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Grassland ecosystems cover up to 40% of the global land area and provide many ecosystem services directly supporting the livelihoods of over 1 billion people. Monitoring long-term changes in grasslands is crucial for food security, biodiversity conservation, achieving Land Degradation Neutrality goals, and modeling the global carbon budget. Although long-term grassland monitoring using remote sensing is extensive, it is typically based on a single vegetation index and does not account for temporal and spatial autocorrelation, which means that some trends are falsely identified while others are missed. Our goal was to analyze trends in grasslands in Eurasia, the largest continuous grassland ecosystems on Earth. To do so, we calculated Cumulative Endmember Fractions (annual sums of monthly ground cover fractions) derived from MODIS 2002–2020 time series, and applied a new statistical approach PARTS that explicitly accounts for temporal and spatial autocorrelation in trends. We examined trends in green vegetation, non-photosynthetic vegetation, and soil ground cover fractions considering their independent change trajectories and relations among fractions over time. We derived temporally uncorrelated pixel-based trend maps and statistically tested whether observed trends could be explained by elevation, land cover, SPEI3, climate, country, and their combinations, all while accounting for spatial autocorrelation. We found no statistical evidence for a decrease in vegetation cover in grasslands in Eurasia. Instead, there was a significant map-level increase in non-photosynthetic vegetation across the region and local increases in green vegetation with a concomitant decrease in soil fraction. Independent environmental variables affected trends significantly, but effects varied by region. Overall, our analyses show in a statistically robust manner that Eurasian grasslands have changed considerably over the past two decades. Our approach enhances remote sensing-based monitoring of trends in grasslands so that underlying processes can be discerned.  相似文献   

Aims Facilitation by nurse plants is a common interaction in harsh environments and this positive plant–plant interaction may promote vegetation recovery in ecosystems affected by human activities. Determining the relevance of this process, however, requires assessing how nurse plants influence the establishment of other species, as well as the proportion of species in the regional species pool that would benefit from the presence of nurse plants in human-disturbed areas. Further, since vegetation recovery is a time-dependent process, the community-level consequences of facilitation are likely to vary among landscapes with different disturbance history. Thus, an integrative perspective of the relevance of nurse plants for vegetation recovery could be obtained by measuring their effects across different human-disturbed landscapes of the target region. This study focuses on these issues and uses a regional-scale approach to assess the community-level effects of a widespread nurse plant of American deserts, the creosotebush (Larrea tridentata).Methods This study was conducted in the southernmost portion of Chihuahuan Desert because most floodplain valleys of this region have been affected by human activities during the past centuries. For this study, we selected 10 floodplain valleys differing in their age (i.e. the time elapsed after human activities were ceased). At each landscape, we measured the cover of creosotebushes and the proportion of plant species positively associated with them, as well as the density of seeds in the soil beneath creosotebush canopies. All these data were regressed against the age of the landscapes. Further, to assess whether positive association patterns were due to facilitation or other processes, we conducted field experiments and measured the ecophysiological performance of plant species established beneath and outside creosotebush canopies.Important findings Most plant species from the target region were positively associated to creosotebushes, and our field experiments and ecophysiological measures indicated that these distribution patterns can be attributed to facilitative interactions. In most landscapes, the density of seeds was higher beneath creosotebushes than in the surrounding habitats, suggesting that these shrubs may also act as seed traps. The community-level effects of creosotebushes increased with landscape age and creosotebush cover, indicating that magnitude of these effects depends on the disturbance history of each site. These results highlight the relevance of performing large-scale assessments for identifying the consequences of facilitation on vegetation recovery across space and time. We then propose that this kind of large-scale approach should be taken into account in the development of conservation programs aimed at the recovery and preservation of plant biodiversity in harsh environments.  相似文献   

