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肺炎支原体感染可引发非典型肺炎和多种上呼吸道疾病。其致病过程主要由表面黏附蛋白介导完成。本文综述了肺炎支原体表面黏附蛋白的研究进展。  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae,Mhp)是猪支原体肺炎(Porcine enzootic pneumonia,PEP)的病原体。由于难以建立基因操作平台,也没有成熟的动物模型,这为Mhp致病机制研究增加了极大的困难。但支原体学家仍然在Mhp与宿主互作方面取得了一定进展。文中从Mhp对宿主细胞的黏附、损伤、刺激宿主产生的炎症反应和免疫反应4个方面进行了综述,并对今后Mhp致病机理研究方向进行了展望,以期为后续的Mhp与宿主互作研究提供借鉴,为有效疫苗和药物开发提供理论依据。  相似文献   

P1蛋白是肺炎支原体的一种与黏附有关的跨膜蛋白,它只有正确定位于肺炎支原体顶端结构才能介导其黏附作用;P1蛋白结构基因的多态性是构成肺炎支原体抗原多态性的基础;P1蛋白本身也是一种重要的免疫原,可刺激机体产生强烈的免疫应答。因此,探讨P1蛋白基因结构与功能将有助于肺炎支原体的致病机制及其感染的诊断和预防等方面的研究。  相似文献   

猪支原体肺炎(Mycoplasmal pneumoniae of swine,MPS)是由猪肺炎支原体(Mycoplasma hyopneumonia,Mhp)引起的一种慢性呼吸道传染病,该病给养猪业造成了巨大的经济损失。疫苗接种是目前减轻或预防由猪肺炎支原体感染引发经济损失的主要手段。对猪支原体肺炎基因工程疫苗近年来的研究进展进行综述,主要包括黏附因子相关疫苗、核苷酸还原酶相关疫苗、DNA疫苗、表达文库疫苗和肽疫苗等,最后对基因工程疫苗研究工作的继续开展提供了建议。  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体的培养和保存张顺凤(浙江农技师专)刘奎(宁波市医科所)猪肺炎支原体的培养支原体是一种微小原核生物,无细胞壁,可在人工培养基上生长,形成小苗落。引起猪气喘病的病原体──猪肺炎支原体,因生长速度慢、要求培养条件苛刻而难以培养,对防治猪气喘病的...  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体是引起猪支原体肺炎的病原。由于缺乏成熟的猪肺炎支原体感染动物模型,使得猪肺炎支原体相关的抗感染免疫研究进展较为缓慢。本文从猪肺炎支原体感染后的炎症反应、固有免疫系统对猪肺炎支原体的识别、固有免疫细胞的作用、补体系统、抗菌肽、自噬以及细胞凋亡7个方面进行综述,旨在阐明固有免疫系统各组分在猪肺炎支原体感染中发挥的作用的研究进展,并对今后猪肺炎支原体感染的固有免疫应答研究的重点方向进行展望。  相似文献   

肺炎支原体(MP)是引起呼吸系统感染常见的病原微生物,P1蛋白是肺炎支原体上一种与黏附相关的跨膜蛋白,其黏附作用是引发炎症作用的重要原因.目前新发现的一种被称为孤立岛3的P1变异体引起了各学者的广泛关注.另外,还可以利用P1蛋白进行MP感染的实验室诊断.因此,探讨P1蛋白基因结构、致病机制和实验室诊断方法具有重要意义.  相似文献   

【背景】猪肺炎支原体是猪的一种重要的病原。该菌的研究工具较少,特别是缺少开展其致病机制研究需要的抗体。【目的】制备猪肺炎支原体Mhp366-N蛋白抗体并确定其应用范围和使用时的最佳稀释倍数。【方法】Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pET28a(+)-mhp366-N重组菌诱导表达Mhp366-N蛋白并纯化。纯化的蛋白免疫小鼠制备多克隆抗体。用免疫印迹和免疫荧光方法检测猪肺炎支原体AH株感染3D4/21细胞后的Mhp366蛋白,确定2种方法中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳稀释倍数;之后检测临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞中的猪肺炎支原体;最后以免疫组化试验检测猪肺炎支原体感染的肺细胞。【结果】纯化的Mhp366-N蛋白纯度超过85%,免疫小鼠制备的抗血清效价在1:128 000-1:512 000之间。在免疫印迹试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的最佳工作浓度为1:100 000稀释,免疫荧光试验中Mhp366-N多克隆抗体的工作浓度范围在1:1 000-1:10 000 000,其可用于临床采集的猪肺泡巨噬细胞和细胞系中猪肺炎支原体的检测。免疫组化试验结果显示猪肺炎支原体能够进入猪肺泡巨噬细胞、Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞。【结论】制备的Mhp366-N多克隆抗体为猪肺炎支原体致病机制研究提供了良好的研究工具。  相似文献   

