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冷杉天然林下地表主要苔藓斑块生物量及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查分析了大渡河上游藓类-冷杉天然林下5种主要地表苔藓斑块(锦丝藓、赤茎藓、大羽藓、塔藓及锦丝-大羽藓)的生物量,同时测定了各斑块相关环境因子(斑块表面气温、空气湿度、光照强度及基质湿度等)。对苔藓生物量和相关环境因子进行综合分析表明,不同苔藓斑块的生物量有差异,且不同斑块环境因子也表现出一定的差异性。对斑块生物量与环境因子进行相关分析显示,苔藓斑块生物量与环境因子之间相关性较显著,苔藓生物量特征受空气温度、空气湿度、光照强度、灌木层盖度及草本层盖度等因素影响较大。但不同环境因子对不同斑块苔藓生物量的影响水平有差异。  相似文献   

影响广东黑石顶树附生苔藓分布的环境因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对广东省黑石顶自然保护区内5个2500 m2样地内树附生苔藓的调查及有关环境因子的测定,研究了树附生苔藓的分布格局及其与环境因子的关系.树附生苔藓在不同高度的分布存在一定梯度,20 cm高处树附生苔藓的种类数与盖度均大于60 cm及更高处,且其群落优势种的数量组成与后者存在较大差异.不同树种附生苔藓盖度和种数差异较大.基于附生苔藓植物的盖度进行DCA排序及聚类分析将树种分成四组,马尾松(Pinus massoniana)因具有两种特有的网藓(巴西网藓Syrrhopodon prolifer和鞘刺网藓S.armatus)单独一组,福建青冈(Quercus chungii)亦与其余各种的差异均较大,形成一组,其余阔叶树种根据其所处的森林类型分成两组,针阔叶混交林内的阔叶树种和次生阔叶林内的阔叶树种各形成一组.对环境因子及树皮含水量和pH的分析显示,垂直梯度上空气湿度的差异可能是造成附生苔藓在不同高度分布差异的主要影响因子之一,不同树种附生苔藓的差异在一定程度上受树皮pH的影响,而与树皮含水量无关.同一树种上树附生苔藓的分布又在一定程度上受森林类型的影响.  相似文献   

为评估皆伐迹地地表苔藓组成与特点,同时为苔藓生物多样性的保护与恢复提供理论依据,作者于2006年7–10月调查了四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州地区壤塘二林场云杉(Picealikiangensis var.rubescens)林皆伐迹地自然恢复过程中苔藓植物和维管植物的组成和结构;采用方差分析法对苔藓层结构参数进行差异性检验,对苔藓层结构参数和环境因子作非参数Spearman相关性分析,并对显著性因子进行回归分析。结果表明:(1)在9–27年植被自然恢复过程中,不同阶段苔藓植物群落优势物种组成发生了更替。一些个体较小、易产生孢子、喜阳、抗干扰的顶蒴藓物种侵入并占据优势;而一些出现于早期采伐迹地、喜湿、对环境变化较敏感的侧蒴藓物种消失。(2)随着迹地植被自然恢复,苔藓植物群落物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数总体上呈下降趋势;迹地上样方间苔藓层盖度和生物量波动较大,但随着自然恢复进程而迅速减少,群落结构趋向简单化;(3)维管植物发育程度与苔藓层发育关系密切;草本层生物量对苔藓盖度和种丰富度起主导作用,草本层高度是对苔藓生物量有显著影响的主导因子。综合分析表明,早期采伐迹地的自然恢复进程中由维管植物群落结构变化导致的生境差异对苔藓植物发育影响较大。  相似文献   

