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【目的】糖醋酒液能有效诱集梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck),而性诱剂辅助正好使糖醋酒液诱捕效果得以补充。【方法】本文对6种配方的糖醋酒液、3种窗口形状诱瓶、有无性诱剂辅助、4种高度、5种间距在梨园对梨小食心虫的诱捕效果进行了研究,总结出糖醋酒液对梨小食心虫最佳诱捕效果的设计方案。【结果】结果表明,在梨园利用糖醋酒液防治梨小食心虫时,选择红糖∶食用醋∶白酒∶清水=3∶1∶3∶80的糖醋酒液配方,窗口形状为长方形的诱瓶,辅以性信息素诱芯,挂瓶高度为1.5 m,间距为4 m时诱捕效果最佳。【结论】合理利用糖醋酒液防治梨小食心虫是一种简便有效的方法。  相似文献   

糖醋酒液对梨小食心虫和苹果小卷叶蛾的诱杀作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
何亮  秦玉川  朱培祥 《昆虫知识》2009,46(5):736-739
糖醋酒液可以诱杀多种害虫,是一种传统无公害防治措施。但在植保上应用的糖醋酒液配方中的糖、醋、酒成分及配比却比较混乱,难于重复和推广应用。试验研究诱杀果树主要害虫梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)和苹果小卷叶蛾Adoxophyes orana Fisecher von Rslerstamm的糖醋酒液最佳配比。结果表明,糖醋酒液配比中乙酸∶乙醇∶水为3∶1∶3∶80是较理想配方,调节不同成分比例对诱虫效果会造成不良影响。试验结果还表明,梨小食心虫雌虫比例会随着糖醋酒液诱虫量的增加而减少。诱虫量小于10头/d时雌虫的比例为88.0%,诱虫量大于30头/d时雌虫比例只有56.1%。  相似文献   

梨小食心虫性信息素田间应用技术研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是梨园、桃园重要的果树害虫。本文比较研究了梨小食心虫性信息素在梨园、桃园悬挂不同高度、设置不同密度对梨小食心虫雄性成虫诱捕效果的影响,结果表明:在梨树树冠范围内,梨小食心虫性信息素最佳设置高度为2 m;在桃树树冠范围内,梨小食心虫性信息素最佳设置高度为1.5 m;同时,田间诱捕效果与性信息素设置密度密切相关,梨园中,每0.067 hm2设置密度为610个诱芯时,对梨小食心虫的诱捕效果影响不大,而桃园中每0.067 hm2设置8个诱芯时,有最好的诱集效果。本研究可为梨小食心虫性信息素田间应用提供指导。  相似文献   

梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是我国重要的果树害虫,本文利用室内饲养观察、室外田间模拟、果园采集饲养等方法系统研究了梨小食心虫成虫的性比及日羽化节律;并利用性诱剂、糖醋液、黑光灯等诱集梨小食心虫成虫,研究了梨小食心虫成虫的活动规律。结果表明:1、田间采集调查表明,梨小食心虫成虫雌雄比例为1∶1.143,室内饲养雌雄比例为1∶1.708。2、梨小食心虫成虫羽化时间主要集中在4:00—10:00,其中以6:00—8:00羽化率最高;梨小食心虫在室外羽化时间比室内推迟2 h左右,室外梨小食心虫比室内普遍晚4 d羽化,这可能与室外温度和光照条件有关;雌虫羽化较雄虫早12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.12 d;3、性诱剂和糖醋液诱集成虫高峰时间均为晚上20:00—22:00,说明梨小食心虫无论雄虫还是雌虫都在此期间活动;夜间各个时间段利用黑光灯都能诱到梨小食心虫成虫,说明梨小食心虫具有趋光性。结论:梨小食心虫雌雄比例为1∶1.11.7,主要在早晨及上午羽化,雌虫较雄虫先羽化;在果园活动时间主要为晚上20:00—22:00。本结果可为梨小食心虫的田间性诱剂监测和诱捕、迷向防治提供指导。  相似文献   

