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用大孔树脂NKA固定高选择性的脂肪酶,催化有机相中转酯化反应,从而拆分八异构体消旋薄荷醇来制备L-薄荷醇。研究pH、载体与酶比例对固定化酶制备的影响及固定化酶的反应稳定性;考察温度、转酯化过程醇酯比例、及底物醇异构组成变化对拆分效果的影响。结果表明:固定化酶的最适pH为8,载体与酶的比例为5∶1时,所得固定化酶的反应稳定性比游离酶的反应稳定性提高了约50%;转酯化反应的最优温度为40℃,醇酯比例为1.5∶1时最佳,改进八异构体消旋薄荷醇组分比例后,非对映体选择率dep达到了95.1%。  相似文献   

研究了不同因素对制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶的影响及固定化酶的酶学性质,并初步探讨了利用该固定化酶制备生物柴油的工艺。以海藻酸钠明胶为复合载体,采用包埋法制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶,考察了载酶量、颗粒直径等因子对固定化效果的影响,并用制备的固定化酶进行了酶促酯交换合成生物柴油的工艺研究,考察了反应条件如酶量、反应温度、甲醇流加方式、醇油比等因素对甲酯得率的影响。试验结果表明,制备固定化荧光假单胞菌脂肪酶的最优条件为:每克载体给酶量为300 IU,选用6号注射器针头(内径为0.5 mm);通过酯交换,催化大豆油合成生物柴油的最佳反应工艺参数为:固定化酶25%,醇油比4:1,含水量6%,反应温度40℃;此条件下反应35 h后,甲酯的最高得率可达82%。  相似文献   

微水相超声波协同固定化脂肪酶催化酯交换过程优化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
超声波协同固定化脂肪酶催化制备生物柴油的最佳工艺条件为:超声波功率70W、叔丁醇为反应介质、叔丁醇用量3%(v/v)、醇油比3:1且甲醇分三批加入、反应温度40℃、水含量为2%(v/v)。副产物甘油对固定化脂肪酶使用寿命影响最大,使用后的固定化脂肪酶用丙酮洗去表面的甘油,进行酯交换反应,酶的稳定性大为提高,可连续使用16批次。  相似文献   

固定化脂肪酶催化毛棉籽油制备生物柴油   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
研究了固定化脂肪酶Lipozyme TL IM和Novozym435催化毛棉籽油和乙酸甲酯制备生物柴油的过程。通过向反应体系中添加甲醇,可减少乙酸的抑制,明显提高生物柴油得率,确定最佳反应条件为:正己烷作溶剂,乙酸甲酯与油摩尔比9:1,添加油重3%的甲醇、油重10%的LipozymeTLIM和5%的Novozym435复合使用,温度55°C,反应8h,生物柴油得率达到91.83%。最后探索了酶催化毛棉籽油合成生物柴油的动力学,得到动力学方程。  相似文献   

固定化脂肪酶催化制备生物柴油条件优化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文探讨了以固定化脂肪酶为催化剂催化制备生物柴油中醇油比、水含量、游离脂肪酸酸值和催化剂使用寿命对菜子油酯交换反应的影响,并与以NaOH、固体碱纳米水滑石为催化剂生物柴油的制备条件相比较.研究表明:固定化脂肪酶为催化剂所需最佳醇油比最低,仅为4:1,游离脂肪酸含量对酯交换反应影响甚微,且有较强的抗水性,固定化脂肪酶催化剂可可重复使用6次;NaOH为催化剂酯交换反应抗水性最强,随游离脂肪酸的增加,酯交换转化率显著降低;纳米水滑石为催化剂可重复使用5次,酯交换产物易分离,所得产品完全符合德国生物柴油标准.  相似文献   

固定化脂肪酶催化毛油合成生物柴油   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究开发了一种用石油醚提取毛油的工艺,研究了以提取的毛油和甲醇为原料,用固定化Candida sp.99-125脂肪酶催化合成脂肪酸甲酯(FAMEs)的可行性。同时考察了磷脂对固定化酶活性、反应起始速率、固定化酶使用批次的影响以及毛油和精炼油对固定化酶使用批次等的影响。研究结果表明,用磷脂质量分数为1%的石油醚悬液浸泡过的脂肪酶比仅用石油醚浸泡过的脂肪酶初始转酯化速率显著下降。当大豆油中无磷脂时,15min时FAMEs的产率为26.2%;磷脂质量分数为5%时,FAMEs降为12.4%。当大豆油中磷脂质量分数小于1%时,固定化酶使用10个批次,FAMEs产率无明显变化。固定化脂肪酶催化石油醚浸提得到的大豆和小桐子毛油,经过10个批次反应FAMEs产率都保持在70%以上,该固定化酶直接催化毛油生产生物柴油具有良好的工业化前景。  相似文献   