为解析苔藓在藏东南森林生态系统中的重要生态作用, 以及森林干扰对林内地面生苔藓的影响, 该研究以藏东南色季拉山地面生苔藓植物为调查对象, 选取林分、坡向、坡度和地势组成等相似的7块100 m × 100 m的样地, 每块样地以林窗为中心, 在其东、南、西、北4个方向选取林窗、林缘和林下3种不同生境设置50 cm × 50 cm的样方, 每块样地共12个样方, 共计168个样方。通过对每个样方进行苔藓植物调查采集, 研究了西藏色季拉山苔藓多样性和不同生境条件下地面生苔藓单位面积生物量特征。主要结果: (1)研究区共有苔藓植物24科63属110种。其中, 优势科有8个, 分别是丛藓科、曲尾藓科、金发藓科、提灯藓科、真藓科、紫萼藓科、青藓科和灰藓科。苔藓各科分布规律明显, 曲尾藓科和真藓科广泛分布于各个海拔, 金发藓科、真藓科和提灯藓科分布在海拔3 700-4 300 m, 而丛藓科多分布在4 300 m以上。(2)林窗生境较林缘和林下复杂, 它干扰了苔藓物种组成和群落结构, 其苔藓种类最多、结构最复杂, 而林下的苔藓种类最少, 群落结构最简单。林窗地面生苔藓生物量最高, 其次为林缘, 林下苔藓生物量最低。(3)地面生苔藓生物量大小不仅受其物种组成、盖度、体形和群落结构的影响, 而且是众多因子共同作用的结果, 而非某一因子起主导作用。  相似文献   

长白山哈泥泥炭地七种苔藓植物生态位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Levins和Pianka公式,对哈泥泥炭地7种苔藓植物的生态位进行了研究.结果表明:7种苔藓在泥炭的全氮、全磷、Ca2+、K+、沼泽水的pH和电导率、乔木郁闭度、灌木盖度以及水位埋深9个环境因子梯度上的平均生态位宽度排序为:沼泽皱缩藓>喙叶泥炭藓>中位泥炭藓>尖叶泥炭藓、桧叶金发藓>大泥炭藓>锈色泥炭藓.锈色泥炭藓倾向于特化种,沼泽皱缩藓倾向于泛化种.在各种环境因子中,以电导率平均重叠值最高,水位埋深、乔木郁闭度、pH和灌木盖度梯度上平均重叠值最低,是影响苔藓分布的主要环境因子.多数苔藓在这4个梯度上产生生态位分异.少数苔藓种对在所有环境因子梯度重叠值均较高,是由于苔藓之间存在水分协作关系.这为苔藓植物的种间竞争提供了间接证据.  相似文献   

以贵州大学喀斯特山地校园为对象,调查其苔藓植物物种多样性及其生境特征,探讨苔藓植物生长与环境的关系。结果表明,研究区域内苔藓植物共12科27属51种。优势科是丛藓科(Pottiaceae)、青藓科(Brachytheciaceae)和灰藓科(Hypnaceae);主要生活型为丛集型、交织型和垫型;不同功能区域的苔藓植物生物多样性从高到低依次为行政办公区、休闲游憩区、教学科研区、体育运动区、宿舍休息区;不同生境物种丰富度从高到低依次是疏林草坪、林下、草坪环境、灌丛花池、道路;人为干扰程度与光照、湿度是影响苔藓植物多样性组成的重要因子。研究区域内苔藓植物多样性较低,多为土生藓类。在苔藓生长的微生境中,人为干扰低、空气湿度大的林地、疏林草坪更利于苔藓生长。  相似文献   

边缘效应对山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为热带、亚热带地区森林生态系统中重要组成成分之一的附生植物,对环境变化尤为敏感。为了解附生植物对森林生境破碎化的响应,本研究选择哀牢山北段徐家坝山地湿性常绿阔叶林因人为干扰而形成的四处森林边缘为研究对象,分别在距离林缘10、20、40和80m的位置设立样带,采用树干取样法调查各样带内距地面0-2m范围附生植物的物种组成、生物量和附生苔藓植物的生活型特征。结果显示:边缘效应对单位面积附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物盖度均具有极显著的影响(P〈0.001),其中附生苔藓比附生蕨类对边缘效应更为敏感。边缘效应对附生苔藓植物的作用强度在各生活型之间存在着差异,其中对丛集型(P=0.014)和交织型(P=0.030)的附生苔藓植物的影响最显著。综合附生植物在各样带的分布特征,我们认为单位面积上附生植物的生物量和附生苔藓植物的盖度可作为指示森林边缘生境的重要指标。黄牛毛藓(Ditrichum pallidum)、角状刺枝藓(Wijkia hornschuchi)和格氏剪叶苔(Herbertus giraldianus)的分布具有指示林缘生境的意义,而尖叶羽藓(Thuidium philibertii)、大羽藓(zcymbifolium)、多疣麻羽藓(Claopodium pellucinerve)、波叶金枝藓(Pseudotrismegistia undulata)和扭叶藓(Trachypus bicolor)的分布局限于林内,具有一定的保护价值。  相似文献   

