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紫耳箭竹克隆形态可塑性对典型冠层结构及光环境的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄慧敏  董蓉  钱凤  向运蓉  何丹妮  陈淼  陶建平 《生态学报》2018,38(19):6835-6845
在重庆金佛山国家自然保护内,选择了3种典型群落类型(落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林和常绿阔叶林),使用Hemiview数字植物冠层分析系统量化群落冠层结构和光环境特征,并对林下紫耳箭竹(Fargesia decurvata)的形态可塑性特征进行调查,分析冠层结构和光环境特征改变下紫耳箭竹形态可塑性的差异,并探讨它们之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)随着落叶阔叶林"常绿落叶阔叶混交林"常绿阔叶林演替的进行,群落的冠层开度降低,叶面积指数增加,平均叶倾角变小,趋于水平化,冠层对光的截获能力提高,林下光照的强度降低(P0.05)。(2)随着光照强度的降低,紫耳箭竹分株矮小化,叶片变窄,生物量积累降低,但通过增大比茎长、叶面积率和比叶面积提高对光的利用效率,并增大分枝角度和比隔长有效适应弱光环境。(3)在光照条件差的常绿阔叶林下,紫耳箭竹降低对地下茎的投资,将较多的生物量用于秆的增高增长和叶片的生长;而在光照条件好的落叶阔叶林环境下,紫耳箭竹降低对枝、叶生物量的分配,则加大对地下茎的投资,可认为是克隆植物对水分资源所表现的一种觅食行为。研究表明,紫耳箭竹种群随着冠层结构的改变发生了明显的可塑性变化,这些可塑性变化是种群对冠层结构和光环境差异的适应性反应的结果,有利于增强种群对异质生境中光资源的获取和利用;群落内部可以通过调控冠层结构的改变协调和控制小径竹种群的发展。  相似文献   

对金佛山国家级自然保护区内3个不同类型群落(落叶阔叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林)下紫耳箭竹(Fargesia decurvata J. L. Lu)幼笋的生长发育进行研究。结果显示:(1)落叶阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林下的紫耳箭竹出笋期早而长,历时110 d,出笋量大,出笋率高;常绿阔叶林下的出笋期晚而短,历时88 d,出笋量少,出笋率低;常绿落叶阔叶混交林中出笋量最大。(2)出笋期分为3个阶段:初期、盛期和末期,各群落中的紫耳箭竹进入每个时期的时间有所差异,常绿落叶阔叶混交林中最早进入出笋盛期,落叶阔叶林次之,常绿阔叶林最迟。出笋盛期也是退笋的高峰期,退笋率的大小为:常绿落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林常绿阔叶林。(3)同一群落冠层环境下,紫耳箭竹不同时期出土的幼笋地径无显著差异。在落叶阔叶林和常绿落叶阔叶混交林林冠环境中,各时期出土的幼笋地径间无显著差异,但均显著大于常绿阔叶林(P 0.05)。(4)紫耳箭竹幼笋出土后80 d左右完成高生长过程,且符合Logistic方程,呈"慢-快-慢"的生长趋势。高生长速率为:常绿落叶阔叶混交林落叶阔叶林常绿阔叶林,且差异显著(P 0.05)。(5)紫耳箭竹的克隆繁殖与分株密度间有密切关系。随着分株密度的增加,出笋数量增加,成竹数量降低。本研究表明不同群落冠层环境下紫耳箭竹生长发育存在显著差异,在常绿落叶阔叶混交林中发育最好,常绿阔叶林中发育最差,种群密度对竹类的更新发展起重要调节作用。  相似文献   

