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ALA对萝卜不同叶位叶片光合作用与叶绿素荧光特性的影响   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:30  
以盆栽萝卜为材料,研究了叶面喷布100~300mg/L ALA对萝卜植株生长、光合作用以及叶绿素荧光特性的影响。结果表明,ALA促进萝卜植株生长与其促进植株中下部叶片的光合作用有关。ALA处理提高了叶片光合表观量子效率,并降低了光补偿点。叶绿素荧光动力学资料显示,ALA处理不仅降低了叶绿素初始荧光Fv、稳态荧光Fs以及两者的差值ΔFu,还降低了暗适应以及光照下的最大荧光(Fm和Fm′)和可变荧光(Fv和Fv′),但是不影响PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm),对于中下部叶片PSⅡ实际光化学效率(φPSⅡ)还有明显的促进作用。ALA处理植株叶片光合非循环电子传递速率ETR显著提高,300mg/L ALA处理还降低了光合相对限制值L(PFD)。ALA具有促进叶绿素荧光光化学猝灭和非光化学猝灭的双重特性,其中,前者提高了叶片光化学速率,后者增加热耗散量以及提高热耗散速率。另外,本试验结果显示,ALA处理提高了植株基部叶片的叶绿素含量以及中下部叶片类萝卜素含量。以上参数变化说明ALA通过诱导光抑制保护机制来提高叶片光合效率。  相似文献   

辽东栎冠层光合生理特性的空间异质性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冠层作为林木与环境因子相互作用最为直接的部分,研究冠层光合作用是分析森林生产力的基础。以北京东灵山辽东栎为对象,利用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定了不同冠层不同方向部位叶片的光合速率和光响应曲线,研究了叶片光合生理特性在冠层空间上的变化。结果表明:在不同冠层和不同方向上,饱和光合速率、光补偿点、光下暗呼吸和表观量子效率均存在差异,随着冠层下降以及从南至北,大多数光合生理特性指标表现出递减趋势。进一步的通径分析结果得出,光强、水气压亏缺、温度是影响不同层次光合速率的主要因子。冠层光合特性的空间异质性研究,对于在冠层水平上揭示植物固碳能力和估算植物生产力具有很重要的意义。  相似文献   

日光诱导叶绿素荧光(SIF)是近十年来迅速发展的新型植被遥感技术, 可以弥补以“绿度”为基础的植被指数等传统光学遥感观测的不足, 为大尺度植被光合作用监测提供了新方法。随着塔基、无人机、机载和星载SIF观测技术的快速发展以及SIF机理研究的推进, SIF遥感为陆地生态系统生理生化参数和生产力反演、非生物胁迫早期探测、光合物候提取和植被蒸腾作用监测等研究提供了重要技术支撑。该文首先系统阐述了SIF遥感的基本原理、观测技术和反演算法, 进而回顾了SIF遥感在陆地生态系统监测中的应用现状, 最后对天空地一体化SIF观测、SIF机理研究、新兴生态学应用等领域进行展望。  相似文献   

植物反射光谱对水分生理变化响应的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
实时、无损伤地探测植物的水分及生理变化是高光谱遥感的深层次应用。由水分胁迫引发的植物一系列反射光谱响应体现了碳-氮-水耦合作用的结果。以往的研究大多集中于单一因素的响应, 而忽略了多因素交互作用。该文综述和分析了植物水分状况变化引起的直接和间接光谱响应机制, 包括植物水分含量、色素、养分状况、光合作用和叶绿素荧光指标的光谱响应及其内在的关联, 探讨了反射光谱在探测植物水分生理活动应用中的主要方法与最新技术, 并指出碳-氮-水多指标、多时空尺度的综合分析对于估测植被生产力及其对气候变化的响应具有重要意义。  相似文献   

冠层绿色叶片(光合组分)的光合有效辐射分量(绿色FPAR)真实地反映了植被与外界进行物质和能量交换的能力,获取冠层光合组分吸收的太阳光合有效辐射,对生态系统生产力的遥感估算精度的提高具有重要的意义。研究以落叶阔叶林为例,基于SAIL模型模拟森林冠层光合组分和非光合组分吸收的光合有效辐射,研究冠层FPAR变化规律以及与植被指数的相关关系。结果表明,冠层结构的改变会影响冠层对PAR的吸收能力,冠层绿色FPAR的大小与植被面积指数及光合组分面积比相关;在高覆盖度植被区,冠层绿色FPAR占冠层总FPAR的80%以上,非光合组分的贡献较小,但在低植被覆盖区,当光合组分和非光合组分面积相同时,绿色FPAR不及冠层总FPAR的50%;相比于NDVI,北方落叶阔叶林冠层EVI与绿色FPAR存在更为显著的线性相关关系(R~20.99)。  相似文献   

