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Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. During the discrimination trials, the bats emitted complex FM/CF/FM pulses containing first harmonic and dominant second harmonic components.Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the CF/FM part of the natural echolocation components, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Changes in the frequency or frequency pattern of the artificial pulses resulted in systematic changes in the degree of interference. Interference occurred when artificial CF/FM pulses were presented at frequencies near those of the bat's own first or second harmonic components.These findings suggest that Rhinolophus rouxi uses both the first and second harmonic components of its complex multiharmonic echolocation sound for distance discrimination. For interference to occur, the sound pattern of each harmonic component must contain a CF signal followed by an FM sweep beginning near the frequency of the CF.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulated  相似文献   

Summary Bats of the speciesNoctilio albiventris, trained to discriminate differences in target distance, emitted pairs of pulses at a rate of 7–10/s, the first a constant frequency (CF) pulse of about 8 ms duration and 75 kHz frequency, followed after about 28 ms by a CF/FM pulse having a 6 ms, 75 kHz CF component that terminates in a 2 ms FM sweep to about 57 kHz.Loud free-running artificial pulses, simulating the bat's natural CF/FM echolocation sound, interfered with distance discrimination at repetition rates exceeding 5/s. Systematic modifications in the temporal and frequency structure of the artificial pulses resulted in orderly changes in the degree of interference. Artificial pulses simulating the natural CF or FM components alone had no effect, nor did 10/s white noise pulses, although constant white noise of the same intensity masked the behavior.Interference occurred when the CF of the artificial pulses was between 52 and 77 kHz, ending with a downward FM sweep of 25 kHz from the CF. For interference to occur there was a much more critical requirement that the FM sweep begin at approximately the frequency of the CF component. The FM sweep needed to be 11 kHz or greater bandwidth. Interference occurred when the duration of the CF component of the CF/FM artificial pulse was between 2 and 30 ms, with maximal effect between 10 and 20 ms. However, a brief (2.0 ms) CF signal 2–27 ms before an isolated FM signal was as effective as a continuous CF component of the same duration.When coupled with the bat's own emissions, artificial CF/FM pulses interfered if they occurred after the bat's CF/FM pulse and before the next natural emission. A 2 ms FM sweep alone was effective in interfering with distance discrimination when it came 8–27 ms after the onset of the bat's own CF/FM pulse. Neither CF/FM nor FM artificial pulses interfered when they began during the bat's own emission. A 10 ms CF pulse alone had no effect at any time.These findings indicate thatN. albiventris uses both the CF and FM components of its short-CF/FM echolocation sound for distance discrimination. The CF onset activates a gating mechanism that, during a narrowly defined subsequent time window, enables the nervous system to process FM pulse-echo pairs for distance information, within a fairly broad frequency range, as long as the frequencies of the CF and the beginning of the FM sweep are nearly identical.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

Summary Bats of the speciesNoctilio albiventris emit short-constant frequency/frequency modulated (short-CF/FM) pulses with a CF component frequency at about 75 kHz. Bats sitting on a stationary platform were trained to discriminate target distance by means of echolocation. Loud, free-running artificial pulses, simulating the bat's natural CF/FM echolocation sounds or with systematic modifications in the frequency of the sounds, were presented to the bats during the discrimination trials. When the CF component of the artificial CF/FM sound was between 72 and 77 kHz, the bats shifted the frequency of the CF component of their own echolocation sounds toward that of the artificial pulse, tracking the frequency of the artificial CF component.Bats flying within a large laboratory flight cage were also presented with artificial pulses. Bats in flight lower the frequency of their emitted pulses to compensate for Doppler shifts caused by their own flight speed and systematically shift the frequency of their emitted CF component so that the echo CF frequency returns close to that of the CF component of the artificial CF/FM pulse, over the frequency range where tracking occurs.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

