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朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰的耐受性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周学红  蒋琳  王强  张伟  程鲲  丁海华 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5176-5184
随着野生动物旅游业的发展,野生动物对人类干扰的耐受性研究在科学管理野生动物旅游业,提高游客体验,促进野生动物保护等方面具有重要的实践意义.2007年10~11月应用可操纵试验法在陕西汉中朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)国家级自然保护区研究了朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰的耐受性.研究结果表明,朱鹮游荡期对人类干扰具有较强的耐受性并表现出一定的适应性.朱鹮的警戒距离为(38.57±14.01)m,惊飞距离为(23.84±9.45)m,警戒距离是惊飞距离的1.6倍左右,两者存在着显著相关性.干扰者的衣着颜色是影响朱鹮对人类干扰的耐受性的主要因子,朱鹮对鲜艳衣物敏感.随着距居民点距离的减小,朱鹮对人类干扰的耐受性逐渐增强,但朱鹮对道路有一定回避效应.建议最小接近区域的面积应该是以警戒距离(AD)为半径的圆形区域,朱鹮最小接近区域的面积=∏×38.572≈4700m2,该区域范围内限制游客进入,并禁止游客穿着鲜艳色衣物进入自然保护区.  相似文献   

通采用人工调查, 测量的方法, 记录了董寨自然保护区内2016—2019年共计49个朱鹮巢穴各项数据, 通过分析获得朱鹮巢穴所在位置的气象因子、海拔、郁闭度、巢-觅距、干扰因素等因素与朱鹮窝卵数和繁殖成功率相互关系。结果表明: 董寨自然保护区自2016年野化放飞朱鹮到2019年止, 野外巢穴数量逐渐增加, 营巢区域不断扩大, 但营巢地点相对集中; 朱鹮选择筑巢树种多为马尾松, 选择频次显著高于黄山松(P < 0.05)。气象因子(温度和降水量)、朱鹮营巢地海拔、筑巢树种、营巢地林间郁闭度、巢—觅距及人为干扰因素并不影响朱鹮的窝卵数, 但营巢地海拔(P < 0.001)、巢—觅距(P = 0.001)显著影响朱鹮的繁殖成功率, 营巢地海拔越高, 巢—觅距越短, 朱鹮的繁殖成功率越高; 干扰因素中人为干扰对朱鹮繁殖成功率的影响比种间竞争和天敌大, 人为干扰强度越大, 朱鹮的繁殖成功率越低。朱鹮繁殖影响因子的研究为提高董寨自然保护区朱鹮野外繁殖成功率, 当地保护部门更好的保护野外朱鹮提供科学依据。  相似文献   

王茹琳  郭翔  李庆  王明田  游超 《应用生态学报》2019,30(12):4222-4230
为探明猕猴桃溃疡病在四川的适生性,选用MaxEnt模型,基于分布信息和环境变量,对该病在四川潜在分布区进行预测,分析主要环境变量对其分布的影响,并利用受试者工作特征曲线对模拟准确度进行评价.结果表明: 10次重复模拟的曲线下面积平均值为0.914,预测结果准确.猕猴桃溃疡病在四川的高适生区主要位于成都市、德阳市、绵阳市、广元市、巴中市、达州市和雅安市,中适生区在四川21地市州均有分布.刀切法筛选出影响猕猴桃溃疡病潜在分布的主要环境变量及其指标为:最冷月最低气温(-6.8~7.5 ℃)、最暖季度平均气温(15.6~32.3 ℃)、最干季度平均气温(-0.8~21 ℃)、年降水量(709~950.9 mm)和气温季节性变化标准差(4.7~9.6 ℃).本研究对制定猕猴桃溃疡病早期监测、预警及控制措施意义重大.  相似文献   

