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利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解剖学研究.鉴定出两种类型的木材:柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cunninghamioides Watari).二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系.根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境.  相似文献   

利用光学显微镜和扫描电镜首次对云南省楚雄州晚中新世石灰坝组石鼓村层的钙化木材进行了解决学研究。鉴定出两种类型的木材。柳杉型落羽杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeripsoides Schonfeld)和杉木型落羽杉型木(Taxo-dioxylon cunninghamioides Watari)。二者分别与现代柳杉属和杉木属具有最接近的亲缘关系。根据这两种杉科化石木现存最近亲缘种的生态环境,并综合其他资料,推测该地区在晚中新世为温暖湿润的亚热带气候环境。  相似文献   

张武  郑少林 《Acta Botanica Sinica》1999,41(12):1312-1316
报道了辽宁早白垩世化石木的一个新属—原始金松型木 (Protosciadopityoxylongen .nov .)。该属化石以辽宁原始金松型木 (Protosciadopityoxylonliaoningensegen .etsp .nov .)为代表。文中对新属新种进行了描述 ;讨论了新属与现存金松属 (Sciadopitys)及化石金松型木属 (Sciadopityoxylon)的关系 ;并与其相似的原始叶枝杉型木属 (Protophyl locladoxylon)、原始圆孔木属 (Protocircoporoxylon)及异木属 (Xenoxylon)作了比较。  相似文献   

两种黑龙江木化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道黑龙江省两种裸子植物木化石宽孔异木 Xenoxylon latiporosum(Cramer)Gothan和黑龙江原始云杉型木新种 Protopiceoxylon amurense sp.nov.,并讨论了它们的亲缘关系。其地质时代可能属晚侏罗世一早白垩世。该地当时的气候大约为亚热带—暖温带。  相似文献   

中国浙江新昌化石木研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文介绍了发现于中国东南沿海地区浙江省新昌县中生代地层中的一种化石木新种———新昌南洋杉型木 (AraucarioxylonxinchangenseDuansp .nov .)。这种化石木保存在早白垩世馆头组中、下部的紫红色泥砂岩中 ,分布在新昌县城西部 ,南北绵延 2 5公里、东西宽约 2公里的狭长地区。由于在化石木产区曾发现过多种植物化石 ,因而确定了该区在早白垩世时期处于我国的欧洲 中国植物区内 ,属亚热带 热带气候区 ,种种迹象表明此时气候有些干旱。同区发现的松柏目叶化石 ,其气孔构造与南洋杉科有一定的亲缘关系 ,这一点似乎与化石木之属可以对应。  相似文献   

本文介绍了发现于中国东南沿海地区浙江省新昌县中生代地层中的一种化石木新种——新昌南洋杉型木 (Araucarioxylon xinchangense Duan sp. nov.)。这种化石木保存在早白垩世馆头组中、下部的紫红色泥砂岩中,分布在新昌县城西部,南北绵延25公里、东西宽约2公里的狭长地区。由于在化石木产区曾发现过多种植物化石,因而确定了该区在早白垩世时期处于我国的欧洲 中国植物区内,属亚热带 热带气候区,种种迹象表明此时气候有些干旱。同区发现的松柏目叶化石,其气孔构造与南洋杉科有一定的亲缘关系,这一点似乎与化石木之属可以对应。  相似文献   

记黑龙江畔一鸭嘴龙足印化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2002年9月,来自七个国家的地层古生物学者,在中国吉林省长春市吉林大学举行了“黑龙江流域白垩纪生物群及K/T界线国际学术研讨会”。会议之后学者们对黑龙江沿岸中新生界地层进行了实地踏勘,在踏勘的过程中在嘉荫县永安村之东南1.2km的黑龙江岸边发现了一滚石板,其上保存一较完整的大型恐龙足印。足印印迹在厚层钙质胶结的粗砂岩上,经查对化石产出岩层为嘉荫群永安村组(Sun et a1.,2003)。化石是一大型的三趾的足印(tridactyl),三趾短粗,中趾呈U型,趾间有蹼的痕迹,造印者应是一只鸭嘴龙(Thulbom,1990)。黑龙江省嘉荫县是我国第一只命名的恐龙——黑龙江满洲龙(Mandschurosaurus amurensis)化石的产出地,化石产自嘉荫群渔亮子组(Riabinin,1925,1930;Dong,1992)。本文记述的标本是嘉荫群中发现的第一件足印化石,也是我国鸭嘴龙类足印化石的首次记录(甄朔南等,1996)。  相似文献   

