了合成生物学技术在改善食品营养风味、高效处理食品废物、生产可降解包装材料及检测食品质量等中的应用,展望了合成生物学面向食品生产的应用前景和挑战,并对合成生物学的实际应用提出了建议。  相似文献   

The increasing oil price and environmental concerns caused by the use of fossil fuel have renewed our interest in utilizing biomass as a sustainable resource for the production of biofuel. It is however essential to develop high performance microbes that are capable of producing biofuels with very high efficiency in order to compete with the fossil fuel. Recently, the strategies for developing microbial strains by systems metabolic engineering, which can be considered as metabolic engineering integrated with systems biology and synthetic biology, have been developed. Systems metabolic engineering allows successful development of microbes that are capable of producing several different biofuels including bioethanol, biobutanol, alkane, and biodiesel, and even hydrogen. In this review, the approaches employed to develop efficient biofuel producers by metabolic engineering and systems metabolic engineering approaches are reviewed with relevant example cases. It is expected that systems metabolic engineering will be employed as an essential strategy for the development of microbial strains for industrial applications.  相似文献   

Microorganisms have been the main sources for the production of chemicals. Production of chemicals requires the development of low-cost and higher-yield processes. Towards this goal, microbial strains with higher levels of production should be first considered. Metabolic engineering has been used extensively over the past two to three decades to increase production of these chemicals. Advances in omics technology and computational simulation are allowing us to perform metabolic engineering at the systems level. By combining the results of omics analyses and computational simulation, systems biology allows us to understand cellular physiology and characteristics, which can subsequently be used for designing strategies. Here, we review the current status of metabolic engineering based on systems biology for chemical production and discuss future prospects.  相似文献   

Microorganisms have been the main sources for the production of chemicals. Production of chemicals requires the development of low-cost and higher-yield processes. Towards this goal, microbial strains with higher levels of production should be first considered. Metabolic engineering has been used extensively over the past two to three decades to increase production of these chemicals. Advances in omics technology and computational simulation are allowing us to perform metabolic engineering at the systems level. By combining the results of omics analyses and computational simulation, systems biology allows us to understand cellular physiology and characteristics, which can subsequently be used for designing strategies. Here, we review the current status of metabolic engineering based on systems biology for chemical production and discuss future prospects.  相似文献   

Background: In the wake of rising energy demands, microalgae have emerged as potential sources of sustainable and renewable carbon-neutral fuels, such as bio-hydrogen and bio-oil.

Purpose: For rational metabolic engineering, the elucidation of metabolic pathways in fine detail and their manipulation according to requirements is the key to exploiting the use of microalgae. Emergence of site-specific nucleases have revolutionized applied research leading to biotechnological gains. Genome engineering as well as modulation of the endogenous genome with high precision using CRISPR systems is being gradually employed in microalgal research. Further, to optimize and produce better algal platforms, use of systems biology network analysis and integration of omics data is required. This review discusses two important approaches: systems biology and gene editing strategies used on microalgal systems with a focus on biofuel production and sustainable solutions. It also emphasizes that the integration of such systems would contribute and compliment applied research on microalgae.

Conclusions: Recent advances in microalgae are discussed, including systems biology, gene editing approaches in lipid bio-synthesis, and antenna engineering. Lastly, it has been attempted here to showcase how CRISPR/Cas systems are a better editing tool than existing techniques that can be utilized for gene modulation and engineering during biofuel production.  相似文献   

Systems biology is based on computational modelling and simulation of large networks of interacting components. Models may be intended to capture processes, mechanisms, components and interactions at different levels of fidelity. Input data are often large and geographically disperse, and may require the computation to be moved to the data, not vice versa. In addition, complex system-level problems require collaboration across institutions and disciplines. Grid computing can offer robust, scaleable solutions for distributed data, compute and expertise. We illustrate some of the range of computational and data requirements in systems biology with three case studies: one requiring large computation but small data (orthologue mapping in comparative genomics), a second involving complex terabyte data (the Visible Cell project) and a third that is both computationally and data-intensive (simulations at multiple temporal and spatial scales). Authentication, authorisation and audit systems are currently not well scalable and may present bottlenecks for distributed collaboration particularly where outcomes may be commercialised. Challenges remain in providing lightweight standards to facilitate the penetration of robust, scalable grid-type computing into diverse user communities to meet the evolving demands of systems biology.  相似文献   

Cover illustration: Systems biology for industrial applications. Biofuel production from lignocellulosic biomass is one of the key topics in industrial systems biology. This issue of BTJ edited by Jens Nielsen (Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden) covers reviews and original articles on systems biology approaches for biofuel production, i.e., metabolic flux analysis in Clostridia species as well as advancing metabolic engineering of yeasts, and sustainable chemistry in Corynebacterium glutamicum and microalgae. Image provided by Payam Ghiaci, Chalmers, Sweden.  相似文献   

Nutraceuticals are food substances with medical and health benefits for humans. Limited by complicated procedures, high cost, low yield, insufficient raw materials, resource waste, and environment pollution, chemical synthesis and extraction are being replaced by microbial synthesis of nutraceuticals. Many microbial strains that are generally regarded as safe (GRAS) have been identified and developed for the synthesis of nutraceuticals, and significant nutraceutical production by these strains has been achieved. In this review, we systematically summarize recent advances in nutraceutical research in terms of physiological effects on health, potential applications, drawbacks of traditional production processes, characteristics of production strains, and progress in microbial fermentation. Recent advances in systems and synthetic biology techniques have enabled comprehensive understanding of GRAS strains and its wider applications. Thus, these microbial strains are promising cell factories for the commercial production of nutraceuticals.  相似文献   

Many compounds being considered as candidates for advanced biofuels are toxic to microorganisms. This introduces an undesirable trade‐off when engineering metabolic pathways for biofuel production because the engineered microbes must balance production against survival. Cellular export systems, such as efflux pumps, provide a direct mechanism for reducing biofuel toxicity. To identify novel biofuel pumps, we used bioinformatics to generate a list of all efflux pumps from sequenced bacterial genomes and prioritized a subset of targets for cloning. The resulting library of 43 pumps was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli, where we tested it against seven representative biofuels. By using a competitive growth assay, we efficiently distinguished pumps that improved survival. For two of the fuels (n‐butanol and isopentanol), none of the pumps improved tolerance. For all other fuels, we identified pumps that restored growth in the presence of biofuel. We then tested a beneficial pump directly in a production strain and demonstrated that it improved biofuel yields. Our findings introduce new tools for engineering production strains and utilize the increasingly large database of sequenced genomes.  相似文献   

Industrial biotechnology is a rapidly growing field. With the increasing shift towards a bio-based economy, there is rising demand for developing efficient cell factories that can produce fuels, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, materials, nutraceuticals, and even food ingredients. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is extremely well suited for this objective. As one of the most intensely studied eukaryotic model organisms, a rich density of knowledge detailing its genetics, biochemistry, physiology, and large-scale fermentation performance can be capitalized upon to enable a substantial increase in the industrial application of this yeast. Developments in genomics and high-throughput systems biology tools are enhancing one's ability to rapidly characterize cellular behaviour, which is valuable in the field of metabolic engineering where strain characterization is often the bottleneck in strain development programmes. Here, the impact of systems biology on metabolic engineering is reviewed and perspectives on the role of systems biology in the design of cell factories are given.  相似文献   

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