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中国热带森林植被类型研究历史和划分探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热带森林是我国森林植被的重要组成部分,明确其森林植被类型分类对于生物多样性维持机制研究和保护管理等都具有重要意义。该文以中国热带森林植被分类研究中存在的问题为出发点,通过阐述我国各省区植被类型分类的研究历史,在综合考虑多种生物和非生物影响因素的基础上,提出一个新的热带森林植被类型分类框架以供探讨。结果表明:(1)尽管针对我国热带森林的分布范围和群落特征等都已开展了诸多研究,但对我国热带森林植被类型的划分依据和分类体系仍存在争议。(2)尽管我国的热带森林都处于季风气候区带内,但许多热带地区的森林植被类型并不只是受季风影响,而是气候带、关键气候因子、地形、土壤反馈和物种适应等多种因素共同作用的结果。(3)我国的热带森林植被包括5个植被型,即非典型性热带雨林、热带季雨林、热带山地雨林、热带山顶苔藓矮林(热带云雾林)和热带针叶林,其中热带季雨林植被型包含4种植被亚型[热带落叶季雨林、热带半落叶(半常绿)季雨林、热带常绿季雨林和热带石灰岩(石山)季雨林]。(4)阐明了上述热带森林植被型和植被亚型在我国各省区的分布情况,并提出未来有必要对人工恢复后的热带森林进行评估和植被类型划分。综上所述,该文提出一个新的热带森林植被类型分类框架,以期为今后基于不同地区开展热带森林比较研究提供参考。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭垂直带热带植被物种多样性的空间分析   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
余世孝  臧润国  蒋有绪 《生态学报》2001,21(9):1438-1443
以常用的Shannon-Wiener指数,Simpson指数以及新近提出的两个非参数指数(Chao多样性指数和二阶刀切法多样性指数),计测了海南岛霸王岭垂直带上不同植被类型(包括热带低山雨林、热带山地雨林、热带云雾林、热带山地矮林)的物种多样性.在此基础上,借助地理信息系统的空间分析技术,模拟绘制了整个梯度的多样性变化谱.总体而言,样带下部的物种多样性高于上部,或者说热带低山雨林与热带山地雨林的物种多样性高于热带云雾林与热带山地矮林,而南部稍高于北部.这种基于插值方法的空间分析技术为探索植被结构分析提供了一条新的途径.  相似文献   

朱华 《广西植物》2019,39(1):62-70
大陆东南亚(中南半岛)的植被研究情况鲜为人知,至今仍无系统研究资料。该文依据数次对该地区的野外考察和资料收集,介绍了东南亚植被的研究情况和文献资料以及对该地区主要森林植被的分类和各主要植被类型的特征。大陆东南亚地区在植被分类上包括七个主要的陆生及湿地的森林植被类型:针叶林、针阔混交林、热带山地常绿阔叶林、热带雨林、热带季节性湿润林、热带季风林(季雨林)、干旱刺灌丛/萨王纳植被。其中,针叶林植被型包括温性针叶林和热性针叶林二个植被亚型;针阔混交林包括温性针阔混交林和暖温性针阔混交林二个亚型;热带雨林植被型包括热带低地常绿雨林、热带季节性雨林(热带低地半常绿雨林)、热带山地雨林及泥炭沼泽森林四个植被亚型。该文还对大陆东南亚地区植被研究历史、植被分类系统、类型特征及植物区系组成进行了讨论。  相似文献   

广西金钟山自然保护区主要植被类型的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金钟山自然保护区计有种子植物101科273属514种,落叶栎林分布面积最广。随海拔升高,植被依次呈现出4个分布带:沟谷落叶阔叶林、沟谷常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林、山地苔藓矮林和山地常绿阔叶林。该区主要有4个分布区类型:世界分布、热带分布、温带分布和中国特有分布,其中热带分布占总属数的75.21%,表明本保护区的植物分布具有热带性质。其天然植被类型可划分为5个植被型组,7个植被型含暖性针叶林、暖性落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林、竹林和草丛,2个植被亚型含南亚热带山地常绿阔叶林、山顶阔叶矮林,以及33个群系。  相似文献   

