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霍山三种石斛的内源GA、ABA含量对茎高生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文研究了霍山三种石斛生长期的内源激素GA、ABA的变化与茎高生长的相互关系。结果表明:霍山三种石斛茎高生长与内源GA含量呈显著正相关,与内源ABA含量呈显著负相关。合适的GA/ABA比值是影响石斛茎高生长的重要因素。霍山三种石斛中的矮生品种米斛的内源GA含量尽管也较高,但其内源ABA含量一直维持较高水平,尤其生长后期迅速上升,GA/ABA含描比值低可能是其茎高生长缓慢的原因之一。  相似文献   

为探讨春石斛扦插苗生长发育过程中内源激素与成花品质的关系,本研究以成花品质不同的2个品种‘森禾H1’和‘森禾4001’为试材,对其一年生扦插苗生长发育过程中5个不同阶段茎尖内源激素含量进行了比较分析。结果显示:整个生长发育过程中,2个品种扦插苗茎尖中赤霉酸(GA3)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、脱落酸(ABA)含量以及GA3/IAA、GA3/ABA、(GA3+IAA)/ABA变化趋势相似。成花品质较好的‘森禾H1’,其GA3、GA3/IAA、GA3/ABA、(GA3+IAA)/ABA,除了在休止叶后期外,其他时期均一直显著高于成花品质较差的‘森禾4001’,而其ABA含量在萌动期、展叶期、旺盛生长期显著低于‘森禾4001’,IAA含量没有显示出规律性。结果表明,春石斛扦插苗的一些内源激素含量及比例与其后期成花品质密切相关,可作为优良品种早期筛选的参考指标。  相似文献   

薯瘟菌对甘薯叶片光合特性及叶绿体结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨甘薯(Dioscorea esculenta)被薯瘟菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)侵染后的响应,以抗病品种‘湘薯75-55’和感病品种‘胜利百号’为材料,对甘薯叶片的光合特性和叶绿体结构进行了研究。结果表明,薯瘟菌侵染后,‘胜利百号’叶片的细胞膜透性(MP)明显增大,叶绿素(Chl)含量下降,净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)下降,胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)和内源ABA含量急剧升高,且细胞膜完整性被破坏,叶绿体数目减少、膨胀模糊、基粒片层松散解体以及淀粉粒变小;而‘湘薯75-55’的各个指标变化不大,细胞膜结构完整,叶绿体基粒片层排列整齐。因此,薯瘟菌侵染后不同抗病品种甘薯叶片在光合特性和叶绿体结构上表现出显著的差异。  相似文献   

甘薯茎尖与常见叶菜类蔬菜氨基酸含量及组成的比较分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
选用叶菜型甘薯茎尖和14种常见叶菜类蔬菜为材料,对比分析了氨基酸含量及组成。结果表明:甘薯茎尖含有18种氨基酸,种类齐全。氨基酸总量、人体必需氨基酸含量和儿童必需氨基酸含量均居第1位。甘薯茎尖的E/T值为39.50%,E/N值为0.65,符合理想蛋白质的要求。茎尖中各种人体必需氨基酸含量占氨基酸总量的比例(Val、Ile、Leu、Phe+Tyr、Lys、Thr)与1973年FAO/WHO修订的人体必需氨基酸含量模式谱基本一致,仅M et+Cys中度缺乏。甘薯茎尖中鲜味类、芳香族、甜味类氨基酸含量居第1位。  相似文献   

绿豆插条生根过程中内源激素含量变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绿豆插条离体后其IAA含量出现一个峰值,乙烯利处理的IAA峰值出现在第6小时,未经乙烯利处理的出现在第12小时,与插条生根峰出现时间相符.乙烯利处理与否的插条生根过程中,内源GA3含量在0~30h内呈下降趋势,随后略微上升;内源ABA含量先升后降;细胞分裂素ZT和ZR含量在总体上是下降的.  相似文献   

