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大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量日变化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过实测大豆和玉米冠层光合有效辐射各分量并计算其反射率、透射率,分析了各分量日变化规律及其影响因素。结果表明:光合有效辐射分量(FPAR)在一天中均接近于常数,特别是在8:00—11:00和14:00—16:00相对稳定;晴天大豆冠层入射光合有效辐射变化曲线较阴天平滑,反射率和透射率曲线没有阴天平滑;由于云层的吸收和散射作用,阴天中光合有效辐射(PAR)最大值的出现时间比晴天晚1h左右;植被冠层空间异质性对光合有效辐射各分量影响较大,不同作物类型的各分量之间有较大差异;大豆冠层空间异质性较玉米小,其光合有效辐射各个分量曲线较平滑;线性光量子传感器与太阳入射方向垂直投影线成30°时,冠层入射光合有效辐射平均偏离度值最小,为0.657%。  相似文献   

塔里木河下游河岸柽柳林冠层导度变化特征及模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱绪超  袁国富  邵明安  杜涛 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5459-5466
冠层导度(G_c)对植被的蒸腾和光合作用具有重要影响。利用涡度相关仪器实测了塔里木河下游河岸柽柳林地的蒸散发,以及气象因子(温度、湿度、总辐射、光和有效辐射),并利用Penman-Monteith公式计算了柽柳林在2013年生长季的冠层导度。结果显示:柽柳林冠层导度日变化过程在8:00左右迅速增大,于10:30左右达到最大值,之后缓慢下降,18:00左右快速降低;柽柳林冠层导度季节变化过程总体显示,展叶期缓慢上升,落叶期迅速下降,生长盛期缓慢波动下降;研究区,叶面积指数(LAI)是影响柽柳冠层导度季节变化的主要因素,其次为温度(T)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、总辐射(S)、空气饱和差(VPD);四元线性回归方程可以较好地拟合冠层导度与各因子的关系,利用2013年奇数天数据建立回归方程,对偶数天冠层导度值进行模拟和验证,RMSE值为0.169 mm/s,NSE值为0.814,达到了较高的模拟精度。  相似文献   

谢军飞  郭佳 《生态学杂志》2016,27(4):1203-1210
利用MODIS产品中分辨率为1 km的光合有效辐射吸收比例(FPAR)数据,结合植被功能型分类,分析2010—2012年北京植被FPAR的空间分布特征,以及各种植被类型FPAR的多年变化,并进一步探讨了FPAR与叶面积指数(LAI)之间的相关性.结果表明: 研究期间,北京植被的FPAR空间分布均呈现出东北部、西南部高,并向中心城区逐渐递减的分布特征.通过FPAR的叠加分析还发现,各种植被类型FPAR年平均值的波动均较小,针叶树、阔叶树、草地、作物FPAR的年均值波动范围仅分别在0.42~0.44、0.38~0.39、0.32~0.33、0.21~0.22,但各种植被类型FPAR的年内变化范围均较大.各种植被类型的FPAR与LAI也具有较好的线性或对数关系.经过Timesat软件中的Savitzky-Golay平滑滤波后,各种植被类型FPAR的季节性变化特征更加明显.  相似文献   

玉米冠层内不同层次对光能利用的差异性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将玉米冠层分为上、中、下3个层次,分析其不同层次对光能利用的规律.结果表明:整个冠层吸收的光合有效辐射(RAR)占总入射的87.7%,其冠层的中、上层吸收比例达到75%;冠层不同层次在可见光范围内的吸收率是上层>中层>下层;上、中、下3层叶温日变化规律一致,不同层次的差异主要是与冠层内的小气候有关;非光化学猝灭系数(qN)与叶温、光化学猝灭系数(qp)与光合速率(Pn)的变化趋势一致;用于光化学反应的能量与用于热能转化的能量呈此消彼长的趋势.  相似文献   

基于遥感的光合有效辐射吸收比率(FPAR) 估算方法综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董泰锋  蒙继华  吴炳方 《生态学报》2012,32(22):7190-7201
光合有效辐射吸收比率(FPAR)是反映植被生长过程的重要生理参数,是陆地生态系统模型的关键参数,是反映全球气候变化的重要因子。基于遥感的FPAR估算方法是获取区域乃至全球尺度FPAR的有效方法。目前,主要形成了植被指数法和机理法两类方法,植被指数法是建立FPAR与植被指数的经验统计模型,简单、计算效率高;机理法则从物理模型上进行FPAR的求解与反演,机理明晰、可行性强。然而,由于FPAR本身的复杂性以及环境因素、遥感数据质量的影响,导致了估算方法面临诸多不确定性问题。为了解决这些不确定性问题以及满足生态过程深入研究的需求,将进一步注重FPAR的机理研究、先验知识的获取与积累,构建长时间序列FPAR以及高时空的FPAR算法研究。  相似文献   

