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虫瘿是植物受致瘿昆虫产卵和取食等刺激而异常生长形成的不正常组织。营养假说认为虫瘿组织营养物质的含量高于寄主植物的成瘿部位,而次生代谢产物的含量低于寄主植物的成瘿部位。向川安瘿蜂(Andricus mukaigawae)属膜翅目(Hymenoptera)瘿蜂科(Cynipidae),在白栎(Quercus fabri)枝条上形成虫瘿。本文基于非靶向代谢组,使用高效液相色谱-质谱检测、鉴定和比较向川安瘿蜂幼虫期虫瘿与寄主植物成瘿枝的代谢物。研究结果表明,向川安瘿蜂虫瘿和成瘿枝的代谢物组成存在差异;虫瘿的脂肪含量均高于成瘿枝,虫瘿的4种单宁和4种黄酮物质的含量均低于成瘿枝,这支持营养假说;虫瘿的氨基酸含量均低于成瘿枝,部分酚类物质的含量高于成瘿枝,这不支持营养假说。  相似文献   

植物的虫瘿与成瘿昆虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
虫瘿是植物组织遭受昆虫取食或产卵的刺激后,细胞加速分裂和异常分化而长成的畸形瘤状物或突起,它们是昆虫生活的"房子".介绍了虫瘿的形态多样性和形成过程,成瘿昆虫的多样性、生活史、寄生、食性和寄食现象,成瘿昆虫与寄主植物的关系以及人类对虫瘿的利用.  相似文献   

虫瘿与致瘿昆虫   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王光钺  王义平  吴鸿 《昆虫知识》2010,47(2):419-424
虫瘿是由昆虫等致瘿生物诱导寄主植物而产生的一种特异组织。虫瘿对致瘿生物具有提供营养和保护等作用,虫瘿不仅有一定的经济利用和科学研究价值,而且多数致瘿昆虫是农林害虫。本文对致瘿昆虫在植物上的致瘿部位、致瘿的主要昆虫类群、虫瘿形态结构、虫瘿化学组成、虫瘿对寄主植物的影响以及虫瘿的利用等进行综述。  相似文献   

植食性瘿蚊化学通讯中的信息化学物质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植食性瘿蚊是重要的农林害虫,其幼虫危害寄主植物,造成植物细胞分裂或异常分化而产生组织畸形,形成虫瘿。该虫具有成虫体小、寿命极短的特性,成虫羽化后可迅速求偶、交配,并随即寻找寄主植物产卵。在植食性瘿蚊短暂的生活史中要完成种群繁衍,配偶选择和寄主定位起着至关重要的作用,而植食性瘿蚊自身产生的信息素、寄主或非寄主产生的他感化学物质在调节其选择配偶和寄主植物过程中起着关键性的化学通讯作用。本文综述了国内外有关植食性瘿蚊化学通讯中信息化学物质的研究进展,包括植食性瘿蚊性信息素的释放、提取、组分鉴定、行为生测,以及寄主植物挥发物引诱活性物质的鉴定、筛选和对植食性瘿蚊定向和产卵行为的影响等方面,并对植食性瘿蚊信息化学物质的进一步研究和应用前景进行了探讨,以期为利用信息化学物质监测和防治植食性瘿蚊提供参考。  相似文献   

苗白鸽  杨大荣  彭艳琼 《昆虫知识》2012,49(5):1255-1262
在云南西双版纳热带地区,一种还未被描述属和种的瘿蚊寄生于垂叶榕果内的雌花子房里,并膨大形成虫瘿,靠取食花胚组织完成发育.通过2010年定时定点的系统观察和研究瘿蚊的发生规律,结果发现:该种瘿蚊在垂叶榕上发生频率较高,抽样的18批果有17批被瘿蚊寄生,其中有13批果的寄生比率超过了60%,部分甚至达到100%.瘿蚊寄生雌花的平均比率不超过6%,平均每个榕果内有瘿蚊1~40只不等.瘿蚊寄生不仅降低了垂叶榕的种子数,还致命性地影响着传粉榕小蜂的繁殖.在对瘿蚊的羽化、交配行为及其成虫的活动规律观察中,结果显示:寄生在一个榕果里瘿蚊需要5~7d才能羽化完,其羽化高峰期出现在第2~3天;一天内羽化的高峰出现在上午8:00-10:00及晚上20:00-0:00;而羽化后瘿蚊活动高峰期出现在上午8:00-11:00.雄蚊会帮助雌蚊离开榕果并优先获得交配权,雌蚊交配后飞离繁殖自身的榕树,去寻找适合产卵的榕果繁殖后代,雄蚊不离开羽化树,而死在繁殖自身的榕树附近.这些结果为深入研究瘿蚊的防治技术提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