粤北山地常绿阔叶林自然干扰后冠层结构与林下光照动态   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
区余端  苏志尧 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5637-5645
以粤北车八岭2008年受冰灾破坏的山地常绿阔叶林为研究对象,设置2 hm2固定样地开展连续3a(2008—2010年)的群落调查,并采用半球面影像技术(Hemispherical photography)获取冠层结构和林下光照指标,分析灾后森林演替过程中冠层结构和林下光照的动态。研究发现:1)灾后森林恢复过程中,样地林下光照(直射光、散射光和总光照)均随林冠开度的减少、叶面积指数的增加而减少;2)从2008到2010年,各年度冠层结构和林下光照的差异均极显著(P<0.0001),但年间差异程度有逐年减少的趋势;3)灾后森林恢复前3a,林下直射光对林下总光照的贡献大于散射光,其时空波动性也大于散射光;4)林冠开度对冠层结构的反映程度比叶面积指数高,冠层结构对林下散射光的影响比对直射光大。灾后林木先是迅速生长然后生长速度缓慢下来并逐渐稳定,随森林逐渐郁闭林下光照也随之减少,其中林冠开度用于评价冠层结构动态的效果更佳,林下直射光比散射光的时空变化更复杂。  相似文献   

为探究青海高寒山区典型林分冠层结构与林内光环境中维持林下植被物种多样性稳定的关键因素,该研究以青海大通县青海云杉林(Ⅰ)、青杨林(Ⅱ)、华北落叶松-青海云杉混交林(Ⅲ)、青杨-白桦混交林(Ⅳ)和白桦-青海云杉混交林(Ⅴ)5种典型人工林分为研究对象,运用冠层分析仪采集数据,并结合实地调查,研究冠层结构与林内光环境特征及其对林下植被的影响。结果表明:(1)林分Ⅰ、Ⅲ的林冠开度显著低于林分Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ(P0.05),各林分叶面积指数大小顺序为ⅢⅠⅡⅤⅣ,总体表现为阔叶林的林冠开度大于针叶林,但其叶面积指数小于针叶林;林分Ⅱ、Ⅳ的直射辐射、散射辐射及总辐射均显著高于林分Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅴ(P0.05),其中林下总辐射与散射辐射表现为ⅡⅣⅤⅠⅢ,直射辐射为ⅡⅣⅠⅢⅤ;林分Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ的消光系数均显著高于Ⅰ、Ⅲ,总体上均表现为阔叶林针叶林。(2)相关分析结果表明,林冠开度与林下光照指标呈极显著正相关关系(P0.01),叶面积指数与林下光照指标呈极显著负相关关系(P0.01),且其对林下散射辐射的控制能力最强;典型相关分析表明,纯林的林冠开度对冠层结构的贡献和解释能力较叶面积指数和平均叶倾角大,混交林的叶面积指数对林下光照的影响大于纯林。(3)混交林的林下物种多样性指数(H)及丰富度指数(P)均高于纯林;林下草本层物种多样性指数(H)及丰富度指数(P)与林冠开度及林下光辐射呈显著正相关关系,与叶面积指数呈显著负相关关系(P0.05);物种均匀度(J_(sw))与平均叶倾角呈极显著负相关关系(P0.01),与林下散射辐射呈显著正相关关系(P0.05)。研究认为,在人工纯林改造和结构调整中,对乔木层适当补植伴生树种,并逐步调整为多树种混交林,增加冠层结构和林下光照异质性,将更有利于林下植被物种多样性的维持。  相似文献   

以2011年建设的山西灵空山4 hm2天然松栎混交林森林动态监测样地为研究平台,以400个10 m×10 m样方为测量单元,于2016年进行群落特征研究,采用半球面影像法(DHP)分析冠层结构和林下光照特征.结果表明: 样地内共有乔木5558株,共计25种,分属于10科15属.冠层开阔度(CO)集中在15.0%~25.0%,叶面积指数(LAI)集中在1.5~2.5,林下光环境参数集中在10.0%~30.0%.建群种在样地内的分布对冠层结构和林下光环境影响显著;冠层结构对林下光环境所有参数的影响方向一致,其中采用叶面积指数评价冠层结构动态的效果更佳;冠层开阔度和叶面积指数对林下光环境产生相反的影响,且均对散射光入射率影响程度最大.温性松栎混交林的林冠层整体较为均匀,林下光分布较为集中,林分树种组成与冠层结构对林下光照影响显著.  相似文献   

