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基于中国北东样带东部森林区8个植被样方和表土花粉资料,定量分析了每种植物与表土花粉类型的关系。结果表明:花粉类型与植物关系密切,在α=0.05的显性水平上,相关系数(correlation coefficient)C值大都在0.5以上;表土花粉组合与植物群落间有较大的相似性,相似系数(CC)大于50%。采用定量描述花粉与植物关系的参数:联合指数(association index)A、超代表性指  相似文献   

吉林长白山植被垂直地带性是欧亚大陆从温带到寒带植被水平地带性的真实对照。通过对长白山北坡不同植物群落21个样点表土花粉组合及其与群落组成数量关系的分析,结果发现:(1)木本植物花粉占76.1%,木本植物与草本植物花粉比值(AP/NAP)约3.2,以桦属和松属为主;(2)岳桦云冷杉林和岳桦林花粉组合能较好地反映植物群落组成;红松云冷杉林花粉组合只能部分反映植物群落外貌;红松林的花粉组合不能较好反映植被特征;高山苔原花粉组合未能反映植物群落数量特征;(3)主要花粉类型中松属和桦属花粉具超代表性,云杉属、杜鹃花科和蔷薇科花粉具低代表性;(4)通过花粉相对含量,DCA分析能较好地区分不同植被类型,但是红松林与红松云冷杉林、岳桦云冷杉林无法区分。本研究可为本区古植被与古环境恢复提供新证据。  相似文献   

阴山山脉东段花粉通量及其与表土花粉比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阴山山脉东段蛮汉山和大青山山顶草甸、桦木林、虎榛子灌丛、人工油松林及杂草草原5个植被类型花粉通量与表土花粉对比研究发现,不同植被类型及同一植被类型不同样点花粉通量和花粉浓度差异明显,捕捉器样品花粉源区面积小于表土样品,能较好地反映样品点周围植被组成,但受虫媒植物和局地植物花粉影响,与表土样品花粉组合差异明显;表土样品中松属、桦属、蒿属及藜科花粉含量多高于捕捉器样品,表明这些花粉不仅易于传播,而且在表土中具有较强的保存能力;禾本科花粉具低代表性,花粉保存能力较低.地层花粉分析中应引起注意.  相似文献   

通过对青藏高原东北缘不同群落19个样点的表土花粉组合特征及其与植物群落之间关系的研究,发现:(1)针叶林和高山灌丛的花粉组合特征与植物群落有较好的对应关系,落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林的花粉组合基本上能反映植被群落特征,草本植物的花粉组合未能反映植物群落的数量特征;(2)主要花粉类型中松属、云杉属和桦属花粉具超代表性,杜鹃花科、杨属和柏科花粉具低代表性;(3)通过花粉相对含量降趋势对应分析(DCA)能较好地区分不同植被类型。该研究成果可为本地区及相似地区的古植被和古环境重建提供基础和验证资料。  相似文献   

通过陕西太白山13个样点表土花粉组合特征和气孔器及其与植物类型之间关系的分析,结果发现:针阔混交林花粉组合能很好地反映植物类型特征,落叶阔叶林和针叶林花粉组合能较好地与植物类型相对应,高山灌丛草甸花粉组合未能反映植物类型数量特征;主要花粉类型松属、铁杉属和桦属花粉具超代表性,胡桃属和榆属花粉具适宜代表性,落叶松属、冷杉属、杜鹃花科和槭属花粉具低代表性;DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis)分析表明,通过花粉数据能够较好区分不同植被类型,结合气孔器特征能够准确反映植被特征。  相似文献   

本文通过分析西藏米拉山东、西坡不同植被类型23个表土花粉样品,结合现代植被样方调查资料,探讨了米拉山地区表土花粉组合与现代植被的关系。结果显示,米拉山地区的表土花粉组合特征基本上能够反映出现代植被类型特征,但是在科属类别,组成方面又存在一定的差异性。同时,米拉山地区主要花粉类型代表性R值分析结果表明,灌木植物花粉杜鹃属具有低代表性,草本植物花粉蒿属、禾本科具有超代表性,而莎草科与蓼属则具有低代表性,这为本地区及相似地区古气候重建提供了基础和验证资料。  相似文献   