木生苔藓植物是原始森林的基本组成部分,其生长和分布对林窗和粗木质残体(CWD)等环境因子的响应可能非常敏感,但林窗和CWD对木生苔藓植物群落的影响研究未见报道。因此,我们研究了高山森林不同林窗位置(林窗、林缘和林下)和不同粗木质残体类型(倒木、大枯枝、枯立木和根桩)木生苔藓生物量(储量、单位面积生物量和生物积累量)和多样性(Shannon多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数和Pielou均匀度指数)特征。结果表明:川西高山粗木质残体木生苔藓植物生物量储量为141.14 kg/hm~2,倒木生苔藓生物量储量最大为78.80 kg/hm~2,枯立木生苔藓生物量储量最小为3.11 kg/hm~2。其中,第III、IV腐解等级粗木质残体木生苔藓生物量储量较高,在I腐解等级时为最低。整体来看不同粗木质残体类型木生苔藓单位面积生物量均在林缘最高,但不同粗木质残体类型单位面积木生苔藓生物量积累量差异显著。木生苔藓生物多样性受林窗位置和粗木质残体类型显著影响。倒木、大枯枝和根桩的苔藓Simpson优势度指数从林窗至林下均为下降趋势。倒木的苔藓Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数在林下最高,在林缘最低。林窗大枯枝木生苔藓三种多样性指标均大于倒木。枯立木和根桩木生苔藓多样性指标随林窗变化表现各异。研究也发现,曲尾藓(Dicranum)和平藓(Neckera)在川西高山苔藓生物量中比重较大。我们的研究结果表明在高山森林生态系统中,林缘效应对木生苔藓生物量具有促进作用,但对木生苔藓生物多样性的影响作用不明显。这也意味着,森林更新导致林窗形成和CWD产生对木生苔藓生长具有显著影响。  相似文献   

长白山暗针叶林苔藓植物群落特征与林木更新的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
暗针叶林是长白山亚高山地区的主要森林植被,林下苔藓植物资源极其丰富,有些地段苔藓盖度可达80%以上。苔藓植物作为暗针叶林的主要活地被物,其对林木更新的影响不容忽视。研究了苔藓植物的盖度和厚度对暗针叶林主要树种更新的影响。对苔藓层盖度及厚度与主要针叶树种及亚乔木树种幼苗数量的相关关系分析发现,当苔藓盖度大于40%或厚度大于4cm时,苔藓层对红松、臭冷杉、花楷槭幼苗数量的负面影响较明显;而在苔藓厚度小于4cm时,苔藓层有利于花楷槭和花楸幼苗数量的增加;对苔藓层盖度及厚度与针叶树幼苗高度的相关关系分析发现,一定盖度和厚度的苔藓层对幼苗高生长有积极作用,但其影响程度在各树种间有明显差异。  相似文献   

石生苔藓结皮可以从大气中吸收水分及养分,附着在岩石表面生长,具有促进矿物分化和植被演替等多种重要的生态功能,利用人工培育的苔藓结皮进行岩石工程创面生态修复具有广阔的市场前景,而针对特定地区的优势种探讨高效的种源扩繁技术则成为了首要任务。研究以秦岭北麓长势好、生物量大的石生匍匐型藓种羽枝青藓为研究材料,考虑沼泽红假单胞菌浓度(高浓度24 mL/L,低浓度12 ml/L,不添加)和小球藻浓度(高浓度250 mL/L,低浓度125 mL/L,不添加)开展双因素完全试验,观测人工气候箱条件下羽枝青藓的盖度、新发芽数和新发芽茎长,探究沼泽红假单胞菌和小球藻对羽枝青藓的作用效果、最适浓度及组合,为提高羽枝青藓扩繁效率提供科学依据。结果显示,(1)只添加低浓度沼泽红假单胞菌的处理羽枝青藓生长状况最优,相比于对照处理(不添加沼泽红假单胞菌和小球藻),可将盖度提高14.3%,新发芽数增加61.2%,新发芽茎长增长34.0%;(2)沼泽红假单胞菌浓度对羽枝青藓的盖度、新发芽数和新发芽茎长均有显著影响;(3)小球藻浓度对羽枝青藓各项生长指标均无显著影响,其与沼泽红假单胞菌的交互作用对羽枝青藓盖度有显著影响。...  相似文献   