【目的】明确两种食心虫性诱芯复合配置的诱蛾效果,提高其监测或防治效率及其绿色环保化水平,为果树生产中食心虫的高效监测和绿色防控提供科学依据。【方法】田间系统调查研究了梨小食心虫(以下简称"梨小")、桃小食心虫(以下简称"桃小")单一性诱芯及其复合配置3种处理的诱蛾效率,并利用"Y"型嗅觉仪比较研究了其间梨小雄蛾趋向性的差异。【结果】(1)梨小和桃小性单一诱芯及其复合配置对梨小均具有引诱作用,其诱蛾总量依次为8 238.33、1 451.67、8 321.67头/诱捕器,其中第1、2、3代时复合配置诱蛾量最大,越冬代和第4代时梨小单一性诱芯诱蛾量最大,而各世代桃小单一性诱芯诱蛾量均最低。梨小单一性诱芯及其复合配置均监测到5个梨小发生高峰,且峰期基本一致,但复合配置的峰日诱蛾量均较高;桃小单一性诱芯仅监测到3个梨小发生高峰,且峰日诱蛾量亦较低。(2)桃小单一性诱芯及其复合配置对桃小均具有引诱作用,其诱蛾总量依次为4.00、2.33头/诱捕器,而梨小单一性诱芯对桃小无引诱作用。(3)"Y"型嗅觉仪研究发现,梨小食心虫对梨小和桃小各单一性诱芯及其复合配置均具有趋向作用,其趋向率依次为50.67%、8.67%、53.33%。【结论】梨小和桃小单一性诱芯复合配置对梨小诱捕量有微增效作用,而对桃小诱捕量有一定干扰作用,但影响均不显著。据此,该复合配置可用于桃园中梨小和桃小的监测与防控。  相似文献   

为了评价梨小食心虫迷向素的实际防控效果,在大面积连片使用梨小食心虫性迷向素的北京市平谷区(约8667 ha),分别选择王辛庄镇翟各庄村、东杏园村和峪口镇西营村的3个处理果园。以临近的采用常规化学防治的顺义区杨镇小曹庄村为对照,采用性诱剂和糖醋液监测调查比较桃园梨小食心虫的发生动态、抽样法调查统计桃树蛀梢率和蛀果率等,评价性迷向素梨小食心虫田间控制效果。结果显示,迷向素处理区梨小食心虫的种群数量显著低于常规化学防治的对照区。3个迷向素处理区梨小食心虫的迷向率分别为99.05%、98.10%和99.68%;保梢效果均在98.40%以上,保果效果几乎达到100%。说明桃园大面积应用迷向技术对梨小食心虫具有很好的控制作用。  相似文献   

【目的】为了寻找湖北省老河口梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta(Busck)的最佳防治时期,推广使用无公害防控技术,减少化学药剂的使用。【方法】分别调查了梨小食心虫在梨园及桃园的发生规律,释放赤眼蜂的生物防治效果,糖醋酒液、三角形诱捕器、黄板的物理防治效果,以及性信息素迷向防治效果。【结果】结果表明,桃园梨小食心虫最佳防治时期在4月中下旬,梨园梨小食心虫最佳防治时期在5月下旬、6月上旬、8月中旬前。防治效果上,释放赤眼蜂生物防治措施、配比为红糖∶白酒∶食用醋:水=3∶1∶3∶80的糖醋酒液诱捕器的物理防治措施、迷向丝及迷向素的迷向措施均有替代化学防治措施的潜力。【结论】综合防治能够有效控制梨园梨小食心虫发生量,减少化学防治频次,为建立稳定的梨园生态系统及生产无公害水果提供了帮助。  相似文献   