通过峨眉山40个样点表土孢粉组合及其与植物群落之间关系的分析,结果表明:(1)花粉组合中木本植物含量(83.3%)占绝对优势,松属、杉科、桤木属、蔷薇科、桦属、枫杨属、蒿属、毛茛科和水龙骨科为主要孢粉类型;(2)中山常绿阔叶林花粉组合未能反映植被的群落特征;低山常绿阔叶林间人工次生林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林花粉组合只能反映母体植被的部分组成;针叶林花粉组合基本可以指示母体植被的群落特征;灌丛草甸花粉组合能够较好地反映母体植被的群落组成;针阔混交林花粉组合不仅可以很好地指示群落特征,花粉高含量类型还可以与植物群落优势种很好地对应;(3)主要花粉类型冷杉属、杜鹃花科、蔷薇科、珙桐属、槭属和盐肤木属具低代表性;枫杨属、栲属/柯属、桤木属和杉科花粉具超代表性;(4) DCA表明,通过花粉百分含量,能较好地区分人类扰动植被、阔叶林和针叶林,但常绿阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和针阔混交林之间,针叶林和灌丛草甸之间难以区分;(5)利用孢粉学恢复热带亚热带常绿阔叶代表类群樟科群落和第三纪孑遗落叶阔叶属种珙桐群落时,受其主体植物花粉外壁薄,易破碎影响,原生植被优势种缺失;因此,孢粉实验改良和保存环境研究,与其他生物学指标(植物大化石和气孔器)综合分析在重建古植物群落中具有重要意义;(6)植物(如冷杉)花粉含量一定程度上能够指示其林分结构。本研究可为热带亚热带山地及相似地区利用孢粉学进行地质时期气候与环境重建提供理论支持和基础资料,并对植被生态恢复提供实践和参考。  相似文献   

通过云南丽江老君山18个样点山地林下表土花粉组合特征及其与植物群落之间关系的分析,结果发现:(1)花粉组合中木本植物花粉占83.3%,木本植物与草本植物花粉比值(AP/NAP)约为5,以常绿栎类、桦属(Betula)和冷杉属(Abies)为主;(2)针叶常绿落叶阔叶混交林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林的花粉组合与植物群落有较好的对应关系,针叶落叶阔叶混交林花粉组合基本能够反映母体植被特征,针叶林花粉组合未能反映植物群落的数量特征;(3)主要花粉类型中冷杉属、柳属(Salix)和杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)花粉具低代表性;常绿栎类、松属(Pinus)和桦属花粉具超代表性,其花粉产量和散布范围为松属常绿栎类桦属;(4)通过花粉相对含量,DCA分析能较好地区分不同植物群落。该研究成果可为西南地区古植被和古环境重建提供基础数据资料。  相似文献   

甘肃兴隆山国家自然保护区表土花粉组合及数量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提要通过对兴隆山国家自然保护区不同植物群落40个样点的表土花粉组合特征、数量分析[分层聚类分析(HCA)和降趋势对应分析(DCA)],研究了花粉组合与植物群落的关系。结果显示:1)大部分森林和部分灌丛的花粉组合与植物群落之间对应关系很好,如青杆林(云杉属组合)、辽东栎林(栎属-桦属-蒿属组合)、桦林(桦属-蒿属-沙棘属组合)和沙棘灌丛(沙棘属组合);2)蔷薇灌丛(蒿属-蔷薇科组合)和草原(蒿属-菊科组合)的花粉组合基本上能反映群落特征;3)山杨林、糙皮桦灌丛和高山灌丛草甸的花粉组合与植物群落的对应性较差;4)云杉属花粉的长距离传播能力有限;5)栎属花粉仅在辽东栎林中含量较高;6)桦属花粉含量较高时(〉30%)能够反映桦林的存在,含量较低时(〈10%)可能当地无桦树生长;7)沙棘属和蒿属花粉具超代表性;8)豆科、禾本科和蔷薇科花粉具低代表性;9)HCA和DCA分析对于区分主要花粉类型和揭示环境梯度是有效的,但反映植被细节特征的能力有限。  相似文献   

