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过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体γ(peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma,PPARγ)是一种配体依赖性核转录因子,它具有调控细胞分化、脂肪代谢、糖代谢及炎症等多种生物学功能.机体对PPARγ转录活性的调控方式是多种多样的,包括蛋白表达水平、配体以及转录辅助因子等不同层次上的调控.近年来众多证据揭示,蛋白翻译后修饰(posttranslational modifications,PTMs)是机体调节PPARγ转录活性的另一重要方式.目前,已报道的PPARγ翻译后修饰包括磷酸化、泛素化、SUMO化和亚硝基化等,它们能够改变蛋白构象、调控蛋白相互作用、改变受体与配体间的亲和力,从而调控PPARγ下游基因的转录.重要的是,PPARγ的翻译后修饰与一些疾病如糖尿病、动脉粥样硬化、肿瘤等密切相关.本文将主要围绕PPARγ的各种翻译后修饰及其在疾病的发生、发展和治疗中的意义作一综述.  相似文献   

免疫检查点程序性细胞死亡蛋白配体-1(programmed cell death 1 ligand 1,PD-L1)是一种主要表达于肿瘤细胞表面的免疫抑制性分子,其可与T淋巴细胞表面的程序性细胞死亡蛋白-1(programmed cell death protein 1,PD-1)结合,抑制T淋巴细胞的激活,发挥免疫抑制性功能。基于这一原理所开发的PD-1/PD-L1免疫阻断疗法,已在临床广泛应用于多种实体瘤的治疗,使诸多病人受益。与此同时,随着对PD-L1调控机制研究的深入,PD-L1的多种翻译后修饰形式陆续得到了鉴定,包括糖基化、磷酸化、泛素化和棕榈酰化等。研究表明,这些翻译后修饰过程可影响PD-L1的蛋白质稳定性与生理功能。因此,翻译后修饰成了PD-L1研究新的切入点。目前,PD-L1翻译后修饰靶向药物已在免疫治疗中展现出良好的应用前景。通过靶向PD-L1翻译后修饰过程,进而调控由PD-L1介导的肿瘤免疫逃逸,成了提高免疫治疗应答率的新思路和新策略。本文将对PD-L1翻译后修饰的研究进行系统总结,并陈述其在免疫治疗领域中的应用前景,希望为未来针对PD-L1翻译后修饰的研究提供理论支持。  相似文献   

重组单克隆抗体药物大多存在翻译后修饰且种类复杂多样,因此研发过程中的质量控制显得尤为重要。其中电荷异质性是关键质量属性,其可能影响生物制品的疗效,甚至有可能带来意想不到的副作用,从而影响药品的安全性和有效性,所以在单抗药物开发过程中需要重点关注并加以调控。单抗药物翻译后修饰是造成电荷异质性的主要原因,因此电荷异质性的控制是生物药物工艺开发的一个重要挑战。梳理了电荷异质性的表征方法,并且根据其分类对能够造成电荷异质性产生的蛋白翻译后修饰进行了总结,同时阐述了不同的电荷异质性对抗体类药物安全性及有效性的影响,最后总结了工艺开发中电荷异质性工艺调控策略的最新进展,以期给生物药物工艺开发及质量研究人员以启示。  相似文献   

赖氨酸巴豆酰化是一种新近发现的蛋白质翻译后修饰类型,在基因表达、细胞代谢及疾病治疗等许多病理生理过程中都具有重要的调节意义,可能是潜在的药物新靶标。目前研究多关注于组蛋白巴豆酰化修饰,而非组蛋白巴豆酰化修饰的研究逐渐被重视。本文简要介绍非组蛋白巴豆酰化修饰的生物学功能及其在疾病中的作用,将有助于了解非组蛋白巴豆酰化修饰的功能和机制。  相似文献   

核糖体展示是一种无细胞系统,可以从文库中筛选蛋白质和多肽。翻译的蛋白质及其mRNA同时结合在核糖体上形成mRNA-核糖体-蛋白质三聚体,通过配体亲和分离得到功能性蛋白及其编码的mRNA,转换成对应的DNA后进行相关蛋白的表达,可用于抗体及蛋白质文库选择、蛋白质体外改造等,而且其可以展示较大的文库而不受细菌转化的限制,可对毒蛋白、蛋白酶敏感和不稳定的蛋白质进行筛选,也可在特定位点进行氨基酸修饰。就核糖体展示技术的研究进展及其在蛋白质进化和筛选方面的应用进行综述。  相似文献   

抗结核分枝杆菌抗体是机体受到分枝杆菌生长繁殖过程中产生的代谢物、菌体蛋白和毒素等物质刺激后产生的免疫球蛋白,包括IgG、IgM、IgA、IgD和IgE等。其中,结核病患者血清中的抗结核IgG、IgM和IgA抗体检测常用于临床辅助诊断,我们主要叙述这3种抗体亚型与结核分枝杆菌感染及诊断之间的关系。  相似文献   