JANI HEINO 《Freshwater Biology》2005,50(9):1578-1587
1. Biodiversity–environment relationships are increasingly well‐understood in the context of species richness and species composition, whereas other aspects of biodiversity, including variability in functional diversity (FD), have received rather little rigorous attention. For streams, most studies to date have examined either taxonomic assemblage patterns or have experimentally addressed the importance of species richness for ecosystem functioning. 2. I examined the relationships of the functional biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrates to major environmental and spatial gradients across 111 boreal headwater streams in Finland. Functional biodiversity encompassed functional richness (FR – the number of functional groups derived from a combination of functional feeding groups and habit trait groups), FD – the number of functional groups and division of individuals among these groups, and functional evenness (FE – the division of individuals among functional groups). Furthermore, functional structure (FS) comprised the composition and abundance of functional groups at each site. 3. FR increased with increasing pH, with additional variation related to moss cover, total nitrogen, water colour and substratum particle size. FD similarly increased with increasing pH and decreased with increasing canopy cover. FE decreased with increasing canopy cover and water colour. Significant variation in FS was attributable to pH, stream width, moss cover, substratum particle size, nitrogen, water colour with the dominant pattern in FS being related to the increase of shredder‐sprawlers and the decrease of scraper‐swimmers in acidic conditions. 4. In regression analysis and redundancy analysis, variation in functional biodiversity was not only related to local environmental factors, but a considerable proportion of variability was also attributable to spatial patterning of environmental variables and pure spatial gradients. For FR, 23.4% was related to pure environmental effects, 15.0% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 8.0% to spatial trends. For FD, 13.8% was attributable to environmental effects, 15.2% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 5% to spatial trends. For FE, 9.0% was related to environmental variables, 12.7% to shared effects of environmental and spatial variables and 4.5% to spatial variables. For FS, 13.5% was related to environmental effects, 16.9% to shared environmental and spatial effects and 15.4% to spatial trends. 5. Given that functional biodiversity should portray variability in ecosystem functioning, one might expect to find functionally rather differing ecosystems at the opposite ends of major environmental gradients (e.g. acidity, stream size). However, the degree to which variation in the functional biodiversity of stream macroinvertebrates truly portrays variability in ecosystem functioning is difficult to judge because species traits, such as feeding roles and habit traits, are themselves strongly affected by the habitat template. 6. If functional characteristics show strong responses to natural environmental gradients, they also are likely to do so to anthropogenic environmental changes, including changes in habitat structure, organic inputs and acidifying elements. However, given the considerable degree of spatial structure in functional biodiversity, one should not expect that only the local environment and anthropogenic changes therein are responsible for this variability. Rather, the spatial context, as well as natural variability along environmental gradients, should also be explicitly considered in applied research.  相似文献   

