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意大利蝗的胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
任金龙  赵莉  葛婧 《昆虫学报》2015,58(11):1201-1212
【目的】明确意大利蝗Calliptamus italicus (L.)胚胎发育及卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段。【方法】2013-2014年间,通过室外胚胎发育进度检测和室内孵化培养观察,研究其胚胎发育等级、滞育和越冬的胚胎阶段及自然越冬滞育的解除。【结果】意大利蝗的胚胎发育可划分为18个阶段;意大利蝗胚胎有反向移转、转旋和顺向移动3种胚胎转动方式;意大利蝗卵滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段为第Ⅻ阶段。自然条件下,意大利蝗卵发育至次年1月21日,仅部分卵解除滞育,解除滞育卵的发育历期最长;随着越冬时间的延长,解除滞育的卵逐渐增多,其发育历期逐渐缩短;直至次年3月29日卵基本完全解除滞育。意大利蝗雌成虫所产的早中期卵(7月27日-8月16日所产卵)以胚胎发育第Ⅻ阶段(滞育发生的胚胎发育阶段)越冬,于翌年4月16日(侯地温平均值:7.59℃,最高温:15.95℃,最低温:2.67℃)继续发育;雌成虫所产的晚期卵(8月28日-9月4日所产卵),自11月4日(侯地温平均值:7.32℃,最高温:9.00℃,最低温:5.18℃)开始以胚胎第Ⅹ阶段越冬,于翌年3月29日(侯地温平均值:3.78℃,最高温:10.27℃,最低温:0.14℃)继续发育。【结论】意大利蝗雌成虫所产的早中期和晚期卵,其越冬胚胎发育阶段、开始越冬时间及越冬后继续发育的时间均不同。  相似文献   

黄脊雷蓖蝗越冬卵的滞育发育特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱道弘  陈艳艳  赵琴 《生态学报》2013,33(10):3039-3046
黄脊雷蓖蝗Rammeacris kiangsu Tsai是我国竹林的重要害虫,1年发生1代,以卵越冬。为弄清其卵滞育发育特性,调查了卵期温度及低温处理对其卵孵化的影响,检测了恒温条件下胚胎的发育进度及卵粒含水量、过冷却点的变化。结果表明,在不同的卵期温度条件下黄脊雷蓖蝗卵的孵化前期均较长,且孵化不整齐、孵化期间长;低温处理30、60或90 d可显著促进其卵的孵化,低温处理的时间越长效果越明显。说明黄脊雷蓖蝗的卵存在滞育现象,低温能明显降低其卵滞育强度。胚胎头幅、触角长度及体长的测量结果显示,25℃温度条件下的黄脊雷蓖蝗的胚胎发育可划分为3个阶段,即前期的持续发育阶段、中期的发育延迟阶段和后期的发育恢复阶段。产卵后40 d左右卵进入滞育,40—75 d为卵的深度滞育期。黄脊雷蓖蝗的卵粒产下后水分含量较低,在25℃的温度条件下,于产卵后25 d前后有一快速的吸水过程,其后卵粒的含水量增加缓慢,可见其卵粒的吸水发生在进入滞育状态之前。在25℃的条件下,黄脊雷蓖蝗卵粒过冷却点的变化亦包含3个阶段,即胚胎发育初期的较高阶段、中期持续而稳定的较低阶段及后期的提升阶段,可以认为黄脊雷蓖蝗越冬卵耐寒性的提高与其滞育的发生密切相关。  相似文献   