冠层气孔导度(gs)是衡量冠层-大气界面水汽通量的重要生物学常数,研究其特征及对环境因子的响应,能为开展森林冠层水汽交换过程的机理性研究提供理论依据.于2014年利用SF-L热扩散式探针测定了侧柏的树干液流密度(Js),同步监测光合有效辐射(PAR)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、气温(T)等环境因子,计算侧柏的冠层气孔导度特征并分析其对各环境因子的响应.结果表明: 侧柏液流密度的日变化总体呈双峰曲线,生长季高于非生长季,且胸径越大液流密度越大;冠层气孔导度日变化与单位叶面积冠层蒸腾(EL)趋势相近,均呈双峰曲线,生长季的冠层气孔导度和蒸腾较非生长季略高.侧柏冠层气孔导度与空气温度呈抛物线关系,在10 ℃左右冠层气孔导度达到峰谷;光合有效辐射以400 μmol·m-2·s-1为界,小于该阈值两者呈正相关关系,大于该阈值则冠层气孔导度受其影响较小;与饱和水汽压差呈负对数函数关系,随饱和水汽压差增大而逐渐降低.较高的空气温度和光合有效辐射、较低的饱和水汽压差有利于侧柏形成较大的冠层气孔导度,进而促进冠层蒸腾.  相似文献   

苹果密植园与间伐园树冠层内叶片光合潜力比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对成龄苹果密植园和间伐园树冠不同层次和部位叶片光合潜力及辐射通量密度、叶片N含量和比叶重等指标的比较分析,研究了苹果园改造前后辐射能和氮素利用效率差异及其与产量品质的关系.结果表明:间伐显著改善了冠层内的辐射环境,间伐园冠层内的辐射分布明显比密植园均匀,相对辐射通量密度小于30%的无效光区接近0,而密植园冠层内的最低相对辐射通量密度为17%,在相对高度03以下均为无效光区;间伐园内冠层叶片的光合效率显著提高,间伐园树冠中、下部叶片的光合速率比密植园分别提高了78%和102%;叶片的最大羧化速率和最大电子传递速率也有较大幅度的提升.苹果园冠层叶片的光合效率与叶片N含量存在显著的相关关系,而叶片N含量又与辐射通量密度存在显著的相关关系,因此,可根据冠层叶片相对N含量的垂直分布间接和定量地判断叶片的光合效率或相对辐射通量密度的空间分布.  相似文献   

冠层结构是影响果树生长发育及丰产优质的重要因素。该研究以20年生‘玉露香’梨大冠分层树形为对照(CK),以冠层整形修剪后的3、4和5个主枝的开心树形为处理(分别记为OCC_(3b)、OCC_(4b)和OCC_(5b)),测定了冠层截获的光合有效辐射、叶片的气体交换、叶绿素荧光和果实品质特性,探讨不同冠层结构内光环境的变化对梨树叶片光合特性及果实品质的影响,探讨果树的光合调控和结实规律,为西北黄土高原产区果树的标准化整形修剪提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)OCC_(3b)、OCC_(4b)和OCC_(5b)的冠层不同方位和不同时刻截获的光合有效辐射(PAR)均高于CK。与CK和OCC_(5b)相比,OCC_(3b)和OCC_(4b)叶片光响应的最大净光合速率(P_(nmax))和羧化效率(CE)显著提高。(2)在强光胁迫下,开心树形叶片光呼吸速率(P_r)占总光合速率(P_g)的比例(P_r/P_g)和非光化学淬灭(NPQ)中可恢复组分r(qE)提高,同时不可恢复组分r(qI)降低。(3)OCC_(3b)和OCC_(4b)比OCC_(5b)和CK的单果重、果面红晕面积、果皮花青苷含量、可溶性固形物含量和可溶性总糖含量均显著提高,而可滴定酸含量显著降低。(4)PAR与果面着色面积和果皮花青苷含量呈极显著正相关关系,P_(nmax)与单果重呈极显著正相关关系,而PAR和P_(nmax)均与可滴定酸呈极显著负相关关系。研究发现,OCC_(3b)和OCC_(4b)的梨树冠层内可截获更多的光能,叶片光合能力更强,遭遇强光胁迫时能够通过更高效的热耗散和光呼吸进行自我保护,而且开心形树冠结构还能显著提升果实品质。  相似文献   

