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竹类植物叶片上八种蚜虫的形态变异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方燕  乔格侠  张广学 《昆虫学报》2006,49(6):991-1001
选取寄生于竹类植物叶片上的3科6属共8种蚜虫,即居竹舞蚜Astegopteryx bambusifoliae Takahashi、小舞蚜Astegopteryx minuta (van der Goot)、居竹坚蚜Cerataphis bambusifoliae Takahashi、林栖粉角蚜Ceratovacuna silvestrii (Takahashi)、塔毛角蚜Chaitoregma tattakana (Takahashi)、竹色蚜Melanaphis bambusae (Fullaway)、竹纵斑蚜Takecallis arundinariae (Essig)和竹梢凸唇斑蚜 Takecallis taiwanus (Takahashi),在光学显微镜下观察并测量了34个形态特征;统计比较了28个形态特征在种内的变异。通过主成分分析筛选形态特征,每两两特征对应统计作图,标出每种蚜虫的95%椭圆置信区间进行分析。结果表明,体形、腹管和触角的形态在不同的科间有较大差别,喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ及爪的形态在科间有较高的趋同性;在种内各形态特征存在一定变异,其中喙末端 (CV=3.73%~7.59%)、跗节Ⅰ (CV=4.16%~12.05%)、跗节Ⅱ (CV=3.10%~8.39%)和爪(CV=2.60%~11.68%)的变异都很小。主成分分析筛选的第一主成分为喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ和爪,不同的椭圆区间范围提示这些特征组合基本处于稳定的范围内。与蚜虫的取食行为和附着于植物表面相关的形态特征,如喙末端、跗节Ⅰ、跗节Ⅱ和爪等在不同类群间存在显著的相似性,暗示了寄生于竹类植物叶片的蚜虫在这些形态特征上的趋同适应。最后结合蚜虫的生物学信息,初步探讨了形态适应的机制。  相似文献   

记述蚜小蜂科1中国新纪录属——原蚜小蜂属Protaphelinus Mackauer,对该属模式种尼氏原蚜小蜂Protaphelinus nikolskajae(Yasnosh)作了重新描述,附有雌、雄形态特征及其蚜虫寄主照片。本研究的尼氏原蚜小蜂采自黑龙江五大连池,寄生火山杨Populus sp.上的远东枝瘿绵蚜Pemphigus borealis Tullgren。目前该属世界仅记载1种,是造瘿蚜虫瘿绵蚜科Pemphyidae瘿绵蚜属Pemphigus的专性寄生蜂。  相似文献   

坚瘿绵蚜属Ceratopemphigus Schouteden是一个单型属,记述了模式种Ceratopemphigus zehntneri Schouteden,1905的新型--无翅孤雌蚜,对属征进行了补充和修订.同时,提供了寄主植物、地理分布、形态特征图等信息.研究标本保存在英国自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

蚜虫寄主植物与取食部位的多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在中国科学院动物研究所已有标本采集记录和国内外文献资料的基础上,分别从蚜虫类Aphidina科级和属级阶元系统研究世界范围内蚜虫寄主植物与取食部位的多样性.蚜虫的寄主植物种类繁多,涉及267科2120属,尤其以菊科、禾本科、豆科、伞形科、唇形科、蔷薇科、茜草科、兰科、壳斗科、杨柳科、胡桃科等植物为主.13科蚜虫的寄主植物差别很大:在科级水平,球蚜科Adelgidae、纩蚜科Mindaridae和平翅绵蚜科Phloeomyzidae的寄主植物类群比较单一,蚜科Aphididae和瘿绵蚜科Pemphigidae的寄主植物范围最为广泛;在属级水平,各属蚜虫间寄主植物也有明显差异,有143属蚜虫的寄主植物多于2科,其中蚜科的属占多数,蚜属Aphis、瘤蚜属Myzus、长管蚜属Macrosiphum、粗额蚜属Aulacorthum和声蚜属Toxoptera的寄主植物最多,各超过100科290属.在不同的寄主植物上寄生着不同种类的蚜虫,其中16科47属寄主植物上寄生的蚜虫多于14属.蚜虫在寄主植物上的取食部位丰富多样,可分为7类,分别为叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝、茎、花、根部、果实等.以叶片、茎、嫩枝和嫩梢为蚜虫主要取食部位.平翅绵蚜科主要取食嫩枝、茎和根部,短痣蚜科Anoeciidae主要取食叶片、嫩梢和根部,球蚜科、群蚜科Thelaxidae和毛管蚜科Greenideidae取食叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝和茎等部位,纩蚜科取食叶片、嫩梢、茎和花等部位,大蚜科Lachnidae和斑蚜科Drepanosiphidae除取食叶片、嫩梢、嫩枝、茎等部位外,前者还在根部取食,后者还寄生在果实上,根瘤蚜科Phylloxeridae在除花以外的其它6个部位取食,蚜科、瘿绵蚜科和毛蚜科Chaitophoridae的取食部位最为多样,它们在上述7个部位均可取食.还初步讨论了在不同寄主植物上蚜虫物种的分化,以及蚜虫与寄主植物之间的对应关系.  相似文献   