初步观察了中华蚊母树(Distylium chinense(Fr.)Diels)不同类型虫瘿的发生过程及致瘿昆虫生活史。结果表明,中华蚊母树的虫瘿有3种类型,分别为叶/枝上大型虫瘿、叶上泡状虫瘿和叶柄/果上球型虫瘿。三者均为单室封闭型,次生开口。经鉴定致瘿昆虫均为半翅目蚜科昆虫,其中叶上泡状虫瘿致瘿昆虫为蚊母新胸蚜Neothoracaphis yanonis Matsumura。该虫3月初在虫瘿内营孤雌生殖,繁殖2代,5月底前飞离出瘿。  相似文献   

致瘿昆虫对寄主植物生理和代谢的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虫瘿是致瘿昆虫刺激植物后诱导形成的畸形结构,是研究植物与昆虫协同进化的理想材料,同时致瘿昆虫通常还是重要的农林害虫。因此,研究致瘿昆虫对寄主植物的影响,一方面可进一步揭示致瘿昆虫与植物的关系,有助于揭示成瘿植物生长的一般过程;另一方面,了解成瘿植物对致瘿昆虫的响应有助于筛选植物抗性指标、抗性基因、敏感基因等,为抗性育种提供理论基础。本文主要围绕致瘿昆虫对寄主植物光合作用、生理和代谢活动的影响等进行了综述。致瘿昆虫普遍引起寄主植物光合色素减少、光合速率降低,虫瘿内部组织中糖类、氨基酸类等初生代谢物质含量增加,虫瘿外部组织中酚类、黄酮类等非挥发性和萜类为主的挥发性次生代谢物质含量增加,寄主植物POD和SOD等保护酶活性增强,以及IAA, SA和JA等植物激素含量提高。现有研究资料显示,致瘿昆虫对寄主植物生理和代谢影响的研究仍处于初级阶段,其影响机制还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

中国短角瘿蚊属记述 (双翅目:瘿蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
记述了双翅目瘿蚊科短角瘿蚊属4种,其中郑氏短角瘿蚊Anarete zhengi sp.nov.(模式产地:内蒙古固阳县)为新种,短须短角瘿纹A.coracina (Zetterstedt)(分布:内蒙古)和鸢尾短角瘿蚊A.iridis (Cockerell)(分布:陕西,青海)为中国新纪录种。文中给出了短角瘿蚊属中国种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述了中国瘿蚊科1新纪录属异瘿蚊属及一新种:横瓣异瘿蚊Heterogenella transversa.spn.nov.,模式产地云南中甸虎跳峡;中国3新纪录种;达氏异瘿蚊H.dolini Berest(四川理县米亚罗),短须异瘿蚊H.hybrida Mamaev(内蒙古额尔古纳旗莫尔道嘎)和纵缝异瘿蚊H.linearis Yukawa(云南丽江玉龙山)。文中给出了异瘿蚊属中国已知种类分种检索表。模式标本保存于南开大学生物系昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

记述采自浙江省的端突瘿蚊属Epidiplosis 1新种:指状端突瘿蚊Epidiplosis dactylina sp.nov,.模式标本存放于山东农业大学昆虫标本室.  相似文献   

Abstract Kiwifruit plants, Actinidia sp., are native to subtropical China. The flower-bud gall of A. valvata, which is induced by an undescribed gall midge in the genus Pseud as phond ylia, is valued by the pharmaceutical industry. When studying the biology of the Actinid ia/Pseud as phond ylia interaction in Central-south China we found evidence suggesting that under certain circumstances the gall insect modifies the reproductive mode of the dioecious host plant. Surveys and field experiments in the National Hupingshan Natural Reserve showed a high frequency of galled trees. The density of galled trees varied among valleys and among trees within the valleys. In two valleys, 92% and 75%, respectively, of all trees were attacked, while in a third valley no trees were attacked. When infested, staminate tree only produced galls, whereas pistillate plants produced normal fruits as well as galls. Gall shape differed between male and female trees. Trees with galls tended to produce more fruits than treea without galls. We speculate that this is one of a few documented examples of an insect that induces androdioecy in an otherwise functionally dioecious plant.  相似文献   