黑龙江晚白垩世植物区系及东亚、北美区系的关系   总被引:24,自引:5,他引:19  
本文记载了黑龙江嘉荫县乌云组所产植物化石,计有53种,隶属39属、28科。其中蕨 类植物7种,裸子植物8种,被子植物38种(包括单子叶植物1种),10个种为新种。 乌云组植物化石的区系及植被的分析结果表明,在植物区系成分中,大多是亚热带至暖温 带分子,具少数温带成分,由此组成的群落有暖性针叶林,落叶阔叶林和常绿阔叶林等,共同组 成暖性针阔叶混交林,指示当时气候温暖潮湿,大约是暖温带向亚热带过渡的气候特点。再从 植物化石叶子外貌特征来分析,其中全缘叶占40%; 叶的体积以中型的占大多数,大型和小型 的均少数; 脉序以具掌状脉的占多数。这些特征说明,沉积时期亦为温暖潮湿的气候。 晚白垩世在东亚出观的35属化石中,其中27属和北美共有,约占总属数的77%,这种区 系组成的相似程度,表明其区系具有密切的亲缘关系。这种亲缘随着时间的推移,在进入第三 纪或向更晚发展的进程中而逐渐减弱。主要由于大陆漂移和板块运动,使欧亚、北美在第三纪 初完全分离,此后这两块大陆隔离发展,植物区系的相同分子逐渐减少,以至现在生存植物中 的相同属仅占总数的4.1%,其中草本植物还占有相当大的比例。 根据我国东北地区晚白垩纪所产植物化石及同时代南方所产化石,大致可把晚白垩世的 植物区(带)划分为三个:(1)暖温带至亚热带植物区,主要代表植物是Metasequoia,Trochoden- droides,Platanus,Ampelopsis,Protophyllum,Pterospermites,Menispermites; (2)亚热带至热 带植物区,植物有Brachyphyllum,Cinnamomum,Nectandra和棕榈科植物; (3)亚热带或干 旱植物区,兼有南北过渡的植物或呈干旱性的植物。 乌云组植物大化石共有33属,和东亚,北美同时代植物群对比,出现不少相同属种,其中 15个属种出现在苏联晚白垩世的察加扬组及东锡霍特阿林,11个属种出现在日本晚白垩世 的Kuji地区,若与加拿大晚白垩世植物群比较,有11个相同属种; 与阿拉斯加晚白垩世植物 对比,则有12个相同属种; 若与乌云组同属一区的太平林场组比较,相同属种更多。再从孢粉 组合成分看,和本区松辽盆地明水组相同的属有15个,并具有少数晚白垩世代表性的花粉如 鹰粉、沃氏粉和山龙眼粉,表明乌云组的时代和明水组接近。同时在乌云组大化石中绝灭类型约占70%,证实该植物群的古老性。其时代属于马斯特里赫特期至达宁期而不是古新世。  相似文献   

报道了一种具混合型纹孔(互列式纹孔和对列式纹孔)的化石本。化石木产自内蒙古乌达矿区老石旦矿附近太原组上部,地质时代为早二叠世早期。经比较,确认为南洋杉型木属(Araucarioxylon Kraus)一种新;老石旦南洋杉型木(Araucarioxylon laoshidanense sp.nov.).根据混合型纹孔的存在及其他特征,认为新种可能代表了一种原始的松杉类植物的木材化石。主要特征:仅保存  相似文献   

色木槭的变异式样及其分类学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
徐廷志   《广西植物》1992,12(3):229-234
色木槭(Aeer mono Maxim.)是分布于亚洲东部的一个变异极大的种。本文报道了7个亚种:色木槭(原亚种)(subsp.mono);海岛色木槭(亚种)(subsp.marmoraturn(Nichols.)T.Z.Hsu);毛萼色木槭(亚种)(subsp.glabrum(Levl.et Vant.)T.Z.Hsu);里光色木槭(亚种)(subsp.trichobasis(Nakai)T.Z.Hsu);金沙色木槭(亚种)(subsp.tricuspis(Rehd.)T.Z.Hsu);弯翅色木槭(亚种)(subsp.incurvaturn(Fang et P.L.Chiu)T.Z.Hsu);粉绿色木槭(亚种)(subsp.glaucum(Koidz.)T.Z.Hsu),讨论了其变异式样和地理分布。  相似文献   

Three species of fossil coniferous woods, Cupressinoxylon jiayinense Wang R. F., Wang Y. F. et Chen Y. Z., Taxodioxylon cryptomeria Schonfeld and Protopiceoxylon amurense Du N. Z. from late Cretaceous of Heilongjiang Province,Northeast China, were described. Their wood structural characters showed their affinities to the extant Cupressus, Cryptomeria and Keteleeria respectively. The data from fossil woods, fossil foliage and pollen assemblage of late Cretaceous in the same region showed that the flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees and most elements were subtropic or warm-temperate, only a few of them were temperate vegetation. At the same time, the occurrence of fungi filaments in the wood of Cupressinoxylon fiayinense might suggest a type of humid and warm environment. All of these evidences indicated that a humid warm temperate or subtropic paleoclimate had existed in Heilongjiang Province during Late Cretaceous.  相似文献   