马占相思树干液流特征及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:41  
马玲  赵平  饶兴权  蔡锡安  曾小平  陆平 《生态学报》2005,25(9):2145-2151
运用Granier热消散式探针法对华南丘陵退化荒坡植被恢复先锋树种马占相思(Acaciamangium)树干液流密度进行长期连续观测,并对其周围环境因子如空气温度、空气相对湿度、土壤相对湿度、光合有效辐射和总辐射进行同步观测。通过分析发现马占相思边材厚度与胸径存在显著线性相关关系;马占相思树干液流密度最大值与边材面积具显著相关关系;马占相思树干东、南、西、北4个方位测得的液流密度具显著差异,且各方位相互之间均有显著相关关系;马占相思树干液流每天到达峰值与光合有效辐射和水蒸气压亏缺到达峰值存在一定的时滞,这两个时滞与树高无关,个体间时滞差异在湿季较小,干季较大;干湿季液流平均值和最大值具显著差异,湿季蒸腾水量大于相同时间内干季蒸腾水量;液流的变化与空气温度、空气相对湿度、光合有效辐射、总辐射、水蒸气压亏缺等环境因子的变化具显著相关关系,按相关程度排序为:光合有效辐射>总辐射>水蒸气压亏缺>空气相对湿度>空气温度。  相似文献   

新疆超高产棉花冠层光分布特征及其与群体光合生产的关系   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
以新疆超高产棉田(皮棉产量在4000 kg·hm-2以上)为研究对象,分析不同生育时期棉花冠层光分布、群体光合速率和干物质积累量的变化,研究不同产量水平棉田冠层的光环境变化特征及其与群体光合生产的关系.结果表明: 超高产田盛花期到盛铃后期冠层上、中、下层光吸收率的比例为2∶2∶1,呈均匀分布,群体散射辐射和直射辐射透过系数分别为0.20~0.55和0.22~0.56,处于较适宜范围,中、下层叶片受光良好,冠层各层次叶片群体光合速率差异较小.与高产(3500 kg·hm-2)和一般高产(3000 kg·hm-2)棉田相比,超高产田在盛铃前期具有较高的叶面积指数和群体光合速率峰值,在初絮期和盛絮期的叶面积指数下降缓慢,群体光合速率峰值仍保持较高值,非叶绿色器官对产量形成的光合贡献增大,群体干物质积累量较高.在栽培过程中,调节冠层结构,使垂直方向上光辐射和群体光合能力分布均匀是确保棉花高效利用光能、实现超高产的重要途径.  相似文献   

岷江上游植被冠层降水截留的空间模拟   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 通过对岷江上游实地踏查和定位观测研究,结合MODIS遥感数据,利用“3S”技术对岷江上游植被冠层降水截留进行了空间模拟。研究结果表明:岷江上游植被叶面积指数(LAI)与增强性植被指数(EVI)以二项式关系拟合效果较好。由于归一化植被指数(NDVI)存在的饱和问题,研究采用EVI反演LAI,统计结果表明:岷江上游LAI值在0~2之间的占28.57%,在2~4.5之间的占63.06%,大于4.5的占8.37%,其中LAI最大值为7.394;从冠层最大降水截留模拟结果来看: 植被较好的地区,如卧龙、米亚罗的植被冠层最大降水截留量较大,而干旱河谷、上游高山草甸等地的植被冠层最大降水截留量相对较低;附加冠层降水截留与降雨量呈线性相关,模型验证时以此为基础,模型模拟的结果较为理想。  相似文献   

Fu G  Shen Z X  Zhang X Z  You S C  Wu J S  Shi P L 《农业工程》2010,30(5):264-269
The Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM) was used to simulate the gross primary productivities (GPP) of the alpine meadow ecosystem in the northern Tibet Plateau at three different spatial resolutions of 0.5 km, 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The linear relationships between enhanced vegetation indices (EVI) and GPP, with higher correlative coefficients, were better than those between normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) and GPP at the three resolutions. VPM could well simulate the seasonal changes and inter-annual variations of GPP, with similar trends at the three resolutions. There were significant differences (P < 0.0001) among the three modeled GPP with the three resolutions. Therefore, the modeled GPP at high resolution could not be directly extrapolated to low resolution, and vice versa. The contribution levels of different model parameters, including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (Ta), NDVI, EVI and land surface water indices (LSWI), to modeled GPP could vary with spatial resolution based on multiple stepwise linear regression analysis. This indicated that it was important to choose parameters properly and consider their effects on modeled GPP.  相似文献   

The Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (VPM) was used to simulate the gross primary productivities (GPP) of the alpine meadow ecosystem in the northern Tibet Plateau at three different spatial resolutions of 0.5 km, 1.5 km and 2.5 km, respectively. The linear relationships between enhanced vegetation indices (EVI) and GPP, with higher correlative coefficients, were better than those between normalized difference vegetation indices (NDVI) and GPP at the three resolutions. VPM could well simulate the seasonal changes and inter-annual variations of GPP, with similar trends at the three resolutions. There were significant differences (P < 0.0001) among the three modeled GPP with the three resolutions. Therefore, the modeled GPP at high resolution could not be directly extrapolated to low resolution, and vice versa. The contribution levels of different model parameters, including photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), air temperature (Ta), NDVI, EVI and land surface water indices (LSWI), to modeled GPP could vary with spatial resolution based on multiple stepwise linear regression analysis. This indicated that it was important to choose parameters properly and consider their effects on modeled GPP.  相似文献   

Aims Determination of canopy photosynthetic parameters is key to accurate simulation of ecosystem function by using remote sensing methods. Currently, remote estimation of vegetation canopy structure characteristics has been widely adopted. However, directly estimating photosynthetic variables (photosynthetic capacity and efficiency) at canopy scale based on field spectrometry combined with CO2 flux measurements is rare.
Methods In this study, we remotely estimated solar radiation use efficiency (εN, net ecosystem CO2 exchange/absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (NEECO2/APAR); εG, gross primary productivity/absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (GPP/APAR); α, apparent quantum efficiency) and photosynthetic capacity (Pmax) based on in situ measurements of spectral reflectance and ecosystem CO2 fluxes, along with observational data on micrometeorological factors during the entire growing season for a maize canopy in Northeast China.
Important findings Results showed that the seasonal variations in Pmax and α exhibited a single peak; whereas the values of εN and εG were higher at the start of vegetative stage and then rapidly decreased with the development of maize until displaying a single peak at the intermediate and late stages of the growing season, coinciding with the occurrence of peak values in Pmax. A comparison was made on the predictive performance based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), ratio vegetation index (RVI), wide dynamic range vegetation index (WDRVI), 2-band enhanced vegetation index (EVI2), and chlorophyll index (CI) in estimating four canopy photosynthetic parameters with any combination of two separate wavelengths at the range of 400–1 300 nm, which showed that EVI2 was most closely and linearly related to photosynthetic capacity and efficiency. This study demonstrates that multi-spectral remote sensing information is sensitive to the variations in canopy photosynthetic parameters in maize field and can be used to quantitatively monitor seasonal dynamics of canopy photosynthesis, and to accurately assess crop productivity and ecosystem CO2 exchange capacity.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding of the ecophysiological dynamics of forest canopy photosynthesis and its spatial and temporal scaling is crucial for revealing ecological response to climate change. Combined observations and analyses of plant ecophysiology and optical remote sensing would enable us to achieve these studies. In order to examine the utility of spectral vegetation indices (VIs) for assessing ecosystem-level photosynthesis, we investigated the relationships between canopy-scale photosynthetic productivity and canopy spectral reflectance over seasons for 5 years in a cool, temperate deciduous broadleaf forest at 'Takayama' super site in central Japan.Methods Daily photosynthetic capacity was assessed by in situ canopy leaf area index (LAI), (LAI × V cmax [single-leaf photosynthetic capacity]), and the daily maximum rate of gross primary production (GPP max) was estimated by an ecosystem carbon cycle model. We examined five VIs: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), enhanced vegetation index (EVI), green–red vegetation index (GRVI), chlorophyll index (CI) and canopy chlorophyll index (CCI), which were obtained by the in situ measurements of canopy spectral reflectance.Important findings Our in situ observation of leaf and canopy characteristics, which were analyzed by an ecosystem carbon cycling model, revealed that their phenological changes are responsible for seasonal and interannual variations in canopy photosynthesis. Significant correlations were found between the five VIs and canopy photosynthetic capacity over the seasons and years; four of the VIs showed hysteresis-type relationships and only CCI showed rather linear relationship. Among the VIs examined, we applied EVI–GPP max relationship to EVI data obtained by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer to estimate the temporal and spatial variation in GPP max over central Japan. Our findings would improve the accuracy of satellite-based estimate of forest photosynthetic productivity in fine spatial and temporal resolutions, which are necessary for detecting any response of terrestrial ecosystem to meteorological fluctuations.  相似文献   