自然或人为干扰产生的森林冠层结构和林下光照差异是造成林下环境异质性、物种多样性的主要原因,对森林生态系统的结构、过程与格局具有重要作用.以桃山林场2块50 m×50 m的杨桦次生林固定样地为研究对象,分别作为间伐和对照样地,于2012—2016年、2018年获取样地冠层影像,通过方差分析、马尔科夫模型等方法分析其冠层结构、林下光照动态及间伐后林冠的恢复规律.结果表明: 间伐措施能显著调整冠层结构和林下光照,并能持续较长的作用时间,但调整效果随时间逐渐降低;间伐后冠层结构及林下光照的变化速度随时间推移而降低,间伐后前3年林冠恢复速度较快,3年后恢复速度降低并趋于平缓;林下光照与林冠开度呈显著正相关,与叶面积指数呈显著负相关,其中林下散射辐射与冠层结构参数的相关性最大,且间伐样地冠层结构与林下光照的相关性大于对照样地;间伐后冠层的恢复速度与林冠开度大小有关,林冠开度越大,林冠恢复越快,向更小林冠开度转移的时间越早.马尔科夫模型能够模拟冠层结构分布的变化,可用来预测冠层结构动态.  相似文献   

由于地球环境的演变,亚热带常绿阔叶林中常有落叶阔叶成分的存在,但从生态角度,其存在的机理尚不清楚.通过比较研究常绿阔叶优势树种大头茶与落叶阔叶树种枫香幼苗的叶形态和光合生理特征对不同光环境(旷地、林窗、林下)的响应,尝试解释落叶成分遗留的基础.结果表明:①枫香具有较小的比叶重(LMA)和较高的光合氮利用效率(PNUE),在高光环境中,并未受到光抑制,具有较高的光合可塑性,尤其在林窗,表现出较大头茶高3倍的光合能力(Pnmax),保证了其在较短的生长季节积累更多的光合产物,增强与常绿树种的竞争力;②常绿阔叶树种大头茶具有较大的LMA,在旷地受到严重的光抑制,将更多的氮用于化学防御中.在林窗和林下具有相对高的Pnmax,生长幅度较广,但在林下将更多的氮投入到比生长更为重要的生存消耗中.而枫香在林下响应表现为Rubisco活性降低,光合受阻;③两树种在林窗均表现出较高的光合适应性,具有最大的光合能力(Pnmax)及合理的氮在光合机构中的分配系数,说明林窗是它们更新的最佳环境.但枫香的光合作用更依赖于光照,而大头茶则更依赖于CO2浓度;④总之,落叶阔叶树种以其较高的形态可塑性和对高光的光合生理可塑性能够在常绿阔叶林种生存、生长,并成为常绿阔叶林中固有成分的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

冠层结构和林下光环境对天然更新苗的分布和生长具有重要的作用。本研究以关帝山云杉次生林天然更新苗为对象,利用单因素方差分析和泊松相关性检验,分析冠层结构对天然更新苗的影响。结果表明:在林冠开度(CO)为19.5%~24.5%、林下散射光指数为4~5时天然更新株数最多;最适的CO、林下直射光和林下总光照表现为幼苗大于幼树,而最适叶面积指数则幼苗小于幼树;冠层结构及林下光照对于幼苗的生长相关性不显著。幼苗和幼树对于林下光环境有着不同的适应区间,不同密度的更新苗样地间叶面积指数和林下光照存在显著差异,研究结果为理解该地区林分天然更新提供科学依据。  相似文献   

鼎湖山森林群落的总生产力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张祝平   《广西植物》1991,11(2):162-170
本文根据鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林和针阔叶混交林的垂直结构和成层现象,应用红外线CO_2气体分析等方法,分层测定了主要植物33种57株的光合速率,研究了两个群落的总初级生产力。结果表明:季风常绿阔叶林的总生产力(吨干物质·公顷~(-1),年~(-1))为146.695,针阔叶混交林为128.5597,前者比后者高,但后者叶面积指数适度,林内透光良好,树干生长粗壮,因而经济效益较高。  相似文献   