颜文博  王琦  王超 《动物学杂志》2015,50(2):185-193
明确濒危鸟类的潜在繁殖地分布,对制定合理有效的保护对策十分重要。本文以朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)为研究对象,选取125个朱鹮巢址分布数据和9个环境因子,应用Maxent模型分析其潜在繁殖地的分布及主要影响因子。结果表明,海拔、土壤亮度、坡度、土壤绿度是影响朱鹮繁殖地分布的主要环境因子,其对模型的综合贡献值分别为38.1%、18.3%、16.4%和14.3%。朱鹮适宜繁殖地分布的最佳海拔范围是500~1 200 m;土壤亮度指数结果显示,适宜繁殖地的分布随着地表裸化程度的增加而显著减少;繁殖地的适宜度与坡度呈现显著负相关关系;土壤绿度指数结果显示,朱鹮繁殖地在中等程度的植被覆盖区域适宜度最高,低植被覆盖区域和高植被覆盖区域的适宜度都降低。当栖息地适宜度指数(habitat suitability index,HSI)阈值分别大于0.5、0.6、0.7时,研究地区内朱鹮适宜繁殖地的总面积分别是1 682.63 km2、944.38 km2、432.96 km2。本研究揭示秦巴地区适宜繁殖地的分布和面积可以满足朱鹮未来几年的自然扩散和再引入保护。  相似文献   

原麝Moschus moschiferus为国家一级重点保护野生动物。本研究基于吉林省东部山区野外调查获得的68份原麝位点数据及17份环境变量数据,选择Biomod2平台集成表现较好的单一模型形成组合模型进行预测,分析不同气候条件下原麝潜在适宜分布区及中心变化。结果表明:组合模型较单一模型具有更高的精度(TSS=0.937,AUC=0.947)。原麝潜在适宜分布区主要位于珲春市、汪清县和长白县;偏好最暖季度均温和最冷季度均温适中、海拔较高且距水源距离较近的落叶针叶林及针阔混交林区域;在未来气候情景下,潜在适宜分布区收缩;分布中心呈先向西南后向东部迁移的趋势。本研究对未来加强生境保护及物种研究具有重要意义,对未来监测和评估我国原麝保护区的空间分布和迁移提供了数据基础。  相似文献   

阮欧  刘绥华  陈芳  罗杰  胡海涛 《生态学报》2022,42(5):1947-1957
生境适宜性评价是保护和管理濒危物种的重要途径。已有研究中用于物种生境适宜性评价的环境变量数据多存在分辨率低精度不高的问题,在研究小尺度物种生境适宜性时误差较大。为解决这一问题,本文根据黑颈鹤的出现点数据与光学、雷达遥感数据及地形辅助数据得出栖息地与觅食地特征,利用最大熵(MaxEnt)模型对草海越冬黑颈鹤细尺度的生境适宜性进行评价。结果显示:(1)运用多源遥感和地形辅助数据生成的环境变量结合MaxEnt预测黑颈鹤的栖息地与觅食地效果都较为优秀,两者受使用者工作特征曲线下的面积值(AUC)值均大于0.94;(2)距耕地距离、距水域距离、水深及距建筑距离是影响黑颈鹤栖息地主要环境因子,而影响觅食地分布的主要环境因子则是距耕地距离、优势植被、距建筑物距离和水深。(3)草海自然保护区黑颈鹤栖息地与觅食地的最适宜区和次适宜区面积较小,栖息地与觅食地最、次适宜区总和分别为6.404km~2与12.644 km~2,占比仅为研究区的6.43%和12.69%。通过调查发现,当前自然保护区的人为干扰源主要是游客和当地的居民,潜在地威胁着黑颈鹤的栖息地和觅食地。因此,为了避免保护区黑颈鹤栖息地与觅食地的退...  相似文献   

