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目的采用临床分离的耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA)感染ICR小鼠,建立MRSA系统性感染小鼠模型。方法采用连续3 d腹腔注射环磷酰胺(100 mg/kg)进行免疫抑制后,将浓度为1×107cfu/m L的MRSA菌液经尾静脉接种ICR小鼠,通过生存分析、外周血白细胞计数、组织载菌量和病理学检查对模型进行评价。结果 MRSA接种后第2天小鼠开始死亡,14 d内累积死亡率达60%;外周血白细胞总数显著升高,细菌在多个器官定植,载菌量由高到低依次是肾、关节、肺、肝和脑,肾载菌量高达109CFU/g,关节、肺、肝和脑的载菌量范围在104~109CFU/g。病理观察显示肾、心脏、肺、肝、脑和关节多器官感染的组织病理学改变。结论采用环磷酰胺免疫抑制后静脉接种MRSA的方法首次成功建立MRSA系统性感染小鼠模型,该模型可应用于MRSA发病机理及药物筛选等研究领域。  相似文献   

目的建立茄病镰刀菌感染皮肤的ICR小鼠模型。方法将茄病镰刀菌三个不同浓度的菌悬液分别接种于正常和免疫抑制ICR小鼠受损及正常未受损的皮肤,于接种后第7、14、21、28天处死动物,取皮疹和各脏器进行真菌镜检、培养和组织病理学检查。结果正常和免疫抑制组皮肤受损的小鼠均出现皮疹,而免疫抑制组皮疹程度重,持续时间长,且真菌镜检、培养及组织病理学大都可见菌丝。皮肤未受损的小鼠不发生皮疹。实验小鼠均未出现系统播散。结论接种109CFU/mL或1010CFU/mL茄病镰刀菌的孢子悬液于免疫抑制ICR小鼠擦伤的皮肤,可有效造成ICR小鼠的茄病镰刀菌皮肤感染。  相似文献   

目的建立稳定的系统性念珠菌感染小鼠模型,规范其操作方法。方法采用环磷酰胺(CY)对小鼠进行免疫抑制后,选择白色念珠菌(C.albicans)和非白念珠菌(C.parapsilosis)分别接种ICR小鼠,从免疫抑制、菌株制备、接种剂量和接种途径等方面对建模过程进行质量控制,通过生存分析、组织载菌量和病理学检查对模型进行评价。结果建立的系统性念珠菌感染小鼠模型显示肾脏为靶器官,多器官弥散性真菌感染的典型病理组织学改变。结论通过对建模过程各环节进行规范,可得到稳定的系统性念珠菌感染小鼠模型,该模型可应用于系统性念珠菌感染的致病机理,免疫防御及抗真菌药物筛选等研究领域。  相似文献   

目的将不同来源的申克孢子丝菌菌株接种于免疫抑制处理后的小鼠皮内及腹腔,造成其实验性感染,观察其感染情况,研究不同菌株及不同接种途径对小鼠孢子丝菌病的影响。方法分别在小鼠皮内和腹腔注射孢子丝菌菌悬液0.1ml,约含1×107个孢子,观察3周。观察结束时处死小鼠取其血、脑、肺、肝、脾、肾、肠系膜、睾丸、腹膜进行真菌培养和组织病理检查。结果皮内和腹腔接种不同来源菌株的小鼠各器官感染率各不相同。播散株皮内接种组、固定株腹腔接种组、播散株腹腔接种组的各器官平均感染率分别为16.05%、18.89%、58.73%。播散株腹腔接种组与其他二组之间差异均有显著性,脾和睾丸是最易受累的器官。结论不同来源菌株可能毒力不同,播散型菌株具有更强的侵袭性。脾脏可能在宿主抗孢子丝菌感染中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