短尾猴栖息地的季节变化   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
本文阐述了短尾猴栖息地的季节变化。春季,主要利用海拔570-1600米的常绿阔叶林、常绿、落叶阔叶混交林和落叶阔叶林;夏季,限于海拔1000米以上的落叶阔叶林。秋季的栖息地,在海拔650-1200米常绿阔叶林和常绿、落叶阔叶混交林;冬季仅利用海拔600-900米的常绿阔叶林。此外还报道了短尾猴四季的食物组成。并对栖息地的变化原因,做了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Clonal understory trees develop into patches of interconnected and genetically identical ramets that have the potential to persist for decades or centuries. These patches develop beneath forest canopies that are structurally heterogeneous in space and time. Canopy heterogeneity, in turn, is responsible for the highly variable understory light environment that is typically associated with deciduous forests. We investigated what aspects of patch structure (density, size structure, and reproductive frequency of ramets) of the clonal understory tree, Asimina triloba, were correlated with forest canopy conditions. Specifically, we compared A. triloba patches located beneath closed canopies and canopy gaps. We also conducted a three-year demographic study of individual ramets within patches distributed across a light gradient. The closed canopy-gap comparison demonstrated that the patches of A. triloba had a higher frequency of large and flowering ramets in gaps compared to closed-canopy stands, but total ramet density was lower in gaps than in closed canopy stands. In the demographic study, individual ramet growth was positively correlated with light availability, although the pattern was not consistent for all years. Neither ramet recruitment nor mortality was correlated with light conditions. Our results indicate that the structure of A. triloba patches was influenced by canopy condition, but does not necessarily depend on the responses of ramets to current light conditions. The lack of differences in ramet recruitment and mortality under varying canopy conditions is likely to be a primary reason for the long-term expansion and persistence of the patches. The primary benefit of a positive growth response to increasing light is the transition of relatively small ramets into flowering ramets within a short period of time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of canopy conditions on clump and culm numbers, and the morphological plasticity and biomass distribution patterns of the dwarf bamboo species Fargesia nitida. Specifically, we investigated the effects of canopy condi-tions on the growth and morphological characteristics of F. nitida, and the adaptive responses of F. nitida to dif-ferent canopy conditions and its ecological senses. The results indicate that forest canopy had a significant effect on the genet density and culm number per clump, while it did not affect the ramet density. Clumps tended to be few and large in gaps and forest edge plots, and small under forest understory plots. The ramets showed an even distribution under the closed canopy, and clus-ter distribution under gaps and forest edge plots. The forest canopy had a significant effect on both the ramets'biomass and biomass allocation. Favourable light conditions promoted ramet growth and biomass accumulation. Greater amounts of biomass in gaps and forest edge plots were shown by the higher number of culms per clump and the diameter of these culms. Under closed canopy, the bamboos increased their branching angle, leaf biomass allocation, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio to exploit more favourable light conditions in these locations. The spacer length, specific spacer length and spacer branching angles all showed significant differences between gaps and closed canopy conditions. The larger specific spacer length and spacer branching angle were beneficial for bamboo growth, scattering the ramets and exploiting more favourable light conditions. In summary, this study shows that to varying degrees, F nitida exhibits both a wide ecological amplitude and high degree of morphological plasticity in response to differing forest canopy conditions. More-over, the changes in plasticity enable the plants to optimize their light usage efficiency to promote growth and increase access to resources available in heteerogeneous light environoments.  相似文献   

Forest structure and succession in Wolong Nature Reserve is influenced by the understory dwarf bamboo population. However, less is known about how the forest succession affects the dwarf bamboo population. To examine the bamboo ramet population growth of Fargesia nitida (Mitford) Keng f. et Yi and to determine how ramet population structure varies along the succession of coniferous forest, we sampled ramet populations of F. nitida from the following three successional stages: (i) a deciduous broad-leaved (BL) stand; (ii) a mixed broad-leaved coniferous (MI) stand; and (iii) a coniferous (CF) stand. We investigated the population structure, biomass allocation, and morphological characteristics of the bamboo ramet among the three stand types. Clonal ramets, constituting the bamboo population, tended to become short and small with succession. The ramet changed towards having a greater mass investment in leaves, branches and underground roots and rhizomes rather than in the culm. With respect to leaf traits, individual leaf mass and area in the BL stand were markedly bigger than those in both the MI and CF stands, except for no significant difference in specific leaf area. The age distribution showed that the bamboo population approached an older age with succession. The results demonstrate that the ramet population structure of F. nitida is unstable and its growth performance is inhibited by succession.(Author for correspondence. E-mail: taojianping@163.com)  相似文献   