本文研究山杜英组培苗生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化规律。结果表明,培养基添加IBA和NAA后,在生根过程中内源IAA、ABA含量变化类似,根点出现前内源IAA、ABA含量一直上升,根点出现后含量开始下降,产生愈伤组织时两种处理的IAA/ABA分别是2.526和3.226。在不添加外源生长素情况下,内源IAA含量一直维持在较低水平,而内源ABA含量一直呈现上升趋势,IAA/ABA始终都在1.211以下。  相似文献   

萘乙酸与多效唑对茉莉成花及新梢内源激素含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在茉莉开花前期分别使用不同浓度NAA与PP333均匀喷施于植株茎、叶片等生长部位,对其新梢与花蕾生长及其4种内源激素--生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA)、脱落酸(ABA)、玉米素核苷(ZR)的含量变化进行分析.结果表明:(1)NAA处理使茉莉新梢徒长,成花比对照推迟2~4 d;PP333处理的茉莉新梢矮化,而成花比对照提早2~4 d.(2)NAA处理后,茉莉新梢中IAA与ABA含量处理初期较高,后快速下降,后期稳定在较高水平;GA含量稍低于对照,ZR含量降低并稍低于对照.PP333处理后,茉莉新梢中IAA与ABA含量初期较高,而后缓慢下降;GA含量与对照一样快速上升;ZR含量在初期含量较高,后缓慢下降,但较对照稳定在较高水平.(3)PP333处理的茉莉植株新梢中ABA/IAA、GA/IAA、ZR/IAA比值在处理后迅速上升,特别是GA/IAA、ZR/IAA比值明显高于对照,而相应NAA处理的3个比值与对照无明显差异.可见,经NAA与PP333处理能明显调节茉莉新梢及花蕾生长进程,保持较高水平的内源激素GA、ZR、GA/IAA、ZR/IAA比值在茉莉新梢及花蕾生长过程中起关键作用.  相似文献   

黄瓜花性别分化和内源激素的关系   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
黄瓜雌花中GA3 和IAA含量均高于雄花 ;雌花在大孢子母细胞时期以后直到发育成熟 ,IAA含量持续增加 ,雄花中IAA含量则下降 ;ZT含量增加有利于大小孢子母细胞的形成而ABA含量增加则有利于四分体的形成。高水平的ZT/IAA和低水平的GA3 /ZT有利于大孢子母细胞和花粉粒的形成 ,大孢子四分体在高水平的GA3 /ZT和低水平的ZT/IAA下形成。雌性系黄瓜经硝酸银处理后茎尖中GA3 增加、IAA和ZT减少 ,有利于雄性分化 ;强雄性系黄瓜经乙烯利处理后 ,茎尖中GA3 下降 ,IAA和ZT增加 ,有利于雌性分化。据此认为内源IAA可能是黄瓜性别发育的关键性激素  相似文献   

不同叶菜型甘薯品种的氨基酸含量及组成分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用7个叶菜型甘薯品种,测定分析了茎尖中氨基酸含量及组成。结果表明:甘薯茎尖的E/T值变幅为37.22%~39.60%,E/N值变幅为0.59~0.66,符合理想蛋白质的要求;各种人体必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的相对含量大部分符合1973年FAO/WHO修订的人体必需氨基酸模式谱,仅蛋氨酸+半胱氨酸中度缺乏;在全部18种氨基酸中,以半胱氨酸、蛋氨酸、色氨酸的变异系数最大,其他15种氨基酸的变异系数较小。  相似文献   

水杨酸对高温胁迫下半夏幼苗内源激素含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以半夏37℃高温倒苗过程中的叶片和块茎为材料,考察了不同浓度外源水杨酸(SA)处理的倒苗率,采用ELISA方法研究了0.5 mmol/L外源SA对半夏叶片和块茎中内源激素GA3、IAA、ABA、ZR和JA含量的影响.结果表明:随着高温胁迫时间的延长,半夏出现倒苗现象,并以0.5 mmol/L的SA处理后半夏倒苗率最低.倒苗过程中叶片和块茎中GA3、IAA、ZR含量逐渐下降.而ABA和JA含量显著上升.0.5 mmol/L SA处理条件下叶片中生长促进类激素GA3、IAA、ZR含量高于同期对照,生长抑制类激素ABA和JA含量低于同期对照;块茎中ABA、IAA和JA的含量低于同期对照.GA变化不明显,而ZR处理前期低于对照,后期高于对照.可见,一定浓度的外源SA可通过改变高温胁迫下半夏内源激素水平来促进其生长,延缓其倒苗.  相似文献   