【目的】为筛选和规范诱集小地老虎Agrotis ipsilon成虫的最佳糖醋酒液配方及最佳发酵时间,确定发酵液中的挥发物成分。【方法】优选以单一纯物质糖、醋、酒和水进行混配的配方A, B, C和D, 其配比分别为蔗糖(g)∶乙酸(mL)∶无水乙醇(mL)∶纯水(mL)(m/v/v/v)=3∶1∶3∶80, 3∶1∶3∶160, 3∶1∶6∶80和1∶1∶3∶80及常见配方E[白糖(g)∶白醋(mL)∶白酒(mL)∶自来水(mL)= 6∶3∶1∶10(m/v/v/v)],分别并采用Y型嗅觉仪及GC-MS测试和分析小地老虎成虫对发酵1~15 d后的糖醋酒液的趋性及发酵液中的挥发物成分。【结果】趋性试验结果表明,糖醋酒液B配方对小地老虎诱集效果显著优于A, C, D和E配方,C配方次之。小地老虎成虫对B和C这两种配方发酵8 d发酵液的选择反应率均显著高于对未发酵及发酵5 d和7 d外的其他发酵时间发酵液的选择反应率。挥发物成分组成分析结果显示,糖醋酒液B配方发酵8 d发酵液的挥发物共有41种化合物,主要包括17种烃类化合物、8种醛类化合物、2种酮类化合物、4种醇类化合物、5种酯类化合物和5种醚类化合物。而且发酵8 d的糖醋酒液B配方与其未发酵以及发酵4 d和发酵12 d的糖醋酒液B配方之间的挥发物成分差异较大。【结论】优选并明确单一物质糖、醋、酒和水进行混配的小地老虎食诱剂配方(3∶1∶3∶160, m/v/v/v),其糖醋酒液通过发酵可以产生增效作用,最佳发酵时间为8 d。  相似文献   

不同栽培管理梨园梨小食心虫发生程度研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta(Busck)是梨园中的一种重要害虫。本论文采用性诱剂诱集法研究了不同栽培管理条件下梨园梨小食心虫发生的情况。结果表明,在5种不同种植模式的果园中,梨小食心虫在单植桃园中发生最重,试验期间梨小食心虫的日平均诱蛾量为10.9头/盆,与其他4种栽植模式果园的诱捕量均呈显著差异,且混有桃树的果园中梨小食心虫的发生数量多,而单植梨园、梨苹果混栽园、单植苹果园的梨小食心虫发生相对较轻。果实套袋的管理方法也可以显著降低梨小食心虫的发生数量,非套袋梨园的日平均诱捕量为13.8头/盆,是套袋梨园的1.52倍。试验还表明,不同品种和不同树龄的梨树对梨小食心虫的抗虫性均存在显著差异。酥梨比巴梨的抗虫性差,试验期间酥梨园的日平均诱捕量为12.6头/盆,是巴梨园的2.21倍,而40年老酥梨园日平均诱蛾量为12.5头/盆,是20年酥梨园诱蛾量的2.5倍。  相似文献   

苹小卷叶蛾在四种寄主植物上的生长发育及繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【目的】研究阐明不同寄主对苹小卷叶蛾Adoxophyes orana生长发育及繁殖的影响。【方法】在室温26±1℃,RH 80%±5%和光周期16L∶8D条件下,以桃Amygdalus persica、苹果Malus pumila、李Prunus salicina和杏Armeniaca vulgaris 4种果树叶片为食料,观察苹小卷叶蛾实验种群生长发育特性和繁殖能力,组建实验种群生命表。【结果】苹小卷叶蛾在桃、苹果、李、杏上生长发育和繁殖存在显著差异。全世代的发育历期在苹果上最短,为34.44 d;在李上最长,为38.37 d。取食桃的蛹重最重(28.25 mg/蛹),取食李的蛹重最轻(17.93 mg/蛹)。世代存活率在桃和苹果上较高(≥60.00%),在李和杏上较小(分别为45.00%和50.00%)。在桃上产卵最多(96.15粒/雌),在杏上最少(68.15粒/雌)。生命表参数表明,净增殖率以桃上为最高(23.20),杏上最低(11.66);内禀增长率也以桃上为最高(0.0953);世代平均周期则以李上最长(35.72 d);种群加倍时间以桃上最短(7.29 d),杏上最长(9.79 d)。【结论】4种寄主植物中,桃和苹果较适宜苹小卷叶蛾幼虫的发育及繁殖。  相似文献   

