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摘要 目的:探讨儿童先天性白内障发病的影响因素,并研究人工晶状体植入(IOL)术后屈光状态的变化。方法:选择2017年4月~2019年2月期间我院收治的先天性白内障患儿98例作为病例组,选取同期来我院小儿眼科体检的健康儿童80例作为对照组。采用单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析先天性白内障发病的影响因素。病例组患儿均进行先天性白内障摘除联合IOL植入术。术后病例组患儿均随访3年,比较术后1、2、3年屈光度、眼轴长度的变化量。结果:单因素分析结果显示,先天性白内障发病与性别、孕期先兆流产、并发妊娠期高血压、并发妊娠期糖尿病、并发甲亢或甲减、贫血无关(P>0.05)。先天性白内障发病与胎龄、出生体重、先天性白内障家族史、孕前2个月或孕期是否存在感染、缺血缺氧脑病有关(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,胎龄<37周、出生体重<2500 g、有先天性白内障家族史、孕前2个月或孕期存在感染是导致先天性白内障发病的危险因素(P<0.05)。同一时间点比较,<2岁组术后眼轴长度增长量、屈光度变化大于2~6岁组和7~12岁组,且2~6岁组大于7~12岁组(P<0.05)。结论:胎龄<37周、出生体重<2500 g、有先天性白内障家族史、孕前2个月或孕期存在感染是导致先天性白内障发病的危险因素,此外,先天性白内障患儿接受IOL治疗后,IOL对患儿眼球发育影响较为轻微。  相似文献   

梁和霞 《蛇志》2017,(1):33-35
目的观察早产极低出生体重儿早期应用不同剂量氨基酸的临床效果。方法选取2014年1月~2016年10月我院新生儿科早产极低出生体重儿120例为研究对象,根据氨基酸不同用量分为A、B、C 3组,每组各40例。A组40例患儿给予高剂量氨基酸治疗,B组40例患儿给予中剂量氨基酸治疗,C组40例患儿给予低剂量氨基酸治疗,观察比较3组患儿的临床效果。结果 A组患儿在能量摄入,蛋白质合成,各症状恢复时间以及体重、身长、头围均优于B、C组,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05);3组患儿的并发症比较,差异均无统计学意义(均P0.05)。结论早产极低出生体重儿早期应用高剂量氨基酸,对促进患儿身体发育具有重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重症医学病房内早产儿的相关性危险因素对其死亡的影响.方法:回顾性收集我重症医学病房从2008年6月1日至2011年8月31日收治的早产患儿共45例,分组后,对相关死亡危险因素进行logistics回归分析研究.结果:45例早产儿死亡的相关危险因素为出生体重(OR=4.157),体重越低,死亡率越高.结论:加强孕期保健,优化围产期管理,促进胎儿成熟,加强对低出生体重儿的管理,可提高早产儿的存活率和存活质量.  相似文献   

目的:研究运动干预对不同糖耐量超重肥胖孕妇孕期体重增加、妊娠晚期血清游离脂肪酸(Free Fatty Acids,FFA)、甘油三酯(Triglyceride,TG)水平及新生儿体重的影响.方法:2008年6月~2009年12月,对来自高危门诊的的肥胖超重孕妇,分别给予单纯饮食干预(饮食组)或运动饮食联合干预(运动加饮食组).妊娠32周采集两组病例空腹血样,测定FFA及TG.排除各组有运动禁忌的孕妇.足月分娩妊娠期糖尿病(Gestational Diabetes Mellitus,GDM)及正常糖耐量(Normal Glucose Tolerant,NGT)孕妇共143例,运动加饮食组(n=73,GDM 21例,NGT 52例).饮食组(n=70,GDM23例,NGT47例)按不同糖耐量分别进行了对比研究.分析二组在孕期体重增加,孕晚期脂代谢水平及新生儿出生体重方面的差异,并就新生儿出生体重与孕期体重增加及孕晚期血清FFA水平的关系做相关性分析.结果:两组孕妇在年龄,孕前体重指数及分娩孕周方面差别无统计学意义.两组GDM在孕期增重(p<0.01)、新生几出生体重体重(p<0.05)、孕晚期血清FFA(p<0.05)、TG水平(p<0.05)等方面差别有显著性.两组NGT在孕期体重增加(p<0.05)及新生儿出生体重方面差别有显著性(p<0.05);饮食组平均血清FFA及TG水平高于运动加饮食组,但未形成显著性差异.饮食组新生儿出生体重与孕期增重(NGT,r=0.468,P<0.01;GDM,r=0.564,p<0.01)及孕32周血清FFA水平(NGT,r=0.431,P<0.05;GDM,r=0.462,p<0.05)相关有显著性.饮食加运动组新生儿出生体重与孕期增重相关无显著性,与血清FFA相关有显著性(NGT,r=0.375,P<0.05;GDM,r=0.405,p<0.05).两组孕妇在巨大儿发生率方面有显著性差异.结论:肥胖超重孕妇新生儿出生体重与孕晚期血清FFA水平有关.饮食结合运动干预有助于肥胖超重GDM孕妇在孕期体重增加,妊娠晚期血清FFA水平,新生儿出生体重,巨大儿发生率等方面取得良好的妊娠结局.  相似文献   

