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锡林郭勒草原自然保护区土壤动物初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土壤动物的生存、活动与栖息地环境密切相关。一方面栖息地生态因子决定着土壤动物的生存与活动;另一方面,土壤动物对土壤有机质的改变、土壤微生物的生存、植物的生长等诸生态因子的变化起着一定的促进作用。因此随着草原生态系统研究的日趋深入,土壤动  相似文献   

动物食品安全既影响动物食品企业的生存和发展,更关系到人民群众的切身利益,本文分析了影响我国动物食品安全的主要因素,提出促进动物食品水平提高的措施。  相似文献   

本文讨论了动物生物安全隔离装置的定义、分类、选用、监测和评价。动物生物安全隔离装置的评价指标顺序遵循动物生存需要-生物安全需要-动物福利要求。  相似文献   

动物多样性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
动物是生物界的一个重要组成部分。在各国科学家关心全球的生物多样性问题时,我国的动物学家对本国动物多样性受到的破坏和威胁同样深为关切。许多有识之士已认识到:现生生物的多样性及其分布格局是亿万年生物进化历史形成的。众多的现生动物不依赖于人类已生存了数千万或数亿年,而人类若一旦失去这些动物却难以生存。因而,保护动物的多样性是为人类自身的生存的一项刻不容缓的工作。以下我们从生态系统多样性、物种多样性和遗传多样性三个角度作一介绍,这三方面是紧密相关的。  相似文献   

为了解荔波世界自然遗产地翼手目动物的物种多样性和生存现状, 作者于2010年10月至2011年10月, 对中国南方喀斯特荔波世界自然遗产地区域内6个镇(乡)69个洞穴的翼手目动物进行了考察, 发现60个洞穴有翼手目动物栖息痕迹, 其中可以确定具体栖息物种的洞穴有37个。本次调查观察记录到翼手目动物10万余只, 隶属5科15种, 结合文献记载及贵州师范大学动物标本室保存的翼手目动物标本, 确认该地区共有翼手目动物7科24种。11种翼手目动物在荔波世界自然遗产地为首次记录, 其中狭耳鼠耳蝠(Myotis blythii)、果树蹄蝠(Hipposideros pomona)2种为贵州省翼手目新记录。该地区一些洞穴已被开发为旅游景点, 严重影响了洞穴内翼手目动物的生存, 翼手目动物保护状况令人担忧, 建议对翼手目动物栖息的洞穴采取必要的保护措施。  相似文献   

人类生态学(八):野生动物管理(2)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栖息地遭受破坏和污染随着人类人口的增长和对自然资源需求的增加,人类一直在不断地砍伐森林、扩大耕地、建立城市、修筑道路、开采矿山、竖立井架、建设发电站等。热带雨林是保护生物遗传多样性最理想的地方,但地球上热带雨林的面积正在急剧缩小,顶极植被的破坏是对野生动物生存的最大威胁。每一种动物对于周围环境都有自己特定的忍受限度,栖息地的改变和破坏将使很多动物失去生存场所和必需的资源,造成这些动物的生存危机。虽然很多野生动  相似文献   

蚊类是吸血的昆虫。它们必须有其他动物供应血液,而且有水供作幼虫滋生的处所才能生存和繁殖。蝇类,除少数吸血蝇外,大多数是靠腐败的有机物质,尤其动物的排泄物,如粪、尿和腐败的动物和植物质而生存的。这些物质一方面作为成虫的食料,一方面也作为幼虫的食料和滋生塲所。所以有这些污物的地  相似文献   

人类是生物(动物)进化的最高级阶段,没有动物就不可能有人类;动物是人类在大自然中最亲密的朋友,离开动物人类就无法生存;宠物(或伴侣动物)又是与人类情感最亲近、接触最密切的一类动物。宠物可为人类带来精神上的满足与慰籍、愉悦与自信,带来生活上的辅助与便利、沟通与交流。无须讳言,  相似文献   

噪声在环境中广泛存在,城市化的迅速发展也使野生动物接触到人为噪声的机会增大。越来越多的证据表明,人为噪声在许多方面影响着人类的健康以及野生动物的生存。对这些研究进行总结发现,噪声会改变动物的生理状态,使其处在较高的应激水平,进而影响动物的抗氧化能力和免疫能力,甚至使雏鸟的端粒缩短。人为噪声的存在还会影响动物的学习和认知能力,干扰动物觅食、交流等行为。这些因素累积就可能会降低动物后代的存活率,改变物种丰度,对动物的生存造成威胁。对人为噪声带来的非听觉影响的研究,有助于更全面地了解噪声的潜在危害,采取更为积极的缓解应对措施。  相似文献   

