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我国是全球生物多样性大国,拥有包括大熊猫、金丝猴、华南虎、麋鹿、白鱀豚等特有物种和旗舰物种在内的丰富兽类资源。近几十年来,土地利用模式转变、盗猎、环境污染、气候变化等因素使许多兽类物种面临生存威胁,导致物种遗传多样性丧失。而遗传多样性是生物多样性的基本组成部分,决定了物种和种群能否长期生存。保护遗传学作为保护生物学的一大分支学科,旨在通过遗传学分析探明种群遗传变异和物种濒危的遗传学机制。近40年来,随着研究手段和技术的不断发展,我国兽类保护遗传学在遗传多样性和近交水平评估、景观遗传学、生态遗传学和圈养种群遗传管理等方面都取得了重要成果。然而,未来人类社会发展可能为濒危兽类带来的威胁依然存在,高通量测序等新技术的进一步发展则能够帮助我们更加深入地了解濒危物种和种群遗传适应与濒危机制,从而实现对濒危兽类的有效管理与保护。  相似文献   

保护遗传学研究的是影响物种灭绝的遗传因素以及濒危物种的遗传管理, 以降低物种的灭绝风险。本文从遗传多样性本身及其对生态系统的影响两个方面介绍了植物保护遗传学的最新进展。根据遗传标记的功能, 保护遗传学研究可分为选择中性遗传变异研究和适应性遗传变异两个方面。对于目前主要采用的选择中性遗传标记研究, 本文着重介绍了以下方面的最新进展: (1)利用遗传标记进行个体、物种或遗传单元的鉴定, 从而有效地设计保护策略, 避免在迁地保护中混淆物种, 提高保护效率; (2)应重视由于物种自身生殖、扩散等原因造成的隐性瓶颈效应。由于选择中性遗传标记并不能准确反映物种的适应性遗传基础, 从适应性遗传变异角度研究濒危物种的进化潜力已成为保护遗传学的研究前沿。大部分相关研究还集中在利用基因组扫描检测受选择的位点, 而对功能基因的适应性研究还比较少。景观遗传学旨在解释景观和生境影响下的种群间基因流和遗传多样性格局, 这方面研究将会促进我们更多了解种群基因流的地理限制因子和不同景观基质下的种群遗传差异。遗传多样性作为物种的一种属性亦可在一定程度上反馈, 并影响生态系统。这提示我们不仅仅是濒危物种, 常见物种的遗传多样性及其保护亦很重要。最后, 我们从4个方面对保护遗传学研究进行了展望, 包括应加强将生态系统各环节联系起来研究遗传多样性, 在技术手段上利用多态性更丰富的分子标记, 同时强调了对常见物种保护遗传学研究的重要性, 并初步分析了我国保护遗传学研究与国际水平的差距, 建议加强种群遗传学和进化生物学基础理论的学习。  相似文献   

近年来主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)基因已经成为保护遗传学和分子生态学重要的遗传标记.鹿科动物是很多生态系统中的关键物种,也包含很多重要的经济物种和濒危物种.因此,鹿科动物的MHC研究可为种群遗传结构、进化、遗传多样性和种群生存力评估、疾病风险评估、抗病力的定向选育等领域的研究提供新的视角.本文从MHC的基因组结构、多态性,与抗病、抗寄生虫的关系,与鹿角生长的关系等方面,综述了20年来鹿科动物MHC的研究成果,并为今后的研究提出了思路.  相似文献   