【目的】脐腹小蠹Scolytus schevyrewi Semenov是白榆的钻蛀性害虫之一,为找到对脐腹小蠹的高致病力虫生真菌菌株。【方法】通过室内喷雾法研究了5株虫生真菌菌株对脐腹小蠹幼虫的致病力,结合各菌株菌落直径、孢子萌发率、产孢量和菌落生长速率4个培养特征,筛选到Bb773和Pc546 2株优良的菌株,在此基础上,进一步对这2株菌株的几丁质酶、蛋白质酶和荧光素二乙酸酯(FDA)水解酶活性进行了测定。【结果】菌株Bb773和菌株Pc546在浓度为1×107孢子/mL悬浮液处理后,10 d的后脐腹小蠹幼虫的校正死亡率分别达96.67%和90.00%,致死中时分别为3.61 d和4.18 d。菌株Bb773的几丁质酶、FDA水解酶和蛋白质酶活性在接种后第2~10天均高于菌株Pc546,2株菌株蛋白质酶活性差异均达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。【结论】确定了菌株Bb773在脐腹小蠹害虫生物防治中具有潜在的应用价值。  相似文献   

【目的】比较宛氏拟青霉WS-11和球孢白僵菌QB-28对柑橘木虱成虫的致病力,为生防制剂的田间应用提供理论支持。【方法】采用孢子悬浮液浸没法比较研究了2种真菌对柑橘木虱的致病力,并利用时间-剂量-死亡率模型估计了2种真菌对柑橘木虱的致死剂量与致死时间。【结果】宛氏拟青霉WS-11在孢子悬浮液浓度为1×108 spores/m L时,累计死亡率达到90.67%,球孢白僵菌QB-28则达到97.33%。时间-剂量-死亡率模型中Hosmer-Lemeshow方法拟合异质性检验表明模型拟合良好,在接种后9 d,宛氏拟青霉WS-11和球孢白僵菌QB-28对柑橘木虱的LC50分别为7.57×10~6 spores/m L和8.39×105 spores/m L;当孢子悬浮液浓度为1×108 spores/m L时,2种真菌对柑橘木虱的LT50分别为2.50 d和1.93 d。【结论】宛氏拟青霉WS-11和球孢白僵菌QB-28对柑橘木虱均有较好的致病力,具有较好的生防潜质,其中球孢白僵菌对柑橘木虱的致病力高于宛氏拟青霉,致死效率更高。  相似文献   

目的比较两种免疫抑制状态造成侵袭性曲霉感染(IPA)后天然免疫反应的异同。方法清洁级雄性BALB/c小鼠,分别使用地塞米松(A组)及环磷酰胺(B组)预处理后气道接种烟曲霉孢子建立IPA模型。观察小鼠存活率,肺病理检查,评估肺部及肺外脏器真菌负荷;支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)检测促炎、抗炎细胞因子浓度。结果 A组小鼠平均生存期与B组比较有显著差异。病理提示A组小鼠肺组织有大量炎症细胞聚集;B组可见到典型的曲霉菌丝浸润性生长。B组小鼠肺部烟曲霉CFU、烟曲霉18srRNA较A组升高;B组肺外各脏器与A组比较均具有统计学差异。检测BALF中炎症因子:A组TNF-α未检测到,IL-10峰值在72h出现,IL-1α自第一天起即升高,第3天达峰值;B组TNF-α及IL-10在24h后均明显升高,于48h达峰值;IL-1α一直在低水平维持;B组与各组间比较,TNF-α、IL-1α及IL-10均有显著差异。A、B两组IL-1β表达在接种烟曲霉后均迅速升高,并一直在高水平维持,两组间无差异。结论不同预处理造成小鼠免疫抑制后建立IPA模型,激素组肺部出现明显的炎症反应;环磷酰胺组可出现显著的全身真菌播散。  相似文献   

目的建立经肠道播散诱导发生内源性感染的小鼠模型,为研究肠道微生态与内源性感染的相关机制提供可靠的实验模型。方法24只ICR雌性小鼠随机分为模型组A、模型组B和对照组C。模型组A给予广谱抗生素溶液口服破坏肠道正常菌群后尾静脉注射5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)进行免疫抑制。在模型组A的基础上给予白假丝酵母菌灌胃引入机会性致病菌即为模型组B。对照组C同等方法给予生理盐水处理。实验过程中持续观察小鼠粪便菌群变化,平板计数法检测小鼠组织载菌量,HE染色观察小鼠肺、肝、盲肠和大肠组织病理变化,荧光定量PCR法观察小鼠肠道主要菌群定量变化。结果实验终点时模型组A小鼠组织器官均出现细菌感染,模型组B小鼠表现为细菌和真菌混合感染。两模型组小鼠肺和肝脏组织器官均表现为典型的炎症表现,而盲肠和大肠表现为黏膜炎症和屏障完整性被破坏。肠道菌群定量结果显示两模型组肠道主要菌群结构发生紊乱,肠道定植抗力下降,B/E值<1。结论在小鼠肠道菌群紊乱和免疫抑制的条件下,肠道致病菌或机会致病菌突破肠道黏膜屏障引起组织器官感染,该模型能够为从肠道微生态方面预防及控制内源性感染的研究提供可靠的模型基础。  相似文献   

