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光照和温度对沙芥和斧翅沙芥植物种子萌发的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
宋兆伟  郝丽珍  黄振英  李娜  赵清岩 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2562-2568
研究了生长于不同生境下的沙芥(Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn.)和斧翅沙芥(Pugionium dolabratum Maxim.)种子萌发对光照和温度的响应。结果表明:沙芥和斧翅沙芥种子在光下萌发受到显著(P0.05)的抑制作用,其中沙芥种子萌发受光的抑制作用强于斧翅沙芥种子。在黑暗10—40℃恒温条件下,沙芥和斧翅沙芥种子在15—35℃范围内均可萌发,在15℃和35℃下沙芥种子的萌发要优于斧翅沙芥种子;其种子分别在25℃和30℃下达到最佳的萌发响应,在此条件下斧翅沙芥种子的萌发特性优于沙芥种子。在黑暗变温条件下,沙芥和斧翅沙芥种子在20/30℃(12h/12h)下达到最佳的萌发响应,此处理下的萌发率高于其各自最佳恒温处理下的萌发率,其萌发后幼苗下胚轴和胚根的长度较最佳恒温处理有明显的下降,但它们的干重却差异较小,说明变温处理有利于两种种子的萌发和形成强壮的幼苗。综上所述,沙芥和斧翅沙芥种子在黑暗和20/30℃变温条件下有利于种子萌发和幼苗建成。  相似文献   

以发育过程中经脱水和未脱水处理的沙芥种子为试验材料,测定了其含水量、萌发率和抗氧化酶系统,探讨了沙芥种子脱水耐性与抗氧化系统之间的关系。结果表明:在20~60DAF,沙芥种子含水量逐渐下降,干重逐渐增加;60DAF种子具有萌发能力,萌发率为24%;且脱水可促进沙芥种子的萌发,人工脱水至含水量为12%和5%时,萌发率分别为56%和44%,自然脱水至含水量为12%和5%时,萌发率分别为52%和60%;发育过程中沙芥种子SOD活性逐渐降低,而CAT、POD、LOX活性以及MDA含量均呈上升趋势;在脱水过程中,随着种子含水量的下降SOD活性逐渐降低,CAT和LOX活性逐渐升高,而POD活性呈先降低后升高的变化趋势。脱水后,种子中MDA含量均高于CK。60DAF的沙芥种子已获得脱水耐性。  相似文献   

以中国特有种沙芥[Pugionium cornutum(L.)Gaertn.]和濒危种斧形沙芥(Pugionium dolabratum Max-im.)的种子为研究材料,利用自然生境的沙土在室内进行种子萌发人工模拟试验,研究沙芥和斧形沙芥种子萌发、幼苗出土和幼苗生长对土壤含水量的适应性。结果表明:沙芥和斧形沙芥果实适宜萌发的土壤含水量范围均为6%~12%,适宜出苗的土壤含水量范围均为6%~16%。当土壤含水量低于2%时,果实不能萌发;当土壤含水量低于3%时,幼苗不能出土定居;当土壤含水量为6%~12%时,最有利于幼苗的生长。当土壤含水量分别为3%~8%和4%~8%时,沙芥和斧形沙芥植株根冠比最大。因此,沙芥和斧形沙芥种子萌发机制对沙生环境有着极强的适应性;植株将更多的同化物用于根系生长,以吸收更深层次的水分,从而适应含水量低的土壤。  相似文献   

沙芥种子吸水和发芽过程中几种贮藏物质的含量变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
沙芥种子在浸种过程中吸水分3个时期:0~180min为急剧吸水期,180~840min为缓慢吸水期,浸种840min后进入种子吸水停滞期;沙芥种子的适宜浸种时间是6 h,有利于提高发芽势、发芽指数、发芽率;萌发过程中种子的主要贮藏物质降解和含水量的增加同步进行.  相似文献   

