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中国北方苹果主产地苹果物候期对气候变暖的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为揭示我国北方苹果物候期时空变化特征及其对气候变暖的响应时段和强度,选取福山、万荣和阿克苏分别代表我国渤海湾、黄土高原和新疆苹果产区,利用1996—2018年各地红富士苹果芽开放期、展叶始期、始花期、可采成熟期、叶变色末期和落叶末期物候数据,分析不同物候期及生长阶段长度的变化趋势,并利用偏最小二乘回归法,从日尺度层面,分析气温变化对各物候期的影响。结果表明: 近23年来,福山、万荣和阿克苏芽开放期、展叶始期和始花期均呈现提前趋势,平均提前速率分别为0.36、0.33和0.23 d·a-1,落叶末期则呈推迟趋势(0.68 d·a-1),可采成熟期和叶变色末期在各产区的变化趋势不一致;果实生长发育期和果树全生育期分别以1.20和0.82 d·a-1的速率延长。苹果春季物候期与1月初至相应物候期发生前平均气温呈显著负相关关系,期间温度每升高1 ℃,芽开放期、展叶始期和始花期将分别提前3.70、3.47和3.48 d;秋季物候期与各物候期前21~72 d的平均气温呈正相关,但与影响时段平均气温的相关性低于春季物候期;总体上,春季物候期受气温影响的程度大于秋季物候期,且果实生长发育期和果树全生育期的延长主要由春季物候期提前所致。各主产地间苹果物候期对气候变暖的响应存在一定差异,其中气温对阿克苏苹果生长发育的影响最大,其次是万荣,对福山的影响并不明显。该研究结果可为指导各地苹果产业应对气候变化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

郑州主要植物春季物候变化及其对气温变化的响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据1983—2004年期间郑州市的物候和气温资料,分析了郑州市4种木本植物和2种草本植物的春季物候变化趋势及其对气温变化的响应。结果表明,自1983年以来,郑州春季主要植物物候呈偏早趋势,其物候变化具有同步性和顺序性的基本特征。郑州主要植物始花期与早春(3—4月)平均气温的相关性达到极显著,而毛白杨和垂柳2种植物始花期与冬季平均气温的关系也达到极显著; 代表性植物的始花期随3—4月平均气温的升高而提前,气温每升高1 ℃,刺槐、垂柳、蒲公英和车前始花期分别提前4.17、3.69、8.16和13.0 d。此外,始花前4旬是始花期对气温变化反应最敏感的时间段。  相似文献   

气候变暖对内蒙古地区小白杨物候的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
基于1982—2006年内蒙古地区17个小白杨物候观测站的气温以及小白杨春季和秋季物候资料,对该区小白杨春季和秋季物候的变化趋势进行了研究,分析了物候期变化与气候变暖的关系,并利用逐步回归方法建立了小白杨始花期和落叶期变化的预估模型.结果表明:1982—2006年间,研究区气温呈增加趋势,该区小白杨春季物候呈提前趋势,秋季物候呈延后趋势;小白杨始花期与冬、春季气温呈负相关,主要影响因子为3—4月的平均气温;落叶期与秋季气温呈正相关,主要影响因子为8—10月的平均气温;根据气候变化国家评估报告,未来内蒙古地区春、秋季平均气温分别升高1.5 ℃~5.4 ℃和1.2 ℃~4.4 ℃,小白杨始花期将提前3.9~17.8 d,落叶期将延后3.0~12.4 d.  相似文献   