朱道弘  张超  谭荣鹤 《生态学报》2011,31(15):4365-4371
中华稻蝗Oxya chinensis为重要的水稻害虫,在我国除青海、西藏、新疆、内蒙古等未见报道外,南起海南北至东北均有分布,在许多的分布区域1年发生1代。为探索中华稻蝗长沙种群的生活史及其季节适应特征,通过野外和实验室的研究,调查了其发生代数、孵化率和卵滞育率的季节变化及越冬卵的存活率。结果显示,中华稻蝗长沙种群为1年2代和1年1代混合发生:第1代卵产卵后大部分孵化为若虫而1年完成2代,但亦有19.4% -4.1%的卵不孵化而1年只能完成1世代。第1代成虫于6月上旬至8月上旬羽化,6月下旬至8月中旬产卵;第2代若虫于7月初开始孵化,9-10月羽化为成虫,10月上旬至11月下旬产卵。在室外自然条件下,中华稻蝗长沙种群6-8月(第1代)和10-11月(第2代)所产卵块均为部分滞育,滞育率为30%左右,皆无显著差异。然而,其卵滞育率在12月以后显著降低,仅为6.6%或以下,卵滞育快速地得以解除。因此,包括非滞育卵和滞育解除卵,中华稻蝗长沙种群的越冬卵皆以非滞育状态度过其后的寒冷季节。即使是遭遇长江流域2007年末至 2008年初异常寒冷的冬季,在长沙地区越冬后其卵的存活率亦在98%以上。非滞育状态的中华稻蝗长沙种群越冬卵完全能安全地越冬,其滞育的发生并非是为了提高其耐寒性而安全度过不适环境。并探讨了中华稻蝗长沙种群卵滞育的进化意义。  相似文献   

中华真地鳖雌虫产卵习性及其卵的发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内饲养条件下,通过对不同月龄的中华真地鳖EupolyphagasinensisWalker雌成虫产卵量调查,并对卵块的质量品级和发育进度进行划分。结果表明1月龄至3月龄中华真地鳖的产卵能力较强;饱满、无破损、形状规则的卵块孵化较好;在卵的各发育阶段,卵块和卵粒的形态变化较明显,以此确立了卵发育的分级标准。  相似文献   

本文报道了中华绒螯蟹越冬时和越冬后不同性别,不同生活状态粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸及肌肉中不饱和脂肪酸含量及变化,分析了不饱和脂肪酸含量与越冬死亡,越冬后交配,产卵和孵化关系。越冬前雌,雄河蟹粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸碘(I2)值为57和48。越冬(越冬时,越冬后)死亡雌,雄河蟹粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸I2值分别低于28和10;而其肌肉中不饱和脂肪酸的I2值分别低于1.25和0.83。越冬后能成功交配的雄河蟹粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸I2值高于33。越冬后交配产卵雌河蟹粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸I2值高于42,抱卵并使卵正常孵化的雌河蟹粗脂肪中不饱和脂肪酸I2值大于47。脂肪酸在河蟹的细胞内氧化分解,为越冬提供了能量。  相似文献   

本文报道了中华绒螯蟹越冬后肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺维生素C的含量及变化。肝胰脏为中华绒螯蟹储存维生素C的器官;越冬后的雌性中华绒螯蟹,其肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C高于雄性;正常活动雌性或雄性,其肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C含量均高于死亡的个体的维生素C含量;产卵且抱卵孵化的雌体,其肝脏维生素C的含量高于那些不产卵的雌体。维生素C含量的降低是越冬时或越冬后中华绒螯蟹死亡的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

本文报道了中华绒螯蟹越冬后肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺维生素C的含量及变化。肝胰脏为中华绒螯蟹储存维生素C的器官;越冬后的雌性中华绒螯蟹,其肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C高于雄性;正常活动雌性或雄性,其肝胰脏、肌肉和生殖腺的维生素C含量均高于死亡的个体的维生素C含量;产卵且抱卵孵化的雌体,其肝脏维生素C的含量高于那些不产卵的雌体,维生素C含量的降低是越冬时或越冬后中华绒螯蟹死亡的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

棉蚜在木槿上种群变化特点及其营养分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 木槿是棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover重要的原生寄主。春季,越冬卵孵化为干母,在木槿上取食繁殖,种群结构复杂。研究棉蚜在木槿上种群结构变化的特点,特别是种群消长和有翅  相似文献   