Identification of valid indicators of biodiversity is a critical need for sustainable forest management. We developed compositional, structural and functional indicators of biodiversity for five taxonomic groups—bryophytes, vascular plants, spiders, hoverflies and birds—using data from 44 Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior) plantation forests in Ireland. The best structural biodiversity indicator was stand stage, defined using a multivariate classification of forest structure variables. However, biodiversity trends over the forest cycle and between tree species differ among the taxonomic groups studied. Canopy cover was the main structural indicator and affected other structural variables such as cover of lower vegetation layers. Other structural indicators included deadwood and distances to forest edge and to broadleaved woodland. Functional indicators included stand age, site environmental characteristics and management practices. Compositional indicators were limited to more easily identifiable plant and bird species. Our results suggest that the biodiversity of any one of the species groups we surveyed cannot act as a surrogate for all of the other species groups. However, certain subgroups, such as forest bryophytes and saproxylic hoverflies, may be able to act as surrogates for each other. The indicators we have identified should be used together to identify stands of potentially high biodiversity or to evaluate the biodiversity effects of silvicultural management practices. They are readily assessed by non-specialists, ecologically meaningful and applicable over a broad area with similar climate conditions and silvicultural systems. The approach we have used to develop biodiversity indicators, including stand structural types, is widely relevant and can enhance sustainable forest management of plantations.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the relationship between land cover, climate change and disturbance dynamics is needed to inform scenarios of vegetation change on the African continent. Although significant advances have been made, large uncertainties exist in projections of future biodiversity and ecosystem change for the world's largest tropical landmass. To better illustrate the effects of climate–disturbance–ecosystem interactions on continental-scale vegetation change, we apply a novel statistical multivariate envelope approach to subfossil pollen data and climate model outputs (TraCE-21ka). We target paleoenvironmental records across continental Africa, from the African Humid Period (AHP: ca 14 700–5500 yr BP) – an interval of spatially and temporally variable hydroclimatic conditions – until recent times, to improve our understanding of overarching vegetation trends and to compare changes between forest and grassy biomes (savanna and grassland). Our results suggest that although climate variability was the dominant driver of change, forest and grassy biomes responded asymmetrically: 1) the climatic envelope of grassy biomes expanded, or persisted in increasingly diverse climatic conditions, during the second half of the AHP whilst that of forest did not; 2) forest retreat occurred much more slowly during the mid to late Holocene compared to the early AHP forest expansion; and 3) as forest and grassy biomes diverged during the second half of the AHP, their ecological relationship (envelope overlap) fundamentally changed. Based on these asymmetries and associated changes in human land use, we propose and discuss three hypotheses about the influence of anthropogenic disturbance on continental-scale vegetation change.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the usefulness of rapid surveys of indigenous knowledge for assessing trends in biodiversity, a case study was undertaken in two rural communities, Juznajab and Muquenal, in Chiapas, Mexico. This involved the use of a variety of rapid rural appraisal (RRA) and participatory rural appraisal (PRA) techniques, including semi-structured interviews, transect walks and participatory mapping. These approaches were used in conjunction with analysis of land use maps and aerial photographs to evaluate recent changes in vegetation cover and abundance of utilised species. In both communities, the extent of forest cover was considered by local people to have declined substantially in recent decades, with an annual decline in forest cover of 0.3% and 0.6% estimated by local people in Juznajab and Muquenal, respectively. Results from RRA indicated that this has been accompanied by significant declines in the abundance of useful species. In Juznajab 60% and 79%, and in Muquenal 96% and 85% of plants and animal species, respectively, were considered to have declined within living memory. These declines appear to result from over-utilization as well as habitat changes. For example, most of the tree species used for timber and the animal species used for meat were considered to have declined substantially in both communities. These results indicate that indigenous knowledge is potentially a valuable source of information about biodiversity trends, which could be assessed during Rapid Biodiversity Assessments and incorporated into the process of resource management by local communities. However, the contradictions recorded between assessments of vegetation change by local people and data obtained from other sources indicates the need for caution in the use of indigenous knowledge for this purpose.  相似文献   

For successful characterization of ecological processes and prioritization of habitat networks it is necessary to describe and quantify landscape structure and connectivity. However, at landscape scale, it is highly impractical to measure and map all elements of biodiversity, and therefore, biodiversity surrogates are commonly used to represent biodiversity values. Land cover and vegetation are most often used as a biodiversity surrogate. The study investigated how land use change affects the status of the biodiversity surrogates in terms of the loss or gain of habitat (areal extent), loss of habitat condition (degradation) and habitat fragmentation. Effective habitat area (EHA) and raster based cost–benefit analysis (CBA) modeling techniques were used for the assessment of the impact of land use change scenarios on wildlife habitat as biodiversity surrogates. The modeling was carried out on time-series land cover data from 1972 to 2009 for the Liverpool Range of New South Wales (NSW). The model estimated the future condition of vegetation in each and every grid-cell in the region as a function of current condition, existing land cover, and the threatening processes. The results indicated a continuous pattern of clearing in the region, while the habitat conditions were mostly static throughout the study period. There was a decline in EHA after 1993, by 3%. Clearing was identified as the main cause of such decline during the change period.  相似文献   