汤思琦  武扬  梁定东  郭恺 《生态学报》2023,43(1):388-397
基于中国国家有害生物检疫信息平台的有关记录和文献以及WoldClim网站,获取栎树猝死病菌的地理分布数据及气候数据,并用SPSS软件和刀切法筛选主导环境变量。利用MaxEnt生态位模型和ArcGIS软件,对栎树猝死病菌现代和未来情景下在我国的潜在适生区进行预测,并计算和绘制栎树猝死病菌高风险区质心转移轨迹。通过不同年份和不同气候情况下的受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)的训练集和测试集受试者工作特征曲线下面积(AUC)值均大于0.91,说明MaxEnt模型准确并适用于预测栎树猝死病菌在我国的潜在分布,同时结合其主要寄主植物的地理分布进一步增强预测模型的可信度。预测结果表明,最冷季度降水量、最冷季度平均温度、最干季度平均温度和年均降水量是影响栎树猝死病菌分布的主要环境变量。而2030s(2021—2040年)、2050s(2041—2060年)和2070s(2061—2080年)在3种气候情景下(SSP1-2.6、SSP2-4.5、SSP5-8.5),栎树猝死病菌的潜在适生区相较于现代情景下都有所增加。此外,高风险区面积在3个年代3种情景下的面积增长率均高于45%。高风险区质心变化的预测结果表...  相似文献   

为明确兜兰属宽瓣亚属(Paphiopedilum Subgen. Brachypetalum)植物在中国的自然地理分布格局及其主导气候因子,该研究以7种宽瓣亚属植物为研究对象并利用ArcGIS技术提取其在中国194个地理分布点的气候数据, 采用描述性统计分析宽瓣亚属植物在中国分布区的气候特点, 采用逐步回归拟合各气候因子与其经纬度分布的线性关系, 最后通过冗余分析(RDA)和蒙特卡洛(Monte-Carlo)检验量化各气候因子对宽瓣亚属植物地理分布的贡献率。结果表明: (1)宽瓣亚属植物在中国主要分布于滇东南、黔西南、黔南、黔东北、滇西北、桂北与黔南交界处以及桂西北至桂西南地区。(2)该亚属植物在中国分布区的昼夜温差月均值、年平均气温变化范围、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温4项热量因子的平均值分别为8.13、23.70、23.62和9.23 ℃, 降水量变异系数、最湿季度降水量、最干季度降水量、干旱指数4项水分因子平均值分别为75.66%、673.10 mm、73.97 mm和26.12%, 整体上具有湿热的气候特点; 各物种间, 狭域分布的物种与广布种间的气候因子存在显著差异。(3)逐步回归分析表明, 各拟合方程均达到极显著水平, 昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、最冷季度平均气温、降水量变异系数、最干季度降水量、干旱指数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿经度分布的主要因子; 最冷季度平均气温、最湿季度降水量、年平均气温变化范围、最干季度降水量、降水量变异系数是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物沿纬度分布的主要因子。(4) RDA结果显示, 气候因子在第1轴的解释率为73.32%, 在第2轴的解释率为21.29%, 累计解释率为94.61%, 各气候因子的解释率大小排序为: 昼夜温差月均值(57.8%) >最暖季度平均气温(41.5%) >年平均气温变化范围(38.3%) >最干季度降水量(23.1%) >最冷季度平均气温(16.9%) >降水量变异系数(13.7%) =最湿季度降水量(13.7%) >干旱指数(3.0%)。因此, 昼夜温差月均值、最暖季度平均气温、年平均气温变化范围3个气候因子是影响中国宽瓣亚属植物分布的主导气候因子。  相似文献   

1993~2005年,朱鹮在洋县刘家庄村集群营巢,成功繁殖了112窝,产卵372枚,成活雏鸟198只.繁殖地的优势树种为油松,其平均高度为14.9 m.9个样方的香农多样性指数(H)为2.6,乔木的多样性指数为1.8;辛普生指数(D)为0.77,乔木的多样性指数为0.58.繁殖地所有树种的平均密度为0.55株/m2,乔木的平均密度为0.12株/m2.刘家庄村分布有冬水田7.10 hm2.巢位树全部是油松.  相似文献   

基于中国鲜食杏地理分布数据和1981—2020年全国2303个气象站点的逐日气象观测数据,利用最大熵模型(MaxEnt)和GIS技术,在综合考虑热量条件、水分条件、光照条件、耐受极端天气/灾害程度、地形条件等自然要素的基础上,确定了影响中国鲜食杏地理分布的主导环境因子,根据自然断点分级法将中国鲜食杏气候适宜性划分为高适宜区、较适宜区、次适宜区和不适宜区4个等级,厘定不同区划等级的主导环境因子阈值。结果表明:影响我国鲜食杏地理分布的主导环境因子为年降水量、海拔、春霜冻概率和最冷月平均气温;鲜食杏种植的适生区主要集中在华北、黄土高原、西北和西南地区,与我国鲜食杏地理标志产品的产地吻合较好,其中鲜食杏的高适宜区集中分布在我国的黄土高原、黄河故道和环渤海湾地区。本研究可为合理规划我国鲜食杏生产布局提供科学依据。  相似文献   

