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布氏田鼠对主要贮草种类的选储嗜好   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)为内蒙古典型草原区的主要害鼠 ,其危害主要表现在与牲畜争夺牧草资源[1,3 ,5,6,9] 。该鼠属不冬眠种类 ,冬季主要以洞群贮草仓库中的贮草为食 ,因此 ,研究其秋季集群的贮草习性 ,对于分析和了解该鼠的越冬生态特征具有一定的意义。有关布氏田鼠的贮草习性 ,已有一些报道[4 ,7] 。研究表明 ,在羊草 冷蒿 隐子草草场 ,布氏田鼠的越冬贮草以蒿属 (Artemisia)植物为主 ,其中冷蒿 (A .frigida)与黄蒿 (A .scoparia)占贮草比例超过 90 % [2 ] ,但上述研究均未涉及布氏田鼠…  相似文献   

布氏田鼠体重生长与栖息地植被条件的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在内蒙古典型草原区多种不同植被条件栖息地中分析布氏田鼠当年雄鼠的体重生长差异。研究表明 ,布氏田鼠在不同植被条件下的体重生长具有显著的差异。在植被条件中等的草场 ,布氏田鼠的体重生长最佳 ,在植被条件优越的轻牧草场或者过度放牧草场 ,布氏田鼠体重生长一般 ,植被条件较差的重度放牧草场 ,布氏田鼠的平均体重较低。在不同类型草场 ,布氏田鼠可以通过调节体重大小和生长速度来适应各种不同类型的草场  相似文献   

布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)为内蒙古典型草原区的主要牧业害鼠,确定该鼠对草场植被的危害过程及相应危害量是寻求防治阈值的基础。1986年至1987年我们在内蒙古太仆寺旗建立野外围栏观测条件,并结合室内试验进行研究。现将结果简报于后。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠越冬集群贮草面积的两种估算方法比较   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)为内蒙古典型草原区的主要害鼠 ,具贮草越冬习性[2 ,5~ 7] 。因此 ,研究其越冬集群的贮草面积 ,对于分析该鼠的越冬生态特征以及定量衡量其危害程度 ,具有重要的意义。本文提出两种估算布氏田鼠越冬集群贮草面积的方法 ,即黄蒿根计数法和跑道测量法 ,并对两种估算方法进行了比较。1 材料与方法本项研究是于 1 995年度在内蒙古赤峰市克什克腾旗阿其乌拉苏木 ( 1 1 6°2 5′N ,37°5 1′E)以及中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站 ( 43°37′N ,1 1 6°4 1′E)进行的。1 0月中旬 ,在阿其…  相似文献   

布氏田鼠摄食量、累积摄食量与日龄的关系   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)是内蒙古典型草原区的主要害鼠 ,其危害方式主要表现之一为与牲畜争夺牧草资源[1,4 ,11,12 ] 。准确地测定其日食量(DFC)与累积摄食量 (CFC) ,对于定量地衡量该鼠的危害程度 ,进一步推算鼠害防治的经济阈值有着重要的意义。一些学者着手有关该鼠食性与食量 ,以及非取食性牧草消耗量的研究工作[3 ,7~ 9] 。但由于受实验手段的限制 ,一直未能解决布氏田鼠日食量、累积摄食量与田鼠年龄的关系等难题。本文以测定典型草原区布氏田鼠日食量与体重的关系 ,结合布氏田鼠体重与年龄的数学关系方程 …  相似文献   

布氏田鼠非取食性牧草消耗量的测定   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
布氏田鼠 (Microtusbrandti)为内蒙古典型草原区的主要害鼠之一[1,6 ,8,9] 其危害主要表现为与牛羊争夺牧草资源。因此 ,测定其牧草消耗量 ,是定量地衡量其危害程度 ,推算鼠害防治经济阈值的重要基础。在牧草生长季节 ,该鼠对牧草的消耗主要分为两个方面 ,即取食量和非取食性消耗量 (布氏田鼠咬断而未取食的部分牧草或者食物残屑 )。有关该鼠食性与食量的研究已有一些报道[2 ,3 ,5] ,但对该鼠的非取食性牧草消耗量则缺乏研究。为此 ,本文开展了这项工作 ,为定量估算该鼠的危害程度提供依据。1 材料与方法本项研究是于 1997…  相似文献   