光温耦合的中国温带地区旱柳花期时空格局模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑彦佳  徐琳  于瑶 《生态学报》2020,40(17):6147-6160
建立基于温度和光周期驱动的旱柳花期物候模型,旨在寻找影响旱柳花期时空变化的主要气象因子,揭示调控植物开花时间的生态机制,还可为改善柳絮造成的环境污染和花粉过敏等人类健康问题提供参考信息和依据。利用中国气象局农业气象观测网提供的中国温带地区1982-2011年49个站点的旱柳开花始期、盛期和末期观测资料及平行的逐日气象数据,分别对6种模型(简单积温模型、温度三基点模型、八时段温度模型、简单积温-日长模型、温度三基点-日长模型和八时段温度-日长模型)进行了参数率定和假设检验,根据外部检验结果,从中选出针对旱柳3个花期的最优物候模型,进而利用连续地理气象数据和最优物候模型重建了1982-2011年旱柳开花始期、盛期、末期和花期长度的时空变化特征。结果表明:光温耦合的物候模型对旱柳花期的模拟效果和外推效果优于仅基于温度的模型。旱柳开花始期和盛期最优模型均为八时段温度-日长模型,末期为温度三基点-日长模型,说明光周期和温度可能是影响旱柳花期开始、繁盛和结束时间的主要气象因子。同时,优选出的物候模型能够较准确地对不同年份和不同地区的旱柳花期进行模拟及预测。重建的1982-2011年旱柳平均开花始期、盛期和末期日期分别为4月24日、4月28日和5月3日,平均花期长度为9 d,始期、盛期和末期出现日期呈现出从海拔低到高、从南向北、从西向东逐渐推迟的空间格局。1982-2011年旱柳开花始期、盛期和末期在大部分地区呈提前趋势,呈显著提前趋势的面积分别占总面积的49.78%、50.01%和53.40%,花期长度变化差异不显著。  相似文献   

樱花花期变化特征及其与冬季气温变化的关系   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈正洪  肖玫  陈璇 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5209-5217
根据对武汉大学樱园日本樱花花期连续62a(1947~2008年)的记录资料和同期气象资料,通过前54a(1947~2000年)花期变化趋势及与气候因子相关性的分析,寻找关键因子和关键期,建立了花期-气候因子的线性和非线性关系模式,为气候变化提供有力证据,并对后8a(2001~2008年)花期进行了预报检验。结果表明:(1)54a来,日本樱花始花日期显著提前,每10a提前2.17d,共提前11.72d;落花期略有推迟,每10a推迟0.34d,共推迟1.83d;开花期间持续天数显著增加,每10a增加2.50d,共增加13.55d,这些指标的年际变幅后期明显增大;(2)上年12月到当年3月各月平均气温与始花期均呈负相关,其中2月份、冬季平均气温达极显著,是始花期显著提前的主要原因,2月份、冬季平均气温每升高1℃,始花期分别提前1.66d和2.86d;(3)利用2月份、冬季平均气温建立了始花期的(非)线性关系模式,对后8a的始花期进行了预报试验和检验,平均误差3d左右,尤其是对2004、2007年的异常早花情况,非线性模式有较好模拟效果。  相似文献   

基于温度影响因子的植物物候模型的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据川渝地区的物候和气候资料,采用基于温度影响因子的热时物候模型,进行了植物春季物候模拟和检验,并对通过检验的物候模型在温度因子变化下的响应灵敏性进行了分析.仁寿刺槐、北碚刺槐、北碚紫荆三种植物的展叶期和始花期可以用热时模型来进行模拟预测,并且准确度较高.在置信度为68.3%,即绝对误差小于实测值标准差σ的区间内,仁寿刺槐展叶期预测值与实测值的拟合率为87.5%,北碚刺槐展叶期的拟合率为100%,北碚紫荆展叶期的拟合率为93.33%;仁寿刺槐始花期的拟合率为100%,北碚刺槐始花期的拟合率为100%,北碚紫荆始花期的拟合率为93.33%.三种植物春季物候模型对温度因子变化响应灵敏性显示:同期温度降低2°时,植物展叶期平均推迟13d以上,始花期平均推迟11d以上;同期温度升高2°时,植物展叶期平均提前15.2d以上,始花期平均提前9,8d以上.  相似文献   

内蒙古典型草本植物春季物候变化及其对气候变暖的响应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了解气候和物候变化规律,指导农业生产和环境监测,用线性倾向估计法分析了1982—2006年内蒙古地区草本植物春季物候及其前期温度的变化趋势,并分区域分析了植物春季物候与温度的关系,通过逐步回归分别建立了中西部和东部地区植物始花期的温度回归模型,通过模型对未来气候变化情景下内蒙古地区草本植物始花期变化进行了预估。结果表明:20世纪80年代以来植物始花期变化为提前趋势,温度变化为增温趋势,春季变暖比冬季明显;温度和始花期的变化趋势均有明显的地域特征,中西部地区增温趋势和植物始花期提前剪势均大于东部地区,春季温度和植物始花期在两区域平均变化趋势均显著,冬季温度在中西部地区变化显著,而在东部地区变化不显著;植物始花期与其前期温度呈明显的负相关,春季温度是影响开花的主要因子,未来如温度上升1 ℃,始花期提早3.1~5.0 d。  相似文献   