冯强  胡聃  李娜 《生态学报》2009,29(7):3477-3484
采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测定系统对夏秋季典型城区与郊区环境下大叶黄杨的气体交换和叶绿素荧光特性进行了现场实验比较研究.研究显示,叶片净光合速率的大小由总光合速率(光合能力)和呼吸速率共同决定,城区环境温度较高、相对湿度较低、大气CO2浓度较高, 不同月份城区和郊区样点大叶黄杨的净光合速率差异显著性存在不同.城区环境下大叶黄杨的胞间CO2浓度、叶面水气压亏缺、蒸腾速率高于郊区环境.城区环境中温度、大气CO2浓度等的变化会影响叶片呼吸作用,造成呼吸速率升高或是降低,城区环境中污染物浓度变化也会损伤叶片光合结构从而导致总光合能力降低,这两者都会引起净光合速率的变化.通过大叶黄杨叶片叶绿素荧光指标的进一步对比分析发现,城区大叶黄杨叶片叶绿素总量、叶绿素a/b、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、qP、ΦPSⅡ、ETR降低,但qN升高.表明叶片叶绿体PSⅡ的功能受到负面影响.城区大叶黄杨叶片荧光参数的变化,从微观机制上表明城区环境中污染物浓度的上升导致叶绿素及叶绿体光合结构受损的确是叶片光合能力下降的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

叶绿素含量是植物学和农业相关研究领域常用的生理指标。叶绿素含量和叶片光合功能密切相关,但是现有的叶绿素含量的测定方法无法实现叶绿素含量和光合功能的同步测定和关联分析。为解决该问题,本研究通过测定35个小麦品种旗叶的SPAD值和叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线,分别使用不同时间的快速叶绿素荧光动力学曲线的荧光值,以及33个常用荧光参数与对应叶片的SPAD值进行相关性分析,建立线性回归模型,并使用室内和大田两组数据对回归模型进行验证。结果表明: 通过叶绿素荧光参数RC/CSm建立的线性模型能够较好地预测叶片的SPAD值,可以用于非严重逆境胁迫下小麦叶片叶绿素相对含量的估算,从而丰富无损测定小麦叶绿素相对含量的方法,简化试验流程,实现小麦光合功能和叶绿素含量的同步测定与分析。  相似文献   

刺槐树冠光合作用的空间异质性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
郑元  赵忠  周慧  周靖靖 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6399-6408
林木冠层是森林与外界环境相互作用最直接的部分,冠层光合作用是研究森林生产力的基础。为了深入了解冠层内部光合作用的差异性,以陕西省永寿县马莲滩流域阳坡和阴坡立地的刺槐林为研究对象,对比分析了光合速率(An)、蒸腾速率(E)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔导度(gs)、羧化效率(Vc)、水汽压亏缺(VPD)、气孔限制值(ls)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、空气温度(Ta)在树冠不同层次、不同方位,以及不同坡向之间的差异性。结果表明,刺槐树冠不同层次的光合作用差异性显著,大部分光合生理生态指标表现为:上中下。对于阳坡刺槐,VPD、Ta、gs、E是影响不同层次An的主要因子;对于阴坡刺槐,VPD、E、PAR是影响不同层次An的主要因子。光合作用在刺槐树冠的不同方位没有显著差异,大多数光合指标变化很小,E、ls、PAR、Ta是影响不同方位An的主要因子。对于刺槐冠层内部的任何层次或方位,阴坡刺槐具有更高的日均An、E、Vc、VPD、ls,而阳坡刺槐具有更高的日均WUE、gs、PAR、Ta。阳坡刺槐树冠中层西方和阴坡中层东方的日总光合速率值,可以分别代表阳坡和阴坡刺槐整个冠层的日总光合速率。研究认为,在冠层水平模拟和估计森林生产力时,必须考虑冠层光合作用的空间异质性,对于从单木到林分的尺度推演和模型拟合具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