抗体类药物往往存在复杂多样的翻译后修饰(post-translational modifications, PTMs),由此产生高度的异质性。PTMs表征是抗体类药物研发的重要组成部分。尤其在早期研发阶段,高质量的结构表征可以为药物筛选、药物发现、工艺开发和优化提供指引和依据。基于液相色谱-质谱联用(LC-MS)技术的表征分析手段可快速、准确地识别PTMs,已成为抗体类药物PTMs分析及结构表征的有力工具。该文综述了抗体类药物非聚糖PTMs的鉴定成果,内容包括修饰类型、修饰位点、修饰所在区域、表达系统信息及潜在影响,并对LC-MS表征分析策略进行了一定的探讨,希望为抗体类药物早期研发阶段的表征分析提供参考。综述的非聚糖PTMs均通过LC-MS或LC-MS/MS技术得到了鉴定。  相似文献   

翻译后修饰是指前体蛋白经过一系列加工修饰形成具有多种功能的蛋白质,其可以发生在不同的氨基酸侧链或肽键上,通常是由酶活性介导的。5%的蛋白质组组成的酶介导了超过200多种的翻译后修饰类型,其中乙酰化修饰是一种重要的翻译后修饰途径。乙酰化修饰在真核细胞中被广泛研究,其几乎参与细胞的所有生理活动并且高度保守。最近的很多研究表明,乙酰化修饰在细菌体内也广泛存在,对其生理功能的研究也取得了一定进展。本文对细菌体内的乙酰化修饰途径、功能及检测技术进行了总结。除此之外,我们分析了乙酰化修饰目前存在的问题并对其潜在的应用价值进行展望。  相似文献   

翻译后修饰调控着真核生物大部分蛋白质的活性,这些修饰的解读对研究生物功能是必不可少的。组蛋白翻译后修饰是蛋白质翻译后修饰中研究的较好一类小分子碱性蛋白,易被各种生物大分子修饰,尤其易发生在N-末端的尾部。不同组合式修饰构成了"组蛋白密码",在细胞的发育、生长、分化和动态平衡中,组蛋白密码影响着染色体的结构状态,进而调控基因的表达状态。组蛋白翻译后修饰的研究可作为一种模式来解析蛋白质复杂的修饰状态及研究其分子功能。翻译后修饰分析技术的发展对组蛋白密码的解析是至关重要的。重点讨论组蛋白修饰分析技术的发展和应用。  相似文献   

任斐  成勇  谢庄 《生物技术通讯》2007,18(1):137-139
现已证明,应用抗体治疗疾病是一种非常成功的方法。单克隆抗体的生产使免疫治疗达到一个新水平,但鼠源单抗在治疗人体疾病方面有很多问题,而人源化抗体可以解决这些问题。目前抗体人源化已由鼠嵌合抗体发展到了转基因动物表达完全人抗体阶段,而人类人工染色体(HAC)载体的发展和微细胞介导的转染色体技术使得产生携带人类免疫球蛋白基因位点的转染色体动物成为可能。通过HAC将人的免疫球蛋白基因转入后,这类转染色体动物可以产生大量人源化多克隆抗体,这对预防及治疗疾病,甚至防御生物武器都有很重要的作用。转染色体技术可以使动物携带大而复杂的人类基因或基因簇,这些转基因动物有助于研究人类基因组在体内的功能作用,并用于各种疾病研究和生产药物蛋白。  相似文献   

In tissue engineering techniques, three-dimensional scaffolds are needed to adjust and guide cell growth and to allow tissue regeneration. The scaffold must be biocompatible, biodegradable and must benefit the interactions between cells and biomaterial. Some natural biomaterials such as fibrin provide a structure similar to the native extracellular matrix containing the cells. Fibrin was first used as a sealant based on pools of commercial fibrinogen. However, the high risk of viral transmission of these pools led to the development of techniques of viral inactivation and elimination and the use of autologous fibrins. In recent decades, fibrin has been used as a release system and three-dimensional scaffold for cell culture. Fibrin scaffolds have been widely used for the culture of different types of cells, and have found several applications in tissue engineering. The structure and development of scaffolds is a key point for cell culture because scaffolds of autologous fibrin offer an important alternative due to their low fibrinogen concentrations, which are more suitable for cell growth.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering is a multidisciplinary field that applies the principles of engineering and life-sciences for regeneration of damaged tissues. Stem cells have attracted much interest in tissue engineering as a cell source due to their ability to proliferate in an undifferentiated state for prolonged time and capability of differentiating to different cell types after induction. Scaffolds play an important role in tissue engineering as a substrate that can mimic the native extracellular matrix and the properties of scaffolds have been shown to affect the cell behavior such as the cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation. Here, we focus on the recent reports that investigated the various aspects of scaffolds including the materials used for scaffold fabrication, surface modification of scaffolds, topography and mechanical properties of scaffolds towards stem cells differentiation effect. We will present a more detailed overview on the effect of mechanical properties of scaffolds on stem cells fate.  相似文献   

