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耕作方式对黑土表层土壤微生物生物量碳的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以保护性耕作13年田间定位试验玉米-大豆轮作黑土为研究对象,探讨了玉米不同生长期(2013年6月至次年4月)0~5、5~10和10~20 cm土层土壤微生物生物量碳(MBC)对耕作方式响应的动态变化.土壤MBC含量采用氯仿熏蒸法测定.结果表明:土壤MBC含量受时间和土层影响显著.免耕和垄作下土壤MBC含量表现为4月最低,各土层最高值多出现在8月,而秋翻各土层土壤MBC含量也表现为4月最低,但最高值出现在6月.同一采样时间下,耕作方式仅显著影响表层0~5 cm的MBC含量,免耕和垄作下土壤MBC含量出现明显的分层现象,表现为在表层0~5 cm富集.各采样时间下免耕和垄作土壤层化率(0~5 cm/10~20 cm)均显著高于秋翻,9月的土壤层化率增幅最大,为67.8%和95.5%.综上,时间和土层显著影响土壤MBC,而耕作方式主要影响表层土壤MBC的积累与分布.免耕和垄作下表层土壤MBC的积累明显.  相似文献   

耕作方式对黑土硬度和容重的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以吉林省德惠市8年黑土田间定位试验的小区土壤为研究对象,对不同耕作方式下土壤硬度和容重进行研究.结果表明:免耕增加了土壤硬度,主要表现在2.5 ~17.5 cm土层;在玉米连作和玉米-大豆轮作下,苗眼处免耕处理的最大土壤硬度分别为2816和1931 kPa,秋翻处理下分别为2660和2051 kPa,对作物生长均没有限制作用;秋翻处理的土壤硬度曲线随垄形而变化,免耕处理的土壤硬度曲线起伏较小.与秋翻相比,免耕显著增加了5~20 cm土层的土壤容重.5 ~ 30 cm土层的土壤容重在免耕处理下变化幅度较小,在秋翻处理下随土壤深度的增加逐渐增大.土壤容重与土壤硬度之间相关性不显著.  相似文献   

朱新玉  刘洁  贺振  吴东辉 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7242-7253
为阐明长期不同耕作方式对轮作种植模式黑土农田地表节肢动物多样性及其营养结构的影响,2015年5月至9月间,利用陷阱法对连续13年玉米大豆轮作模式的定位试验站三种耕作方式(免耕、垄作、秋翻)的地表节肢动物群落进行了调查。共捕获动物1002只,隶属于3纲11目29科37个类群,凹唇蚁、玉米毛蚁和直角通缘步甲为优势类群。免耕(NT,no tillage)有利于增加蜘蛛类群密度,垄作(RT,ridge tillage)和秋翻(MP,mould board plough)显著增加了玉米毛蚁密度。耕作方式仅对群落密度有显著影响显著影响(P0.05),而大豆不同生育阶段显著或极显著的影响地表节肢动物群落组成特征(P0.05; P0.001)。长期玉米大豆轮作种植的地表节肢动物群落营养功能群在不同耕作方式中所占比例不同,保护性耕作方式(NT、RT)更有利于捕食性和植食性动物的生存和繁殖,常规耕作(MP)则是杂食性动物占据优势,明显呈现对不稳定环境的适应。大豆不同生育期,各功能群的个体数与类群数的动态变化不尽一致,不具有明显的规律性。研究结果表明,免耕轮作对维持地表节肢动物群落内部物种间的关系及其营养结构有着较为重要的作用,保护性耕作和轮作种植模式相结合可维持农田生态系统平衡。  相似文献   

轮作及绿肥不同利用方式对作物产量和土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过4年田间定位试验比较了3种轮作及相应绿肥不同利用方式对作物产量和土壤性质的影响.轮作方式包括夏休闲-冬小麦(对照)、豆类绿肥-冬小麦和豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦.豆类绿肥-冬小麦包括3种绿肥利用方式:提前覆盖、提前翻压和播前翻压;豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦也包括3种绿肥利用方式:豆类茎秆覆盖、茎秆翻压和茎秆移出田间.结果表明:对于豆类绿肥-冬小麦轮作,绿肥消耗了更多小麦播前土壤水,使小麦产量不稳定;麦收后0~200 cm土层硝态氮储量显著高于另外两种轮作,有更高的淋失风险;该轮作方式下提前覆盖处理0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳(SOC)含量和有机碳储量(SSOC)最高.对于豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦轮作,小麦播前土壤储水量显著高于豆类绿肥-冬小麦,小麦产量更稳定;麦收后0~200 cm土层硝态氮储量显著低于豆类绿肥-冬小麦轮作,淋失风险较低;该轮作方式下茎杆覆盖处理0~20 cm土层土壤SOC含量显著高于茎杆移出处理,且SSOC相对于试验初始也有所增加.可见,豆类绿肥-春玉米-冬小麦轮作体系中豆类收获籽粒后茎杆地表覆盖方式,在提高小麦播前土壤储水量、稳定产量、培肥土壤和降低0~200 cm土层土壤硝态氮残留量上表现较好,是具有类似气候地区的合理种植制度.