由于经济的快速发展, 中国大部分地区正面临着严峻的复合型大气污染, 其中臭氧和气溶胶是两种主要污染物。已有的研究表明臭氧对叶片的氧化性伤害能够抑制光合作用, 而气溶胶可通过增加散射辐射比例或缓解高温抑制促进光合作用。但复合污染下, 臭氧和气溶胶如何共同调控叶片光合作用, 仍缺乏研究。该研究利用北京及周边地区之间的污染梯度, 选择加杨(Populus × canadensis)作为实验对象, 于2012-2013年生长季期间对叶片光合速率进行连续观测, 并同时监测臭氧浓度(AOT40)、气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)、空气温度和冠层内外光合有效辐射(PAR)等环境因子, 以期探讨大气复合污染下臭氧和气溶胶变化对植物叶片光合作用的影响及相关机制。结果表明: (1)臭氧浓度与空气温度、气溶胶浓度之间均呈显著正相关关系, 但气溶胶浓度与空气温度没有显著相关关系; (2)臭氧浓度增加显著抑制了阳生叶片的光合作用, 但气溶胶浓度上升促进了阳生叶片的光合作用; 臭氧浓度升高对阴生叶片光合作用的影响较小, 但气溶胶浓度上升促进了阴生叶片的光合作用; (3)标准化后的结果显示, 臭氧对阳生叶片光合作用的影响最大, 此时气溶胶的促进作用一定程度上补偿了臭氧浓度上升所带来的抑制效应。对于阴生叶片光合作用而言, 气溶胶则是最重要的影响因素。该研究发现复合污染下阴生叶和阳生叶光合响应不同, 这表明冠层结构可能通过影响阴生叶和阳生叶的比例, 从而对植物生长产生不同影响。该研究对理解大气复合污染如何影响光合作用提供了的机理支持, 同时也表明, 为了维持生态系统生产力及功能, 需要同时控制气溶胶和臭氧污染。  相似文献   