北京郊区苹果小卷蛾成虫发生规律研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
苹果小卷蛾AdoxophyesoranaFischervonR slerstamm为北京郊区大桃生产中的主要害虫 ,试验采用黑光灯诱杀、糖醋盆诱集 2种方法在不同生态环境果园对其成虫发生期进行了观测。结果显示苹果小卷蛾在北京地区 1年发生 3代 ;越冬代成虫羽化高峰为 5月底至 6月初 ,第 1代幼虫防治适期为 6月1 0~ 1 5日 ;第 1代成虫羽化高峰为 7月中旬 ,第 2代幼虫防治适期为 7月下旬。  相似文献   

Combined attracticide formulations targeting Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), and codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), were tested in a field trapping experiment. Capture of male codling moths in traps baited with the combined formulation was reduced compared with traps baited with the codling moth formulation alone, whereas capture of male Oriental fruit moth was increased compared with traps baited with the Oriental fruit moth formulation alone. Subsequent wind tunnel experiments showed that a single locus of the mixed attracticide formulation or close parallel presentation of the two formulations enhanced source contact by male Oriental fruit moths but did not influence earlier behaviors. However, the two formulations presented in a serial arrangement to Oriental fruit moth males in the wind tunnel resulted in enhanced lock-on, upwind flight, and source contact behaviors. In addition, male Oriental fruit moths remained on mixed pheromone droplets of the paste matrix longer than on droplets of the Oriental fruit moth formulation alone. The increased time spent on the mixed droplet was correlated with a more rapid poisoning and a greater proportion of poisoned males compared with males exposed to the Oriental fruit moth attracticide alone. These results demonstrate that a combined attracticide formulation will have different effects on each of the targeted species. It is anticipated that, due to decreased attractiveness, a combined formulation would be less effective against the codling moth. However, a mixed formulation, due to increased attractiveness and toxicity, could be more effective against the Oriental fruit moth under field conditions.  相似文献   

Studies in Argentina and Chile during 2010–2011 evaluated a new trap (Ajar) for monitoring the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck). The Ajar trap was delta‐shaped with a jar filled with a terpinyl acetate plus brown sugar bait attached to the bottom centre of the trap. The screened lid of the jar was inserted inside the trap, and moths were caught on a sticky insert surrounding the lid. The Ajar trap was evaluated with and without the addition of a sex pheromone lure and compared with delta traps left unbaited or baited with a sex pheromone lure and a bucket trap filled with the same liquid bait. Studies were conducted in a sex pheromone‐treated orchard in Argentina and an untreated orchard in Chile. In Chile, the Ajar trap without the sex pheromone lure caught significantly fewer males, females and total moths than the bucket trap, and fewer males and more females than the sex pheromone‐baited delta trap. Total moth catch did not differ between the Ajar trap without a sex pheromone lure and the sex pheromone‐baited trap. Adding a sex pheromone lure to the Ajar trap significantly increased total moth catches to levels not different from those in the bucket trap. However, the Ajar trap with the sex pheromone lure caught significantly more males and fewer females than the bucket trap. In Argentina, the Ajar trap with or without the addition of a sex pheromone lure caught similar numbers of both sexes and total moths as the bucket trap. The sex pheromone‐baited delta trap caught <4% of the number of moths as these three traps. The bucket trap in both studies caught significantly more non‐targets than the delta and Ajar traps. Moth catches in the Ajar trap declined significantly after 2–3 weeks when the bait was not replaced.  相似文献   

The efficacy of an integrated and a conventional oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), control program was compared using 4-ha blocks of peach at three Niagara Peninsula farms during 1997-1999. In the integrated program, chlorpyrifos was used to control first-generation larvae and mating disruption using Isomate M100 pheromone dispensers was used to control the second and third generations. In the conventional program, chlorpyrifos was used to control first-generation larvae and pyrethroids were used to control larvae of the later generations. The average release rate of pheromone was 23.7-26.4 mg/ha/h over a period of 86-91 d. The pheromone treatment reduced the capture of moths in pheromone-baited traps on average by 98%, suggesting a high level of disruption. The integrated program provided control of oriental fruit moth similar to the control provided by a conventional program. The mean percentage of peach shoots infested with first- and second-generation larvae, and fruit infested with third-generation larvae was not significantly greater in the integrated-program blocks during the 3-yr study. The elimination of insecticide sprays from the integrated-program blocks did not result in an increase in damage caused by plant bugs. The incidence of damage caused by other pests was negligible in both the integrated and conventional blocks.  相似文献   