苏金源  燕语  李冲  李丹  杜芳 《生物多样性》2020,28(3):376-159
遗传多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分, 然而由于资源的过度开发利用和生境的破碎化影响了物种的遗传多样性, 甚至威胁到物种的生存适应性和生物多样性。极小种群野生植物是亟待保护的国家重点保护濒危植物,遗传多样性研究对揭示极小种群致濒机理及保护策略具有重要意义。生境破碎化会造成物种遗传多样性降低、种群间分化增加、基因流减少等, 使种群濒危。但在某些物种中, 繁殖特征、进化历史等生物和生态因素的不同也可能造成近期生境破碎化后遗传效应的延迟。裸子植物进化历史悠久, 包含许多孑遗物种, 由于生活史周期长, 遭受生境破碎化后可能短期内显示不出遗传效应的改变, 但长期很难恢复。本文以裸子植物为例综述了濒危植物的遗传多样性研究的案例, 探讨了濒危裸子植物应对环境恶化的维持机制、致濒因素和保护方案, 旨在说明通过遗传多样性研究充分认识极小种群致濒机理对高效保护极小种群野生植物的重要性。  相似文献   

木莲属濒危植物致濒原因及繁殖生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物种濒危的本质是在自然状况下,种群难以更新和维持。而导致濒危的内在原因就是由于物种的生物学、遗传学因素影响了种群的丰富度。繁殖是种群构建、更新和维持的关键环节,而繁殖成功的标准是能产生成熟个体。从繁殖生物学角度总结木莲属濒危种产生成熟个体的关键环节的研究状况,从其生殖发育异常、交配系统研究、物种自然繁殖特性及个体生存力角度探讨物种致濒的原因。  相似文献   

本文针对濒危植物居群的遗传多样性、生殖适合度、基因流、近交和远交衰退等遗传学问题在居群恢复过程中的应用进行了探讨。濒危植物居群的回归重建,既面临遗传多样性的迅速丧失、近交衰退等遗传风险,还因回归引种地存在较多近缘种而带来远交衰退的风险,最终导致遗传适应性降低,生境适应性变窄,繁殖和竞争能力减弱。为提高濒危物种保护的质量和效率,在构建回归居群时,应分批次从同一来源居群的不同母株采集材料,确保种源的遗传纯正性和遗传组成的多样性,还应使回归居群尽可能远离近缘广布种。另外,还需要对回归种群进行持续的监测和管理才能保证回归引种的成功。  相似文献   

利用RAPD技术对珍稀濒危植物海南粗榧(Cephalotaxus mannii Hook . f.)遗传多样性水平、分布、濒危原因及物种保护等问题进行了探讨.结果表明:1. 海南粗榧在海南岛的5个取样地点表现出低水平的遗传多样性,对环境变化的适应能力不强; 2. 海南粗榧种群内和种群间的遗传多样性所占比例有很大差异,绝大部分变异分布于种群内(DNA多样性为85.1%);种群间仅有较低程度的分化;3. 人为砍伐、植被破坏、台风、被食及遗传漂变是海南粗榧遗传多样性低水平的主要原因,也是物种濒危的主要原因;4. 对于呈零星分布的濒危植物海南粗榧的研究与保护,应充分考虑个体小环境之间的差异,考察影响小种群的随机因素;5. 应采取有力措施,就地保护现有种群,并寻求适当的方法迅速扩展种群,降低基因丧失率;选择遗传多样性较高且破坏相对较小的黎母岭种群作为保护重点;同时应加强对其他种群的保护与管理;6. 海南粗榧种群内、种群间的遗传多样性在不同引物之间有较大差别;多态性位点百分率则是种群间的变化大于引物间的变化.  相似文献   

珍稀濒危植物海南粗榧种群遗传多样性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用RAPD技术对珍稀濒危植物海南粗榧(Cephalotaxus manniiHook.f.)遗传多样性水平,分布、濒危原因及物种保护等问题进行了探讨。结果表明:1、海南粗榧在海南岛的5个取样地点表现出低水平的遗传多样性,对环境变化物适应能力不强;2、海南粗榧种群内和种群间的遗传多样性所占比例有很大差异,绝大部分变异分布于种群内(DAN多样性为85.1%);种群间仅有较低程度的分化;3、人为砍伐,植被破坏,台风、被食用遗传漂变是海南粗榧遗传多样性低水平的主要原因,也是物种濒危的主要原因;4、对于呈零星分布的濒危植物海南粗榧的研究与保护,应充分考虑个体小环境之间的差异。考虑影响小种群的随机因素;5、应采取有力措施,就地保护现有种群,并寻求适当的方法迅速扩展种群,降低基因丧失率;选择遗传多样性较高且破坏相对较小的黎母岭种群作为保护重点;同时应加强对其他种群的保护与管理;6、海南粗榧种群内,种群音质遗传多样性在不同引物之间有较大差别。多态性位点百分率则是种群间的变化大于引物间的变化。  相似文献   