利用叶片荧光参数估算油蒿灌丛群落生态系统生产力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
靳川  李鑫豪  蒋燕  徐铭泽  贾昕  田赟  刘鹏  查天山 《生态学报》2022,42(7):2899-2909
生态系统生产力(GEP)在全球碳循环中具有重要意义,但其准确估算仍然是一个挑战。近年来,叶绿素荧光和冠层GEP的关联成为生态学的研究热点,关系尚不清楚且存在广泛争议。于2015年对宁夏盐池毛乌素沙地荒漠灌木油蒿(Artemisia ordosica)灌丛生态系统碳交换(NEE)特征进行连续观测,使用多通道荧光监测仪对通量贡献区内油蒿叶片的实时荧光(Fs)和光下荧光(Fm'')进行原位连续监测,叶面积指数(LAI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)以及环境因子同步观测。利用光合有效辐射(PAR)、LAI和实际光化学效率(ΦPSII)等参数构建基于叶绿素荧光的生态系统生产力(GEPChlF)模型,探究叶片和冠层尺度不同参数对环境因子波动的响应,比较分析GEPChlF和基于涡度相关法监测生态系统生产力(GEPEC)相关性及GEPChlF的适用性。研究发现,ΦPSII和NEE日变化规律一致,ΦPSII、GEPChlF和GEPEC由PAR控制,受空气温度(Ta)和饱和水汽压差(VPD)调控,土壤含水量(SWC)和ΦPSII呈显著正相关(P<0.01)。PAR处于400-800 μmol m-2 s-1时,GEPChlF与GEPEC线性关系最优,斜率为0.627(R2=0.67,P<0.01);弱光下GEPChlF的低估可能是由于冠层实际光能拦截率高造成;强光下GEPChlF显著高于GEPEC,呈非线性关系,可能是GEPEC基于夜间温度敏感性所拟合的生态系统呼吸(Re)无法预测光呼吸部分所导致。GEPChlF具有荧光参数的特性,对环境波动更加敏感,和环境因子相关性优于GEPEC。结果表明,高辐射、极端温度、高蒸腾和干旱是限制叶片和冠层尺度下油蒿光合过程的主要胁迫因素。本研究构建的荒漠生态系统光合过程模型GEPChlF能够替代GEPEC作为一个良好的冠层尺度生态参数,所提出的空间尺度上推方法可为促进区域可持续发展提供数据支撑和决策参考。  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) remains a challenge despite its importance in the global carbon cycle. Chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) has been recently adopted to understand photosynthesis and its response to the environment, particularly with remote sensing data. However, it remains unclear how ChlF and photosynthesis are linked at different spatial scales across the growing season. We examined seasonal relationships between ChlF and photosynthesis at the leaf, canopy, and ecosystem scales and explored how leaf‐level ChlF was linked with canopy‐scale solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) in a temperate deciduous forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. Our results show that ChlF captured the seasonal variations of photosynthesis with significant linear relationships between ChlF and photosynthesis across the growing season over different spatial scales (R= 0.73, 0.77, and 0.86 at leaf, canopy, and satellite scales, respectively; P < 0.0001). We developed a model to estimate GPP from the tower‐based measurement of SIF and leaf‐level ChlF parameters. The estimation of GPP from this model agreed well with flux tower observations of GPP (R= 0.68; P < 0.0001), demonstrating the potential of SIF for modeling GPP. At the leaf scale, we found that leaf Fq/Fm, the fraction of absorbed photons that are used for photochemistry for a light‐adapted measurement from a pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer, was the best leaf fluorescence parameter to correlate with canopy SIF yield (SIF/APAR, R= 0.79; P < 0.0001). We also found that canopy SIF and SIF‐derived GPP (GPPSIF) were strongly correlated to leaf‐level biochemistry and canopy structure, including chlorophyll content (R= 0.65 for canopy GPPSIF and chlorophyll content; P < 0.0001), leaf area index (LAI) (R= 0.35 for canopy GPPSIF and LAI; P < 0.0001), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (R= 0.36 for canopy GPPSIF and NDVI; P < 0.0001). Our results suggest that ChlF can be a powerful tool to track photosynthetic rates at leaf, canopy, and ecosystem scales.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a fluorescence (ChlF) is closely related to photosynthesis and can be measured remotely using multiple spectral features as solar‐induced fluorescence (SIF). In boreal regions, SIF shows particular promise as an indicator of photosynthesis, in part because of the limited variation of seasonal light absorption in these ecosystems. Seasonal spectral changes in ChlF could yield new information on processes such as sustained nonphotochemical quenching (NPQS) but also disrupt the relationship between SIF and photosynthesis. We followed ChlF and functional and biochemical properties of Pinus sylvestris needles during the photosynthetic spring recovery period to answer the following: (a) How ChlF spectra change over seasonal timescales? (b) How pigments, NPQS, and total photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) absorption drive changes of ChlF spectra? (c) Do all ChlF wavelengths track photosynthetic seasonality? We found seasonal ChlF variation in the red and far‐red wavelengths, which was strongly correlated with NPQS, carotenoid content, and photosynthesis (enhanced in the red), but not with PAR absorption. Furthermore, a rapid decrease in red/far‐red ChlF ratio occurred in response to a cold spell, potentially relating to the structural reorganization of the photosystems. We conclude that all current SIF retrieval features can track seasonal photosynthetic dynamics in boreal evergreens, but the full SIF spectra provides additional insight.  相似文献   

Spectral reflectance is a new, real time and non-destructive hyperspectral remote sensing application to monitor plant water status and physiological changes. The spectral reflectance responses induced by water stress reflect the interaction and coupling of carbon, nitrogen and water cycles. A majority of previous studies focused on a specific structural or physiological effect on spectral reflectance with little attention on their interactions. This paper reviewed and synthesized the direct and indirect spectral responses caused by changes in plant water content, pigments, nutrient status, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence indices and their internal association. This paper also discussed the common approaches and the new techniques in applying spectral reflectance for detecting water status and physiological activities in plants. This paper concluded that analysis of the spectral reflectance at multiple temporal or spatial scales might have a potential application in projecting vegetation productivities, particularly in the context of climate change.  相似文献   