宁夏山楂叶螨生物学和发生规律的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
赵力群  顾才东 《昆虫知识》1998,35(4):218-220
山楂叶螨在宁夏1年发生4~6代,4月中旬9~10℃时出蛰,苹果初花期为盛。5月中旬在内膛危害,5月下旬后扩散树冠外。6月上中旬和7月中旬为发生高峰期。降水对其消长影响明显。温度在20~30℃有利山楂叶螨生长发育。  相似文献   

利用莎车县农业气象试验站2008—2013年巴旦姆物候期和同期气象观测资料,分析了巴旦姆物候期的变化特征以及气温、日照时数对物候期的影响.结果表明:巴旦姆花期之前的物候期始日之间均呈正相关,与花期之后的物候期始日的相关性大多较小,花芽膨大早迟与休眠期、生长期天数分别呈极显著的正相关和负相关.以果实成熟期为界,气温对之前、之后物候期间隔日数的影响分别为负相关和正相关,日照时数与物候期间隔日数大多为正相关.果实成熟 叶变色始期间隔日数对平均最高气温以及花序出现 开花末期、叶变色始期 落叶末期间隔日数对日照时数存在明显的响应.当巴旦姆休眠期符合日平均气温-3.0~-7.5 ℃的天数满30 d后,经过17~28 d将进入花芽萌动期.花芽萌动期、开花始期、叶变色始期和落叶末期的始日分别与首个候平均气温≥4 ℃且候平均最高气温≥12 ℃、春季侯平均气温≥14 ℃且侯平均最高气温≥22 ℃、秋季首个侯平均气温≤10 ℃且侯平均最高气温≤18 ℃和冬季首个侯平均气温≤1.9 ℃的候序一一对应.利用偏最小二乘法回归分析,建立巴旦姆盛花期始日预测模型,经过检验模型效果较好.  相似文献   

与全球范围内气候变暖对植物物候影响研究相比,其他气候因素(如光合有效辐射PAR等)对物候影响报道较少,果树花期物候对光合有效辐射变化响应的研究更是未见报道。本研究以1963—2008年间北京板栗始花物候资料及相应的日光合有效辐射数据为基础,利用偏最小二乘回归法确定了PAR影响板栗始花物候的两个关键阶段,进而分析了两阶段内PAR、温度及相对湿度变化对板栗花期的具体影响。结果表明,北京过去50年两相关阶段内PAR呈显著下降趋势,其中9月24日至次年2月5日问PAR下降对板栗花期提前具有促进作用,可解释12%的花期提前趋势;2月6日至次年5月31日间PAR下降促使花期延迟,但未达显著水平(P〉0.1)。板栗花期提前主要与2月6日至次年5月31日间温度升高有关,其间温度变化可解释41%的花期提前趋势;其次是相对湿度,PAR变化对花期影响较小。鉴于PAR、温度及相对湿度间的互作效应,PAR和相对湿度对花期物候的影响可由温度效应加以解释。  相似文献   

Chilling and heat requirements for flowering in temperate fruit trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Climate change has affected the rates of chilling and heat accumulation, which are vital for flowering and production, in temperate fruit trees, but few studies have been conducted in the cold-winter climates of East Asia. To evaluate tree responses to variation in chill and heat accumulation rates, partial least squares regression was used to correlate first flowering dates of chestnut (Castanea mollissima Blume) and jujube (Zizyphus jujube Mill.) in Beijing, China, with daily chill and heat accumulation between 1963 and 2008. The Dynamic Model and the Growing Degree Hour Model were used to convert daily records of minimum and maximum temperature into horticulturally meaningful metrics. Regression analyses identified the chilling and forcing periods for chestnut and jujube. The forcing periods started when half the chilling requirements were fulfilled. Over the past 50 years, heat accumulation during tree dormancy increased significantly, while chill accumulation remained relatively stable for both species. Heat accumulation was the main driver of bloom timing, with effects of variation in chill accumulation negligible in Beijing’s cold-winter climate. It does not seem likely that reductions in chill will have a major effect on the studied species in Beijing in the near future. Such problems are much more likely for trees grown in locations that are substantially warmer than their native habitats, such as temperate species in the subtropics and tropics.  相似文献   

