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具有佐剂效果的海藻酸钙纳米胶囊制备   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用海藻酸多糖酸沉淀性质并结合乳化技术,本研究开发了一种酸沉淀诱导相变制备海藻酸钙纳米胶囊的新颖方法,并通过改变海藻酸钠溶液和表面活性剂浓度获得了最小平均水动力学直径在300 nm以下的球形凝胶颗粒,粒径分布均一,表面呈负电性。细胞培养实验结果表明,该海藻酸钙纳米胶囊对人外周血来源未成熟树突状细胞的成熟有与肿瘤坏死因子?(TNF-?)和细菌脂多糖(LPS)相当效力的刺激作用。蛋白质分子可通过共价偶联方式负载。该海藻酸钙纳米胶囊在新型疫苗设计、细胞治疗和靶向给药等方面具有重要的应用潜力。  相似文献   

探讨转染人FasL基因的成熟树突状细胞(DC)对异体T淋巴细胞增殖和凋亡的影响,为实现临床器官移植免疫耐受提供初步实验依据.从健康成年人外周静脉血中获得成熟树突状细胞.将人FasL基因成功转染成熟树突状细胞,检测其表面分子的表达和自身凋亡情况,并对其抗原递呈功能进行分析.从异体健康成人外周血中获取T淋巴细胞,将转染成功的树突状细胞与T淋巴细胞混合培养,检测其对T淋巴细胞增殖和凋亡的影响.结果表明:人FasL基因转染没有明显影响成熟树突状细胞表面分子CD40、CD80、CD86和HLA-DR的表达;没有诱导树突状细胞自身发生凋亡;没有影响DC的抗原递呈功能.转染FasL基因后的树突状细胞使异体T淋巴细胞刺激指数明显下降,凋亡增加.因此认为,人FasL基因转染对成熟树突状细胞的表面分子表达、自身凋亡、抗原递呈等生物学性状无影响;转染FasL基因的树突状细胞使异体T淋巴细胞的增殖能力减弱,并能明显诱导T淋巴细胞凋亡.  相似文献   

目的:研究CpG-ODN2216致敏的外周血单核细胞(PBMC)培养上清液对HBV相关性肝癌病人的树突状细胞(DC)成熟与功能的影响,寻求一种增强DC疫苗效果的方法。方法:从9例HBV相关性肝癌患者PBMC中诱导出未成熟的单核细胞来源的DC(MoDC),经HBV核心抗原(HBcAg)负载后,用CpG-ODN2216刺激的PBMC上清液、“细胞因子鸡尾酒(IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α和PGE2)”以及两者的联合作用促进MoDC的进一步成熟,检测MoDC表型和功能;选择其中5例HLA-A2 病人,用成熟MoDC诱导自身T细胞产生HBV特异性CD8 的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)。结果:用细胞因子鸡尾酒和CpG-ODN2216刺激的PBMC上清液联合作用可明显增强MoDC表面的CD80、CD83和CD1a表达,其对HBcAg负载的MoDC促成熟作用大于单独用细胞因子鸡尾酒或单独用CpG-ODN2216刺激PBMC的上清液。联合作用促进MoDC分泌IL-12和IL-10的能力明显强于单独应用PBMC上清液或细胞因子鸡尾酒,其刺激自体T细胞分泌IFN-γ、TNF-α、IL-6的能力也明显增高。联合作用促成熟的MoDC诱导HLA-A2 病人的自体T细胞产生HBVcore18-27特异性CD8 CTL的频率明显高于细胞因子鸡尾酒单独促成熟的MoDC。结论:CpG-ODN2216刺激PBMC的上清液和细胞因子鸡尾酒联合作用可以明显促进HBcAg负载的HBV相关性肝癌病人的MoDC成熟,增强MoDC分泌细胞因子、刺激自体特异性T淋巴细胞应答、诱导HBV特异性细胞毒性T细胞的能力。为提高HBV特异性树突状细胞疫苗的效果提供了一种可行方案。  相似文献   