种群生存力分析(PVA)的方法与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人们对资源的加速利用,生境丧失和破碎化导致物种濒危问题日益严重.以岛屿生物地理学为理论起源的种群生存力分析(PVA),通过分析和模拟种群动态过程并建立灭绝概率与种群数量之间的关系,为濒危物种保护提供了重要的理论依据和研究途径.在过去的几十年中,种群生存力分析已成为保护生物学中一项重要的研究内容.目前种群生存力分析发展稳定,但对其实际预测能力和准确性尚存质疑,应用方面也有待进一步发展.种群生存力分析的进一步完善还需要在理论和方法上的创新,特别是籍于景观生态学和可持续性科学的理念,将空间分析手段、经济社会因素纳入到物种和种群的预测和管理上,从而使其 具有更完整的理论基础和更高的实用价值.为此,本文对种群生存力分析的历史、基本概念、研究方法、模型应用和准确性进行了综述,并提出了有关的研究展望.  相似文献   

新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的现状与保护   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
新疆马鹿塔里木亚种高度适应荒漠生境, 自20 世纪50 年代以来, 由于自然和人为因素的影响, 种群数量急剧下降。栖息地退缩和片段化不仅导致种群遗传多样性的丧失, 而且也因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖, 不断地加剧了该亚种的濒危程度。为有效的保护该物种, 特提出可行的保护措施建议。  相似文献   

Intentional or accidental introduction of species to new locations is predicted to result in loss of genetic variation and increase the likelihood of inbreeding, thus reducing population viability and evolutionary potential. However, multiple introductions and large founder numbers can prevent loss of genetic diversity and may therefore facilitate establishment success and range expansion. Based on a meta‐analysis of 119 introductions of 85 species of plants and animals, we here show a quantitative effect of founding history on genetic diversity in introduced populations. Both introduction of large number of individuals and multiple introduction events significantly contribute to maintaining or even increasing genetic diversity in introduced populations. The most consistent loss of genetic diversity is seen in insects and mammals, whereas introduced plant populations tend to have higher genetic variation than native populations. However, loss or gain of genetic diversity does not explain variation in the extent to which plant or animal populations become invasive outside of their native range. These results provide strong support for predictions from population genetics theory with respect to patterns of genetic diversity in introduced populations, but suggest that invasiveness is not limited by genetic bottlenecks.  相似文献   

濒危物种山红树居群遗传结构的RAPD分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
利用RAPD分子标记检测了云南省3个山红树居群的遗传多样性和居群遗传结构。10个引物共检测到54个位点, 其中多态位点11个, 占20 37%。与其他的濒危物种相比, 山红树居群内的遗传多样性很低, 居群间的遗传分化很大(78 65%)。大量经济植物的种植加上人为的破坏, 使山红树的生境遭到严重破坏, 数量大为减少, 可能导致了山红树遗传多样性的丧失、居群间较高的遗传分化。基于以上结果, 探讨了山红树进一步的迁地保护措施。  相似文献   

Genetic viability of threatened and endangered species is of increasing concern with habitat loss and fragmentation. Valuable assessments of the genetic status of endangered species are difficult in most cases, where only single sample estimates are available. Using historical and contemporary samples, we assessed the impact of both historical and recent demographic changes on population genetics of the endangered golden-cheeked warbler, (Dendroica chrysoparia). Our study documents a steep decline in genetic diversity in an endangered species over a 100-year period, along with concurrent increase in genetic differentiation, and low contemporary effective sizes for all the populations we evaluated. While adding to the growing body of literature that describes the genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation, our study may also serve as an informative guide to future management of endangered species. Our study underlines the importance of long term population genetic monitoring in understanding the full extent of genetic changes in endangered species.  相似文献   