王柳风  傅淑  肖亮  陈超  薛芳森 《昆虫学报》2013,56(12):1430-1439
为了探明灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus (Fallén)在南昌地区的生物学特性, 本研究在实验室和自然条件下系统调查了该虫的年生活史, 温度对其生长发育、 繁殖、 性比及翅型分化的影响, 及其越冬生物学。结果表明, 灰飞虱在南昌一年发生4~7代。在18~32℃, 卵的发育历期随温度升高逐渐缩短。若虫的发育历期在18~28℃随温度升高逐渐缩短, 但若虫的发育历期在30和32℃时显著长于28℃的发育历期(P=0.000﹤0.05)。越冬个体的若虫期为143~187 d。卵和若虫的发育起点温度分别为10.17℃和7.51℃。在室外, 7月中旬高温下孵化的第4代若虫的发育历期也明显延长, 显示了高温诱导的夏季休眠现象。在18~28℃, 产卵前期随温度升高而逐渐缩短, 当温度上升到30℃时, 其产卵前期比26和28℃下有所延长。产卵期在22℃最长, 30℃下最短。成虫在20~24℃下的寿命最长。在28℃下, 平均每雌产若虫量最大。不论在室内还是在室外, 雌雄比均接近1∶1。在18~32℃, 羽化的成虫均以长翅型占绝对优势。在自然条件下, 越冬代和第6代羽化的成虫以短翅型占优势, 其他各代仍以长翅型占优势。在自然条件下, 9月中旬孵化的若虫就有少量个体滞育越冬, 10月中旬后孵化的若虫全部进入越冬。越冬若虫的龄期为1-5龄。本研究为该虫发生的预测及有效防控提供基础资料。  相似文献   

莲草直胸跳甲是恶性入侵杂草喜旱莲子草的有效天敌。为探明莲草直胸跳甲成虫繁育的适宜温度条件和卵的低温冷藏适期,本文研究了莲草直胸跳甲成虫在25、27、30、32、35℃下的存活、取食和产卵特性及卵在15℃下冷藏不同时期的孵化率。结果表明:在25~35℃,莲草直胸跳甲成虫的生存曲线差异显著;随着温度的升高,雌雄成虫寿命呈缩短趋势,表现为25℃>32℃>35℃;但27和30℃的生存曲线与25和32℃差异均不显著。温度对莲草直胸跳甲成虫的取食量和产卵量均有显著影响,在25~35℃,随着温度的升高,跳甲的取食量和产卵量呈下降趋势;成虫期取食量、日均产卵量和世代产卵量表现为25℃>27℃、30℃>32℃>35℃;成虫期取食量和世代产卵量呈显著正相关,相关系数为0.960。将莲草直胸跳甲卵在15℃下冷藏1~10d后转移至25℃,其孵化率均可达100%,但孵化进度则有差异,孵化高峰期随着冷藏时间的延长而提前。与未经冷藏的卵(对照)相比,在15℃下冷藏1d,莲草直胸跳甲卵的始孵化日提前1d,但高峰期不变,均在第5天;在15℃下冷藏4、7和10d后,其孵化高峰期分别较对照提前1、2和3d。可见,在25~35℃时,25℃是莲草直胸...  相似文献   

Vertebrates have an immature immune system soon after birth, and parasites can therefore be particularly virulent to young hosts. Transfer of immune factors via the egg can give rise to early maternal effects with important consequences for offspring fitness, as maternally derived immunity confers anti-parasite protection. Mothers are expected to allocate immunity differentially to the eggs according to the reproductive value of their offspring as influenced by the quality of their father. In this study, we analysed transmission to the yolk of antibodies specific to an antigen (Newcastle disease virus vaccine, NDV) by vaccinated female barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) mated to males whose secondary sexual characteristics had been manipulated. Concentration of anti-NDV antibodies in the yolk positively covaried with that in maternal plasma. Anti-NDV antibodies were more concentrated in the first but not the fourth eggs laid by females mated with tail-elongated males compared with those mated with tail-shortened and control males. This experiment shows that allocation of maternal immune factors to the eggs is affected by quality of the male, as signalled by its secondary sexual characteristic. Thus, early maternal effects are influenced by sexual attractiveness of male mates and are mediated by immunity.  相似文献   