朱鹮的潜在繁殖地   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
利用ErdasImagine8.4和ArcViewGIS对陕西省部分地区的卫片进行解译,分析其中的栖息地组成。结果表明,现有野生朱种群的最大繁殖地—花园繁殖区的栖息地组成为:马尾松林占73.1%,次生疏林占16.9%,农田占4.8%,稀疏灌木林占4.2%,油松栎类混交林占1.0%。使用彩色数字环标记重见法研究了朱繁殖期活动区的栖息地组成。根据花园繁殖地和朱鹮活动区内的栖息地组成,给各种栖息地赋予相应的适宜度值,以此作为朱鹮潜在繁殖地的评估标准。对卫片区域的评估结果表明,研究区内潜在的很适宜的繁殖地主要分布于洋县华阳镇周边、洋县花园乡周围地区、酉水河两岸山区、南郑县东南部和汉中西北部等地区,占总面积的5.2%;适宜的繁殖地占19.4%,不适宜繁殖的区域占75.4%。根据这个评估结果,野生朱鹮1995-2004年的97个巢中(花园繁殖地以外),87个(占89.7%)落入适宜的繁殖地中;野外核查的结果也表明,该评估方法的准确度达到88.4%。评估的误差主要源于遥感很难准确判别林木的生长状况(树高、胸径、密度等)和混交林中某些适于营巢的树种的存在,并忽略了小面积地块。因此,适当的野外核查可以提高该评估方法的准确度  相似文献   

翟天庆  李欣海 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2361-2370
气候变化的不确定性和物种与环境关系的不确定性使气候变化生物学的研究充满变数。为了降低不确定性,人们开始用组合模型综合比较的方法研究物种对气候变化的响应。以朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)为研究对象,介绍组合模型综合比较方法的特点。朱鹮曾经高度濒危,目前种群大小在迅速恢复中;然而其分布区依旧狭小,气候变化可能是朱鹮面临的新威胁。应用BIOMOD模型中的9种模型,选择了每年的最低温和最高温、温度的季节性变异、每年的总降水量和降水的季节性变异共5个气候因子,依据WorldClim气候数据的CGCM2气候模型的A2a排放情形,计算了朱鹮当前(1950—2000年)的适宜生境和2020年、2050年、2080年3个阶段的潜在生境范围。结果表明朱鹮潜在生境将逐渐北移,生境中心脱离现在的保护区。因此,制定朱鹮的长期保护策略是必要的。9个模型在预测结果上、变量权重上和拟合优度的指标上都有差异,反映了模型本身的不确定性。气候变化的生物学效应比较复杂,应用多个模型进行综合比较,可以尽可能地减少模型所导致的误差。  相似文献   

Human disturbance to wildlife is a growing topic of concern owing to increasing human access to the countryside. Here we use systematic review methodology to specifically synthesize available information on the impact of recreational activities on raptor breeding parameters. Presently there is insufficient information to quantitatively meta-analyze this topic. The most frequent effect turned out to be decreased time for nest attendance but information on effects on breeding parameters was inconclusive. The only outcome susceptible to quantitative meta-analysis was the influence on nest location of a number of anthropic structures. Out of these we chose distance to the closest paved road, because it was the metric recorded in the largest number of studies, and because it can be taken as a surrogate of recreational access to the countryside. We detected an overall statistically significant impact on the displacement of nests from roads from a total of 25 studies, compared to random points in unoccupied areas suitable for breeding. The magnitude of the displacement was probably a biologically relevant magnitude (back-transformed ln response ratio 1.28; 1.07–1.57 bootstrap 95% CI). Importantly, statistical modelling of effect sizes as a function of raptor body size and nesting site substrate (tree nesting vs. cliff nesting) identified an effect of both nesting habitat and body size on nest placement by raptors in relation to roads. Big raptors nesting in trees exhibited greater displacement distances from nests to roads than big raptors nesting in cliffs, and hence we suggest that conservation efforts should take special attention to this vulnerable raptor group which includes some threatened species.  相似文献   