脂肪酶协同催化猪油合成生物柴油工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了以乙酸甲酯为酰基受体两种脂肪酶协同催化猪油转酯合成生物柴油的工艺条件。首先利用单因子试验确定2种固定化脂肪酶Novozym435、Lipozyme TLIM单独作为催化剂时的最佳酶用量为40%,反应温度为50℃,乙酸甲酯用量为14(相对于油的摩尔比)。在此基础上,采用3因素5水平和3个中心点的中心组分旋转设计法研究了上述2种脂肪酶协同使用时脂肪酶用量(g/g)、混合酶的配比(%/%)以及乙酸甲酯用量诸因素共同作用对转酯反应转化率的影响。优化后的反应条件为:总酶用量为40%,混合酶配比为50/50,乙酸甲酯用量为14,在该条件下甲酯得率可达97.6%,比同质量的Novozym435、Lipozyme TLIM的催化活性分别高出7.6%、22.3%。表明脂肪酶协同催化猪油合成生物柴油工艺可以较好地提高甲酯得率,并且节约生产成本。  相似文献   

固定化脂肪酶合成维生素A棕榈酸酯   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了有机溶剂中脂肪酶催化维生素A棕榈酸酯的合成工艺。采用维生素A醋酸酯和棕榈酸乙酯作为反应底物, 对催化合成维生素A棕榈酸酯反应介质进行了比较, 同时对影响合成维生素A棕榈酸酯反应的因素(温度、初始水含量、底物摩尔比、反应时间和酶量等)进行了探讨, 优化了反应条件: 在10 mL的石油醚中, 体系初始含水量0.2%(体积比V/V), 0.100 g 维生素A醋酸酯和0.433 g 棕榈酸乙酯在酶量为1.1 g的固定化酶催化下, 在30°C、190 r/min下反应12 h, 转化率可以达到83%, 固定化酶可连续使用5次以上。  相似文献   

固定化脂肪酶合成维生素A棕榈酸酯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了有机溶剂中脂肪酶催化维生素A棕榈酸酯的合成工艺。采用维生素A醋酸酯和棕榈酸乙酯作为反应底物, 对催化合成维生素A棕榈酸酯反应介质进行了比较, 同时对影响合成维生素A棕榈酸酯反应的因素(温度、初始水含量、底物摩尔比、反应时间和酶量等)进行了探讨, 优化了反应条件: 在10 mL的石油醚中, 体系初始含水量0.2%(体积比V/V), 0.100 g 维生素A醋酸酯和0.433 g 棕榈酸乙酯在酶量为1.1 g的固定化酶催化下, 在30°C、190 r/min下反应12 h, 转化率可以达到83%, 固定化酶可连续使用5次以上。  相似文献   

几种离子液体的微波法合成及其对脂肪酶催化效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微波法合成9种目标离子液体,对中间体[Bmim]Br的合成条件及其离子液体对全细胞催化剂催化效果的影响进行考察.直接将产脂肪酶真菌粗状假丝酵母(Candida valida) T2细胞固定在聚氨酯颗粒中,制备固定化细胞催化剂,将其应用于合成离子液体介质中催化甲醇与大豆油酯交换反应制备生物柴油.结果表明:微波功率200 W下间隙照射100 s,中间体[Bmim]Br的收率达95.16%,有效地提高了离子液合成产率;在[Bmim]PF6离子液中固定化细胞酶催化转酯化反应30 h,大豆油的转化率达42%,反应效果较其他8种合成离子液体好;固定化细胞颗粒和[Bmim]PF6重复使用4次,其油脂转化率和酶活保持率分别达到29%和69%,表现出较好的催化反应稳定性.  相似文献   