目的:对比培养大鼠骨髓来源的未成熟树突状细胞与成熟树突状细胞,并从形态学、表型及功能检测等多方面进行对比研究,为后续的实验做出基础研究。方法:大鼠脱臼法处死后取两侧胫骨、股骨,PBS冲洗骨髓腔收集骨髓细胞,经GM-CSF和IL-4刺激培养六天后,对比研究经LPS刺激组与未经LPS刺激培养组细胞状况。结果:①成熟树突状细胞悬浮生长,集落分散,扫描电镜下见其突起数目明显多于未成熟树突状细胞。②成熟树突状细胞高表达表面标记分子CD80、CD86、MHCⅡ,而未成熟树突状细胞均低表达。③成熟树突状细胞培养基上清中IL-12水平高,而未成熟树突状细胞培养基上清中IL-12水平低。④成熟树突状细胞具有强的刺激T细胞增殖能力,而未成熟树突状细胞基本不具有诱导T细胞增殖能力。结论:未成熟状态的树突状细胞具备致耐受原性,可抑制T细胞的应答,而成熟状态的树突状细胞由于获得了免疫刺激潜能从而会对炎性刺激做出反应。  相似文献   

Jagged1是Notch信号通路中的一个配体,近来许多研究表明,它能诱导树突状细胞的成熟,并通过促使T淋巴细胞分化成调节性T细胞或II型T辅助细胞,从而诱导免疫耐受。  相似文献   

树突状细胞(dendriticcells,Dcs)是目前已知的功能最强的抗原提呈细胞,具有调节免疫应答与诱导免疫耐受的能力。而树突状细胞所发挥的功能与其是否成熟有很大的关系,未成熟状态的树突状细胞具备致耐受性,而成熟状态的树突状细胞则对肿瘤免疫起着重要作用。该文将对DC的免疫学特性及Dc与肿瘤的关系予以综述。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨海藻酸钙对骨质疏松症大鼠骨骼肌基质细胞衍生因子-1(Stromal Cell-derived Factor-1,SDF-1)含量和骨密度的影响。方法:骨质疏松症大鼠(n=48)随机平分为三组-模型组、尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组,在建模后1周后三组分别给予双蒸水、0.1 mg/100 g尼尔雌醇与37.5 mg/mL海藻酸钙/枸杞多糖凝胶微球水溶液灌胃治疗,1 次/d,检测大鼠骨骼肌SDF-1含量和骨密度变化情况。结果:(1)尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组给药第4周与第8周的血清钙离子含量高于模型组(P<0.05),磷离子含量低于模型组(P<0.05),尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);(2)尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组给药第4周与第8周的骨骼肌SDF-1含量低于模型组(P<0.05),海藻酸钙组低于尼尔雌醇组(P<0.05);(3)尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组给药第4周与第8周的腰椎和股骨骨密度高于模型组(P<0.05),海藻酸钙组低于尼尔雌醇组(P<0.05);(4)尼尔雌醇组与海藻酸钙组给药第4周与第8周的股骨最大载荷、最大应力高于模型组(P<0.05),海藻酸钙组高于尼尔雌醇组(P<0.05);(5)海藻酸钙组造血细胞数量较多,骨皮质结构较完整,致密均匀粗壮,小梁数目明显增多,骨髓腔变小。结论:海藻酸钙在骨质疏松症大鼠的应用能抑制骨骼肌SDF-1的释放,有助于提高骨密度,改善骨生物力学指标,提高血清钙离子含量,降低磷离子含量。  相似文献   

树突状细胞是功能最强的抗原提呈细胞,是启动、调节及维持免疫应答的核心环节,以树突状细胞为基础的肿瘤疫苗被认为是最具潜能的肿瘤免疫治疗手段。细胞因子信号通路抑制因子1(suppressor ofcytokine signaling1,SOCS1)是细胞因子信号通路抑制因子(suppressor of cytokine signaling,SOCS)家族的重要成员,广泛参与树突状细胞的发生、成熟和活化,具有负调控树突状细胞功能的重要作用。SOCS1沉默的树突状细胞能够促进自身成熟并增强其诱导的T细胞的抗肿瘤活性。现就国内外关于树突状细胞功能研究及基因修饰的肿瘤疫苗临床试验作一综述,以期对未来的研究有所帮助。  相似文献   

