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生物造粒流化床污水处理反应器中微生物的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对生物造粒流化床污水处理反应器10cm、60cm、110cm处好氧细菌总数以及反硝化菌、反硫化菌分别进行计数,同时,用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜以及石蜡切片技术对粒状污泥中细菌的分布情况进行研究。结果发现,流化床中好氧细菌非常丰富,在反应器10cm处,每克污泥微生物的数量可达1.6×108个,说明好氧细菌在生物造粒流化床有机物生物降解中起主导作用;同时,流化床中也有一定数量的兼性厌氧菌存在,并且随着流化床床体的升高有增加的趋势,这与溶解氧(DO)随流化床床体高度的增加而迅速降低有关;随着回流比的增加,溶解氧增高,相应的好氧细菌有所增加而兼性厌氧菌减少;对于颗粒污泥,其表面和内部微生物分布数量有很大的差异。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同残留剂量恩诺沙星对连续培养系统中肠道菌群数量的影响.方法 建立4套连续培养系统,接种正常人粪便于发酵罐中,连续培养肠道菌群23 d;第23天发酵罐中分别泵入含恩诺沙星剂量为0、1.25、12.5和125 mg/L的培养基,连续加药7 d,第31天停止加药.加药前10 d和加药过程中每隔2 d从4个发酵罐中取样并进行活菌计数.结果 活菌计数结果表明,空白组菌群数量稳定,说明4套连续培养系统运行稳定;低剂量组(1.25 mg/L)恩诺沙星使双歧杆菌下降3个数量级,对其他菌基本无影响;中剂量组(12.5 mg/L)中除拟杆菌外数量均有所下降,厌氧总菌、乳酸菌和肠杆菌停药前数量恢复到加药前水平,需氧总菌、双歧杆菌和肠球菌数量下降后不能恢复原初水平;高剂量组(125 mg/L)中所计数细菌数量均发生变化,需氧总菌、乳酸菌、双歧杆菌、肠球菌和拟杆菌数量下降且停药前不能恢复原初水平,厌氧总菌和肠杆菌数量先降后升,最终计数结果比加药前数量增加.结论 中国现行规定恩诺沙星的日允许摄入量(ADI)可能对人体肠道菌群造成影响.  相似文献   

厌氧菌的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sutt.  VL  胡尚勤 《微生物学杂志》1992,12(1):62-65
划线分离纯化和测定耐氧性之后,就可继续进行鉴定。某些被当作厌氧菌的细菌,或者甚至是耐氧的并能在空气中微弱生长的细菌,都能在10%CO_2的条件下生长(微好氧菌),特别是在开始厌氧分离和传代培养以后。常把内氏放线菌(Ac-tinomyces naeslundii)、丙酸蛛网菌  相似文献   

生物垃圾好氧处理中的纤维素降解菌生长规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究了蔬菜垃圾好氧处理过程中,纤维素降解菌和半纤维素降解菌(细菌和真菌),纤维素酶活和半纤维素酶活,和有机物降解之间的变化规律。方法:用添加纤维素和半纤维素的牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基和查式培养基,分别培养计数纤维素降解细菌、真菌和半纤维素降解细菌、真菌;马福炉灼烧测有机物含量。结果:好氧处理的初始阶段中,前4d有机物日均降解率5.2%,后3d日均降解率2.2%。结论:半纤维素降解菌的数量比纤维素降解菌的多,半纤维素酶活力,也高于纤维素酶活力;微生物的变化情况为前6d产两种酶的微生物主要有细菌和真菌;从第6d开始真菌快速生长;至第7d真菌纤维素酶和半纤维素酶活力显著升高。  相似文献   

为实现优势菌种的工程应用,由焦化废水处理站污泥筛选优势好氧菌A和兼性厌氧菌F,使用谷壳g、豆皮d为载体,采用固体发酵法进行固定化产品制备.初步研究表明固体发酵法固定菌种具有可行性,主要调控因素有温度、初始含水率、工业废水比例、pH、通风量和发酵时间.以pH 8.0、温度好氧菌30℃(兼性厌氧菌35℃)、接种量1mL菌液/g固定化液体,初始含水量80%,固体发酵时间5d,低于60℃鼓风干燥,制备固定化产品.保存三个月,谷壳固定化产品好氧菌Ag的硝化能力和兼性厌氧菌Fg的反硝化能力不随保存时间的延长而改变;豆皮固定化产品Ad、Fd降解能力随保存时间延长下降12%左右.以实验室A2/O工艺系统验证固定化产品处理焦化废水效果,缺氧池中无NO3 - -N积累,反硝化作用明显.Ad和Ag对氰化物的去除率均达99%以上;对苯酚的去除效果Ag(98.84%)优于Ad(79.6%);但对NH4+ -N的去除率Ad (75.46%)优于Ag (62.55%).  相似文献   