Yu H  Compton SG 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30833
Figs are the inflorescences of fig trees (Ficus spp., Moraceae). They are shaped like a hollow ball, lined on their inner surface by numerous tiny female flowers. Pollination is carried out by host-specific fig wasps (Agaonidae). Female pollinators enter the figs through a narrow entrance gate and once inside can walk around on a platform generated by the stigmas of the flowers. They lay their eggs into the ovules, via the stigmas and styles, and also gall the flowers, causing the ovules to expand and their pedicels to elongate. A single pollinator larva develops in each galled ovule. Numerous species of non-pollinating fig wasps (NPFW, belonging to other families of Chalcidoidea) also make use of galled ovules in the figs. Some initiate galls, others make use of pollinator-generated galls, killing pollinator larvae. Most NPFW oviposit from the outside of figs, making peripherally-located pollinator larvae more prone to attack. Style length variation is high among monoecious Ficus spp. and pollinators mainly oviposit into more centrally-located ovules, with shorter styles. Style length variation is lower in male (wasp-producing) figs of dioecious Ficus spp., making ovules equally vulnerable to attack by NPFW at the time that pollinators oviposit. We recorded the spatial distributions of galled ovules in mature male figs of the dioecious Ficus hirta in Southern China. The galls contained pollinators and three NPFW that kill them. Pollinators were concentrated in galls located towards the centre of the figs, NPFW towards the periphery. Due to greater pedicel elongation by male galls, male pollinators became located in more central galls than their females, and so were less likely to be attacked. This helps ensure that sufficient males survive, despite strongly female-biased sex ratios, and may be a consequence of the pollinator females laying mostly male eggs at the start of oviposition sequences.  相似文献   

S. E. Hartley 《Oecologia》1998,113(4):492-501
The chemical composition of galled and ungalled plant tissue was compared in a series of experiments. Gall and adjacent plant tissue was analysed for 20 species of gall-former on 11 different plant species. There were clear differences between galled and ungalled tissue in levels of nutrients and secondary compounds. Gall tissue generally contained lower levels of nitrogen and higher levels of phenolic compounds than ungalled plant tissue. The gall tissue produced by the same plant in response to different species of gall-former differed in chemical composition, as did the gall-tissue from young and mature galls of the same species. The chemical differences between gall and plant tissues were studied in more detail in two field manipulations. Firstly, the seasonal changes in phenolic biosynthesis in Pontania proxima and P. pedunculi (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) gall tissue were compared to those of their host plants, Salix alba and S. caprea. In both types of gall tissue, phenolic levels declined as the season progressed, but levels in the surrounding plant tissue increased. When the gall insects were killed with insecticide, phenolic levels in the galled tissue dropped to the same level as those in adjacent plant tissue. Secondly, the density of Cynips divisa (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) galls on Quercus robur leaves was reduced by removing half the galls present, either those from the central region of the leaf or those from the edge. Decreasing gall density increased the size of the remaining galls and the weight of the insects, but these effects were most marked when the galls remaining were growing centrally on the leaf, i.e. when the galls from the edge had been removed. Decreasing gall density increased the nitrogen content of the remaining galls, again to a greater extent in galls growing centrally on the leaf. The results of these studies suggest that the levels of nutrients and secondary compounds in gall tissue are usually markedly different to those of surrounding plant tissue, and that gall-formers may produce species-specific and temporally variable changes in the chemical composition of gall tissue. Received: 7 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 September 1997  相似文献   