A commercial macroporous resin (D3520) was screened for lipase recovery by adsorption from the aqueous phase of biodiesel production. The influences of several factors on the adsorption kinetics were investigated. It was found that the kinetic behavior of lipase adsorption by macroporous resin could be well described by pseudo-first-order model. Temperature had no significant effects on lipase adsorption, while resin-to-protein ratio (R) significantly affected both rate constant (k1) and equilibrium adsorption capacity (Qe). No lipase was adsorbed when mixing (shaking) was not performed; however, protein recovery reached 98% after the adsorption was conducted at 200 rpm for 5 h in a shaker. The presence of methanol and glycerol showed significant negative influence on lipase adsorption kinetics. Particularly, increasing glycerol concentration could dramatically decrease k1 but not impact Qe. Biodiesel was found to dramatically decrease Qe even present at a concentration as low as 0.02%, while k1 was found to increase with biodiesel concentration. The adsorbed lipase showed a relatively stable catalytic activity in tert-butanol system, but poor stability in solvent-free system when used for biodiesel preparation. Oil and biodiesel were also found to adsorb onto resin during transesterification in solvent-free system. Therefore, the resin had to be washed by anhydrous methanol before re-used for lipase recovery.  相似文献   

Biodiesel has been greatly interested as an alternative fuel and is produced by a transesterification reaction of oil with alcohol. Recently, microbial lipases have been used for biodiesel production. Among the microbial lipase, immobilized Candida antartica lipase B (CALB) is the most widely used. However, CALB is unstable and shows low catalytic efficiency in the reaction media because the reaction media contains a high concentration of methanol and the lipase is also inhibited by the by-product glycerol. In this study, to overcome these limitations, we developed an amphiphilic matrix to immobilize CALB. The immobilized lipase in an amphiphilic matrix with 80% ethyltrimethoxysilane (ETMS) in tetramethoxysilane (TMOS) and pretreated with oil showed the highest specific activity and biodiesel conversion ratio; about 90% biodiesel conversion in 24 h at an initial molar ratio of 1: 1 (oil: methanol) with stepwise methanol feeding in order to adjust the net molar ratio to be 1: 3.  相似文献   

Lipase from Pseudomonas fluorescens biotype I was immobilized by adsorption of anion exchange resin using glutaraldehyde to enhance the adsorption. The activity yield of the immobilized lipase was very low (below 1%) when lipase activity was measured using emulsion substrate. The activity yield was 10-70% when lipase activity was measured using non-emulsion substrate. Countercurrent reactors for hydrolysis of oil using non-emulsion substrate were studied. A fluidized bed reactor was found to be superior to a fixed bed one since in a fixed bed reactor the separation rate of the two layers was slow and the flow rate of the reactor had to be slower than the separation rate. A fluidized bed reactor system equipped with settling compartments and stirring compartments was devised. Continuous lipolysis at 60 degrees C and continuous separation of oily product and water soluble product were performed. After continuous operation for more than 3 months, 70% of the initial activity of the immobilized lipase was observed at the end of the reaction.  相似文献   

In this study, hydrophobic macroporous resin NKA was employed as matrix for immobilization of free Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL). The performance of the immobilized ROL was significantly enhanced. The recovery activity was up to 1,293.78 % and the specific activity increased to 152,914 U/g-protein, which was 46-fold higher than that of the free lipase. Moreover, the immobilized lipase showed higher thermostability and better pH-resistance than its free counterpart. Additionally, three different nonaqueous modification strategies (including bioimprinting, lecithin coating, and lyophilization protection) were further utilized to improve the performance of the immobilized lipase. The corresponding enhancements were 33.68 %, 31.98 %, and 99.86 %. When these modifications were combined together, the activity improved 209.51 %. In order to confirm its practical application, the modified ROL was used to biorefine rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate (RODD) for biodiesel production. The highest conversion yield reached 98.23 %, much close to that (97.46 %) of Novozym 435. The results suggest that the prepared lipase in this study is a promising biocatalyst with high stability, efficiency and operational reusability.  相似文献   