以沙芥种子(含水量4.5%)和斧形沙芥种子(含水量4.3%)为材料,采用硅胶干燥法将其含水量分别降至3.1%、2.2%、1.3%,在50℃、35℃和20℃条件下密闭贮藏1年,研究贮藏温度和超干处理对种子萌发指标、解剖结构的影响,为种子老化及贮藏研究提供理论参考。结果表明:(1)随着贮藏温度升高和种子含水量降低,沙芥和斧形沙芥种子的发芽率、胚根长、胚根干质量均在下降。(2)解剖观察发现,贮藏温度升高和种子含水量降低,首先加剧种子胚内部维管束组织活性的降低,其次由里及外对薄壁细胞活性和结构产生破坏,同时胚淀粉粒活性和数量下降。(3)沙芥和斧形沙芥种子分别在含水量4.5%和4.3%(CK)、并于20℃~35℃条件下贮藏后,种子的萌发和结构活性保持最好,而且斧形沙芥种子的保持能力强于沙芥。  相似文献   

盐地碱蓬二型性种子的萌发和休眠及生态适应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二型性种子可能增强植物(尤其是盐生植物)应对难于预测环境变化的能力。该研究以运城盐湖盐地碱蓬(Suaeda salsa)二型性种子(黑色和棕色)为材料,采用室内观察和萌发方法对两种种子的形态、休眠和萌发特性进行比较,以揭示盐生植物二型性种子对盐渍化环境的适应对策。结果表明:(1)黑色种子体积小,种皮角质有光泽,而棕色种子体积大,种皮膜质无光泽。(2)新成熟的棕色种子在实验温度范围内萌发率均超过90%,而黑色种子仅在15/25℃下萌发最高(但低于85%),并且棕色种子萌发速度较黑色更快。(3)低盐(0.39mol/L)条件下,光照或黑暗对棕色种子萌发没有显著影响;高盐(0.39mol/L)条件下,棕色种子在黑暗中的萌发显著高于光照环境,而黑色种子在光照条件下的萌发率显著高于黑暗;所有温度和光照处理中,2种种子均随盐分浓度的升高而下降,但棕色种子在盐分浓度为0.78mol/L时萌发率仍能够达到30%以上,而黑色种子在盐分浓度大于0.59mol/L时几乎不萌发。(4)棕色种子为非休眠种子,而黑色种子具有非深度生理休眠特性;划破种皮、干储、低温层积和GA3处理均能够提高黑色种子的萌发率。研究发现,盐地碱蓬通过二型性种子休眠和萌发行为上的差异,采用"两头下注"对策提高其对盐渍化异质生境的适应性。  相似文献   

水浮莲种子是一种奇特的需光种子。在黑暗中,GA_2或BA均不能代替光照诱导萌发,可是0.1μl/l乙烯却能引起部分种子萌发,在1000μ1/1乙烯的作用下,发芽率可达80%,接近全光照处理的萌发水平(91%发芽率)。ACC也能诱导水浮莲种子的萌发,0.1 mM浓度可获30%发芽率。在较短光照下,ACC对种子萌发有增效作用。在光照前应用ACC,其诱导效应大于两者同时施用。在照光萌发中,种子的内源ACC含量及乙烯释放量均显著增加。CoCl_2和AOA均能抑制光的诱导萌发。推论光打破休眠诱导萌发的作用是与乙烯的生成密切相关。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)是世界人工草地重要的优良牧草。研究其种子萌发和幼苗生长对温度、光照及埋深等环境因子的响应,对苜蓿草地的种植及管理具有重要的实践指导意义。采用室内控制实验,分析了紫花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长对恒温(10、15、20、25、30℃)、变温(6/15、10/20、15/25、15/30、20/30℃)、光照(12 h光照/12 h黑暗、24 h黑暗)以及埋深(1、2、3、4、5 cm)等环境因子的响应特征。结果表明,苜蓿种子的萌发温度范围宽,在供试的10种恒温和变温下萌发率为50%~88%,且温度处理对苜蓿种子的萌发率没有显著的影响;黑暗对苜蓿种子萌发有抑制作用,12 h光照/12 h黑暗条件下,苜蓿种子萌发率为69%~88%,而24 h全暗条件下为50%~77%,其中10、15、30、10/20和15/30℃温度下,光照处理均显著高于全暗处理。埋深1~5 cm的苜蓿种子出苗率没有显著差异,且幼苗株高、干重、鲜重均没有受到显著影响;埋深对苜蓿根生长存在显著影响,埋深1~2 cm根长度及重量均显著高于其他埋深处理。以上结果表明,苜蓿种子萌发的温度范围宽,恒温和变温下都有较高的萌发率,适合播种季节要求宽泛;黑暗显著抑制紫花苜蓿种子的萌发,田间种植苜蓿的最佳埋深为1~2 cm。  相似文献   

