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小鼠胚胎干细胞的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:建立小鼠胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cells,ES)的培养方法。方法:制备G418抗性的原代小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞,经丝裂霉素C处理后成滋养层细胞,将小鼠胚胎干细胞复苏后,应用含白血病抑制因子的ES细胞培养液,培养小鼠ES细胞,观察集落的生长情况,并在光镜下观察细胞形态。结果:小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞生长良好,ES细胞呈克隆状生长,且保持未分化状态。结论:建立了小鼠胚胎干细胞培养的有效方法,为下一步基因打靶奠定基础。  相似文献   

基因打靶技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因打靶技术是20世纪80年代发展起来的新技术,是一种利用DNA同源重组原理和胚胎干细胞(ES细胞)技术按定向组合的方式改变生物活体遗传信息的试验手段,具有广阔的应用前景。对基因打靶技术原理、步骤、条件性基因打靶以及应用进行综述。  相似文献   

BALB/c小鼠胚胎干细胞系的建立及其嵌合体小鼠的获得   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
目的:建立BALB/c小鼠胚胎干细胞系,并用于制作嵌合体小鼠。方法:从BALB/c小鼠囊胚内分离培养内细胞团块。建系后,进行C57BL/6L小鼠受体囊胚腔注射,制作嵌合体小鼠,结果:建立了我国第一株BALB/c小鼠胚胎干细胞系,该细胞系具有典型的ES细胞形态,碱性磷酸酶强阳性,核型正常以及具有分化为三种胚层组织的能力,并已产生5只嵌合体小鼠,结论:建立的BALB/c小鼠胚胎干细胞系具有胚胎干细胞的各种特点,可用于体内外诱导分化研究,在进一步观察生殖系嵌合情况后,决定是否可应用于基因打靶等转基因动物的制作。  相似文献   

目的 体外建立人胚胎干细胞传代培养方法,研究人胚胎干细胞细胞化学染色特性.方法 以小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞作为饲养层传代培养人胚胎干细胞,检测人胚胎干细胞、自发分化克隆及拟胚体的细胞化学染色特性.结果 人胚胎干细胞在小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞饲养层上传30代以上其形态保持不变;人胚胎十细胞碱性磷酸酶、过碘酸-雪夫反应、α-醋酸萘酚酯酶染色阳性,自发分化克隆细胞阳性程度明显减弱;人胚胎干细胞形成的拟胚体碱性磷酸酶染色弱阳性,过碘酸-雪夫反应、α-醋酸萘酚酯酶染色阳性.结论 小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞能支持人胚胎干细胞传代培养,细胞化学染色结果能初步鉴别人胚胎干细胞未分化特性.  相似文献   

体细胞基因打靶-核移植技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因效率与外源基因表达水平低的现状一直是制约动物生物反应器研究与产业化的主要技术瓶颈。体细胞克隆动物的成功和胚胎干细胞基因打靶技术的逐步完善使得体细胞基因打靶与核移植技术的结合使用成为可能,这就为生产遗传修饰家畜提供了一种新的手段,为动物生物反应器的成功研制提供了新的技术途径。从体细胞基因打靶的载体设计、转染系统的建立、中靶细胞的筛选和鉴定以及培养体细胞寿命等方面阐述了体细胞基因打靶—核移植技术体系的最新研究进展,并对其在异种器官移植、建立动物疾病模型、提高家畜生长性能以及生产药用蛋白等各个领域中的应用前景作了展望 。  相似文献   

基因敲除小鼠技术的建立和发展使得人们为研究基因的功能和寻找新的治疗人类疾病的靶点提供了强有力的支持。基因打靶和基因捕获是两种通过胚胎干细胞(Embryonicstemcell,ESC)构建基因敲除小鼠的技术。基因打靶通过同源重组替换内源基因从而敲除目的基因,而基因捕获则有启动子捕获和polyA捕获两种方法对目的基因进行敲除。近年来,有许多新的基因敲除技术不断被开发出来,包括Cre/loxP系统、CRISP/Cas9系统以及最新的ZFN技术和TAILEN技术,都有望取代传统基因敲除手段。文中简要阐述了如今新出现的几种基因敲除小鼠技术。  相似文献   

多能性干细胞是一类具有体外无限自我复制和分化为体内多种细胞类型能力的多潜能细胞,是研究基因功能、建立疾病模型和促进再生医学领域发展的一种重要工具。自1981年小鼠胚胎干细胞建立以来,科学家们已经先后成功地建立了灵长类、人、大鼠的胚胎干细胞和小鼠、大鼠的上胚层干细胞等。但是,目前研究表明,维持人、灵长类胚胎干细胞的多能性信号通路与维持小鼠、大鼠胚胎干细胞的截然不同,而与维持小鼠、大鼠上胚层干细胞的信号通路比较类似。因此,该文对目前研究较多的维持小鼠胚胎干细胞、人胚胎干细胞和小鼠上胚层干细胞的多能性信号通路进行了综述,希望能够对其它物种的多能性干细胞研究提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