Males of the sorghum plant bug, Stenotus rubrovittatus (Matsumura) (Heteroptera: Miridae), transfer a spermatophore to females during copulation. After a 1‐day interval between the first and second copulation, males transferred both sperm and a spermatophore to females during the second copulation. However, when male mating interval was <1 h, they transferred sperm but no spermatophores to females during the second copulation. Therefore, the male mating interval probably produces two types of mated females, those with and those without a spermatophore. Mated females of S. rubrovittatus do not remate for at least 3 days after mating, even when courted, and lay more eggs than virgin females at the beginning of the oviposition period. The effects of spermatophores on female sexual receptivity and fecundity were examined using mated females with or without a spermatophore. Only one of the 40 (2.5%) mated females with a spermatophore remated, whereas 10 of the 26 (38.5%) without a spermatophore remated. Furthermore, mated females with a spermatophore laid more eggs than those without a spermatophore. These results suggest that spermatophores participate in reducing female sexual receptivity and enhancing female fecundity in S. rubrovittatus.  相似文献   

Mating usually modifies females' resource allocation pattern, often as a result of conflicts between male and female partners. Can such a switch occur even in the absence of sexual conflicts? We addressed this issue in the haplodiploid spider mite Tetranychus urticae, whose biology and population structure considerably reduce conflicts between males and females over reproductive decisions. Comparing virgin and mated females, we tested the hypothesis that mated females modify their allocation pattern so as to maximize their probability of producing daughters. Mated females produced fewer but larger eggs, resulting in an overall similar reproductive effort but an increased probability of producing daughters, since in this species larger eggs are more likely to be fertilized and thus to become female. Moreover, mated females concentrated their reproduction early in life. Again, this might be a way to produce more daughters, since sperm is more abundant early in life. For virgins, spreading reproductive investment might be a way to save resources to extend life span, thus increasing their probability of encountering a sexual partner. Females with multiple opportunities for mating produced fewer eggs and a less female-biased sex ratio than once-mated females, raising the question of why multiple mating often occurs in this species.  相似文献   

White-fronted bee-eaters are colonially breeding birds that exhibit highly developed helping-at-the-nest. Through long-term studies of an individually-marked population, we have documented two costs of social living: 1) harassment of mated females by extra-pair males, and 2) intra-specific parasitism by females who lay eggs in the nests of others. Breeding females are sexually chased and, occasionally, forceably mated by males other than their mates. Focal-sampling of females throughout their period of receptivity revealed that the average female is involved in 5 to 8 sexual chases and is forceably copulated 0.15 to 0.23 times per breeding season. This risk to females would be much greater were it not for the behavior of male mates who remain close to, and actively defend, their partners. Such mate-guarding is highly effective — females entering and leaving the colony in consort with their mates are sexually harassed only 1/10 as often as females travelling alone. Although sexual harassment of females is common at bee-eater colonies, the risk of paternity uncertainty arising from forced copulations is thought to be low. The reason is that females copulate repeatedly with their male mates on all days immediately prior to as well as during egg laying. This point has been overlooked in previous reports and has led to an exaggeration of the paternity risks associated with forced sexual chases. We conclude that sexual chasing of extra-pair females is a low yield reproductive tactic employed primarily by monogamously mated males whose presence at the colony is required to allofeed and mateguard their own egg-laying females. Female white-fronted bee-eaters lay eggs in nests other than their own. This intraspecific parasitism constitutes a greater threat to certainty of parentage than does forced copulation. Over four years of study, 16% of nests were parasitized and 7 % of all eggs were laid by a female other than the breeder (Table 2). Parasitizing females come primarily from two sources: (1) members of mated pairs whose own breeding attempt is disrupted at the time of egg laying, and (2) single females who opportunistically add an egg at the nest of their parents (or parent plus step-parent). In each case of kin-parasitism, the “parasitic” female remained socially integrated with the host group and helped in the rearing of the young. In contrast, 9 of 10 females that parasitized the nests of non-relatives had no other interactions with the hosts (Table 3). Parasitizing females exhibited two specialized behaviors that enhanced their reproductive effectiveness: (1) they spent many hours observing, investigating, and testing the defenses of potential host nests, and (2) they preferentially laid in hosts' nests at the appropriate chronological stage of development. Breeding females also exhibited counterbehaviors against being parasitized. These included: (1) remaining sequestered in their nest chambers for 64%-65% of the daylight hours and 94 % of the pre-roost hours during their days of egg laying, (2) aggressively defending their nest entrances against all investigating (potentially parasitic) females, and (3) actively removing any eggs laid in their nests prior to the initiation of their own clutch. These tactics and countertactics suggest a long evolutionary history of parasitic opportunities and risks among white-fronted bee-eaters.  相似文献   

