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首次描述了葫芦科赤Bo属植物生活史的主要过程以及胚胎学的重要特征,它们是:腺质绒毡层,胸质分裂同时型,小孢子四分体四面体型和等面体型,花粉粒散发时具两细胞,双株被、厚株心,蓼型胚囊同时,珠孔端受精,胚胎发育柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

蚬木的大孢子发生与胚囊发育兼论蚬木属的系统亲缘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蚬木Excentrodendron hsienmu雌雄花在发育早期均有小孢子和大孢子的早期发育, 难以区分。蚬木子房5室, 具中轴胎座, 每室2胚珠; 胚珠倒生, 厚珠心, 双珠被, 成熟胚囊内珠被3层细胞, 外珠被3-4层细胞, 内外珠被共同形成之字形珠孔; 单细胞孢原, 大孢子四分体主要为线形, 稀为T形, 通常合点端大孢子为功能大孢子, 胚囊为蓼型; 在大孢子发生和胚囊发育时期有退化现象, 成熟胚囊时期退化率和种子退化率分别达88%和91%。蚬木属Excentrodendron在内外珠被层数上与柄翅果属Burretiodendron明显不同, 也与翅子树属Pterospermum、非洲芙蓉族Dombeyeae不同。蚬木属与柄翅果属的分离一直没有得到广泛接受, 但胚胎学证据支持蚬木属的建立; 与广义锦葵科Malvaceae s.l.其他属胚胎学资料的比较表明, 蚬木属在广义锦葵科中较孤立。  相似文献   

革苞菊为雌雄异株。在雄花中 ,花药 4室 ,药壁发育为双子叶型 ,由表皮、药室内壁 ,一层中层和绒毡层组成。绒毡层于小孢子四分体时期开始变形 ,其细胞原生质体向药室中移动 ,为变形绒毡层。小孢子孢原为多细胞 ,小孢子母细胞减数分裂产生四面体型的小孢子四分体。四分体胞质分裂为同时型。成熟花粉 3-细胞型。单核期的小孢子出现壁发育不良和巨大及空花粉现象。在雌花中 ,胚珠是倒生的 ,单珠被 ,薄珠心 ,珠被于孢原期已发育完整。大孢子孢原单细胞。由孢原细胞直接发育形成大孢子母细胞。 4个大孢子直线型 ,蓼型胚囊。于成熟胚囊期观察到发育异常的胚囊。通过对胚囊发育过程中营养物质消长规律的研究 ,讨论了环境与发育的相关性问题。  相似文献   

濒危植物裂叶沙参的大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文以近缘广布种泡沙参为对照,对濒危物种裂叶沙参进行了大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育的研究。裂叶沙参的药壁发育为双子叶型,绒毡层为腺质型,细胞含两核。小孢子母细胞在减数分裂过程中胞质分裂为同时型。小孢子四分体为四面体型,成熟花粉粒为2-细胞型。胚珠倒生,单珠被,薄珠心,大孢子四分体为线形排列,胚囊发育为蓼型。成熟胚囊中两极核在受精之前融合为一个大的次生核。当胚囊发育至单核胚囊时,珠被的最内层细胞发育为珠被绒毡层。濒危植物裂叶沙参在大、小孢子发生及雌、雄配子体的发育过程中,未见有败育及其它异常现象;与对照种泡沙参相比,也未见有差异,这说明裂叶沙参的致濒原因不在于有性生殖过程。  相似文献   