Summary The rufous horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi, was trained to discriminate differences in target distance. Loud free running artificial pulses, simulating the bat's natural long-CF/FM echolocation sounds, interfered with the ability of the bat to discriminate target distance. Interference occurred when the duration of the CF component of the CF/FM artificial pulse was between 2 and 70 ms. A brief (2.0 ms) CF signal 2–68 ms before an isolated FM signal was as effective as a continuous CF component of the same duration. When coupled with the bat's own emissions, a 2 ms FM sweep alone was effective in interfering when it came 42 to 69 ms after the onset of the bat's pulse. The coupled FM artificial pulses did not interfere when they began during the bat's own emissions.It appears that the onset of the CF component activates a gating mechanism that establishes a time window during which FM component signals must occur for proper neural processing. A comparison with a similar gating mechanism in Noctillo albiventris, which emits short-CF/FM echolocation sounds, reveals that the temporal parameters of the time window of the gating mechanism are species specific and specified by the temporal structure of the echolocation sound pattern of each species.Abbreviations FM frequency modulated - CF constant frequency  相似文献   

Summary Bats of the speciesNoctilio albiventris were trained to detect the presence of a target or to discriminate differences in target distance by means of echolocation. During the discrimination trials, the bats emitted pairs of pulses at a rate of 7–10/s. The first was an 8 ms constant frequency (CF) signal at about 75 kHz. This was followed after about 28 ms by a short-constant frequency/ frequency modulated (short-CF/FM) signal composed of a 6 ms CF component at about 75 kHz terminating in a 2 ms FM component sweeping downward to about 57 kHz. There was no apparent difference in the pulse structure or emission pattern used for any of the tasks. The orientation sounds of bats flying in the laboratory and hunting prey under natural conditions follow the same general pattern but differ in interesting ways.The bats were able to discriminate a difference in target distance of 13 mm between two simultaneously presented targets and of 30 mm between single sequentially presented targets around an absolute distance of 35 cm, using a criterion of 75% correct responses.The bats were unable to detect the presence of the target or to discriminate distance in the presence of continuous white noise of 54 dB or higher SPL. Under conditions of continuous white noise, the bats increased their pulse repetition rate and the relative proportion of CF/FM pulses.The bats required a minimum of 1–2 successive CF/FM pulse-echo pairs for target detection and 2–3 to discriminate a 5 cm difference in distance. When the distance discrimination tasks were made more difficult by reducing the difference in distance between the two targets the bats needed to integrate information from a greater number of successive CF/FM pulse-echo pairs to make the discrimination.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

Summary For echolocation,Rhinolophus ferrumequinum emits orientation sounds, each of which consists of a long constant-frequency (CF) component and short frequency-modulated (FM) components. The CF component is about 83 kHz and is used for Doppler-shift compensation. In this bat, single auditory nerve fibers and cochlear nuclear neurons tuned at about 83 kHz show low threshold and very sharp filter characteristics. The slopes of their tuning curves ranged between 1,000 and 3,500 dB/octave and their Q-10 dB values were between 20 and 400, 140 on the average (Figs. 3–5). The peripheral auditory system is apparently specialized for the reception and fine frequency analysis of the CF component in orientation sounds and Doppler-shift compensated echoes. This specialization is not due to suppression or inhibition comparable to lateral inhibition, but due to the mechanical specialization of the cochlea. Peripheral auditory neurons with the best frequency between 77 and 87 kHz showed not only on-responses, but also off-responses to tonal stimuli (Figs. 1, 2, and 6). The off-responses with a latency comparable to that of N1-off were not due to a rebound from either suppression or inhibition, but probably due to a mechanical transient occurring in the cochlea at the cessation of a tone burst.We thank Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant No. Ne146/6-8), Stiftung Volkswagenwerk (Grant No. 111858), and American National Science Foundation (Grant No. 40018 and BMS 75-17077) for their support for our cooperative work.  相似文献   