浙江西天目山主要森林类型的苔藓多样性比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
苔藓是森林的重要组分, 是森林保护区的重要保护对象, 在物种资源和生态系统功能维护中有重要作用。该研究以浙江西天目山国家自然保护区内7种主要森林类型(落叶矮林、落叶阔叶林、常绿-落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、针叶林和竹林)内的苔藓植物为对象, 调查了32个10 m × 10 m的样地, 记录地面生苔藓植物盖度和树附生苔藓植物多度, 采用重要值、相似性系数、多样性指数分析了森林类型间的苔藓植物多样性差异。共采集969份标本, 隶属41科84属142种, 其中苔类植物13科18属33种, 藓类植物28科66属109种, 优势科为灰藓科、青藓科和羽藓科。2种混交林(常绿-落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林)的物种丰富度和多样性指数均高于其余5种森林, 其中物种丰富度以针阔混交林最高, 苔藓植物多样性则以常绿-落叶阔叶混交林最高, 竹林两者均为最低。海拔等环境因子较为接近的植被类型的苔藓植物多样性相似性较高, 常绿阔叶林与针叶林相似性最高, 而落叶矮林和竹林相似性最小。  相似文献   

海南岛热带天然针叶林附生维管植物多样性和分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为热带林中一个重要的特征性组分, 附生维管植物对于维持热带森林的物种多样性及其生态系统功能均具有重要作用。该文首次系统地报道了热带天然针叶林中的附生维管植物多样性和分布特征。以海南岛霸王岭国家级自然保护区保存完好的热带天然针叶林(我国唯一较大面积分布的南亚松(Pinus latteri)天然林)中的附生维管植物为研究对象, 通过样带调查(共设置12个10 m × 50 m的样带, 记录每个样带内胸径(DBH) ≥ 5 cm树木上附生维管植物的物种名称、株数及附生高度), 分析附生维管植物的物种多样性和空间分布特征。结果表明: 1)热带针叶林0.6 hm 2面积内共有附生维管植物769株, 分属于7科17属27种, 附生兰科植物和萝摩科植物为优势类群; 2)附生维管植物在水平方向上呈现出聚集分布; 3)附生维管植物在垂直方向上, 在中等高度层次(10-20 m)分布最多, 在下层(0-5 m)也有较多的分布; 4)少数附生维管植物对南亚松表现出一定的选择性, 如华南马尾杉(Phlegmariurus fordii)、玫瑰毛兰(Eria rosea)、眼树莲(Dischidia chinensis)和铁草鞋(Hoya pottsii)等; 5)附生维管植物的物种丰富度及多度与宿主胸径均存在显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭垂直带热带植被物多样性的空间分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余世孝  臧润国等 《生态学报》2001,21(9):1438-1443
以常用的Shannon-Wiener指数,Simpson指数以及新近提出的两个非参数指数(Chao多样性指数和二阶刀切法多样性指数),计测了海南岛霸王岭垂直止不同植被类型(包括热带低山雨林、热带山地雨林、热带云雾林、热带山地矮林)的物种多样性。在此基础上,借助地理信息系统的空间分析技术,模拟绘制了整经度的多样性变化谱。总体而言,样带下部的物种多样性高于上部,或者说热带低山雨林与热带山地雨林的物种多样性高于热带云雾林与热带山地矮林,而南部稍高于北部。这种基于插值方法的空间分析技术为探索植被结构分析提供了一条新的途径。  相似文献   

金文驰 《生命世界》2012,(11):64-73
在海南岛西南部,一座海拔1412米的山峰如匕首般直插南天,这便是尖峰岭。尖峰岭地区是海南重要的林区之一,由于地处琼岛西部,东来的暖湿气流到这里已是强弩之末,尖峰岭也因此比岛东南部的吊罗山等山地干燥一些。这里还是我国少见的山海相连的地方,从海滨到山顶,可以看到有刺灌丛、半落叶季雨林、热带常绿季雨林、热带山地雨林和山顶苔藓矮林等多种植被类型。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭热带云雾林雨季的环境特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
以海南岛霸王岭热带云雾林中热带山地常绿林和热带山顶矮林群落为对象, 分析了热带云雾林雨季光照、空气湿度、空气温度、土壤和地形特征, 为分析生物多样性、生态系统功能及其对气候变化的反应等生态学过程奠定基础。结果表明: 热带山地常绿林和热带山顶矮林在一天中的光合有效辐射呈单峰曲线变化, 热带山地常绿林各时段的光合有效辐射显著低于热带山顶矮林; 5-10月两群落类型日平均空气温度分别为(21.76 ± 2.44) ℃和(19.33 ± 1.03) ℃, 且随时间变化呈单峰曲线, 热带山地常绿林日平均空气温度显著高于热带山顶矮林; 5-10月两群落类型日平均空气相对湿度分别为(88.44 ± 2.90)%和(97.71 ± 0.80)%, 且随时间变化呈倒“S”型曲线, 热带山地常绿林各月日平均空气相对湿度显著小于热带山顶矮林; 与热带山顶矮林相比, 热带山地常绿林的土壤全氮、全磷、速效氮、有机质、pH和土壤厚度显著大, 而全钾和有效磷含量显著低; 热带山地常绿林的坡度、岩石裸露比例和海拔高度显著小于热带山顶矮林, 地形因子与其他生态因子显著相关; 主成分和相关性分析表明: 空气温度、有效磷、全钾、全氮及地形因子对热带云雾林植被分布有重要影响。  相似文献   

