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中国长角斑蚜族Calaphidini已知10属,桦斑蚜属Betacallis Matsumura,桦蚜属Betulaphis Glendennig,长角斑蚜属Calaphis Walsh,带斑蚜属Callipterinella van der Goot,刻斑蚜属Clethrobius Mordvilko,绵斑蚜属Eu-ceraphis Walker,单斑蚜属Monaphis Walker,新桦斑蚜属Neobetulaphis Basu,毛斑蚜属Symydobius Mordvilko,陶斑蚜属Taoia Quednau;2亚属,拟毛斑蚜亚属Symydobius(Antisymydobius),毛斑蚜亚属(指名亚属)Symydobius (s.str.);25种,桤木桦斑蚜Betacallis alnicolens Matsumura,光皮桦斑蚜B.luminiferus Zhang,四川桦斑蚜B.prunicola Basu,Ghosh et Raychaudhuri,栎桦斑蚜B.querciphaga Basu,Ghosh et Raychaudhuri,四瘤桦蚜Betu-laphis quadrituberculata (Kaltenbach)中国新纪录,光腹桦蚜B.pelei Hille Ris Lambers中国新纪录,居桦长角斑蚜Calaphis betulicola (Kaltenbaeh),相似长角斑蚜C.similis Quednau,带斑蚜Callipterinella calliptera (Hartig)中国新纪录,瘤带斑蚜Callipterinella tuberculata(von Heyden),毛刻斑蚜Clethrobius comes(Walker),赤杨刻斑蚜C.dryobius Chakrabarti et Raychaudhuri),短绵斑蚜Euceraphis betulae(Koch),桦绵斑蚜E.punctipennis (Zetterst-edt),触角单斑蚜Monaphis antennata (Kaltenbach),白新桦斑蚜Nebetulaphis alba Higuchi,河北新桦斑蚜N.hebeiensis(Zhang,Zhang et Zhong),裸新桦斑蚜N.pusilla Basu,缺带毛斑蚜Symydobius carefasciatus Qiao et Zhang,黑桦毛斑蚜S.kabae(Matsumura),少圈毛斑蚜S.paucisensorius Zhang,Zhang et Zhong,短毛毛斑蚜S.brevicapillus Qiao et Zhang,昙毛毛斑蚜S.fumus Qiao et Zhang,川西陶斑蚜Taoia chuansiensis(Tao),桤木陶斑蚜T.indica (Ghosh et Raychaudhuri)。提供了分属、分亚属及分种检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元具有文献引证、寄主植物、地理分布和检视标本的记录。新纪录种有具体的形态记述和特征图。所有研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

记述了中国蚜科Aphididae 1新纪录属1新纪录种,即锐管蚜属Acutosiphon Basu,Ghosh and Raychaudhuri,1970,斜锐管蚜Acutosiphon obliquoris Basu,Ghosh and Raychaudhuri,1970.提供了形态描述、寄主植物、分布、形态特征图及形态照片.研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.  相似文献   

中国新纪录属--长角斑蚜属研究(同翅目:蚜科:角斑蚜亚科)   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
研究了中国蚜科Aphididae角斑蚜亚科Calaphidinae 1新纪录属-长角斑蚜属Calaphis Walsh,1863,记述2新纪录种,居桦长角斑蚜Calaphis betulicola(Kaltenbach,1843)和相似长角斑蚜Calaphis similis Quednau,1979。编制中国长角斑蚜属分种检索表,每种提供形态记述、寄主植物、分布及形态特征图。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中国刻斑蚜属分类研究(同翅目: 蚜科: 角斑蚜亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
研究了中国蚜科Aphididae角斑蚜亚科Myzocallidinae的刻斑蚜属 Clethrobius Mordvilko,1928,记述了中国2新纪录种,毛刻斑蚜 C.comes(Walker,1848)和赤杨刻斑蚜C.dryobius Chakrabarti et Raychaudhuri,1976,编制了中国刻斑蚜属分种检索表,各种提供了寄主植物、分布及形态特征图。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中国椴斑蚜属研究(同翅目,蚜科,角斑蚜亚科)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
中国椴斑蚜属Tiliaphis Takahashi已知2种,朝鲜椴斑蚜Tiliaphis coreanus Quednau,1979和小椴斑蚜T.shinae(Shinji,1924)(中国新纪录)。文中提供了分种检索表,各种提供了观察标本、地理分布、寄主植物等信息新纪录种提供了详细的形态记述和形态特征图。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

