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摘要 目的:探讨泌尿系造影联合彩色多普勒对小儿先天性肾积水的诊断价值。方法:选取2018年11月~2021年11月在本院治疗的88例先天性肾积水患儿为研究对象,所有患儿均完善静脉肾盂造影及彩色多普勒超声检查,以病理诊断结果为金标准,对比两种检查方法对小儿先天性肾积水的诊断价值。结果:彩色多普勒超声检查结果显示,肾积水轻度、中度、重度患儿分别为10例、39例、39例,不同病情程度患儿比较,重度组收缩期峰值速度(PSV)、舒张期最小流速(EDV)均低于中度组和轻度组,重度组血流阻力指数(RI)高于中度组和轻度组(P<0.05),但轻度组与中度组PSV、EDV、RI比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与病理学诊断检查结果对比,彩色多普勒超声对中度、重度先天性肾积水患儿具有较高的诊断效能,其准确度分别为90.91%、93.18%,与病理诊断kappa值分别为0.795、0.862,具有较高的一致性;但对轻度肾积水诊断效能较低,kappa值为0.629,一致性一般。静脉肾盂造影对轻度先天性肾积水患儿具有较高的诊断效能,准确度为96.59%,与病理诊断kappa值为0.824,具有较高的一致性;但对中度、重度肾积水诊断效能较低,kappa值分别为0.583、0.565,一致性一般。彩色多普勒超声联合静脉肾盂造影诊断准确率高达94.32%,明显高于两检查方法单独应用(P<0.05)。结论:不同病情程度的先天性肾积水患儿具有不同超声征象,彩色多普勒超声对中、重度肾积水患儿具有较好的诊断价值,而静脉肾盂造影诊断轻度肾积水患儿的效能较好,将二者联合可提高对先天性肾积水的诊断准确率。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声检查对胎儿颅内畸形筛查的应用价值,并进行染色体异常分析。方法:选择2016年2月至2019年5月本院收治的进行胎儿颅内畸形筛查的高危孕妇120例,所有孕妇都给予彩色多普勒二维超声与三维超声筛查,对超声筛查异常者进行染色体异常分析,记录预后情况。结果:在120例孕妇中,二维超声诊断为胎儿颅内畸形12例,三维超声诊断为13例(预后都确诊为胎儿颅内畸形)。染色体核型筛查检出胎儿颅内畸形12例,其中21-三体综合征8例,18-三体综合征3例,13-三体综合征1例。确诊为胎儿颅内畸形的孕妇超声NT值都显著高于非胎儿颅内畸形孕妇,差异都有统计学意义(P<0.05)。孕妇选择终止妊娠10例,选择继续妊娠3例,继续妊娠3例胎儿都最终死亡。结论:产前彩色多普勒超声结合染色体核型在胎儿颅内畸形筛查中具有很高的价值,两者可互相补充,共同发挥诊断与预后评估价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胎儿重复肾畸形的超声诊断的图像特征及误诊原因。方法:回顾分析我院30例经产前超声诊断为重复肾胎儿的超声图像及其临床资料。结果:30例重复肾胎儿中,出生后经手术或临床证实或终止妊娠后经解剖证实的共有27例,出生后经复查双肾正常的胎儿共有3例。27例重复肾胎儿中,单侧、双侧重复肾分别占22、5例,共32侧重复肾,其中合并输尿管扩张、合并输尿管囊肿的分别占14、4侧;合并其他系统气管畸形的胎儿共6侧,其中染色体三体综合征的有4例;出现4例误诊;胎儿重复肾声像图特征:1呈囊肿样改变肾上极占4侧,类圆形无回声区,壁较薄、光滑,与输尿管相通;2肾窦区可见两个不相通的肾盂,分离肾盂占11侧,未与输尿管相通;3肾窦区可见两个不相通肾盂,分离肾盂占14侧,上肾盂或下肾盂相连于输尿管;4 3侧肾窦区见两个不分离的肾盂,肾脏形态拉长,未与输尿管相通。结论:胎儿重复肾的超声声像图特征主要为两个不相通的肾盂;加强在胎儿中晚孕期时做常规多切面扫查,有利于提高对重复肾胎儿的确诊精确率,为临床评估胎儿提供借鉴。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨胎儿心脏超声对足月胎儿出生后血液动力学变化的影响。方法:2018年7月1日到2020年6月30日选择在本院分娩的足月胎儿22750例,其中高危分娩组872例,正常分娩组21878例。所有胎儿都给予心脏超声,记录血液动力学变化情况并进行相关性分析。结果:所有胎儿的超声图像评分≥2分,平均2.87±0.14分,符合诊断要求。高危分娩组的主动脉与肺动脉FHR值高于正常分娩组(P<0.05),PTV值低于正常分娩组(P<0.05)。高危分娩组的脐动脉RI与PI值高于正常分娩组(P<0.05),而大脑中动脉RI与PI值低于正常分娩组(P<0.05)。在高危分娩组中,随访确诊先心病45例,发生率为5.2 %;正常分娩组随访确诊32例,发生率为0.1 %,对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。在足月胎儿22750例中,Pearson相关分析显示先心病与脐动脉RI、PI值、主动脉和肺动脉FHR值、PTV值都存在相关性(P<0.05)。结论:胎儿心脏超声可反映足月胎儿出生后血液动力学变化情况,可指导临床医师及时对高危分娩作出适当处理。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:分析与探讨心脏超声在卵圆孔血流受限胎儿中的筛查价值。方法:2019年1月-2020年9月在本院进行产前心脏超声筛查的孕妇58例,都给予常规超声与组织多普勒成像,记录影像学特征并判断诊断价值。结果:58例胎儿判断为卵圆孔处血流受限18例,占比31.0 %。受限组的卵圆孔大小、卵圆瓣长度、继发隔长度都少于未受限组(P<0.05)。受限组的D-FOC值低于未受限组(P<0.05),Vm-PV、Vm-FOC值高于未受限组(P<0.05)。受限组的左心室E、A、E''、A''值都低于未受限组(P<0.05)。结论:心脏超声作为检出胎儿心脏畸形的有效手段,可通过观察胎儿卵圆孔血流频谱与形态来鉴别诊断卵圆孔血流受限,是孕期诊断卵圆孔血流受限的最有效方法之一。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:探讨高频超声与超声造影对甲状腺癌侵袭性的诊断价值。方法:2016年2月至2019年10月选择在本院诊治的甲状腺癌患者88例作为研究对象,所有患者都给予高频超声与超声造影诊断,记录影像学特征。检测所有患者侵袭性指标表达情况并判断诊断价值。结果:在88例患者中,病理检出颈部转移性淋巴结22例(转移组),检出率为25.0 %。转移组的病灶钙化、边界模糊、纵横比≥1、内部血流信号、低回声等比例都显著高于非转移组(P<0.05)。转移组的淋巴结长径、短径显长于非转移组(P<0.05),两组长短径比值对比无差异(P>0.05)。转移组的峰值强度(Peak intensity,PI)、平均通过时间(Mean transit time,MTT)、达峰时间(Peak time,TIP)值显著高于非转移组(P<0.05)。转移组的ADAM9、Notch-1、CXCR4 mRNA相对表达水平都显著高于非转移组(P<0.05)。高频超声与超声造影对甲状腺癌侵袭性的诊断敏感性为95.2 %和95.5 %,特异性为100.0 %和100.0 %。结论:高频超声与超声造影对甲状腺癌侵袭性都有很好的诊断敏感性与特异性,可为甲状腺癌颈部淋巴结转移的诊断提供补充性的定性和定量分析的方法。  相似文献   