蚕豆根装载的3H-ABA可经5.6cm/min以上的速率向冠部运输。短时间内(5min)根运来的ABA主要分布在有大量气孔密布的下表皮,但长时间内(3h)则主要分布在对内组织中。抑制蒸腾可降低ABA向叶片中的运输积累。光镜放射自显影术显示,根运来的ABA可有效地在表皮细胞及保卫细胞的质外体积累。3H-ABA由根向地上部快速运输及其在作用部位的有效积累,说明水分胁迫下蚕豆根部可以通过ABA信号的传递控制气孔的行为。  相似文献   

低温条件下不同抗寒性薰衣草内源激素的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示薰衣草内源激素与抗寒能力的关系,以抗寒性相对较强的狭叶薰衣草和抗寒性较弱的宽叶薰衣草为试验材料,在田间自然条件下,于越冬前不同降温时期分别对叶片和根系取样,采用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定和分析了内源激素ABA、GA3、IAA和ZR的含量变化。结果表明,两种薰衣草的叶片和根系中的ABA、IAA和ZR的含量随气温的降低均表现为先升高后降低的趋势,但GA3表现为持续下降的趋势。抗寒性强的狭叶薰衣草叶片和根系中的ABA、IAA和ZR含量均高于抗寒性弱的宽叶薰衣草,而GA3小于宽叶薰衣草。对薰衣草越冬起重要作用的内源激素是ABA。  相似文献   

葡萄采后施用外源ABA可显著刺激其呼吸速率和乙烯释放率,ABA对呼吸的促进作用大于C2H4;当葡萄被交链孢和灰霉葡萄抱侵染后,呼吸和乙烯释放均加强。交链孢侵染的葡萄呼吸速率在孢子形成后2d达最大值,而灰霉葡萄孢侵染的葡萄呼吸速率在孢子形成时即达最大值。葡萄感病后,落粒现象加重,组织内源ABA和C2H4含量增加,IAA和GA3含量减少。  相似文献   

Ten centimeter long stem cuttings of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. cv. Georgia Jet) with intact apex and leaves were cultured in distilled water as well as in varying concentrations of abscisic acid (ABA) in open top chambers at 364, 438 and 666 cm3 m{-3}CO2. Low concentration of ABA promoted rooting and elongation of roots at 364 cm3 m{-3} CO2 while rooting was suppressed at enriched levels of CO2. However, biomass production in shoots and roots was higher in 666 than in 364 cm3 m-3 CO2.  相似文献   

Palmer  C. E. 《Plant & cell physiology》1985,26(6):1167-1174
Abscisic acid (ABA) at 3.8 µM suppressed both in vivoand in vitro nitrate reductase activity in roots, stems andleaves of potato plants grown in solution culture. Suppressionwas maximal between 24 and 48 h, followed by recovery of activityat 72 h in roots and leaves and at 96 h in stems. Removal from ABA after 24 h resulted in complete recovery ofnitrate reductase activity in roots by 24 h and partial recoveryin leaves. ABA treatment enhanced nitrate accumulation in roots,decreased that of leaves, but had no effect on stem nitratecontent. ABA enhanced decay of the enzyme following nitrate removal;by 7 h activity in roots was 22.5% of the initial value comparedto 55% in the control. ABA showed a less drastic effect on lossof activity in leaves and stems. These results indicate thatABA suppression of nitrate reductase activity is not dependenton nitrate uptake, and although it reduced leaf nitrate contentthere was no clear relationship between tissue nitrate levelsand the ABA response. (Received September 13, 1984; Accepted July 1, 1985)  相似文献   