姬强  孙汉印  Taraqqi AK  王旭东   《生态学杂志》2014,25(4):1029-1035
在连续8年田间定位试验的基础上,分析了关中平原冬小麦 夏玉米复种连作系统2008—2009年连续两个生长季期间不同耕作措施(结合秸秆还田和不还田)对土壤有机碳和水分利用率的影响.结果表明: 相对于传统耕作,保护性耕作有利于土壤有机碳、水分利用效率和作物产量的提高,其中在“深松+秸秆还田”耕作模式下的增幅最高,土壤有机碳含量在0~30 cm土层增幅达到19.5%,水分利用效率和作物产量提高了16.9%和20.5%,而免耕模式则有效提高了0~10 cm土层有机碳含量.在该地区土壤和气候条件下,深松结合秸秆粉碎还田是最理想的耕作模式,最有利于土壤有机碳累积,并提高水分利用效率和作物产量.  相似文献   

2005—2008年在内蒙古清水河县进行了定位试验,研究了不同耕作方式下土壤微生物量及土壤营养指标、作物产量的年际变化。结果表明:免耕有利于提高土壤微生物量碳、氮、磷含量,2007和2008年不同耕作方式0~10cm土层土壤微生物量均表现为免耕留高茬覆盖>免耕留低茬覆盖>免耕留高茬>免耕留低茬>传统耕作;免耕有利于提高土壤有机质和土壤养分含量,2007和2008年不同耕作方式0~10cm土层土壤有机质和养分含量均表现为免耕留高茬覆盖>免耕留低茬覆盖>免耕留高茬>免耕留低茬>传统耕作,实施免耕的前3年,玉米产量不稳定,甚至造成玉米减产,第4年免耕增产效应有所显现;不同保护性方式下土壤指标与玉米产量之间的相关度较好,通径分析得知土壤全氮、全磷、速效磷及微生物量碳对玉米产量起直接作用,其中尤以土壤微生物量碳的作用最大;免耕有利于改善内蒙古农田旱作区的土壤生态环境,提高土壤肥力。  相似文献   

研究了岷江下游紫色丘陵区玉米+红薯间作、大豆单作、生姜连作、水稻-紫云英轮作等4个典型种植模式下栽植生姜后土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量和水解酶活性的变化特征.结果表明: 栽植生姜显著降低了4个种植模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和磷含量,但各种植模式之间存在较大差异.其中,玉米+红薯间作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的下降幅度明显低于大豆单作与生姜连作模式,但土壤微生物生物量磷下降幅度明显较高.栽植生姜显著降低了土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,其下降幅度以玉米+红薯间作模式最大,水稻-紫云英轮作模式最小;土壤转化酶活性在生姜连作模式下显著降低;土壤脲酶活性在大豆单作、生姜连作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下均显著降低.相对于其他模式,栽植生姜使玉米+红薯间作模式下的土壤维持了较高的转化酶和脲酶活性.  相似文献   

研究了岷江下游紫色丘陵区玉米+红薯间作、大豆单作、生姜连作、水稻-紫云英轮作等4个典型种植模式下栽植生姜后土壤微生物生物量碳、氮、磷含量和水解酶活性的变化特征.结果表明: 栽植生姜显著降低了4个种植模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮和磷含量,但各种植模式之间存在较大差异.其中,玉米+红薯间作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的下降幅度明显低于大豆单作与生姜连作模式,但土壤微生物生物量磷下降幅度明显较高.栽植生姜显著降低了土壤酸性磷酸酶活性,其下降幅度以玉米+红薯间作模式最大,水稻-紫云英轮作模式最小;土壤转化酶活性在生姜连作模式下显著降低;土壤脲酶活性在大豆单作、生姜连作和水稻-紫云英轮作模式下均显著降低.相对于其他模式,栽植生姜使玉米+红薯间作模式下的土壤维持了较高的转化酶和脲酶活性.  相似文献   