海南岛霸王岭不同热带森林类型的种-个体关系   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 比较分析了海南岛霸王岭自然保护区核心区热带低山雨林、山地雨林、云雾林、山地矮林等4种热带森林类型中不同大小径级树木的物种—个体关系。结果表明:各种植被类型中物种数与个体数对数成线性关系是一种普遍现象,且不受调查树木的径木级影响。在相同个体数的条件下,累积物种数随海拔增高而逐渐减少,也即物种数由热带低山雨林、山地雨林、云雾林到热带山地矮林逐渐减少。对于各种植被类型的种—多度关系,单个体、双个体的物种有相当高的比例,其后一般依个体数的增加,而逐渐降低物种的出现频率,呈典型的倒J型曲线,而且这一比例随树木径级的增加而增加。  相似文献   

西双版纳片段化石灰岩森林附生兰科植物多样性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西双版纳石灰岩地区拥有丰富的兰科植物资源,但近年来随着橡胶树的大面积种植,使得该地区很多石灰岩森林呈片段化。为了解片段化石灰岩森林中附生兰科植物多样性状况以及片段化对附生兰科植物的影响,该研究选取了生境片段化的青岩寨和曼纳览,以及连续生境的绿石林和巴卡新寨等4个样地的29个样方进行多样性调查和对比研究。结果表明:4个石灰岩森林样共记录到附生兰科植物34属76种1 528株(丛)。通过对坡向、坡度、海拔、地形、郁闭度和森林类型等6个环境因子与附生兰科植物丰富度进行CCA分析,发现石灰岩地区附生兰科植物的分布主要受海拔和森林类型2个因素的影响,在海拔较高的青岩寨和巴卡新寨附生兰科植物物种丰富度高于低海拔的绿石林和曼纳览,而片段化对附生兰科植物的物种多样性和多度均无显著影响,这可能与片段化的历史较短有关。虽然目前来看生境片段化对石灰岩地区的附生兰科植物多样性无显著影响,但生境脆弱的石灰岩森林植被的保护对于兰科植物多样性保护则更具重要性。  相似文献   

论滇南西双版纳的森林植被分类   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱华 《云南植物研究》2007,29(4):377-387
本文基于多年研究成果的总结,对西双版纳森林植被的分类、主要植被类型及其特征进行了系统归纳,并讨论了它们与世界类似热带森林植被的关系。以群落的生态外貌与结构、种类组成和生境特征相结合作为植被分类的原则和依据,可以将西双版纳的热带森林植被分类为热带雨林、热带季节性湿润林、热带季雨林和热带山地常绿阔叶林四个主要的植被型,包括有至少二十个群系。热带雨林包括热带季节雨林和热带山地(低山)雨林二个植被亚型。热带季节雨林具有与赤道低地热带雨林几乎一样的群落结构和生态外貌特征,是亚洲热带雨林的一个类型,但由于发生在季风热带北缘纬度和海拔的极限条件下,受到季节性干旱和热量不足的影响,在其林冠层中有一定比例的落叶树种存在,大高位芽植物和附生植物较逊色而藤本植物和在叶级谱上的小叶型植物更丰富,这些特征又有别于赤道低地的热带雨林。热带山地雨林是热带雨林的山地亚型,是该地区热带山地较湿润生境的一种森林类型,它在植物区系组成和生态外貌特征上类似于热带亚洲的低山雨林,隶属于广义热带雨林植被型下的低山雨林亚型。热带季节性湿润林分布在石灰岩山坡中、上部,在群落外貌上类似热带山地常绿阔叶林但在植物区系组成上与后者不同,它是石灰岩山地垂直带上的一种植被类型。热带季雨林是分布在该地区开阔河谷盆地及河岸受季风影响强烈的生境的一种热带落叶森林,是介于热带雨林与萨王纳之间的植被类型。热带山地常绿阔叶林(季风常绿阔叶林)是西双版纳的主要山地植被类型,它分布在热带季节雨林带之上偏干的山地生境。它在植物区系组成上不同于该地区的热带季节雨林,在生态外貌特征上亦不同于热带山地雨林,是发育在受地区性季风气候强烈影响的热带山地的一种森林植被类型。  相似文献   