目的:探究西安咸阳地区先天性心脏病危险因素的病例相关对照研究。方法:选择2014年1月至2019年1月于西安医学院第二附属医院及陕西中医学院第二附属医院进行治疗的常住地为西安咸阳地区8周以上孕妇为研究对象,将产前确诊为先天性心脏病(Congenital heart disease, CHD)孕妇列为病例组(68例),将排除CHD和(或)其他先天性疾病孕妇设为对照组(136例),对两组孕妇实施问卷调查,了解其家庭状况、孕妇情况、孕期环境污染、孕妇生活事件等因素与CHD发生的相关性。结果:经分析研究68例CHD胎儿产妇及136例对照组资料,按照α=0.05位水准,使用x~2检验对59个研究因素进行单因素分析,初步筛选出14个可疑危险因素(妊娠高血压、妊娠糖尿病、感冒发烧、孕早期接触农药、孕早期服用抗生素、孕早期服用解热镇痛药、孕早期接触射线、被动吸烟、吸烟、母亲不良精神史、不良生育史、先兆流产史、父亲年龄、母亲年龄),再通过二项分类Logistic逐步回归法实施多因素分析,最终得到吸烟、孕早期接触农药、母亲不良精神史、先兆流产史、感冒发烧5个危险因素。结论:孕早期是胎儿心脏发育的关键时期,如果母亲孕早期有不良精神史、感冒发烧、先兆流产史、接触农药、吸烟,会直接增加CHD发病几率,提示母亲孕早期应加强保健防护,重视孕早期检查。  相似文献   

目的探讨静脉输注丙种球蛋白(IVIG)与新生儿溶血病(HDN)患儿坏死性小肠结肠炎(NEC)发生的关系。方法收集重庆医科大学附属儿童医院2013年1月1日至2014年1月1日确诊为HDN患儿的临床资料,采用倾向评分配比法建立回顾性队列研究,根据是否使用IVIG分为IVIG组和非IVIG组,比较两组患儿NEC发生情况。进一步以配比后病例建立病例对照研究,探讨溶血病患儿发生NEC的危险因素。结果共1 217例HDN患儿纳入研究,其中40例合并NEC,309例进行IVIG。进行1∶2的倾向评分配比后,共有199对匹配成功,其中NEC组25例,非NEC组572例。结果显示,倾向评分配比后,IVIG治疗并未增加溶血病患儿NEC的发生率,4.5%(9/199)vs 4.0%(16/398),χ2=0.083,P=0.773。单因素分析显示,早产、低出生体重、多胎、胎膜早破、产前糖皮质激素、静脉营养、先天性心脏病、最高胆红素值与溶血病患儿发生NEC有关。二元Logistic回归显示,先天性心脏病是溶血病患儿发生NEC的独立危险因素(OR:4.021,95%CI:1.286~12.578)。结论 IVIG治疗不增加溶血病患儿发生NEC的概率,合并先天性心脏病的HDN患儿更易发生NEC。  相似文献   