农牧交错带不同耕作方式土壤水分动态变化特征   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
从耕作方式、覆盖和轮作3个因素系统地对莜麦整个生育期土壤含水量进行了动态的观测研究,结果表明,干旱地区单纯的免耕在提高土壤水分含量上作用不太明显,尤其是降低了表层土壤的含水量,免耕只有在覆盖下,才能真正起到增加土壤水分含量,提高水分利用效率的作用;而对于深松处理,无论是覆盖还是不覆盖,与传统翻耕处理相比,土壤水分均明显提高;同种耕作措施覆盖与无覆盖相比,覆盖处理下土壤含水量明显高于无覆盖处理;说明保护性耕作之所以能够提高土壤水分含量,关键因素在于残茬覆盖;同种耕作方式下轮作种植土壤水分含量与水分利用效率明显高于连作。可以看出,从理论上轮作深松覆盖处理是当地应采用的最佳耕作方式,然而,由于当地缺乏覆盖材料,因此,轮作深松是目前当地最适合的耕作方式。  相似文献   

长期保护性耕种方式对农田表层土壤性质的影响   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
张国盛  K Y Chan  G D Li  D P Heenan 《生态学报》2008,28(6):2722-2722~2728
研究了不同耕种方式对澳大利亚同一地区3种土壤表层(0~5cm)理化性质的作用,以揭示保护性耕作对土壤质量恢复的影响.结果表明:免耕穴播/保留残茬(DD/SR)、多年生人工草地(PP)和自然草地(NP)表层土壤的>2mm水稳性团聚体含量、全氮、有机碳含量、田间持水量均显著高于其相应对照传统耕作/秸秆焚烧(CC/SB)、人工草地/作物轮作(PPC)和耕作(CT)的;土壤全氮含量、田间持水量分别与有机碳含量之间有极显著的正相关关系(r=0.994**,r=0.996**,n=6),而受土壤质地等因素的影响较小;在同一类型的土壤上,土壤有机碳含量与水稳定性团聚体含量之间存在显著的相关性;在不同试验区,耕作措施对表层土壤容重和孔隙分布的影响存在较大差异;秸秆焚烧和施用石膏对表层土壤的pH及交换性阳离子含量有较大的影响.研究表明长期保护性耕作、草田轮作或多年生草地有利于提高表层土壤有机碳含量和结构稳定性,从而改善土壤的供肥供水能力.  相似文献   

The decomposition rate of soil organic matter (SOM) is affected by soil management practices and particularly by the physical and hydraulic attributes of the soil. Previous studies have indicated that the SOM decomposition is influenced by the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR). Therefore, the objective of this study was to relate the C-CO2 emissions to the LLWR of the surficial layer of soil under two management systems: no-tillage (NT), conducted for 20 years, and conventional tillage (CT). Soil in NT presented greater soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks than in CT. Emissions of C-CO2 were greater in the NT than in the CT, because of the greater carbon stocks in the soil surface layer and the greater biological activity (due to the improvement of the soil structure) in NT as compared to CT. The use of LLWR associated with the measurement of C-CO2 emissions from the soil could help to predict the efficacy of the adopted management system for trapping carbon in the soil.  相似文献   

The impact of conservation tillage practices on soil carbon has been of great interest in recent years. Conservation tillage might have the potential to enhance soil carbon accumulation and alter the depth distribution of soil carbon compared to conventional tillage based systems. Changes in the soil organic carbon (SOC) as influenced by tillage, are more noticeable under long-term rather than short-term tillage practices. The objective of this study was to determine the impacts of long-term tillage on SOC and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) status after 19 years of four tillage treatments in a Hydragric Anthrosol. In this experiment four tillage systems included conventional tillage with rotation of rice and winter fallow system (CTF), conventional tillage with rotation of rice and rape system (CTR), no-till and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (NT) and tillage and ridge culture with rotation of rice and rape system (TR). Soils were sampled in the spring of 2009 and sectioned into 0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, 40–50 and 50–60 cm depth, respectively.Tillage effect on SOC was observed, and SOC concentrations were much larger under NT than the other three tillage methods in all soil depths from 0 to 60 cm. The mean SOC concentration at 0–60 cm soil depth followed the sequence: NT (22.74 g kg?1) > CTF (14.57 g kg?1) > TR (13.10 g kg?1) > CTR (11.92 g kg?1). SOC concentrations under NT were significantly higher than TR and CTR (P < 0.01), and higher than CTF treatment (P < 0.05). The SOC storage was calculated on equivalent soil mass basis. Results showed that the highest SOC storage at 0–60 cm depth presented in NT, which was 158.52 Mg C ha?1, followed by CTF (106.74 Mg C ha?1), TR (93.11 Mg C ha?1) and CTR (88.60 Mg C ha?1). Compared with conventional tillage (CTF), the total SOC storage in NT increased by 48.51%, but decreased by 16.99% and 12.77% under CTR and TR treatments, respectively. The effect of tillage on DOC was significant at 0–10 cm soil layer, and DOC concentration was much higher under CTF than the other three treatments (P < 0.01). Throughout 0–60 cm soil depth, DOC concentrations were 32.92, 32.63, 26.79 and 22.10 mg kg?1 under NT, CTF, CTR and TR, and the differences among the four treatments were not significant (P > 0.05). In conclusion, NT increased SOC concentration and storage compared to conventional tillage operation but not for DOC.  相似文献   