从64只感染根管中的58只根管分离到144株无芽胞厌氧菌,其中类杆菌54株,厌氧性链球菌23株,韦荣氏球菌17株,真杆菌11株,梭杆菌10株,放线菌8株,双岐杆菌2株,消化链球菌和消化球菌19株。40只根管为厌氧菌和兼性厌氧菌或需氧菌混合感染,18只根管和6只根管分别为单独厌氧菌和兼性厌氧菌感染。33只根尖周炎根管分别采集牙髓和根尖渗出物样本进行培养,实验结果表明牙髓样本中革兰氏阳性厌氧杆菌检出率较高,根尖渗出物中以产黑素类杆菌属的细菌检出率较高。根尖周炎和牙槽脓肿患者的感染根管中产黑素类杆菌属的细菌检出率明显高于蜂窝组织炎患者。  相似文献   

为实现优势菌种的工程应用,由焦化废水处理站污泥筛选优势好氧菌A和兼性厌氧菌F,使用谷壳g、豆皮d为载体,采用固体发酵法进行固定化产品制备。初步研究表明固体发酵法固定菌种具有可行性,主要调控因素有温度、初始含水率、工业废水比例、pH、通风量和发酵时间。以pH8.0、温度好氧菌30℃(兼性厌氧菌35℃)、接种量1mL茴液儋田定化载体,初始含水量80%,固体发酵时间5d,低于60℃鼓风干燥,制备固定化产品。保存三个月,谷壳固定化产品好氧菌八的硝化能力和兼性厌氧菌R的反硝化能力不随保存时间的延长而改变;豆皮固定化产品氏、Fd降解能力随保存时问延长下降12%左右。以实验室岔/O工艺系统验证固定化产品处理焦化废水效果,缺氧池中无NO3-N积累,反硝化作用明显。氐和气对氰化物的去除率均达99%以上;对苯酚的去除效果气(98.84%)优于氏(79.6%);但对NH4+-N的去除率氏(75.46%)优于Ag(62.55%)。  相似文献   

微生物在矿床的形成过程中起着重要的作用。本文对新疆十红滩铀矿床不同亚带容矿层中的微生物进行了分离、鉴定、计数。结果表明:容岩矿石中存在不同种类的好氧和厌氧微生物,其分布随地质特征的变化呈现明显的规律性,氧化带微生物种类和数量较多,好氧的铁细菌为其中的优势菌群;氧化-还原过渡带好氧菌与厌氧菌共存,但好氧菌种类有所减少;还原带中主要的微生物类群为厌氧的硫酸盐还原菌。研究结果对于指导铀矿的开采技术、铀污染治理等有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过室内好氧、厌氧2种培养,研究了3种不同填埋年限垃圾渗滤液在红壤和潮土中的生物降解动态.鲜样、天井洼样、水阁样垃圾渗滤液分别为填埋0年、4~5年和12年的垃圾渗滤液.结果表明,垃圾渗滤液在前7 d降解相对较快.在好氧培养条件下,红壤鲜样、天井洼样、水阁样渗滤液在前7 d的表观降解率为88.9%、60.5%、25.0%;潮土中的表观降解率更大,分别为96.6%、80.4%和65.0%;7 d后下降趋势均趋于平缓.在相同土壤中,填埋龄越短的垃圾渗滤液的表观降解率越大,在厌氧培养条件下的情况与此类似,但降解率不如好氧条件下高.在没有土壤介质参与的条件下(如低洼处积存的渗滤液),3种垃圾渗滤液自身降解速率均符合一级动力学方程.鲜样垃圾渗滤液降解的半衰期为12~16 d,其余垃圾渗滤液降解的半衰期为20~30 d.垃圾渗滤液一旦进入土壤环境,降解速率会大大加快.土壤处理垃圾渗滤液有一定的功效.  相似文献   