In several species of fish, females select males that are already guarding eggs in their nests. It is a matter of debate as to whether a female selects a good nest site for her offspring (natural selection) or a male for his attractiveness (sexual selection). The golden egg bug, Phyllomorpha laciniata Vill, resembles fish in the sense that mating males carry more eggs than single males, but in the bugs, female mate choice is decoupled from egg site choice. The sexual selection hypothesis predicts that if females select males using male egg load as a cue for male quality, they should not mate with a male when eggs are removed, regardless of his mating attempts. When individual females were enclosed with an egg-loaded male and an unloaded male, they mated equally often with both males, although the loaded males courted more. In addition, when only successful males were used, females mated equally often with the loaded male and the unloaded male irrespective of sex ratio. Male choice rather than female choice affected mating frequency when sex ratio was equal. Therefore, females do not select the male by the eggs he carries, but successful males may receive many eggs due to egg dumping by alien females while they mate or as a consequence of mate guarding.  相似文献   

Abstract. The mating system of Prokelisia dolus Wilson (Homoptera: Delphacidae) was characterized by determining: if males and females multiply mate; when transitions occur in female sexual receptivity, what triggers sexual refractoriness; and what behaviours characterize unreceptive virgins, receptive virgins, and unreceptive mated females. Males copulated with up to six females in less than 1 h, but completely inseminate, on average, only the first four females. Females rarely mated more than once, unless males were depleted of sperm due to previous copulations or if copulation was interrupted (if duration was<2 min). Male and female calling was associated (100% and 91%, respectively) with sexual receptivity and resultant matings. The transition from unreceptive virgin to receptive (calling) mature virgin occurred 48 h posteclosion, and all were mated by day 4. Females that were sexually immature and those completely inseminated did not call. Rejection of males by females included walking away from approaching males (65%), female kicking (7%), and abdominal lifting (5%). Rejection of males was observed by immature, mature and calling, and mated females. Sexual refractoriness was not triggered by acoustic and visual stimuli or mechanical stimulation of genitalia. Refractoriness was also not triggered by reception of small quantities of sperm because some females laid a few viable eggs yet calling was not terminated. Sexual refractoriness was activated by a substance in the ejaculate as demonstrated by injection into the haemocoel of male accessory glands or testes and homogenates of seminal vesicles. This is the first study that documents the role of male ejaculate in inhibiting female sexual receptivity in Hemiptera (Homoptera).  相似文献   