研究了中国烟管蚜属Vesiculaphis del Guercio,该属隶属于蚜科Aphididae蚜亚科Aphidinae长管蚜族Macrosiphini,中国已知两种:番木瓜烟管蚜Vesiculaphis caricis(Fullaway)和中国新纪录种,马醉木烟管蚜V.pieridis Basu。文中提供了中国物种分种检索表,对新纪录种提供了不同生物型的形态记述、特征图和照片,包括1个兼有无翅孤雌蚜和有翅孤雌蚜性状的特殊个体的描记。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆和英国自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

中国新纪录属--斑大蚜属研究(同翅目,蚜科,大蚜亚科)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
研究了中国蚜科Aphididae大蚜亚科Lachninae 1新纪录属,斑大蚜属Maculolach us Gaumont,1920,记述模式种蔷薇斑大蚜Maculolachnus submacula(Walker,1848).提供了形态描述、寄主植物、分布及形态特征图.研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.  相似文献   

中国叶蚜亚科分类学研究(同翅目,蚜科)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
中国叶蚜亚科Phyllaphidinae已知4属,迪叶蚜属Diphyllaphis Takahashi,1960,楠叶蚜属Machilaphis Takahashi,1960,叶蚜属Phyllaphis Koch,1856和群斑蚜属Thelazacallis Zhang,2000;4个种,栎迪叶蚜Diphyllaphis quercus (Takahashi,1960),楠叶蚜Machilaphis machili(Takahashi,1928),山毛榉叶蚜Phyllaphis fagi(Linnacus,1767)和毛茛群斑蚜Thelazacallis ranunculicola Qiao et Zhang,2000.其中叶蚜属和山毛榉叶蚜为中国新纪录.文中提供了分属检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元提供了文献引证、寄主植物、地理分布和检视标本的记录.新纪录种有详细的形态记述和特征图.研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆.  相似文献   

中国五节毛蚜亚科分类学研究(同翅目:蚜科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国五节毛蚜亚科Atheroidinae已知4属,即:五节毛蚜属Atheroides Haliday,小毛蚜属Chaetosiphella Hille Ris Lambers新纪录,赖毛蚜属Laingia Theobald,伪毛蚜属Sipha Passerini;共8种,即:禾草五节毛蚜Atheroides hirtellus Haliday,锯形五节毛蚜A.serrulatus Haliday新纪录,针茅小毛蚜Chaetosiphella stipae hille Ris Lambers新纪录,沙赖毛蚜Laingia psammae Theobald,剪草伪毛蚜Sipha arenarii Mordviko新纪录,丽伪毛蚜S.elegans del Guercio,神茅伪毛蚜s.glyceriae(Kaltenbach)和玉米伪毛蚜S.maydis Passerini。提供了分属、分种检索表,各属提供了鉴别特征,所有分类单元具有文献引证、寄主植物、地理分布和检视标本的记录。每个新纪录种有简要的形态记述和特征图。所有研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中国蚜科一新纪录属--麻黄蚜属(同翅目:蚜科)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
报道中国蚜科Aphididae 1新纪录属-麻黄蚜属Ephedraphis Hille Ris Lambers,1959和1新纪录种-麻黄蚜Ephedraphis gobica Szelegiewicz,1963。该蚜虫取食具有重要药用价值和固沙作用的麻黄属Ephedra spp.植物。麻黄蚜在中国采自宁夏回族自治区的盐池县和铜川市,国外分布在蒙古国,文中记述了麻黄蚜无翅孤雌蚜和有支孤雌蚜的形态特征及在中国的地理分布,绘制了形态特征图,研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2003,46(3):345-350
提供了世界蚜科Aphididae蚜亚科Aphidinae缢管蚜亚族Rhopalosiphina 10个属的检索表。记述一个中国新记录种-超管二叉蚜Schizaphis hypersiphonata Basu, (1969) 1970。研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆、伊利诺伊大学Illinois Nature History Survey、美国农业部系统昆虫学实验室标本馆和英国自然历史博物馆。  相似文献   

中国桦斑蚜属研究及新种记述(同翅目:斑蚜科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张广学  张万玉 《昆虫学报》1995,38(2):207-213
中国桦斑蚜属研究及新种记述(同翅目:斑蚜科)张广学,张万玉,钟铁森(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)本文记述了中国烨斑蚜属Betacalli。Matsumura共5种,其中2个为新种,l个为中国新记录种。文中给出了以有翅孤雌蚜为主的种检索表。所...  相似文献   