莱氏绿僵菌对斜纹夜蛾的致病力及生理效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】测定莱氏绿僵菌Metarhizium rileyi Nr5772菌株对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫及蛹的致病能力,研究莱氏绿僵菌侵染后在寄主体内的发育及对寄主的生理效应,探讨莱氏绿僵菌的致病机制。【方法】采用浸渍法测定莱氏绿僵菌孢子对斜纹夜蛾3-6龄幼虫及蛹的致死中浓度(LC_(50))和致死中时(LT_(50))。采用微量注射法接种莱氏绿僵菌虫菌体,在不同时间后采集斜纹夜蛾幼虫血淋巴,在显微镜下检查虫菌体的数量、形态及寄主血细胞数量,并用酶标仪测定寄主血淋巴酚氧化酶(Phenoloxidase,PO)的活性。【结果】M.rileyi孢子对3龄斜纹夜蛾幼虫毒力最强,10 d后LC_(50)=3.12×10~6个孢子/mL,龄期越大,致病力越低;孢子浓度为5×10~9个/mL时,对3龄幼虫的致死速度最快,LT_(50)=4.55 d,致死速度随龄期的增大和浓度的降低逐渐减缓;M.rileyi孢子对蛹的致病力远低于对幼虫的致病力。注射接种虫菌体后,64 h内,虫菌体数量在寄主血腔中以幂函数的形式增长,寄主的血细胞数量没有明显的变化;在侵染初期(接种后44 h内),血淋巴PO活性正常;在侵染后期,虫菌体数量不再增加(55-64 h后),逐渐转化为菌丝体,并快速杀死寄主,PO活性受到抑制。【结论】莱氏绿僵菌Nr5772菌株对斜纹夜蛾幼虫有较强的致病力,应在害虫低龄期应用;莱氏绿僵菌在侵染初期对寄主血细胞和血淋巴PO无影响,后期则完全抑制PO活性。  相似文献   

【目的】研究香菇酶解物对小鼠免疫及肠道菌群的影响。【方法】首先采用环磷酰胺(CY)造模法制作小鼠免疫抑制模型,然后对其中两组分别灌胃香菇未酶解物和香菇酶解物,最后观察疗效、测定免疫指标和试验小鼠肠道中细菌总数、大肠杆菌数、乳酸菌数和真菌总数等。【结果】香菇酶解物可使受免疫抑制的小鼠(活跃度、粪便、毛皮、体重)恢复到正常水平,促进免疫器官脾脏及胸腺的发育(P<0.05),增强腹腔巨噬细胞的吞噬活性(P<0.01)。同时提高小鼠肠道中以乳酸菌为主的有益菌数量(P<0.01),抑制大肠杆菌等致病菌的生长(P<0.01)。【结论】香菇酶解物可以提高小鼠的免疫功能,改善肠道菌群环境,对肠道功能有一定的调节作用,有较高的食用和药用价值。  相似文献   