The responses of 682 single-units in the inferior colliculus (IC) of 13 mustached bats (Pteronotus parnellii parnellii) were measured using pure tones (CF), frequency modulations (FM) and pairs of CF-FM signals mimicking the species' biosonar signal, which are stimuli known to be essential to the responses of CF/CF and FM-FM facilitation neurons in auditory cortex. Units were arbitrarily classified into 'reference frequency' (RF), 'FM2' and 'Non-echolocation' (NE) categories according to the relationship of their best frequencies (BF) to the biosonar signal frequencies. RF units have high Q10dB values and are tuned to the reference frequency of each bat, which ranged between 60.73 and 62.73 kHz. FM2 units had BF's between 50 and 60 kHz, while NE units had BF's outside the ranges of the RF and FM2 classes. PST histograms of the responses revealed discharge patterns such as 'onset', 'onset-bursting' (most common), 'on-off', 'tonic-on','pauser', and 'chopper'. Changes in discharge patterns usually resulted from changes in the frequency and/or intensity of the stimuli, most often involving a change from onset-bursting to on-off. Different patterns were also elicited by CF and FM stimuli. Frequency characteristics and thresholds to CF and FM stimuli were measured. RF neurons were very sharply tuned with Q10dB's ranging from 50-360. Most (92%) also responded to FM2 stimuli, but 78% were significantly more sensitive (greater than 5 dB) to CF stimuli, and only 3% had significantly lower thresholds to FM2. The best initial frequency for FM2 sweeps in RF units was 65.35 +/- 2.138 kHz (n = 118), well above the natural frequency of the 2nd harmonic. FM2 and NE units were indistinguishable from each other, but were quite different from RF units: 41% of these two classes had lower thresholds to CF, 49% were about equally sensitive, and 10% had lower thresholds to FM. For FM2 units, mean best initial frequency for FM was 60.94 kHz +/- 3.162 kHz (n = 114), which is closely matched to the 2nd harmonic in the biosonar signal. Very few units (5) responded only to FM signals, i.e., were FM-specialized. The characteristics of spike-count functions were determined in 587 units. The vast majority (79%) of RF units (n = 228) were nonmonotonic, and about 22% had upper-thresholds.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus rouxi) were deafened in their 3rd–5th postnatal week. Subsequently their vocalisations were monitored to evaluate the impact of audition on the development of echolocation pulses. Hearing impairment affected the echolocation pulses as follows: the frequency of the constant frequency (CF) component was altered by between + 4 kHz and – 14 kHz, and the dominance of the second harmonic of the pulses was neutralised by a relative increase in intensity of the first and third harmonics.A second experiment focused on possible influences of acoustical self-stimulation with echolocation pulses on the establishment of auditory fovea representation in the inferior colliculus (IC). Frequency control of echolocation pulses was disrupted by larynx denervation. Thereafter, the bats produced multiharmonic echolocation signals (4–11 harmonics) varying in frequency. IC tonotopy, however, as monitored by stereotaxic electrophysiology, showed the same developmental dynamics as seen in control specimens (Fig. 10).Both experiments indicate that throughout postnatal development echolocation pulses are under auditory feedback control, whereas maturation of the auditory fovea and shifts in its frequency tuning represent an innate process. The significance of this postnatal development might be the adjustment of the vocal motor system of each bat to the frequency of its personal auditory fovea.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - CF1, CF2, CF3 harmonics of pure tone components of the echolocation pulses - FM frequency modulation - IC inferior colliculus of the midbrain  相似文献   