The introduced tree species Spathodea campanulata (Bignoniaceae) forms novel forests in Puerto Rico, these having emerged after the abandonment of fields in the mid‐20th century and resulting in forests with a new species composition. We assessed bryophyte species richness in these novel forests and sought correlations with geological substrate, past land use, forest edge and patch area, forest structure, elevation, microhabitat diversity, tree species richness, and microclimatic conditions. Transects were established (edge and forest interior) in nine moist forest patches dominated by Spathodea in north‐central Puerto Rico. These Spathodea forest patches ranged from 0.6 to 9 ha. ANOVA, Chi‐square, correlation, and cluster analyses were used in data analyses. We found 57 bryophyte species. There was a significant difference in bryophyte richness among patches. Those on karst exhibited highest bryophyte richness due to microhabitat diversity, past land use, and shorter hydroperiods. Alluvial sites scored lowest in bryophyte species richness, and forest structure was important for bryophyte communities on these sites. Significant differences in temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity were observed between edge and forest interior. These appeared important for establishing bryophyte species cover but not richness and composition. Microhabitat diversity, patch area, and forest age were more related to bryophyte species richness than elevation, exposed edge, and tree species richness, regardless of geologic substrate. Collectively, Spathodea patches were similar to mature forests on the Island with respect to bryophyte species richness and composition. Novel Spathodea forests have conservation value due to their habitat suitability for bryophyte communities.  相似文献   


Forest hiking trails may influence local microclimate and biodiversity, but the effects on community structure and diversity of epiphytic bryophytes on trees are currently unknown. Epiphytic bryophytes on 82 Abies faxoniana Rehder & Wilson tree trunks (41 along the hiking trail edge and 41 controls in the forest interior) were investigated at four heights from the ground (10, 50, 120, and 180 cm). At each site, air temperature and humidity were monitored for 1 year. The light radiation levels and air temperature were higher, and the canopy leaf area index and air humidity lower at the trail edge, indicating deterioration in microclimate, resulting from the trail establishment. The epiphytic bryophyte species richness, community cover, and mean cover of dendroid and pendent growth forms on trunks were significantly lower at the trail edge than the control site, suggesting that trail construction caused these reductions. One marked effect of the presence of the trail was the increase in some sun-loving species and decrease in shade-tolerant species. Moreover, the trail also slightly influenced species richness and epiphytic bryophyte cover at both community and species population levels along the height gradient. Comprehensive analyses showed that microclimate deterioration was mainly driven by the trail establishment, and that the change in micro-climate along the trail, rather than any host traits, played an important role in the declining epiphytic bryophyte community structure and diversity at the trail edge, confirming the initial hypothesis that the presence of a raised boardwalk (hiking trail) indirectly influences epiphytic bryophyte community and diversity by altering the microclimate.  相似文献   

Recent work on bryophyte diversity in lowland forests of northern South America has suggested the existence of a new type of cloud forest, the ‘tropical lowland cloud forest’ (LCF). LCF occurs in river valleys in hilly areas with high air humidity and morning fog, and is rich in epiphytes. We explored epiphyte abundance and canopy microclimate of LCF in a lowland area (200–400 m asl) near Saül, central French Guiana. We analyzed the vertical distribution of epiphytic cover and biomass on 48 trees, in LCF and in lowland rain forest (LRF) without fog. Trees in LCF had significantly more epiphytic biomass than in LRF; mean total epiphytic biomass in LCF was about 59 g/m2, and 35 g/m2 in LRF. In all height zones on the trees, total epiphyte cover in LCF exceeded that in LRF, with ca 70 percent mean cover in LCF and ca 15 percent in LRF. During both wet and dry seasons, mean diurnal relative air humidity (RH) was higher in LCF than in LRF, and persistence of high RH after sunrise significantly longer in LCF. We suggest that the prolonged availability of high air humidity in LCF and the additional input of liquid water through fog, enhance epiphyte growth in LCF by shortening the desiccation period and lengthening the period of photosynthetic activity of the plants.  相似文献   