银叶树实生苗培育试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用不同播种时间、果皮处理方式、盐度-淹水交互条件对银叶树Heritiera littoralis播种育苗进行试验。结果表明,冬末初春播种的种子萌发所需时间均显著高于春末、夏季的播种处理,而春季初夏所需的萌发时间则与盛夏初秋没有明显差异。脱壳、破壳处理有效缩短银叶树种子的萌发时间;破壳处理的种子萌发率(88.9%)明显高于脱壳处理(74.4%)。银叶树种子播种期最适宜采用淡水浇灌,且减少淹水次数,均有利于种子萌发率的提升。萌发过程中可溶性糖及总酚含量在低盐度、低淹水频率条件下含量更低。种子经风干储藏于次年4~6月播种,可有效减少苗圃维护时间和成本,同时缩短种子萌发周期。  相似文献   

以黑暗和光照处理下苦荞(Fagopyrum tataricum(L.)Gaertner)品种‘晋荞2号’种子萌发所得的芽菜为材料,利用气相色谱-质谱联用分析技术,对两种处理下苦荞芽菜代谢产物的差异进行分析。结果显示,两种光照处理下苦荞芽菜的代谢产物差异明显,在芽菜中共检测出383种代谢产物,其中不同光照处理造成了137种代谢产物的显著差异,他们主要集中在氨基酸及其衍生物、糖类及其衍生物、芳香族化合物和脂肪酸等。除氨基酸及其衍生物外,其余绝大多数差异代谢物的含量在光照组芽菜中较高;KEGG代谢通路分析结果表明,差异代谢物富集于136条物质代谢通路。说明光照能够促进苦荞芽菜多数营养代谢物的生成和积累,营养组分较暗培养更为丰富,营养价值更高。  相似文献   

Ex situ conservation in seed banks is a potential complementary conservation strategy for native plant species.It is well established that ex situ seed banking of native wild plants prolongs seed viability and thereby preserves genetic and species diversity for future use.We evaluated ex situ storage potential of eight halophytic species from deserts in the United Arab Emirates(UAE)by studying seed germination.Specifically,we examined the germinability of freshly collected seeds and seeds stored for three years in a seed bank.We also examined the effect of light conditions on fresh and stored seed germination.Fresh seeds of seven of the eight species tested had a higher germination rates under 12/12 h light/dark fluctuations than did those exposed to total darkness.Storage reduced light sensitivity in Halocnemum strobilaceum,Suaeda aegyptiaca,Salsola drummondii and Salsola imbricata,but increased the requirement for light in Arthrocnemum macrostachyum.In Anabasis setifera,storage decreased germination percentage when there was a 12-hour light/dark fluctuation,but increased germination rate when exposed to the dark treatment.Storage significantly reduced germination in both the light/dark and dark treatments in Suaeda vermiculata and S.aegyptiaca.Germination speed also responded differently to storage;whereas Timson's index significantly increased in A.macrostachyum and H.strobilaceum,it significantly decreased for S.drummondii,S.aegyptiaca and S.vermiculata.Germination of these species at a range of temperatures requires further testing;additionally,we strongly suggest that these laboratory findings be complemented by field studies.  相似文献   