Climate change, land cover change and the over–abstraction of groundwater threaten the existence of Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems (GDE), despite these environments being regarded as biodiversity hotspots. The vegetation heterogeneity in GDEs requires routine monitoring in order to conserve and preserve the ecosystem services in these environments. However, in–situ monitoring of vegetation heterogeneity in extensive, or transboundary, groundwater resources remain a challenge. Inherently, the Spectral Variation Hypothesis (SVH) and remotely-sensed data provide a unique way to monitor the response of GDEs to seasonal or intra–annual environmental stressors, which is the key for achieving the national and regional biodiversity targets. This study presents the first attempt at monitoring the intra–annual, spatio–temporal variations in vegetation heterogeneity in the Khakea–Bray Transboundary Aquifer, which is located between Botswana and South Africa, by using the coefficient of variation derived from the Landsat 8 OLI Operational Land Imager (OLI). The coefficient of variation was used to measure spectral heterogeneity, which is a function of environmental heterogeneity. Heterogenous environments are more diverse, compared to homogenous environments, and the vegetation heterogeneity can be inferred from the heterogeneity of a landscape. The coefficient of variation was used to calculate the α- and β measures of vegetation heterogeneity (the Shannon–Weiner Index and the Rao's Q, respectively), whilst the monotonic trends in the spatio–temporal variation (January–December) of vegetation heterogeneity were derived by using the Mann–Kendall non–parametric test. Lastly, to explain the spatio–temporal variations of vegetation heterogeneity, a set of environmental variables were used, along with a machine-learning algorithm (random forest). The vegetation heterogeneity was observed to be relatively high during the wet season and low during the dry season, and these changes were mainly driven by landcover- and climate–related variables. More specifically, significant changes in vegetation heterogeneity were observed around natural water pans, along roads and rivers, as well as in cropping areas. Furthermore, these changes were better predicted by the Rao's Q (MAE = 5.81, RMSE = 6.63 and %RMSE = 42.41), than by the Shannon–Weiner Index (MAE = 30.37, RMSE = 33.25 and %RMSE = 63.94). These observations on the drivers and changes in vegetation heterogeneity provide new insights into the possible effects of future landcover changes and climate variability on GDEs. This information is imperative, considering that these environments are biodiversity hotspots that are capable of supporting many livelihoods. More importantly, this work provides a spatially explicit framework on how GDEs can be monitored to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Number 15.  相似文献   

Biodiversity offsetting is a globally influential policy mechanism for reconciling trade-offs between development and biodiversity loss. However, there is little robust evidence of its effectiveness. We evaluated the outcomes of a jurisdictional offsetting policy (Victoria, Australia). Offsets under Victoria's Native Vegetation Framework (2002–2013) aimed to prevent loss and degradation of remnant vegetation, and generate gains in vegetation extent and quality. We categorised offsets into those with near-complete baseline woody vegetation cover (“avoided loss”, 2702 ha) and with incomplete cover (“regeneration”, 501 ha), and evaluated impacts on woody vegetation extent from 2008 to 2018. We used two approaches to estimate the counterfactual. First, we used statistical matching on biophysical covariates: a common approach in conservation impact evaluation, but which risks ignoring potentially important psychosocial confounders. Second, we compared changes in offsets with changes in sites that were not offsets for the study duration but were later enrolled as offsets, to partially account for self-selection bias (where landholders enrolling land may have shared characteristics affecting how they manage land). Matching on biophysical covariates, we estimated that regeneration offsets increased woody vegetation extent by 1.9%–3.6%/year more than non-offset sites (138–180 ha from 2008 to 2018) but this effect weakened with the second approach (0.3%–1.9%/year more than non-offset sites; 19–97 ha from 2008 to 2018) and disappeared when a single outlier land parcel was removed. Neither approach detected any impact of avoided loss offsets. We cannot conclusively demonstrate whether the policy goal of ‘net gain’ (NG) was achieved because of data limitations. However, given our evidence that the majority of increases in woody vegetation extent were not additional (would have happened without the scheme), a NG outcome seems unlikely. The results highlight the importance of considering self-selection bias in the design and evaluation of regulatory biodiversity offsetting policy, and the challenges of conducting robust impact evaluations of jurisdictional biodiversity offsetting policies.  相似文献   

