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叉蕨科4属5种植物配子体的发育模式及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜详细观察了叉蕨科(Aspidiaceae)4属5种植物,即肋毛蕨属(Ctenitis(C.Chr.)C.Chr.)的亮鳞肋毛蕨(C.subglandulosa(Hance)Ching)和海南肋毛蕨(C.decurrenti-pmnata(Ching)Ching)、轴脉蕨属(Ctenitopsis Ching ex Tard-Blot et C.Chr.)的轴脉蕨(C.sagenioides(Mett.)Ching)、黄腺羽蕨属(Pleocnemia Presl)的黄腺羽蕨(P.winitti Holtt.)以及叉蕨属(Tectaria Cav.)的剑叶叉蕨(T.leptophylla(C.H.Wright)Ching)的配子体发育过程,记录了配子体各发育阶段的模式特征,认为这5种植物的孢子、丝状体、片状体、生长点、翼片、细胞、毛状体和假根等具有稳定的系统学意义。检索结果与该科的经典分类结果基本相似,并在此基础上编写了各分类群的检索表。本研究为叉蕨科系统学研究积累了详实的配子体形态学资料。  相似文献   

海南岛叉蕨科植物的增补与修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
发现滇桂三相蕨Ataxipteris dianguiensis W. M. Chu & H. G. Zhou和多形叉蕨Tecataria polymorpha (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel.为海南新分布, 并为滇桂三相蕨指定了后选模式,讨论了燕尾叉蕨T. simonsii (Baker) Ching和中型叉蕨T. media Ching的异同,澄清了三叉蕨T. subtriphylla (Hook. & Arn.) Copel.和多形叉蕨的形态变异,把云南产狭基叉蕨T. polymorpha var. subcuneata Ching & Chu H. Wang处理为多形叉蕨的异名。至此,海南产叉蕨科植物为8属20种。  相似文献   

叉蕨科是一个多系类群: 基于叶绿体rbcL和atpB基因的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叉蕨科植物为泛热带分布, 全世界约有20余属, 中国产8属. 本研究以属为单位进行类群取样, 利用来自叶绿体基因组的两个基因(rbcL和atpB)对叉蕨科中国产全部8属植物进行系统发育重建, 用以探讨叉蕨科及其科下系统发育关系. 研究结果显示, 传统(秦仁昌系统)的叉蕨科是一个多系类群, 肋毛蕨属Ctenitis, 轴鳞蕨属Dryopsis和节毛蕨属Lastreopsis应该从叉蕨科分出而作为鳞毛蕨科成员, 黄腺羽蕨属Pleocnemia也暂时置于鳞毛蕨科. 轴脉蕨属Ctenitopsis, 沙皮蕨属Hemigramma, 牙蕨属Pteridrys, 地耳蕨属Quercifilix和叉蕨属Tectaria在系统发育树上聚为一支, 形成一个得到强烈支持的单系类群. 在rbcL单基因分析中, 爬树蕨属Arthropteris同上述单系类群聚在一起. 本研究基于叶绿体基因的证据对叉蕨科进行了重新定义.  相似文献   

报道了近年在香港再发现的两个属-黄腺蕨属(叉蕨科)和网藤蕨属(藤蕨科),并对港产的黄腺蕨、有盖黄腺蕨和网藤蕨的标本和文献进行整理,及对国产的相近种类作分类处理,把钩形黄腺羽蕨和广西黄腺羽蕨归并于黄腺蕨中。此外,亦对网藤蕨进行了长期观察,证实了Holtum关于该种的叶轴顶端的形态修正。黄腺蕨属和网藤蕨属在香港的再发现,对华南蕨植物地理区系的研究具有一定的意义。由于这两属在本地均为罕见之种类,故可考虑到入得法珍稀蕨类名单之内。  相似文献   

凤丫蕨属(Coniogramme)隶属广义凤尾蕨科(Pterdidaceae)的珠蕨亚科(Cryptogrammoideae),分类极其混乱。本文在原始文献和标本考证的基础上,通过野外考察,对海南凤丫蕨属的分类进行了订正。承认海南有该属植物3种:海南凤丫蕨(C.macrophylla Blume Hieron.)、普通凤丫蕨(C.intermedia Hieron.)和凤丫蕨(C.japonica Thunb. Diels)。将C.merrillii Ching和披针凤丫蕨(C.lanceolata Ching ex K.H.Shing)并入C.macrophylla作为异名处理;首次报道凤丫蕨在海南的分布,并对其它两种在海南的分布进行了补充。  相似文献   