ZHU Hua 《Plant Diversity》2007,29(4):377-387
Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan is a region of extremely interest to biologists and also a hotspot for biodiversity conservation . It is located in a transitional zone from tropical Southeast Asia to temperate East Asia biogeographically. The present paper reviewed vegetation types of Xishuangbanna and suggested a revised classification system based on theupdated study results over the last two decades . By combining physiognomic and floristic characteristics with ecological performances and habitats , the primary forest vegetation in Xishuangbanna can be organized into four main vegetation types: tropical rain forest, tropical seasonal moist forest, tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest and tropical monsoon forest. The tropical rain forest can be classified into two subtypes , i. e. tropical seasonal rain forest in the lowlands and tropical montane rain forest on higher elevations. The tropical seasonal rain forest in this region shows similar forest profile and physiognomic characteristics to those of equatorial lowland rain forests and is a type of world tropical rain forest. Because of conspicuous similarity on floristic composition , the tropical seasonal rain forest in Xishuangbanna is a type of tropical Asian rain forest . However , since the tropical seasonal rain forest occurs at the northern edge of tropical SE Asia, it differs from typical lowland rain forests in equatorial areas in maintaining some deciduous trees in the canopy layer , fewer megaphanerophytes and epiphytes but more abundant lianas and more plants with microphyll . It is a type of semi-evergreen rain forest at the northern edge of the tropical zone . The tropical montane rain forest occurs in wet montane habitats and is similar to the lower montane rain forests in equatorial Asia in floristic composition and physiognomy . It is a variety of lower montane rain forests at the northern tropical edges of tropical rain forests . The tropical seasonal moist forest occurs on middle and upper limestone mountains and is similar to the tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest of the region in physiognomy, but it differs from the latter in floristic composition. The monsoon forest in Xishuangbanna is a tropical deciduous forest under the influence of a strong monsoon climate and is considered to be a transitional vegetation type between tropical rain forest and savanna in physiognomy and distribution. The tropical montane evergreen broad- leaved forest is the main vegetation type in mountain areas . It is dominated by the tree species of Fagaceae , Euphorbiaceae , Theaceae and Lauraceae in majority. It differs from the tropical montane rain forests in lack of epiphytes and having more abundant lianas and plants with compound leaves . It is considered to be a distinct vegetation type in the northern margin of mainland southeastern Asia controlling by a strong monsoon climate, based on its floristic and physiognomic characteristics.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna, situated in the northern margin of the tropical zone in Southeast Asia, maintains large areas of tropical rain forest and contains rich biodiversity. However, tropical rain forests are being rapidly destroyed in this region. This paper analyzed spatial and temporal changes of forest cover and the patterns of forests fragmentation in Xishuangbanna by comparing classified satellite images from 1976, 1988 and 2003 using GIS analyses. The patterns of fragmentation and the effects of edge width were examined using selected landscape indices. The results show that forest cover declined from 69% in 1976 to less than 50% in 2003, the number of forests fragments increased from 6,096 to 8,324, and the mean patch size declined from 217 to 115 ha. It was found that fragment size distribution was strongly skewed towards small values, and fragment size and internal habitat differ strongly among forest types: less fragmented in subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest, but severe in forests that are suitable for agriculture (such as tropical seasonal rain forest and mountain rain forest). Due to fragmentation, the edge width was smaller in 2003 than that in 1976 when the total area of edge habitat exceeded core habitat in different forest types. The core area of tropical seasonal rain forest was smallest among main forest types at any edge width. Fragmentation was severe within 12.5-km buffers around roads. The current forest cover within reserves in Xishuangbanna was comparatively large and less fragmented. However, the tropical rain forest has been degraded inside reserves. For conservation purposes, the approaches to establish forest fragments networks by corridors and stepping stone fragments are proposed. The conservation efforts should be directed first toward the conservation of remaining tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