The efficacy of mating disruption by using Isomate-M 100 pheromone dispensers and two formulations of microencapsulated sprayable pheromone for management of oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), was compared with conventional insecticides in large plot studies in Henderson County, North Carolina, in 2000 and 2001. In addition, experiments were conducted in small and large plots to test the response of oriental fruit moth males to different application rates of sprayable pheromone. Pheromone trap catches were significantly reduced in mating disruption blocks compared with conventional and abandoned orchards. Pheromone traps placed in the upper canopy captured significantly more moths than traps placed in the lower canopy across all treatments, and lures loaded with 100 microg of pheromone caught more moths than traps with 300 microg, but the difference between doses was statistically significant at only one location in 2001. Isomate-M 100 provided excellent trap shutdown and was significantly more effective than sprayable pheromone formulations. Fruit damage by oriental fruit moth larvae was very low (< or = 1%) in mating disruption blocks and was generally lower than in conventional and nonmanaged blocks. Based on male moth response to pheromone traps in small plots, there was little difference among doses of sprayable pheromone, ranging from 12.4 to 49.1 g (AI)/ha, but efficacy declined at 2.4 g (AI)/ha. With the exception of one orchard, there was no significant difference between 12.4 and 37.1 g (AI)/ha under low and high oriental fruit moth population pressure in large plot studies. Mating disruption proved to be an alternative to organophosphate insecticides for managing oriental fruit moth populations in North Carolina apple orchards.  相似文献   

Studies were designed to examine the effects of host plants (apple, Malus domestica Borkh., and peach, Prunus persica L.) on the development of oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). Oriental fruit moth larvae developed faster on peach than on apple, both on fruit as well as on growing terminal shoots. On fruit, these differences were shown to cause significant changes in both the rate (approximately 20-60 degree-days earlier emergence on peach than on apple) and patterns of adult emergence among several cultivars of peaches and apples. Slopes of female emergence plots varied by host in 2003, with emergence occurring over a longer period on peach cultivars than on apple cultivars (with one exception). Slopes of male emergence curves did not differ by cultivar in 2003. These host-driven effects could impact the efficacy of traditional pest management approaches and probably complicate efforts to predictively model G. molesta populations in mixed cultivar orchards. Such developmental effects may help to explain previously observed differences in patterns of pheromone trap captures in peach versus apple orchards. Host-associated effects should be incorporated into future models to develop more realistic predictive tools and thus improve integrated pest management efforts.  相似文献   

Communicational disruption mechanisms for Oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), were determined using a suite of mathematical tools and graphical operations that enable differentiation between competitive attraction and non‐competitive mechanisms of disruption. Research was conducted in 20 field cages, each covering 12 mature apple trees. Commercial monitoring lures releasing Oriental fruit moth pheromone at a rate of 0.04 μg h?1 and distributed at densities of 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 17 per cage were used to evaluate the effect of low‐releasing dispensers on the disruption of sexual communication. Graphical analyses revealed that near‐female‐equivalent pheromone dispensers disrupted Oriental fruit moth competitively. Commercial mating disruption dispensers releasing Oriental fruit moth pheromone at 60 μg h?1 and deployed at 0, 4, 6, 10, 15, 20, and 30 per cage were used to evaluate the effect of high‐releasing dispensers on the disruption of sexual communication. Oriental fruit moth disruption shifted to a non‐competitive mechanism for high‐releasing dispensers. This is the first time such a shift in disruption mechanism has been demonstrated against a background of otherwise identical experimental conditions. Near‐female‐equivalent pheromone dispensers were also used to quantify the additive effect of an attract‐and‐remove control strategy compared with competitive mating disruption. We report a five‐fold reduction in Oriental fruit moth captures under attract‐and‐remove compared to mating disruption using near‐female‐equivalent dispensers. Surprisingly, release of female Oriental fruit moths into these large‐cage disruption studies had no measurable impact on male trapping.  相似文献   

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