对于人们来说,暴饮暴食可不是什么好习惯。可对于动物王国的暴食者来说,它只是一种生存方式。快来看看以下动物的"暴饮暴食"纪录吧,你觉得它们谁能称得上是"大胃王"呢?  相似文献   

The pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus) is a small prosimian living in Vietnam, Laos, eastern Cambodia and the south part of China. In China it is only found in Pingbian, Hekou, Jinping, Luchun of Yunnan. As N. pygmaeus is seriously threatened by hunting, trade and habitat destruction, it is listed in Appendix II of CITES, and in 2006 the IUCN classified it as “vulnerable”. In order to understand the characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus, the resting metabolic rate (RMR) and body temperature (Tb) at different ambient temperature (Ta) of pygmy lorises, as well as body mass, energy intake, digestable energy intake, digestability and the thermal conductance were measured in captivity. The results obtained mainly are as follows: (1) Pygmy loris feed dry food averaged 12.90 ± 1.02 g/d. They could gain 214.87 ± 16.65 kJ/d from food intake, and earned 200.15 ± 16.36 kJ digestable energy intake per day with 90.13 ± 1.34% of the digestability. (2) The Tb at room temperatures was a little low (35.23 ± 0.16 °C) and varied with Ta from 25 °C to 35 °C. There was a positive relationship between Tb and Ta, which was described as: Tb = 27.22 + 0.34Ta (r = 0.880). (3) The resting metabolic rate (RMR) of the pygmy loris was 0.3844 ± 0.0162 mlO2/g/h, which was 51.91 ± 1.90% of the previous predicted rate by Kleiber (1961) [21]. (4) The average thermal conductance of the pygmy loris (N. pygmaeus) was 0.0449 ± 0.0031 mlO2/g/h/°C. These characteristics of energy metabolism and thermoregulation of N. pygmaeus in Yunnan Daweishan Nature Reserve might be considered as the adaptive characteristics to their environment in tropical semi-evergreen forests and secondary forests.  相似文献   

高山姬鼠冷驯化过程中的能量收支   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨栖息于横断山地区高山姬鼠的能量代谢特征,采用食物平衡法,在冷驯化条件下,对其能量收支进行了测定。分别测定了冷驯化(5 ± 1℃ ,42 d)过程中,高山姬鼠体重、体温、每日摄入能、消化能、消化率、粪便能及可代谢能、可代谢率的变化。结果表明:随着冷驯化时间的延长,高山姬鼠的体重和体温降低,28 d 时达到最低值后保持稳定,其中体重在冷驯化14 d 时即与对照组有显著差异,28 d 时平均比对照组降低了15.5% ,体温在14 d 后和对照组有显著差异。每日摄入能、消化能、可代谢能升高,三者均在冷驯化14 d 后与对照组有极显著差异,21 d 时达到最高后保持稳定。粪便能、消化率和可代谢率在冷驯化过程中没有显著变化。高山姬鼠在冷暴露过程中,通过降低体重减少绝对能量需求;通过降低体温减少用于维持体温恒定所消耗的能量;通过增加能量摄入维持正常的生理机能。高山姬鼠在冷驯化过程中表现出的变化模式,与其低纬度、高海拔、年平均温度较低的生存环境有关,这在一定程度上反映了横断山区小型哺乳动物在低温胁迫下的生存机制和适应对策。  相似文献   

The study had three purposes: (1) to obtain information about mother-infant interactions in a rarely studied nocturnal prosimian, the pygmy loris (Nycticebus pygmaeus); (2) to compare pygmy lorises with a closely related and better-studied nocturnal prosimian, the Bengal slow loris (Nycticebus bengalensis); and (3) to determine how the presence of a second offspring affected mother-infant interactions in pygmy lorises. Three Bengal slow loris mothers and 3 pygmy loris mothers served as subjects, along with their 10 offspring (4 Bengal slow loris singletons, 2 pygmy loris singletons and 2 sets of pygmy loris twins). Observations were carried out in a zoo research facility for the first 24 weeks of the infants' lives. Although the two species differ in size and reproductive patterns, mother-infant interactions were similar. The primary modes of infant and adult contact were ventral and passive contact, respectively. Mothers parked their infants from the first week, and infants followed from the second week. Mothers displayed little protection or rejection, and there was little aggression. Infants solicited play and social grooming from their mothers. Pygmy loris mothers engaged in social grooming and play with their infants more frequently and for longer periods if the infant was a singleton rather than a twin.  相似文献   