为研究母亲环氧化物水解酶1基因(EPHXl)多态性与新生儿出生体重间关系.收集了某纺织厂342名女工的资料,用PCR-限制性片段长度多态性法分析母亲EPHXl基因型,采用多元线性逐步回归模型分析母亲EPHXl多态性与新生儿出生体重关系.结果发现调整主要混杂因素后EPHXl的His139Arg/AG139Arg基因型与新生儿出生体重有显著性相关(β±SE=-149g±56,P=0.0083).经被动吸烟分层分析,结果显示仅在有被动吸烟史人群中EPHXl的Hus139Arg/Arg139Arg基因型与新生儿出生体重有显著性相关,(β±SE=-234g±88,P=0.0088);而根据工作紧张程度分层分析后发现,仅在有工作紧张史人群中发现EPHXI的His139Arg/Arg139Arg基因型与新生儿出生体重有显著性相关(β±SE=-157g±59,P=0.0079).我们的结果显示母亲EPHXl多态性与新生儿出生体重有显著性相关,并存在基因-环境的交互作用.  相似文献   

目的:分析极低/超低出生体重儿败血症的临床特征、病原菌及药物敏感情况,为其早期诊断及治疗提供参考。方法:对2014年1月1日至2017年12月31日阜阳市人民医院新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)确诊的82例早产极低/超低出生体重儿败血症的临床表现、实验室检查、病原菌及药敏情况进行回顾性分析。结果:极低/超低出生体重儿败血症以早发型(≤7天)为主,晚发型以院内感染为主,临床表现缺乏特异性,实验室检查中白细胞、血小板出现减低,C反应蛋白和降钙素原增高。病原菌以革兰阴性菌为主,其次为革兰阳性菌和真菌。药敏结果显示革兰阴性菌对三代头孢、氨苄西林类抗生素100%耐药,对加他唑巴坦的抗生素耐药率较低,对碳氢酶烯类抗生素敏感。革兰阳性菌对β-内酰胺类、大环内酯类、氨基糖甙类及克林霉素等耐药率较高,对万古霉素、利奈唑烷敏感。82例败血症患儿中,死亡6例,死亡率为7.3%。结论:早产极低/超低出生体重儿败血症缺乏特异性临床表现,且发病率高,应密切观察患儿临床表现及动态监测其C反应蛋白、血小板等的变化,同时及时完善细菌培养及药敏试验,有效合理使用抗生素,以减少多重耐药菌株产生,改善患儿预后。  相似文献   

目的:研究先天性心脏病(CHD)患儿相关危险因素及营养风险筛查情况,为临床诊治CHD患儿提供理论参考。方法:选取2014年1月-2019年12月成都医学院附属第一医院收治的CHD患儿150例作为研究组,另取同期于该院接受体检的健康儿童150例作为对照组。分别对比两组研究对象父母的年龄、胎数、产检次数、烟草暴露情况、负性生活事件情况以及产妇营养不良情况,多因素Logistic回归分析CHD患儿相关危险因素;同时,采用营养风险筛查工具对两组研究对象进行营养风险筛查。结果:研究组患儿疾病分布占比从高到低的顺序分别为房间隔缺损(29.33%)、动脉导管未闭(24.67%)、室间隔缺损(20.67%)、法洛四联症(8.00%)以及房室间隔缺损(6.67%)。研究组父亲年龄≥50岁、母亲年龄≥35岁、多胞胎、产检次数9次、烟草暴露、负性生活事件以及产妇营养不良人数占比均高于对照组(P0.05)。经多因素Logistic回归分析可得,父亲年龄≥50岁、母亲年龄≥35岁、多胞胎、产检次数9次以及烟草暴露均是CHD患儿的独立危险因素(P0.05)。研究组患儿低度风险人数占比低于对照组,而重度风险人数占比高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),两组中度风险人数占比比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:CHD患儿的影响因素包括父亲年龄≥50岁、母亲年龄≥35岁、多胞胎、产检次数9次以及烟草暴露,且患儿营养风险较高,值得临床重视。  相似文献   

