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冰凉花根系发育形态学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冰凉花属于宿根植物,其根几乎终生为初生结构。一年生苗直根系的主根和侧根的初生木质部均为二原型。二至多年生植株的不定根分为二原型、三原型、四原型和五原型,其分枝均为二原型。根在一年中有两个生长期。展叶结果营养期产生新的不定根,旧根顶端恢复延长生长或产生新的分枝。夏季枯萎休眠期新生根变成黄褐色,停止生长。秋季地下生长期根系又开始生长。冬季严寒迫使生长趋于停止。研究冰凉花根系发育形态学不仅具有理论意义而且有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

西洋参根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西洋主根顶端的原分生组织由三群原始细胞组成。初生木质部为三原型。维管形成层产生的次生维管组织中薄壁细胞占主导地位;维管分子量少、聚集成群,分散在薄壁组织中。周皮加、周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。不同年龄西洋参主根随着龄龄的增加,周皮、次生真心皮部和木质部面积均呈增加趋势,但韧皮部与木质部面积比值自5:1下降至1:1。一年生根由中柱鞘产生初生分泌道,由维管形成层产生一圈次生分  相似文献   

二月兰根系发育形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
魏力军  刘晓辉 《植物研究》1995,15(3):377-381
二月兰Orychophragmus violaceus O.E.Schulz为二年生草本植物,直根系。初生结构为二原型,次生结构发达,主侧根结构相同。形成层活动随季节有明显变化,木质部可见年轮。冬季吸收根不死,无越冬根原基产生,吸收根连续不断更替,无明显季节性变化。根内淀粉含量随发育时期的变化而相应变化,其积螺高峰有两个,分别出现在第一年越冬前及第二年返青后开花前,不同播期对根系积累营养及第二年植  相似文献   

刘玫  刘鸣远 《植物研究》1988,8(3):177-182
本文研究了人参季节性吸收根的发育形态学。弄清了其发生发展规律、发现人参的吸收根每年更新-次, 在生长末期吸收根萎缩脱落, 并在根痕附近同时形成越冬根原基。越冬根原基与根痕-起俗称为"珍珠疙瘩"其植物学本质是越冬根原基复合体。在下-年春天, 越冬根原基再萌动形成新的吸收根。  相似文献   

根大都是植物体的地下器官。根据它们发生的部位和形态、结构与功能的适应,可有以下不同的划分: (一)从根在植物体上发生的部位看,有由种子的胚根发育而成的主根以及其上发生的各级分枝——侧根,侧根均由根(主根、侧根、不定根)的中柱鞘部位发生,由下它们发生的部位固定,可以认为是定根。但定根一词并不是植物形态学的正式名词,是相对于不定根而言。在植物体上除了发生定根部位以外的其他部位发生的根都叫不定根。如植物体的茎、叶、胚轴或根的中柱鞘以外的成熟部位均可有不定根产生。主根、侧根和不定根  相似文献   

细叶马先蒿为玄参科多年生草本植物。年生产周期明显缩短。根系营养生长至花期为粗壮主根与纤细侧根并存,果期侧根几乎全部枯萎脱落,所存留根系皆呈乳白色。由胚根形成的初生主根根毛密集,初生木质部二原型。侧生分生组织只有形成层而无木栓形成层。根表皮细胞经解离后略呈不规则方形片状,横切面为平周长梭形,进行垂周分裂增加梭形根表皮细胞长度,以适应根的增粗生长。根表皮脱落时,外皮层以同样生长方式代替脱落的表皮。在年  相似文献   

核桃试管不定根的组织学研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
以核桃品种‘新早丰’试管嫩茎为试材,采用二步生根法诱导生根,对其试管苗不定根发生发育过程进行了解剖学研究。结果表明:核桃试管嫩茎内未发现潜伏根原基;诱导生根后,不定根原基起源于形成层,特别是髓射线正对的形成层部分,属于诱生根原基型;不定根上的侧根起源于中柱鞘细胞。核桃试管嫩茎不定根的发育过程可分为4个阶段:(1)形成层细胞分裂;(2)转变为分生组织细胞群(即根原始细胞);(3)细胞群发育成可见的根原基; (4)根原基内细胞继续分裂分化形成根尖的外形,其内发育出维管束,并向外生长,穿过皮层,突破茎表皮。在组织培养条件下长出的不定根内部解剖构造为典型的初生构造,移栽后68 d出现次生构造。另外,试管苗根毛出现与否及其发育状况受基质理化性质的影响,即生态条件可以改变组织发生及其形状。  相似文献   