口服乳酸杆菌对大鼠粪便正常菌群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了Wistar大鼠口服嗜酸性乳酸杆菌前、口服后4周和停服后一周的粪便菌群检查结果。服嗜酸性乳酸杆菌后,厌氧菌群的双歧杆菌、拟杆菌和梭菌数量呈现增多趋势,以双歧杆菌增加最多,从9.12增加到9.771og10N·CFU/g粪;需氧菌群的肠球菌明显减少,从8.52降到7.82log10N·CFU/g粪,停服后肠球菌又恢复到服前的水平;大肠杆菌数量略有减少;兼性厌氧菌的乳酸杆菌数量变化不大。嗜酸性乳酸杆菌分别同三种厌氧菌和肠球菌在体外试验的结果与前述试验结果相同。  相似文献   

The amount of endogenous ABA in cell clusters and embryos remainedlow during the first 7 days of culture regardless of the presenceor absence of 2,4-D in the medium, but it increased toward the10th day of culture. The ABA content in developing embryos reacheda maximum on the 10th day then decreased. But, in cell clustersgrown in a medium containing 2,4-D (in which embryo formationand development were suppressed) the ABA content increased continuouslyuntil it reached the maximum value of 80 ng/g fr wt on the 13thday, then it decreased to a low level on the 17th day of culture. The effects of ABA on embryo formation and development wereinvestigated in a medium containing ABA at a concentration of100 ng/ml, a level comparable to the endogenous levels of ABAwhich we had measured. Due to continuous treatment with ABA,both the total number of embryos and the number of abnormalembryos (those with extremely elongated roots) decreased. Asimilar, but weaker effect, was obtained when ABA was appliedonly during the first 7 days of culture (embryo-forming stage).When ABA was applied during the last 7 days of culture (embryo-developingstage), its effect was marked especially on the suppressionof abnormal embryo formation. (Received July 18, 1981; Accepted September 17, 1981)  相似文献   

The immune response to sheep red blood cell (sRBC) was monitored in the mice infected with Ascaris suum or Trichinella spiralis. The effects of the infection with T. spiralis or the injection with cyclophosphamide(CY) as an immunosuppression agent prior to challenge infection with the embryonated eggs of A. suum were monitored in mice by means of the level of infection with A. suum and cellular and humoral immune response to sRBC. Following the oral administration of 1,000 eggs of A. suum to mice, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and rosette-forming rate were gradually decreased and reached to the lowest levels at the 5th week and 6th week postinfection, respectively, and then returned to normal at the 10th week. The hemagglutinin(HA) and hemolysin(HE) titers were gradually elevated and reached to peak at the 3rd week postinfection, and then returned to normal level. The appearance ratios of the eosinophils and mast cells were in peak at the 4th week and the 2nd week postinfection, respectively. Meanwhile the harvest ratio of A. suum larvae from the liver and lungs was 21.97% at the 1st week postinfection. Following the oral administration of 300 T. spiralis infective larvae, DTH and rosette-forming rate were gradually decreased with the lapse of time and reached the lowest values in the 30th and 21st day of postinfection, and then slightly increased and transiently decreased in the 70th and 80th day of postinfection, respectively. HA and HE titers were the lowest in the 21st and 90th day, whereas the ratios of eosinophils and mast cells were the highest on the 40th and 14th day postinfection, respectively. Following the intraperitoneal injection of CY, the body weight, the spleen weight, DTH, rosette-forming ratio, HA and HE titers, the number of WBC and the ratio of the mast cell were predominantly decreased in the 5th day, and then returned to the same value of the 1st day postinjection. The ratio of eosinophils was gradually decreased following to advance of days. At the 1st, 5th and 10th days after intraperitoneal injection of CY of 400 mg/kg, a dose with 1,000 eggs of A. suum was administered orally to mice, and harvest rate of the larvae at the 7th day postadministration was 7.07% in the 1st day, 14.94% in the 5th day, 10.1% in the 10th day, 8.02% in control group. The effect of prior infection with infective larvae of T. spiralis upon immunological sequelae of a challenge infection of mice with embryonated eggs of A. suum in 30 or 70 days interval was checked.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vitellogenin synthesis during a decrease in egg production caused by depriving food and water was investigated in Single Comb White Leghorn hens. They were transferred from long days of 14L: 10D to short days of 10L: 14D 5 days before food and water deprivation. Then food was deprived for 5 days and water for 2 days. The body weight was markedly decreased by the treatment and reached its minimum after 5 days. The egg production rate which was 85% before the treatment was nil after 4 days. On day 3 the circulating vitellogenin concentrations, measured by a newly established RIA system, was markedly decreased by deprivation of food and water to 22% of the pretreatment level. The concentrations remained less than 10% during cessation of egg laying. Serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone concentrations decreased gradually, but estradiol 17 beta (E2) decreased abruptly. This acute decrease closely coincided with the decrease in egg production and the weight of the oviduct and ovary. These concentrations were gradually increased after day 16 and returned to the normal level after 46 days. Circulating thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations gradually increased from the beginning of the change in the day length and peaked on day 7 or 9, whereas reverse (r)T3 rapidly increased. The concentrations again decreased at the beginning of molting which occurred later due to the deprivation of food and water. Thus, these results demonstrated for the first time that the decrease in egg production induced by deprivation of food and water closely related to the decrease in vitellogenin synthesis as well as gonadal and pituitary functions. Further, recovery of egg production was coupled with the increase in the ovary and oviduct weight, and circulating LH, E2, progesterone, and vitellogenin.  相似文献   