Summary The frequency-place map of the horseshoe bat cochlea was studied with the horseradish peroxidase (HRP) technique involving focal injections into various, physiologically defined regions of cochlear nucleus (CN). The locations of labeled spiral ganglion cells and their termination sites on inner hair cells of the organ of Corti from injections into CN-regions responsive to different frequencies were analyzed in three dimensional reconstructions of the cochlea. Horseshoe bats from different geographical populations were investigated. They emit orientation calls with constant frequency (CF) components around 77 kHz (Rhinolophus rouxi from Ceylon) and 84 kHz (Rhinolophus rouxi from India) and their auditory systems are sharply tuned to the respective CF-components.The HRP-map shows that in both populations: (i) the frequency range around the CF-component of the echolocation signal is processed in the second half-turn of the cochlea, where basilar membrane (BM) is not thickened, secondary spiral lamina (LSS) is still present and innervation density is maximal; (ii) frequencies more than 5 kHz above the CF-component are processed in the first halfturn, where the thickened BM is accompanied by LSS and innervation density is low; (iii) frequencies below the spectral content of the orientation call are represented in apical turns showing no morphological specializations. The data demonstrate that the cochlea of horseshoe bats is normalized to the frequency of the individual specific CF-component of the echolocation call.The HRP-map can account for the overrepresentation of neurons sharply tuned to the CF-signal found in the central auditory system. A comparison of the HRP-map with a map derived with the swollen nuclei technique following loud sound exposure (Bruns 1976b) reveals that the latter is shifted towards cochlear base by about 4 mm. This discrepancy warrants a new interpretation of the functional role of specialized morphological structures of the cochlea within the mechanisms giving rise to the exceptionally high frequency selectivity of the auditory system.Abbreviations AVCN anteroventral CN - BF best frequency - BM basilar membrane - CF constant frequency - CN cochlear nucleus - DCN dorsal CN - FM frequency modulated - HRP horseradish peroxidase - IHC inner hair cell - LSS secondary spiral lamina - OHC outer hair cell - PVCN posteroventral CN - RF resting frequency - RRc Rhinolophus rouxi from Ceylon - RRi Rhinolophus rouxi from India  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight echolocation calls of 63 free-flying individuals of five bat species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum,Myotis formosus,Myotis ikonnikovi,Myotis daubentoni and Murina leucogaster)were recorded (by ultrasonic bat detector (D980)) in Zhi'an village of Jilin Province,China.According to the frequency-time spectra,these calls were categorized into two types:FM/CF (constant frequency) / FM (R.ferrumequinum) and FM (frequency modulated)(M.formosus,M.ikonnikovi,M.daubentoni and M.leucogaster).Sonograms of the calls of R.ferrumequinum could easily be distinguished from those of the other four species.For the calls of the remaining four species,six echolocation call parameters,including starting frequency,ending frequency,peak frequency duration,longest inter-pulse interval and shortest inter-pulse interval,were examined by stepwise discriminant analysis.The results show that 84.1% of calls were correctly classified,which indicates that these parameters of echolocation calls play an important role in identifying bat species.These parameters can be used to test the accuracy of general predictions based on bats' morphology in the same forest and can provide essential information for assessing patterns of bat habitat use.  相似文献   

Summary The echolocating bat,Plecotus phyllotis (Vespertilionidae), uses long-CF/FM and FM sonar sounds in different situations. The CF component in long-CF/FM sounds occurs at 27 kHz and has a duration of 20 to 200 ms. The FM component sweeps down from 24 to 12 kHz, with a prominent second harmonic from 40 to 22 kHz. This second harmonic sweep is interrupted at 28 to 25 kHz, providing a notch in the spectrum of the FM component at the CF frequency. This notch probably permits isolation of CF and FM components in echoes for separate processing, thus avoiding mutual interference with the different kinds of target information the two components convey. The FM component is also used without the CF component as a sonar sound. Two other FM orientation sounds are used when the bat is in a confined space such as a room. One contains only the second and fourth harmonics of the 24 to 12 kHz fundamental sweep, while the other contains only the fifth harmonic. This bat's repertoire of sonar sounds closely matches the hearing capacities of the genus.We thank P.H. Dolkart and W.A. Lavender, of Washington University, and the Nevada State Parks Department for their assistance. This research was supported by Grant # BMS-72-02351-A01 from the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