The research was designed to characterize the phenological behaviour of different apple varieties and to compare different bioclimatic indexes in order to evaluate their adaptability in describing the phenological phases of fruit species. A field study on the requirement for chilling units (winter chilling requirement) and the accumulation of growing degree hours of 15 native apple cultivars was carried out in a fruit-growing area in North West Italy (Cuneo Province, Piedmont). From 1991 to 1993, climatic data were collected at meteorological stations installed in an experimental orchard (Verzuolo, Cuneo). Four methods were compared to determine the winter chilling requirement: Hutchins, Weinberger-Eggert, Utah and North Carolina. The Utah method was applied to determine the time when the chilling units accumulated become effective in meeting the rest requirements. A comparison of the different methods indicated that the Weinberger-Eggert method is the best: as it showed the lowest statistical variability during the 3 years of observations. The growing degree hour requirement (GDH) was estimated by the North Carolina method with two different base temperatures: 4.4°C and 6.1°C. More difficulties were met when the date of rest completion and the beginning of GDH accumulation was determined. The best base temperature for the estimation of GDH is 4.4°C. Phenological and climatic characterizations are two basic tools for giving farmers and agricultural advisors important information about which varieties to choose and which are the best and the most correct cultivation practices to follow. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 6 August 2001 / Accepted: 6 August 2001  相似文献   

To clarify which agroclimatic requirements control the sequential occurrence of flowering and leaf unfolding in hysteranthous plants, Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression analysis was used to identify the chilling and forcing period of leaf and flower buds. The Dynamic Model and the Growing Degree Hour Model were applied to estimate the chilling and heat requirement for leaf unfolding and flowering, based on the phenological records of apricot and mountain peach and daily maximum and minimum temperature data in Beijing during 1963-1988. The results indicated that PLS regression analysis is a useful approach to calculate the chilling and heat requirements of plants when long term phenological observations are available. Leaf and flower buds were found to have similar chilling requirements but different heat requirements, which explained the earlier occurrence of flowering compared to leaf unfolding. The heat requirements of flower buds of apricot and mountain peach were 28297±8762 and 14572±5812 Growing Degree Hours, respectively, while heat requirements of vegetative buds were almost twice as high. In view of the importance and usefulness of phenological observations, species level ground observations in China should be continued and extended.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed large unexplained variation in heat requirement‐based phenology models, resulting in large uncertainty when predicting ecosystem carbon and water balance responses to climate variability. Improving our understanding of the heat requirement for spring phenology is thus urgently needed. In this study, we estimated the species‐specific heat requirement for leaf flushing of 13 temperate woody species using long‐term phenological observations from Europe and North America. The species were defined as early and late flushing species according to the mean date of leaf flushing across all sites. Partial correlation analyses were applied to determine the temporal correlations between heat requirement and chilling accumulation, precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. We found that the heat requirement for leaf flushing increased by almost 50% over the study period 1980–2012, with an average of 30 heat units per decade. This temporal increase in heat requirement was observed in all species, but was much larger for late than for early flushing species. Consistent with previous studies, we found that the heat requirement negatively correlates with chilling accumulation. Interestingly, after removing the variation induced by chilling accumulation, a predominantly positive partial correlation exists between heat requirement and precipitation sum, and a predominantly negative correlation between heat requirement and insolation sum. This suggests that besides the well‐known effect of chilling, the heat requirement for leaf flushing is also influenced by precipitation and insolation sum during dormancy. However, we hypothesize that the observed precipitation and insolation effects might be artefacts attributable to the inappropriate use of air temperature in the heat requirement quantification. Rather than air temperature, meristem temperature is probably the prominent driver of the leaf flushing process, but these data are not available. Further experimental research is thus needed to verify whether insolation and precipitation sums directly affect the heat requirement for leaf flushing.  相似文献   