对光叶楮扦插生根过程中吲哚乙酸氧化酶(IAAO)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)3种酶进行了动态跟踪分析。结果表明:IAAO活性在扦插初期逐渐上升,第10d上升到高峰,之后下降再上升,第30d达到新高峰,然后迅速下降;前25d POD活性变化规律与IAAO相似,但30d以后活性一直上升;PPO活性在扦插前期缓慢上升,第20d上升到了最高点,此后变化不大。还研究了IAAO、PPO、POD与不定根的发生和发展关系,认为光叶楮扦插生根可分为愈伤组织形成期、根诱导期和根的伸长期3个阶段,愈伤组织形成期3种酶活性都呈上升趋势,根诱导期IAAO和POD的活性达到高峰;而根伸长期IAAO和POD活性下降,PPO活性上升。  相似文献   

Oral administration of immunodepressants such as imuran (purine analog) and batriden (gossypol derivative) for 3 months led to development of dysbacterioses in various sections of the rat gastrointestinal tract. The dysbacterioses differed in their levels and the pattern of the recovery process. As compared to batriden, imuran in a dose of 30 mg/kg body weight administered at the early observation periods (days 7, 14 and 30) induced more marked disorders in the intestine microecology. The imuran-induced dysbacteriosis was characterized by lower quantities of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the rat intestine. After the use of batriden the quantities of bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and bacteroides decreased. After the batriden use at the late observation periods (days 60 to 90) the ratio of anaerobes and lactobacilli to aerobes recovered at the background of increased quantities of Candida in all the intestine sections while the ratio of bacteroides recovered in the stomach. When immunity was suppressed by imuran the recovery period was characterized by normalization of the microflora composition in the distal sections and preservation of the contamination symptom in the proximal section which was evident from predominance of aerobes over anaerobes.  相似文献   

Forty hairless mice were given injections of tritiated thymidine every 4th hour during 10 days. At 24 hr intervals groups of four mice were killed. The numbers of labelled basal and differentiating cells were determined by autoradiography with a stripping film technique. To determine the background activity skin sections from uninjected control mice were subjected to the same stripping film procedure. Another group of hairless mice was given one single pulse labelling with tritiated thymidine. The number of labelled mitoses was scored for 12 hr after the injection. At 10, 12 and 15 hr after the injection, the numbers of labelled basal and differentiating cells were also determined. A mathematical model of cell population kinetics in the epidermis has been suggested. The results of different simulations on this model were compared with the observed results. The curve of mean grain counts under continuous labelling increased from day to day with two well-defined plateaux. The percentage of all labelled cells increased rapidly up to the 3rd day, and thereafter the curves gradually flattened off. When basal cells and differentiated cells were considered separately the labelling index of the basal cells increased rapidly for the first 3 days and then flattened off at the 100% level on the 5th day. The labelling index of the differentiating cells was low during the first 3–4 days. Then a steep increase in the percentage of labelled differentiating cells was seen, but the curve flattened off again close to the 100 % level after the 7th day. The labelled mitosis curve had its maximum 5 hr after the thymidine injection. The curve fell again to almost zero at 12 hr. Ten, 12 and 15 hr after the injection, 6, 7 and 7% respectively of the labelled cells were found in the spinous layer. It was concluded that three grains over each nucleus could be used as lower limit for considering a cell as labelled. On this basis, tritiated thymidine injections every 4th hour can be considered as continuous labelling.  相似文献   

