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2004-2013年珠江流域植被变化及其胁迫分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被对区域气候调节、水文循环等有着重要作用,在近年来中国南部地区极端气候频发的背景下,研究植被变化及胁迫意义重大。以珠江流域为研究区,利用MODIS EVI分析了植被的变化规律,并通过美国军事气象卫星DMSP灯光数据和气象数据探讨分析了人类活动和自然环境对植被变化的胁迫。结果显示:2004年到2013年期间珠江流域内年平均EVI介于0.33-0.38之间,EVI从高到底依次是常绿阔叶林 > 混交林 > 多树的草地 > 常绿针叶林 > 草地,不同植被类型的EVI变化趋势基本一致,同一植被类型EVI年际变化较小,其中混交林和草地年际最大变化量分别为0.07和0.04,而常绿阔叶林、常绿针叶林和多树的草地年际最大变化量均为0.06;在2004年至2013年年间,城市化水平增长了约71%,其年发展变化与EVI的年变化趋势相反;通过对比分析发现珠江流域人类活动对植被变化影响高于自然环境,即DMSP灯光变化与EVI变化的相关系数明显高于气温和降水。  相似文献   

本文报道了广州市常绿阔叶林和果园生态系统碳储量及其分配特征,并探讨了常绿阔叶林转为果园对生态系统碳储量的影响。常绿阔叶林和果园生态系统碳储量分别为241.91和161.47 t·hm-2,其中植被碳储量分别为136.40和77.20 t·hm-2,土壤碳储量(0~100 cm)分别为103.99和83.12 t·hm-2。土壤碳储量的主要差异在表层,常绿阔叶林和果园0~40 cm土层碳储量占土壤总碳储量的比例分别为67%和56%。常绿阔叶林的植被碳储量高于土壤和枯枝落叶碳储量,果园的植被碳储量与土壤碳储量相当。若常绿阔叶林转为果园,生态系统碳储量减少80.44 t·hm-2,从数量和比例上,植被碳储量损失的程度均大于土壤。广州市常绿阔叶林生态系统碳储量接近鼎湖山的顶极地带性植被生态系统碳储量,保护常绿阔叶林生态系统将有利于维持区域较高的碳储量。  相似文献   

受损常绿阔叶林生态系统退化评价指标体系和模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨娟  李静  宋永昌  蔡永立 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3749-3756
为了对受损常绿阔叶林生态系统退化程度进行定量评价,在浙江天童亚热带常绿阔叶林生态系统研究的基础上,以地带性顶级群落——栲树林为参照,选取不同退化程度的次生类型:木荷林、马尾松+木荷林、马尾松林、灌丛以及裸地,从轻到重分别代表5种不同退化程度。根据对这5种退化阶段群落的观测结果,从生态系统的组成结构、功能和生境3方面选取了43项指标,再运用主成分分析、无重复双因素方差分析等数学分析方法经过两轮筛选,得到了一个包含13项指标的常绿阔叶林生态系统退化程度诊断的指标体系。根据层次单排序的结果,进行层次总排序,在得到各级指标的权重基础上,构建了常绿阔叶林生态系统退化综合评价模型,并就模型分析结果,用生态退化指数将常绿阔叶林的退化程度分为5级:Ⅴ级——极端退化(〉0.75),Ⅳ级——重度退化(0.59—0.75),Ⅲ级——中度退化(0.52—0.59)、Ⅱ级——轻度退化(0.18—0.52)和Ⅰ级——正常(〈0.18)。再利用鼎湖山国家自然保护区有关退化植被的研究数据对模型进行了验证,评价结果与模型所给出的退化评价标准较为符合,表明了本评价指标体系和模型的适用性。  相似文献   