铁角蕨属4种植物配子体发育的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
檀龙颜  刘保东 《西北植物学报》2007,27(12):2438-2444
以腐叶土为基质培养铁角蕨(Asplenium trichomanes L.)、阿尔泰铁角蕨[A.altajense(Kom.)Grubov]、假大羽铁角蕨(A.pseudolaserpitii folium Ching)和细裂铁角蕨(A.tenui folium D.Don)的孢子,用光学显微镜观察并比较它们的配子体发育过程,以期为铁角蕨属的系统学研究提供基础资料.结果显示,4种铁角蕨属植物配子体均具有:孢子两面型、单裂缝、周壁具褶皱、书带蕨型萌发,成熟原叶体心形,原叶体具有毛状体等共同特征,表明铁角蕨属的演化处于较进化的系统位置,但它们的毛状体形态和细胞数目明显不同,可为属内分系提供依据.研究发现,4种铁角蕨属植物配子体的边缘细胞形状以及假根的形态和数量均有差异,其叶绿体能象单细胞一样进行无丝分裂,强光照射下叶绿体向相邻细胞的侧壁集中等现象.  相似文献   

中国实蕨属的分类修订   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对实蕨属Bolbitis的17种植物的孢子进行了扫描电镜观察。根据孢子周壁特征,中国产实蕨属的孢子明显可分为3种类型:A型孢子具网状周壁,B型孢子具鸡冠状-波状周壁,C型孢子具平滑的波状周壁。孢子周壁特征、叶脉式样和叶片顶部的形态是实蕨属中最有价值的分类学性状。根据标本检查,结合野外调查和孢子形态观察,对中国产实蕨属的分类进行了修订,确定中国有实蕨属植物20种和3杂交种,其中包括2个新组合B. fengiana (Ching) S. Y. Dong和B. medogensis (Ching &; S. K. Wu) S. Y. Dong,以及2个中国新分布B. costata Ching ex C. Chr.和B. hookeriana K. Iwats.。将B. latipinna Ching、B. media Ching &; Chu H. Wang、B. yunnanensis Ching、Egenolfia crassifolia Ching、E. crenata Ching &; P. S. Chiu、E. fengiana Ching、E. medogensis Ching &; S. K. Wu和E. ×yunnanensis Ching &; P. S. Chiu等8个名称处理为新异名。文中给出了分种检索表、每个种的生境和分布资料、大多数种的特征集要和孢子扫描电镜照片。  相似文献   

澄清海南有鳞始蕨属Lindsaea Dryand.植物11种和1变种,其中碎叶鳞始蕨L. chingii C. Chr.为海南分布新记录。讨论了团叶鳞始蕨L. orbiculata (Lam.) Mett. ex Kuhn和钱氏鳞始蕨L. chienii Ching的形态变异。4个学名, 即L. annamensis K. U. Kramer、海南鳞始蕨L. hainanensis Ching、封开鳞始蕨L. fengkaiensis B. S. Wang &; S. H. Shi和海岛鳞始蕨L. orbiculata var. commixta (Tagawa) K. U. Kramer处理为异名。列出了分种检索表, 在每一分类群下列有文献引证、标本引证、生境及分布资料。  相似文献   

通过对凤尾蕨属(Pteris L.)8种,即半边旗(P.semipinnata L.)、傅氏凤尾蕨(P.fauriei Hieron.)、阔叶凤尾蕨(P.esquirolii Christ)、三叉凤尾蕨(P.tripartita Sw.)、蜈蚣草(P.vittata L.)、溪边凤尾蕨(P.excelsa Gaud.)、有刺凤尾蕨(P.setuloso-costulata Hayata)、西南凤尾蕨(P.wallichiana Agardh)孢子的人工培养,观察并总结了该属配子体发育各阶段形态特征,并与以往的观察结果进行比较.最终选取孢子萌发型与配子体发育类型等稳定特征作为判断依据,讨论该属与书带蕨科(Vittariaceae)、中国蕨科(Sinopteridaceae)、铁线蕨科(Adiantaceae)等科的亲缘关系.研究认为蕨类配子体生长点上方边缘细胞分布情况多变,不是稳定的系统学特征.而配子体特定部位边缘细胞的外侧壁形态则具有较高的系统学参考价值.  相似文献   