百合西圆尾蚜是一种广泛分布的蚜虫。2021年3月,在北京的淡黄鸢尾和香根鸢尾上发现了一种蚜虫,依据形态特征和分子条形码信息,鉴定为百合西圆尾蚜。本文记述了百合西圆尾蚜无翅孤雌蚜、有翅孤雌蚜的形态特征、野外鉴别特征,并列出了其分布及寄主植物(大类),附有彩色生态照片。由于它是鸢尾属、郁金香属和百合属的害虫,具有扩散的可能性,应引起重视。  相似文献   

为了明确取食相同植物不同部位和营不同虫瘿的蚜虫是否存在形态适应,论文以取食杨属Populus植物的10种蚜虫为研究对象,基于蚜虫喙末端、各足跗节和爪的形态测量数据,对122个克隆的形态变异通过一般的统计描述、典型变量分析(canonical variates analysis,CVA)以及聚类分析等方法进行了研究。结果显示,不同的蚜虫克隆间形态特征存在分异,与不同的虫瘿类型和取食部位相关。3个典型变量分析明显地区分了形成虫瘿和不形成虫瘿的蚜虫克隆,在叶片上形成真虫瘿和伪虫瘿的克隆以及不产生虫瘿的克隆,并形成明显的克隆簇。而用于分析的形态学特征,如喙末端、跗节和爪的测量值,其一般统计描述的差异也支持这些区分。蚜虫自然种群不同克隆簇的区分很好地对应了不同的取食部位和不同的虫瘿类型,且各簇的形态特征体现了各自的特点,表明了蚜虫对杨属植物已经形成了良好的形态适应。同时,也初步讨论了不同蚜虫克隆簇形态适应产生的原因。并建议在基于形态特征探讨昆虫的系统发育关系和进行传统分类时,必须考虑昆虫形态特征的适应性;在深入研究昆虫与寄主植物相互之间关系时,需要将各种形态特征综合考虑并关注其它的影响因素。  相似文献   

中国蚜科一新纪录属--麻黄蚜属(同翅目:蚜科)   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
报道中国蚜科Aphididae 1新纪录属-麻黄蚜属Ephedraphis Hille Ris Lambers,1959和1新纪录种-麻黄蚜Ephedraphis gobica Szelegiewicz,1963。该蚜虫取食具有重要药用价值和固沙作用的麻黄属Ephedra spp.植物。麻黄蚜在中国采自宁夏回族自治区的盐池县和铜川市,国外分布在蒙古国,文中记述了麻黄蚜无翅孤雌蚜和有支孤雌蚜的形态特征及在中国的地理分布,绘制了形态特征图,研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

中国新纪录属--小裂绵蚜属(同翅目,瘿绵蚜科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了中国瘿绵蚜科Pemphigidae 1新纪录属--小裂绵蚜属Schizoneurella Hille Ris Lambers,1973;记述1新纪录种,印度小裂绵蚜Schizoneurella indica Hille Ris Lambers,1973.标本采自云南省昭通市,该种在苹果Malus pumila根部取食,蚜虫是重要的苹果害虫,可造成较大经济损失.文中提供了各型检索表、形态记述、寄主植物及地理分布,配有形态特征图和野外生态照片.研究标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆和英国自然历史博物馆.  相似文献   

最近,日本昆虫学家青木重幸在研究中证实,蚜虫也有社会性分化,其中主要是兵蚜的分化。目前已知在2个亚科的7个属中的13种蚜虫都有兵蚜的分化,主要分布在东亚,其次是北美。如分布在日本的女萎棉蚜,寄生在毛茛科植物上,它们的无翅型雌虫,以孤雌胎生的方式产生2种形态很不相同的一令幼虫,其中一种是兵蚜,一种是普通幼虫。兵蚜喙粗短,前、中胸足粗壮发达,终生保持一令状态,无繁殖能力,遇  相似文献   