对嵩草属( Kobresia) 植物进行了初步的胚胎学研究。该属植物具假四合花粉(pseudomonad) ; 药室内壁在二核花粉时期开始螺旋状加厚, 花药表皮在花粉成熟时形成乳突; 成熟花粉具三细胞。胚珠为倒生型, 具厚珠心和双层珠被, 珠孔由内珠被构成, 珠柄的近基部向珠孔增生形成珠孔塞。胚囊的发育为蓼型, 四分体线形排列, 合点端大孢子发育成八核胚囊。受精后, 胚乳核先于受精卵进行分裂, 胚乳的发育为核型。胚的发育为柳叶菜型灯芯草变型。通过比较, 嵩草属植物大小孢子的发育、胚珠的结构、胚囊的发育、胚乳的发育和胚的发育与莎草科中其它类群一致。所以, 根据胚胎学资料, 嵩草属及其近缘属应保留在莎草科中,不该另立为嵩草科。  相似文献   

描述了葫芦科赤爬属植物生活史的主要过程以及胚胎学的重要特征,它们是:腺质绒毡层,胞质分裂同时型,小孢子四分体四面体型和等面体型,花粉粒散发时具两细胞,双珠被,厚珠心,寥型胚囊,珠孔端受精,胚胎发育柳叶菜型。  相似文献   

北柴胡大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体发育的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用石蜡切片法对北柴胡的大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程进行观察研究.结果显示,北柴胡的胚珠为倒生型,单珠被,薄珠心.孢原细胞不经分裂直接发育成大孢子母细胞;四分体线性,多数情况下合点端的大孢子为功能大孢子,少数情况下亚合点端的大孢子也可发育为功能大孢子,蓼型胚囊;八核胚囊时期,珠心基部和两侧的一些珠心细胞保持自己的细胞质和形状,留存较久,成为珠心座细胞,珠被内表皮细胞发育为珠被绒毡层;花药壁发育类型为基本型,绒毡层为腺质绒毡层.小孢子母细胞减数分裂的胞质分裂为同时型,产生正四面体型四分体.成熟花粉为3细胞型.  相似文献   

豆强红  蔡霞 《广西植物》2010,30(1):45-50
用石蜡切片法、半薄切片法对狭叶柴胡的大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育进行观察研究。结果显示:(1)狭叶柴胡花药壁的发育为双子叶型,腺质绒毡层;小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中的胞质分裂为同时型,四分孢子为正四面体形;成熟的花粉粒为3-细胞型,具3个萌发孔。(2)倒生型胚珠,单珠被,薄珠心;大孢子母细胞常为一个雌性孢原直接发育而成,大孢子四分体呈线型,多数情况为合点端一个大孢子分化为功能大孢子;由功能大孢子发育为蓼型成熟胚囊。(3)八核胚囊时期,珠心基部和两侧的一些珠心细胞留存较久,成为珠心座细胞。此外,珠被内表皮细胞发育为珠被绒毡层。  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片法,借助光学显微镜对家榆胚胎发育进行研究,研究结果表明:(1)家榆的花药具4个药室;小孢子母细胞减数分裂过程中的胞质分裂为同时型;小孢子四分体排列为四面体型和左右对称型;成熟花粉为2-细胞型;(2)花药壁发育类型为双子叶型,腺质绒毡层;(3)家榆子房两心皮1室,侧膜胎座,1枚倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心;四分体呈直线型和T型排列;(4)家榆胚囊类型为单孢子蓼型胚囊;胚的发育类型为茄型;核型胚乳;无胚乳型种子。  相似文献   