未成熟树突状细胞防治移植物抗宿主病的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
徐全晓  吴广胜 《现代生物医学进展》2008,8(10):1861-1863,F0002
目的:观察供者未成熟树突状细胞(imDC)刺激自体T细胞增殖的能力,探讨利用imDC防治移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)临床应用的可行性。方法:Ak健康供者外周血分离单核细胞,采用重组人粒细胞巨噬细胞集落刺激因子(rhGM-CSF)和白细胞介素(IL)4联合培养4d,诱导其分化成imDC;培养7d,分化成mDC。并通过倒置显微镜和HE染色观察细胞形态、流式细胞仪检测细胞表型。采用MLR方法,构建GVHD发生机制的模型,比较供者imDC和mDC刺激自体T细胞增殖的能力。结果:(1)培养4天后细胞具有典型的imDC特征,CDla、CD83和双抗分别表达为55.79%、64、67%和46、67%,成熟标志CD83表达较低;培养7天后具有典型mDC特征,CDla、CD83和双抗表达分别为61.56%、82.40%和64.12%,成熟标志CD83表达较高。(2)MLR法共孵育72小时后,加入CCK-8检测OD值,imDC组与对照组比较无统计学意义(P〉0.05),不能刺激自体T细胞增殖(SI〈1.00);mDC组与对照组、imDC组比较均有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01),能够刺激自体T细胞增殖(SI〉2.00)。结论:供者imDC能够诱导自体T细胞低反应,有望用来防治GVHD。  相似文献   

探讨丹参酸甲对小鼠骨髓来源树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DCs)表型及其部分免疫功能的影响,可为丹参酸甲的临床应用提供理论和实验依据。首先,分离培养小鼠骨髓细胞,并利用IL-4和GM-CSF诱生树突状细胞。随后,进行丹参酸甲体外处理,采用流式细胞术检测丹参酸甲对树突状细胞百分率、细胞表面分子(MHC-Ⅱ、CD80、CD86)表达水平及摄取能力的影响;采用ELISA检测各组DC与T细胞共培养后上清液中细胞因子的含量。结果显示:经10μg/mL丹参酸甲处理后,树突状细胞的百分率、FITC-Dextran阳性细胞的数量明显增加,而其表面分子MHC-Ⅱ~(high)/MHC-Ⅱ~(low)比例、MHC-Ⅱ~(high)和MHC-Ⅱ~(low)平均荧光强度、CD80和CD86的表达水平均显著降低。此外,丹参酸甲可增强DC诱导的T细胞分泌IL-10的能力,同时抑制T细胞分泌INF-γ的能力。以上结果说明,丹参酸甲可诱导骨髓细胞向DC分化;并可通过增强DC对抗原的摄取吞噬能力,下调成熟DC的表面标志物表达水平,抑制树突状细胞的成熟,减轻DC与T细胞相互作用介导的炎症反应。这为丹参酸甲在临床用于T细胞过度活化引发的免疫性疾病提供了依据。  相似文献   

We have synthesized and characterized bovine serum albumin (BSA)-coated polymeric nanocapsules (NCs) loaded with indocyanine green (ICG), an FDA-approved near infrared chromophore. Poly(allylamine) hydrochloride was electrostatically crosslinked with phosphate anions to form nanoconstructs encapsulating ICG. BSA was conjugated onto the polymeric NCs via glutaraldehyde. BSA-coated ICG-containing nanocapsules (BSA-ICG NCs) were characterized by FTIR and optical spectroscopy, SEM, and zeta-potential measurements. Using normal human endocervical epithelial cells, we demonstrate the effectiveness of BSA-ICG NCs for intracellular optical imaging in vitro. These nanoconstructs may potentially serve as a multifunctional platform for combined optical imaging, phototherapy, and drug delivery.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells are professional antigen-presenting cells that can be generated in vitro either from monocytes or from CD34+ peripheral blood progenitor cells by using recombinant cytokines. These cells have potential implications for immunotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of cancer and other diseases. We have conducted a phase I study in melanoma patients using peptide-pulsed dendritic cells cultured in medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) and a cocktail of cytokines. Peptide-pulsed dendritic cells were injected intravenously at 2-week intervals. Here we report on a case of type I hypersensitivity anaphylactic reaction after repetitive vaccination with autologous peptide-pulsed cells. Pre-vaccination and post-vaccination serum samples were evaluated for the presence of antibodies to FCS and bovine serum albumin (BSA). A retrospective study in 7 patients vaccinated with FCS-cultured dendritic cells demonstrated the presence of IgG and IgM antibodies to FCS and BSA after vaccination in 6 out of 7 patients. However, IgE antibodies were absent in all patients with the exception of the patient developing anaphylaxis. The patient's serum was demonstrated to contain a strong IgE response directed against BSA. In contrast, 2 patients vaccinated with dendritic cells cultured under serum-free conditions developed no antibodies to FCS and BSA after repetitive vaccination. We suggest that patients can be sensitized with an IgE response against BSA leading to anaphylactic reactions. On the basis of these data, dendritic cells cultured in autologous serum or under serum-free conditions are recommended for therapeutic applications in vivo. Received: 25 November 1999 / Accepted: 20 January 2000  相似文献   