详细调查了林下、中林窗、大林窗和林缘旷地等4种亚高山暗针叶林林冠环境下的华西箭竹(Fargesia nitida)分株种群,对其表现结构(株高、基径和生物量)和年龄结构进行了较系统的对比研究.主要研究结果如下:(1)分株水平上,华西箭竹表现结构在4种林冠环境下均有极显著差异(p<0.01),且随林冠郁闭度的减小,分株个体的高度、基径和生物量有递增的趋势(林下<中林窗<大林窗);(2)分株各构件在总生物量中所占比例随林冠环境变化而改变:除林缘旷地外,叶的生物量百分比与林冠郁闭度呈正相关.林缘旷地中,地下茎和根系的生物量百分比均高于其余3种环境;(3)不同林冠环境下分株单位叶面积叶重存在显著差异(p<0.05),且随林冠郁闭度的减小而增大.单叶生物量和单叶面积均以中林窗最大,林缘旷地次之,二者与大林窗或林下均有显著差异(p<0.05).华西箭竹的单株叶片数量以大林窗最大,与其余3种环境有极显著差异(p<0.01);(4)分株种群的死亡率以林下最低(P<0.01),但各种群平均年龄间无显著差异(p>0.05).可见,华西箭竹分株种群对林冠环境变化的反应主要体现在形态和生物量分配上,而非种群的年龄上.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to explore the effects of canopy conditions on clump and culm numbers, and the morphological plasticity and biomass distribution patterns of the dwarf bamboo species Fargesia nitida. Specifically, we investigated the effects of canopy conditions on the growth and morphological characteristics of F. nitida, and the adaptive responses of F. nitida to different canopy conditions and its ecological senses. The results indicate that forest canopy had a significant effect on the genet density and culm number per clump, while it did not affect the ramet density. Clumps tended to be few and large in gaps and forest edge plots, and small under forest understory plots. The ramets showed an even distribution under the closed canopy, and cluster distribution under gaps and forest edge plots. The forest canopy had a significant effect on both the ramets’ biomass and biomass allocation. Favourable light conditions promoted ramet growth and biomass accumulation. Greater amounts of biomass in gaps and forest edge plots were shown by the higher number of culms per clump and the diameter of these culms. Under closed canopy, the bamboos increased their branching angle, leaf biomass allocation, specific leaf area and leaf area ratio to exploit more favourable light conditions in these locations. The spacer length, specific spacer length and spacer branching angles all showed significant differences between gaps and closed canopy conditions. The larger specific spacer length and spacer branching angle were beneficial for bamboo growth, scattering the ramets and exploiting more favourable light conditions. In summary, this study shows that to varying degrees, F. nitida exhibits both a wide ecological amplitude and high degree of morphological plasticity in response to differing forest canopy conditions. Moreover, the changes in plasticity enable the plants to optimize their light usage efficiency to promote growth and increase access to resources available in heterogeneous light environments. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2006, 26(12): 4019–4026 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

不同生境下刺五加种群构件生物量结构与生长规律   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
从构件水平对针阔混交林、蒙古栎林和次生杂木林3个生境的刺五加种群各功能构件的生物量结构及生物量比率与年龄之间的关系进行了定量分析. 结果表明,刺五加种群的个体生长和各构件生物量动态与环境条件关系密切.不同环境条件下,刺五加种群各功能构件生物量平均值具有相同的规律:茎构件>根茎构件>叶构件.3个生境中刺五加整体种群水平具有一定的相似性.在郁闭度为40%的蒙古栎林中,刺五加种群个体生物量和各构件生物量较针阔混交林和次生杂木林中大.不同生境下刺五加种群分株生物量的差异蕴涵着重要的生长调节和物质分配策略.在分株较小的幼龄个体以及郁闭度较大而不利于分株生长的次生杂木林中,分株优先建造叶器官,以保证充分的物质生产. 3个生境刺五加种群的叶、茎与分株的相对增重均具有相同的幂函数异速生长规律.  相似文献   

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