喜树大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
喜树子房下位,一室,有1枚倒生胚珠,悬垂,具单珠被。假厚珠心胚珠类型,胚囊发育为蓼型。喜树小孢子母细胞减数分裂胞质分裂方式为同时型,四分体主要为四面体形和左右对称形,单核小孢子呈三角形,成熟花粉粒有三角形、四边形和圆形。本文主要研究喜树大小孢子发生和雌雄配子体的发育过程,并初步探讨了喜树部分雌蕊败育的原因。  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片技术,对百合科植物开口箭(Tupistra chinensis Baker)大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育进程进行胚胎学观察分析,以明确开口箭胚胎发育的特征,为百合科植物的研究提供生殖生物学依据。结果表明:(1)开口箭花药具有4个药室,花药壁的发育方式为基本型,由表皮、药室内壁、中层及绒毡层组成;绒毡层发育类型为分泌型,到四分体花药阶段绒毡层细胞开始解体退化,花药成熟时完全消失。(2)花粉母细胞减数分裂为连续型,依次形成二分体、四分体,四分体为左右对称形;成熟花粉为2-细胞花粉,具单萌发沟。(3)子房3室,倒生型胚珠6枚,双珠被,薄珠心;在花部的分化早期,由珠心顶端表皮下方分化出雌性孢原细胞,孢原细胞经过一次平周分裂形成周缘细胞和造孢细胞,造孢细胞发育为大孢子母细胞;大孢子母细胞第一次减数分裂后形成二分体,珠孔端的二分体孢子退化,合点端的二分体孢子继续第二次分裂,形成两个子细胞依次发育为二核胚囊、四核胚囊和八核胚囊;开口箭的胚囊发育类型为葱型。  相似文献   

用石蜡切片法对不同发育时期的大花紫薇(Lagerstroemia speciosa)花朵进行解剖研究,探讨其大小孢子的发生及雌雄配子体的发育过程,结果发现:大花紫薇花药4室,花药壁由表皮、药室内壁、中层和腺质绒毡层构成,发育类型为双子叶型;小孢子四分体多为四面体型,偶见十字交叉型,胞质分裂为同时型;成熟花粉粒属于2-细胞型,具3孔沟,偶见败育现象;大花紫薇雌蕊具6~7心皮,子房6~7室,每室具多枚倒生胚珠,双珠被,厚珠心,大孢子4分体呈直线排列,近合点端大孢子发育为蓼型胚囊,成熟胚囊为7细胞8核。花粉及胚囊发育多数正常,大花紫薇可以作为优良的杂交母本;同时可以根据开花物候不同阶段花的形态特征,初步判断大花紫薇大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体的发育进程。  相似文献   

Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis Roem) blooms but has no seeds.Embryological studies on the species were conducted to discover the causes of its sterility.Its anther wall is composed of four layers of cells,and its tapetum is of the secretory type.The cytokinesis of microspore mother cells is of the successive type,and the tetrad is tetrahedral.During meiosis of microspore mother cells,some chromosomes lagged,and several micronuclei were found in tetrads.Only 27.7% of the pollen grains contained full cytoplasm,and 1.3% of them germinated in culture medium.No pollen grain,however,could germinate on the stigma.The ovary is trilocular with axile placenta,and the ovules are bitegmic,tenuinucellate,and anatropous.Its embryo sac is of the polygonum type.Most embryo sacs degenerated,and only about 4.5% of the ovules contained a normal embryo sac with an egg cell,two synergids,three antipodal,and a central cell containing two polar nuclei.One reason for the sterility of Chinese narcissus is the abnormality of microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis,in which only a few functional pollen grains and embryo sacs are produced.The other reason is that the pollen grains cannot germinate on the stigma.  相似文献   