Increasing crop productivity to meet rising demands for food and energy, but doing so in an environmentally sustainable manner, is one of the greatest challenges for agriculture to date. In Ireland, Miscanthus × giganteus has the potential to become a major feedstock for bioenergy production, but the economic feasibility of its cultivation depends on high yields. Miscanthus fields can have a large number of gaps in crop cover, adversely impacting yield and hence economic viability. Predominantly positive effects of Miscanthus on biodiversity reported from previous research might be attributable to high crop patchiness, particularly during the establishment phase. The aim of this research was to assess crop patchiness on a field scale and to analyse the relationship between Miscanthus yield and species richness and abundance of selected taxa of farmland wildlife. For 14 Miscanthus fields at the end of their establishment phase (4–5 years after planting), which had been planted either on improved grassland (MG) or tilled arable land (MT), we determined patchiness of the crop cover, percentage light penetration (LP) to the lower canopy, Miscanthus shoot density and height, vascular plants and epigeic arthropods. Plant species richness and noncrop vegetation cover in Miscanthus fields increased with increasing patchiness, due to higher levels of LP to the lower canopy. The species richness of ground beetles and the activity density of spiders followed the increase in vegetation cover. Plant species richness and activity density of spiders on both MT and MG fields, as well as vegetation cover and activity density of ground beetles on MG fields, were negatively associated with Miscanthus yield. In conclusion, positive effects of Miscanthus on biodiversity can diminish with increasing productivity. This matter needs to be considered when assessing the relative ecological impacts of developing biomass crops in comparison with other land use.  相似文献   

构建我国生物多样性评价的指标体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生物多样性指标体系的建设过程长期而复杂,需要结合科学研究、监测以及决策制定,并基于合理的结构进行指标设计.构建适宜的生物多样性评价指标体系、监测评估生物多样性状况及变化趋势,已被纳入我国国家生物多样性战略及其行动计划.本文结合国内外经验,从指标的逻辑框架、空间尺度、时间尺度、指标类型、评价方法等5个方面探讨了指标体系构...  相似文献   

We report the spatio-temporal dynamics of land cover changes from 1954 to 2008 in a hilly mountainous area in the Italian northern Apennine, and ecological factors and processes associated with these dynamics. Land cover patches were mapped and analysed at three time periods (1954, 1980 and 2008). Changes over time were detected by analysing a combination of multitemporal source data from airborne images and from field surveys. Relationships between cover classes and environmental variables were analysed for the year 2008. Grasslands and scrublands (corresponding to the Natura 2000 Habitats 6210 and 5130, respectively) were found to be the most threatened communities; they occupy small portions of the studied area and are subject to a marked dynamic towards the higher stages of the vegetation successions including a mesophilous and a thermophilous succession. The ability to estimate persistence times and evolution trends of vegetation types following land abandonment is an important tool in land management. Our combined approach yielded a good picture of the vegetation involved in biodiversity loss consequent to land abandonment, as well as estimation of the expected time for this loss to occur.  相似文献   

Towards the global monitoring of biodiversity change   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Governments have set the ambitious target of reducing biodiversity loss by the year 2010. The scientific community now faces the challenge of assessing the progress made towards this target and beyond. Here, we review current monitoring efforts and propose a global biodiversity monitoring network to complement and enhance these efforts. The network would develop a global sampling programme for indicator taxa (we suggest birds and vascular plants) and would integrate regional sampling programmes for taxa that are locally relevant to the monitoring of biodiversity change. The network would also promote the development of comparable maps of global land cover at regular time intervals. The extent and condition of specific habitat types, such as wetlands and coral reefs, would be monitored based on regional programmes. The data would then be integrated with other environmental and socioeconomic indicators to design responses to reduce biodiversity loss.  相似文献   