Luan S  Chiang TY  Gong X 《Annals of botany》2006,98(3):583-589
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Nouelia insignis Franch., a monotypic genus of the Asteraceae, is an endangered species endemic in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces of China. Most of the populations are seriously threatened. Some of them are even at the brink of extinction. In this study, the genetic diversity and differentiation between populations of this species were examined in two drainage areas. METHODS: DNA fingerprinting based on inter-simple sequence repeat polymorphisms was employed to detect the genetic variation and population structure in the species. KEY RESULTS: Genetic diversity at species level was high with P=65.05% (percentage of polymorphic loci) and Ht=0.2248 (total genetic diversity). The coefficient of genetic differentiation among populations, Gst, which was estimated by partitioning the total gene diversity, was 0.2529; whereas, the genetic differentiation between populations in the Jinsha and Nanpan drainage areas was unexpectedly low (Gst=0.0702). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the genetic analyses of the DNA fingerprinting, recent habitat fragmentation may not have led to genetic differentiation or the loss of genetic diversity in the rare species. Spatial apportionment of fingerprinting polymorphisms provides a footprint of historical migration across geographical barriers. The high diversity detected in this study holds promise for conservation and restoration efforts to save the endangered species from extinction.  相似文献   

华木莲居群遗传结构与保护单元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华木莲(Sinomanglietia glauca)仅分布于江西宜春和湖南永顺, 是我国一级重点保护植物。前人采用RAPD、ISSR以及叶绿体SSCP(single-stranded conformation polymorphism)标记对华木莲进行了居群遗传学研究, 但未包括后发现的湖南居群或未检出居群内遗传变异。为了全面检测华木莲遗传多样性及其空间分布格局, 并据此确定保护单元, 本研究采用细胞核微卫星标记对华木莲所有4个居群共77个个体进行了居群遗传学分析。结果表明, 华木莲具有较低的遗传多样性(平均等位基因数A = 2.604, 平均期望杂合度HE = 0.423)和较高的遗传分化(FST = 0.425)。STRUCTURE和主成分分析(Principal Coordinated Analysis, PCA)将4个居群首先分为江西、湖南两组, 江西的2个居群实际上是同一个自然繁育居群, 而湖南的2个居群则为2个分化明显的自然繁育居群。研究还发现湖南居群存在明显的杂合子过剩现象, 可能是小居群内随机因素造成的。研究结果表明华木莲可能在近期历史上遭受过强烈的瓶颈效应, 导致种群缩小、遗传多样性丧失和居群分化加剧, 需要加强对其进化潜力的保护。在制定保护措施时, 需要考虑其较高的遗传分化水平, 根据遗传结构可以将其划分为3个保护单元, 即湖南居群和江西居群分别为2个进化显著单元, 湖南居群进一步划分为2个管理单元(分别为朗溪乡云盘村和小溪乡鲁家村居群)。  相似文献   

Most of the major genetic concerns in conservation biology, including inbreeding depression, loss of evolutionary potential, genetic adaptation to captivity and outbreeding depression, involve quantitative genetics. Small population size leads to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity and so increases extinction risk. Captive populations of endangered species are managed to maximize the retention of genetic diversity by minimizing kinship, with subsidiary efforts to minimize inbreeding. There is growing evidence that genetic adaptation to captivity is a major issue in the genetic management of captive populations of endangered species as it reduces reproductive fitness when captive populations are reintroduced into the wild. This problem is not currently addressed, but it can be alleviated by deliberately fragmenting captive populations, with occasional exchange of immigrants to avoid excessive inbreeding. The extent and importance of outbreeding depression is a matter of controversy. Currently, an extremely cautious approach is taken to mixing populations. However, this cannot continue if fragmented populations are to be adequately managed to minimize extinctions. Most genetic management recommendations for endangered species arise directly, or indirectly, from quantitative genetic considerations.  相似文献   