Cathepsin E is an aspartic proteinase that has been implicated in Ag processing within the class II MHC pathway. In this study, we document the presence of cathepsin E message and protein in human myeloid dendritic cells, the preeminent APCs of the immune system. Cathepsin E is found in a perinuclear compartment, which is likely to form part of the endoplasmic reticulum, and also a peripheral compartment just beneath the cell membrane, with a similar distribution to that of Texas Red-dextran within 2 min of endocytosis. To investigate the function of cathepsin E in processing, a new soluble targeted inhibitor was synthesized by linking the microbial aspartic proteinase inhibitor pepstatin to mannosylated BSA via a cleavable disulfide linker. This inhibitor was shown to block cathepsin D/E activity in cell-free assays and within dendritic cells. The inhibitor blocked the ability of dendritic cells from wild-type as well as cathepsin D-deficient mice to present intact OVA, but not an OVA-derived peptide, to cognate T cells. The data therefore support the hypothesis that cathepsin E has an important nonredundant role in the class II MHC Ag processing pathway within dendritic cells.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel (PTX) and organophilic iron oxide nanocrystals of 7 nm average size were co-encapsulated in the oily core of poly(lactide)-poly(ethyleneglycol) (PLA-PEG) nanocapsules in order to develop magnetically responsive nanocarriers of PTX. The nanocapsules were prepared by a solvent displacement technique and exhibited satisfactory drug and iron oxide loading efficiency, high colloidal stability, and sustained drug release properties. Drug release also proved responsive to an alternating magnetic field. Magnetophoresis experiments showed that the magnetic responsiveness of the nanocapsules depended on their SPION content. The PTX-loaded nanocapsules exhibited comparable to free PTX cytotoxicity against the A549 lung cancer cell line at 24 h of incubation but higher cytotoxicity than free drug at 48 h of incubation. The conjugation of a cysteine-modified TAT peptide (HCys-Tyr-Gly-Arg-Lys-Lys-Arg-Arg-Gln-Arg-Arg-Arg-NH2) on the surface of the nanocapsules resulted to highly increased uptake of nanocapsules by cancer cells, as well as to profound improvement of their cytotoxicity against the cancer cells. The results obtained justify further investigation of the prospects of these multifunctional PLA-PEG nanocapsules as a targeted delivery system of paclitaxel.  相似文献   

Summary Horse-spleen ferritin or bovine serum albumin conjugated to colloidal gold (BSA-gold) were injected subcutaneously in preimmunized mice. In draining lymph nodes both antigens were located in macrophages or between the cytoplasmic processes of follicular dendritic cells (FDC). Some of the antigens remained trapped on FDC until day 31 after injection. Simultaneous injection of both antigens showed that they were located between the infoldings of the same FDC. These cells are thus able to retain at least two different antigens on their surface. The peculiar arrangement of ferritin between the cytoplasmic infoldings suggests that this antigen is fixed on both cell membranes by specific antibodies. The trapped immune complexes could thus stabilize the FDC membrane system.The antigen retention requires the presence of specific antibodies since BSA-gold or ferritin injected without preimmunization were not found between FDC processes. Nonantigenic materials, such as colloidal gold or carbon particles, are not trapped by FDC, except when injected in large amounts.The antigens were trapped on the surface of FDC, however unfrequently in close contact with lymphocytes. FDC might protect lymphocytes against an excess of immune complexes and act as regulators of contacts between lymphocytes and immune complexes.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - BSA-gold BSA conjugated to colloidal gold particles - FDC follicular dendritic cells  相似文献   