It is important to conserve bryophyte diversity in fragmented forests, due to the vulnerability of this group to environmental change. In this study, the utility of bryophyte functional groups (taxonomic classes, substrate classes, and life-forms) was examined as indicators for planning urban area conservation of bryophyte diversity. The study sites comprised 27 fragmented forests in Kyoto City, Japan. Using linear regression models, it was found that the species richness of almost all functional groups was positively correlated with patch size. Furthermore, two types of bryophyte life-form (fans and thalloid mats) were significantly correlated with environmental factors considered important for conservation planning. The species richness of fan bryophytes was positively correlated with the presence of natural forest patches and was negatively correlated with distance from mountainous areas. Similarly, the species richness of thalloid mat bryophytes was negatively correlated with maintenance practices. These results may be explained by the vulnerability of these two bryophyte groups to environmentally caused drought stress, accompanied by decreasing patch size, maintenance practices, disturbance, and/or loss of natural vegetation. Considering that drought stress represents a major threat to bryophyte diversity in fragmented forests, the species richness of hygrophilous life-forms (e.g., fans and thalloid mats) may be used as an indicator of fragmented forests that are less affected by drought stress, and these species should be preferentially conserved to maintain high levels of bryophyte diversity.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the environmental factors associated with bryophyte diversity in remnants in a fragmented, agricultural landscape. Location Eighty‐two remnants of tussock grassland, eucalypt woodland and eucalypt forest in the subhumid Midlands region of Tasmania, Australia. Methods Remnants were surveyed for bryophytes and predictor variables, such as vascular plant cover, climate, and topography. Management histories for each remnant were compiled using both site observation and landowner surveys. Bryophyte cover, richness, and composition were related to the independent variables using simple correlation and general linear models. Results We found weak relationships between the dependent variables and the fragmentation variables (remnant area, remnant perimeter to area ratio, distance to nearest remnant, distance to nearest larger remnant, and remnant age). Instead, climatic variables were important in predicting bryophytes, in particular those affecting humidity (minimum temperature of the coldest month, precipitation). Despite extensive sheep grazing in this landscape, grazing was not correlated with bryophyte diversity. Bryophyte diversity was not explained by vascular plant richness and was only weakly explained by composition, but was predicted by the cover of vascular plants. There was greater bryophyte cover and richness and different composition where the cover of native vascular plants was lower. Main conclusions The implications of our results are that all remnants, regardless of area, age and isolation, appear to be valuable for bryophyte conservation in this highly altered landscape. Our results also suggest that the cover of the vascular plant community, rather than its diversity, holds promise as a guide to bryophyte diversity. Bryophyte composition was similar between sites and a focus on the most species‐rich sites may be the best conservation strategy in this ecosystem.  相似文献   



Bryophyte re‐colonization after disturbance is largely governed by environmental conditions within disturbed forests. In particular, distance to a forest edge is an important predictor of bryophyte community re‐colonization, through either direct constraints, such as dispersal limitation, or indirectly by altering environmental conditions. This study examines a range of factors – environmental, distance to an edge, substrate specific environment or local‐level environment – to determine which are important in the re‐colonization of bryophyte communities after forest harvesting. As bryophyte communities vary with the particular substrate inhabited, responses were examined across four substrates (rock, exposed roots, ground and CWD).


Tasmanian southern forests, Australia.


Bryophyte composition was examined on four substrates (ground, coarse wood debris, exposed roots, rocks) within three ages (~7, ~27 and ~45 years post‐disturbance) of harvested wet eucalypt forest. Re‐colonization success of bryophyte communities was determined by comparing communities in regeneration forest to mature forest communities using axis scores from one‐dimensional constrained ordination. The importance of various environmental conditions for re‐colonization success was then modelled. Finally, path analysis was used to determine whether the impact of distance to a forest edge was meditated through its effects on key environmental variables.