在内蒙古典型草原区锡林郭勒盟研究了贮草期布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)采食距离及集群数量对采食量的影响。通过人为设置布氏田鼠洞群家族成员数量和采食距离,采用小麦(Triticum aestivum)为采食材料,测定了秋季自由生活状态下,采食距离为5~30 m范围内、每个洞群布氏田鼠数为3~11只范围内,布氏田鼠单次采食量的变化。结果表明,采食距离和家族成员数量对布氏田鼠单次采食量没有明显影响,采食距离和家族成员数量之间也不存在交互作用。布氏田鼠单次搬运麦粒数量平均为8.0粒/次,这可能与田鼠的搬运能力有关。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)是内蒙古典型草原地带的主要害鼠,其高密度种群的形成和扩展(害情发生)与草场植被的过牧退化有密切关系。近年围栏育草(通称草库仑)作  相似文献   

布氏田鼠(Microtus brandti)在内蒙古典型草原区广泛分布,种群密度波动幅度很大,密度高时对草场破坏严重,是该区草场主要害鼠。研究其食物消耗量,是阐明它在草原生态系统中的作用和对草场的危害程度以及组建防治经济阈值模型的基础工作。  相似文献   

在樟子松人工林和种子园中防治东北鼢鼠的试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
刘仁华  陈曦 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):152-153
东北鼢鼠(Myospalax psilurus)为地下洞栖害鼠,据作者在黑龙江省泰来县东方红林场对20个土丘群统计,平均每鼠每年破坏草场面积9.17平方米,拱土0.3564立方米,使草场退化,土壤沙化。近年来,又因该地区荒地植被被大量开垦种植,以草根茎为食的鼢鼠则进入附近林地,取食樟子松(Pinus sytyestris var. mongolica)之根。据调查,每只鼢鼠一年可危害4—7株,5—12年生的樟子松往往也被其食根致死,可见它已成为该地森林新的害鼠。1987—1990年我们在东方红林场对樟子松人工林和种子园中的鼢鼠进行灭杀试验,取得较好效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

根据内蒙古阿巴嗄旗那仁宝力格苏木1979-1997年啮齿动物监测资料,利用变动指数(S),得知布氏田鼠密度的年际动态具有一定的周期性,1989-1997年共捕啮齿动物10种,其中田鼠占88.45%,达乌尔鼠兔占5.37%。总密度(单位面积上啮齿动物的密度之和)、田鼠密度、鼠兔密度间均呈正相关,回归模型为:总密度=0.8806+1.0048(田鼠密度)+0.8779(鼠兔密度(P=0.0001)。田  相似文献   

M. Ekman  J. de  Jong 《Journal of Zoology》1996,238(3):571-580
The local patterns of distribution and resource utilization of four bat species ( Myotis brandti, Eptesicus nilssoni, Plecotus auritus and Pipistrellus pipistrellus ) were examined in patchy and continuous environments, using bat detectors. The effects of two different kinds of open matrix habitats (crop-fields and water) on species occurrence were compared in the patchy areas. A crop-field matrix seemed to have a greater negative influence on species occurrence than a water matrix. Presence and absence of species in the patchy areas were analysed against island area, area of some habitats, and isolation. All species were positively affected by one or more forest habitat parameters. Two species ( M. brandti and P. auritus ) were negatively affected by isolation, which suggests that they may be particularly vulnerable to increased forest patchiness. These species occurred mainly on large islands. Two hypotheses that might explain the habit of open area avoidance in M. brandti and P. auritus were tested: 1. Insect abundance hypothesis; 2. Foraging behaviour hypothesis. Both failed to explain why these two species avoid open habitats and as a consequence are negatively affected by isolation.  相似文献   

More than 25 new specimens of Teilhardina brandti, one of the oldest known euprimates, are reported from earliest Eocene strata of the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming. The new fossils include the first upper dentitions, a dentary showing the lower dental formula for the first time, and the first postcrania ascribed to T. brandti (tarsals and terminal phalanges). The elongated navicular and long talar neck suggest that T. brandti was an active arboreal quadruped, and the terminal phalanges constitute the oldest evidence for nails in Euprimates. Phylogenetic analysis incorporating the new data indicates that T. brandti is more derived than T. belgica but less so than T. americana. The hypothesis that Teilhardina originated in Asia (T. asiatica) and dispersed westward to Europe (T. belgica) and then to North America (T. brandti and T. magnoliana) during the earliest Eocene Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum is most consistent with available evidence, including the relative age of fossil samples and their stage of evolution.  相似文献   