目的建立胎羊单侧输尿管梗阻的动物模型,探讨其病理、影像学特点。方法取12只单胎妊娠75-85 d的健康山羊,采用宫内手术的方法造成胎羊左侧输尿管不完全梗阻。对羔羊进行影像、病理学研究。结果12只孕羊中有3只流产;有9只孕羊顺产羔羊。超声检查:梗阻后的第3周内胎羊左肾显著增大、积水及实质变薄。放射学检查:羔羊左肾积水并且功能受损害。病理学检查:左肾肾小球数目减少,肾小管扩张明显,未见肾发育不良。结论对山羊单胎妊娠中期胎羊进行宫内手术建立胎羊单侧输尿管梗阻的动物模型是可行的,该模型能很好地模拟肾盂输尿管连接部梗阻所致的胎儿肾积水。  相似文献   

本文对虾青素对运动性肾缺血再灌注损伤大鼠肾组织炎症因子及ECM表达的影响进行了研究。72只SPF级Wistar大鼠随机分为4组:安静对照组(C组,n=12)、一般训练组(M组,n=12)、过度训练组(OM组,n=24)和虾青素+过度训练组(AM组,n=24)。实验中对大鼠以20 mg/(kg·d)虾青素灌胃56 d,并进行递增负荷游泳训练。末次训练24 h后观察肾小球ECM沉积情况并测试血清尿素氮、肌酐及肾组织炎症因子蛋白和基因表达、TGF-β1基因表达等生化指标。结果显示,8周的训练导致大鼠运动性肾缺血再灌注,ECM沉积加强,肾功能损伤。肾小球ECM沉积,C、M组间无显著差异(P>0.05);OM组较C、M组显著增加(P<0.01);AM组显著低于OM组(P<0.05)。血清尿素氮和肌酐水平,OM组和AM组显著高于C组(P<0.01),AM组显著低于OM组(P<0.05);肾组织TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6和IL-18蛋白表达,OM组和AM组显著高于C组(P<0.05或P<0.01),AM组显著低于OM组(P<0.05);肾组织TNF-αmRNA、IL-1βmRNA、IL-6 mRNA和IL-18 mRNA表达,OM、AM组显著高于C组(P<0.01),AM组显著低于OM组(P<0.05);肾组织TGF-β1mRNA表达,AM组(P<0.05)和OM组(P<0.01)显著高于C组,AM组显著低于OM组(P<0.05)。从而说明补充虾青素可以有效地抑制肾组织中炎症因子表达从而减轻过度训练诱导的运动性肾脏缺血再灌注发生时肾脏组织TGF-β1的表达,维护ECM的动态平衡,延缓或避免对肾脏的损伤。  相似文献   

本文报道31例经手术及病理证实的肾盂输尿管肿瘤超声诊断结果。其中肾盂癌21例,输尿管癌10例。超声漏诊1例,误诊4例。诊断符合率83.33%。肾盂癌声像图为集合系统内低回声肿块,近50%伴肾积水。输尿管癌声像图为病侧肾及肿瘤以上部输尿管积水。超声能检出2cm以上肾盂癌,1cm以上输尿管癌。还能发现区域淋巴结及远处转移。对肿瘤浸润也能了解。超声对小于1cm的癌肿难以检出。肾盂癌需与肾结核、肾盂内血块及肾实质癌侵犯肾盂相鉴别。影像学技术的联合应用有助于正确诊断肾盂输尿管肿瘤。  相似文献   

本文就姜黄素对运动性肾脏裂孔隔膜损伤的保护作用及机制进行了研究。44只7周龄SPF级SD大鼠随机分为3组:对照组(C),过度训练组(OT)和姜黄素+过度训练组(COT)。实验中OT组、COT组大鼠进行6周递增负荷跑台训练。训练期间COT组以200 mg/kg/d、5 m L/kg姜黄素进行干预,其他组给予等体积1%的羧甲基纤维素纳灌胃。末次训练后24 h,光镜观察肾脏组织病理学改变;检测尿液、血液及肾脏组织相关生化指标。结果显示,6周跑台运动后,C组大鼠肾脏组织结构正常,OT、COT组大鼠肾脏均发生病理学改变,COT组较OT组有所缓解。肾小管Paller评分,OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组显著低于OT组(P<0.05)。尿蛋白(TP),OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组低于OT组,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。微量白蛋白(m Alb),OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT低于OT组,但无显著性差异(P>0.05)。血清睾酮(T),OT组低于C组(P<0.01),COT组显著高于OT组(P<0.01)。血清皮质酮(C),OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组显著低于OT组(P<0.01)。组间T/C比值变化趋势与T变化相一致。血清肌酐(SCr)、尿素氮(BUN),OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组显著低于OT组(P<0.01)。肾脏Nephrin蛋白表达,OT组显著低于C组(P<0.01),COT组较OT组明显升高(P<0.05)。肾脏NF-κB p65蛋白表达,OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组较OT组显著降低(P<0.05)。肾脏TNF-α,OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组较OT组明显降低(P<0.05)。肾脏AngⅡ,OT组显著高于C组(P<0.01),COT组显著低于OT组(P<0.05)。从而说明6周的大强度跑台训练导致大鼠出现过度训练及运动性肾脏裂孔隔膜损伤。姜黄素通过抑制NF-κB的表达,减少TNF-α产生,降低RAS活性,缓解Nephrin的表达下调,有效地预防过度训练的发生与发展,进而保护大鼠肾脏裂孔隔膜结构与功能的正常。  相似文献   

目的:探讨超声诊断持续性右脐静脉(PRUV)合并畸形的价值及其对于胎儿预后意义研究。方法:收集我院2014年1月至2020年1月定期产检的孕妇6258例。对所有胎儿行超声心动图产前评估,对发现存在PRUV的胎儿进一步确诊。对所有PRUV病例进行胎儿超声心动图详细的解剖扫描,以确定是否合并有其他畸形。在我院分娩的孕妇病例系统均详细记录有孕妇和胎儿的住院情况。对未在我院分娩的PRUV胎儿进行电话随访,以了解胎儿出生时的情况。对26例PRUV胎儿均进行了至少为期12个月的电话随访,以了解胎儿的预后情况。结果:PRUV超声表现为脐静脉向胆囊外侧和右侧走行,可能与向胃方向走行的右门静脉融合(肝内型),也可能流入右心房、下腔静脉心下部分或髂静脉(肝外型)。在肝内型变异中,脐静脉与右门静脉在静脉窦处融合,胎盘血液继续流入静脉导管,最终流入下腔静脉。在6258例定期产检孕妇中共发现26例患有PRUV的胎儿,PRUV发生率为0.42%(26/6258),其中肝内型为0.39%(24/6258),肝外型为0.03%(2/6258)。单纯型PRUV胎儿(除PRUV外不合并其他畸形)16例,占61.54%(16/26),其中1例因胎儿体重过大行剖腹产,产后胎儿健康;其余胎儿均自然分娩,产后胎儿健康。非单纯型PRUV胎儿(除PRUV外合并其他畸形)10例,占38.46%(10/26),其中8例为肝内型PRUV,2例为肝外型PRUV。8例非单纯型肝内型PRUV中,法洛四联症伴单脐动脉胎儿生后手术治疗,预后较差,1岁时因感染性心内膜炎死亡;房间隔缺损生后随访自行关闭,胎儿健康;其余胎儿生后手术治疗,预后良好。