Patterns of galling by the gall midge Lopesia brasiliensis (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) were studied in Ossaea confertiflora (Melastomataceae) in an Atlantic forest site at Ilha Grande, RJ. Out of the 81 plants surveyed, 55 (67.9%) bore galls. The number of galls per galled individual ranged from 1 to 261 and 94.4% of the galls were in leaves. The number of galls per galled leaf varied from 1 to 25. Total gall number was positively correlated with plant height. Larger and more ramified plants tended to have a smaller percentage of their leaves with galls and a lower density of galls per leaf than smaller plants. Plants that were close to other individuals of the same species tended to have more galls per leaf than relatively isolated plants. The observed patterns may be linked to strategies of optimization in the use of resources (i.e. oviposition sites) and predation avoidance by the gall midges.  相似文献   

Understanding factors that modulate plant development is still a challenging task in plant biology. Although research has highlighted the role of abiotic and biotic factors in determining final plant structure, we know little of how these factors combine to produce specific developmental patterns. Here, we studied patterns of cell and tissue organisation in galled and non‐galled organs of Baccharis reticularia, a Neotropical shrub that hosts over ten species of galling insects. We employed qualitative and quantitative approaches to understand patterns of growth and differentiation in its four most abundant gall morphotypes. We compared two leaf galls induced by sap‐sucking Hemiptera and stem galls induced by a Lepidopteran and a Dipteran, Cecidomyiidae. The hypotheses tested were: (i) the more complex the galls, the more distinct they are from their non‐galled host; (ii) galls induced on less plastic host organs, e.g. stems, develop under more morphogenetic constraints and, therefore, should be more similar among themselves than galls induced on more plastic organs. We also evaluated the plant sex preference of gall‐inducing insects for oviposition. Simple galls were qualitative and quantitatively more similar to non‐galled organs than complex galls, thereby supporting the first hypothesis. Unexpectedly, stem galls had more similarities between them than to their host organ, hence only partially supporting the second hypothesis. Similarity among stem galls may be caused by the restrictive pattern of host stems. The opposite trend was observed for host leaves, which generate either similar or distinct gall morphotypes due to their higher phenotypic plasticity. The Relative Distance of Plasticity Index for non‐galled stems and stem galls ranged from 0.02 to 0.42. Our results strongly suggest that both tissue plasticity and gall inducer identity interact to determine plant developmental patterns, and therefore, final gall structure.  相似文献   

Effects of gall damage by the introduced moth Epiblema strenuana on different growth stages of the weed Parthenium hysterophorus was evaluated in a field cage using potted plants with no competition and in naturally regenerated populations with intraspecific competition. Gall damage at early stages of plant growth reduced the plant height, main stem height, flower production, leaf production, and shoot and root biomass. All galled, potted plants with no competition produced flowers irrespective of the growth stage at which the plants were affected by galling, but lesser than in ungalled plants. Gall induction during early growth stages in field plants experiencing competition prevented 30% of the plants reaching flowering. However, 6% of the field plants escaped from gall damage, as their main stems were less vigorous to sustain the development of galls. Flower production per unit total plant biomass was lower in galled plants than in ungalled plants, and the reduction was more intense when gall damage was initiated at early stages of plant growth. In potted plants with no competition, the number of galls increased with the plant vigour, as the gall insects preferred more vigorous plants. But in field plants there were no relationship between gall abundance and plant vigour, as intraspecific competition enhanced the negative effects of galling by reducing the vigour of the weed.  相似文献   


In order to test the hypothesis that arthropod-induced neoplastic formations on trees affect biochemical characteristics of both the newly formed galls and host plant tissues, biochemical characteristics with a possible adaptive role were determined in nine gall-former–host tree combinations. Photosynthetic pigments, extractable protein content, and oxidative enzyme activities were determined in gall tissues, leaf tissues of galled leaves, and leaves on ungalled tree branches. Neoplastic tissues were characterized by a low content of photosynthetic pigments, decreased chlorophyll a/b ratio, lower extractable protein content, and decreased activities of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase as compared with ungalled host leaf tissues. In galled leaves or in leaves adjacent to galls, increased level of peroxidase activity was found. In several gall-inducer–host plant combinations, galled host plant tissues contained increased activity of polyphenol oxidase as well. The presented data reflect long-term systemic effects of neoplastic formation on host tree physiology suggesting that gall inducers affect potential adaptive responses of host plants.  相似文献   