区域尺度的中国植物功能型与生物群区   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用“生态-外貌”原则,中国的现状植被类型及其分布,确定中国的39种优势植物功能型:高山常绿针叶、北方常绿针叶、北方夏绿针叶、冷温带常绿针叶、温带常绿针叶、暖温带常绿阔叶、暖温带硬叶阔叶、暖温带夏绿阔叶、热带常绿阔叶、热带 雨绿阔叶、热带落叶阔叶、暖温带竹、高山/亚高山灌木、温带草原灌木、温带荒漠灌木、冷温带灌木、温带灌木、暖温带灌木、热带灌木、干旱灌木、高山草、荒漠草、温带草原草、温带草、沼泽草、红树、北方农作物、冷温带农作物、温带农作物、暖温带农作物、热带农作物和裸地。再依据优势植物功能型归并中国的21类潜在生物群区:北方(寒温带)落叶林、北方(寒温带)常绿林、冷温带针阔叶混交林、温带落叶阔叶林、暖温带(亚热带)落叶常绿阔叶混交林、暖温带(亚热带)常绿阔叶林、暖温带(亚)常绿阔叶季风林、热带雨林、热带季雨林、热带落叶林、红树林、干旱疏林/稀树草原、;温带草甸/稀树草原、温带草原、温带半草原、温带荒漠、温带半荒漠、高山/高山针叶林、高山/亚高山灌丛/草甸、高山/亚高山草原和高山/亚高山荒漠。如果考虑现状农业植被类型:一年一熟农作物、二年三熟农作物、一年二熟农作物和一年三熟农作物,可归并为25类现状生物群区。这是全球生态学和古生态学研究中区域尺度旧我国植物功能型和生物群区分类的一次尝试。  相似文献   

广西金钟山自然保护区主要植被类型的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金钟山自然保护区计有种子植物101科273属514种,落叶栎林分布面积最广。随海拔升高,植被依次呈现出4个分布带:沟谷落叶阔叶林、沟谷常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林、山地苔藓矮林和山地常绿阔叶林。该区主要有4个分布区类型:世界分布、热带分布、温带分布和中国特有分布,其中热带分布占总属数的75.21%,表明本保护区的植物分布具有热带性质。其天然植被类型可划分为5个植被型组,7个植被型含暖性针叶林、暖性落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林、竹林和草丛,2个植被亚型含南亚热带山地常绿阔叶林、山顶阔叶矮林,以及33个群系。  相似文献   

朱华 《植物生态学报》2021,45(3):224-241
云南具有极其丰富的生物多样性和以常绿阔叶林为优势的植被类型。该研究利用6个基于样方层面的1 hm2样地资料, 以及通过对整个植被类型的植物区系的调查, 对云南常绿阔叶林植被型的3个植被亚型(季风常绿阔叶林、半湿润常绿阔叶林和中山湿性常绿阔叶林)的生态外貌特征、植物区系组成及其生物地理演化进行了研究。在样方层面, 尽管这3个常绿阔叶林在树种组成上优势种均为壳斗科、樟科和山茶科植物, 但它们在种类组成、多样性、生态外貌和生物地理特征上呈现多样化。分布在南部及西南部的季风常绿阔叶林物种组成极其丰富, 具有热带森林的生态外貌, 并以热带亚洲分布种为优势种。主要分布在云南高原的半湿润常绿阔叶林和云南中部和北部山地的中山湿性常绿阔叶林具有亚热带常绿阔叶林的生态外貌特征和以中国-喜马拉雅及中国特有种占优势, 是中国西南独特的植被类型。在植被亚型层面, 这3个常绿阔叶林的植物区系(包括所有生活型的种子植物)中种数最多的科, 按地理成分均为世界分布型的科, 含种数较少的科则为其他各种分布型的科。半湿润常绿阔叶林和中山湿性常绿阔叶林的植物区系, 热带分布属分别占总属数的44.91%和44.04%, 温带分布属占46.29%和48.19%, 其中北温带分布属比例最高, 分别为18.36%和19.95%。季风常绿阔叶林植物区系则显示了不同的地理成分格局: 热带分布属占总属数的78.05%, 并以热带亚洲分布属占最高比例。通过对这3个常绿阔叶林的比较发现, 半湿润常绿阔叶林和中山湿性常绿阔叶林除生态外貌特征有一定区别外, 在植物区系组成和地理成分上很接近, 它们在种的组成上, 与季风常绿阔叶林的类似性仅为17.1%和15.4%。季风常绿阔叶林因其在植物区系和生态外貌上与后二者区别明显, 建议在云南植被分类上划分一个独立的植被型, 它是东南亚低山常绿阔叶林分布在中国西南部热带北缘山地的一个植被类型。结合云南的地质历史和古植物学资料, 认为云南的常绿阔叶林及其植物区系受晚中新世以来的地质历史事件深刻影响。半湿润常绿阔叶林是中国西南独特而特有种丰富的植被类型, 由于严重的人为干扰破坏, 现已片段化或成为萌生灌丛状, 应给予优先保护。  相似文献   