Four decades of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivation in South Africa has resulted in the establishment of populations of bradyrhizobia against which the recently introduced inoculant strain CB 1809 must compete. Serological and DNA fingerprinting methods were used to study the diversity of nodule isolates from soils at Bergville, Koedoeskop and Morgenzon. Dominant serogroups included Bradyrhizobium elkanii serotype 76 at Bergville (67%), Bradyrhizobium japonicum serotype 123 at Morgenzon (81%) and B. japonicum serotype 135 at Koedoeskop (100%). Their origin is unknown as they do not correspond in serotype to strains used in previous inoculants. A small percentage of isolates from Bergville (13%) and Morgenzon (16%) were serologically homologous to strain WB 1 (serotype 31/76), applied for two decades before CB 1809 (serotype 122). Nitrogen-fixing effectiveness of CB 1809 was superior to 60% of the isolates tested from Bergville and Morgenzon, but similar to 73% of the Koedoeskop isolates. Seed and liquid-in-furrow application methods increased CB 1809 nodule occupancy at least three-fold above background levels at Bergville (pH 5.16) and Morgenzon (pH 6.33). Inoculation did not, however, increase CB 1809 nodule occupancy at Koedoeskop (pH 7.76), possibly because alkaline soil conditions favoured the serotype 135 population predominant at this site.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of some chrysosporium species isolated in France   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to appreciate the pathogenicity of several geophilic Chrysosporium species (including Anixiopsis stercoraria, Chrysosporium keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. pannorum, C. state of Arthroderma curreyi, C. state of A. multifidum, and C. state of A. tuberculatum), the authors have realized two series of experimental infestations. Inoculation of these fungi on the back of guinea pigs produced rare erythematous scaling lesions which spontaneously disappeared 3–5 weeks later. No real hair invasion was observed. In white mice, eight weeks after intraperitoneal inoculation, granulomas with necrotic center were observed in the peritoneal tissue with C. keratinophilum, C. tropicum, C. state of A. curreyi and C. state of A. tuberculatum. Conidia were often intact in necrotic centers and retrocultures were positive. With C. state of A. curreyi, spherical spores associated with rare budding cells were noted. The pathogenic role of these keratinophilic fungi is uncertain. However, their ability to remain viable for several weeks in skin and peritoneal tissue indicates that they could become pathogen in certain circumstances.This paper was presented at the Xth congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology at Barcelona, Spain from June 27 to July 1, 1988.  相似文献   

The intensity of motility of Bacillus thuringiensis was used to determine the optimal culture time of the inoculum being used for thuringiensin production. Thuringiensin production with an inoculum taken at its maximum motility was about 3 times higher than that with an inoculum taken in the late exponential phase.  相似文献   

Biological control of maize seed pathogenic fungi by use of actinomycetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effectiveness of twoStreptomyces spp. strains to controlpathogenic fungi was studied in stored maizegrain. The treatments included seeddisinfection and inoculation withStreptomyces spp. strains previously isolatedfrom maize rhizosphere. Actinomycete inoculumconsisted of filtered suspension and totalsuspension of fermentor-producedStreptomyces spp. strains biomass. Treatmentswith Streptomyces spp. strains aloneeffectively suppressed the development ofAspergillus spp., Curvularia lunata, andDrechslera maydis and significantly(p < 0,05) reduced the incidence ofFusarium subglutinans and Cephalosporiumacremonium. Among the inoculation treatments,nondisinfested seed inoculated with filteredsuspension was the only treatment that did notsuppress the development of Penicilliumspp. Maize seed inoculation with totalsuspension of strains was the most effectivetreatment to control the incidence of seedpathogenic fungi. The development of theDiplodia maydis was only suppressed by thecombination of seed disinfection andinoculation with total suspension of strains.Although, the strain DAUFPE 11470 showed thegreatest effectiveness for controlling thefungi pathogenic to seed, root and shootdevelopment was reduced by treatment with thisstrain.The results indicate thatStreptomyces spp. strains reduce the incidenceof seed pathogenic fungi and have potential asa biological control agent. However, an efficient methodof seed treatment with the biological controlagent must be developed before it can become anagricultural practice.  相似文献   

为发掘和利用青海冷凉地区蚕豆优良的根瘤菌种质资源,确定根瘤菌的接种效应。将分离、纯化、分子鉴定的16株蚕豆根瘤菌通过盆栽回接试验的方法进行筛选。结果表明,筛选出6株根瘤菌,它们与青海13号蚕豆共生匹配效果较好,共生固氮能力强,促进蚕豆生长效果明显。  相似文献   