2例非单纯型肝外型PRUV分别合并肢端畸形和大动脉转位,1例宫内死亡,1例剖腹产后1周因心力衰竭死亡。结论:详细的产前超声检查可用于确诊PRUV及其可能合并畸形。单纯型PRUV胎儿预后良好,非单纯型PRUV胎儿预后则取决于伴随畸形的类型和严重程度,且非单纯型肝外型PRUV预后不佳、死亡率较高。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the morbidity and mortality associated with a prenatal diagnosis of bilateral fetal uropathy. DESIGN--Retrospective study. SETTING--Departments of radiology, paediatric surgery, obstetrics, and pathology in two teaching hospitals that serve as referral centres for the Yorkshire region. PATIENTS--126 Cases of fetal uropathy were referred either prenatally or postnatally from hospitals in Yorkshire between August 1982 and December 1987. The disease was bilateral in 54 cases and unilateral in 72 cases. In 14 cases bilateral fetal uropathy was associated with coexistent disease. INTERVENTIONS--All cases were managed individually by an obstetrician after discussion with the radiologists and paediatric surgeons. Babies who survived were treated prophylactically with antibiotics after delivery and were operated on if appropriate. END POINT--Assessment of prognosis for long term renal function for each baby referred between August 1982 and December 1987: follow up ranged from six months to five years. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--Of the 54 fetuses with bilateral fetal uropathy, 13 were terminated as the prenatal findings of ultrasonography were considered to be incompatible with long term survival. Ten of the liveborn babies died, five of renal or pulmonary insufficiency, or both, and five of associated congenital anomalies. Thirty one infants survived to follow up; four of these had serious coexistent disease and two had impaired renal function. Thus the overall mortality was 43% and the morbidity rate 19%. The renal anomaly was associated with other serious disease in 14 cases (26%) compared with two (3%) of the 72 cases of unilateral fetal uropathy. All but two of the 27 infants with isolated bilateral urinary tract disease had excellent prospects for survival. CONCLUSION--Although bilateral fetal uropathy is associated with a high morbidity rate and mortality, careful prenatal assessment can help to identify fetuses with a poor prognosis. The outlook for a fetus with isolated renal disease if treated promptly after delivery is excellent and compares favourably with that reported after prenatal surgical intervention.  相似文献   

Chorioamnionitis is an antecedent of preterm birth. We aimed to determine the effect of experimental chorioamnionitis in fetal sheep during late gestation on 1) nephron number, 2) renal corpuscle volume, and 3) renal inflammation. We hypothesized that exposure to chorioamnionitis would lead to inflammation in fetal kidneys and adversely impact on the development of nephrons, leading to a reduction in nephron number. At ~121 days of gestation (term ~147 days), pregnant ewes bearing twin or singleton fetuses received a single intra-amniotic injection of lipopolysaccharide (n = 6; 3 singletons, 3 twins); controls were either untreated or received an intra-amniotic injection of saline (n = 8; 4 singletons, 4 twins). One twin was used from each twin-bearing ewe. At ~128 days of gestation, fetuses were delivered