云南瘿绵蚜科新种与新纪录(同翅目:蚜总科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南森林昆虫调查中发现瘿绵蚜科二新种及二国内新纪录。记述于后。模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。 云龙角瘿蚜Baizongia yunlongensis新种 新种与黄连木角瘿蚜Baizongia pistaceae (Linnaeus)近缘,但有以下区别:有翅孤雌  相似文献   

Partial sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene of forty eight European and two Turkish population samples of Myzus cerasi from different winter hosts (Prunus spp.) were subjected to phylogenetic analyses. The analysed M. cerasi samples emerged as paraphyletic relative to a Myzus borealis sample used as an out-group, and formed two major clades in neighbor joining, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference trees, corresponding to subspecies living specifically on Prunus avium and P. cerasus. Multivariate discriminant analysis (method of canonical variates) was applied to find out if morphological variation of samples correlated with mitochondrial COI and host plant information. Mean scores on the first two canonical variables clustered samples fully in accordance with their COI haplotypes and host plants confirming the existence of two morphologically similar winter host - specific subspecies of M. cerasi in Europe. No single morphological character enabled satisfactory discrimination between apterous viviparous females of the two subspecies. A three-character linear discriminant function enabled 92.37% correct identification of apterous viviparous females of M. cerasi cerasi (n = 118) and 93.64% of M. cerasi pruniavium (n = 110). A key for the morphological identification of the two subspecies is presented and their taxonomic status is discussed.  相似文献   

营养体胎生是植物体上的营养器官如胞芽、珠芽、不定芽、叶片等成熟后不脱落,直接吸取母体营养继续生长发育,在自然状态下脱离形成新的植株。营养体胎生植物的种类较多,大多是在长期适应干旱、冷凉、高温等恶劣环境条件下进化出的结果,是繁育途径的一个重要补充。与传统的无性繁殖方式相比,繁殖系数较高,可实现高效再生,且病毒感染率较低,在实际生产中具有重要的应用价值。从胎生器官的形态发育、生理生化、分子水平和再生繁殖特性4个方面进行了综述,目前研究还处于起步阶段,对引起胎生现象的本质还没有得到系统解答,指出存在的不足,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望,关于营养体胎生形成机理的调控和重要功能基因的挖掘,以及胎生苗如何适应新的环境变化也是未来的研究方向。因此,研究营养体胎生适应性现象的本质及其进化将为植物种群的繁衍、规模化生产和应用、生物多样性保护等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Aphids of the species Cryptomyzus alboapicalis (Theobald, 1916) and Cryptomyzus leonuri Bozhko, 1961 are very similar morphologically, although exploit different host plants (Lamium album and Leonurus cardiaca, respectively). Morphological characters proposed for the separation of this species couple in the identification key to European Cryptomyzus species appeared to be of little discriminatory power when applied to apterous viviparous females from clonal lineages, whilst alate viviparous females of C. leonuri were not included in the key at all. The aim of this study was to find reliable morphological characters and their combinations for the separation of apterous and alate viviparous females of C. alboapicalis and C. leonuri. Forward stepwise discriminant analysis based on characters without statistically significant (P < 0.05) correlation (|r| ≥ 0.50) with body length resulted in canonical functions enabling correct classification of 95–100% of specimens from clonal lineages involved in the analysis with a priori specified group membership. The post hoc classification gave 95–100% correct identification of individuals from clonal and 85–100% from field-collected samples. The discriminative values of single morphological characters and canonical functions are discussed and modified key for the morphological identification of C. alboapicalis and C. leonuri apterous and alate viviparous females is suggested.  相似文献   

The effects of two host plant species, immature rearing density, and feeding-induced leaf damage on the offspring sex ratios of individual Banks grass mites (BGM) (Oligonychus pratensis Banks) were examined. Offspring sex ratios did not differ among corn-reared females transferred to corn or two sorghum genotypes. Likewise, the offspring sex ratios did not differ among females from three rearing densities. However, female BGM reared on damaged leaves produced significantly more daughters than females reared on undamaged leaves. This suggests that offspring sex ratios of BGM change in response to a deteriorating food source. Greater daughter production on a deteriorating host results in more potential dispersers and colonizers of new host plants. This may be an important adaptation facilitating the colonization-dispersal episodes that characterize the BGM life history.  相似文献   