Forest fragments along the Atlantic coastland of Brazil have been highly impacted by extensive human activities for the last 400 years. Caesalpinia echinata (Leguminosae– Caesalpinioideae), brazilwood, was overexploited during this period due to its economical importance as a dye. As a result, the species has become endangered and today its total population size is very restricted. We have assessed the distribution of genetic variation between five natural populations of brazilwood by means of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) markers. Of the total genetic variability, 28.5% was attributable to differences between two geographical groups, 29.6% to population differences within groups and 42.0% to individual differences within populations. The high level of population differentiation observed is in contrast to that expected for a primarily outcrossed woody perennial plant, and suggests that there may be a degree of inbreeding. Our results are in agreement with previous studies which postulated that C. echinata has always occurred in clumps, being common in some places but rare in between. From a conservation point of view, different populations representing different regions should be protected and, yet, plants with different origins should not be synthesized into populations in a recovery process at the risk of loss and dilution of genetic information. This study demonstrates that RAPD markers were effective in establishing a clear correlation between genetic and geographical distance and in identifying areas of maximum diversity, and may be used as an initial approach to assess the partitioning of genetic variation in this endangered species.  相似文献   

Many endangered species suffer from the loss of genetic diversity, but some populations may be able to thrive even if genetically depleted. To investigate the underlying genetic processes of population bottlenecks, we apply an innovative approach for assessing genetic diversity in the last known population of the endangered Pale‐headed Brushfinch (Atlapetes pallidiceps) in Ecuador. First, we measure genetic diversity at eleven neutral microsatellite loci and adaptive SNP variation in five Toll‐like receptor (TLR) immune system genes. Bottleneck tests confirm genetic drift as the main force shaping genetic diversity in this species and indicate a 99 % reduction in population size dating back several hundred years. Second, we compare contemporary microsatellite diversity with historic museum samples of A. pallidiceps, finding no change in genetic diversity. Third, we compare genetic diversity in the Pale‐headed Brushfinch with two co‐occurring‐related brushfinch species (Atlapetes latinuchus, Buarremon torquatus), finding a reduction of up to 91% diversity in the immune system genes but not in microsatellites. High TLR diversity is linked to decreased survival probabilities in A. pallidiceps. Low TLR diversity is thus probably an adaptation to the specific selection regime within its currently very restricted distribution (approximately 200 ha), but could severely restrict the adaptive potential of the species in the long run. Our study illustrates the importance of investigating both neutral and adaptive markers to assess the effect of population bottlenecks and for recommending specific management plans in endangered species.  相似文献   

Many plant species combine sexual and clonal reproduction. Clonal propagation has ecological costs mainly related to inbreeding depression and pollen discounting; at the same time, species able to reproduce clonally have ecological and evolutionary advantages being able to persist when conditions are not favorable for sexual reproduction. The presence of clonality has profound consequences on the genetic structure of populations, especially when it represents the predominant reproductive strategy in a population. Theoretical studies suggest that high rate of clonal propagation should increase the effective number of alleles and heterozygosity in a population, while an opposite effect is expected on genetic differentiation among populations and on genotypic diversity. In this study, we ask how clonal propagation affects the genetic diversity of rare insular species, which are often characterized by low levels of genetic diversity, hence at risk of extinction. We used eight polymorphic microsatellite markers to study the genetic structure of the critically endangered insular endemic Ruta microcarpa. We found that clonality appears to positively affect the genetic diversity of R. microcarpa by increasing allelic diversity, polymorphism, and heterozygosity. Moreover, clonal propagation seems to be a more successful reproductive strategy in small, isolated population subjected to environmental stress. Our results suggest that clonal propagation may benefit rare species. However, the advantage of clonal growth may be only short‐lived for prolonged clonal growth could ultimately lead to monoclonal populations. Some degree of sexual reproduction may be needed in a predominantly clonal species to ensure long‐term viability.  相似文献   

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