The nutrition hypothesis for the adaptive significance of insect gall formation postulates that galls accumulate higher concentrations of nutritive compounds than uninfested plant tissue, resulting in a high performance of the gall former. This hypothesis has been supported by some taxa of gall insects, but not by taxa such as cynipid wasps. Aphid galls are expected to require higher levels of nitrogen than other insects’ galls with a single inhabitant, because aphid galls are required to sustain a number of aphids reproducing parthenogenetically over two generations. The present study tested this hypothesis by evaluating aphid performance and amino acid concentration in phloem sap, using the aphid Rhopalosiphum insertum (Walker) (Homoptera: Aphididae), which establishes colonies on leaves of Sorbus commixta Hedlund or in galls of the aphid Sorbaphis chaetosiphon Shaposhnikov (Homoptera: Aphididae). We prepared the gall and non‐gall treatments on trees of S. commixta, in which R. insertum fundatrices were reared and allowed to reproduce. In S. chaetosiphon galls, R. insertum colonies propagated more rapidly, and the second generation grew larger and more fecund than on ungalled leaves. The amount of amino acids exuding from cut galled leaves was fivefold that in ungalled leaves; however, there was no significant difference in the amino acid composition between galled and ungalled leaves. In the intact leaves, total amino acid concentration in the phloem sap declined rapidly from late April to late May; however, the galls retained this high amino acid concentration in developing leaves for 1 month. These results indicate that the improved performance in R. insertum is ascribed to the increased concentration of amino acids in galled leaves. We suggest that S. chaetosiphon galls function to promote the breakdown of leaf protein, leading to an increased performance of gall‐inhabiting aphids.  相似文献   

How plant‐feeding insects distribute themselves and utilize their host plant resources is still poorly understood. Several processes may be involved, and their relative roles may vary with the spatial scale considered. Herein, we investigate small‐scale patterns, namely how population density of a gall midge is affected by individual growth form, phenology, and microsite characteristics of its herb host. The long‐lived plant individuals vary much with regard to number of shoots, flower abundance, and flowering phenology. This variation is connected to site characteristics, primarily the degree of sun exposure. The monophagous insect galls the flowers of the host plant – an easily defined food resource. It is a poor disperser, but very long‐lived; diapausing larvae can stay in the soil for many years. Galls were censused on individual plants during 5 years; from a peak to a low in gall population density. Only a very small fraction of the flowers produced (<0.5%) were galled even in the peak year. Nevertheless, most plant individuals had galls at least 1 year. In a stepwise multiple regression, plant size (number of shoots) was found to be the most important predictor of gall density (galls/flower). However, gall density decreased more than one order of magnitude over the plant size range observed. There was also a weak effect of plant phenology. Early flowering plants had lower gall densities than those starting later. Sun exposure had no direct effect on gall density, but a path analysis revealed indirect effects via the timing of flowering. Gall population change was highly synchronous in different parts of the study area with no significant decrease in synchrony with distance.  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the effect of temperature and rainfall on gall‐inducing insects is contradictory: some studies indicate that species richness of gall‐inducing insects increases as environments become hotter and drier, while others suggest that these factors have no effect. The role of plant species richness in determining species richness of gall‐inducing insects is also controversial. These apparent inconsistencies may prove to be due to the influence of soil fertility and the uneven distribution of gall‐inducing insect species among plant taxa. The current study tested hypotheses about determinants of gall‐inducing insect species richness in a way different to previous studies. The number of gall‐inducing insect species, and the proportion of species with completely enclosed galls (more likely to give protection against heat stress and desiccation), were measured in replicate plots at five locations along a 500‐km N‐S transect in the seasonal tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia. There is a strong temperature–rainfall gradient along this transect during the wet season. Plant species lists had already been compiled for each collection plot. All plots were at low elevation in eucalypt savannah growing on infertile soils. There was no evidence to suggest that hot, dry environments in Australia have more gall‐inducing insect species than cooler, wetter environments, or that degree of enclosure of galls is related to protecting insects from heat stress and desiccation. The variable number of gall‐inducing insect species on galled plant species meant that plant species richness did not influence gall species richness. Confirmation is still required that low soil fertility does not mask temperature–rainfall effects and that galls in the study region are occupied predominantly in the wet season, when the temperature–rainfall gradient is most marked.  相似文献   

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