Studies on the pollen from cores of Lake Hidden (29~48.77' N, 92~22.37' E) and Ren Co (30%3.97'N, 96~40.97'E) in Southeast Xizang (Tibet) showed climatic changes and the evolution of vegetation since the last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Before 16 ka BP pollen assemblages were dominated by Chenopodiaceae (20% -50% ) and Artemidis (10% ~ 30% ) and pollen influx values were very low from Lake Ren Co in Basu county. The vegetation around the lake was probably a desert-steppe during the LGM. The data also suggest that the climate in the Basu area was cold and dry during the LGM and the last glacial time. The mean annual temperature was probably 4 ~ 6 ℃ colder than the present, and the mean annual precipitation was only 250 mm, about 40% of the present. The Southwest monsoon became stronger from 12 ka BP to 6 ka BP reaching its acme by 7 ka BP, but weakened gradually from 5 ka BP to the present. The paleovegetation was dominantly forest or forest-meadow around Lake Hidden and Ren Co during the 9.2 ~ 5 ka BP. The mean temperature in January was probably 2 ~ 3 ℃ higher than the present, and the mean annual precipitation was 100 mm more than the present. The timing of vegetational and climatic changes based on pollen records generally supports the results of global climatic-model experiments that predict a strengthened monsoon system during the early to middle Holocene followed by a weakened monsoon system.  相似文献   

Comment on: Basu A, et al. PLoS One 2011; 6:e23919  相似文献   

陈金华 《古生物学报》2019,58(1):92-113
新发现的双壳类化石命名为Baxoitrigonia baxoiensis gen. et sp. nov.,产地为藏东八宿林卡家东,化石产于景星动物群之下的拉贡塘组下段,同层位有菊石和其他海相双壳类,时代为晚侏罗世Tithonian期;化石的外部特征很接近于三角蛤类Iotrigonia属,但前闭肌痕特征又相似于类三角蚌类,被认为是三角蛤类闯入非海相领域后演变成类三角蚌类的产物。此发现提供了生物和地层两方面的直接证据,证明非海相类三角蚌类(Trigonioidoidea超科)起源于海相三角蛤类(Trigoniida目),而不是起源于珠蚌类(Unionida目)。海相三角蛤类闯入边缘隔绝的洛隆-八宿地区并演变为非海相类三角蚌类,是一次典型的边域成种事件。  相似文献   

Ceramide glycanase (CGase) activities have been detected in different human tumor cells (colon, carcinoma Colo-205; neuroblastoma, IMR-32; breast cancer lines, SKBr3 and MCF7). However, the level of enzymatic activity is lower in these cells compared to that present in other mammalian tissues reported before (Basu, M., Kelly, P., Girzadas, M. A., Li, Z., and Basu, S. Methods Enzymol. (in press)). The majority of CGase activity was found in the 100,000g soluble supernatant fraction isolated from all these cell lines and tissues. Using the soluble enzyme, the requirement for optimum CGase activity was found to be consistent with previous observations found for rat and rabbit tissues (Basu, M., Dastgheib, S., Girzadas, M. A., O'Donnell, P. H., Westervelt, C. W., Li, Z., Inokuchi, J. I., and Basu, S. (1998) Acta Pol. Biochim. 42:327). The CGase activities from both Colo-205 and IMR-32 cells are optimum at a protein to detergent ratio of one. All the mammalian CGases, including human cancer cells, show an optimum pH between 5.5 and 5.8 in sodium acetate buffer. The CGase activities from cancer cells are found to be cation-independent; however, mercury, zinc, and copper ions seem to inhibit the enzyme activity substantially in both tumor cells lines. The mercury ion inhibition of CGase activities from all different sources indicates a possible structural homology in the CGase proteins.Radiolabeled substrates, labeled at the sphingosine double bond or at the 3-position of sphingosine without modifying double bond of sphingosine were used in this investigation. Both were active substrates with all enzyme preparations isolated from different cancer cells (apparent Km, 500 M for nLcOse5[3H-DT]Cer and 350 M for GgOse4[sph-3-3H]Cer with Colo-205 enzyme). Structural analogues of ceramide and sphingosine (L-PPMP, L-PDMP, alkylamines, and Tamoxifen) inhibited cancer cell CGase activities in vitro.  相似文献   

A structure of the O-polysaccharide (O-antigen) of Escherichia coli O158 has been reported (Datta, A. K.; Basu, S.; Roy, N. Carbohydr. Res.1999, 322, 219–227). In this work, we reinvestigated the O158 polysaccharide using sugar analyses, Smith degradation, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy and established the following structure, which is at variance with the structure established earlier:This structure is in agreement with the predicted functions of genes found in the O-antigen gene cluster of E. coli O158.  相似文献   

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