研制一种可响应酸性磷酸酶浓度变化的聚电解质胶囊,(PAH/PSS-β-甘油磷酸酯)胶囊,在分析胶囊的理化性质的基础上对其阿霉素药物包封和体外控释行为进行研究.通过层层组装的方法,制备囊壁含有酸性磷酸酶底物β-甘油磷酸酯的空壳胶囊和囊壁不含酸性磷酸酶底物的对照空壳胶囊;用电镜测定胶囊的大小和形态:用MTT方法分析胶囊的生物相容性.通过药物浓度梯度法进行胶囊的阿霉素药物包封并测定其包封率.将酸性磷酸酶标准品、分泌酸性磷酸酶的HepG2细胞株分别与载药阿霉素胶囊和载药阿霉素对照胶囊作用,观察阿霉素胶囊的药物控释情况和对肿瘤细胞生长的影响.空壳(PAH/PSS-β-甘油磷酸酯)胶囊粒径多在200-300 nm之间,胶囊浓度≤250μtg/mL时生物相容性良好,对阿霉素的包封率迭68.12%;载药胶囊组和对照组分别与酸性磷酸酶标准品作用,至48 h时分别释放出载药量的38%和15%,两者差异具有显著的统计学意义(P<0.05);载药胶囊组较载药对照组对HepG2细胞株的生长抑制作用明显增加,24 h HepG2细胞凋亡相差7.59%(13.73 Vs 6.14),有明显统计学意义(P<0.05).囊壁含有酸性磷酸酶底物的载药聚电解质胶囊,可在体外响应酸性磷酸酶浓度变化,具有药物控释性状,为临床上有酸性磷酸酶升高的良、恶性疾病的药物控释治疗提供了一种新的方法,其应用前景值得进一步探讨.  相似文献   

Bae KH  Lee Y  Park TG 《Biomacromolecules》2007,8(2):650-656
PEO-PPO-PEO/PEG shell cross-linked nanocapsules encapsulating an oil phase in their nanoreservoir structure was developed as a target-specific carrier for a water-insoluble drug, paclitaxel. Oil-encapsulating PEO-PPO-PEO/PEG composite nanocapsules were synthesized by dissolving an oil (Lipiodol) and an amine-reactive PEO-PPO-PEO derivative in dichloromethane and subsequently dispersing in an aqueous solution containing amine-functionalized six-arm-branched poly(ethylene glycol) by ultrasonication. The resultant shell cross-linked nanocapsules had a unique core/shell architecture with an average size of 110.7 +/- 9.9 nm at 37 degrees C, as determined by dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Paclitaxel could be effectively solubilized in the inner Lipiodol phase surrounded by a cross-linked PEO-PPO-PEO/PEG shell layer. The paclitaxel-loaded nanocapsules were further conjugated with folic acid to achieve folate receptor targeted delivery. Confocal microscopy and flow cytometric analysis revealed that folate-mediated targeting significantly enhanced the cellular uptake and apoptotic effect against folate receptor overexpressing cancer cells. The present study suggested that these novel nanomaterials encapsulating an oil reservoir could be potentially applied for cancer cell targeted delivery of various water-insoluble therapeutic and diagnostic agents.  相似文献   

Synthesizing nanocarriers with stealth properties and delivering a "payload" to the particular organ remains a big challenge but is the prime prerequisite for any in vivo application. As a nontoxic alternative to the modification by poly(ethylene glycol) PEG, we describe the synthesis of cross-linked hydroxyethyl starch (HES, M(w) 200,000 g/mol) nanocapsules with a size range of 170-300 nm, which do not show nonspecific uptake into cells. The specific uptake was shown by coupling a folic acid conjugate as a model targeting agent onto the surface of the nanocapsules, because folic acid has a high affinity to a variety of human carcinoma cell lines which overexpress the folate receptor on the cell surface. The covalent binding of the folic acid conjugate onto HES capsules was confirmed by FTIR and NMR spectroscopy. The coupling efficiency was determined using fluorescence spectroscopy. The specific cellular uptake of the HES nanocapsules after folic acid coupling into the folate-receptor presenting cells was studied by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and flow cytometry.  相似文献   

In this article we present the synthesis of oil core silica shell nanocapsules with different shell thicknesses. The surface of the nanocapsules was modified with polyethyleoxide (PEO) and succinic anhydride. Two biomedical tests were then used to study the biocompatibility properties of these nanocapsules with different surface treatments, hemolysis and thromboelastography (TEG). PEO surface modification greatly reduced the damaging interactions of nanocapsules with red blood cells (RBCs) and platelets and attenuated particle size effects. It was found that the blood toxicity of charged particles increased with the acid strength on the surface. Experiments toward the assessment of detoxification of these nanocapsules in model drug overdose concentrations are currently underway.  相似文献   

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