宁夏沙坡头干旱沙漠自然保护区生态系统稳定性评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
高翔  黄娉婷  王可 《生态学报》2019,39(17):6381-6392
稳定性是生态系统的基本特征之一,也是决定生态系统兴亡的重要特征。宁夏中卫沙坡头国家级自然保护区是位于干旱沙漠区以荒漠为背景的自然保护区,具有脆弱性(生态与环境)、过渡性(草原向荒漠、沙漠向城市)与复合性(自然与人工生态系统并存)的特点,对其进行生态系统稳定性评估研究,对于维护腾格里沙漠西南缘生态安全和实现宁夏中卫市社会经济持续健康发展具有重要意义。在总结国内外生态系统稳定性评估研究基础上,基于稳定性三维内涵(恢复力稳定性、抵抗力稳定性和演替稳定性)、评估指标构建(原则与逻辑框架及指标体系)、评估方法确立(红绿灯综合评估法)等,针对性地开展沙坡头国家级自然保护区生态稳定性示范性评估,发现:1)近20年19个单项指标中,多数指标情况趋于变好,少部分进一步恶化,保持基本稳定仅两个。2)影响生态系统稳定性的要素由群落组成为主转变为以生境条件为主;2001年、2005年、2007年、2010年、2012年和2014年6个关键年份中,生态系统稳定性3个内涵对稳定性的贡献基本以抵抗力稳定性或恢复力稳定性为主。3)保护区整体生态稳定指数ESI由0.41增至0.661,稳定状态从临界到稳定,总体上保护区生态系统稳定性增强。这主要得益于长期的治沙防沙与生态修复工程实施、大规模推沙造林、各种生态监测和维护、大规模取黄河水灌溉等。  相似文献   

以退化红壤的侵蚀裸地、旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林、针阔混交林5种植被恢复类型及常绿阔叶林(对照)为研究对象,对各类型植被的土壤弹尾虫群落进行了调查,共捕获弹尾虫2亚目7科23属,其中符跳属、类符跳属、小圆跳属等为优势类群.应用个体密度、类群数及多样性指数等指标,研究了植被类型对弹尾虫群落特征的影响.结果表明:各项指标以常绿阔叶林为最高,裸地最低,基本没有弹尾虫存在;旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林4种植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落得到了一定恢复,但各类型之间土壤弹尾虫群落没有明显差异,均处于恢复的早期阶段;Bray-Curtis指数显示,侵蚀裸地与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异最大(0.99),其它植被恢复类型与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异也较明显,但各植被恢复类型间弹尾虫群落的差异较小.  相似文献   

退化红壤不同植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以退化红壤的侵蚀裸地、旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林、针阔混交林5种植被恢复类型及常绿阔叶林(对照)为研究对象,对各类型植被的土壤弹尾虫群落进行了调查,共捕获弹尾虫2亚目7科23属,其中符跳属、类符跳属、小圆跳属等为优势类群.应用个体密度、类群数及多样性指数等指标,研究了植被类型对弹尾虫群落特征的影响.结果表明:各项指标以常绿阔叶林为最高,裸地最低,基本没有弹尾虫存在;旱生性草坡、稀疏针叶林、针叶林和针阔混交林4种植被恢复类型的土壤弹尾虫群落得到了一定恢复,但各类型之间土壤弹尾虫群落没有明显差异,均处于恢复的早期阶段; Bray-Curtis指数显示,侵蚀裸地与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异最大(0.99),其它植被恢复类型与顶级常绿阔叶林的差异也较明显,但各植被恢复类型间弹尾虫群落的差异较小.  相似文献   