凤丫蕨属(Coniogramme Fée)种间界限模糊,存在过渡类型,是蕨类植物中分类比较困难的类群之一。黑轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta(H.Christ) H.Christ)是凤丫蕨属植物中比较特殊的种类之一。本文在标本考证、野外考察和微形态研究的基础上对该种的分类进行了订正。将假黑轴凤丫蕨(C.pseudorobusta Ching et Shing)和新黑轴凤丫蕨(C.neorobusta Ching et Shing)归并到黑轴凤丫蕨。同时对该种下的两个变种黄轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. splendens Ching et Shing)和棕轴凤丫蕨(C.robusta var. rependula Ching et Shing)重新定义模式标本。  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to deal with the taxonomical problems of the family Aspidiaceae from the mainland of Asia. In recent years I have had the opportunity to study copious materials of the family from this region, and recognized the following nine genera, namely, Lastreopsis Ching, Ctenitis C. Chr., Ctenitopsis Ching, Pleocnemia Presl, Arcypteris Underw., Tectaria Cavanilles, Quercifilix Cop., Hemigramma Christ and Pteridrys C. Chr. et Ching. The members of this family are middle-sized, terrestrial ferns; rhizome erect or suberect, dictyostelic, scaly; leaves tufted, generally uniform, simple pinnate to tripinnatifid; veins free or anastomosing, forming areoles with or without free included veinlets; rachis and costa raised on the upper surface, and, as a rule, covered with pale brown multicellular articulate hairs (ctenitis-hairs); sori round or in a few cases acrostichoid; indusia reniform, or in some genera absent; spores bilateral with perispore. Dryopteridaceae and Lomariopsidaceae are closely related to Aspidiaceae, and both were placed in the latter family by the fern students in the past. The main differences of Dryopteridaceae from Aspidiaceae are: leaves pale green when dried; costa and costule grooved and free from articulate hairs (ctenitis-hairs) on the upper side; veins free or very rarely anastomosing (venatio cyrtomii). In general appearance the genus Ctenitis of Aspidiaceae is very similar to the bipinnate species of Dryopteridaceae, such as Dryopteris filix-mas (Linn.) Schott, but its costa and costule are raised and covered by ctenitis-hairs on the upper side, and the leaves turning dull brown when dried, so that it has no difficulty in distinguishing the genus from the true Dryopteris. The recognition of the free-veined Ctenitis and its allies as the primitive tectarioid ferns is very important in delimiting both Aspidiaceae and Dryopteridaceae, which were all mixed up in the past. Moreover, from the standpoint of plant geography, these two families are also distinct, for the Dryopteridaceae are mainly ferns of the temperate regions and the mountains in subtropics in the Northern Hemisphere, but the Aspidiaceae are pantropical by origin. The chief differences of Lomariopsidaceae from the Aspidiaceae are: rhizome creeping or high-climbing; leaves strongly dimorphous, free from the ctenitis-hairs; sori acrostichoid. That Holttum has made Aspidiaceae a subfamily Tectarioideae of the family Dennstaedtiaceae proves to be very unnatural, because there is hardly any affinity between the two families; while Aspidiaceae of Copeland is a terrible mixture of Thelypteridaceae, Athyriaceae, Dryopteridaceae and Aspidiaceae (sen. strict.) and a few other families, for even he himself admitted that no one can use the definition to identify any unknown members of his family. Finally, I feel grateful to my teacher, Professor R. C. Ching, for his constant encouragement and warm guidance received both in the course of my study and in the prepara-tion of the present paper.  相似文献   