朱旭  王静  孙克萍  江廷磊  姜云垒  冯江 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5248-5258
2007年在吉林省罗通山自然保护区,利用超声波探测仪(Avisoft-SASLAB PRO)录制并分析不同生境中马铁菊头蝠的回声定位声波。结果显示马铁菊头蝠在不同类型生境中活动;各生境中回声定位声波参数存在显著差异(one-way ANOVA,P〈0.05)。从环境因子中通过主成分分析筛选出与其回声定位声波相关的植被、气候和地形因子,探讨回声定位声波与这些因子的相关性。结果显示FM1和FM2带宽与乔木高(r=-0.948,-0.825;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率和FM2终止频率与林冠面积(r=-0.967,-0.958;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率、FM2终止频率和峰频与湿度(r=-0.776、-0.875和-0.794,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间和脉冲间隔与平均灌木高均呈显著负相关(r=-0.911,-0.990;P〈0.05),峰频与植被株数(r=0.756,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间与冠下高呈显著正相关(r=0.870,P〈0.05)。表明各种环境因子(植被因子、气候因子和地形因子)都在一定程度上影响回声定位声波,回声定位声波具有表型可塑性和生境适应性,这些特性决定了马铁菊头蝠生境利用的程度和可利用的资源。  相似文献   

The constant frequency component of the second harmonic (CF(2)) of echolocation sounds in Rhinolophus ferrumequinum nippon were measured using onboard telemetry microphones while the bats exhibited Doppler-shift compensation during flights with conspecifics. (1) The CF(2) frequency of pulses emitted by individual bats at rest (F (rest)) showed a long-term gradual decline by 0.22?kHz on average over a period of 3?months. The mean neighboring F (rest) (interindividual differences in F (rest) between neighboring bats when the bats were arranged in ascending order according to F (rest)) ranged from 0.08 to 0.11?kHz among 18 bats in a laboratory colony. (2) The standard deviation of observed echo CF(2) (reference frequency) for bats during paired flights ranged from 50 to 90?Hz, which was not significantly different from that during single flights. This finding suggests that during paired flights, bats exhibit Doppler-shift compensation with the same accuracy as when they fly alone. (3) In 60?% (n?=?29) of the cases, the difference in the reference frequency between two bats during paired flights significantly decreased compared to when the bats flew alone. However, only 15?% of the cases (n?=?7) showed a significant increase during paired flights. The difference in frequency between two bats did not increase even when the reference frequencies of the individuals were not statistically different during single flights.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Wang J  Sun K P  Jiang T L  Jiang Y H  Feng J 《农业工程》2008,28(11):5248-5258
The present experiment was carried out in Luotong Mountain Natural Reserve in Jilin Province of China in 2007. We recorded and analyzed the echolocation calls of Rhinolophus ferrumequinum in different habitats by using Avisoft Bioacoustics USG 116 and Avisoft-SASLAB PRO (Avisoft Bioacoustics, Berlin, Germany). Our results showed that R. ferrumequinum foraged in diverse habitats in the study area, and their echolocation calls were significantly variable in different habitats (One-Way ANOVA, P < 0.05). Vegetative, climatic and topographical factors were selected by using the principal component analysis and the correlations between the parameters of echolocation calls and these environmental factors were analyzed. The results indicated that although R. ferrumequinum always emitted FM/CF/FM echolocation calls in different habitats, the parameters of echolocation calls varied with variable environmental factors. Significant negative correlation existed between FM1 bandwidth and arbor height (r = ?0.948, P < 0.05), FM2 bandwidth and arbor height (r = ?0.825; P < 0.05), FM1 starting frequency and canopy area (r = ?0.967, P < 0.05), FM2 ending frequency and canopy area (r = ?0.958, P < 0.05), FM1 starting frequency and air relative humidity (r = ?0.776, P < 0.05), FM2 ending frequency and air relative humidity (r = ?0.875, P < 0.05), peak frequency and air relative humidity (r = ?0.794, P < 0.05), pulse duration and average shrub height (r = ?0.911, P < 0.05), and inter-pulse interval and average shrub height (r = ?0.990, P < 0.05). Significant positive correlation existed between peak frequency and number of plants (r = 0.756, P < 0.05), and pulse duration and height below the canopy (r = 0.870, P < 0.05). Our results suggested that many kinds of ecological factors (such as vegetation factor, climatic factor and topographical factor) affected the structure of echolocation calls and made them diverse in different habitats, i.e., echolocation calls of bats had phenotypic flexibility and eco-adaptability. These characteristics determined the degree of available habitats and natural resources for R. ferrumequinum.  相似文献   