PCR技术检测猪肺炎支原体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪肺炎支原体(Mycopiasma hyopneumoniae)是引起猪支原体肺炎的重要病原,该病常引起继发感染和混合感染,严重威胁养猪业发展,造成巨大的经济损失.利用PCR技术对猪支原体肺炎早期正确诊断具有非常重要的意义.从猪肺炎支原体的特异性靶基因、临床样品采集方法与样品DNA处理方法、关键技术因素及普通PCR技术、多重PCR技术、套式PCR技术、荧光定量PCR技术、芯片检测和环介导等温扩增技术等在猪肺炎支原体检测中的研究进展、主要优缺点及应用进行综述.  相似文献   

猪呼吸道支原体溶血和产生过氧化氢活性测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用红细胞美蓝着色试验和血琼脂覆盖技术测定猪呼吸道支原体产生过氧化氢和溶血活性,发现猪肺炎支原体(M.Hyopncumoniae)定型菌种 NCTC 10110以及J、201等晶系和我国分离的血清学上证实为同种的13株均产生过氧化氢,具有溶血活性。对于测定技术、影响因素和猪肺炎支原体的致病因子进进了讨论。  相似文献   

Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is the causative pathogen of porcine enzootic pneumonia, an economically significant disease that disrupts the mucociliary escalator in the swine respiratory tract. Expression of Mhp107, a P97 paralog encoded by the gene mhp107, was confirmed using ESI-MS/MS. To investigate the function of Mhp107, three recombinant proteins, F1(Mhp107), F2(Mhp107), and F3(Mhp107), spanning the N-terminal, central, and C-terminal regions of Mhp107 were constructed. Colonization of swine by M. hyopneumoniae requires adherence of the bacterium to ciliated cells of the respiratory tract. Recent studies have identified a number of M. hyopneumoniae adhesins that bind heparin, fibronectin, and plasminogen. F1(Mhp107) was found to bind porcine heparin (K(D) ~90 nM) in a dose-dependent and saturable manner, whereas F3(Mhp107) bound fibronectin (K(D) ~180 nM) at physiologically relevant concentrations. F1(Mhp107) also bound porcine plasminogen (K(D) = 24 nM) in a dose-dependent and physiologically relevant manner. Microspheres coated with F3(Mhp107) mediate adherence to porcine kidney epithelial-like (PK15) cells, and all three recombinant proteins (F1(Mhp107)-F3(Mhp107)) bound swine respiratory cilia. Together, these findings indicate that Mhp107 is a member of the multifunctional M. hyopneumoniae adhesin family of surface proteins and contributes to both adherence to the host and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

【目的】构建表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,对重组菌株的生物学特性以及对小鼠的免疫原性进行研究。【方法】分别将猪肺炎支原体的免疫原性基因p36、p46、p65和p97R1-Nrdf克隆到pYA3493,得到重组质粒pYA-36、pYA-46、pYA-65和pYA-97R1-Nrdf。重组质粒和空质粒pYA3493分别电转asd基因缺失株C500ˉ,获得重组菌株C36(pYA-36)、C46(pYA-46)、C65(pYA-65)、C97R1-Nrdf(pYA-97R1-Nrdf)和空质粒菌株CpYA(pYA3493)。研究重组菌株的生物学特性,并以小鼠为动物模型评价重组菌株在口服、肌注两种不同免疫途径下的免疫原性。【结果】成功构建表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,重组菌株能表达外源蛋白,生化和生长特性未发生改变,插入的外源基因亦稳定存在。小鼠的免疫原性结果显示:口服C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组的猪肺炎支原体抗体极显著高于口服C36+C46+C65组和肌注商品疫苗组(P<0.01),但与肌注C36+C46+C65组无显著性差异(P>0.05);IFN-γ为肌注C36+C46+C65组显著高于肌注商品疫苗组(P<0.05),而与口服C36+C46+C65或C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组差异均不显著(P>0.05);IL-4水平为口服C36+C46+C65组>口服C36+C46+C65+C97R1-Nrdf组>肌注商品疫苗组>肌注C36+C46+C65组,但各组之间差异均不显著(P>0.05)。对照组的猪肺炎支原体抗体、IFN-γ以及IL-4均与试验组差异极显著(P<0.01)。【结论】构建的表达猪肺炎支原体免疫原性基因的重组猪霍乱沙门氏菌,采用肌注免疫时具有较好的免疫原性,有望发展为猪肺炎支原体的基因工程疫苗。  相似文献   