广东蕨类植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了2个新异名,1个新等级和35种蕨类植物在广东的分布新记录。正安肋毛蕨(Ctenitis changanensis Ching)和信宜铁角蕨(Asplenium xinyiense Ching et S.H.Wu)分别作直鳞肋毛蕨(Ctenitis eatoni (Bak.) Ching)和厚叶铁角蕨(Asplenium griffithianum Hook)的异名处理;齿翅井栏凤尾蕨(Pteris serralata(Miau)Y. H. Yan)被提升到种的等级;假芒萁属(Sticherus Presl)、柄盖蕨属(Peranema D. Don)、蛾眉蕨属(Lunathyrium Koidz.)和革舌蕨属(Scleroglossum Alderw)等4个属为广东分布新记录,小笠原卷柏(Selaginella boninensis Baker)为中国大陆分布新记录。广东现有蕨类已达到56科144属502种。  相似文献   

广东蕨类植物分布新记录   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
报道7个广东分布新记录种:细羽凤尾蕨、尾头风尾蕨、仙霞铁线蕨、雷波铁角蕨、阔鳞肋毛蕨、网脉实蕨和海南假瘤蕨。其中细羽凤尾蕨、尾头凤尾蕨、仙霞铁线蕨、雷波铁角蕨为石灰岩上生长种类。  相似文献   

The spore mother cells of six species of Chinese homosporous ferns have been examined, among them the chromosome numbers of five species, Adiantum capillus-junonis Rupr. (n= 30), Ctenitis rhodolepis (Clarke) Ching (n = 41), Cyclogramma flexilis (Christ) Tagawa (n = 68), Leptogramma scallani (Christ) Ching (n = 36) and Vandenboschia auriculata (B1.) Copel. (n=36), from Emei Shan (Omei) Sichuan province are recorded for the first time. The chromosome number n=68 from the species Cyclogramma flexilis suggests that the base number for this genus is 34. Another species, Athyrium brevifrons Nakai from Wuling Shah Beijing (Peking) has a gameticchromosome number n=40, as already reported by K. Mitui and H. Hirabayashi.  相似文献   

报道浙江省蕨类植物新记录种4个,即膜蕨科的毛蕗蕨Hymenophyllum exsertum Wall. ex Hook.、墨兰瓶蕨Vandenboschia cystoseiroides (Christ) Ching和管苞瓶蕨Vandenboschia kalamocarpa (Hayata) Ebihara,以及鳞毛蕨科的二型肋毛蕨Ctenitis dingnanensis Ching。凭证标本存放于浙江省景宁县林业局标本馆。  相似文献   

广东产轴鳞蕨属(叉蕨科)植物   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于馆藏标本的研究,确认广东产3种轴鳞蕨属植物:异鳞轴鳞蕨Dryopsis heterolaena、泡鳞轴鳞蕨D·mariformis和阔鳞轴鳞蕨D·maximowicziana,其中泡鳞轴鳞蕨和阔鳞轴鳞蕨为广东新记录的蕨类。澄清广东不产顶果轴鳞蕨D·apiciflora,最近出版的《广东植物志》第七卷记载的顶囊肋毛蕨Ctenitis apiciflora(即顶果轴鳞蕨D·apiciflora) ,系异鳞轴鳞蕨的错误鉴定。文中列有分种检索表、种的文献引证、标本引证、生境与分布资料。  相似文献   

Based on herbaria collections, three species of the fern genus Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae ) are recognized from Guangdong Province, China . They are D. heterolaena , D. mariformis and D. maximowicziana . Among the three species, D. mariformis and D. maximowicziana are new records to Guangdong . In the newly published book , Flora of Guangdong Volume VII , the name Ctenitis apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Ching ( = D. apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Holttum & Edwards) instead of D. heterolaena is recorded due tomisidentification . The morphological and ecological differences between D. heterolaena and D. apiciflora are discussed . A key to the three species, habitat and distribution data on the three species are given .  相似文献   

基于馆藏标本的研究, 确认广东产3 种轴鳞蕨属植物: 异鳞轴鳞蕨Dryopsis heterolaena、泡鳞轴鳞蕨D. mariformis 和阔鳞轴鳞蕨D. maximowicziana , 其中泡鳞轴鳞蕨和阔鳞轴鳞蕨为广东新记录的蕨类。澄清广东不产顶果轴鳞蕨D. apiciflora , 最近出版的《广东植物志》第七卷记载的顶囊肋毛蕨Ctenitis apiciflora ( 即顶果轴鳞蕨D. apiciflora) , 系异鳞轴鳞蕨的错误鉴定。文中列有分种检索表、种的文献引证、标本引证、生境与分布资料。  相似文献   

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