朱华 《植物生态学报》2005,29(1):170-174
通过分析云南南部的水、热条件及植被分布,讨论了季雨林植被类型及其特征,认为云南南部的季雨林是介于热带雨林与萨王纳之间的,在干季基本上是落叶的一种森林植被类型,符合Schimper (1903)定义的热带季雨林植被,并考虑它是一种生态学意义上的经向地带性植被,与该地区的纬向地带性植被热带季节雨林一起共同构成云南南部的水平地带性植被。在云南南部的石灰岩山坡分布的过去被认为是季雨林的森林植被,尽管也受到季节性干旱的影响而不同程度地具有落叶成分,但它在群落外貌上与典型的季雨林不相同,在植物区系组成上也明显不同于该地区非石灰岩山地的季风常绿阔叶林,在分布上亦是在石灰岩低山沟谷的热带季节性雨林水平地带性植被带之上,根据其生态外貌、植物区系组成和生境特点,我们建议用“热带季节性湿润林”来称呼这类石灰岩山地森林类型,在性质上属东南亚热带北缘石灰岩山地垂直带上的一种植被类型。  相似文献   

This paper is intended to provide a brief review of the tropical seasonal forest, one type of the tropical moist forests in monsoon Asia. It will also focus on and summarise issues of current concern in relation to their depletion and global environmental issues. Tropical moist forests occur in the rainy tropical and monsoon tropical climate types. The tropical moist evergreen forest or the tropical rain forest, which account for two-thirds of the tropical moist forests are rich in biodiversity and contain valuable tropical hardwood. The tropical moist deciduous forest or the tropical seasonal forest which lie along the fringes of tropical rain forest, are less complex than the tropical rain forest and have more distinct wet and dry periods. Broadleaved deciduous trees of the genera Tectona, Shorea, and Dipterocarpus are predominantly in this forest type. Currently estimates have found that more than 17 million hectares of forest mainly tropical moist forests are being lost each year. There is a widespread recognition that agriculture and the burning of tropical moist forests contribute to global warming but to a much lesser extent than the combustion of fossil fuels and industrial activities in the developed world.  相似文献   

Tropical dry forests have been less studied in terms of their resident epiphyte flora compared to wet forests. We studied five species of epiphytic orchids in two dry forest fragments differing in tree composition, stature and rainfall regime. We compared the vertical distribution within the host tree, epiphyte-host associations and seasonal variation in microclimatic conditions in a tropical dry deciduous (Celestún) and a semi-deciduous forest (Kaxil-Kiuic) of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, during the wet, early dry and dry seasons. Light, vapor pressure deficit, air temperature, and dew were measured on two heights (1.5 and 3.5 m) of the host with the highest abundance of orchids. Surprisingly, orchid abundance was higher in the Celestún deciduous forest, the site with low precipitation. High epiphyte abundance in the middle canopy stratum of the hosts in both forests was arguably related to a favorable combination of micro-environmental factors. In both forests, about 90% of all orchids grew on a single host tree species. Although bark roughness and the area of the substrate were the most important host characteristics that influenced the abundance of orchids in the Celestún deciduous forest, this did not explain this preference. Climatic variation was greater among seasons than between microenvironments in the host trees. The most abundant species, Encyclia nematocaulon, had a great capacity to occupy different strata in both forests, even in tree tops with very large micro-environmental fluctuations during the year.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ecological and biogeographic analyses of the tropical rain forest in south Yunnan were made using data from seventeen sample plots and floristic inventories of about 1000 species of seed plants. The rain forest is shown to be a type of true tropical rain forest because it has almost the same profile, physiognomic characteristics, species richness per unit area, numbers of individuals in each tree species and diameter classes of trees as classic lowland tropical rain forests. As the area is at the northern margin of monsoonal tropics, the rain forest differs from equatorial lowland rain forests in having some deciduous trees in the canopy layer, fewer megaphanaerophytes and epiphytes but more species of lianas as well as more species of microphylls. In its floristic composition, about 80% of total families. 94% of total genera and more than 90% of total species are tropical, of which about 38% of genera and 74% of species are tropical Asian. Furthermore, the rain forest has not only almost the same families and genera, but also the same families rank in the top ten both in species richness and in dominance of stems, as lowland forests in southeast Asia. It is indisputable that the flora of the rain forest is part of the tropical Asian flora. However, most of the tropical families and genera have their northern limits in south Yunnan and most have their centre of species diversity in Malesia. More strictly tropical families and genera have relatively lower species richness and importance compared with lowland rain forests in tropical southeast Asia. Thus, the flora also shows characteristics of being at the margin of the tropics. Based mainly on physiognomy and floristic composition the tropical rain forest of Yunnan is classified into two types, i.e. seasonal rain forest and wet seasonal rain forest, the latter is further divided into two subtypes, i.e. mixed rain forest and dipterocarp rain forest. From analysis of geographic elements it is also shown that the tropical rain forest of Yunnan occurs at a geographical nexus with its flora coming mainly from four sources, i.e. Malesia, south Himalayas, Indochina and China.  相似文献   