Two fossil coniferous woods, Xenoxylon latiporosum (Cramer) Gothan and Protopiceoxylon amurense sp. nov. found in Heilongjiang Sheng of China are described in this paper. The diagnosis of Protopiceoxylon amurense sp. nov. is as follows: Growth rings distinct. The transition from the early wood to the late wood slightly abrupt. Tracheids of the early wood square to rectangular in the transverse section. Bordered pits on the radial walls of early wood traeheids 1-2-seriate, opposite, circular with round apertures. The erassula well marked. Walls of the late wood traeheids much thickened. Rays uniseriate and partly biseriate, 1–45 cells high. The highness of the biseriate part is often more than 2/3 that of the ray. Transverse walls of ray cells rather densely pitted and the tangential walls with marked nodular thickenings. The pitting of the cross-field is small, simple or taxodioid type. The axial wood parenchyma absent. The axial resin canal, both traumatic and normal, present, separate or gathered in tangential rows. Epithelial cells with thickwalls are more than 10 in number. The affinities of the two woods are discussed. The age of the fossil woods is assigned to Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. It is inferred that they grew in the then north subtropical warm temperate zone and on a hilly area with an elevation of 1000 metres approximately.  相似文献   

中国木化石资源虽然很丰富, 但研究程度相比叶片化石要低得多, 且主要集中在中国北部和西南地区, 研究领域大多局限于分类学方面, 而木化石分析与古气候、古生态等领域的交叉和系统研究还很少。大多数情况下木化石的保存方式都为石化或矿化保存, 而木乃伊化保存的木化石则非常罕见。木乃伊化保存的化石在植物分类、系统演化及古气候研究等方面具有独特而重要的价值。近年来, 本团队在华南地区发现大量木乃伊化保存的新生代木化石, 它们分别产自广西南宁盆地晚渐新世邕宁组、广西桂平盆地中新世二子塘组以及广东茂名盆地晚更新世地层中。本文总结了这些木乃伊化保存的木化石的研究进展, 包括多样性组成、古植被、古气候及古生态等特征, 并对木兰属、蒲桃属和枫香属的植物地理史进行了讨论。综合分析植物群组成特征和木材生长轮以及木化石中具有气候指示意义的解剖结构特征, 推测广西南宁盆地晚渐新世时期生长着常绿(少数落叶)阔叶林, 为温暖湿润的亚热带季节性气候; 广西桂平盆地中新世时期生长着常绿—落叶、阔叶—针叶混交林 (阔叶为主), 为温暖湿润的亚热带气候; 广东茂名盆地晚更新世生长着常绿—落叶、阔叶—针叶混交林, 为温暖湿润的亚热带至热带季风气候。这是中国低纬度地区首次系统研究木乃伊化保存的木化石, 为新生代植物群的系统演化和古环境分析等提供了重要的木化石依据。  相似文献   