大气二氧化碳浓度升高对银杏叶片内源激素的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用开顶箱系统,研究了银杏叶片内源激素脱落酸(ABA)、吲哚乙酸(IAA)、玉米素核苷(ZR)和赤霉素(GA3)对大气CO2浓度升高(环境CO2浓度+350 μmol·mol-1,EC)的响应.结果表明,EC处理能使ABA含量降低,与对照(CK)相比, ABA含量最大降低63.0%(处理后120 d).EC处理使叶片IAA和ZR含量增加,而且随着处理时间的延长,差异均达显著水平;IAA含量在处理后100 d为CK的2倍,ZR含量在处理后80 d时为CK的2.5倍.EC处理使叶片GA3峰值提前出现. (IAA+GA3+ZR)/ABA比值随着银杏的生长逐渐降低,在处理后期(处理后40~120 d)明显高于CK,表明大气CO2浓度升高可促进银杏的生长发育.  相似文献   

Abstract Soil waterlogging decreased leaf conductance (interpreted as stomatal closure) of vegetative pea plants (Pisuin sativum L. cv. ‘Sprite’) approximately 24 h after the start of flooding, i.e. from the beginning of the second 16 h-long photo-period. Both adaxial and abaxial surfaces of leaves of various ages and the stipules were affected. Stomatal closure was sustained for at least 3 d with no decrease in foliar hydration measured as water content per unit area, leaf water potential or leaf water saturation deficit. Instead, leaves became increasingly hydrated in association with slower transpiration. These changes in the waterlogged plants over 3 d were accompanied by up to 10-fold increases in the concentration of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA). Waterlogging also increased foliar hydration and ABA concentrations in the dark. Leaves detached from non-waterlogged plants and maintained in vials of water for up to 3 d behaved in a similar way to leaves on flooded plants, i.e. stomata closed in the absence of a water deficit but in association with increased ABA content. Applying ABA through the transpiration stream to freshly detached leaflets partially closed stomata within 15 min. The extractable concentrations of ABA associated with this closure were similar to those found in flooded plants. When an ABA-deficient ‘wilty’ mutant of pea was waterlogged, the extent of stomatal closure was less pronounced than that in ordinary non-mutant plants, and the associated increase in foliar ABA was correspondingly smaller. Similarly, waterlogging closed stomata of tomato plants within 24 h, but no such closure was seen in ‘flacca’, a corresponding ABA-deficient mutant. The results provide an example of stomatal closure brought about by stress in the root environment in the absence of water deficiency. The correlative factor operating between the roots and shoots appeared to be an inhibition of ABA transport out of the shoots of flooded plants, causing the hormone to accumulate in the leaves.  相似文献   

* Proposed mechanisms of embolism recovery are controversial for plants that are transpiring while undergoing cycles of dehydration and rehydration. * Here, water stress was imposed on grapevines (Vitis vinifera), and the course of embolism recovery, leaf water potential (Psi(leaf)), transpiration (E) and abscisic acid (ABA) concentration followed during the rehydration process. * As expected, Psi(leaf) and E decreased upon water stress, whereas xylem embolism and leaf ABA concentration increased. Upon rehydration, Psi(leaf) recovered in 5 h, whereas E fully recovered only after an additional 48 h. The ABA content of recovering leaves was higher than in droughted controls, both on the day of rewatering and the day after, suggesting that ABA accumulated in roots during drought was delivered to the rehydrated leaves. In recovering plants, xylem embolism in petioles, shoots, and roots decreased during the 24 h following rehydration. * A model is proposed to describe plant recovery after rehydration based on three main points: embolism repair occurs progressively in shoots and further in roots and in petioles, following an almost full recovery of Psi(leaf); hydraulic conductance recovers during diurnal transpiring hours, when formation and repair of embolisms occurs in all plant organs; an ABA residual signal in rehydrated leaves hinders stomatal opening even when water relations have recovered, suggesting that an ABA-induced transpiration control promotes gradual embolism repair in rehydrated grapevines.  相似文献   

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