中国森林生物多样性保护和恢复措施的制订依赖于生物多样性的监测信息。设计一个有效的生物多样性监测网络是一项复杂的系统工程。监测网络的设计框架可分为监测目标、监测对象、监测指标、取样策略、数据采集和处理、网络维护以及组织工作等几个部分。目前, 国际上已有5个得到广泛认可的生物多样性监测网络, 包括地球观测组织-生物多样性监测网络、全球森林监测网络、热带生态评估与监测网络、泛欧洲森林监测网络和亚马逊森林清查网络, 它们的监测目标、监测内容和方法、样地布局及部分监测成果各有特色。我们试图在全国生物多样性监测、森林资源清查和森林生态系统定位研究的基础上, 通过网络布局、建设和运行, 形成中国森林生物多样性监测网(Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network, Sino BON-CForBio)及其监测规范体系。该网络的科学目标是, 在全国尺度上研究不同典型地带性森林的生物多样性维持机制、监测森林生物多样性变化并阐明其机理、研究生物多样性变化的效应。该网络布局以《中国植被区划》中的森林植被区划成果作为顶层设计和监测样地选择的核心依据, 设计了4个层级的监测系统; 其监测指标体系以生物多样性核心指标为主, 并结合我国传统森林群落调查方法进行拓展; 预期建成国家水平上的森林生物多样性监测网络, 阐明森林生物多样性维持机制和生物多样性变化的效应, 同时对重大生态保护工程的生物多样性保护效果进行有效性监测和验证型监测。  相似文献   

In a recent perspective (Diversity and Distributions, 29, 39–50), ‘10 variables’ were proposed to measure vegetation structure from airborne laser scanning (ALS) for assessing species distributions and habitat suitability. We worry about this list because the variables predominantly represent variation in vegetation height, the vertical variability of vegetation biomass is insufficiently captured, and variables of vegetation cover are ill-defined or not ecosystem agnostic. We urge for a better defined, more comprehensive and more balanced list, and for assessing which information from ALS point clouds is truly essential to measure the major dimensions of 3D vegetation structure within and across ecosystems and animal habitats. We think that the currently proposed ‘list of 10 ALS metrics’ is premature and that researchers and stakeholders should be cautious in adopting this list.  相似文献   

In drylands livestock grazing is the main production activity, but overgrazing due to mismanagement is a major cause of biodiversity loss. Continuous grazing around water sources generates a radial gradient of grazing intensity called the piosphere. The ecological sustainability of this system is questionable and alternative management needs to be evaluated. We apply simple indicators of species response to grazing gradients, and we propose a novel methodological approach to compare community response to grazing gradients (double reciprocal analysis). We assessed degradation gradients of biodiversity under different management strategies in semiarid rangelands of the Monte desert (Argentina) by analyzing changes in vegetation, ants and small mammal richness and diversity, and variation due to seasonality. At the species level, we determined the trend in abundance of each species along the gradient, and the potential cross-taxa surrogacy. At the community level, the new methodological consists of assessing the magnitude of biodiversity degradation along different piospheres by comparing the slopes of linear functions obtained by the double reciprocal analysis. We found that most species showed a decreasing trend along the gradient under continuous grazing; while under rotational grazing fewer species showed a decreasing trend, and a neutral trend (no change in the abundance along the gradient of grazing intensity) was the most common. We found that vegetation cannot be used as a surrogacy taxon of animal response. Moreover, weak cross-taxa surrogacy was found only for animal assemblages during the wet season. The double reciprocal analysis allowed for comparison of multi-taxa response under different seasons and management types. By its application, we found that constrains in precipitation interacted with disturbance by increasing the negative effect of grazing on vegetation, but not on animal assemblages. Continuous grazing causes biodiversity loss in all situations. Rotational grazing prevents the occurrence of vegetation degradation and maintains higher levels of animal diversity, acting as an opportunity for biodiversity conservation under current scenarios of land use extensification. Our approach highlights the importance of considering multi-taxa and intrinsic variability in the analysis, and should be of value to managers concerned with biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Industrial oil palm expansion has led to dramatic landscape changes that have negatively affected forest biodiversity in the tropics. In contrast to large-scale plantations, oil palm smallholdings may support greater levels of biodiversity through the implementation of multi-cropping system or polyculture. We examined bird species richness, together with community structure, conservation status, and feeding guild of existing smallholdings in Peninsular Malaysia. Based on point transect sampling, we sampled birds in 100 smallholdings that practiced either monoculture or polyculture farming. Our results revealed that bird species richness was significantly greater in monoculture smallholdings than in polyculture smallholdings, but the opposite was true for bird abundance. Non-forest birds constituted the major species of bird communities in oil palm smallholdings. However, we found that the abundances of insectivores and frugivores were greater in polyculture smallholdings than in monoculture smallholdings. In the monoculture models, predictor variables explained 11.31–19.98% of the variation in bird species richness. When polyculture was being practiced, bird species richness increased significantly with the height of ground vegetation cover, distance to major roads, and distance to rice fields. In the polyculture models, predictor variables accounted for 11.71–24.85% of the variation in bird species richness. We also found that bird species richness increased significantly with height of ground vegetation, but it decreased with ground vegetation cover and distance to rivers. The evidence from this study suggests that monoculture and polyculture farming were able to maintain farmland biodiversity in smallholdings, at least for birds, but differed in richness, population, and feeding guild.  相似文献   