Chinese narcissus (Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Roem) blooms but has no seeds. Embryological studies on the species were conducted to discover the causes of its sterility. Its anther wall is composed of four layers of cells, and its tapetum is of the secretory type. The cytokinesis of microspore mother cells is of the successive type, and the tetrad is tetrahedral. During meiosis of microspore mother cells, some chromosomes lagged, and several micronuclei were found in tetrads. Only 27.7% of the pollen grains contained full cytoplasm, and 1.3% of them germinated in culture medium. No pollen grain, however, could germinate on the stigma. The ovary is trilocular with axile placenta, and the ovules are bitegmic, tenuinucellate, and anatropous. Its embryo sac is of the polygonum type. Most embryo sacs degenerated, and only about 4.5% of the ovules contained a normal embryo sac with an egg cell, two synergids, three antipodal, and a central cell containing two polar nuclei. One reason for the sterility of Chinese narcissus is the abnormality of microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis, in which only a few functional pollen grains and embryo sacs are produced. The other reason is that the pollen grains cannot germinate on the stigma. This paper was translated from Journal of Xiamen University (Natural Science), 2005, 44(1) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴花药四囊型,腺质绒毡层有1-2层细胞,小孢子形成时胞质分裂方式为修饰性同时型.小孢子四分体排列方式为左右对称型,成熟花粉粒为二细胞型。四分体和小孢子在发生时有不规则变形。子房单心皮。心皮腹面壁上着生2个胚珠,胚珠倒生型,厚珠心,双珠被;抱原细胞一个,并且自表皮下第2层细胞处分化。胚囊发育为单孢蓼型。凹叶厚朴的胚胎学特征与木兰科其它植物的胚胎学特征基本相同,属于较原始的被子植物胚胎类型。在凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程中存在部分败育现象。本文初步探讨了凹叶厚朴濒危的生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
凹叶厚朴花药四囊型,腺质绒毡层有1-2层细胞,小孢子形成时胞质分裂方式为修饰性同时型,小孢子四分体排列方式为左右对称型.成熟花粉粒为二细胞型。四分体和小孢子在发生时有不规则变形。子房单心皮,心皮腹面壁上着生2个胚珠,胚珠倒生型,厚珠心,双珠被;孢原细胞一个,并且自表皮下第2层细胞处分化。胚囊发育为单孢蓼型。凹叶厚朴的胚胎学特征与木兰科其它植物的胚胎学特征基本相同,属于较原始的被子植物胚胎类型。在凹叶厚朴大、小孢子发生和雌、雄配子体发育过程中存在部分败育现象。本文初步探讨了凹叶厚朴濒危的生殖生物学原因。  相似文献   

This paper describes megasporogenesis, microsporogenesis, and development of female and male gametophytes in Eleutherococcus senticosus. The main results are as follows: Flowers of E. senticosus are epigynous, pentamerous. Anthers are 4 -microsporangiate. An ovary has 5 loculi. Each ovary loculus has 2 ovules: the upper ovule and the lower ovule. The upper one is orthotropous and degenerates after the formation of archesporial cell, while the lower one is anatropous, unitegmic and crassinucellar, and able to continue developing. In male plants, microsporogenesis and development of male gametophytes took place in regular way, but a series of abnormal phenomena were found in megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes. The microspore mother cells gave rise to tetrahedral tetrads by meiosis. Cytokinesis was of the simultaneous type. The mature pollen was 3-celled and shed singly. The anther wall formation belonged to the dicotyledonous type. At the stage of microspore mother cell, the anther wall consisted of four layers, i.e. epidermis, endothecium, middle layer, and tapetum. The tapetum was of glandular type and its most cells were binucleate. When microspores were at the uninucleate stage, the tapetum began to degenerate in situ. When microspores developed into 3-celled pollen grains, the tapetum had fully degenerates. In the lower ovule of male flower, the megaspore mother cell gave rise to a linear or “T” -shaped tetrad. In some cases, a new archesporial cell over the tetrad or two tetrads parallel or in a series were observed. Furthermore, the position of functional megaspore was variable; any one or two megaspores might be functional, or one megaspore gave rise to a uninucleate embryo sac, but two other megaspores also had a potentiality of developing into the embryo sac. In generally, on the day when flowers opened, female gametophytes contained only 4 cells: a central cell, two irregular synergids and one unusual egg cell. In female plants, microspore mother cells and secondary sporogenous cells were observed. But at the stage of secondary sporogenous cell, the newly differentiated tapetum took the appearance of degeneration. Later, during the whole stage of meiosis, the trace of degenerative tapetum could be seen. At last, the microsporangium degenerated and no tetrad formed. On the blossom day, all anthers shriveled without pollen grains. In female flowers, megasporogenesis and development of female gametophytes were normal: the tetrad of megaspores was linear or “T”-shaped; the chalazal megaspore was usually functional; the development of embryo sac was of the Polygonum type. On the blossom day, most embryo sacs consisted of 7 cells with 8 nuclei or 7 cells with 7 nuclei; but the egg apparatus was not fully developed. In hermaphroditic plants, microsporogenesis was normal but the development of male gametophytes was partially abnormal. When the hermaphroditic flowers blossomed, there were more or less empty pollen grains in the microsporangium and these pollen grains were quite different in size. The development of most gynoecia was normal but numerous abnormal embryo sacs could be seen. On the blossom day, female gametophytes were mainly 7-celled with 8-nuclei or with 7-nuclei or 4-celled with antipodal cells degenerated; the egg apparatus wasnot fully developed either.  相似文献   