Over the last 50 years, the most increase in cultivated land area globally has been due to a doubling of irrigated land. Long‐term agronomic management impacts on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and global warming potential (GWP) in irrigated systems, however, remain relatively unknown. Here, residue and tillage management effects were quantified by measuring soil nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) fluxes and SOC changes (ΔSOC) at a long‐term, irrigated continuous corn (Zea mays L.) system in eastern Nebraska, United States. Management treatments began in 2002, and measured treatments included no or high stover removal (0 or 6.8 Mg DM ha?1 yr?1, respectively) under no‐till (NT) or conventional disk tillage (CT) with full irrigation (n = 4). Soil N2O and CH4 fluxes were measured for five crop‐years (2011–2015), and ΔSOC was determined on an equivalent mass basis to ~30 cm soil depth. Both area‐ and yield‐scaled soil N2O emissions were greater with stover retention compared to removal and for CT compared to NT, with no interaction between stover and tillage practices. Methane comprised <1% of total emissions, with NT being CH4 neutral and CT a CH4 source. Surface SOC decreased with stover removal and with CT after 14 years of management. When ΔSOC, soil GHG emissions, and agronomic energy usage were used to calculate system GWP, all management systems were net GHG sources. Conservation practices (NT, stover retention) each decreased system GWP compared to conventional practices (CT, stover removal), but pairing conservation practices conferred no additional mitigation benefit. Although cropping system, management equipment/timing/history, soil type, location, weather, and the depth to which ΔSOC is measured affect the GWP outcomes of irrigated systems at large, this long‐term irrigated study provides valuable empirical evidence of how management decisions can impact soil GHG emissions and surface SOC stocks.  相似文献   

耕作方式对紫色水稻土有机碳和微生物生物量碳的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
以位于西南大学的农业部紫色土生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站始于1990年的长期定位试验田为对象,研究了冬水田平作(DP)、水旱轮作(SH)、垄作免耕(LM)及垄作翻耕(LF)等4种耕作方式对紫色水稻土有机碳(SOC)和微生物生物量碳(SMBC)的影响。结果表明,4种耕作方式下SOC和SMBC均呈现出在土壤剖面垂直递减趋势,翻耕栽培下其降低较均匀,而免耕栽培下其富集在表层土壤中。同一土层不同耕作方式间SOC和SMBC的差异在表层最大,随着土壤深度的增加,各处理之间的差异逐渐减小。在0—60 cm剖面中,SOC含量依次为:LM(17.6 g/kg)>DP(13.9 g/kg)>LF(12.5 g/kg)>SH(11.3 g/kg),SOC储量也依次为:LM(158.52 Mg C/hm2)>DP(106.74 Mg C/hm2)>LF(93.11 Mg C/hm2)>SH(88.59 Mg C/hm2),而SMBC含量则依次为:LM(259 mg/kg)>SH(213 mg/kg)>LF(160 mg/kg)>DP(144 mg/kg)。与其它3种耕作方式比较,LM处理显著提高SOC含量和储量以及SMBC含量。对土壤微生物商(SMBC/SOC)进行分析发现,耕作方式对SOC和SMBC的影响程度并不一致。SMBC与SOC、全氮、全磷、全硫、碱解氮、有效磷均呈现极显著正相关(P<0.01),与有效硫呈显著正相关(P<0.05);表明SMBC可以作为表征紫色水稻土土壤肥力的敏感因子。  相似文献   