云南亚热带南部表土孢粉组合与植被间的定量关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
潘韬  吴绍洪  戴尔阜  王昊  赵东升 《生态学报》2008,28(12):6060-6069
以云南亚热带南部沿温度带分布的35个表土孢粉样品和7个植被样方调查为基础,计算了代表性孢粉类型的百分比和孢粉浓度,及常见孢粉的R值,并分析了影响R值的因素;同时,研究了植物群落和样方内孢粉组合的相似度。结果表明,云南亚热带南部表土样品孢粉产量丰富,蕨类植物孢子产量较高,具有典型的亚热带特征,且山地垂直分异显著;木本、草本植物花粉基本代表了区域内乔木和草本植物特征,蕨类植物孢子则具有超代表性;表土孢粉组合与植物群落间的相似系数绝大部分都在70%以上,表土孢粉组合基本上可以反映植物群落面貌;表明云南亚热带地区表土孢粉与现代植被之间具有较好的对应关系,这对在该区利用化石孢粉资料定量恢复古植被和重建古气候有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对西天山南坡不同植被带52个表土花粉样品的鉴定,研究表土花粉组合与现代植被分布的关系,分析蒿属/藜科比值(A/C)在该区域的指示意义.结果表明:山顶至山底可以划分为5个植被带,分别为高山荒漠带、高山草甸带、草甸草原带、山地荒漠带、典型荒漠带,代表性科属为蒿属、藜科、禾本科和麻黄属,该区域不同植被类型表土样品花粉组合差异明显.西天山南坡表土花粉在一定程度上受到北坡的影响,海拔越高影响越大.A/C值随海拔升高而先升高再降低,在高山草甸区域达到最高,可以作为反映山地垂直方向气候干湿变化的有效指标.由于A/C值波动较大,利用该比值进行气候环境重建时,需注意受人类活动等因素影响所产生的高值可能带来误判.  相似文献   

A total of 31 suface sediment samples were collected from West Kunlun Mountain in south Xinjiang Autonomous Region in northwest China. These samples are from seven types of vegetation: Picea schrenkiana Fisch. et Mey. forest, Sabina Spach. woodland, sub-alpine steppe, alpine meadow, desert vegetion, cushion-vegetation and vegetation adjancent to glaciers. Pollen percentages and pollen concentrations were calculated in all samples. The dominant pollen types in the region are Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia, Picea, Ephedra, Gramineae, Cyperaceae, Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Compositae etc. In order to reveal the relationship between pollen composition and the vegetation type from which the soil sample was collected, principal component analysis and group average cluster analysis were employed on the pollen data. The results revealed that the major vegetation types in this region could be distinguished by pollen composition: a. Samples from desert vegetation were dominated by pollen of Chenopodiaceae (about 60195%). The percentages of all other pollen types were low. b. Picea forest samples were rich in Picea pollen (about 20%) Sabina forest had more Sabina pollen grains than other vegetation types (about 5%, others <1%). Pollen percentages of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Ephedra were comparatively higher (each about 20%) in these samples from the two types of vegetations. C. Pollen percentages of Artemisia, Cyperaceae, Gramineae and Chenopodiaceae were high in both sub-alpine steppe and alpine meadow. But steppe containal more Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae (steppe 33.75% and 32.30%, meadow 15.57% and 19.48% in average), less Cyperaceae and Gramineae (steppe 2.58% and 7.60%, meadow 22.35% and 12.93% in average) than meadow. d. Samples from cushion-vegetation and vegetation adjacent to glaciers were mainly composed of pollen grains transported from other sites. It was not easy to distinguish them from other vegetation types. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis distinguish samples from Picea forest, Sabina woodland, sub-alpine steppe, alpine meadow and desert vegetation. Therefore we think it will be possible to apply the module to reconstruct past vegetation in this region and other similar regions. Regression analysis was also applied to reveal the relationships between pollen and plant percentages of Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Cyperaceae and Gramineae. The results indicated that a linear relationship existed between pollen and plant percentages for Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Cyperaeeae.  相似文献   

We use 86 pollen trap and surface soil pollen samples in steppe areas of China to explore the relationships between modern pollen, vegetation, and climate. The modern pollen spectra from both sources have comparable compositions with regard to the major pollen taxa. However, the number of taxa in the traps was higher than in the surface soil samples. Both pollen accumulation rates and pollen concentrations are higher in the typical steppe areas than in the desert steppe areas. Discriminant analysis indicates that pollen spectra from trap and surface soil samples roughly reflect the vegetation zones of desert steppe and typical steppe, especially in the case of the trap samples. Detrended canonical correspondence analysis suggests that pollen assemblages have a significant relationship with the temperature of the coldest month and the mean annual precipitation.  相似文献   