生长素极性运输在水稻根发育中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
生长素极性运输(PAT)在植物生长发育尤其是极性发育和模式建成中起重要作用。采用2种PAT抑制剂TIBA(2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid)和HFCA(9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid)处理水稻(Oryza sativa 1.cv.Zhonghua)幼苗,结果表明:PAT影响水稻根发育包括主根的伸长、侧根的起始和伸长以及不定根的发育。PAT的抑制导致主根变短、侧根和不定根数目减少。外源附加生长素(NAA)可以部分恢复不定根的形成但不能恢复侧根的形成,表明在侧根和不定根的形成上可能具有不同的机制。切片结果表明,30μmol/L TIBA处理后并不完全抑制侧根原基的形成,进一步研究表明生长素由胚芽鞘向基部的运输在水稻不定根的起始和伸长中起关键作用。  相似文献   

栽培太子参块根的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用石蜡制片技术研究了栽培太子参纺锤状块根的发育过程。结果表明,栽培太子参的块根是由其不定根发育而成。太子参不定根的初生结构与次生结构的发育可分为4个阶段:原分生组织阶段、初生分生组织阶段、初生结构与次生结构阶段,类似一般草本双子叶植物根的发育。其特点是初生结构的皮层细胞大,仅3 ~4层,内皮层细胞具凯氏带;初生木质部多为三原型,少数为二原型、四原型与五原型。次生结构中次生木质部约占根面积80 %,主要为薄壁组织细胞,导管呈稀疏的放射状分布其中。由不定根发育成块根过程中,根据从根头至根尾不同距离的各组成部分的面积及细胞层数分析,从上向下其维管形成层活动强度不同,从而根的直径大小不同,使根发育成上粗下细的纺锤状肉质块根。高碘酸-Schiff反应显示,在成熟的块根中次生韧皮部的薄壁组织细胞和次生木质部射线间的木薄壁组织细胞内富含淀粉粒,在有些木薄壁组织细胞中还含有草酸钙簇晶。  相似文献   

该研究以侧柏一年生硬枝插穗为实验材料,利用连续组织切片技术观察插穗不定根发生发育过程中的组织结构变化,分析插穗外部形态变化、不定根原基起源和不定根的形成过程,探讨侧柏插穗不定根发生模式和不定根的组织学起源。结果显示:侧柏扦插后可由愈伤组织、皮部诱导产生不定根,出现皮部生根、愈伤组织生根、愈伤组织兼具皮部生根3种类型;侧柏插穗中存在少量潜伏根原基,但插穗生根类型以诱导生根为主;不定根原基诱导产生于愈伤组织、木质部、形成层及次生韧皮部等部位。研究认为侧柏扦插生根属于多位点发生模式,不定根原基的组织学起源是愈伤组织、髓射线、射线原始细胞、尚未分化成熟的木质部细胞,通过人工诱导同时激活这些不定根起源位点能够显著提高生根率和生根质量。  相似文献   

The primary resin ducts in the axis of plants of Pinus halepensis Mill, consist of two separate systems the pattern of which is correlated with the vascular systems of the organs in which they appear. These systems are: (1) ducts of the roots and the hypocotyl; (2) ducts of all the branches and juvenile leaves or scaleS. Both systems are produced by the apical meristemS. In the needles there is a third system of primary resin ducts situated in the mesophyll. These ducts are produced only to a small extent by the apical meristem of the needle and mainly by its intercalary meristem. In addition to these primary ducts of the needle, which form a separate system for each needle, at the base of the needle there may be ducts of secondary origin which are situated within the vein. These are continuous with secondary ducts of the brachyblast axis.
The secondary ducts constitute one system in the secondary xylem and phloem of the roots, branches and needle bases. They are formed by the cambium. In the xylem there are vertical and radial ducts which together form co-planar radial networkS. Each radial duct starts from a vertical duct. The first location of the stimulus for the formation of the two types of ducts is discussed. In the phloem there are only radial ducts, continuous with the radial ducts of the xylem. The cavities of the radial phloem and xylem ducts are not continuous, as there are no intercellular spaces in the region of the cambium.
The innermost vertical ducts of the secondary xylem form a kind of transitional type, in respect of their response to internal and external factors, between the primary resin ducts and the bulk of the secondary resin ducts.  相似文献   

Lum JH  Fung KL  Cheung PY  Wong MS  Lee CH  Kwok FS  Leung MC  Hui PK  Lo SC 《Proteomics》2002,2(9):1123-1130
Oriental ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) are two widely used valuable traditional Chinese medicines (TCM). Previously, the identification of ginseng was mainly performed by analyzing the ginsengnosides using high performance liquid chromatography and amplification of polymorphic DNA using polymerase chain reaction. However, these methods cannot be used to distinguish TCM samples which are from different parts (main root, lateral roots, rhizome head and skin) of ginseng and ginseng culture cells from wild-grown ginseng. The present study aimed to identify different species of ginseng, different parts of the same ginseng and cultured cells of ginseng using a proteomic approach. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) maps were established from the American ginseng main root, different parts (main root, lateral roots, rhizome head and skins) of Oriental ginseng and Oriental ginseng culture cells. Our results show that the 2-DE maps of different ginseng samples contain sufficient differences to permit easy discrimination. We have also identified common and specific protein spots in the 2-DE maps of different ginseng samples. The use of these "marker proteins" may help to speed up the identification process.  相似文献   