王亚林  丁忆  胡艳  陈静  范文武 《生态学报》2019,39(6):2054-2062
大量研究表明,21世纪全球气温将持续升高,干旱将不断加剧,具有超强抗旱能力的灌木在未来的区域乃至全球生态系统过程中将会发挥越来越重要的作用。灌木在我国有着广泛的分布,其总面积超过了我国陆地面积的20%。本研究旨在通过计算中国灌木生态系统的标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI)来分析其干旱变化趋势及其对灌木生态系统植被生长的影响。结果显示,中国灌木生态系统的SPEI在1961—2013年间总体上呈显著地下降趋势,但其趋势在1992年发生了显著变化,这表明中国灌木生态系统正在持续地干旱化,并且在最近二十几年干旱化加剧。我们还分析了不同灌木生态系统EVI(Enhanced Vegetation Index, EVI)对SPEI变化的响应,结果显示不同的灌木生态系统类型对SPEI变化的响应不同。夏季,高寒荒漠灌木半灌木、温带荒漠灌木半灌木和温带落叶灌木EVI与SPEI变化显著正相关,而亚高山常绿灌木和亚热带常绿灌木EVI则与SPEI的变化显著负相关。温带落叶灌木EVI与春季SPEI变化显著正相关,但却与秋季和冬季的SPEI显著负相关。此外,亚热带常绿灌木EVI还与春季SPEI变化显著正相关。从空间上来看,北方的灌木生态系统比南方的灌木生态系统对干旱的变化更加敏感,同时,南方湿润地区的灌木在生态系统尺度也体现了较强的抗旱能力。在全球持续干旱化的大背景下,研究灌木生态系统EVI对干旱变化的响应将有助于对区域生态系统过程变化的理解。  相似文献   

Global increase in drought occurrences threatens the stability of terrestrial ecosystem functioning. Evergreen broadleaf forests (EBFs) keep leaves throughout the year, and therefore could experience higher drought risks than other biomes. However, the recent temporal variability of global vegetation productivity or land carbon sink is mainly driven by non‐evergreen ecosystems, such as semiarid grasslands, croplands, and boreal forests. Thus, we hypothesize that EBFs have higher stability than other biomes under the increasingly extreme droughts. Here we use long‐term Standardized Precipitation and Evaporation Index (SPEI) data and satellite‐derived Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) products to quantify the temporal stability (ratio of mean annual EVI to its SD), resistance (ability to maintain its original levels during droughts), and resilience (rate of EVI recovering to pre‐drought levels) at biome and global scales. We identified significantly increasing trends of annual drought severity (SPEI range: ?0.08 to ?1.80), area (areal fraction range: 2%–19%), and duration (month range: 7.9–9.1) in the EBF biome over 2000–2014. However, EBFs showed the highest resistance of EVI to droughts, but no significant differences in resilience of EVI to droughts were found among biomes (forests, grasslands, savannas, and shrublands). Global resistance and resilience of EVI to droughts were largely affected by temperature and solar radiation. These findings suggest that EBFs have higher stability than other biomes despite the greater drought exposure. Thus, the conservation of EBFs is critical for stabilizing global vegetation productivity and land carbon sink under more‐intense climate extremes in the future.  相似文献   

中-老交通走廊核心区生态廊道构建与关键节点识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中-老交通走廊建设在促进中国与东盟国家互联互通的同时,也会对区域生态安全造成巨大压力;构建生态廊道对于修复破碎景观、保护生物多样性具有十分重要的意义。基于"源地-廊道-节点"的研究框架,结合生态系统服务、景观连通性和生态敏感性3个指标划分生态斑块等级,综合考虑生态斑块等级和中-老交通走廊核心区重点保护物种活动特性识别重要生态源地,利用DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据改进基于地类赋值的基本生态阻力系数,运用最小累积阻力模型判定生态廊道走向,并结合水文分析方法和Google Erath判定关键生态节点。研究表明:①中-老交通走廊核心区生态源地面积为20243.74 km~2,占研究区总面积的14.13%,以林地、灌木为主要土地覆被类型,主要分布在云南省的普洱市以及老挝的琅南塔省和乌多姆塞省。②生态廊道总长度为3645.81 km,其中关键廊道长度为1397.78 km,主要分布在普洱市和乌多姆塞省,生态廊道与生态源地大致构成了一个环形闭合区域,能够有效促进生物物种迁徙和物质能量交流。③关键生态节点中战略点有5处,断裂点有9处,暂歇点有16处。  相似文献   