Understanding what factors influence species occupancy in human‐modified landscapes is a central theme in ecology. We examined scale‐dependent habitat relationships and site occupancy in reptiles across three topographically different study areas in south‐eastern Australia. We collected presence–absence data on reptiles from 443 sites associated with three long‐term biodiversity monitoring programs, on four to seven occasions, between 2001 and 2013. We characterised sites by the following four variable domains: 1) field design, 2) topography, 3) local‐scale vegetation attributes and 4) landscape‐scale vegetation cover. We constructed occupancy models for 14 species and used an information‐theoretic approach to compare multiple alternative hypotheses to explain occupancy within and between study areas. We modelled detection probability and used the model with the lowest AIC in subsequent analyses. We then modelled occupancy probability against all subsets of the variable groups (field design, topography, local‐ and landscape‐scale vegetation), as well as a model that held occupancy constant (null model). We found that local‐scale vegetation attributes were important for explaining site occupancy in 12/19 possible models, although, in several cases model fit was improved by the addition of topographic variables or native vegetation cover in the surrounding landscape. Occupancy models for widespread species were broadly congruent across study areas. We demonstrate that topographic variables are important for explaining reptile occupancy in hilly landscapes, and local‐ and landscape‐scale variables are important for explaining reptile occupancy in flat or gently undulating landscapes. Management actions that improve habitat complexity at a site‐level, and encompass entire topographic gradients, will have greater benefit to woodland reptiles than simply increasing vegetation cover in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation often results in significant degradation of the structure and composition of remnant natural vegetation, leading to substantial biodiversity decline. Ants are an ecologically dominant faunal group known to be sensitive to vegetation degradation following fragmentation. We examined ant diversity and composition in relation to changes in vegetation structure in remnant coastal vegetation in the global biodiversity hotspot of southwestern Western Australia. The key features of vegetation structure driving the species and functional diversity and composition of ant communities were measures of cover of vegetation and bare ground. However, these effects were highly idiosyncratic at the species level. Cluster analyses based on plant species composition classified plots into two groups corresponding to relatively intact and degraded vegetation respectively. Although systematic changes in plant diversity and vegetation structure were observed between the two groups, key features from an ant perspective (native plant cover and bare ground) remained unchanged. Vegetation degradation consequently had little overall effect on ant species composition and functional diversity. The major disturbance–related impact on ant communities was through invasion by exotic ants, especially Pheidole megacephala; however, this occurred only in close proximity to development. Our results suggest that the priority for conserving ant diversity in our coastal dune system is the prevention of invasion by exotic species.  相似文献   

Background: There have been few quantitative observations of the attributes of native animal paths and no studies of their variation between vegetation types. These paths may be important in extending the local ranges of plant species.

Aims: To determine the incidence, cover and characteristics of native animal paths in different vegetation types, their relationships with other variables and the influence of paths on plant species distributions.

Methods: Randomly located line transects, and paired quadrats on and adjacent to paths, were used to record path and environmental attributes at 10 sites in each of 10 vegetation types. The relationships between path cover, number, width and depth and potential predictor variables were determined by using Pearsons product moment correlation.

Results: The mean cover of paths in plant communities varied between 6.5% and 12.6%. Path cover, number, width and depth varied between vegetation types. Penetration resistance, bare ground, scat density and plant species richness had higher values in path quadrats than in controls. Within particular vegetation types, several plant species were restricted to paths.

Conclusions: Animal trampling is an important influence on vegetation structure and the distribution of plant species in the study area.  相似文献   

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