Mycorrhizas of vascular plants and mycorrhiza-like associations of liverworts and hornworts are integral parts of terrestrial ecosystems, but have rarely been studied in tropical mountain rain forests. The tropical mountain rain forest area of the Reserva Biológica San Francisco in South Ecuador situated on the eastern slope of the Cordillera El Consuelo is exceptionally rich in tree species, ericads and orchids, but also in liverworts. Previous light and electron microscopical studies revealed that tree roots are well colonized by structurally diverse Glomeromycota, and that epiphytic, pleurothallid orchids form mycorrhizas with members of the Tulasnellales and the Sebacinales (Basidiomycota). Sebacinales also occurred in mycorrhizas of hemiepiphytic ericads and Tulasnellales were found in liverworts belonging to the Aneuraceae. On the basis of these findings, we hypothesized that symbiotic fungi with a broad host range created shared guilds or even fungal networks between different plant species and plant families. To test this hypothesis, molecular phylogenetic studies of the fungi associated with roots and thalli were carried out using sequences of the nuclear rDNA coding for the small subunit rRNA (nucSSU) of Glomeromycota and the large subunit rRNA (nucLSU) of Basidiomycota. Sequence analyses showed that Sebacinales and Tulasnellales were only shared within but not between ericads and orchids or between liverworts and orchids, respectively. Regarding arbuscular-mycorrhiza-forming trees, however, 18 out of 33 Glomus sequence types were shared by two to four tree species belonging to distinct families. Nearly all investigated trees shared one sequence type with another tree individual. Host range and potential shared guilds appeared to be restricted to the plant family level for Basidiomycota, but were covering diverse plant families in case of Glomeromycota. Given that the sequence types as defined here correspond to fungal species, our findings indicate potential fungal networks between trees.  相似文献   

滇南勐宋热带山地雨林的物种多样性与生态学特征   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 研究了鲜为人知的滇南勐宋地区的原始山地雨林植被, 根据分布生境、群落结构和种类组成特征,可将该山地雨林区分为沟谷和山坡两个类型, 分别定义为八蕊单室茱萸(Mastixia euonymoides)-大萼楠(Phoebe megacalyx)林和云南拟单性木兰(Parachmeria yunnanensis)-云南裸花(Gymnanthes remota)林。该山地雨林的外貌仍以单叶、革质、全缘、中叶为主的常绿中、小高位芽植物组成为特征,层间木质藤本植物仍较丰富,草本高位芽植物和附生植物丰富,但板根和茎花现象少见,属于热带山地垂直带上低山雨林或山地雨林植被类型。与该地区的典型热带季节雨林和赤道热带雨林相比, 勐宋的山地雨林群落中的大、中高位芽植物和藤本高位芽植物比例相对减少, 小、矮高位芽植物和草本高位芽植物比例相对增加,单叶、革质、非全缘叶和小叶比例相对增加,板根现象少见。与中国热带北缘-南亚热带地区(季风)常绿阔叶林比较, 勐宋的山地雨林有较多的附生植物和草本高位芽植物,相对较少的小高位芽植物和矮高位芽植物,小叶比例亦较少,非全缘叶和革质叶比例相对较低。故勐宋山地雨林是滇南热带北缘山地的一种较湿润生境的植被类型, 与所谓的季风常绿阔叶林不同。在物种多样性上,勐宋热带山地雨林在单位面积植物种数上并不比该地区的热带季节雨林低, 物种多样性指数与低丘季节雨林相当,比沟谷季节雨林低, 明显高于季风常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

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