Tillage practices can redistribute the soil profiles, and thus affects soil organic carbon (SOC), and its storage. The stratification ratio (SR) can be an indicator of soil quality. This study was conducted to determine tillage effects on the profile distribution of certain soil properties in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and summer maize (Zea mays L.) systems in the North China Plain (NCP). Three tillage treatments, including no till (NT), rotary tillage (RT), and plow tillage (PT), were established in 2001 in Luancheng County, Hebei Province. The concentration, storage, and SR of SOC and soil total nitrogen (TN) were assessed in both the wheat and maize seasons. Compared with RT and PT, the mean SRs for all depth ratios of SOC under NT increased by 7.85% and 30.61% during the maize season, and by 14.67% and 30.91% during the wheat season, respectively. The SR of TN for 0–5:30–50 cm increased by 140%, 161%, and 161% in the maize season, and 266%, 154%, and 122% in the wheat season compared to the SR for 0–5:5–10 cm under NT, RT and PT, respectively. The data indicated that SOC and TN were both concentrated in the surface-soil layers (0–10 cm) under NT but were distributed relatively evenly through the soil profile under PT. Meanwhile, the storage of SOC and TN was higher under NT for the surface soil (0–10 cm) but was higher under PT for the deeper soil (30–50 cm). Furthermore, the storage of SOC and TN was significantly related to SR of SOC and TN along the whole soil profile (P<0.0001). Therefore, SR could be used to explain and indicate the changes in the storage of SOC and TN. Further, NT stratifies SOC and TN, enhances the topsoil SOC storage, and helps to improve SOC sequestration and soil quality.  相似文献   

Inappropriate farm practices can increase greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions and reduce soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, thereby increasing carbon footprints (CFs), jeopardizing ecosystem services, and affecting climate change. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to assess the effects of different tillage systems on CFs, GHGs emissions, and ecosystem service (ES) values of climate regulation and to identify climate-resilient tillage practices for a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-summer maize (Zea mays L.) cropping system in the North China Plain (NCP). The experiment was established in 2008 involving no-till with residue retention (NT), rotary tillage with residue incorporation (RT), sub-soiling with residue incorporation (ST), and plow tillage with residue incorporation (PT). The results showed that GHGs emissions from agricultural inputs were 6432.3–6527.3 kg CO2-eq ha−1 yr−1 during the entire growing season, respectively. The GHGs emission from chemical fertilizers and irrigation accounted for >80% of that from agricultural inputs during the entire growing season. The GHGs emission from agricultural inputs were >2.3 times larger in winter wheat than that in the summer maize season. The CFs at yield-scale during the entire growing season were 0.431, 0.425, 0.427, and 0.427 without and 0.286, 0.364, 0.360, and 0.334 kg CO2-eq kg−1 yr−1 with SOC sequestration under NT, RT, ST, and PT, respectively. Regardless of SOC sequestration, the CFs of winter wheat was larger than that of summer maize. Agricultural inputs and SOC change contributed mainly to the component of CFs of winter wheat and summer maize. The ES value of climate regulation under NT was ¥159.2, 515.6, and 478.1 ha−1 yr−1 higher than that under RT, ST, and PT during the entire growing season. Therefore, NT could be a preferred “Climate-resilient” technology for lowering CFs and enhancing ecosystem services of climate regulation for the winter wheat–summer maize system in the NCP.  相似文献   