via Caesarean section. Kidneys were collected and stereologically analyzed to determine nephron number and renal corpuscle volume. Renal inflammation was assessed using immunohistochemistry. Experimental chorioamnionitis did not affect body weight or relative kidney weight. There was a significant reduction in nephron number but no change in renal corpuscle volume in LPS-exposed fetuses relative to controls. On average, nephron number was significantly reduced by 23 and 18% in singleton and twin LPS-exposed fetuses, respectively. The degree of renal inflammation did not differ between groups. Importantly, this study demonstrates that exposure to experimental chorioamnionitis adversely impacts on nephron number in the developing fetus.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To assess the value of antenatal diagnosis of abnormalities of the urinary tract on ultrasonography. DESIGN--Retrospective study. SETTING--Two obstetric units in Glasgow. SUBJECTS--62 Fetuses in which renal abnormalities were diagnosed on antenatal ultrasonography. INTERVENTIONS--Six fetuses had their bladders aspirated to determine renal function. Fifteen pregnancies were terminated on the basis of the findings on antenatal ultrasonography, and if possible necropsy was performed on the fetuses. In babies who were born alive the final diagnosis was made by postnatal ultrasonography, intravenous urography, radionuclide scanning, cystography, and, in those who died in the early neonatal period, necropsy. Neonates who were referred with a known obstructed kidney had nephrostomy or pyeloplasty. END POINT--Assessment of the value of antenatal diagnosis of renal abnormalities on ultrasonography for babies who had no clinical evidence of disease postnatally. MAIN RESULTS--Eighteen fetuses did not survive birth; the antenatal diagnosis was accurate in all 18. Of the 44 babies born alive, five had normal urinary tracts, in two of whom antenatal ultrasonography had probably indicated a false positive diagnosis. Fourteen babies died during the early neonatal period. Twenty five babies with renal abnormalities were followed up; the antenatal diagnosis was inaccurate for 10 of them, the commonest misdiagnosis being hydronephrosis for multicystic kidney and vice versa, and there was one false positive diagnosis. The initial clinical findings in 14 babies would have led to the early detection of a urological abnormality. In the 30 babies with no clinical evidence of disease the antenatal diagnosis was of definite value in eight, probable value in 15, and marginal value in seven. Overall, an accurate antenatal diagnosis was made in 46 of the 62 cases (74%); in 12 cases renal disease was detected but its specific nature was not determined; and in four cases the diagnosis was misleading. CONCLUSIONS--The overall value of antenatal diagnosis is that it indicates early termination of fetuses with fatal renal disease, prepares parents and medical staff for the likelihood of serious neonatal problems, and shows abnormalities of the urinary tract that may not be detected postnatally.  相似文献   