The response ofCicer arietinum to inoculation withGlomus versiforme under field conditions was investigated in a phosphorus deficient sandy loam soil. Inoculation with the mycorrhizal fungusGlomus versiforme increased the rate of VAM development in chickpea. The weight of nodules and the number of nodules per plant were higher in inoculated than in uninoculated plants. The phosphorus content of the shoots and its total uptake, were increased by either the application of single super-phosphate, or by inoculation withG. versiforme. Inoculation increased shoot dry weights and grain yields by 12% and 25% respectively, as compared with the 33% and 60% increases respectively produced by P-treated plants.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of callus inoculation concentration and culture duration on somatic embryogenesis of orchardgrass,Dactylis glomerata L., were evaluated in suspension cultures of an embryogenic genotype Embryogen-P. Somatic embryo formation was induced in liquid SH medium containing 30 μM dicamba (SH-30 and 1.5% casein hydrolysate; embryo development was in liquid SH medium without plant growth regulators (SH-0); and embryo maturation and germination occurred on solid SH-0 medium. Callus proliferation in SH-30 suspension cultures was greatest when callus was inoculated into the liquid medium at a relatively high concentration of 4% (4 g callus/100 ml medium), but the induction of somatic embryos was highest in this medium if the callus was inoculated at a lower concentration (<2%). In a second experiment, somatic embryo yield was highest when SH-0 development medium was inoculated with suspension culture callus at 0.1% concentration and declined markedly as inoculation concentration increased. Cell concentration is a critical factor in regulating the somatic embryogenesis response in orchardgrass suspension cultures.  相似文献   

Three hundred and eighteen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides isolates from stem-end rot and anthracnose infected avocados as well as from stem-end rot/anthracnose and soft brown rot on mango, were compared using fruit inoculations. Isolates could be categorised according to lesion size and both avocado and mango isolates produced larger lesions when inoculated on their own hosts. Cross-inoculation potential of these isolates was also compared on strawberries, peppers, guavas, papayas and citrus. All isolates produced lesions on all hosts except citrus. Factors such as area of origin and symptom type from which original isolations were made, could not be correlated with lesion development on these hosts.  相似文献   

Azosprilla were collected in wheat fields from subtropical and temperate soils of central Nepal at various elevations. Different wheat cultivars responded positively and significantly in grain yield, grain N-yield, and total N-yield in plant shoots to the inoculation with Nepalese isolate Azospirillum 10SW. Nepalese wheat cv. Seto responded significantly better with Azospirillum 10SW than with the Brasilian isolate A. lipoferum Sp 108 st, a strain which was found highly efficient in earlier experiments with German wheat cultivars, especially cv. Turbo. Yield of Turbo was increased by inoculations of both Azospirillum strains too, but it showed no significant differences depending from the inoculum used. The higher efficacy of combining Azospirillum 10SW and Seto, both collected from the same locality, indicates the possibility of improved associations using traditional cultivars and local bacteria. ei]{gnR O D}{fnDixon}  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out at the UAPNPBS experimental station, Seropédica, with two sorghum and one rice cultivars. The establishment, and inoculation effects, ofAzospirillum spp. andHerbaspirillum strains marked with antibiotic resistance were investigated. One grain sorghum (BR 300) and one sugar sorghum (Br 505) cultivar were used.Azospirillum lipoferum strain S82 (isolated from surface sterilized roots of sorghum) established in both cultivars and comprised 40 to 80% of theAzospirillum spp. population in roots and stems 60 days after plant emergence (DAE).Azospirillum amazonense strain AmS91 (isolated from surface-sterilized roots of sorghum) reached only 50%. At 90 DAE, S82 almost disappeared (less than 30% of establishment) while the establishment of AmS91 remained constant in roots and stems. No establishment ofH. seropedicae strain H25 (isolated from surface-sterilized roots of sorghum) orA. lipoferum strain S65 (isolated from the root surface of sorghum) could be observed on inoculated roots. Inoculation with S82, AmS91 or S65 but not withH. seropedicae H25, increased plant dry weight of both cultivars and total N in grain of the grain sorghum. In rice,A. lipoferum Al 121 andA. brasilense Sp 245 (isolated from surface sterilized rice and wheat roots respectively) established in the roots but there was no increase inAzospirillum spp. numbers due to inoculation. None of the strains affected plant growth or rice grain yield.Azospirillum amazonense, A82 andH. seropedicae Z95, which did not establish in roots, significantly enhanced seed germination.  相似文献   

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