黎素清 《蛇志》2007,19(3):241-241
1临床资料患儿,男,出生3 h,G1P1,孕34周早产顺产出生。因出生后发绀、气促3 h入院。出生时Apgar评分1 min评分为4分,羊水胎粪样。母孕期体健,无服药史,无放射性物质及毒物接触史。患儿父母非近亲结婚,否认家族遗传病史。患儿体温不升,呼吸51次/分,脉搏136次/分,体重1·95 kg;早  相似文献   

摘要 目的:研究维生素A(VA)、维生素E(VE)水平与儿童反复呼吸道感染(RRI)的相关性和危险因素。方法:选择本院2017年1月~2019年10月诊治的318例RRI患儿,同期选择285例健康体检儿童作为对照组,比较各组VA、VE表达情况,并分析儿童RRI发生的危险因素。结果:RRI组VA及VE水平低于对照组,VA及VE缺乏率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。1~3岁患儿VA及VE水平高于3~6岁组且高于>6岁组(P<0.05)。对照组和RRI组性别、出生时体重比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);RRI组自然分娩、母乳喂养率低于对照组,偏食、过敏体质、抗生素滥用、人均居住面积<13 m2、母亲文化高中及以下率高于对照组(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,早产、偏食、过敏体质、被动吸烟、抗生素滥用、人均居住面积<13 m2是RRI发生的独立危险因素,VA、VE、自然分娩、母乳喂养、母亲文化程度是RRI发生的保护因素。结论:RRI儿童VA、VE水平较低,且RRI的发生和多种危险因素相关,临床应针对性的进行预防干预。  相似文献   



Atopic dermatitis has increased four-fold over the recent decades in developed countries, indicating that changes in environmental factors associated with lifestyle may play an important role in this epidemic. It has been proposed that alcohol consumption may be one contributing risk factor in this development.


To analyze the impact of alcohol intake during pregnancy on the development of atopic dermatitis during the first 7 years of life.


The COPSAC cohort is a prospective, longitudinal, birth cohort study of 411 children born to mothers with a history of asthma, followed up for 7 years with scheduled visits every 6 months as well as visits for acute exacerbations of atopic dermatitis. Risk of atopic dermatitis from any alcohol consumption during pregnancy was analyzed as time-to-diagnosis and adjusted for known risk factors.


177 of 411 children developed atopic dermatitis before age 7 years. We found a significant effect of alcohol intake during pregnancy on atopic dermatitis development (HR 1.44, 95% CI 1.05–1.99 p = 0.024). This conclusion was unaffected after adjustment for smoking, mother''s education and mother''s atopic dermatitis.


The selection of a high-risk cohort, with all mothers suffering from asthma, and all children having a gestational age above 35 weeks with no congenital abnormality, systemic illness, or history of mechanical ventilation or lower airway infection.


Alcohol intake by pregnant women with a history of asthma, is significantly associated with an increased risk for the child for developing atopic dermatitis during the first 7 years of life.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of size at birth, maternal nutrition, and body mass index on blood pressure in late adolescence. DESIGN: Population based analysis of birth weight corrected for gestational age, mother''s weight before pregnancy and weight gain in pregnancy, obtained from the Jerusalem perinatal study, and blood pressure and body mass index at age 17, available from military draft records. SETTING: Jerusalem, Israel. SUBJECTS: 10,883 subjects (6684 men and 4199 women) born in Jerusalem during 1974-6 and subsequently drafted to the army. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Systolic and diastolic blood pressures measured at age 17 and their correlation with birth weight, size at birth, mother''s body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy, and height and weight at age 17. RESULTS: Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were significantly and positively correlated with body weight, height, body mass index at age 17, and with mother''s body weight and body mass index before pregnancy, but not with birth weight or mother''s weight gain in pregnancy. CONCLUSION: Variables reflecting poor intrauterine nutrition, including low maternal body mass index before pregnancy, poor maternal weight gain in pregnancy, and being born small for gestational age, were not associated with a higher blood pressure in late adolescence.  相似文献   