内蒙古中部表土花粉研究   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
采用花粉百分含量分析和主成分分析方法对内蒙古中部表土花粉与植被的关系进行了对比研究 ,探讨了草原花粉组合的特点及其形成原因。研究发现 ,草原区表土花粉以藜科和蒿属 ( Artemisia)为主 ,并以前者占优势地位 ,麻黄属 ( Ephedra)亦较常见。草原区植被的 A/C(蒿属 /藜科 )值较干旱区草原植被为低 ,分布规律也较干旱区复杂 ,但仍能反应干旱程度的差别 ,而且还反映了草原植被的退化程度。松属 ( Pinus)和桦属 ( Betula)的花粉在个别样品中占有较大比例 ,是环境噪音 (指外源性的、超代表性的花粉 )的主要来源。不同植被类型在花粉组合上各有特点 ,可以从花粉百分含量的数量特征上进行区分。在研究中还发现草原区的严重退化在花粉组合上具有明显表现  相似文献   

The paper deals with features of pollen assemblages and their relationship to vegetation by comparing the results from surface pollen analysis with that from sample determination. It showed that Chenopodiaceae dominate with some Artemisia and a few Ephedra in steppe area. Although A/C (Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae) value was lower and more complicated than arid steppe area, it could reflect the humidity and the level of grass degeneration. The much more Pinus and Betula pollen percentage might be the main environmental noise source produced as statistical error. There were no obvious difference on pollen assemblage among the steppe types as Stipa gobica, S. krylovii, Peganum-Achnatherum except Artemisia and Chenopodiaceae pollen. However, there were some difference among meadow steppe, viz. sparse Ulmus pumila and Salisc tree, Aneurolepidium chinense and also the types like Salisc flavida, Stipa gobica, S. krylovii, Peganum-Achnatherum. Features of pollen assemblage in steppe degeneration and applications of PCA (principal component analysis) and method on surface pollen analysis were discussed.  相似文献   

Aim To understand the scenarios of ‘anthropogenic biomes’ that integrate human and ecological systems, we need to explore the impacts of climate and human disturbance on vegetation in the past and present. Interactions among surface pollen, modern vegetation and human activities along climate and land‐use gradients are tested to evaluate the natural and anthropogenic forces shaping the modern vegetation, and hence to aid the reconstruction of vegetation and climate in the past. This in turn will help with future predictions. Location The North‐east China Transect (NECT) in north‐eastern China. Methods We analysed 33 surface pollen samples and 213 quadrats across four vegetation zones along the moisture/land‐use gradients of the NECT. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA) of 52 pollen taxa and three environmental variables were used to distinguish anthropogenic and climatic factors that affect surface pollen assemblages along the NECT. Results The 33 surface samples are divided into four pollen zones (forest, meadow steppe, typical steppe and desert steppe) corresponding to major vegetation types in the NECT. Variations in pollen ratios of fern/herb (F/H), Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae (A/C) and arboreal pollen/non‐arboreal pollen (AP/NAP) represent the vegetation and precipitation gradient along the NECT. DCA and RDA analyses suggest that surface pollen assemblages are significantly influenced by the precipitation gradient. Changes in the abundance of Chenopodiaceae pollen are related to both human activities and precipitation. Main conclusions Surface pollen assemblages, fossil pollen records, archaeological evidence and historical documents in northern China show that a large increase of Chenopodiaceae pollen indicates human‐caused vegetation degradation in sandy habitats. The A/C ratio is a good indicator of climatic aridity, but should be used in conjunction with multiple proxies of human activities and climate change in the pollen‐based reconstruction of anthropogenic biomes.  相似文献   