Stem cells are found in naturally occurring 3D microenvironments in vivo, which are often referred to as the stem cell niche. Culturing stem cells inside of 3D biomaterial scaffolds provides a way to accurately mimic these microenvironments, providing an advantage over traditional 2D culture methods using polystyrene as well as a method for engineering replacement tissues. While 2D tissue culture polystrene has been used for the majority of cell culture experiments, 3D biomaterial scaffolds can more closely replicate the microenvironments found in vivo by enabling more accurate establishment of cell polarity in the environment and possessing biochemical and mechanical properties similar to soft tissue. A variety of naturally derived and synthetic biomaterial scaffolds have been investigated as 3D environments for supporting stem cell growth. While synthetic scaffolds can be synthesized to have a greater range of mechanical and chemical properties and often have greater reproducibility, natural biomaterials are often composed of proteins and polysaccharides found in the extracelluar matrix and as a result contain binding sites for cell adhesion and readily support cell culture. Fibrin scaffolds, produced by polymerizing the protein fibrinogen obtained from plasma, have been widely investigated for a variety of tissue engineering applications both in vitro and in vivo. Such scaffolds can be modified using a variety of methods to incorporate controlled release systems for delivering therapeutic factors. Previous work has shown that such scaffolds can be used to successfully culture embryonic stem cells and this scaffold-based culture system can be used to screen the effects of various growth factors on the differentiation of the stem cells seeded inside. This protocol details the process of polymerizing fibrin scaffolds from fibrinogen solutions using the enzymatic activity of thrombin. The process takes 2 days to complete, including an overnight dialysis step for the fibrinogen solution to remove citrates that inhibit polymerization. These detailed methods rely on fibrinogen concentrations determined to be optimal for embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell culture. Other groups have further investigated fibrin scaffolds for a wide range of cell types and applications - demonstrating the versatility of this approach.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering of small diameter (<5?mm) blood vessels is a promising approach for developing viable alternatives to autologous vascular grafts. It involves in vitro seeding of cells onto a scaffold on which the cells attach, proliferate, and differentiate while secreting the components of extracellular matrix that are required for creating the tissue. The scaffold should provide the initial requisite mechanical strength to withstand in vivo hemodynamic forces until vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts reinforce the extracellular matrix of the vessel wall. Hence, the choice of scaffold is crucial for providing guidance cues to the cells to behave in the required manner to produce tissues and organs of the desired shape and size. Several types of scaffolds have been used for the reconstruction of blood vessels. They can be broadly classified as biological scaffolds, decellularized matrices, and polymeric biodegradable scaffolds. This review focuses on the different types of scaffolds that have been designed, developed, and tested for tissue engineering of blood vessels, including use of stem cells in vascular tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Composite scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Moutos FT  Guilak F 《Biorheology》2008,45(3-4):501-512
Tissue engineering remains a promising therapeutic strategy for the repair or regeneration of diseased or damaged tissues. Previous approaches have typically focused on combining cells and bioactive molecules (e.g., growth factors, cytokines and DNA fragments) with a biomaterial scaffold that functions as a template to control the geometry of the newly formed tissue, while facilitating the attachment, proliferation, and differentiation of embedded cells. Biomaterial scaffolds also play a crucial role in determining the functional properties of engineered tissues, including biomechanical characteristics such as inhomogeneity, anisotropy, nonlinearity or viscoelasticity. While single-phase, homogeneous materials have been used extensively to create numerous types of tissue constructs, there continue to be significant challenges in the development of scaffolds that can provide the functional properties of load-bearing tissues such as articular cartilage. In an attempt to create more complex scaffolds that promote the regeneration of functional engineered tissues, composite scaffolds comprising two or more distinct materials have been developed. This paper reviews various studies on the development and testing of composite scaffolds for the tissue engineering of articular cartilage, using techniques such as embedded fibers and textiles for reinforcement, embedded solid structures, multi-layered designs, or three-dimensionally woven composite materials. In many cases, the use of composite scaffolds can provide unique biomechanical and biological properties for the development of functional tissue engineering scaffolds.  相似文献   