Canaries appear to be primarily seed-eaters, although there are no reports of their feeding ecology in the wild. In captivity, they are offered seed-based diets, preferring to consume seeds such as canary, rapeseed and millet. The mean daily dry-matter intake ranges from 3 to 4 g, which corresponds to a mean gross energy intake of approximately 70 kJ per bird per day. The efficiency of dietary metabolism is high (0.85), which equates to individual metabolizable energy intakes of 45-75 kJ per bird per day. For a canary of average body weight (22 g) the data can be fitted to a regression equation to predict a requirement of 62 kJ ME per day. This corresponds to published information on the energy requirements of other passerine species, but deviates from the predictive equation for poultry. The digestibility values for protein, fat and carbohydrate are similar to those obtained for the budgerigar, although it is likely that the digestibility coefficient is dependent upon the seed type and alimentary tract lipase and amylase activities. Nutrient requirements of canary chicks have not yet been determined, although recent studies have provided data on the nutrient intakes of developing chicks. The newly-hatched canary chick has a rapid growth rate, achieving 90% of its asymptotic body mass by 11 days of age. Gross energy intake is approximately 3 kJ per day following hatching and by day 10 is equivalent to that of an adult canary. It appears that the protein intake should lie between 16.5 and 21.9% of the diet (as is), with peak intake occurring between 8 and 10 days of age.  相似文献   

We studied food intake of and estimated ingested energy in female and male Myotis daubentonii during the periods of pregnancy (period 1, 8 May–4 June) and of intense spermatogenetic activity (period 2, 24 July–22 August) over 8 years (1996–2003) in central Germany. We used radiotelemetry to determine the time spent foraging and marked animals with chemiluminescent light-sticks to determine prey attack rates. Body length, body mass, moisture content, and caloric content of chironomids, the main prey of Daubenton’s bats, were measured to estimate the nightly food intake and, in consequence, energy intake. Pregnant females spent significantly more time foraging than males during period 1 and females during the post-lactation period. In contrast, male foraged longer during the period of highest spermatogenetic activity than during late spring and also significantly longer than post-lactating females. Based on a mean number of 8.3 prey attacks per minute, the time spent foraging, and a capture success rate of either 50 or 92%, calculated intake values with a feeding rate of 7.6 insects per minute (=92% capture success) were more consistent with literature data for other insectivorous bats than that of values calculated on the basis of a capture success rate of 50%. In the high capture-success model, calculated insect intake of female bats was 8.0 g during pregnancy and 4.9 g per day during post-lactation, providing 5.0 and 3.0 kJ of ingested energy per gram body mass per day. Calculated intake of male bats was 3.6 g insects per day during late spring and 8.0 g during period of intensive spermatogenesis, providing 2.6 and 5.7 kJ of ingested energy per gram body mass.  相似文献   

Two studies are reported; a pilot study to demonstrate feasibility followed by a larger validity study. Study 1's objective was to test the effect of two ecological momentary assessment (EMA) approaches that varied in intensity on the validity/accuracy of estimating energy intake (EI) with the Remote Food Photography Method (RFPM) over 6 days in free-living conditions. When using the RFPM, Smartphones are used to capture images of food selection and plate waste and to send the images to a server for food intake estimation. Consistent with EMA, prompts are sent to the Smartphones reminding participants to capture food images. During Study 1, EI estimated with the RFPM and the gold standard, doubly labeled water (DLW), were compared. Participants were assigned to receive Standard EMA Prompts (n = 24) or Customized Prompts (n = 16) (the latter received more reminders delivered at personalized meal times). The RFPM differed significantly from DLW at estimating EI when Standard (mean ± s.d. = -895 ± 770 kcal/day, P < 0.0001), but not Customized Prompts (-270 ± 748 kcal/day, P = 0.22) were used. Error (EI from the RFPM minus that from DLW) was significantly smaller with Customized vs. Standard Prompts. The objectives of Study 2 included testing the RFPM's ability to accurately estimate EI in free-living adults (N = 50) over 6 days, and energy and nutrient intake in laboratory-based meals. The RFPM did not differ significantly from DLW at estimating free-living EI (-152 ± 694 kcal/day, P = 0.16). During laboratory-based meals, estimating energy and macronutrient intake with the RFPM did not differ significantly compared to directly weighed intake.  相似文献   