高翠  陈玉霞  包颖  冯旻  路安民 《植物学报》2010,45(6):705-712
利用石蜡切片技术对白穗花(Speirantha gardenii (Hook.) Baill.)胚胎发育过程进行了显微观察。研究结果表明: 白穗 花具四室花药, 腺质绒毡层; 小孢子母细胞减数分裂为连续型, 四分体主要为左右对称型, 偶有直线型、T型和交互对生型; 成熟花粉为二细胞型; 子房三室, 中轴胎座; 倒生胚珠, 双珠被, 厚珠心型, 珠孔由内珠被形成; 胚囊的发育为蓼型; 胚的发育类型为柳叶菜型, 核型胚乳。根据已有的胚胎学资料, 比较白穗花和铃兰族(Convallarieae)其它植物的胚胎学特征, 结果显示: (1) 白穗花属(Speirantha Baker)与蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra Ker-Gawler)的胚胎学特征更为接近, 二者可能起源于共同的祖先; (2) 夏须草属(Theropogon Maxim.)是铃兰族的异质类群。  相似文献   

Observed in this paper was the development of the microspore and megaspore, male and female gametophytes in Sinojakia xylocarpa, which is endemic to China. The anther comprises four microsporangia. Microspore wall forms simultaneously after meiotic division in PMCs. The arrangment of microspore in a tetrad is tetrahedral. Bicel lular pollen grains appear at the shedding stage. ‘They are 3-colporate, with irregular min ute-faveolate exine sculpture. The anther wall development is of the dicotyledonous type, and its endothecitum develops slight fibrous thickenings, which also form on some epidermal cells. The tapetum is glandular. The pistil with hollow style is composed of three carpels, and its ovary contains several anatropous ovules. The ovule is unitegmic, tenuinucellar, but no obturator was observed. The archesporial cell functions directly as the megaspore mother cell which forms a linear tetrad, but T-shaped tetrad was found in a few ovules. A Polygonum type embryo sac forms from the functional chalazal megaspore. In the mature embryo sac, the synergids are elongate with a large vacuole at the chalazal end, but the distrihution of vacuoles in the egg cell appears random. Two polar nuclei remain in contact with each other for a spell before the fertilization and the 3 antipodal cells may persist into early postfertilzation stages. Numerous starch gra ins occur in the embryo sac. According to the present embryological studies on Sinojakia xylocarpa and the works on embryogenesis by some early embryologist, authors consider that Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Sapotaceae and Ebenaceae are rather closely related, and we alsoconsider it reasonable to put the 4 families mentioned above in Ebenales.  相似文献   

红直獐牙菜的胚胎学   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
首次报道了红直獐牙菜大小孢子发生,雌雄配子体形成和胚胎发育过程。主要结果如下:花药四室,药壁发育为双子叶型,绒毡层异型起源,接近腺质绒毡层,中层3层,花药壁表皮宿存,细胞柱状伸长,纤维状加厚,药室内壁退化,小孢子母细胞减数分裂为同时型,四分体的排列方式为四面体形;成熟花粉为3-细胞;子房2心皮,1室,12列胚珠,侧膜胎座,薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠,蓼型胚囊,反足细胞3个,宿存时间短,胚乳发育为核型  相似文献   

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