We studied seed and ovule production, predation and abortion in 14 taxa of the genus Vicia. Germination capacity, seed vigour and germination kinetics after scarification were also evaluated, as well as the influence of light on these parameters. Pod size correlated with the number and weight of viable seeds, and with the total number of ovules and the number of undeveloped ovules per pod. Species with smaller seeds had lower rates of abortion than those with larger seeds, and seedling size correlated strongly with seed weight in this genus. In most taxa seed hardness was not great, and the scarifying agent used—sulfuric acid with different times of exposure—led in some cases to 100% germination. Light conditions did not notably influence germination. Germination speed was favored by scarification under both dark and light conditions, and vigour index was greater in scarified than in control seeds. In most taxa, germination after scarification fit an exponential curve, with the exception of Vicia lutea ssp. vestita, which showed very slow velocity.  相似文献   

31 P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscope (NMR) was used to study the response of Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds to dark and light conditions during the first 72 h of incubation. Changes in the chemical shifts (δ) of the pH-dependent 31P-NMR signals from the vacuolar and the cytoplasmic orthophosphate pools were correlated with the different incubation conditions. In the dark (favorable to germination), the cytoplasmic pH remained nearly constant over the whole period considered, while the vacuolar pH shitted to more acidic values after the 24th h of incubation. In the light (inhibiting germination), the values of cytoplasmic pH tended to become more acidic than in the dark after the 24th h of incubation, while the vacuolar pH remained practically constant. When seed germination was inhibited in the dark by butyric acid (BA). a permeant weak acid, the values of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH were similar to those of the ungerminated seeds incubated in the light. When, vice versa, seed germination was promoted in the light by fusicoccin (FC), the values of cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH were similar to those of the dark-germinated seeds. A progressive augmentation of P, metabolism occurred both in the dark and in the light up to the 24th h of incubation. Subsequently, light blocked any further evolution of this parameter. Treatment with butyric acid in the dark again mimicked the effect of light, while FC reversed the negative effect of light. The data show that in Phacelia tanacetifolia seeds germination is linked to a more alkaline cytoplasmic pH. The finding that the light-dependent metabolic inhibition occurs after an early activation of metabolism, i.e. after the first 24 h. suggests that the effects of light on the cytoplasmic and vacuolar pH depend on the early metabolic processes involved in the control of the homeostasis of cell pH and/or on the inhibition of the reactivation of the transport mechanisms.  相似文献   

采用室内与野外实验相结合的方法,对五蕊寄生(Dendrophthoe pentandra)种子萌发特性以及鸟类消化过程对其种子萌发的影响进行研究。结果表明:五蕊寄生种子对温度和光照较敏感,与黑暗条件相比,光照能显著提高种子的萌发率;20℃为种子萌发的最适温度,萌发率达53.8%,高温35℃及低温10℃均不利于种子萌发。研究发现纯色啄花鸟(Dicaeum concolor)是该植物的主要食果者,种子外的果肉不是限制种子萌发的关键因素,人为去除果肉并不能提高种子的萌发率,但可缩短种子萌发的时间,果实通过纯色啄花鸟类肠道消化后,随着粪便排出的种子萌发率显著提高(达69%),暗示纯色啄花鸟在五蕊寄生的种子萌发过程中具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