Sixteen purebred Iberian (IB) sows were used in two consecutive trials to determine the efficiency of conversion of sow's milk into piglet body weight (BW) gain and the relationship between milk protein and body protein retention and between milk energy yield and body energy retention in the nursing IB piglet. In each trial, four sows were selected in order to evaluate their milk production, litter growth and nutrient balance measurements, together with four additional sows for milk sampling. Litter size was equalized to six piglets. Daily milk yield (MY) was determined weekly by the weigh-suckle-weigh technique over a 34-day lactation period. Piglets were weighed individually at birth and then weekly from day 5 of lactation. Milk samples were collected on days 5, 12, 19, 26 and 34 post partum. The comparative slaughter procedure was used to determine piglet nutrient and energy retention. One piglet from each litter was slaughtered at birth and four on the morning of day 35. Total MY was on average 5.175 ± 0.157 kg/day. The average chemical composition (g/kg) of the milk was 179 ± 4 dry matter, 53.4 ± 1.0 CP, 58.5 ± 3.8 fat, 10.4 ± 0.3 ash and 56.9 ± 2.3 lactose. Milk gross energy (GE) was 4.626 ± 0.145 MJ/kg. Milk intake per piglet tended to increase in trial 2 (832 v. 893 g/day; P = 0.066). Piglet BW gain contained (g/kg) 172.1 ± 1.3 protein, 151.5 ± 3.5 fat, 41.4 ± 0.6 ash and 635 ± 3 water and 10.127 ± 0.126 MJ GE/kg. Throughout the 34-day nursing period, the piglets grew at an average rate of 168 ± 3 g/day. The ratio of daily piglet BW gain to daily MY was 0.195 ± 0.002 g/g and the gain per MJ milk GE intake was 41.9 ± 0.5 g/MJ. The overall efficiency of protein accretion (g CP gain/g CP milk intake) was low and declined in trial 2 (0.619 v. 0.571; P = 0.016). Nutrient and energy deposition between birth and weaning were 27.4 ± 0.5 g/day protein, 24.2 ± 0.8 g/day fat and 1615 ± 40 kJ/day energy. Piglet energy requirements for maintenance were 404 kJ metabolizable energy (ME)/kg BW0.75. ME was used for growth with a net efficiency of 0.584. These results suggest that poor efficiency in the use of sow's milk nutrients rather than a shortage in milk nutrient supply might explain the low growth rate of the suckling IB piglet.  相似文献   

冷驯化对中缅树鼩能量代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
在5 ±1 ℃条件下对中缅树鼠句进行冷驯化处理, 测定其能量代谢。冷驯化28 d 后, 体重比对照组显著增加7.33 %; 整体能值达到30.47 ±0.46 kJ / g (N = 8) , 比对照组增加4.98 %; 摄入能比对照组增加36.17 %; 同化能比对照组增加66.2 %; 生长能达到6.98 ±0.53 kJ / 100 g (N = 7) 体重·天, 是对照组的4.85 倍; 维持能比对照组增加64.0 % , 达到352.96 ±28.34 kJ / 100 g 体重·天(N = 7) 。以上结果表明中缅树鼠句在冷胁迫影响下, 以增加能量摄入、能量储存和维持能和降低排泄能量的生理机制来维持能量代谢平衡, 以此对策来提高低温环境适应能力。

梅花鹿甲烷能代谢规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李忠宽  张晓明 《兽类学报》1996,16(2):100-104
本文应用KB-1型呼吸测热装置,结合消化、代谢试验,对梅花鹿(Cervusnippon)甲烷能代谢规律进行了研究。结果表明,梅花鹿甲烷能的产生量随其采食量的增加而增加;也随着果食后时间的推移而减少,而且减少的幅度又随采食量的增加而下降;甲烷能的产生量分别占总能食入量、消化能食入量和体增热的6.61%、8.83%和10.88%;甲烷能的产生量随着日粮蛋白质水平的提高而降低,日粮蛋白质水平每提高1个百分点,甲烷能产生量就降低58.58kJ/d;分别以总能食入量(GEI)和干物质食入量(DMI)为自变量所建立的甲烷能(CH4E)估计分别为:CH4E(kJ/d)=0.07CEJ(kJ/d)-101.04(n=12,r=0.944,P<0.01)CH4E(kJ/d)=98.78+1.05DMI(g/d)(n=12,r=0.942,P<0.01)  相似文献   

In altricial birds, the great effort involved in supplying food to nestlings can create trade‐offs in the allocation of resources between the current brood and parental self‐maintenance. In poor foraging conditions, parents have to adjust their energy expenditure in relation to the increased foraging costs. However, intra‐specific variation in parental energy expenditure has rarely been evaluated in the context of these trade‐offs. Here, we quantified the daily energy expenditure (DEE) of parent Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica during the nestling period in relation to foraging conditions while controlling for differences in brood size and nestling age. DEE varied substantially with environmental conditions, increasing by 10 kJ/day per 5 °C in ambient temperature, and by 11 kJ/day per hour in day length. Parent birds did not compensate for a poor aerial insect supply on cool days, but reduced their DEE. Parents only slightly buffered a negative energy balance during chick provisioning with stored body reserves. They did not sacrifice their own energy demands to keep up a high energy flow to the brood when foraging conditions were poor. Instead they worked harder when foraging conditions allowed a surplus intake, fully compensating for their additional efforts, and made maximum use of the rich food supply, allowing the brood to accrue body reserves to compensate for low food intake on cold days. This strategy of energy management may have evolved in the context of the adaptation to the aerial foraging mode and to the ephemeral nature of aerial food resources.  相似文献   

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