By random sampling of all births occurring in Hamilton, Ont. over an 18-month period the percentile distributions of the newborn infants'' weight, length, and head and chest circumferences were determined. The resulting standards may be used in the clinical evaluation of size for gestational age. The smoothed 50th percentile values for newborns of 40 weeks gestational age were as follows for boys and girls respectively: birth weight 3530 and 3355 g, crown-heel length 52.0 and 51.3 cm, head circumference 35.2 and 34.4 cm, and chest circumference 33.4 and 32.8 cm. The mother''s height averaged 160.8 +/- 6.1 cm and her weight before the pregnancy 59.2 +/- 10.5 kg. The prevalence of cigarette smoking during pregnancy was 34.8%.  相似文献   

Many investigations have noted bad influence of smoking during pregnancy. In the present article, the influence of mothers smoking during pregnancy on the body mass index (BMI), birth weight and birth length are examined. This retrospective research included 219 children: Group I: 109 children from rural area of east Slavonia (born in General Hospital-Vinkovci) and group II: 110 children from industrial area (born in Zagreb). The questioned subjects were divided into two groups depending on mothers smoking during pregnancy: newborns of mothers who didn't smoke during pregnancy (subgroup A) and newborns of mother who did smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day during pregnancy (subgroup B). Anthropometric parameters (BMI, birth length and birth weight) in newborns of non-smoking mothers were statistically higher (p < 0.05) than in newborns of smoking mothers. Moderate correlation between birth length and birth weight in newborns of non-smoking and smoking mothers from rural area and from non-smoking mothers in urban area was statistically significant, but correlation in the group in newborns of smoking mothers from Zagreb was not statistically significant. Results of this research show that smoking during pregnancy significantly influences the birth weight and birth length. Further investigation is needed, to investigate the lack of correlation between the birth length and birth weight in newborns of smoking mothers from industrial city.  相似文献   



To investigate the association between exposure to mothers smoking during prenatal and early postnatal life and risk of overweight at age 7 years, while taking birth weight into account.


From the Danish National Birth Cohort a total of 32,747 families were identified with available information on maternal smoking status in child''s pre- and postnatal life and child''s birth weight, and weight and height at age 7 years. Outcome was overweight according to the International Obesity Task Force gender and age specific body mass index. Smoking exposure was categorized into four groups: no exposure (n = 25,076); exposure only during pregnancy (n = 3,343); exposure only postnatally (n = 140); and exposure during pregnancy and postnatally (n = 4,188). Risk of overweight according to smoking status as well as dose-response relationships were estimated by crude and adjusted odds ratios using logistic regression models.


Exposure to smoking only during pregnancy, or both during pregnancy and postnatally were both significantly associated with overweight at 7 years of age (OR: 1.31, 95% CI: 1.15–1.48, and OR: 1.76, 95% CI: 1.58–1.97, respectively). Analyses excluding children with low birth weight (<2,500 gram) revealed similar results. A significant prenatal dose-response relationship was found. Per one additional cigarette smoked per day an increase in risk of overweight was observed (OR: 1.02, 95% CI: 1.01–1.03). When adjusting for quantity of smoking during pregnancy, prolonged exposure after birth further increased the risk of later overweight in the children (OR 1.28, 95% CI:1.09–1.50) compared with exposure only in the prenatal period.


Mother''s perinatal smoking increased child''s OR of overweight at age 7 years irrespective of birth weight, and with higher OR if exposed both during pregnancy and in early postnatal life. Clear dose-response relationships were observed, which emphasizes the need for prevention of any tobacco exposure of infants.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of sisters and sisters-in-law of 185 women who had delivered “light-for-dates” and “premature expulsion” low birth weight infants was studied. Percentile birth weights were compared taking into account length of gestation, fetal sex, and the height, weight, parity, and smoking habits of the mother. Sisters of women who had delivered light-for-dates babies had lighter babies than the general population, their sisters-in-law, or the sisters of women in the premature expulsion group. These other groups, however, had the expected distribution of percentile birth weights. Data on familial trends in smoking habits and unknown gestation are also presented. The results are consistent with the theory that the mother''s own intrauterine experience affects her reproductive performance but could also be explained by shared family learning experience of as yet unidentified microsocial factors related to pregnancy performance.  相似文献   



Adult cholesterol concentrations might be influenced by early-life factors, such as breastfeeding and birth weight, referred to as “early programming”. How such early factors exert their influence over the life course is still poorly understood. Evidence from studies in children and adolescents is scarce and conflicting. We investigated the influence of 6 different perinatal risk factors on childhood total and HDL cholesterol concentrations and total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio measured at 8 years of age, and additionally we studied the role of the child''s current Body Mass Index (BMI).