利用光谱分辨率为3nm的ASD FieldSpec UV/VNIR光谱仪获得了2002和2003年水稻整个生长期的高光谱数据,同时对水稻叶面积指数(LAI)和叶绿素含量(CHL.C)进行了测定,对中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的增强植被指数(EVI)、归一化植被指数(NDVI)以及红边位置(REP)与LAI及CHL.C之间的关系进行了研究.结果表明。LAI与冠层光谱在可见光、近红外波段相关性较好,叶绿素含量与冠层光谱在红光波段相关性较好.EVI、REP和LAI之间的相关关系不受水稻覆盖率的影响;NDVI与LAI的相关关系在水稻低覆盖率情况下较好;在水稻高覆盖率情况下。EVI和REP比NDVI与LAI之间的相关关系要好.MODIS-NDVI、EVI及REP与叶片叶绿素含量相关性较好.由此可见,EVI和REP可以有效地监测水稻LAI和CHL.C.  相似文献   

We report effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca) on leaf area index (LAI) of a Florida scrub‐oak ecosystem, which had regenerated after fire for between three and five years in open‐top chambers (OTCs) and was yet to reach canopy closure. LAI was measured using four nondestructive methods, calibrated and tested in experiments performed in calibration plots near the OTCs. The four methods were: PAR transmission through the canopy, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), hemispherical photography, and allometric relationships between plant stem diameter and plant leaf area. Calibration experiments showed: (1) Leaf area index could be accurately determined from either PAR transmission through the canopy or hemispherical photography. For LAI determined from PAR transmission through the canopy, ecosystem light extinction coefficient (k) varied with season and was best described as a function of PAR transmission through the canopy. (2) A negative exponential function described the relationship between NDVI and LAI; (3) Allometric relationships overestimated LAI. Throughout the two years of this study, LAI was always higher in elevated Ca, rising from, 20% during winter, to 55% during summer. This seasonality was driven by a more rapid development of leaf area during the spring and a relatively greater loss of leaf area during the winter, in elevated Ca. For this scrub‐oak ecosystem prior to canopy closure, increased leaf area was an indirect mechanism by which ecosystem C uptake and canopy N content were increased in elevated Ca. In addition, increased LAI decreased potential reductions in canopy transpiration from decreases in stomatal conductance in elevated Ca. These findings have important implications for biogeochemical cycles of C, N and H2O in woody ecosystems regenerating from disturbance in elevated Ca.  相似文献   

Estimates of the seasonal absorbed fraction of photosynthetically active radiation (FPAR) and net primary productivity (NPP) are compared among four production efficiency models (PEMs) and seven terrestrial biosphere models simulating canopy development. In addition, the simulated FPARs of the models are compared to the FASIR-FPAR derived from NOAA-AVHRR satellite observations. All models reproduce observed summergreen phenology of temperate deciduous forests rather well, but perform less well for raingreen phenology of savannas. Some models estimate a much longer active canopy in savannas than indicated by satellite observations. As a result, these models estimate high negative monthly NPP during the dry season. For boreal and tropical evergreen ecosystems, several models overestimate LAI and FPAR. When the simulated canopy does respond to unfavourable periods, the seasonal NPP is largely determined by absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR). When the simulated canopy does not respond to unfavourable periods, the light use efficiency (LUE) influences the seasonal NPP more. However, the relative importance of APAR and LUE can change seasonally.  相似文献   

Aims Accurate remote estimation of the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) is essential for the light use efficiency (LUE) models. Currently, one challenge for the LUE models is lack of knowledge about the relationship between fAPAR and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). Few studies have tested this relationship against field measurements and evaluated the accuracy of the remote estimation method. This study aimed to reveal the empirical relationship between NDVI and fAPAR and to improve algorithms for remote estimation of fAPAR.Methods To investigate the method of remote estimation of fAPAR seasonal dynamics, the CASA (Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach) model and spectral vegetation indices (VIs) were used for in situ measurements of spectral reflectance and fAPAR during the growing season of a maize canopy in Northeast China.Important findings The results showed that the fAPAR increased rapidly with the day of year during the vegetative stage, it remained relatively stable at the stage of reproduction, and finally decreased slowly during the senescence stage. In addition, fAPAR green [fAPAR green = fAPAR × (green LAI/green LAI max)] showed clearer seasonal trends than fAPAR. The NDVI, red-edge NDVI, wide dynamic range vegetation index, red-edge position (REP) and REP with Sentinel-2 bands derived from hyperspectral remote sensing data were all significantly positively related to fAPAR green during the entire growing season. In a comparison of the predictive performance of VIs for the whole growing season, REP was the most appropriate spectral index, and can be recommended for monitoring seasonal dynamics of fAPAR in a maize canopy.  相似文献   

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