Embryonic growth requires a considerable internal space in viviparous female lizards and this need for space should be reflected in their external morphometry. External morphological differences associated with the reproductive mode in 12 viviparous and 18 oviparous species of Liolaemus lizards were identified. Size differences between viviparous and oviparous species were elucidated by axilla-groin/snout-vent relationship. Axilla-groin distance, considered a size estimator of visceral cavity, surpassed 50% of snout-vent length in viviparous females, while it is always less than 50% in oviparous females. This difference between the two reproductive modes is statistically significant.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Oviposition site selection is crucial for the reproductive success of herbivorous insects. According to the preference–performance hypothesis, females should oviposit on host plants that enhance the performance of their offspring. More specifically, the plant vigour hypothesis predicts that females should prefer large and vigorously growing host plants for oviposition and that larvae should perform best on these plants.
2. The present study examined whether females of the monophagous leaf beetle Cassida canaliculata Laich. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) prefer to oviposit on large host plant individuals of the meadow clary and whether large host plants are of higher nutritional quality than small host plants. Subsequently, it was tested whether the female preference correlates with offspring performance and survival.
3. In the field, females preferred large host plant individuals for oviposition and host plant quality, i.e. leaf nitrogen content, was significantly higher in leaves of large than of small host plants.
4. In the laboratory, larval development time was shorter on leaves of large host plant individuals than on small host plant individuals, but this could not be shown in the field.
5. However, a predator-exclusion experiment in the field resulted in a higher survival of larvae on large host plants than on small host plants when all predators had free access to the plants. On caged host plants there was no difference in survival of larvae between plant size categories.
6. It is concluded that females of C. canaliculata select oviposition sites that enhance both performance and survival of their offspring, which meets the predictions of the plant vigour hypothesis.  相似文献   

Pregnant females modify their thermoregulatory behaviour in many species of viviparous (live-bearing) reptiles, typically maintaining higher and more stable body temperatures at this time. Such modifications often have been interpreted as adaptations to viviparity, functioning to accelerate embryonic development and/or modify phenotypic traits of hatchlings. An alternative possibility is that similar maternal thermophily may be widespread also in oviparous species and if so, would be a pre-adaptation (rather than an adaptation) to viviparity. Because eggs are retained in utero for a significant proportion of development even in oviparous reptiles, maternal thermophily might confer similar advantages in oviparous as in viviparous taxa. Experimental trials on montane oviparous scincid lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) support the pre-adaptation hypothesis. First, captive females (both reproductive and non-reproductive) selected higher temperatures than males. Second, experimentally imposing thermal regimes on pregnant females significantly affected their oviposition dates and the phenotypic traits (body shape, running speed) of their hatchlings. Thus, as for many other behavioural correlates of pregnancy in viviparous reptiles, maternal thermophily likely may have already been present in the ancestral oviparous taxa that gave rise to present-day viviparous forms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A key to the apterous viviparous females of the genus Pentamyzus is given and the host plants of the four known species are discussed. P. tenuis sp.n., which exhibits a highly specialized grass-feeding morphology, is described from Poa alopecurus in the Falkland Islands.  相似文献   

Autumn remigrants of the host alternating bird cherry-oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi , colonise individual plants of the winter host, Prunus padus . However, they do not select leaves at different stages of senescence, which is surprising as leaf fall is a definitive deadline for production and development of mating females. For successful development mating females should be mobile and have the capacity to evaluate leaf senescence. Although remigrants do not selectively colonise leaves at different stages of senescence, mating females were found in very low numbers on leaves that were about to be shed. In choice test and olfactometer bioassays, abscising leaves were avoided by mating females. In the field mature leaves were available for colonisation during the period of leaf fall of P. padus . We conclude that mating females abandon abscising leaves in favour of leaves at an earlier stage of senescence, increasing the time available for mating. Our results support the role of remigrants as pioneers which identify good winter host plants, and of mating females as mobile searchers for optimal feeding and mating sites.  相似文献   

3种寄主上桃蚜的选择性及形态分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
桃蚜是一种重要的农业害虫,寄主广泛,种下分化复杂。以采自黄土高原旱作区桃树、烟草、甘蓝上的桃蚜为研究对象,通过叶片选择法、传统比较形态测定法研究了3种寄主上桃蚜的选择性及形态分化。结果表明:在3种寄主同时存在的情况下,烟草上的桃蚜嗜食烟草,表现为63.5%的桃蚜选择烟草叶,13.8%选择甘蓝叶,8.2%选择桃叶,而甘蓝和桃树上的桃蚜对原寄主没有表现出明显的嗜好性;从形态指标来看,3种寄主上的桃蚜在体长、触角末节长度、后足腿节长度、触角与体长的比例方面存在显著差异(P0.05),说明这几个特征可以作为区分这3种寄主上桃蚜的依据。综合分析可以初步认为黄土高原旱作区烟草上的桃蚜可能形成了寄主专化型-烟草型。  相似文献   

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