The effects of subnutrition on the caprine fetus and the other products of pregnancy were investigated in does. Two groups of does were fed on rations calculated to provide 100 and 25% of their energy and protein requirements for maintenance from 19 days before mating until 60 days after mating. Estrus was synchronized in does using PGF(2x). Approximately 60 days after natural mating, pregnant does were slaughtered, and the products of pregnancy were measured. Fetuses from the feed-restricted group were significantly lighter (P<0.05), had shorter crown-rump length (P<0.05), and the uterus contained a smaller volume of fetal fluids (P<0.02). Curved crown-rump length tended to be shorter and fetal placental membranes and cotyledons tended to be lighter (P<0.1) in the feed-restricted group. No significant difference was found between the 2 groups in the head length, number of placentomes, and weight of empty uterus. The number of fetuses affected the number of placentomes (P<0.001), weight of empty uterus (P<0.001), mass of total fetal fluids (P<0.001) and weight of ovaries (P<0.05), but not fetal measurements. Gestation length was found to significantly (P<0.001) affect all the fetal measurements but none of the placental measurements except for the total weight of cotyledons (p<0.001). The results of the study demonstrated detrimental effects of underfeeding on the caprine fetus and placenta.  相似文献   

Maternal infusion of dexamethasone for 48 h early in gestation results in upregulation of mRNA for mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid (MR and GR) receptors and angiotensin II receptors in ovine fetal kidneys late in gestation. This study sought to determine whether dexamethasone exposure results in changes in renal function and blood pressure responsiveness to infused cortisol or aldosterone in the late-gestation fetus. Merino ewes carrying single fetuses were infused with isotonic saline (Sal; n = 9) or dexamethasone (Dex, 0.48 mg/h; n = 10) for 48 h between days 26 and 28 of gestation (term = 150 days). At 115-122 days, renal function and blood pressure were measured in fetuses during a 4-h infusion of saline, cortisol (100 microg/h), or aldosterone (5 microg/h). Infusions were given in random order at least 2 days apart. Basal blood pressure and renal function were similar in Sal and Dex groups and did not change over the course of saline infusion. Cortisol infusion caused similar increases in blood pressure, urine flow, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the groups. Aldosterone infusion caused a significantly different GFR response between the groups [P(treatment x time) < 0.05], but increase in K excretion and decrease in Na-to-K ratio were similar in the groups. The similar results obtained with cortisol and aldosterone infusion suggest no increased renal functional maturity to those hormones after early prenatal dexamethasone exposure. This suggests that changes in mRNA for MR and GR in kidneys of dexamethasone-exposed fetuses do not result in functional differences and highlights the renin-angiotensin system, as reported previously, as more important in this model.  相似文献   