中国草原区主要群落类型花粉组合特征   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
现代表土花粉组合与植被关系研究是推断过去植被演化的基础。对中国草原区 39个样点进行植被调查及表土花粉分析的研究结果表明 ,表土花粉组合可反映出草原植被的总体特征。大多数样品中乔木花粉百分比低于 5 %。蒿属、藜科是草原区所有样品花粉组合中最主要的成分 ,两者在花粉组合中所占比例多大于 5 0 % ,且人类活动越强或气候越干旱 ,蒿属、藜科花粉所占百分比越高。花粉组合不能反映群落结构特征 ,如建群种、结构、盖度等的差异在花粉组合中表现不出来。即使以禾本科为建群种的草原群落 ,禾本科花粉所占比例也多低于 10 %。花粉浓度在草原区花粉与植被关系研究中意义不明确。典型草原与荒漠草原花粉组合存在明显区别 ,无倾向性对应分析 (DCA)分析表明 ,典型草原区样品在第一排序轴的排序值多高于 0 ,荒漠草原区样品的排序值小于 0 ;典型草原区藜科花粉百分比一般低于 2 5 % ,花粉类型多样性指数大于 2 ,当蒿藜占花粉总数的 5 0 %以上时 ,蒿藜比值大于 2。荒漠草原区藜科花粉含量多高于 2 5 % ,蒿藜比值多为 0 .5~ 2 ,花粉类型多样性指数多为 1~ 2。蒿属花粉属超代表性 ,但在蒿类建群的群落中 ,蒿属花粉多低于其在植被中的百分比  相似文献   

末次盛冰期(LGM)以来的增温期和全新世高温期是人类古文化进步的重要时期。黄土高原北部沙漠-黄土过渡带两个自然剖面高分辨率花粉分析结果显示,该区LGM以来为草原植被景观,但优势群落和伴生植物随气候变化而有所不同,温度和降水变化对植被演替有着重要的控制作用。气候干冷时,以耐干旱的草本植物种属为主,群落成分单一,植被盖度低;增温期和高温期,出现少量暖温带乔木植物如胡桃科、栎属等,植被盖度高,群落发育良好。全新世暖期是植被发育良好、植被盖度高的适宜期。本研究为黄土高原地区未来增温下植被响应的分析提供了历史相似型。  相似文献   

Modern pollen records have been used to successfully distinguish between specific prairie types in North America. Whether the pollen records can be used to detect the occurrence of Eurasian steppe, or even to further delimit various steppe types was until now unclear. Here we characterized modern pollen assemblages of meadow steppe, typical steppe and desert steppe from eastern Eurasia along an ecological humidity gradient. The multivariate ordination of the pollen data indicated that Eurasian steppe types could be clearly differentiated. The different steppe types could be distinguished primarily by xerophilous elements in the pollen assemblages. Redundancy analysis indicated that the relative abundances of Ephedra, Tamarix, Nitraria and Zygophyllaceae were positively correlated with aridity. The relative abundances of Ephedra increased from meadow steppe to typical steppe and desert steppe. Tamarix and Zygophyllaceae were found in both typical steppe and desert steppe, but not in meadow steppe. Nitraria was only found in desert steppe. The relative abundances of xerophilous elements were greater in desert steppe than in typical steppe. These findings indicate that Eurasian steppe types can be differentiated based on recent pollen rain.  相似文献   

We use a data set of 35 surface pollen samples from lake sediments, moss polsters and top soils on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau to explore the relationship between modern pollen assemblages and contemporary vegetation patterns. The surface pollen transect spanned four vegetation zones––alpine meadow, steppe, steppe desert and desert––under different climatic/elevational conditions. Relative representation (R rel) values and Principal Components Analysis (PCA) were used to determine the relationships between modern pollen and vegetation and regional climate gradients. The results show that the main vegetation zones along the regional and elevational transects can be distinguished by their modern pollen spectra. Relative to Poaceae, a high representation of Artemisia, Nitraria and Chenopodiaceae was found, while Cyperaceae and Gentiana showed values in the middle range, and Ranunculaceae, Asteraceae, Ephedra and Fabaceae had low relative representation values. PCA results indicate a high correlation between the biogeoclimatic zones and annual precipitation and annual temperature and July temperature. The Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio and the Artemisia/Cyperaceae ratio are useful tools for qualitative and semi-quantitative palaeoenvironmental reconstruction on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Surface lake sediments are found to have different palynomorph spectra from moss cushion and soil samples, reflecting the larger pollen source area in the contemporary vegetation for lakes.  相似文献   

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