Phenological models for blooming of apple in a mountainous region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Six phenological series were available for ‘Golden Delicious’ apple blooming at six sites in Trentino, an alpine fruit-growing region. Several models were tested to predict flowering dates, all involving a “chilling and forcing” approach. In many cases, application of the models to different climatic conditions results in low accuracy of prediction of flowering date. The aim of this work is to develop a model with more general validity, starting from the six available series, and to test it against five other phenological series outside the original area of model development. A modified version of the “Utah” model was the approach that performed best. In fact, an algorithm using “chill units” for rest completion and a thermal sum for growing-degree-hours (GDH), whose efficiency changes over time depending on the fraction of forcing attained, yielded a very good prediction of flowering. Results were good even if hourly temperatures were reconstructed from daily minimum and maximum values. Errors resulting from prediction of flowering data were relatively small, and root mean square errors were in the range of 1–6 days, being <2 days for the longest phenological series. In the most general form of the model, the summation of GDH required for flowering is not a fixed value, but a function of topoclimatic variables for a particular site: slope, aspect and spring mean temperature. This approach allows extension of application of the model to sites with different climatic features outside the test area.  相似文献   

叶芽花芽需热量差异导致植物先花后叶   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究植物先花后叶的影响因素,本研究以1963—1988年间北京地区杏和山桃展叶和始花物候资料及相应的日最高、最低温度数据为基础,利用偏最小二乘回归法确定杏和山桃叶芽及花芽的需冷期和需热期,进而利用动态模型和生长度小时模型分别估算叶芽和花芽的需冷和需热量。结果表明,依据长期物候观测资料,利用偏最小二乘回归法进行植物需冷和需热量的估算非常有效。先花后叶植物叶芽和花芽需冷量几乎相同,需热量的差异是导致植物先花后叶的主要原因。杏和山桃花芽的需热量分别为2829.7±876.2和1457.2±581.2生长度小时,而相应叶芽需热量却是花芽的两倍之多。基于物候观测的重要性及实用性.中国物种水平上的地面观测应得到进一步深入发展。  相似文献   

设施葡萄萌芽调控中需冷量和需热量及其相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用3种需冷量估算模型(≤7.2℃模型、0~7.2℃模型和犹他模型)和2种需热量估算模型(生长度小时模型和有效积温模型)分别测定了14个设施葡萄品种的需冷量和需热量,并分析了两者的相互关系。结果表明,不同葡萄品种的需冷量和需热量存在一定差异,需冷量值介于754~1489h(≤7_2℃模型)、497-757h(0~7.2℃模型)或192~755.5CU(犹他模型),需热量值为18491~24070GDH℃(生长度小时模型)或120~377D℃(有效积温模型),且欧亚种品种需热量普遍高于欧美杂种品种。另外,本研究还表明,用生长度小时模型估算出来的需热量值与需冷量值之间呈负相关关系,而有效积温模型估算出来的需热量值与需冷量值之间则呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to study the influence of air temperature on the start of Quercus pollination in Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain). Sixteen years of pollen counts were used. The start date of the pollen season in this period varied between 26th February and 7th April. Chilling requirements and heat accumulation were taken into account although no significant correlation between chilling hours and the start date was observed. Five different predictive methods based on heat accumulation were compared in this paper: 1) Number of days over a threshold; 2) Heat Units (accumulated daily mean temperature after deducting a base temperature); 3) Growing Degrees Days (Snyder 1988), as a measure of physiological growing time; 4) Accumulated maximum temperatures; and 5) Mean maximum temperature. Results indicated that the optimum base temperature for heat accumulation was 11 Co. This threshold was used in the first three methods mentioned above. Good statistical results were obtained with the five methods, yielding high levels of explanation (p~99%). Nevertheless, the most accurate method appeared to be the Growing Degree Days (GDDo) method, which indicated that a mean of 127.3 GDDo must be accumulated from the end of the chilling period up to the beginning of the Quercus pollen season in Córdoba (South West Spain). Results were tested for predicting start dates in 1999 and 2000. The predicted dates were only one day after the actual dates.  相似文献   

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