本文根据布氏田鼠、达乌达鼠兔、达乌尔黄鼠和草兔在自由生活下的食物组成,分别计算了它们之间的实际营养生态位重叠程度及生态位宽度。还计算了布氏田鼠、达乌尔鼠兔和达乌尔黄鼠间的原始营养生态位重叠程度及宽度。由于栖息地资源可利用性的限制,这3种小哺乳动物的实际营养生态位较原始营养生态位穿。分布空间的重叠可导致布氏田鼠与达乌尔鼠兔间实际营养生态位的较高程度重叠。此结果支持了MacArthur和Wilson(  相似文献   

The mechanisms of thermogenesis and thermoregulation were studied in the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri) and greater vole (Eothenomys miletus) of the subtropical region, and Brandt's vole (Microtus brandti), Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus), Daurian ground squirrel (Spermophilus dauricus) and plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) of the northern temperate zone. Resting metabolic rate (RMR) and non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) increased significantly in T. belangeri, E. miletus, M. brandti and M. unguiculatus after cold acclimation (4 degrees C) for 4 weeks. In T. belangeri, the increase in RMR and thermogenesis at liver cellular level were responsible for enhancing the capacity of enduring cold stress, and homeothermia was simultaneously extended. Stable body temperature in M. brandti, E. miletus, M. unguiculatus and O. curzoniae was maintained mainly through increase in NST, brown adipose tissue (BAT) mass and its mitochondrial protein content, and the upregulation of uncoupling protein (UCP1) mRNA, as well as enhancement of the activity of cytochrome C oxidase, alpha-glycerophosphate oxidase and T(4) 5'-deiodinase in BAT mitochondria. The RMR in O. curzoniae and euthermic S. dauricus was not changed, while NST significantly increased during cold exposure; the former maintained their stable body temperature and mass, while body temperature in the latter declined by 4.8 degrees C. The serum T(3) concentration or ratio of T(3)/T(4) in all the species was enhanced after cold acclimation. Results indicated that: (1) the adaptive mechanisms of T. belangeri residing in the subtropical region to cold are primarily by increasing RMR and secondly by increasing NST, and the mechanisms of thermogenesis are similar to those in tropical mammals; (2) in small mammals residing in northern regions, the adaptation to cold is chiefly to increase NST; (3) the mechanism of cold-induced thermogenesis in E. miletus residing in subtropical and high mountain regions is similar to that in the north; (4) a low RMR in warm environments and peak RMR and NST in cold environments enabled M. unguiculatus to tolerate a semi-desert climate; (5) O. curzoniae has unusually high RMR and high NST, acting mainly via increasing NST to adapt to extreme cold of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau; (6) the adaptation of euthermic S. dauricus to cold is due to an increase in NST and a relaxed homeothermia; and lastly (7) the thyroid hormone is involved in the regulation of cold adaptive thermogenesis in all the species studied.  相似文献   