Variations in photosynthesis still cause substantial uncertainties in predicting photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates and monitoring plant stress. Changes in actual photosynthesis that are not related to greenness of vegetation are difficult to measure by reflectance based optical remote sensing techniques. Several activities are underway to evaluate the sun‐induced fluorescence signal on the ground and on a coarse spatial scale using space‐borne imaging spectrometers. Intermediate‐scale observations using airborne‐based imaging spectroscopy, which are critical to bridge the existing gap between small‐scale field studies and global observations, are still insufficient. Here we present the first validated maps of sun‐induced fluorescence in that critical, intermediate spatial resolution, employing the novel airborne imaging spectrometer HyPlant. HyPlant has an unprecedented spectral resolution, which allows for the first time quantifying sun‐induced fluorescence fluxes in physical units according to the Fraunhofer Line Depth Principle that exploits solar and atmospheric absorption bands. Maps of sun‐induced fluorescence show a large spatial variability between different vegetation types, which complement classical remote sensing approaches. Different crop types largely differ in emitting fluorescence that additionally changes within the seasonal cycle and thus may be related to the seasonal activation and deactivation of the photosynthetic machinery. We argue that sun‐induced fluorescence emission is related to two processes: (i) the total absorbed radiation by photosynthetically active chlorophyll; and (ii) the functional status of actual photosynthesis and vegetation stress.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统包含一系列时空连续、尺度多元且互相联系的生态学过程。由于大部分生态学过程都受到温度调控, 因此气候变暖会对全球陆地生态系统产生深远的影响。近年来, 全球变化生态学的基本科学问题之一是陆地生态系统的关键过程如何响应与适应全球气候变暖。围绕该问题, 该文梳理了近年来的研究进展, 重点关注植物生理生态过程、物候期、群落动态、生产力及其分配、凋落物与土壤有机质分解、养分循环等过程对温度升高的响应与适应机理。通过定量分析近20年来发表于主流期刊的相关论文, 展望了该领域的前沿方向, 包括物种性状对生态系统过程的预测能力, 生物地球化学循环的耦合过程, 极端高温与低温事件的响应与适应机理, 不对称气候变暖的影响机理和基于过程的生态系统模拟预测等。基于这些研究进展, 该文建议进一步研究陆地生态系统如何适应气候变暖, 更多关注我国的特色生态系统类型, 并整合实验、观测或模型等研究手段开展跨尺度的合作研究。  相似文献   

Water is a vital resource for plant survival, growth and distribution, and it is of significance to explore mechanisms of plant water-relations regulation and responses to drought in ecophysiology and global change ecology. Plants adapt to different climates and soil water regimes and develop divergent water-regulation strategies involving a suite of related traits, of which two typical types are isohydric and anisohydric behaviors. It is critical to distinguish water-regulation strategies of plants and reveal the underlying mechanisms for plant breeding and vegetation restoration especially in xeric regions; and it is also important for developing more accurate vegetation dynamic models and predicting vegetation distribution under climate change scenarios. In this review, we first recalled the definitions of isohydric and anisohydric regulations and three quantitative classification methods that were established based on the relationships (1) between stomatal conductance and leaf water potential, (2) between stomatal conductance and vapor pressure deficit, (3) between predawn and midday leaf water potentials. We then compared the two water-regulation strategies in terms of hydraulics and carbon-economics traits. We synthesized the mechanisms of plant water-regulation and found that the interaction between hydraulic and chemical signals was the dominant factor controlling plant water-regulation behavior. Last, we proposed three promising aspects in this field: (1) to explore reliable and universal methods for classifying plant water-regulation strategies based on extensive investigation of the traits related with plant water-relations in various regions; (2) to explore relationships between plant water-regulation strategies and traits of hydraulics, morphology, structure, and function in order to provide reliable parameters for improving vegetation dynamic models; and (3) to deeply understand the processes of plant water-regulation at different spatial and temporal scales, and reveal mechanisms of plants’ responses and adaption to environmental stresses (especially drought).  相似文献   