动物基因敲除研究的现状与展望   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
李湘萍  徐慰倬  李宁 《遗传》2003,25(1):81-88
基因打靶技术是建立在胚胎干细胞和同源重组技术之上,可对基因组进行定位修饰的实验方法,尤其可以在转基因动物的遗传性状修饰中起到巨大的作用。本文简述了转基因、体细胞克隆和基因打靶的研究历史,以及这些技术对转基因动物制备的影响和展望。  相似文献   

目的 为观察线粒体钾通道在缺血再灌注(I/R)心肌损伤中的作用,探讨其和心衰的关系,制备基因敲除小鼠模型以探讨钾通道单分子作用.方法 用BAC载体制备同源重组载体,对129小鼠胚胎干细胞(ES)打靶筛选后,显微注射至C57 BL/6J小鼠囊胚获得嵌合小鼠.经尾基因组DNA PCR鉴定和测序,鉴别杂合子小鼠.结果 在40只灰色小鼠中初步鉴定出Kcna3+/-基因型F1小鼠8只.结论 在国内首先用ES同源重组基因打靶方法,成功育成Kcna3基因敲除鼠杂合子,为下一步获得纯合子鼠奠定了基础.对进一步用钾离子通道病模型研究心肌保护病理生理机制和药物筛选具重要意义.  相似文献   

近年来,通过培养小鼠精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)获得了胚胎干细胞样细胞(,embryonic stem cell-like cells,ES样细胞).这些研究表明小鼠精原干细胞不仅具备特异分化为精子的干细胞潜能,而且具备胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ES)分化为三胚层的多向分化潜能.因此.这将有助于研究干细胞的分化调控机制,并且这些研究成果延伸至人类精原干细胞,也将为再生医学获取特殊的胚胎干细胞样细胞或特异分化的精子细胞开辟了蹊径.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells has been employed to investigate the role of the retinoid receptors and binding proteins both in the mouse as well as in embryocarcinoma cells. It is a powerful technique for the modification of the mouse genome. With more recent refinements in gene targeting technology, it is now possible to introduce more subtle mutations in the murine genome, as well as to investigate gene function in a tissue and temporally-restricted manner. It should also be possible to modify genes in diverse diploid cell lines, to generate diverse model systems for analysis of retinoid receptor function. In this article, some of the basic principles for gene targeting are described.  相似文献   

After the successful completion of the human genome project (HGP), biological research in the postgenome era urgently needs an efficient approach for functional analysis of genes. Utilization of knockout mouse models has been powerful for elucidating the function of genes as well as finding new therapeutic interventions for human diseases. Gene trapping and gene targeting are two independent techniques for making knockout mice from embryonic stem (ES) cells. Gene trapping is high‐throughput, random, and sequence‐tagged while gene targeting enables the knockout of specific genes. It has been about 20 years since the first gene targeting and gene trapping mice were generated. In recent years, new tools have emerged for both gene targeting and gene trapping, and organizations have been formed to knock out genes in the mouse genome using either of the two methods. The knockout mouse project (KOMP) and the international gene trap consortium (IGTC) were initiated to create convenient resources for scientific research worldwide and knock out all the mouse genes. Organizers of KOMP regard it as important as the HGP. Gene targeting methods have changed from conventional gene targeting to high‐throughput conditional gene targeting. The combined advantages of trapping and targeting elements are improving the gene trapping spectrum and gene targeting efficiency. As a newly‐developed insertional mutation system, transposons have some advantages over retrovirus in trapping genes. Emergence of the international knockout mouse consortium (IKMP) is the beginning of a global collaboration to systematically knock out all the genes in the mouse genome for functional genomic research. genesis 48:73–85, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells generally includes the analysis of numerous colonies to identify a few with mutations resulting from homologous recombination with a targeting vector. Thus, simple and efficient screening methods are needed to identify targeted clones. Optimal screening approaches require probes from outside of the region included in the targeting vector to avoid detection of the more common random insertions. However, the use of large genomic fragments in targeting vectors can limit the availability of cloned DNA, thus necessitating a strategy to obtain unique flanking sequences. We describe a rapid method to identify sequences adjacent to cloned DNA using long-range polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification from a genomic DNA library, followed by direct nucleotide sequencing of the amplified fragment. We have used this technique in two independent gene targeting experiments to obtain genomic DNA sequences flanking the mouse cholecystokinin (CCK) and gastrin genes. The sequences were then used to design primers to characterize ES cell lines with CCK or gastrin targeted gene mutations, employing a second long-range PCR approach. Our results show that these two long-range PCR methods are generally useful to rapidly and accurately characterize allele structures in ES cells  相似文献   

Gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells is a fundamental methodology for generating mice with precise genetic modifications. Although there are many complex gene targeting strategies for creating a variety of diverse mutations in mice, most investigators initially choose to generate a null allele. Here we provide a guide for the novice to generate a null allele for a protein coding gene using a fundamental gene targeting strategy. Ultimately, a well considered gene targeting strategy saves significant amounts of time, money, and research animal lives. The straightforward strategy presented here bypasses many of the pitfalls associated with gene knockouts generated by novices. This guide also serves as a foundation for subsequently designing more complex gene targeting strategies.  相似文献   

利用Red重组系统快速构建基因打靶载体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基因敲除小鼠模型是在哺乳动物体内研究基因功能最可靠的方法之一。利用常规的分子克隆的方法构建基因打靶载体往往工作周期长,对于难度特别大的基因有时甚至无法完成打靶载体的构建。通过合理应用Red重组系统和低拷贝中间载体,利用50bp的同源重组序列直接从BAC载体中克隆了长片段的小鼠基因组序列;将得到的基因组序列再次通过重组和改造,构建了Gpr56等基因的完全敲除并带有报告基因的打靶载体,实现了打靶载体的快速构建。  相似文献   

The majority of gene-targeting experiments in mice are performed in 129Sv-derived embryonic stem (ES) cell lines, which are generally considered to be more reliable at colonizing the germ line than ES cells derived from other strains. Gene targeting is reliant on homologous recombination of a targeting vector with the host ES cell genome. The efficiency of recombination is affected by many factors, including the isogenicity (H. te Riele et al., 1992, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5128-5132) and the length of homologous sequence of the targeting vector and the location of the target locus. Here we describe the double-end sequencing and mapping of 84,507 bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) generated from AB2.2 ES cell DNA (129S7/SvEvBrd-Hprtb-m2). We have aligned these BACs against the mouse genome and displayed them on the Ensembl genome browser, DAS: 129S7/AB2.2. This library has an average insert size of 110.68 kb and average depth of genome coverage of 3.63- and 1.24-fold across the autosomes and sex chromosomes, respectively. Over 97% of the mouse genome and 99.1% of Ensembl genes are covered by clones from this library. This publicly available BAC resource can be used for the rapid construction of targeting vectors via recombineering. Furthermore, we show that targeting vectors containing DNA recombineered from this BAC library can be used to target genes efficiently in several 129-derived ES cell lines.  相似文献   

Over 1500 mouse mutants have been identified, but few of the genes responsible for the defects have been identified. Recent developments in the area of gene targeting are revolutionizing the field of mouse genetics and our understanding of numerous genes, including those thought to be involved in cell proliferation and differentiation. Gene targeting was developed as a method for producing a predetermined mutation in a specific endogenous gene. Advances in the design of targeting vectors and in the use of embryonic stem cells have permitted the production of numerous mutant mice with null mutations in specific genes. These mutant mice will be critical for investigating thein vivo functions of many genes that have been cloned in recent years. This review discusses a wide range of new developments in the field of gene targeting with a focus on issues to be considered by those planning to use this new technology. It also examines some of the lessons learned from recent gene targeting studies and discusses different applications of the technology that are likely to generate scores of new animal models for a wide range of human diseases.Abbreviations ES embryonic stem - neor neomycin resistance gene - HSV herpes simplex virus - tk thymidine kinase gene - PCR polymerase chain reaction - LIF leukemia inhibitory factor - LTP long-term potentiation - Rb retinoblastoma gene product - CF cystic fibrosis  相似文献   

Gene targeting by homologous recombination in mouse embryonic stem cells is a powerful technique to determine the physiological function of any gene product in embryonic and postnatal development and in molecular pathogenesis. Although the technique is very demanding and still in its developing stage several knockout mice carrying disrupted genes, which were once thought important for the development or molecular pathogenesis of certain tissues, have given unexpected results. A gene/function redundancy or superfluous and on-functional theory has been advanced by many investigatiors to explain the unexpected results. These surprising results may teach us a new lesson and lead to a revision of the strongly held view that highly conserved and abundantly expressed genes have a prominent role and function in cell physiology and development Additional, they may also support the notion that molecular cross-talk among the genes may play an important role in determining the minimal phenotype.  相似文献   

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