Aims:  Adherence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae to the ciliated epithelial cells of the porcine respiratory tract is considered an important first step in the pathogenesis of enzootic pneumonia. It was the aim of this study to verify the usefulness of in vitro adhesion as a virulence marker.
Methods and Results:  Adherence capacity to immobilized cilia from porcine tracheal epithelial cells of three low, two moderately and two highly virulent M. hyopneumoniae field isolates was determined by a microtitre plate adherence assay.
Conclusions:  No significant differences between the isolates were demonstrated.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results suggest that mechanisms other than adherence might be responsible for the observed differences in virulence of these field isolates or that the in vitro assay does not adequately reproduce in vivo adherence conditions.  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) composed of extensive tandem iterations of a single nucleotide or a short oligonucleotide are rare in most bacterial genomes, but they are common among Mycoplasma. Some of these repeats act as contingency loci in association with families of surface antigens. By contraction or expansion during replication, these SSRs increase genetic variance of the population and facilitate avoidance of the immune response of the host. Occurrence and distribution of SSRs are analyzed in complete genomes of 11 Mycoplasma and 3 related Mollicutes in order to gain insights into functional and evolutionary diversity of the SSRs in Mycoplasma. The results revealed an unexpected variety of SSRs with respect to their distribution and composition and suggest that it is unlikely that all SSRs function as contingency loci or recombination hot spots. Various types of SSRs are most abundant in Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, whereas Mycoplasma penetrans, Mycoplasma mobile, and Mycoplasma synoviae do not contain unusually long SSRs. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Mycoplasma pulmonis feature abundant short adenine and thymine runs periodically spaced at 11 and 12 bp, respectively, which likely affect the supercoiling propensities of the DNA molecule. Physiological roles of long adenine and thymine runs in M. hyopneumoniae appear independent of location upstream or downstream of genes, unlike contingency loci that are typically located in protein-coding regions or upstream regulatory regions. Comparisons among 3 M. hyopneumoniae strains suggest that the adenine and thymine runs are rarely involved in genome rearrangements. The results indicate that the SSRs in the Mycoplasma genomes play diverse roles, including modulating gene expression as contingency loci, facilitating genome rearrangements via recombination, affecting protein structure and possibly protein-protein interactions, and contributing to the organization of the DNA molecule in the cell.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR技术是一种利用荧光检测方法来定量核酸的技术,具有高度的灵敏性、特异性和精确性.综述了荧光定量PCR技术的基本原理及其在猪肺炎支原体检测中的应用.  相似文献   

猪肺炎支原体膜上ATP酶为Mg~(2+)激活,乌巴因不抑制。DCCD和寡霉素对该酶也无抑制作用,只有NBD与Quercetin才有一定的抑制效果。用梯度凝胶电泳可获均一的具有活性的酶蛋白带。  相似文献   

Abstract Cytadherence and subsequent parasitism of host cells by the human pathogens, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma genitalium , are mediated by adhesins and adherence-related accessory proteins. In this report we demonstrate the use of transposon Tn 4001 to generate Tn-induced transformants displaying cytadherence-deficient characteristics. Mycoplasma pneumoniae Tn-generated transformant, designated 8R, lacked the high-molecular weight adherence-accessory proteins HMW1/4 and was deficient in hemadsorption and cytadherence capabilities. In transformant 8R, Tn 4001 was not localized in or near the hmw 1 gene or in the upstream adhesin (p30/hmw3) locus, suggesting an alternate site associated with the regulation of hmw 1 gene expression. Sequence analysis identified the transposon insertion site at the crl locus previously reported, although the protein characteristics of transformant 8R differed from the earlier described transformants. The M. genitalium Tn-transformant, designated G26, was also defective in hemadsorption and cytadherence. However, transformant G26 synthesized adhesins P140 and P32 suggesting that Tn 4001 transposed into a new gene or site previously unlinked to cytadherence, namely ORF MG032. This study demonstrates the utility of Tn 4001 mutagenesis for both M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium which, in the latter case, has special relevance in light of the recent complete characterization of its continuous total genomic sequence.  相似文献   

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