Scaffolds are used in tissue engineering as a matrix for the seeding and attachment of human cells. The creation of porosity in three-dimensional (3D) structures of scaffolds plays a critical role in cell proliferation, migration, and differentiation into the specific tissue while secreting extracellular matrix components. These pores are used to transfer nutrients and oxygen and remove wastes produced from the cells. The lack of oxygen and nutrient supply impedes the cell migration more than 500μm from the surface. The physical properties of scaffolds such as porosity and pore interconnectivity can improve mass transfer and have a great impact on the cell adhesion and penetration into the scaffolds to form a new tissue. Various techniques such as electrospinning, freeze-drying, and solvent casting/salt leaching have been used to create porosity in scaffolds. The major issues in these methods include lack of 3D structure, control on pore size, and pore interconnectivity. In this review, we provide a brief overview of gas-based techniques that have been developed for creating porosity in scaffolds.  相似文献   

Dental stem cells can differentiate into different types of cells. Dental pulp stem cells, stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth, periodontal ligament stem cells, stem cells from apical papilla, and dental follicle progenitor cells are five different types of dental stem cells that have been identified during different stages of tooth development. The availability of dental stem cells from discarded or removed teeth makes them promising candidates for tissue engineering. In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) tissue scaffolds have been used to reconstruct and restore different anatomical defects. With rapid advances in 3D tissue engineering, dental stem cells have been used in the regeneration of 3D engineered tissue. This review presents an overview of different types of dental stem cells used in 3D tissue regeneration, which are currently the most common type of stem cells used to treat human tissue conditions.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering aims to develop functionalized tissues for organ replacement or restoration. Biodegradable scaffolds have been used in tissue engineering to support cell growth and maintain mechanical and biological properties of tissue constructs. Ideally cells on these scaffolds adhere, proliferate, and deposit matrix at a rate that is consistent with scaffold degradation. However, the cellular rearrangement within these scaffolds often does not recapitulate the architecture of the native tissues. Directed assembly of tissue-like structures is an attractive alternative to scaffold-based approach for tissue engineering which potentially can build tissue constructs with biomimetic architecture and function. In directed assembly, shape-controlled microstructures are fabricated in which organized structures of different cell types can be used as tissue building blocks. To fabricate tissue building blocks, hydrogels are commonly used as biomaterials for cell encapsulation to mimic the matrix in vivo. The hydrogel-based tissue building blocks can be arranged in pre-defined architectures by various directed tissue assembly techniques. In this paper, recent advances in directed assembly-based tissue engineering are summarized as an emerging alternative to meet challenges associated with scaffold-based tissue engineering and future directions are addressed.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering aims to develop functionalized tissues for organ replacement or restoration. Biodegradable scaffolds have been used in tissue engineering to support cell growth and maintain mechanical and biological properties of tissue constructs. Ideally cells on these scaffolds adhere, proliferate, and deposit matrix at a rate that is consistent with scaffold degradation. However, the cellular rearrangement within these scaffolds often does not recapitulate the architecture of the native tissues. Directed assembly of tissue-like structures is an attractive alternative to scaffold-based approach for tissue engineering which potentially can build tissue constructs with biomimetic architecture and function. In directed assembly, shape-controlled microstructures are fabricated in which organized structures of different cell types can be used as tissue building blocks. To fabricate tissue building blocks, hydrogels are commonly used as biomaterials for cell encapsulation to mimic the matrix in vivo. The hydrogel-based tissue building blocks can be arranged in pre-defined architectures by various directed tissue assembly techniques. In this paper, recent advances in directed assembly-based tissue engineering are summarized as an emerging alternative to meet challenges associated with scaffold-based tissue engineering and future directions are addressed.  相似文献   

Several types of synthetic and naturally derived biomaterials have been used for augmenting hollow organs and tissues. However, each has desirable traits which were exclusive of the other. We fabricated a composite scaffold and tested its potential for the engineering of hollow organs in a bladder tissue model. The composite scaffolds were configured to accommodate a large number of cells on one side and were designed to serve as a barrier on the opposite side. The scaffolds were fabricated by bonding a collagen matrix to PGA polymers with threaded collagen fiber stitches. Urothelial and bladder smooth muscle cells were seeded on the composite scaffolds, and implanted in mice for up to 4 weeks and analyzed. Both cell types readily attached and proliferated on the scaffolds and formed bladder tissue-like structures in vivo. These structures consisted of a luminal urothelial layer, a collagen rich compartment and a peripheral smooth muscle layer. Biomechanical studies demonstrated that the tissues were readily elastic while maintaining their pre-configured structures. This study demonstrates that a composite scaffold can be fabricated with two completely different polymer systems for the engineering of hollow organs. The composite scaffolds are biocompatible, possess adequate physical and structural characteristics for bladder tissue engineering, and are able to form tissues in vivo. This scaffold system may be useful in patients requiring hollow organ replacement.  相似文献   

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