Multiple environmental factors impacted re‐colonization of mature bryophyte communities. Local‐level conditions such as microclimate (temperature, humidity and VPD) and LAI were the most important in determining re‐colonization across substrates. Path analysis showed that distance to a forest edge had a significant impact on re‐colonization success, but only a relatively small part of this was mediated through its impact on environmental factors.


Bryophyte re‐colonization is driven by a combination of microclimate conditions and factors related to distance from a forest edge (most likely dispersal distance). While some substrate‐specific factors impact bryophyte re‐colonization success, the consistent impact of local environmental factors across substrates suggests that harvesting management strategies that develop more ‘mature’ microclimate conditions and increase proximity to nearby mature forest patches will be beneficial for all bryophytes communities. As bryophyte re‐colonization was correlated with temporally dynamic environmental conditions, we suggest that forest age needs to be considered in future work.  相似文献   

In winter, foraging activity is intended to optimize food search while minimizing both thermoregulation costs and predation risk. Here we quantify the relative importance of thermoregulation and predation in foraging patch selection of woodland birds wintering in a Mediterranean montane forest. Specifically, we account for thermoregulation benefits related to temperature, and predation risk associated with both illumination of the feeding patch and distance to the nearest refuge provided by vegetation. We measured the amount of time that 38 marked individual birds belonging to five small passerine species spent foraging at artificial feeders. Feeders were located in forest patches that vary in distance to protective cover and exposure to sun radiation; temperature and illumination were registered locally by data loggers. Our results support the influence of both thermoregulation benefits and predation costs on feeding patch choice. The influence of distance to refuge (negative relationship) was nearly three times higher than that of temperature (positive relationship) in determining total foraging time spent at a patch. Light intensity had a negligible and no significant effect. This pattern was generalizable among species and individuals within species, and highlights the preponderance of latent predation risk over thermoregulation benefits on foraging decisions of birds wintering in temperate Mediterranean forests.  相似文献   

We examined bryophyte species growing on Laurus azorica, in three localities of the laurel forest in Tenerife (Canary Islands), in order to determine differences in species composition, richness and cover, that depend on variations in mist frequency and density. Among the 35 bryophyte species found (26 liverworts and nine mosses), 16 occurred in all three locations while nine species occurred in only one location. Detrended correspondence analysis and canonical correspondence analysis revealed that the epiphyte–phorophyte relationship varied in terms of cover, richness and bryophyte composition, depending on the humidity conditions (related to mist frequency and plot height) and tree age. In spite of differences in the dominant species found at each locality, the community types have many species in common and may be seen as a natural unit of the communities involved. Variation in the dominant species at each locality is mainly related to a trade off between humidity conditions and tree diameter, and the speed of the successional processes. Plot aspect was the only variable among those considered with no significant influence, which might be related to the closed canopy conditions. Variation in cover, richness and bryophyte composition related to plot height and tree diameter increased in the drier location. Cover was positively related to species richness in all analyses. This is related to low diversity during initial colonization and the fact that the highest biomass species, related to later successional stages, also occur on younger trees, especially in the more humid areas.  相似文献   

Residual patches of forest remaining after natural or anthropogenic disturbance may facilitate regeneration of fragmented forest. However, residual patch function remains unclear, especially after natural wildfire. We investigate the role of residual boreal forest patches as refugia for bryophytes and ask the question, do they house bryophyte communities similar to those encountered in undisturbed forests? Bryophytes were sampled in three habitat types in black spruce boreal forests illustrating a gradient of disturbance severity: undisturbed forests, residual patches and burned matrices. Temporal, disturbance severity, spatial and structural variables of habitats were also recorded. Bryophyte community composition differed among habitat types with residual patches characterized by higher species richness, the loss of forest specialists and the addition of disturbance-prone species. The bryophyte community found in residual patches is at the interface between the communities of undisturbed forests and burned matrices. As residual patches did not conserve all species, particularly forest specialists, they were not refugia. However, we identify temporal, spatial and structural characteristics that can maintain bryophyte communities most similar to undisturbed forests and enhance residual patch “refugia potential”. Residual patches enhance bryophyte diversity of the landscape housing species that cannot survive in the burned matrix. As conclusion we discuss the use of retention patches in harvested stands, together with the preservation of undisturbed stands that house singular bryophyte communities and especially sensitive forest specialists.  相似文献   

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