Total and anaerobic counts were ascertained on boneless, cooked, cubed, frozen chicken meat. We determined survival of aerobes and anaerobes in the natural flora after the meat was freeze-dehydrated and rehydrated at room temperature for 30 min and at 50, 85, and 100 C for 10 min. Total and anaerobic counts of bacteria in the rehydrated meat were established during storage of samples at 4, 22, and 37 C-until a spoilage odor was detected. Samples were also inoculated with Clostridium sporogenes and were dried and rehydrated at 100 C and stored at 37 C. Approximately 21% of the aerobes and 37% of the anaerobes survived drying and rehydration at room temperature. Many genera of aerobes, anaerobes, and facultative anaerobes survived drying and rehydration at 50 C; only sporeformers survived rehydration at 85 or 100 C. Low-temperature (4 C) storage of rehydrated meat produced ample shelf life (over 20 days), whereas storage at the higher temperature resulted in a shelf life of less than 30 hr. Approximately 81% of the C. sporogenes cells survived rehydration at 100 C and grew to over 10(7) cells within 40 hr. Our study presents additional data for adequate microbiological control in processing of freeze-dehydrated meat. Also, it points out the natural selection for sporeformers at high temperature of rehydration, stressing the need for consumer education in product handling for safety purposes.  相似文献   

Chicks were experimentally infected with Acanthoparyphium tyosenense (Digenea: Echinostomatidae) metacercariae per os, and the growth and development of worms in this host were observed from days I to 38 postinfection (PI). The worms grew rapidly and matured sexually in the small intestine (chiefly in the jejunum) of chicks by day 5 PI. and survived at least up to day 38 Pi, although worm recovery decreased after day 5 PI. Both parenchymal and reproductive organs increased greatly in size from day 2 to day 10 PI and then continued to increase gradually in size up to day 38 PI. The number of uterine eggs reached a peak on days 10 and 15 PI and then decreased gradually. The results suggest that chicks are a fairly suitable definitive host for experimental infection with A. tyosenense.  相似文献   

The histopathology of murine cryptococcosis was observed until the 55th day and particular attention was paid to whether or not cysts, which had been formed in the brain, could change to granulomas. Cryptococcus neoformans RIB-12M was used in this experiment. As experimental animals, five-week-old male BALB/c mice, weighing 20–22 g, were used. An infective inoculum was prepared by adjusting the number of cryptococci to 106 or 5 × 106/0.2 ml. Each mouse was inoculated intravenously with 0.2 ml of the cell suspension, and the colony forming unit of the brain and liver, and the histopathological findings in various visceral organs were investigated.40 × 104 colonies grew from 100 mg of the brain tissue of the eighth day. Thereafter, the number increased gradually. It reached 500 × 104 on the 20th day. The colony forming unit from the liver reached a peak on the 12th day (250 × 104) and thereafter the number decreased gradually.Histopathologically, the brain and liver were severely affected with the fungus. In the brain cysts with cryptococci continued to increase until the end of the experiment. On the other hand, in the liver several purulent foci appeared on the second day. On the eighth day numerous mononuclear cells accumulated at the foci and their lesions changed to granulomatous ones with cryptococci. The number of granulomatous lesions reached a peak on the 16th day in the mice inoculated with 5 × 106 cryptococci, and thereafter showed a tendency to decrease gradually.  相似文献   

口服乳酸杆菌对实验动物免疫功能及肠道正常菌群的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报告C_(57)BL/6小鼠口服乳酸杆菌后,脾细胞和胸腺细胞的增殖反应,腹腔巨噬细胞的C_3b受体活性及其对L_(929)细胞的细胞毒性作用都明显增强。停用乳酸杆菌10天后,以上免疫指标又恢复到正常水平。其次,Wister大鼠口服乳酸杆菌后,检查粪便菌群中几种厌氧菌和需氧菌的活菌数目,结果表明对厌氧菌群的生长有扶持作用,对需氧菌群的生长则起限制作用,这提示有利于宿主调整肠道正常菌群的平衡。  相似文献   

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