兰科植物的种子原地和迁地共生萌发技术是近年发展起来的开展兰科植物种子和共生真菌研究的有效方法。该研究对兰属(Cymbidium)附生植物硬叶兰(C. mannii)开展了种子的迁地共生萌发研究, 试图获得其种子萌发的有效真菌。利用硬叶兰成年植株根部周围的树皮、苔藓、枯枝落叶、腐殖质等作为培养基质, 进行种子的共生培养。在培养133天后, 成功地获得了处于不同阶段的已萌发种子、原球茎和幼苗, 并从原球茎中分离得到一种瘤菌根菌属(Epulorhiza)真菌。用所分离到的FCb4菌株和一种从兜唇石斛(Dendrobium aphyllum)分离到的胶膜菌属(Tulasnella) FDaI7菌株和硬叶兰种子在燕麦琼脂培养基上进行共生萌发, 设置不接菌作为对照处理, 以检验FCb4菌株对硬叶兰种子萌发的有效性。经过58天的培养, 不接菌的对照处理中种子没有萌发, 接种FCb4和FDaI7菌株的处理都有很高的种子萌发率, 两种接菌处理在不同光照条件下的种子萌发率均无显著性差异。但暗培养条件下, 种子萌发形成原球茎后, 表现出生长停滞的趋势, 仅有很少的原球茎继续生长达到幼苗阶段, 说明原球茎发育后期与幼苗发育阶段需要光照。在光照条件下, 接种FCb4菌株处理中达到幼苗阶段种子的比例为(25.67 ± 9.27)%, 显著高于接种FDaI7菌株处理的(3.04 ± 2.27)% (W = 56, p = 0.026, Mann-Whitney U-test), 表明此研究中分离到的瘤菌根菌属真菌能有效地促使硬叶兰种子萌发并生长发育到幼苗阶段。  相似文献   

Improving natural regeneration of bamboos after they die following mass flowering is critical for conservation of giant pandas. However, little is known about factors that affect seed germination and seedling growth of bamboos. We studied seed germination and seedling growth in Fargesia qinlingensis, which mass flowered in a giant panda habitat in the Qinling Mountains of China in early 2000, in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Seed germination rate was tested under light and dark conditions 5 and 12 months after seed collection. Germination rate displayed no significant difference under light or dark conditions 5 months after seed collection, but was significantly greater in the dark than under light 12 months after seed collection, suggesting light inhibition of seed germination. A 2×2 factorial design was conducted to test the effects of nitrogen (N fertilization and non-N fertilization) and light [full sun and shade (i.e., 14% full sun)] on seedling growth and biomass allocation. N fertilization significantly increased seedling growth, resulting in greater seedling height, more branches, more leaves, greater stem biomass, and greater leaf biomass. Seedlings under 14% full sun conditions had a significantly lower percentage of biomass allocated to the stem. The root/shoot ratio was significantly greater in non-N/shade than non-N/full sun, while there was no significant difference in this ratio between N/shade and N/full sun, suggesting that nitrogen fertilization compensated for the effect of shade on biomass allocation. Our results suggest that N fertilization could be employed in restoration of F. qinlingensis stands after die-off following mass flowering.  相似文献   

Seeds with efficient antioxidant defence system show higher germination under stress conditions; however, such information is limited for the halophyte seeds. We therefore studied lipid peroxidation and antioxidant responses of a leaf-succulent halophyte Salsola drummondii during seed germination under different salinity levels (0, 200 and 800 mM NaCl), temperature (10/20, 20/30 and 25/35°C) and light regimes. Seeds absorbed water and germinated in less than 1 h in non-saline control while increases in salinity decreased the rate of water uptake as well as seed germination. Non-optimal temperatures (10/20 and 25/35°C) and complete dark condition reduced seed germination in comparison to those seeds germinated under optimal temperature (20/30°C) and 12-h photoperiod, respectively. Generally, higher lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities were observed in seeds at non-optimal temperature and in those seeds germinated in dark. Decrease in reduced ascorbic acid content was found in highest salinity and temperature treatments, while reduced glutathione content did not change significantly with changes in salinity, temperature and light regimes. These results indicate variation in temperature and light but not salinity enhances antioxidant enzyme activities in germinating seeds of Salsola drummondii.  相似文献   