Anthropometric measures and blood plasma samples were collected during a medical examination in 751 8-year-old children participating in the prospective Prevention and Incidence of Asthma and Mite Allergy (PIAMA) birth cohort study. Linear and logistic regression were performed to estimate associations of total and HDL cholesterol concentrations with breastfeeding, birth weight, infant weight gain, maternal overweight before pregnancy, gestational diabetes and maternal smoking during pregnancy, taking into account the child''s current BMI.


Linear regressions showed an association between total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio and maternal pre-pregnancy overweight (β = 0.15, Confidence Interval 95% (CI): 0.02, 0.28), rapid infant weight gain (β = 0.13, 95%CI: 0.01, 0.26), and maternal smoking during pregnancy (β = 0.14, 95%CI: 0.00, 0.29). These associations were partly mediated by the child''s BMI.


Total-to-HDL cholesterol ratio in 8-year-old children was positively associated with maternal pre-pregnancy overweight, maternal smoking during pregnancy and rapid infant weight gain.  相似文献   


This paper examines the effects of kin access on prenatal health practices, birth outcome, and postnatal health practice for infants born to black and white mothers ages 21 to 28 in the U.S. during 1984–86. The data used for this research were compiled from three sources: (1) The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth; (2) The Children of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth; (3) special kin access data files, which were created specifically for this study. Logistic regression procedures are used to assess the effects of kin proximity, maternal grandmother proximity, and presence of the child's father on health practices (N = 1,030) and birth outcome (N = 1,385), controlling for the mother's educational attainment, work experience, poverty, presence of the child's father, and birth order of the child. We find no evidence supporting the notion that kin access positively affects the prenatal and postnatal health practices of young mothers. The results suggest that young mothers who reside with their mothers or other adult kin, and those who are in close proximity to them, are no more likely to seek prenatal care during the first trimester, or to avoid smoking or drinking during pregnancy. Mothers who live with a sexual partner or husband are, however, somewhat more likely to seek prenatal care and to avoid alcohol use during pregnancy. Closer kin access is associated with a lower probability of breastfeeding. These results suggest that it will not be adequate to rely on kin networks or kin assistance to improve the prospect of healthy birth outcomes.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and experimental studies indicate that the altered fetal and neonatal environment influences physiological functions and may increase the risk of developing chronic diseases in adulthood. Because homocysteine (Hcy) metabolic imbalance is considered a risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases, we investigated whether maternal Vitamin B deficiency during early development alters the offspring''s methionine-homocysteine metabolism in their brain. To this end, the dams were submitted to experimental diet one month before and during pregnancy or pregnancy/lactation. After birth, the offspring were organized into the following groups: control (CT), deficient diet during pregnancy and lactation (DPL) and deficient diet during pregnancy (DP). The mice were euthanized at various stages of development. Hcy, cysteine, glutathione (GSH), S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH), folate and cobalamin concentrations were measured in the plasma and/or brain. At postnatal day (PND) 0, total brain of female and male offspring exhibited decreased SAM/SAH ratios. Moreover, at PND 28, we observed decreased GSH/GSSG ratios in both females and males in the DPL group. Exposure to a Vitamin B-deficient diet during the ontogenic plasticity period had a negative impact on plasma folate and brain cortex SAM concentrations in aged DPL males. We also observed decreased plasma GSH concentrations in both DP and DPL males (PND 210). Additionally, this manipulation seemed to affect the female and male offspring differently. The decreased plasma GSH concentration may reflect redox changes in tissues and the decreased brain cortex SAM may be involved in changes of gene expression, which could contribute to neurodegenerative diseases over the long term.  相似文献   

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