选取福建中西部地区相似气候条件下马尾松和杉木的天然林和人工林进行研究,利用年轮宽度、年轮宽度指数和断面积增量重建了4种林型共109株松树20年(1993—2012年)的年生长量,计算其对连续两次极端干旱事件(2003—2004年和2011年)的抵抗力、恢复力和弹性指数,分析人工林和天然林在抵抗力和弹性方面的差异。结果表明:马尾松和杉木对水分的需求在时间上存在差异,这解释了其对2003—2004年干旱事件的响应不一致。干旱压力极大地降低了马尾松和杉木的生长,但树木生长并未表现出干旱遗留效应。受干旱强度的影响,4种林型径向生长对2003—2004年干旱的响应强于2011年。干旱事件后马尾松比杉木具有更强的恢复能力;天然林比人工林对干旱的敏感性更高,同时弹性也更大。杉木人工林更容易受到频发的极端干旱事件的影响,在人工林抚育管理中应选择抗旱能力较强的遗传种源,以应对气候变暖导致的干旱频发。  相似文献   

Quantifying climate-induced changes in vegetation patterns is essential to understanding land–climate interactions and ecosystem changes. In the present study, we estimated various distributional changes of vegetation under different climate-change scenarios in the 21st century. Both hypothetical scenarios and Hedley RCM scenarios show that the transitional vegetation types, such as shrubland and grassland, have higher sensitivity to climatic change compared to vegetation under extreme climatic conditions, such as the evergreen broadleaf forest or desert, barren lands. Mainly, the sensitive areas in China lie in the Tibetan Plateau, Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, northeastern plain of China and eco-zones between different vegetations. As the temperature increases, mixed forests and deciduous broadleaf forests will shift towards northern China. Grassland, shrubland and wooded grassland will extend to southeastern China. The RCM-project climate changes generally have caused positive vegetation changes; vegetation cover will probably improve 19% relative to baseline, and the forest will expand to 8% relative to baseline, while the desert and bare ground will reduce by about 13%.  相似文献   

Tree resilience to drought increases in the Tibetan Plateau   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forests in the Tibetan Plateau are thought to be vulnerable to climate extremes, yet they also tend to exhibit resilience contributing to the maintenance of ecosystem services in and beyond the plateau. So far the spatiotemporal pattern in tree resilience in the Tibetan Plateau remains largely unquantified and the influence of specific factors on the resilience is poorly understood. Here, we study ring‐width data from 849 trees at 28 sites in the Tibetan Plateau with the aim to quantify tree resilience and determine their diving forces. Three extreme drought events in years 1969, 1979, and 1995 are detected from metrological records. Regional tree resistance to the three extreme droughts shows a decreasing trend with the proportion of trees having high resistance ranging from 71.9%, 55.2%, to 39.7%. Regional tree recovery is increasing with the proportion of trees having high recovery ranging from 28.3%, 52.2%, to 64.2%. The area with high resistance is contracting and that of high recovery is expanding. The spatiotemporal resistance and recovery are associated with moisture availability and diurnal temperature range, respectively. In addition, they are both associated with forest internal factor represented by growth consistence among trees. We conclude that juniper trees in the Tibetan Plateau have increased resilience to extreme droughts in the study period. We highlight pervasive resilience in juniper trees. The results have implications for predicting tree resilience and identifying areas vulnerable to future climate extremes.  相似文献   

The expected and already observed increment in frequency of extreme climatic events may result in severe vegetation shifts. However, stabilizing mechanisms promoting community resilience can buffer the lasting impact of extreme events. The present work analyzes the resilience of a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem after an extreme drought in 2005, examining shoot-growth and needle-length resistance and resilience of dominant tree and shrub species (Pinus sylvestris vs Juniperus communis, and P. nigra vs J. oxycedrus) in two contrasting altitudinal ranges. Recorded high vegetative-resilience values indicate great tolerance to extreme droughts for the dominant species of pine-juniper woodlands. Observed tolerance could act as a stabilizing mechanism in rear range edges, such as the Mediterranean basin, where extreme events are predicted to be more detrimental and recurrent. However, resistance and resilience components vary across species, sites, and ontogenetic states: adult Pinus showed higher growth resistance than did adult Juniperus; saplings displayed higher recovery rates than did conspecific adults; and P. nigra saplings displayed higher resilience than did P. sylvestris saplings where the two species coexist. P. nigra and J. oxycedrus saplings at high and low elevations, respectively, were the most resilient at all the locations studied. Under recurrent extreme droughts, these species-specific differences in resistance and resilience could promote changes in vegetation structure and composition, even in areas with high tolerance to dry conditions.  相似文献   