Aims Light requirements for cactus seed germination have been considered to be associated with their adult plant height and seed mass, but this has not been thoroughly studied for other succulent species. In order to understand seed photosensitivity from desert species belonging to Asparagaceae (subfamily Agavoideae) and Cactaceae, we performed a germination experiment with and without light for 12 species and 2 varieties from 1 species from the Southern Chihuahuan Desert. We also determined if adult growth is totally determined by seedling 'growth form' in cacti.Methods We performed a germination experiment using light and darkness for 13 species from Southern Chihuahuan Desert: 10 rosette species (Asparagaceae), as well as 1 globose, 1 columnar and 2 varieties from 1 depressed-globose species (Cactaceae). The response variables were seed germination percentage and relative light germination (RLG). In addition, in order to determine if adult-globose cacti could have cylindrical seedlings, we calculated the shape index (height/width ratio) for Coryphanta clavata and Mammillaria compressa .Important findings All species were considered neutral photoblastic. Eleven species had similar seed germination in both light and dark conditions, and three taxa (M. compressa and the two varieties of Ferocactus latispinus) showed higher germination with light than without it. Agave salmiana, M. compressa and the two varieties of F. latispinus had higher RLG than the other species. Seed mass was an important factor because with higher seed mass there was lower dependence to light. These findings support the hypothesis that small seed mass and light requirements have coevolved as an adaptation to ensure germination. One adult-globose cactus species, M. compressa, and one adult-columnar species, C. clavata, had small seeds and neutral fotoblasticism. Seedlings from these two species exposed to light were cylindrical and those under darkness conditions were columnar. Perhaps seeds from this species are able to germinate in the dark because they produce columnar seedlings with the ability to emerge from greater soil depths where sunlight cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

南亚热带森林24种乔木的种子萌发和幼苗生长   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以膨胀珍珠岩为基质,在光和暗的条件下,对24种南亚热带森林乔木的种子萌发和幼苗生长进行了研究。种子的形态和重量与种的演替阶段有关,种子的重量也与不同的种有关。不同种的萌发率差异较大,种子较大的种,萌发率较高。肉质果实的种子,开始萌发的时间较长。光和暗条件对萌发率和萌发速度无明显影响。幼苗高度和种子重量呈正相关,这一相关在光条件下比暗条件下更明显。暗条件明显地引起群落演替早期的树种的茎徒长,限制根的生长,而对演替后期种无显著的影响。幼苗地上部分和根系生物量的分配与种的演替阶段有关,也与不同的科有关。幼苗地上部分和根系生物量的分配也受光暗条件的影响,而不受种子重量的影响。根和叶的生物量分配和种在其群落演替阶段有关。幼苗的生物量与种子重量有显著的正相关。幼苗的相对生长率相差较大,在没有营养供应的生长基质中,以演替中间阶段的种的相对生长率较大。幼苗从种子的物质利用效率与种子重量呈负相关,而与种的演替阶段无明显的相关。  相似文献   

The effects of time of seed maturation and dry seed storage and of light and temperature requirements during seed incubation on final germination percentage and germination rate were assessed for the invasive shrub Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) D.C., grown under desert environmental conditions of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Seeds were collected from Fujira on the northern coast of the UAE at different times during the growing seasons (autumn, winter and spring) and were germinated immediately and after 8 months of dry storage under room temperature (20±3 °C). Seeds were germinated at three temperatures (15, 25 and 40 °C) in both continuous light and darkness. The results showed significant effects for time of seed collection, seed storage, light and temperature of seed incubation and many of their interactions on both germination percentage and rate. Fresh seeds matured during autumn and winter germinated significantly greater at 40 °C and in light than at lower temperatures and in dark. Storage significantly increased germination percentage and rate; the increase was greater for seeds matured during winter than for seeds matured during spring. This indicates that dormancy breakage was greater in seeds of winter than seeds of spring. The need for high temperature to achieve greater germination was significantly reduced after seed storage, especially for seeds matured in autumn and winter.  相似文献   

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