Virgin females of Lucilia cuprinararely lay eggs, whereas mated females do so readily. This effect of mating is due entirely to increased readiness to lay, and not to any effect on ovarian development. An investigation was made of how readiness to lay was affected by matings which differed in terms of the male's chemical and mechanical contribution. Individual males were mated, during 1 day, to a succession of females whose readiness to lay was determined 1 or 8 days after mating. On both days, the proportion of females laying was inversely related to the number of females with which the male had previously mated. A high proportion of females that had mated with previously unmated or oncemated males laid at both 1 and 8 days after mating. However, this proportion tended to decline between day 1 and day 8 in females that had mated with males with two or more previous matings, and this effect was most evident in females mated with males that had previously mated with four or more females. When matings were manually terminated as soon as coupling had occurred, the proportion laying remained as low as in virgins. This proportion progressively increased as mating duration increased from 2 to 6 min. The proportion that laid after mating terminated at 6 or 8 min was as high as that for females from full-term matings (mean duration, 12.5 min). The results are generally similar to those obtained in parallel experiments on the effect of mating on sexual receptivity in this species and, therefore, indicate that the physiological bases for the two effects of mating might be the same.  相似文献   

Multiple mating is thought to provide an opportunity for females to avoid the costs of genetic incompatibility by postcopulatory selection of compatible sperm haplotypes. Few studies have tested the genetic incompatibility hypothesis directly. Here we experimentally manipulated the compatibility of females with their mates using the gryllid cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. We recorded the hatching success of eggs laid by females mated with two nonsibling males, two siblings, or one nonsibling male and one sibling. In contrast with two previous studies on crickets that have adopted this approach, the hatching success of eggs did not differ between females mated with two full siblings and females mated with two unrelated males, indicating that embryo viability was not a cost of inbreeding in this species. We assigned paternity to offspring produced by females mated to both a sibling and a nonsibling male using microsatellite markers. As in previous studies of this species, we were unable to detect any difference in the proportion of offspring sired by the 1st and the 2nd male to mate with a female when females were unrelated to their mates. However, in our experimental matings the proportion of offspring sired by the nonsibling male depended on his sequence position. Paternity was biased toward the nonsibling male when he mated first. Our data show that molecular analyses of paternity are essential to detect subtle mechanisms of postcopulatory sexual selection.  相似文献   

We produced an ethogram for and investigated effects of physiological condition and experience on oviposition behaviour for Trichogramma australicum on Helicoverpa armigera eggs. The data, coupled with the ethogram, have enabled the establishment of standard behavioural categories which can be used to assess acceptability of H. armigera eggs to T. australicum reared in vitro or in eggs of other species. Physiological and experiential conditions were investigated using females of three different ages (0–24, 24–48 and 48–72 h old), two types of sexual states (mated and unmated) and two types of ovipositional experience (naive and experienced). Durations of host finding, host examination, and post-ovipositional re-examination were reduced by oviposition experience and were shorter in younger females (0–48 h old). Oviposition experience reduces the duration of the drilling and percentage of females host-feeding. Being mated and young reduces the host examination time in subsequent oviposition bouts. Only ovipositionally inexperienced females host-feed before oviposition and host-fed more frequently than experienced individuals after oviposition. Host-feeding needs consideration for optimal culture.  相似文献   

It has been argued that male parental care provides direct benefits to females and therefore should be under sexual selection. Given this, we expect signals that honestly indicate the quality of care to be favoured by selection. One such potential signal is care itself. Fish have several features that make them excellent model systems for studying the evolution and dynamics of parental care. We use the flagfish, Jordanella floridae , as a model to evaluate these general ideas. Males of this species guard, clean and fan empty nests and then eggs. Females prefer males that fan more (1) before spawning and (2) when eggs are newly received. When single males and females were paired, males that fanned and visited their nests more prior to spawning were more likely to be mated. Furthermore, among successful males, rates of fanning in the first day after spawning were correlated with the number of eggs received in the future (but not current egg numbers). We then considered whether these two putative signals were correlated and whether males that fan more in these contexts actually have higher egg survivorship. We found no correlation between nest fanning rates before and after spawning and neither 'signal' was predictive of variation in egg survivorship among mated males. We further considered whether pre‐spawning fanning rates were predictive of hatching success in an experiment in which single males were allowed to establish nests and provided eggs. We found little evidence that fanning is an honest signal of care quality and discuss alternative explanations. In particular, we discuss patterns of care elaboration in light of our results.  相似文献   

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