中国特有种天山猪毛菜的地理分布及潜在分布区预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于野外调查的居群分布信息和20个环境变量(包括海拔及19个气候变量),采用最大熵模型( MaxEnt)和地理信息系统( ArcGIS)对中国特有种天山猪毛菜( Salsola junatovii Botsch.)的潜在分布区进行预测;并采用受试者工作特征曲线( ROC)和刀切法( jackknife test)分别检验MaxEnt模型的精度和评估各环境变量在决定潜在分布区时的贡献量。结果显示:天山猪毛菜主要分布在中国新疆南部的12个县(包括托克逊县、和硕县、和静县、焉耆县、拜城县、库车县、温宿县、乌什县、阿合奇县、阿图什县、乌恰县和阿克陶县),但在相关文献记载的曾有分布的阿克苏市、柯坪县和喀什市则本调查中没有发现。通过MaxEnt模型预测,天山猪毛菜的潜在适生区主要集中在新疆南部(包括天山南坡和塔里木盆地西南缘)以及甘肃的西部和东部等,新疆西部地区有零星分布;在调查的15个居群中,除居群14(位于乌恰县西部)外,其他14个居群均位于潜在适生区内,其中的7个居群位于非常适宜的潜在适生区内,表明利用MaxEnt模型预测天山猪毛菜的潜在适生区效果较好。在20个环境变量中,对预测结果贡献量位居前3位的环境变量为最冷季度平均温度、最冷月最低温和最干季度平均温度,表明该种的分布与低温相关。此外,对天山猪毛菜潜在适生区与实际分布区差异的成因进行了分析。  相似文献   

The crested ibis, one of the most endangered birds in the world, could benefit from research into its genetic diversity as a tool for conservation in the future. Tyrosinase is thought to play a major role in the production of common yellow to black melanins in birds. We have cloned and sequenced four exons of the crested ibis tyrosinase gene and discovered that the amino acid sequence has high similarity to zebra finch tyrosinase (93?%), followed by chicken (91?%) and quail (91?%). Some functional and structural domains in the crested ibis tyrosinase coding area were found to be conserved during evolution. Nine sequence variants were found in the partial coding sequence, one in exon 1 and eight in exon 4. Sequence variant 1 (SV1) shows intermediate polymorphism (0.25?<?PIC?<?0.5), and further study is needed to determine whether it can be used as a potential molecular marker in crested ibis artificial breeding programs.  相似文献   



Nearly one-quarter of all avian species is either threatened or nearly threatened. Of these, 73 species are currently being rescued from going extinct in wildlife sanctuaries. One of the previously most critically-endangered is the crested ibis, Nipponia nippon. Once widespread across North-East Asia, by 1981 only seven individuals from two breeding pairs remained in the wild. The recovering crested ibis populations thus provide an excellent example for conservation genomics since every individual bird has been recruited for genomic and demographic studies.


Using high-quality genome sequences of multiple crested ibis individuals, its thriving co-habitant, the little egret, Egretta garzetta, and the recently sequenced genomes of 41 other avian species that are under various degrees of survival threats, including the bald eagle, we carry out comparative analyses for genomic signatures of near extinction events in association with environmental and behavioral attributes of species. We confirm that both loss of genetic diversity and enrichment of deleterious mutations of protein-coding genes contribute to the major genetic defects of the endangered species. We further identify that genetic inbreeding and loss-of-function genes in the crested ibis may all constitute genetic susceptibility to other factors including long-term climate change, over-hunting, and agrochemical overuse. We also establish a genome-wide DNA identification platform for molecular breeding and conservation practices, to facilitate sustainable recovery of endangered species.