土壤微生物既参与土壤有机碳的分解也是土壤有机碳转化和固定的驱动者,是影响土壤碳循环和有机碳稳定性的关键因素。然而,保护性耕作(秸秆还田)如何通过调节土壤微生物碳循环功能基因组成来影响土壤CO2释放的机理尚不明确。因此,依托中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所长春保护性耕作观测站,借助鸟枪法宏基因组测序技术,分析了玉米连作系统不同耕作方式(免耕(NT)、秋翻(MP)以及常规耕作(CT))对土壤CO2释放速率、碳水化合物活性酶(CAZy)、碳循环功能基因(碳固定、甲烷代谢以及碳水化合物代谢)组成的影响。研究表明:基于生长季节土壤CO2释放速率6年平均值分析发现,生长季前期免耕土壤的平均CO2释放速率显著低于秋翻和常规耕作,分别比秋翻低28%(5月份)、11%(6月份)和23%(7月份);比常规耕作低31%(5月份)、19%(6月份)和7%(7月份)。基于CAZy数据库注释结果,发现耕作处理显著影响一些糖苷水解酶(如GH102、GH5_38和GH13_17)、糖基转移酶(如GT39)和多糖裂解酶(如PL17和PL5_1)的基因丰度,与常规耕作相比,秸秆还田的免耕和秋翻处理的这些差异基因的相对丰度较高。基于京都基因与基因组百科全书(KEGG)数据库注释结果,发现耕作方式显著影响土壤碳循环功能基因组成(Adonis,多元方差分析,R2=0.45;P=0.006),且免耕处理土壤的碳固定、甲烷代谢以及碳水化合物代谢功能基因组成不同于常规耕作和秋翻处理,单独聚为一类。免耕土壤上调的碳固定功能基因的相对丰度(所有上调功能基因相对丰度的平均值)分别比常规耕作和秋翻高17%和11%,而下调的2个功能基因(K01007和K00170)的丰度分别低19%(CT)、21%(MP)和14%(CT)、17%(MP)。免耕土壤上调的甲烷代谢基因相对丰度分别较常规耕作和秋翻高15%和10%;下调基因的丰度分别低13%(CT)和11%(MP)。免耕土壤上调的碳水化合物代谢功能基因丰度较常规耕作和秋翻高23%和14%;下调的基因丰度分别低25%(CT)和18%(MP)。冗余分析(db-RDA)表明土壤容重及土壤水溶性有机碳(DOC)是驱动土壤碳循环功能基因组成差异的主要因子(P<0.05),且免耕土壤上调的碳固定功能基因(K00625、K01676、K09709、K00925和K14470等)、甲烷代谢基因(K03520、K00830、K10713、K15633和K00625等)和碳水化合物代谢功能基因(K00886、K00830、K01676、K00117和K00114等)与土壤DOC、容重或含水量呈显著正相关。此外,研究发现土壤CO2释放速率与土壤碳循环功能基因组成显著相关(R2=0.80;P<0.01),尤其是与一些碳水化合物代谢功能基因显著相关。这些结果说明免耕处理通过影响土壤理化性质改变土壤碳循环过程,且推断免耕秸秆还田和减少干扰的叠加效应通过调节碳循环功能基因组成来提高土壤固碳潜力。  相似文献   

Novel management practices are needed to increase dryland soil organic matter and crop yields that have been declining due to long-term conventional tillage with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-fallow system in the northern Great Plains, USA. The effects of tillage, crop rotation, and cultural practice were evaluated on dryland crop biomass (stems + leaves) yield, surface residue, and soil organic C (SOC) and total N (STN) at the 0?C20?cm depth in a Williams loam (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, frigid, Typic Argiustolls) from 2004 to 2007 in eastern Montana, USA. Treatments were two tillage practices [no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT)], four crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (CW), spring wheat-pea (Pisum sativum L.) (W-P), spring wheat-barley (Hordeum vulgaris L.) hay-pea (W-B-P), and spring wheat-barley hay-corn (Zea mays L.)-pea (W-B-C-P)], and two cultural practices [regular (conventional seed rates and plant spacing, conventional planting date, broadcast N fertilization, and reduced stubble height) and ecological (variable seed rates and plant spacing, delayed planting, banded N fertilization, and increased stubble height)]. Crop biomass and N content were 4 to 44% greater in W-B-C-P than in CW in 2004 and 2005 and greater in ecological than in regular cultural practice in CT. Soil surface residue amount and C and N contents were greater in NT than in CT, greater in CW, W-P, and W-B-C-P than in W-B-P, and greater in 2006 and 2007 than in 2004 and 2005. The SOC and STN concentrations at 0?C5?cm were 4 to 6% greater in CW than in W-P or W-B-P in NT and CT from 2005 and 2007. In 2007, SOC content at 10?C20?cm was greater in W-P and W-B-P than in W-B-C-P in CT but STN was greater in W-B-P and W-B-C-P than in CW in NT. From 2004 to 2007, SOC and STN concentrations varied at 0?C5?cm but increased at 5?C20?cm. Diversified crop rotation and delayed planting with higher seed rates and banded N fertilization increased the amount of crop biomass returned to the soil and surface residue C and N. Although no-tillage increased surface residue C and N, continuous nonlegume cropping increased soil C and N levels at the surface layer compared with other crop rotations. Continued return of crop residue from 2004 to 2007 may increase soil C and N levels but long-term studies are needed to better evaluate the effect of management practices on soil C and N levels under dryland cropping systems in the northern Great Plains.  相似文献   

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