黑龙江省东部鸡西盆地早白垩世穆棱组植物化石新材料   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨小菊 《古生物学报》2003,42(4):561-584
系统描述了最近采集的穆棱组植物化石22属23种,其中的两种被子植物叶化石均为具原始被子植物叶特征的小型叶,在该植物群中尚属首次发现。运用扫描电镜(SEM)等方法对其中的Tyrmia sp.,Nilssoniopteris sp.,Ginkgoites cf..sibirica,.Sphenobaiern sp.,Elatocladus manchurica等化石的叶角质层进行了研究。据已有的资料统计,穆棱组迄今已知有化石植物31属38种。该植物群以真蕨类占据绝对优势,裸子植物也相当丰富,其中的大多数种类主要见于早白垩世,穆棱组的地质时代应属早白垩世巴列姆期或巴列姆-阿普梯早期。植物组合中以丰富的热带及亚热带型植物为主要特点,未发现针叶类型的植物,说明早白垩世穆棱组沉积时,该地区的气候温暖湿润;另一方面,落叶的银杏类和松柏类,以及裸子植物木化石中具有清楚的生长轮,又说明该地区的古气候存在着季节变化。该植物群属于早白垩世西伯利亚植物区或加拿大-西伯利亚植物区。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a collection of plant fossils from the Wuyun Group of Heilongjiang Province. These fossils belong to 28 families, 39 genera and 53 species. The flora is composed of 7 species of pteridophytes, 8 of conifers and 37 of angiosperms. All have been fully described, of which ten are new species. Most elements of this flora are subtropic or warm-temperate, with only a few of them are temperate ones. The flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees adapted to humid warm-temperate or subtropic climate. With the physiognomy of leaves, 40 per cent of them are of entire margin, and most are medium-sized, with some megaphyllous. The nervation is mostly palmate. These characters indicate that the climate was warm-temperate or subtropic. Among 35 genera known from the Late Cretaceous of East Asia, 27 are also found in North America, which indicates that the floristic relationship between East Asia and North Americal was closer at that time than it is now. Therefore the number of genera in common has been decreasing through the age, because these two regions have been detached from each other since the late Eocene, as a result of continental drift. Only some relic forms left on both sides, and only 4.1% of genera are common to both continents. After the early Tertiary the floras of East Asia and North America have been developing independently. The Chinese flora of the Late Cretaceous may be divided into three Zones from the north to the south: (1) warm temperate-subtropic zone, rich in Metasequoia, Ginkgo, Trochodendroides, Platanus, Trochodendron, Protophyllum, Ampelopsis Pterospermites and Menispermites; (2) subtropic or dry subtropic transitional zone; and (3) subtropictropic zone, rich in Brachyphyllum, Cinnamomum, Nectandra and Palms. The Wuyun flora is considered closely related to the Chajiayang Group and SikhoteAlin flora of USSR, with 15 genera in common and also related to the Kuji flora of Japan (Cenonian), with 11 genera in common. It is interesting to note that 11 genera are also found in North America (Canada and Alaska) of the Late Cretaceous. The palynological assemblage of the Wuyun flora is closely related to Minshui flora of the Souliao Basin, 15 genera being common to the both. Seventy per cent of megafossils of the Wuyun flora have become extinct, which seems to show that the age of the flora is older than Paleocene and is assigned to the Latest Late Crataceous (Maestrichtian-Dani-an).  相似文献   

鄂中一些被子植物硅化木研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了我国首次在长江北岸,湖北省新洲县发现的新生代晚第三纪大戟科、豆科和樟科的被子植物硅化木。这些硅化木的发现和鉴定,反映了该地区当时较为炎热潮湿的气候环境,并为长江流域新生代的地质、古气候、古地理、古生物群演变等方面的研究,提供了论据。  相似文献   

Five angiospermous fossil woods of Late Tertiary have been excavated from Xinzhow County, Hubei Province. From the observation of the wood anatomical features they are pre- liminarily identified as Bischofia javanica B1., a species of Leguminosae, and two species of Lauraceae.  相似文献   

Although liverworts are widely distributed around the world with a large number of extant species, reliable fossil records are relatively rare. Here, we report a new species, Ricciopsis baojishanensis Han and Yan, n. sp. (Ricciaceae) and an unnamed species, Hepaticites sp. from the Late Triassic Nanying’er Formation in Baojishan Basin, Baiyin City, Gansu Province, Northwest China. The generic designation is based on detailed comparison of the gross morphology with related fossil and extant species. The new species is characterized by its rosette-forming thallus, dichotomous branching, ribbon-like segments and entire margins. The current fossils represent the first record of liverwort from the Late Triassic in Baojishan Basin, Gansu Province. Based on the different fossil records of the Ricciaceae, we suggest that these taxa were widely distributed during Late Triassic to Oligocene worldwide, mainly in warm temperate and tropical environments, similar with their current distribution. The discovery of the present fossils indicates that the climate of Baojishan Basin in Late Triassic is warmer and more humid than that of today.  相似文献   

辽西地区下白垩统沙海组是我国北方地区重要的白垩纪木化石产出层位,其产出的木化石数量丰富、类型多样.尽管前人开展了部分研究,但目前对沙海组木化石植物群组成特征的认识仍相对薄弱.本文报道了辽西义县上石洞沟地区沙海组产出的木化石新材料,共鉴定出2属3种,分别为:Phyllocladoxylon cf.eboracense(Holden)Kr?usel、Xenoxylon conchylianum Fliche 及 X.watarianum Nishida and Nishida.此发现丰富了对沙海组木化石多样性特征的认识,为揭示辽西地区早白垩世晚期的森林组成特征提供了新的化石证据.本文总结了辽西地区早白垩世木化石的多样性特征,从木化石的角度推断辽西地区在早白垩世中晚期森林植被面貌可能发生了一定程度的更替.此外,本文对比了辽西地区侏罗纪及白垩纪异木属木化石种级多样性,认为该属在辽西地区晚中生代一直是优势类群,但种级组成上差异明显.  相似文献   

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