旋扭山绿豆(Desmodiumintortum)不仅是营养价值高的牧草,而且是耐阴、高固氮和适于水土保持的植物。本植物由主根、各级侧根和不定根组成庞大的根系.各种根都可长出根瘤。其根瘤形成时间较早.数量较多.85%以上为有效根瘤.类菌体力棒形.茎半匍匐,分枝多,复盖面积大,节及节间都能产生不定根。其叶较薄.气孔较少.叶绿体较大.其内淀粉粒少.基粒片层较丰富,因而能耐阴、在20%遮阴下生长最好。  相似文献   

Researchers have widely adopted the hairy root culture system as a means for producing secondary metabolites, including ginsenosides from ginseng. Although bacterial genes are involved, the aspects of plant gene expression are unclear. Using a cDNA microarray approach, we identified genes that are differentially expressed in ginseng hairy roots afterAgrobacterium rhizogenes infection. Our goal was to gain an initial understanding of the correlation between hairy root morphology and ginsenoside production. Among the 250 genes analyzed here, 63 (including 14 that are unclassified) were differentially expressed in a hairy root line containing a high level of ginsenosides. Of the genes that had been functionally categorized, 29% and 17% were active in metabolism and stress responses, respectively. Most were primarily associated with ribosomal proteins, thereby functioning in protein synthesis and destination. Their expression was down-regulated in hairy roots having less lateral branching. This phenotype may have resulted from the manipulation of metabolic activities by the translational machinery.  相似文献   

Pachycormus discolor , an arborescent desert perennial endemic to Baja California, has small, pinnately compound, hypostomatic, bifacial leaves produced on short shoots and photosynthetic stem phelloderm covered by exfoliating translucent phellem. Tightly packed laminal palisade cells are filled with tannins and lack chloroplasts. Spongy mesophyll is the major photosynthetic tissue. Leaves possess unicellular trichomes with secondary walls and uniseriate trichomes with glandular heads. Schizogenous resin ducts occur in primary phloem of stems, leaves and roots as well as all living tissues of the bark. Developmental studies reveal that initiation and differentiation of foliar primordia resembles that of other dicotyledons except that tannin cells and secretory ducts arise precociously. Primary vasculature is an open sympodial system with three principal traces diverging toward each foliar primordium. The wood is highly specialized and comprises mostly unlignified cells packed with starch grains. Thick bark is mainly produced as annual layers of secondary phloem marked by a ring of secretory ducts each surrounded by tannin cells. The possible adaptive significance of these unusual anatomical features is discussed.  相似文献   

Hairy root culture of Ginseng (Panax ginseng) was established after roots were induced on callus following infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The transformed cultures of ginseng could be subcultured as an axenic root culture in the absence of phytohormones, and grew with extensive lateral branches more rapidly than the ordinary cultured roots induced by hormonal control from ginseng callus. The hairy roots synthesized the same saponins, ginsenosides, as those of the native root, up to about 2.4 times in the quantity, and up to about 2 times in comparison with that of the ordinary cultured roots, on dry weight basis.Abbreviations Ms medium Murashige and Skoog's medium - 2,4-D 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - K kinetin This paper is Part 52 in the series "Studies on Plant Tissue Culture". For Part 51, see Ayabe S, Udagawa A, Furuya T (1987).  相似文献   

Ephemeral root modules in Fraxinus mandshurica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Xia M  Guo D  Pregitzer KS 《The New phytologist》2010,188(4):1065-1074
Historically, ephemeral roots have been equated with 'fine roots' (i.e. all roots of less than an arbitrary diameter, such as 2 mm), but evidence shows that 'fine roots' in woody species are complex branching systems with both rapid-cycling and slow-cycling components. A precise definition of ephemeral roots is therefore needed. Using a branch-order classification, a rhizotron method and sequential sampling of a root cohort, we tested the hypothesis that ephemeral root modules exist within the branching Fraxinus mandshurica (Manchurian ash) root system as distal nonwoody lateral branches, which show anatomical, nutritional and physiological patterns distinct from their woody mother roots. Our results showed that in F. mandshurica, distal nonwoody root branch orders die rapidly as intact lateral branches (or modules). These nonwoody branch orders exhibited highly synchronous changes in tissue nitrogen concentrations and respiration, dominated root turnover, nutrient flux and root respiration, and never underwent secondary development. The ephemeral root modules proposed here may provide a functional basis for differentiating and sampling short-lived absorptive roots in woody plants, and represent a conceptual leap over the traditional coarse-fine root dichotomies based on arbitrary size classes.  相似文献   

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