In the adult animal, ANG-(1-7) may counterbalance some effects of ANG II. Its effects in the fetus are unknown. Basal ANG-(1-7), ANG I, ANG II, and renin concentrations were measured in plasma from ovine fetuses and their mothers (n = 10) at 111 days of gestation. In the fetus, concentrations of ANG I, ANG-(1-7), and ANG II were 86 +/- 21, 13 +/- 2, and 14 +/- 2 fmol/ml, respectively. In the ewe, concentrations of ANG I were significantly lower (20 +/- 4 fmol/ml, P < 0.05) as were concentrations of ANG-(1-7) (2.9 +/- 0.6 fmol/ml), whereas ANG II concentrations were not different (10 +/- 1 fmol/ml). Plasma renin concentrations were higher in the fetus (4.8 +/- 1.1 pmol ANG I x ml(-1) x h(-1)) than in the ewe (0.9 +/- 0.2 pmol x ml(-1) x h(-1), P < 0.05). Infusion of ANG-(1-7) (approximately 9 microg/h) for a 3-day period caused a significant increase in plasma concentrations of ANG-(1-7) reaching a maximum of 448 +/- 146 fmol/ml on day 3 of infusion. Plasma levels of ANG I and II as well as renin were unchanged by the infusion. Urine flow rate, glomerular filtration rate, and fetal arterial blood pressure did not change and were not different than values in fetuses receiving a saline infusion for 3 days (n = 5). However, the osmolality of amniotic and allantoic fluid was significantly higher in fetuses that received ANG-(1-7). Also, compared with the saline-infused animals, mRNA expression levels of renin, the AT(1) receptor, and AT(2) receptor were elevated in kidneys of fetuses that received infusions of ANG-(1-7). Infusion of an ANG-(1-7) antagonist ([D-Ala(7)]-ANG-(1-7), 20 microg/h) for 3 days had no effect on fetal blood pressure or renal function. In conclusion, although infusion of ANG-(1-7) did not affect fetal urine flow rate, glomerular filtration rate, or blood pressure, changes in fetal fluids and gene expression indicate that ANG-(1-7) may play a role in the fetal kidney.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to describe the changes of uterine artery, umbilical artery and fetal abdominal aorta, renal and internal carotid arteries blood flow in abnormal canine pregnancy. Twenty-two, Brucella-negative pregnant bitches were retrospectively classified into abnormal (which had either interrupted their pregnancy between days 52 and 60 or had perinatal death >60% of the litter; n=11) and normal (which had delivered healthy puppies at term; n=11). In all the animals, color and pulsed-wave Doppler examinations of uterine artery were conducted every 10 days from Day 20 to 50 from estimated luteinizing hormone peak. Doppler ultrasonography was also conducted in the fetuses to assess umbilical artery, abdominal aorta, renal and internal carotid arteries from Day 40 to 60 of gestation. Throughout the study, resistance index (RI) of uterine, umbilical and fetal renal arteries decreased up to -15% compared to -36% (P<0.01), -11% compared to -23% (P<0.05) and 2% compared to -13% (P<0.05), respectively in the abnormal and normal bitches. Fetal abdominal aorta and internal carotid did not differ between groups (P>0.05). It is concluded that in dogs, uterine artery, umbilical artery and fetal renal artery RI differ between normal and abnormal gestation being useful for the prediction of adverse obstetric outcome.  相似文献   

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