Summary This report describes the ontogenesis of tonotopy in the inferior colliculus (IC) of the rufous horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus rouxi). Horseshoe bats are deaf at birth, but consistent tonotopy with a low-to-high frequency gradient from dorsolateral to ventromedial develops from the 2nd up to the 5th week. The representation of the auditory fovea is established in ventro-mediocaudal parts of the IC during the 3rd postnatal week (Fig. 3). Then, a narrow frequency band 5 kHz in width, comprising 16% of the bat's auditory range, captures 50–60 vol% of the IC (Fig. 3c). However, foveal tuning is 10–12 kHz (1/3 octave) lower than in adults; foveal tuning in females (65–68 kHz) is 2–3 kHz higher than in males (62–65 kHz). Thereafter, foveal tuning increases by 1–1.5 kHz per day up to the 5th postnatal week, when the adult hearing range is established (Figs. 4, 5). The increase of sensitivity and of tuning sharpness of single units also follows a low-to-high frequency gradient (Fig. 6).Throughout this development the foveal tuning matches the second harmonic of the echolocation pulses vocalised by these young bats. The results confirm the hypothesis of developmental shifts in the frequency-place code for the foveal high frequency representation in the IC.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation - IC inferior colliculus - IHC inner hair cell; - OHC outer hair cell - RR Rhinolophus rouxi  相似文献   

Summary Acoustic stimuli near 60 kHz elicit pronounced resonance in the cochlea of the mustached bat (Pteronotus parnellii parnellii). The cochlear resonance frequency (CRF) is near the second harmonic, constant frequency (CF2) component of the bat's biosonar signals. Within narrow bands where CF2 and third harmonic (CF3) echoes are maintained, the cochlea has sharp tuning characteristics that are conserved throughout the central auditory system. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of temperature-related shifts in the CRF on the tuning properties of neurons in the cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus.Eighty-two single and multi-unit recordings were characterizedin 6 awake bats with chronically implanted cochlear microphonic electrodes. As the CRF changed with body temperature, the tuning curves of neurons sharply tuned to frequencies near the CF2 and CF3 shifted with the CRF in every case, yielding a change in the unit's best frequency. The results show that cochlear tuning is labile in the mustached bat, and that this lability produces tonotopic shifts in the frequency response of central auditory neurons. Furthermore, results provide evidence of shifts in the frequency-to-place code within the sharply tuned CF2 and CF3 regions of the cochlea. In conjunction with the finding that biosonar emission frequency and the CRF shift concomitantly with temperature and flight, it is concluded that the adjustment of biosonar signals accommodates the shifts in cochlear and neural tuning that occur with active echolocation.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF characteristic frequency - CF2, CF3 second and third harmonic, constant frequency components of the biosonar signal - CM cochlear microphonic - CN cochlear nucleus - CRF cochlear resonance frequency - IC inferior colliculus - MT minimum threshold - OAE otoacoustic emission - Q10dB BF (or CF) divided by the response bandwidth at 10 dB above MT  相似文献   

Summary Bats of the species Rhinolophus rouxi, Hipposideros lankadiva and Eptesicus fuscus were trained to discriminate between two simultaneously presented artificial insect wingbeat targets moving at different wingbeat rates. During the discrimination trials, R. rouxi, H. lankadiva and E. fuscus emitted long-CF/FM, short-CF/FM and FM echolocation sounds respectively. R. rouxi, H. lankadiva and E. fuscus were able to discriminate a difference in wingbeat rate of 2.7 Hz, 9.2 Hz and 15.8 Hz, respectively, between two simultaneously presented targets at an absolute wingbeat rate of 60 Hz, using a criterion of 75% correct responses.The performance of the different bat species is correlated with the echolocation signal design used by each species, particularly with the presence and relative duration of a narrowband component preceding a broadband FM component. These results provide behavioral evidence supporting the hypothesis that bats that use CF/FM echolocation sounds have adaptations for the perception of insect wingbeat motion and that long-CF/FM species are more specialized for this task than short-CF/FM species.Abbreviations CF constant frequency - FM frequency modulation  相似文献   