Enzymatic production of methyl esters (biodiesel) by methanolysis of palm oil in presence and absence of organic solvent was investigated using Candida antarctica lipase immobilized on acrylic resin as a biocatalyst. Although, at least molar equivalent of methanol (methanol-palm oil ratio 3:1) is required for the complete conversion of palm oil to methyl esters, lipase catalyzed methanolysis of palm oil in absence of organic solvent was poisoned by adding more than 1/3 molar equivalent of methanol. The use of polar organic solvents prevented the lipase to be poisoned in methanolysis with a molar equivalent of methanol, and tetrahydrofuran (THF) was found to be the most effective. The presence of water in methanolysis of palm oil both in presence and absence of THF inhibited the reaction rate but this inhibition was considerably low in THF containing system. The palm oil-lipase (w/w) ratio significantly influenced the activity of lipase and the optimal ratio in presence and absence of THF was 100 and 50, respectively.  相似文献   

Enzymatic lipase transesterification of palm oil to biodiesel in a packed‐bed reactor (PBR) using a novel strain of the fungus Aspergillus niger, immobilized within polyurethane biomass support particles (BSPs), was investigated. A three‐step addition of methanol was used to reduce lipase inhibition by immiscible methanol. The influence of water content and PBR flow rate was investigated. FAME yield was enhanced with an increase of PBR flow rate in the range of 0.15–30 L h?1, where inefficient mixing of the reaction mixture at lower flow rates resulted in low conversion rates i.e. 69% after 72‐h reaction. Adding the third mole equivalent of methanol resulted in lipase inhibition due to methanol migration into the accumulated glycerol layer. Glutaraldehyde (GA) solution (0.5 vol.%) was used to stabilize lipase activity, which led to a high FAME yield (>90%) in the PBR after 72‐h of reaction time at a flow rate of 15 L h?1, and a water content of 15%. Moreover, a high conversion rate (>85%) was maintained after four palm oil batch conversion cycles in the PBR. In contrast, lipase activity of non‐GA‐treated cells decreased with each PBR batch cycle, where only 70% FAME was produced after the forth PBR cycle. Transesterification of palm oil in a PBR system using BSPs‐immobilized A. niger as a whole‐cell biocatalyst is a viable process for enzymatic biodiesel production.  相似文献   

Biodiesel conversion from soybean oil reached a maximum of 70% at 18 h using immobilized 1,3-specificRhizopus oryzae lipase alone. Biodiesel conversion failed to reach 20% after 30 h when immobilized nonspecificCandida rugosa lipase alone was used. To increase the biodiesel production yield, a mixture of immobilized 1,3-specificR. oryzae lipase and nonspecificC. rugosa lipase was used. Using this mixture a conversion of greater than 99% at 21 h was attained. When the stability of the immobilized lipases mixture was tested, biodiesel conversion was maintained at over 80% of its original conversion after 10 cycles.  相似文献   

A unique method that applied a multilayer-immobilization strategy was developed to prepare nanofibrous enzymes for biosynthesis. LiCl co-electrospun with polyurethane nanofibers enabled strong physical adsorption of bovine serum albumin (BSA), forming the first layer of protein on the nanofibers; lipase AK was subsequently crosslinked to BSA as an outer layer of enzyme. The content of LiCl in nanofibers was found to be a sensitive factor affecting the activity and stability of the immobilized lipase. For biodiesel synthesis from soybean oil and methanol in isooctane, the reaction rate catalyzed by nanofibrious lipase carrying 5 wt% LiCl was 6.6-fold higher than fibers without LiCl, with a conversion of 91% was achieved within 2 h. LiCl also induced much improved enzyme stability. The nanofibrous lipase with 5% LiCl could be repeatedly used for 42 cycles without apparent activity loss, while the immobilized lipase without LiCl lost over 90% activity within 13 reuse cycles.  相似文献   

Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil and methanol for biodiesel production in tert-amyl alcohol was investigated. The effects of different organic medium, molar ratio of substrate, reaction temperature, agitation speed, lipase dosage and water content on the total conversion were systematically analyzed. Under the optimal conditions identified (6 mL tert-amyl alcohol, three molar ratio of methanol to oil, 2% Novozym 435 lipase based on the soybean oil weight, temperature 40°C, 2% water content based on soybean oil weight, 150 rpm and 15 h), the highest biodiesel conversion yield of 97% was obtained. With tert-amyl alcohol as the reaction medium, the negative effects caused by excessive molar ratio of methanol to oil and the by-product glycerol could be reduced. Furthermore, there was no evident loss in the lipase activity even after being repeatedly used for more than 150 runs.  相似文献   

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