随着气候变化和人类活动的加剧, 生态系统正处于剧烈变化中, 生态学家需要从更大的时空尺度去理解生态系统过程和变化规律, 应对全球变化带来的威胁和挑战。传统地面调查方法主要获取的是样方尺度、离散的数据, 难以满足大尺度生态系统研究对数据时空连续性的要求。相比于传统地面调查方法, 遥感技术具有实时获取、重复监测以及多时空尺度的特点, 弥补了传统地面调查方法空间观测尺度有限的缺点。遥感通过分析电磁波信息从而识别地物属性和特征, 反演生态系统组成、能量流动和物质循环过程中的关键要素, 已逐渐成为生态学研究中必不可少的数据来源。近年来, 随着激光雷达、日光诱导叶绿素荧光等新型遥感技术以及无人机、背包等近地面遥感平台的发展, 个人化、定制化的近地面遥感观测逐渐成熟, 新一代遥感技术正在推动遥感信息“二维向三维”的转变, 为传统样地观测与卫星遥感之间搭建了尺度推绎桥梁, 这也给生态系统生态学带来了新的机遇, 推动生态系统生态学向多尺度、多过程、多学科、多途径发展。因此, 该文从生态系统生态学角度出发, 重点关注陆地生态系统中生物组分, 并分别从生态系统类型、结构、功能和生物多样性等方面, 结合作者在实际研究工作中的主要成果和该领域国际前沿动态, 阐述遥感技术在生态系统生态学中的研究现状并指出我国生态系统遥感监测领域发展方向及亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Extremely high temperatures represent one of the most severe abiotic stresses limiting crop productivity. However, understanding crop responses to heat stress is still limited considering the increases in both the frequency and severity of heat wave events under climate change. This limited understanding is partly due to the lack of studies or tools for the timely and accurate monitoring of crop responses to extreme heat over broad spatial scales. In this work, we use novel spaceborne data of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), which is a new proxy for photosynthetic activity, along with traditional vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index EVI) to investigate the impacts of heat stress on winter wheat in northwestern India, one of the world's major wheat production areas. In 2010, an abrupt rise in temperature that began in March adversely affected the productivity of wheat and caused yield losses of 6% compared to previous year. The yield predicted by satellite observations of SIF decreased by approximately 13.9%, compared to the 1.2% and 0.4% changes in NDVI and EVI, respectively. During early stage of this heat wave event in early March 2010, the SIF observations showed a significant reduction and earlier response, while NDVI and EVI showed no changes and could not capture the heat stress until late March. The spatial patterns of SIF anomalies closely tracked the temporal evolution of the heat stress over the study area. Furthermore, our results show that SIF can provide large‐scale, physiology‐related wheat stress response as indicated by the larger reduction in fluorescence yield (SIFyield) than fraction of photosynthetically active radiation during the grain‐filling phase, which may have eventually led to the reduction in wheat yield in 2010. This study implies that satellite observations of SIF have great potential to detect heat stress conditions in wheat in a timely manner and assess their impacts on wheat yields at large scales.  相似文献   

Large scale herbivorous insect outbreaks can cause death of regional forests, and the events are expected to be exacerbated with climate change. Mortality of forest and woodland plants would cause a series of serious consequences, such as decrease in vegetation production, shifts in ecosystem structure and function, and transformation of forest function from a net carbon sink into a net carbon source. There is thus a need to better understand the impact of insects on trees. Defoliation by insect pests mainly reduces photosynthesis (source decrease) and increases carbon consumption (sink increase), and hence causes reduction of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC). When the reduction in NSC reaches to a certain level, trees would die of carbon starvation. External environment and internal compensatory mechanisms can also positively or negatively influence the process of tree death. At present, the research of carbon starvation is a hotspot because the increase of tree mortality globally with climate change, and carbon starvation is considered as one of the dominating physiological mechanisms for explaining tree death. In this study, we reviewed the definition of carbon starvation, and the relationships between the reduction of NSC induced by defoliation and the growth and death of trees, and the relationships among insect outbreaks, leaf loss and climate change. We also presented the potential directions of future studies on insect-caused defoliation and tree mortality.  相似文献   

Aims The community structure and function of the shrub-encroached grassland, as well as its formation mechanism, is one of hot scientific problems in vegetation science. The spatial pattern analysis is an important means for studying plant population interactions and the relationships between plant population and environment. The shrub-encroached grassland is one major vegetation type in Nei Mongol. Knowledge on the spatial pattern of shrub can improve our understanding on adaptive characteristics of shrub to steppe environment.
Methods We chose Caragana tibetica encroached grassland distributed in Ordos City as research objects. The spatial position of each C. tibetica individual in 64 m × 64 m study plot was determined by a method of “three-distance location method”, and then the spatial pattern and intraspecific associations of C. tibetica individuals was analyzed with the point pattern analysis.
Important findings The results showed that C. tibetica population was at the rising stage. The mature individuals showed a uniform distribution at the scale of less than 3.7 m, subsequently exhibiting a random distribution with an increased scale. The juvenile individuals showed an aggregation distribution at the scale of 0.3-20.4 m, but a uniform distribution at other scales. The dead C. tibetica individuals were distributed aggregately at the scale from 0.7 to 1.4 m, but randomly at other scales. An indistinctive positive association was found for live C. tibetica individuals to dead individuals at the scale of less than 9.9 m, but no associations was found between them at other scales. The mature individuals negatively interacted with juveniles at the scale of larger than 2.2 m, but unassociated at the other scales.  相似文献   

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