路艺  王倩  温俊宝 《昆虫学报》2021,64(6):655-665
【目的】基于沟眶象属Eucryptorrhynchus两近缘种沟眶象E. scrobiculatus和臭椿沟眶象E. brandti不同虫态的转录组数据进行气味受体(odorant receptor, OR)基因的鉴定及表达特征分析,补充两种象甲的气味受体信息,为之后的功能研究提供理论依据。【方法】从沟眶象(幼虫、蛹和成虫)和臭椿沟眶象(卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫)不同虫态转录组数据库中筛选OR基因序列;基于两种象甲触角转录组数据,对两种象甲筛选得到的ORs进行种间和种内的序列比对;利用最大似然法对两种象甲新鉴定的ORs进行系统发育分析;根据两种象甲不同虫态转录组数据中OR基因的FPKM(fragments per kilobase per million mapped fragments)值对新鉴定的OR基因进行表达丰度分析;利用qPCR检测新鉴定的OR基因在沟眶象和臭椿沟眶象不同发育阶段和成虫不同组织中的表达谱。【结果】从沟眶象和臭椿沟眶象不同虫态转录组数据库中分别鉴定出6和4个OR基因,都具有完整的开放阅读框。根据与触角转录组数据的序列比对结果,从沟眶象和臭椿沟眶象分别新鉴定出4个(EscrOR50-53)和2个(EbraOR46-47)OR基因;在两象甲种间发现了一对可能的同源基因EscrOR53和EbraOR45。系统发育树显示,6个新鉴定的OR蛋白分属于鞘翅目OR亚家族2B和7。结合不同虫态转录组的FPKM数据及qPCR检测的时空表达谱得知,沟眶象3个和臭椿沟眶象2个新鉴定到的OR基因均在成虫的非嗅觉组织中高表达,且在卵、幼虫或蛹期也有表达。【结论】本研究明确了沟眶象和臭椿沟眶象不同虫态转录组中的气味受体基因及其时空表达谱,并且发现两种象甲的生殖器官中可能存在非嗅觉的功能性的ORs,提示其可能在发育的早期阶段就已发挥功能。  相似文献   

Genomics provides an unprecedented opportunity to probe in minute detail into the genomes of the world's most deadly pathogenic bacteria- Yersinia pestis. Here we report the complete genome sequence of Y. pestis strain 91001, a human-avirulent strain isolated from the rodent Brandt's vole-Microtus brandti. The genome of strain 91001 consists of one chromosome and four plasmids (pPCP1, pCD1, pMT1 and pCRY). The 9609-bp pPCP1 plasmid of strain 91001 is almost identical to the counterparts from reference strains (CO92 and KIM). There are 98 genes in the 70,159-bp range of plasmid pCD1. The 106,642-bp plasmid pMT1 has slightly different architecture compared with the reference ones. pCRY is a novel plasmid discovered in this work. It is 21,742 bp long and harbors a cryptic type IV secretory system. The chromosome of 91001 is 4,595,065 bp in length. Among the 4037 predicted genes, 141 are possible pseudo-genes. Due to the rearrangements mediated by insertion elements, the structure of the 91001 chromosome shows dramatic differences compared with CO92 and KIM. Based on the analysis of plasmids and chromosome architectures, pseudogene distribution, nitrate reduction negative mechanism and gene comparison, we conclude that strain 91001 and other strains isolated from M. brandti might have evolved from ancestral Y. pestis in a different lineage. The large genome fragment deletions in the 91001 chromosome and some pseudogenes may contribute to its unique nonpathogenicity to humans and host-specificity.  相似文献   

Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, tree-of-heaven, is an invasive species native to Asia. It first was introduced into the United States in the 1700 s and now is distributed throughout much of North America. Mechanical and chemical controls are current suppression tactics, however, implementation is costly. A weevil, Eucryptorrhynchus brandti (Harold), was identified in China and imported for quarantine testing in 2004 as a potential biological control agent. Host specificity tests on adult feeding, larval development, and oviposition of this weevil were conducted from 2007 to 2011 on A. altissima and 29 nontarget species. Eucryptorrhynchus brandti adults fed significantly more on A. altissima foliage when compared with all test species. Range of means for feeding on A. altissima was 32.5-106.5 mm(2)/adult/d. In no-choice tests, Simarouba glauca DC, Leitneria floridana Chapm., and Citrus limon (L.) Burm. F., had feeding rates of only 10, 49, and 10%, respectively, compared with the level of feeding on A. altissima. The mean range of adult feeding by E. brandti on all other test species was <7% of feeding on A. altissima (0.0-3.3 ± 5.0 mm(2)/adult/d). In the no-choice larval inoculation tests, larval development only occurred in two of 10 L. floridana seedlings compared with seven of 10 A. altissima seedlings. In the no-choice oviposition tests, oviposition and subsequent larval development did not occur in L. floridiana, whereas all seven A. altissima seedlings supported oviposition and subsequent larval development. The weevil did not appear to be a threat to L. floridana or any other nontarget species tested. Therefore, we conclude that Eucryptorrhynchus brandti is highly host specific to A. altissima.  相似文献   

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