While searching for prey, Molossus molossus broadcasts narrow-band calls of 11.42 ms organized in pairs of pulses that alternate in frequency. The first signal of the pair is at 34.5 kHz, the second at 39.6 kHz. Pairs of calls with changing frequencies were only emitted when the interpulse intervals were below 200 ms. Maximum duty cycles during search phase are close to 20%. Frequency alternation of search calls is interpreted as a mechanism for increasing duty cycle and thus the temporal continuity of scanning, as well as increasing the detection range. A neurophysiological correlate for the processing of search calls was found in the inferior colliculus. 64% of neurons respond to frequencies in the 30- to 40-kHz range and only in this frequency range were closed tuning curves found for levels below 40 dB SPL. In addition, 15% of the neurons have double-tuned frequency-threshold curves with best thresholds at 34 and 39 kHz. Differing from observations in other bats, approach calls of M. molossus are longer and of higher frequencies than search calls. Close to the roost, the call frequency is increased to 45.0–49.8 kHz and, in addition, extremely broadband signals are emitted. This demonstrates high plasticity of call design.Abbreviations BF best frequency - CF constant frequency - IC inferior colliculus - Fmax maximal frequency - Fmin minimal frequency - PF peak frequency - PSTH post-stimulus time histogram - QCF quasi-constant frequency - SPL sound pressure level  相似文献   

The origin and meaning of echolocation call frequency variation within rhinolophid bats is not well understood despite an increasing number of allopatric and sympatric examples being documented. A bimodal distribution of mean regional call frequency within the Okinawa‐jima Island population of Rhinolophus cornutus pumilus (Rhinolophidae) provided a unique opportunity to investigate geographic call frequency variation early in its development. Individual resting echolocation frequencies, partial mitochondrial DNA D‐loop sequences and genotypes from six microsatellite loci were obtained from 288 individuals in 11 colonies across the entire length of the island, and nearby Kume‐jima Island. Acoustic differences (5–8 kHz) observed between the north and south regions have been maintained despite evidence of sufficient nuclear gene flow across the middle of the island. Significant subdivision of maternally inherited D‐loop haplotypes suggested a limitation of movement of females between regions, but not within the regions, and was evidence of female philopatry. These results support a ‘maternal transmission’ hypothesis whereby the difference in the constant frequency (CF) component between the regions is maintained by mother–offspring transmission of CF, the restricted dispersal of females between regions and small effective population size. We suggest that the mean 5–8 kHz call frequency difference between the regions might develop through random cultural drift.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight echolocation calls of 63 free-flying individuals of five bat species (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, Myotis formosus, Myotis ikonnikovi, Myotis daubentoni and Murina leucogaster) were recorded (by ultrasonic bat detector (D980)) in Zhi’an village of Jilin Province, China. According to the frequency-time spectra, these calls were categorized into two types: FM/CF (constant frequency) / FM (R. ferrumequinum) and FM (frequency modulated) (M. formosus, M. ikonnikovi, M. daubentoni and M. leucogaster). Sonograms of the calls of R. ferrumequinum could easily be distinguished from those of the other four species. For the calls of the remaining four species, six echolocation call parameters, including starting frequency, ending frequency, peak frequency duration, longest inter-pulse interval and shortest inter-pulse interval, were examined by stepwise discriminant analysis. The results show that 84.1% of calls were correctly classified, which indicates that these parameters of echolocation calls play an important role in identifying bat species. These parameters can be used to test the accuracy of general predictions based on bats’ morphology in the same forest and can provide essential information for assessing patterns of bat habitat use. __________ Translated from Journal of Northeast Normal University (Natural Science Edition), 2006, 38 (3): 109–114 [译自: 东北师范大学学报(自然科学版)]  相似文献   

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