These findings demonstrate common genomic signatures of population decline across avian species and pave a way for further effort in saving endangered species and enhancing conservation genomic efforts.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13059-014-0557-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

为探究道路对三江源国家公园黄河源园区藏野驴(Equus kiang)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)种群数量及其栖息地的影响,于2020年冷季采用截线取样法在黄河源园区进行实地调查.通过设置4种不同等级的道路情景,使用MaxEnt模型评价藏野驴和藏原羚的生境适宜性,模拟了不同等级道路变量情景下两种...  相似文献   

Animals select habitats that will ultimately optimize their fitness through access to favorable resources, such as food, mates, and breeding sites. However, access to these resources may be limited by bottom‐up effects, such as availability, and top‐down effects, such as risk avoidance and competition, including that with humans. Competition between wildlife and people over resources, specifically over space, has played a significant role in the worldwide decrease in large carnivores. The goal of this study was to determine the habitat selection of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in a human‐wildlife landscape at multiple spatial scales. Cheetahs are a wide‐ranging, large carnivore, whose significant decline is largely attributed to habitat loss and fragmentation. It is believed that 77% of the global cheetah population ranges outside protected areas, yet little is known about cheetahs’ resource use in areas where they co‐occur with people. The selection, or avoidance, of three anthropogenic variables (human footprint density, distance to main roads and wildlife areas) and five environmental variables (open habitat, semiclosed habitat, edge density, patch density and slope), at multiple spatial scales, was determined by analyzing collar data from six cheetahs. Cheetahs selected variables at different scales; anthropogenic variables were selected at broader scales (720–1440 m) than environmental variables (90–180 m), suggesting that anthropogenic pressures affect habitat selection at a home‐range level, whilst environmental variables influence site‐level habitat selection. Cheetah presence was best explained by human presence, wildlife areas, semiclosed habitat, edge density and slope. Cheetahs showed avoidance for humans and steep slopes and selected for wildlife areas and areas with high proportions of semiclosed habitat and edge density. Understanding a species’ resource requirements, and how these might be affected by humans, is crucial for conservation. Using a multiscale approach, we provide new insights into the habitat selection of a large carnivore living in a human‐wildlife landscape.  相似文献   

The crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) had declined severely from a common species to only two pairs in last century. To analyze the declining process, we established a GIS database with historical occurrences of the crested ibis based on published literatures, and layers of environmental factors such as elevation, wetland, and human activities. We compared the environmental factors at the occurrence sites in different periods to quantify the changes of habitat use across time. To address the spatial deviation of the occurrences and check the effect of measuring scale on habitat use, we calculated the environmental factors in a serial measuring scales from 1 to 161 × 161 km2. Our results indicated that the crested ibis traditionally lives in habitat with higher wetland density and higher human impact, then it gradually moved to areas with higher elevation and lower human impact in last century. In 1980–2000 the crested ibis stayed at a very high elevation, lower wetland density and lower human impact as possible consequences of human activities such as using fertilizer and pesticide, drying the over wintering rice paddies, and direct hunting. Our quantitative analysis of the habitat use matched well the previous published statements (which have no numerical evidences) on the declination of the crested ibis. We suggest to reestablish the habitat with traditional farming practice that the bird has adapted as a major solution for applications such as conservation planning and reintroduction.  相似文献   

We evaluated habitat quality for crested ibis (Nipponia nippon) using a geographic information system (GIS). First, we digitized the topography map, vegetation map, river map, road map and villages/towns map by ArcInfo, and gave each map layer a suitability index based on our perceptions of the needs of crested ibis. Second, we overlayed these maps to obtain an integrated map of habitat quality. Finally, we compared the calculated habitat quality with the actual distribution of crested ibis. We found that the birds were almost always located at the site of high quality (habitat suitability index [HSI]>0.6), which indicated that the factors we selected were important for crested ibis. We also found that crested ibis were never located at some sites of high quality, thus, we assume that other factors not considered in this study limit the distribution of crested ibis. Regression analysis indicated that crested ibis preferred lower elevation habitats and tolerated higher levels of human disturbance in recent years than previously reported. These results reflected a 20-year protection program for this species.  相似文献   

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