The functional traits of plants in regions of the world with a Mediterranean climate have been shaped to tolerate periods of water deficit. These species are adapted to summer droughts but may not be able to cope with future increases in drought intensity, duration, and/or frequency. Here, we review the mechanisms and traits of drought resistance and recovery of the well-studied holm oak (Quercus ilex), which we propose as a model species for Mediterranean-type ecosystems. Our aim was to understand the differences and links between the responses of Q. ilex to summer droughts, extreme droughts, and long-term drought experiments. A main goal was to provide an integral picture of drought responses across organisational and temporal scales for identifying the most relevant processes that are likely to contribute to determining the future of Mediterranean vegetation. Evidence from long-term drought experiments showed that acclimation processes from the molecular (e.g. epigenetic changes) to the ecosystem level (e.g. reductions in stand density) mitigate the effects of drought. Changes in leaf morphology and hydraulics, leaf-to-shoot allometry, and root functioning are among the key mechanisms for overcoming increasing drought. The duration of drought determines its severity in terms of canopy loss and stem mortality. Although Q. ilex can vigorously resprout after such episodes, its resilience may be subsequently reduced. In the future, higher frequency of return of extreme droughts will challenge thus the capacity of these forests to recover. The insights provided by this review of the complex interplay of processes that determine the response of trees to droughts of different duration, intensity, and frequency will also help us to understand the likely responses of other resprouting angiosperms in seasonally dry ecosystems that share similar functional traits with Q. ilex.  相似文献   

Forests are increasingly exposed to extreme global warming-induced climatic events. However, the immediate and carry-over effects of extreme events on forests are still poorly understood. Gross primary productivity (GPP) capacity is regarded as a good proxy of the ecosystem's functional stability, reflecting its physiological response to its surroundings. Using eddy covariance data from 34 forest sites in the Northern Hemisphere, we analyzed the immediate and carry-over effects of late-spring frost (LSF) and growing season drought on needle-leaf and broadleaf forests. Path analysis was applied to reveal the plausible reasons behind the varied responses of forests to extreme events. The results show that LSF had clear immediate effects on the GPP capacity of both needle-leaf and broadleaf forests. However, GPP capacity in needle-leaf forests was more sensitive to drought than in broadleaf forests. There was no interaction between LSF and drought in either needle-leaf or broadleaf forests. Drought effects were still visible when LSF and drought coexisted in needle-leaf forests. Path analysis further showed that the response of GPP capacity to drought differed between needle-leaf and broadleaf forests, mainly due to the difference in the sensitivity of canopy conductance. Moreover, LSF had a more severe and long-lasting carry-over effect on forests than drought. These results enrich our understanding of the mechanisms of forest response to extreme events across forest types.  相似文献   

青藏高原黄河上游河岸带是典型的生态脆弱区, 然而近年来气候变暖加剧了该地极端旱涝事件的频繁发生, 高原河岸带生态脆弱区植被是否能够应对极端旱涝事件的干扰成为流域生态环境管理工作所关注的重点问题。为了研究黄河上游河岸林中主要树种对极端旱涝的响应, 该研究选取青海省同德县和兴海县3处河岸林中的47株甘蒙柽柳(Tamarix austromongolica), 分别从树干面向邻近山体一侧及与之垂直的一侧分别获取1根树轮样本, 分析其历史生长。通过对比两个方向上的生长速率判断甘蒙柽柳是否受到地质灾害影响从而将其划分为受伤组和对照组, 分析两组甘蒙柽柳在过去63年中径流极值年的抵抗力状况及两个方向的生长差异。研究发现, 甘蒙柽柳对干旱和洪涝均有着很强的抵抗力, 河岸带多样化的水分来源有助于甘蒙柽柳在极端干旱环境中较好地生长; 但洪涝伴随泥石流等地质灾害的频发使甘蒙柽柳面向山体侧面受到严重的生长抑制, 表现出显著的方向性差异, 从而影响甘蒙柽柳的形态。较长的创伤恢复期带来的遗留效应可能造成甘蒙柽柳对外界干扰的较高敏感性。研究黄河上游甘蒙柽柳生长对极端旱涝的响应, 将有助于评估生态脆弱区生态弹性过程, 同时为高原河岸带生态建设和恢复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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